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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The scapegoat sacrifice in Leviticus 16 and the Nefo'o ritual of the Bafut of Cameroon

Muyo, Joshua Ngwalem 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The dissertation aims to establish to what extent the Old Testament could be interpreted from an African perspective, using the scapegoat sacrifice in Leviticus 16 and the Nefo'o ritual of the Bafut of Cameroon as relevant examples. Because sacrificial practice was a normal occurrence in the religions of the Israelites (Old Testament) and those of other nations - and African society in particular - questions are raised that require urgent answers, namely: Is it possible to identify any elements of sacrifice from the African background, and specifically the Nefo'o ritual of the Bafut of Cameroon, which may facilitate the theological interpretation and understanding of the Old Testament. The approach employed is a qualitative methodology with the sub-category of participant observation. We also used a socio-rhetorical interpretation approach to the Old Testament text of Leviticus 16. When the above-mentioned two rituals are compared, they portray aspects of both similarities and dissimilarities. The work has been divided into the following seven chapters: Chapter one introduces the topic through the identification and the development of the problem. Some concepts and keywords from the title are discussed in the contexts of the Bafut of Cameroon and ancient Israel. Chapter two provides the background to the Nefo'o ritual of the Bafut of Cameroon, tracing both the origins of the Bafut people and the Nefo'o ritual. The Bukari people, the aborigines of the tribe and the seat of the Nefo'o shrine are highlighted. Chapter three presents a survey of sacrifices in West Africa, the ancient Near East and Israel. Special attention is reserved to the sacrificial systems of the ancient Israelites. Chapter four gives a brief introduction to the Pentateuch with special treatment of the modern trends in the study of the pentateuchal sources and the theologies of the authors. This is to situate the book of Leviticus in the Pentateuch with which we are concerned. Chapter five presents an introduction to the book of Leviticus and examines its significance among the other pentateuchal books. Attention is given to certain recurrent theological themes in the book and its implication for Leviticus chapter 16. Chapter six provides a socio-rhetorical interpretation of the text of Leviticus 16, with special attention to the establishment of the Day of Atonement and the scapegoat sacrifice. Specific attention was paid to the significance of atonement in Lev. 16. Chapter seven compares the scapegoat sacrifice of Leviticus 16 and the Nefo'o ritual of the Bafut of Cameroon. This is followed by a theological interpretation of the Nefo'o ritual and a summary of the results and conclusions. African theologians - whose own cultures possess a great deal of ritual practices - have not given enough attention to a contextual interpretation of the Scriptures of the Old Testament. The biblical faith has to exist among African Traditional Religions and other cultural practices. Some contextual interpretation of the Scriptures of the Old Testament is being suggested. Such aspects as the Nefo'o shrine, which is situated in the midst of the Bafut community, could be seen to explain the Tent of Meeting among the Israelites. Other aspects include the priest, the community, the ancestors and the release of the live goat into the woods, bearing the sins of the people. Thus the Nefo'o ritual can be used as an analogy to explain the biblical understanding of atonement in an African context. Leviticus 16 is not only the centre of the book of Leviticus but also the centre of the Pentateuch (Torah). Atonement can also be seen to be the theological heart of the Old Testament and of the whole Bible. Thus it is crucial to communicate this in an African environment using all the hermenuetical tools available. