Spelling suggestions: "subject:"'greeks'"" "subject:"'creeks'""
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Řekové poválečného Berounska. Životní příběhy obyvatel řecké národnosti Berouna a jeho okolí po druhé světové válce / Greeks in the postwar Beroun. The life stories of the Greek residents in Beroun and its surroundings after the World War IIZálom, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
- 1 - Abstract The aim of the diploma thesis is to present the selected aspects regarding the presence of the Greek community in the Berounsko region, who settled here in connection with the Greek post-war immigration into the Czechoslovakia in the late 40s and 50s of the 20th century. It is a historical and anthropological research in the field of contemporary history, elements of ethnology are also included. This project is seen as a contribution to the local contemporary history, as well as the history of the selected ethnic group in the Czech Republic. The key method used is the oral history. Due to the narrow definition of the topic were found only a limited amount of archival material that was reflected in the work. The literature was also used. To collaborate on the project agreed six male narrators and two female narrators of the Greek origin. Archival research was conducted at the National Archive in Prague, in the archives of the Czech Red Cross and the State Regional Archive in Beroun. The core of this paper consists of the selected thematic areas that should enable the achievement of the objective of the thesis. Among other things, the areas relate to memories of stories of parents in connection with the Greek civil war, their coming to Beroun and living here, the topics of their relationship to...
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State Formation and Ethnic Identity in the Late-Seleucid Levant (200–63 BCE)Ish-Shalom, Tal A. January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation provides a model for understanding the relation between shifting imperial and post-imperial geopolitics and cultural change in diverse local communities. Specifically, I offer a new perspective on the debate in ancient history regarding “Hellenization,” i.e., the adoption and adaptation of Greek cultural idioms by non-Greek communities. Despite recent advances in emphasizing local communities’ agency in the “Hellenization” process, scholars tend to maintain a rigid dichotomy of monolithic “Greek” vs. “local” culture, and do not offer a comprehensive model accounting for variations in changes, and continuity, by region or time.
I propose such a model for the late- and post-Seleucid Levant, and offer significant insights into Hellenistic, Phoenician and Jewish history. I argue that following the Seleucid conquest in the early second century BCE, diverse local communities began competing against each other for imperial favor by often resorting to a form of particularistic ethnic discourse, which emphasized claims to ancestral, pre-Hellenistic identities. In a paradoxical process, however, competing communities often adopted Greek cultural idioms to support these particularistic claims. While it is shown how the specific Greek cultural idioms adapted, varied according to sub-region and period, leadership, and geopolitical situation, it is argued that the idiosyncratic competitive dynamic, fostered by Seleucid power, incentivizing both particularistic discourse and the adoption of new Greek cultural idioms, proved pivotal in allowing diverse communities to develop a Greek cultural “infrastructure.”
The political-cultural analysis allows us to broaden and nuance our understanding of subsequent Seleucid disintegration. By better integrating the literary and epigraphical sources with a fresh approach to the numismatic evidence (including the study of some unpublished collections) and taking into account the dramatic archaeological advances of the past two decades, I propose a new model for Seleucid decline. The “concessionist” dynamic outlined by recent scholarship, according to which local elites exploited Seleucid dynastic rivalries to extract privileges, needs to be qualified. While describing well the situation in some communities, such as Hasmonaean Judaea, it is not adequate for cities on the Phoenician coast. Rather, I propose an alternative “loyalist-secessionist” model, stressing the greater importance of external actors, especially the underappreciated role of the Ptolemies and a new understanding of Rome’s indirect involvement.
The cultural implications for this novel political-historical model come to the fore following a watershed in Seleucid political history, the death of King Antiochus VII in 129 BCE. In an anarchic late-Hellenistic world, smaller cities, such as Tyre and Sidon, upon becoming independent, sought new alliances by re-utilizing their Greek cultural “infrastructure” towards greater institutional and cultic homology with Greek peer polities. In the absence of Seleucid pressure towards particularism, by contrast, traditional elements were rendered obsolete or even counterproductive to these new efforts. Thus, only at this stage of independence from Hellenistic empire non-Greek cultural elements atrophied, explaining the loss of Phoenician language in this period and the decline in sites of native cult. In other words, it was not a long, linear process of “Hellenization” but concrete, largely contingent, historical factors that explain this development in the specific time and place.