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie dissertasie is daarop gemik om te bepaal tot watter mate die Ou Testament vanuit In Afrika-perspektief geinterpreteer kan word met gebruikmaking van die sondebokofferande, soos beskryf in Levitikus 16 en die Nefo'o ritueel van die Bafut bevolking van Kameroen as betrokke voorbeelde. Omdat die bring van offerandes normale praktyk in die godsdienste van die Israeliete (soos beskryf in die Ou Testament) en van ander nasies - en spesifiek van Afrika-gemeenskappe - is, ontlok dit vrae wat dringend beantwoord behoort te word. Is dit moontlik om daardie elemente van offerande vanuit In Afrika-perspektief - en spesifiek vanuit die oogpunt van die Nefo'o ritueeI van die Bafut van Kameroen - te identifiseer wat kan bydra tot die teologiese interpretasie en begrip van die Ou Testament? Die benadering wat gevolg word, is 'n kwalitatiewe metodologie, met die sub-kategorie van deelnemende waarneming. Ons het ook In sosio-retoriese interpretasie benadering tot die Ou Testamentiese teks van Levitikus 16 gevolg. Wanneer die bovermelde twee rituele met mekaar vergelyk word, openbaar hulle aspekte van sowel ooreenkomste as van verskille. Die werk is die volgende sewe hoofstukke verdeel: Hoofstuk een lei die onderwerp in deur die identifisering en die ontwikkeling van die probleem. Sekere begrippe vervat in die sleutelwoorde van die titel word bespreek in die kontekste van die Bafut van Kameroen en van anti eke Israel. Hoofstuk twee bied In agtergrond aan tot die Nefo'o ritueel van die Bafut bevolking van Kameroen, waarin die oorsprong van sowel die Bafut bevolking as van die Nefo'o ritueel nagegaan word. Die Bukari bevolking, wat die oorspronklike inwoners was en die setel van die Nefo'o altaar word beskrywe. Hoofstuk drie bevat In oorsig van offerandes in Wes-Afrika, die anti eke Nabye Ooste en Israel. Spesiale aandag word geskenk aan die offerande stelsels van die anti eke Israeliete. Hoofstuk vier is In kort inleiding tot die Pentateug, met spesiale verwysing na die moderne tendense in die studie van Pentateugverwante bronne en die teologiese uitgangspunte van die skrywers. Dit word gedoen om die posisie van die boek van Levitikus, waarmee ons bowenal gemoeid is, in die Pentateug te bepaal. Hoofstuk vyf bied In kort inleiding tot die boek van Levitikus en gaan sy betekenis na teen die agtergrond van die ander boeke Vall die Pentateug. Aandag word geskenk aan sekere herhalende teologiese temas in die boek en die implikasies daarvan vir Levitikus 16. Hoofstuk ses bevat 'n sosio-retoriese interpretasie van die inhoud van Levitikus 16, met spesiale verwysing na die instelling van die Versoendag en die offerande van die sondebok. Spesifieke aandag word geskenk aan die rol van boetedoening in Levitikus 16. Hoofstuk sewe vergelyk die sondebok offerande van Levitikus 16 en die Nefo'o ritueel van die Bafut van Kameroen. Dit word gevolg deur 'n teologiese interpretasie van die Nefo'o ritueel, 'n 'n opsomming van die praktyke en ook gevolgtrekkings. Afrika-teoloe, wie se eie kulture oor 'n ryke mate van rituele praktyke beskik, het tot dusver nie voldoende aandag aan 'n kontekstuele interpretasie van die Ou Testament geskenk nie. Die Bybelse geloof moet steeds in naasbestaan met die tradisionele Afrika-gelowe en ander kulturele praktyke staan. 'n Sekere kontekstuele interpretasie van die Ou Testamentiese geskrifte word aan die hand gedoen. Seker aspekte, soos die Nefo'o altaar, wat midde in die Bafut gemeenskap gelee is, kan met die ontmoetingstent van die Israeliete vergelyk word. Ander punte van ooreenkomste en verskille tussen die Bafut en die anti eke Israeliete, sluit in priesters, die gemeenskap, voorouers, en die vrylating in die woud van die lewendige bok wat die sondes van die bevolking dra. Dus kan die Nefo'o ritueel as 'n analogie vir die verduideliking van die Bybelse begrip van versoening in 'n Afrika-konteks aangewend word. Levitikus 16 is nie slegs die kern van die hele boek van Levitikus nie, maar inderdaad ook van die hele Pentateug (Torah). Versoening kan ook as die teologiese kern van die Ou Testament van die hele Bybel gereken word. Daarom is dit noodsaaklik om hierdie begrip in 'n Afrika-konteks te kan kommunikeer met die aanwending van aile beskikbare hermeneutiese hulpmiddele.