In the neighboring Hasmonaean kingdom, by contrast, a series of contingent events (e.g., the “Judaization” of the Idumaeans) created a power-multiplier that put the kingdom onto a different trajectory. Prioritizing imperialistic ambitions, and shifting their own Greek “infrastructure” accordingly, they were not incentivized to similarly abandon traditional language and cult. Rather, by adopting a new ethos of a Hellenistic court, the kingdom facilitated the coalescing of newly-Judaized elites around the Hasmonaean dynasty and Jerusalem, fostering a metrocentric imperialistic outlook which paradoxically complemented and cemented rather than replaced the Yahwistic cult and a sense of Jewish particularism. This, I argue, is a key, hitherto overlooked, factor in the continuity of particularistic Jewish identity, which may help historicize and elucidate the seeming Jewish “exceptionalism” in the region.
Put differently, the observed cultural divergence between Levantine communities, clearly apparent by the Roman period, can, in fact, be traced to, and elucidated by a specific historical moment, the common experiences of Seleucid imperial domination and the contingent effects of it collapse in the course of the 2nd century BCE.
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S’entendre et combattre. Grecs et Thraces, d’Homère à la disparition du royaume de Macédoine en 168 avant J.-C. / War and philia. Greeks and Thracians from Homer to the end of the Macedonian kingdomRufin Solas, Aliénor 11 December 2013 (has links)
Dès l’époque archaïque, les Grecs combattirent en Thrace contre mais aussi aux côtés des guerriers de la région, tandis que les Thraces, recrutés par les armées extérieures, guerroyaient, de plus en plus nombreux, sur les divers champs de bataille du monde grec. Au cours de la période hellénistique, l'intégration des Thraces aux armées grecques est telle que leur nom en vient à désigner un type de troupes, armées à la légère. Elle est le fruit d'un long processus, marqué par l’importance des relations personnelles nouées entre aristocraties guerrières grecques et thraces, depuis l’épopée homérique jusqu’à la disparition du royaume de Macédoine.La politique thrace de Philippe II est réinterprétée : la notion de conquête, évoquée par les Anciens comme les Modernes, ne peut rendre compte de la réalité des rapports entretenus avec les Thraces. Les relations établies avec les chefs des peuples guerriers de la région firent figure de modèle pour ses successeurs jusqu'au dernier roi de Macédoine. La pacification que cette politique a entraînée comme les recrutements massifs qu’elle permit contribuèrent, pour une très large part, aux succès d’Alexandre le Grand en Asie. L’étude des rapports diplomatiques et guerriers entre Grecs et Thraces s’impose finalement comme le meilleur angle d’étude pour appréhender à la fois les mécanismes de l’intégration de la Thrace à l’histoire du monde grec, et l’histoire propre de cette région à travers l’évolution de ses structures sociales, politiques et militaires. Il conduit en particulier à réinterpréter l’histoire du royaume odryse et à redéfinir ses limites géographiques. / From the Archaic period, the Greeks fought in Thrace against but also at the sides of the warriors of the region, while the Thracians, recruited by foreign armies, were increasingly waging war on the various battlefields of the Greek world. During the Hellenistic period, the integration of the Thracians warriors within Greek armies is such that their name has come to designate a lightly-armed type of troops. It is the result of a long process, underlining the importance of the personal relationships established between Greek and Thracian aristocracies. The literary sources provide such examples of philia allowing various forms of military cooperation from the Homeric epic to the reign of the last Antigonids, albeit these examples often get overlooked by Modern historians. The reign of Philip II saw an intensification and remarkable geographical extension of this phenomenon. His Thracian policy, presented in a misleading manner by some ancient texts and misunderstood by the Moderns, must be reinterpreted. Innovative in many ways, it was one of his highest priorities and was a model for his successors until the last kings of Macedonia. The success of his Thracian policy can be observed in its achievements : the pacification of the region, and the massive recruitment of Thracian warriors, that contributed to a very large extent to the successes of Alexander the Great in Asia.The thesis finally offers a reappraisal of the history and geographical limits of the Odrysian Kingdom, through a study of the tribal and warlike structures in Thrace.