El modelo político de la Monarquía Hispánica desde una perspectiva comparada. Las repúblicas de Murcia y Tlaxcala durante el siglo XVI

Díaz Serrano, Ana 05 February 2010 (has links)
Durante el siglo XVI, las oligarquías de las repúblicas de Murcia (en el sureste de la Península Ibérica) y Tlaxcala (en el Valle Central de México), a pesar de sus particularidades, convergieron en las estrategias para demostrar y certificar su calidad como miembros del cuerpo político-territorial de la Monarquía Católica. En ambos casos, el reconocimiento de su preeminencia social se basó en sus servicios en defensa de los intereses de la Corona española, asegurando el buen gobierno y protegiendo y/o agrandando las fronteras de la Monarquía. De este modo, los 'señores Murcia' y los 'señores Tlaxcala' se consolidaron como líderes naturales de sus repúblicas, a la vez que se insertaron en las dinámicas globalizadoras de la Monarquía Hispánica. El análisis comparado de los discursos textuales y visuales sobre su identidad de estas oligarquías permite establecer los ritmos y distinguir los instrumentos que hicieron posible la relación de la Corona con sus territorios y su reforzamiento como entidad política planetaria. / During the XVI century, the oligarchies of the republics of Murcia (in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsule) and Tlaxcala (in the Central Valley of Mexico) , in spite of their special features, used the same strategies to prove and certify their quality as member of the policial and territorial body of the Catholic Monarchy. The recognition of their social pre-eminence was based in their defense of the interests of the Spanish Crown, guaranteing the good government and protecting or enlangering the frontiers of the Monarchy. In this manner, the 'señores Murcia' and the 'señores Tlaxcala' were consolidated as natural leaders in their republics and, at the same time, they managed to be part of the globalizer dinamics of the Hispanic Monarchy. The comparative study of this oligarchies' textual and visual discourses about their identities in the long time enables to establish the speeds and recognize the instruments which maked possible the relationship between the Crown and its territories and its consolidation as a planetary politic entity.

Die westlichen Kirchen im Bild der zeitgenössischen ägyptischen und arabischen Religionsgelehrten / ein Beitrag zum Dialog im Offenen Brief an Papst Benedikt XVI

El-Scheikh, Safaa M. Afifi 09 November 2012 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit begibt sich die Autorin auf eine einzigartige Tauchreise in das islamische Denken. Sie betrachtet die größeren Fragen des interreligiösen und kulturellen Dialogs zwischen Christentum und Islam, sowie die Grundlagen, auf denen dieser Dialog nach Vorstellungen muslimischer Religionsexperten geführt werden sollte. Der Reiseführer ist Prof. Dr. Peter Heine, deutscher Islamwissenschaftler. Um die Wende des interreligiösen und kulturellen Dialogs einzuleiten, legen die berühmtesten Gelehrten der islamischen Welt, darunter Großscheich von Al-Azhar Prof. Dr. Tantawi, der ägyptische Gelehrte und Politiker Dr. Zakzouk, Großmufti von Ägypten Dr. Ali Gomaa, Großmufti von Mauretanien Dr. Ibn Bayyah, sowie Großmufti von Syrien Dr. Hassoun, zum ersten Mal die Grundzüge eines wahrhaften, ernsten und erfolgreichen Dialogs zwischen der westlichen und islamischen Welt nieder. Die „Regensburger Rede“ des Papst Benedikt XVI im Jahr 2006, der darauffolgende offene Brief von 38 muslimischen Gelehrten an den Papst, sowie der Text der Botschaft aus Amman sind die Grundsteine zur Herstellung einer friedlichen, solidarischen Welt, in der ein offener geistiger Austausch gefördert und gegenseitiges Verständnis gefordert wird. / An unique trip into the Islamic thought. Using the ship of humanity the present work dives into the largest issues of the inter-religious and cultural dialogue between Christianity and Islam, as well as the basics on which this dialog should be conducted according to the ideas of famous Muslim religious experts. The guide is Dr. Peter Heine, the famous German Islamic scholar. For the first time, the most famous scholars of the Islamic world, including Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Grand Mufti of Egypt Dr. Ali Gomaa, Dr. Zazouk, minister of higher religious organization, Grand Mufti of Mauritania Dr. Ibn Bayyah, Grand Mufti of Syria Dr. Hassoun and others draw the basic principles of a successful and honest dialogue between the Western and Islamic world in order to live in a solidaric and peaceful world to restore the turn of interreligious and intercultural dialog.

Geweld en Patriargie in Esegiel 16 en 23 in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks van geweld teen vroue en kinders / Violence and patriarchy in Ezekiel 16 and 23 in the South African context of violence against women and children

Gertzen, Marius 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is an ideological critical analysis of Ezekiel 16 and 23 in the South African context of Intimate Partner Violence. The ideology of patriarchy and the ideology of violence were used as a hermeneutical framework in the interpretation of the occurrences patriarchy and violence in Ezekiel 16 and 23. The ideological critical analysis of Ezekiel 16 and 23 consist of an extrinsic and intrinsic analysis. Accordingly it is assumed that the presumed audience is the ruling class in exile. In the extrinsic analysis the semantic, syntactic, and morphological occurrences of the marriage metaphor, adultery/prostitution, sexuality, violence metaphors, rape, and shame in Ezekiel 16 and 23 was researched. It was found that adultery/prostitution fulfills a central role in these texts. Therefore, the sexuality in the texts operates as a transition to the violence in Ezekiel 16 and 23. The research of the social context of the abovementioned themes made it clear that the covenant making aspect of the marriage is an important theme in Ezekiel 16 and 23, and that adultery is seen in a worse light than prostitution because of the detrimental effect adultery had on the covenant part of the marriage. It was further found that sexuality was socially strictly controlled, and that the ideology of violence occurred among the ruling class as an honorable form of war. In the intrinsic analysis the rhetorical and theological power of the abovementioned themes was researched. It was found that the vehicle of the implicit patriarchy of the marriage has the ability to provide the tenor of the marriage metaphor namely the YHWH-Israel relationship (the covenant), with more rhetorical and theological power. In the proposals for a contextual reading of Ezekiel 16 and 23, the problem of a violent God was considered, arguing that the covenant creates a space for this understanding of God, but also that this divine image can by ethically reinterpreted in connection to the covenant. The idea of a violent God was further discussed in terms of the Theodicy question. An ideological critical analysis is able to acknowledge the anger of God, but also the anger of humans. In connection to Intimate Partner Violence the metaphors in Ezekiel 16 and 23 cannot be seen as innocent and ought to be critically evaluated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis is ʼn ideologies kritiese analise van Esegiël 16 en 23 gedoen in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks van Intieme Maat Geweld. Die ideologie van patriargie en die ideologie van geweld is gebruik as ʼn hermeneutiese raamwerk om die voorkoms van patriargie en geweld in Esegiël 16 en 23 te interpreteer. Die ideologies kritiese analise van Esegiël 16 en 23 bestaan uit ‘n ekstrinsieke en ‘n intrinsieke analise. Hiervolgens word aangeneem dat die veronderstelde gehoor die heersersklas in ballingskap is. In die ekstrinsieke analise word die semantiese, sintaktiese, en morfologiese voorkoms van die huweliksmetafoor, ontrouheid/prostitusie, seksualiteit, geweldsmetafore, verkragting, en skaamte in Esegiël 16 en 23 ondersoek. Daar is gevind dat ontrouheid/prostitusie ʼn sentrale rol in die tekste vervul. So bied die seksualiteit in die tekste ‘n oorgang na die geweld in Esegiël 16 en 23. In ‘n sosiale ondersoek ten opsigte van die bogenoemde temas is daar gevind dat die verbondsluiting van die huwelik ‘n belangrike tema in Esegiël 16 en 23 is, en dat ontrouheid in ʼn ernstiger lig as prostitusie gesien is, omdat ontrouheid aan die vrou se kant die verbond van die huwelik kon skade aandoen. Daar word verder aangetoon dat seksualiteit sosiaal streng beheer is, en dat die ideologie van geweld by die heerserklas voorkom in terme van eerbare vorme van oorlog. In die intrinsieke analise is die retoriese en teologiese krag van die bogenoemde temas ondersoek. Daar is gevind dat die voertuig van die implisiete patriargie van die huwelik oor die vermoë beskik om die tenoor van die huweliksmetafoor, naamlik die YHWH-Israel verhouding wat uitmond in die verbond, meer retoriese en teologiese krag te gee. In die voorstelle vir ‘n kontekstuele lees van Esegiël 16 en 23 is daar gekyk na die probleem van ‘n gewelddadige God en hoe die verbond ruimte laat vir hierdie verstaan van God, maar ook hoe hierdie Godsbeeld eties herinterpreteer kan word ten opsigte van die verbond. Die idee van ‘n gewelddadige God is verder in terme van die Teodisee vraagstuk bespreek. ‘n Ideologies kritiese analise het die vermoë om God se woede te erken, maar ook die woede van die mens in oënskou te neem. Ten opsigte van Intieme Maat Geweld kan die metafore in Esegiël 16 en 23 nie as onskuldig gesien word nie, en moet krities geëvalueer word.