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Le commerce maritime grec en Méditerranée orientale et en mer Noire aux Vème et IVème s. av. J.-C. / The greek maritime trade in the eastern Mediterranean and the Black sea during the 5th and 4th centuries BCPerrier, Amandine 28 April 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette thèse en archéologie grecque, j’ai entrepris de travailler sur l’organisation du commerce maritime grec en Méditerranée orientale et en mer Noire aux Vème et IVème s. av. J.-C., et principalement sur la nature et l'intensité des échanges qui s'opéraient dans cette partie de la Méditerranée à l'époque. Pour mener à bien mon travail, j'ai constitué un nouveau catalogue des épaves grecques que j'ai ensuite confronté aux sources textuelles, épigraphiques, et archéologiques existantes. L'étude attentive des cargaisons des bateaux à laquelle je me livre participe à une meilleure compréhension des acteurs commerciaux de l'époque, des réseaux d'échanges et surtout du véritable rôle joué par Athènes. / In this present thesis concerning Greek Archaeology, I undertook to work on the organization of Greek maritime commerce in Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea during the 5th and 4th century BC. I worked mostly on the trade's nature and intensity occurring in this part of the Mediteranean in this time. In order to carry out my work properly, I established a new catalog of greek shipwrecks, that I then confront with textual, epigraphic and archaeological sources. The careful study of the ship's cargo takes part in a better understanding of the commercial actors, trading network and above all of the importance of Athens at this time.
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Contributions à l'étude des marchés discontinus par le calcul de MalliavinEL-KHATIB, Youssef 21 February 2003 (has links) (PDF)
La constatation que les prix des actifs boursiers sautent brusquement a conduit à étudier des modèles de marchés avec sauts. Cette thèse va dans cette direction. On y considère des marchés dirigés par des martingales normales qui ont la propriété de représentation chaotique: les martingales vérifiant une équation de structure déterministe, la martingale d'Azéma, etc. On trouve des stratégies de couverture pour les options européennes, asiatiques et Lookback soit par la formule d'Itô, soit par la formule de Clark-Ocone selon la plus appropriée. L'application du calcul de Malliavin au calcul des Greeks est traitée pour les options asiatiques dans le cas d'un marché dirigé par un processus de Poisson. On traite aussi de couverture dans un modèle à volatilité stochastique avec sauts où le prix de l'actif risqué est dirigé par un processus somme d'un mouvement brownien et d'un processus de Poisson 2-dimensionnels. Le marché est incomplet et il existe une infinité de mesures martingales équivalentes. On minimise l'entropie pour choisir telle mesure. Sous celle-ci on calcule la stratégie minimisant la variance.
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The Economic Impact Of The 1923 Greco-turkish Population Exchange Upon TurkeyAlpan, Aytek Soner 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Alpan, Aytek Soner
M. Sc., Department of Economics
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Yildirim
August 2008, 167 pages
The Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations signed on January 30, 1923 at Lausanne resulted in the first compulsory population exchange under the auspices of an international organization, namely the League of Nations. The Greco-Turkish Population Exchange marked a turning point for Greece and Turkey with regard to its demographic, social, political and economic effects. Although the multifaceted effects of the Exchange upon Greece have been extensively studied by the scholars of different disciplines, the Turkish scholarship is very limited in terms of documenting and analyzing the role of this event in the history of modern Turkey. The present study aims to fill this gap by assessing the economic effects of this event upon Turkey.
This thesis fulfils the above task by examining the transformation of the basic sectors in the Turkish economy during the post-Exchange period. We argue that the Population Exchange had significant effects upon the Turkish economy. For example, in the agricultural sector the capitalist property relations on land were reinforced and the production patterns in certain agricultural crops were subject to a considerable degree of change. As far as the industry is concerned, the production of certain commodities deteriorated due to the rising competition between Turkey and Greece over the manufactured goods. The worsening international economic conditions exacerbated the effects of this competition upon the Turkish economy. Lastly, with the transfer of the Anatolian Greek merchants to Greece, Anatolia&rsquo / s commercial links with foreign markets weakened much to the detriment of the Turkish economy. The intermediary position of the Greek merchants was gradually substituted by the newly-emerging Turkish mercantile bourgeoisie after the Exchange.
This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the subject and provides a survey of the related literature. Chapter 2 examines the effects of the Exchange upon agriculture and land tenure system. Chapter 3 is designed to evaluate the transformation of the industrial base inherited from the Ottoman Empire by certain factors including the Exchange. Chapter 4 deals with the effects of the transfer of the Anatolian Greeks and the arrival of the refugees upon the commerce. Chapter 5 presents general and specific conclusions in the light of previous chapters.