Preaching about the Last judgment in the New Testament? : a hermeneutical approach to the portrayal of the Last Judgment in Luk 16:19-31 and Rev 20:11-15

Kuenstel, Annegret 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (M. Div.)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment deals with the question of whether and how it is possible to preach about texts on the last judgment in the New Testament under the premise of a merciful God. This question will be approached from a hermeneutical angle. Therefore the researcher will, after some introductory comments, deal with two different texts about the last judgment (Luk 16:19-31 and Rev 20:11-15) and investigate them exegetically. This will form a large part of the assignment. After the exegesis, a homiletical as well as a systematical reflection will be done on these specific biblical texts. Each of these chapters will conclude with a draft of a sermon on the texts, showing what a possible sermon on these texts may look like. In the last chapter, the researcher will summarize the approaches she used on her way from the biblical texts to the sermons. A general outline of different approaches depicting how a sermon on the last judgment in the New Testament can be done is followed. The researcher will come to the conclusion that it is possible to preach about the last judgment in the New Testament under the premise of a merciful God. She shows this in dealing with the biblical texts in exegetical and contextual, rhetorical and historical, theological and homiletical ways. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk handel oor die vraag of en inderdaad hoe dit moontlik is om te preek oor tekste wat handel oor die laaste oordeel in die Nuwe Testament vanuit die veronderstelling van ‘n genadige God. Hierdie vraag sal benader word vanuit ‘n hermeneutiese hoek. In hierdie verband sal die navorser, na ‘n paar inleidende opmerkings, handel met twee verskillende tekste oor die laaste oordeel nl. Luk 16:19-31 and Openbaring 20:11-15. Hierdie tekste sal eksegeties ondersoek word en dit sal ‘n groot deel uitmaak van hierdie werkstuk. Na die eksegese sal ‘n homiletiese sowel as ‘n sistematiese refleksie gedoen word oor hierdie spesifieke Bybeltekste. Elk van hierdie hoofstukke sal afgesluit word met ‘n preekontwerp van die teks wat sal dien as voorstel hoe ‘n moontlike preek oor die betrokke teks sal kan lyk. Binne die laaste hoofstuk sal die navorser ‘n opsomming maak van al die benaderings deur haar gebruik op haar weg vanaf die Bybelse tekste na die preke. ‘n Algemene raamwerk van die verskillende benaderings wat voorstel hoe ‘n preek oor die laaste oordeel in die Nuwe Testament gedoen kan word sal hierop volg. Die navorser sal dan tot die gevolgtrekking kom dat dit wel moontlik is om oor die laaste oordeel in die Nuwe Testament te preek vanuit die veronderstelling van ‘n genadige God. Dit dui sy aan deur op ‘n eksegetiese en kontekstuele, ‘n retoriese en historiese, en op ‘n teologiese en homiletiese wyse te handel met die Bybeltekste.

Eschatology and personhood : Alexander Schmemann and Joseph Ratzinger in dialogue

Kaethler, Andrew T. J. January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the extent to which eschatology shapes temporal existence. The interlocutors are Alexander Schmemann and Joseph Ratzinger. The first part of the thesis examines (1) Schmemann's account of eschatology, (2) how this shapes temporality, and (3) what it means to be a person in time. Schmemann's account is based upon a dualistic conception of temporality in which ‘this world', the ‘old' aeon, finds its meaning and life in the ‘new' aeon. Thus, meaning is found anagogically and teleologically, and human persons are called not only to ascend and leave the ‘old' aeon but, as priests, to instil meaning into the world by offering it to God. It is argued that although Schmemann's anthropology is Christocentric and relational, it remains, like his view of temporality, teleologically unidirectional. The second part of the thesis addresses the same questions as are raised in part one but of Ratzinger's theological approach. For Ratzinger eschatology is absorbed into Christology, and thus it is understood relationally as is also the case with his account of history. The Logos as dia-Logos works within history ‘wooing' humankind into relationship with the trinitarian God. As a result of Ratzinger's relation vision, history is undivided––there is no ‘old' and ‘new' aeon––and history succeeding Christ continues to be Advent history. As historical creatures, human persons are relational beings who must be understood as both ‘with' and ‘for' the other. Temporality as relational ‘space' is central to his account and interpreted as grounded in the eternal being of the relational God. The thesis concludes that for Ratzinger God's triune relationality shapes eschatology and what it means to be a person in time. Whereas, for Schmemann, the converse is the case: eschatology informs his conception of relationality, temporality, and personhood. As a result of the primacy of eschatology in Schmemann's theology human temporal existence is ultimately denigrated.

Concepções linguísticas dos séculos XVI e XXI: o pronome numa perspectiva historiográfica

Fernandes, Victor Hugo Ramão 27 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-07-18T11:44:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Victor Hugo Ramão Fernandes.pdf: 682334 bytes, checksum: 8de1227cf0762694c004fcae4cec42b7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-18T11:44:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Victor Hugo Ramão Fernandes.pdf: 682334 bytes, checksum: 8de1227cf0762694c004fcae4cec42b7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This work examines the concepts and the descriptions related to the pronouns, possessive and partial, in the 16th and 21st centuries, from the perspective of Historiography of Linguistic. To do so, he analyzes a Grammatica da lingua Portuguesa (1540) by João de Barros and a Moderna Gramática Portuguesa (2009) by Evanildo Bechara, in its 37th edition. The research is valid for the importance of class words and for the historical and linguistic period, besides covering and lacking on different perspectives from Portugal and Brazil. Based on the methodological procedures of Historiography of Linguistic, postulated by Koerner (1996, 2014) and Swiggers (2009, 2010), we follow the principles of Contextualization, Immanence and Adequacy. In this way, this work contributes as researches of Historiography of Linguistic, offering a study of one of the first grammars of the Portuguese Language, a Grammatica da lingua Portuguesa (1540), focused on personal, possessive and relative pronouns. From this, we perform a comparative analysis of grammatical conceptions as a recent work, a Moderna Gramática Portuguesa (2009). We reflected in front of the subject, as the personal, possessions and possessives pronouns were understood in that period and as they are. Finally, we conclude that both the linguistic dictates that precede both works as an emergence of new studies were fundamental to an understanding of this class of words, especially of the types analyzed / O presente trabalho examina os conceitos e as descrições relacionados aos pronomes pessoais, possessivos e relativos, nos séculos XVI e XXI, sob a perspectiva da Historiografia Linguística. Para tanto, analisamos a Grammatica da língua Portuguesa (1540) de João de Barros e a Moderna Gramática Portuguesa (2009) de Evanildo Bechara, em sua 37ª edição. Tal pesquisa se funda na importância da classe de palavras e no período histórico e no período linguístico escolhidos para a pesquisa, além de abarcar a questão sob diferentes perspectivas de Portugal e do Brasil. Com base nos procedimentos metodológicos da Historiografia Linguística, postulados por Koerner (1996, 2014) e Swiggers (2009, 2010), seguimos os princípios de Contextualização, Imanência e Adequação. Dessa maneira, este trabalho contribui com as pesquisas de Historiografia Linguística, oferecendo um estudo de uma das primeiras gramáticas da língua portuguesa, a Grammatica da língua Portuguesa (1540), voltado para os pronomes pessoais, possessivos e relativos. A partir disso, realizamos uma análise comparativa dessas concepções gramaticais com as de uma obra recente, a Moderna Gramática Portuguesa (2009). Detivemo-nos diante da questão do como os pronomes pessoais, possessivos e relativos eram compreendidos naquele período e do como o são atualmente. Por fim, concluímos que tanto os ditames linguísticos que precediam ambas as obras como a emergência de novos estudos foram fundamentais para a compreensão dessa classe de palavras, especialmente dos tipos analisados

Os Discorsi dell\'arte poetica: tradução e leituras portuguesas / The Discorsi dell\'arte poetica: translation and Portuguese readings