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Computing the Greeks using the integration by parts formula for the Skorohod integralChongo, Ambrose 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Mathematics))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The computation of the greeks of an option is an important aspect of financial
mathematics. The information gained from knowing the value of a greek of
an option can help investors decide whether or not to hold on to or to sell
their options to avoid losses or gain a profit.
However, there are technical difficulties that arise from having to do this.
Among them is the fact that the mathematical formula for the value some
options is complex in nature and evaluating their greeks may be cumber-
some. On the other hand the greek might have to be numerically estimated
if the option does not posses an explicit evaluation formula. This could be a
computationally expensive undertaking.
Malliavin calculus offers us a solution to these problems. We can find
formula that can be used in combination with Monte Carlo simulations to
give results quickly and which are not computationally expensive to obtain
and hence give us an degree of accuracy higher that non Malliavin calculus
This thesis will develop the Malliavin calculus tools that will enable us
to develop the tools which we will then use to compute the greeks of some
known options.
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Chypre île refuge, 1192-1473 : migrations et intégration dans le Levant Latin / Cyprus, refuge island, 1192-1473 : migrations and integration in The Latin LevantFenoy, Laurent 19 November 2011 (has links)
Bien des sources chrétiennes relayées par des études des XIX et XXe siècles considèrent la domination des Lusignan en Chypre comme la manifestation d’un double affrontement interconfessionnel. Les rois latins auraient fait de l’île un refuge face à l’expansion de l’Islam avant d’avilir les autochtones Grecs en s’appuyant sur des « réfugiés conquérants », à savoir les Francs et leurs alliés chrétiens orientaux chassés du Proche-Orient. Mais à l’aune de l’écheveau migratoire de la Méditerranée orientale, sauf à exagérer l’impact de l’affrontement entre croisade et jihad, l’ampleur et la nature des migrations affectant Chypre entre 1192 et 1473 ne permettent pas de caractériser l’île par la notion de refuge chrétien: dans la continuité de migrations pluriséculaires Chypre demeure une terre d’accueil façonnée par des dynamiques réticulaires souvent étrangères aux logiques de confrontations interconfessionnelles. Le rôle de Chypre comme île refuge se lit mieux dans sa dimension de conservatoire des nations, lequel s’affirme au même rythme que s’érige une identité chypriote. La reconnaissance officielle de la singularité de chaque communauté peut parfois hiérarchiser la société au profit des seulsLatins : elle n’en fonde pas moins une organisation insulaire consensuelle, car en revêtant un tour intercommunautaire le débat social et identitaire prémunit des dynamiques assimilatrices et favorise l’intégration progressive de tous les Chypriotes aux affaires du royaume. L’île s’impose alors comme un refuge des cultures où une hyper-identité chypriote coiffe autant d’hypo-identités que Chypre compte de nations, permettant à tous les Kypriotes de vivre ensemble sans se confondre. / Many christian sources relieved by studies of the XIX and XXth centuries consider the Lusignan rule over Cyprus as the expression of a double interconfessional confrontation. Latin kings would have turned the island into a refuge in front of the expansion of the Islam before degrading the Greek natives by leaning on “conquering refugees”, namely Franks and theireastern christian allies, forced to flee the Middle East. But compared with the migratory hank of the oriental Mediterranean Sea, unless overstating the impact of the confrontation between crusade and jihad, the scale and the nature of the migrations regarding Cyprus between 1192 and 1473 do not allow to characterize the island by the notion of christian refuge: in the continuity of plurisecular migrations Cyprus remains a land of welcome shaped by reticular dynamics often extraneous to interconfessional confrontations. The role of Cyprus as refuge island is clearer in its dimension of nations conservatory, which asserts itself with the same rhythm as sets up itself a Cypriot identity. The official recognition of the singularity of every community can sometimes organize into a hierarchy the society for the benefit of the Latins only ones: but it founds a consensual island organization, because by taking on an intercommunity turn, the social and identity debate protects against assimilatrices dynamics and favours the progressive integration of all the Cypriots into the kingdom’s affairs. The island then stands out as a refuge of the cultures where a chypriote hyper-identity heads up so manyhypo-identities as Cyprus boasts nations, allowing all Kypriotes to live together without becoming confused.
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Song odyssey : negotiating identities in Greek popular musicPolychronakis, Ioannis January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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"No need to exaggerate" : - The 1914 Ottoman Jihad declaration in genocide historiographyDangoor, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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