Silva, Denis Cesar da 30 September 2015 (has links)
Os Discorsi dellarte poetica, ed in particolare sopra il poema eroico são um texto de preceptiva poética relativa ao gênero épico escrito por Torquato Tasso. Sua primeira edição foi publicada em Veneza no ano de 1587, porém sua produção data da década de 1560, durante a qual o poeta dava curso a sua formação humanista junto a letrados proeminentes das academias de Pádua, como Sperone Speroni e Scipione Gonzaga. O texto situa-se no âmbito das discussões quinhentistas acerca do poema épico, em que a retomada dos estudos aristotélicos, em meados daquele século, ensejou a recodificação dos romanzi, narrativas em língua vulgar versificadas sobre os feitos de cavaleiros andantes. A Gerusalemme liberata, obra-prima de Tasso, representa a consubstanciação desse processo. Para este trabalho, ao lado da tradução integral em língua portuguesa das três partes que compõem os Discorsi, apresentamos um estudo monográfico, abrangente, porém não exaustivo, de interfaces possíveis entre o texto italiano e os escritos críticos de alguns dos mais representativos letrados portugueses do século XVII, como Manuel de Faria e Sousa, Manuel Severim e Faria, Manuel Pires de Almeida e João Franco Barreto. Desejamos com isso evidenciar a presença de ideias italianas entre os leitores seiscentistas de Camões e a existência de uma pauta de discussões comum, em Itália e Portugal, referente à constituição do poema épico, considerado, nos séculos XVI e XVII, o mais elevado entre as espécies de poesia. / The Discorsi dell\'arte poetica, ed in particolare sopra il poema eroico are a text by Torquato Tasso regarding poetic precepts of the epic genre. It was first published in Venice, in 1587, although its production dates back to the decade of 1560, a period in which the poet cultivated his humanistic formation along with prominent literates from the academies of Padua, such as Sperone Speroni and Scipione Gonzaga. The text is situated in the scope of 15th century discussions about the epic poem, in which the resume of the Aristotelian studies, in the middle of that century, gave rise to the recodification of the romanzi, versified narratives in vernacular on the achievements of knights-errant. Gerusalemme liberata, Tasso\'s masterpiece, represents the consubstantiation of such process. For this work, along with the literal translation to Portuguese of the three parts that compose the Discorsi, we present a monographic study extensive, but not exhaustive of possible interfaces between the Italian text and the critical writings of some of the most representative Portuguese literates of the 17th century, such as Manuel de Faria e Sousa, Manuel Severim e Faria, Manuel Pires de Almeida and João Franco Barreto. Thus we aim at evidencing the presence of Italian ideas among the 16th century readers of Camões and the existence of a common agenda of discussions, in Italy and in Portugal, concerning the constitution of the epic poem, considered in the 16th and the 17th centuries the most elevated among the species of poetry.

Las reducciones de indios: los regímenes de dominio en las comunidades de indios de los valles del distrito judicial de Lima (1560-1620)

Gonzales Escudero, Damian Augusto 13 November 2018 (has links)
Un tópico que ha cobrado notable importancia en la historiografía reciente es el proceso de reducción de indios. Si bien se ha abordado desde diversas perspectivas tanto generales como locales, hace falta analizar el aspecto jurídico-político. Es decir el conjunto de herramientas de poder que sustentaron la política aplicada por la corona hispana. La hipótesis de esta tesis comienza entendiendo al proceso de reducción de indios como una política de la corona cuyo fin fue centralizar el poder real en el Virreinato del Perú. Para lograr tal objetivo, la Corona se sirvió de nociones y herramientas jurídicas, que el ordenamiento puso a su disposición. Una de las instituciones más importantes en este proyecto fue el derecho de dominio, un elemento esencial en la estructura de las comunidades de indios. A partir de los requerimientos establecidos por la corona sobre la población indígena, se constituyeron diversas formas de aprovechamiento de bienes dentro de las nuevas unidades urbanas. Como consecuencia se produjo un escenario plural de regímenes de dominio. En suma, el objetivo del presente proyecto de investigación es descubrir las nociones del derecho de dominio y las herramientas jurídicas empleadas por el poder desde el proceso de reducción de la población indígena hasta el asentamiento y consolidación de las comunidades de indios. / One topic that has gained notable importance in recent historiography is the process of general resettlement of Indians. Although it has been approached from different perspectives both general and local, it is necessary to analyze the legal-political aspect. In other words, the set of power tools that supported the policy applied by the Hispanic crown. The hypothesis of this dissertation begins by understanding the process of resettlement of Indians as a policy of the crown whose purpose was to centralize real power in the Viceroyalty of Peru. To achieve this goal, iii the Crown used notions and legal tools, which the Law put at their disposal. One of the most important institutions in this project was the right of dominio, an essential element in the structure of Indian communities. Based on the requirements established by the crown over the indigenous population, various forms of use of goods were established within the new urban units. As a consequence, there was a plural scenario of dominio regimes. In sum, the objective of this research project is to discover the notions of the right of dominio and the legal tools used by the power from the process of resettlement the indigenous population to the settlement and consolidation of Indian communities. / Tesis

Medição de módulos fotovoltaicos a sol real por meio de dupla carga capacitiva / Measurement of real-time photovoltaic modules by means of double capacitive load

BRITO, Thiago Rodrigues 16 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Luciclea Silva (luci@ufpa.br) on 2018-12-10T16:43:24Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Medicaomodulosfotovoltaicos.pdf: 4931911 bytes, checksum: ab257f04c2f9e0d4fc918cb83199b66f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciclea Silva (luci@ufpa.br) on 2018-12-10T16:43:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Medicaomodulosfotovoltaicos.pdf: 4931911 bytes, checksum: ab257f04c2f9e0d4fc918cb83199b66f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-10T16:43:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Medicaomodulosfotovoltaicos.pdf: 4931911 bytes, checksum: ab257f04c2f9e0d4fc918cb83199b66f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-16 / Com a crescente demanda de energia elétrica ao redor do mundo, cada vez mais as fontes renováveis de energia vêm adquirindo espaço na matriz energética mundial. Nesse contexto, a energia fotovoltaica tem se destacado com altos índices de crescimento. Contudo, com a sua inserção faz-se necessário dispor de meios para avaliação do desempenho dos módulos fotovoltaicos, que pode ser realizado através da obtenção de sua curva característica I-V. A partir desta os parâmetros elétricos do módulo podem ser definidos, além de ser um indicador de possíveis falhas de fabricação, conexão ou possível sombreamento das células. Através do uso de simuladores solares, tornou-se mais rápido e confiável a obtenção de tal curva. No entanto, os altos custos de um simulador limitam o acesso a tal tipo de medição e, além disso, estes se restringem ao ensaio individual de módulos. Este trabalho busca avaliar uma metodologia para aquisição de curva I-V sob sol-real. Para isto, foram utilizadas duas cargas capacitivas e um módulo de referência para medida de irradiância e temperatura de operação do gerador fotovoltaico. As condições padrões de teste são obtidas por meio do que é descrito na norma IEC 60891. Módulos de tecnologia de silício foram testados e seus resultados confrontados com o do simulador solar presente no laboratório do GEDAE/UFPA. Os resultados obtidos indicam que dependendo da forma de cálculo e considerações acerca da medição da temperatura, esta pode ser uma metodologia adequada para medição de módulos fotovoltaicos em campo. / With the increasing demand for electricity worldwide, renewable energy sources are increasingly acquiring space in the world’s energy matrix. In this context, photovoltaic energy has stood out with high growth rates. However, it is necessary to have means to evaluate the performance of the photovoltaic modules. This can be done by means of its characteristic I-V curve, from which the module’s electrical parameters can be evaluated and used as an indicator of possible manufacturing faults, connection or shading. The use of solar simulators is a faster and more reliable to obtain such I-V curve. However, the high costs of a simulator limits access to such measurement, moreover, it is limited to measure only a single PV module. This work seeks to evaluate a methodology for the I-V curve acquisition under outdoor conditions by using two capacitive loads and a reference module as irradiance and temperature sensor. The standard test conditions are obtained by means of IEC 60891 procedures. Silicon technology modules were tested and their results were compared with indoor measurement, using the solar simulator located at GEDAE/UFPA solar laboratory. The results indicated that, depending on which calculation method and considerations related to temperature, this can be a suitable methodology for the measurement of a photovoltaic module.

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