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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design e arte: campo minado uma antologia de discursos comentados e uma proposta disciplinar / Design and art: minefield an anthology of commented discourses and a disciplinary proposal

Stolarski, Andre 24 May 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga e comenta debates fundamentais sobre as relações entre arte e design a partir de um levantamento de discursos sobre o tema, recolhidos em diversas fontes bibliográficas. Ao final, sugere que os impasses surgidos na avaliação dessas relações decorrem da predominância de visões que atribuem a elas papeis superficiais no que tange ao projeto, ou que simplesmente desconsideram o projeto como o seu cerne. Para que essas relações possam ser melhor aquilatadas, o trabalho faz uma proposição disciplinar que tem consequências diretas para a epistemologia do design. Trata-se de superar os impasses enfrentados pelas numerosas tentativas de definir o design, sugerindo a sua substituição pela definição de seu objeto - o projeto. Nessa perspectiva, a noção de problematização, igualmente importante para os campos da arte e do design, passa a ser vista como uma categoria central para pensar o design, resgatando consigo a centralidade das relações entre ambos. / This work investigates and comments fundamental debates about the relationship between art and design through the research of discourses on the theme, collected in diverse bibliographical sources, both local and international. At the end, it suggests that the difficulties in evaluating this relationship stems from the predominance of views that see its role as superficial, if not entirely absent, in regard to project issues. In order for this relationship to be better evaluated, this work makes a disciplinary proposition that directly affects the epistemology of design. Instead of repeatedly trying to define design, it suggests trading this endeavour for the definition of its object, which is the project. In doing this, it gives central relevance to the notion and process of problematization, which is equally important to both art and design fields. As a central category for thinking design, it also helps to update and reassess the fundamental quality of the relationship between art and design.

Os sete estudos para piano de Gilberto Mendes / Os sete estudos para piano de Gilberto Mendes

Aguiar, Beatriz Alessio de 15 April 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda os 7 Estudos para piano de Gilberto Mendes, utilizando a análise voltada para questões interpretativas. Ao conjugar esse objetivo com o de registrar as técnicas composicionais utilizadas, procuramos relacioná-los com algumas obras anteriores buscando, assim, um maior entendimento da linguagem deste que é considerado um dos maiores compositores brasileiros da atualidade. Reunido esse grupo de obras, e observando-as segundo esses critérios, procuramos elaborar um trabalho que possa servir de incentivo a posteriores pesquisas sobre Mendes e o repertório brasileiro contemporâneo para piano. Acrescentamos também a este trabalho a edição digitalizada dos quatro estudos do autor que permaneciam inéditos, a fim de facilitar o acesso a essas obras ainda pouco divulgadas, bem como a transcrição de uma entrevista com o compositor acerca de seu processo criativo. Acompanha este trabalho um disco compacto contendo gravações de alguns estudos pelo pianista e professor José Eduardo Martins, além de uma conversa entre os dois músicos. / This work approaches the seven piano Études by Gilberto Mendes in an analysis focusing interpretation issues. In combining this objective to that of registering the compositional techniques applied, we tried to compare these pieces to earlier works, looking for a better understanding of the language of this composer who is considered one of the best in Brazil today. Having gathered this group of works and observed them according to these criteria, our aim was to write a study that could encourage further research on Mendes and the contemporary Brazilian piano repertoire. To facilitate access to these less publicized pieces, a digital edition of the four previously unreleased Mendes études has also been added to this work, as well as a transcript of an interview with the composer about his creative process. A compact disc featuring some of the études, interpreted by pianist and professor José Eduardo Martins and followed by a recorded conversation between the two musicians is also enclosed in this work.

Os sete estudos para piano de Gilberto Mendes / Os sete estudos para piano de Gilberto Mendes

Beatriz Alessio de Aguiar 15 April 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda os 7 Estudos para piano de Gilberto Mendes, utilizando a análise voltada para questões interpretativas. Ao conjugar esse objetivo com o de registrar as técnicas composicionais utilizadas, procuramos relacioná-los com algumas obras anteriores buscando, assim, um maior entendimento da linguagem deste que é considerado um dos maiores compositores brasileiros da atualidade. Reunido esse grupo de obras, e observando-as segundo esses critérios, procuramos elaborar um trabalho que possa servir de incentivo a posteriores pesquisas sobre Mendes e o repertório brasileiro contemporâneo para piano. Acrescentamos também a este trabalho a edição digitalizada dos quatro estudos do autor que permaneciam inéditos, a fim de facilitar o acesso a essas obras ainda pouco divulgadas, bem como a transcrição de uma entrevista com o compositor acerca de seu processo criativo. Acompanha este trabalho um disco compacto contendo gravações de alguns estudos pelo pianista e professor José Eduardo Martins, além de uma conversa entre os dois músicos. / This work approaches the seven piano Études by Gilberto Mendes in an analysis focusing interpretation issues. In combining this objective to that of registering the compositional techniques applied, we tried to compare these pieces to earlier works, looking for a better understanding of the language of this composer who is considered one of the best in Brazil today. Having gathered this group of works and observed them according to these criteria, our aim was to write a study that could encourage further research on Mendes and the contemporary Brazilian piano repertoire. To facilitate access to these less publicized pieces, a digital edition of the four previously unreleased Mendes études has also been added to this work, as well as a transcript of an interview with the composer about his creative process. A compact disc featuring some of the études, interpreted by pianist and professor José Eduardo Martins and followed by a recorded conversation between the two musicians is also enclosed in this work.

Skuggsidan av platsmarknadsföring : En djupstudie av Karlstads platsvarumärkesmaterial / The Shadow side of place marketing : An in-depth study of Karlstad place brand material

Nelson, Nicole January 2015 (has links)
Platsmarknadsföring är ett växande fenomen internationellt och i Sverige, då det påstås att ”städer tävlar mot andra städer” om besöksnäringen, nyetableringar av företag och befolkning. Att platsmarknadsföra sin stads specifika värden, genom att paketera och ”sälja” in staden, har blivit mer av en regel än ett undantag, där man genom texter och bilder vill lyfta fram stadens specifika kvalitéer.Men vad gömmer sig i skuggsidan av platsmarknadsföringen? Och vidare vad blir effekterna av de bilder man visar upp av staden?Många kritiska forskare menar att risken är att befolkningen i staden inte känner igen bilden av sin stad och då känner sig åsidosatta och platsmarknadsföringen förlorar då sin styrka. Därför blir också intern platsmarknadsföring oerhört viktigt för att vinna legitimitet hos befolkningen.I min undersökning har jag gjort en djupstudie av Karlstad relativt nya platsvarumärke °Karlstad med tillhörande platsvarumärkesmaterial. Genom analyser av materialets texter och bilder och med kompletterande intervjuer med nyckelpersoner som arbetar med marknadsföringen, har jag dessutom fått ett djupare perspektiv och förståelse för platsvarumärkets syfte. Genom analyser har jag kunnat urskilja teman och diskurser som återkommer i materialet.Det finns inga faktiska siffror på hur mycket platsmarknadsföringen ger en stad eller om det i huvud taget ger en ekonomisk vinning för staden. Det som marknadsföringen däremot ger om man lyckas i sin marknadsföring, är igenkännande och vidare ett stark platsvarumärke som blir igenkänt nationellt och kanske till och med internationellt. Om man dessutom har starka värden, som Karlstad faktiskt har lyckats skapa och som stark förknippas med platsen, ger det också bredare djupverkningar och igenkännande på marknaden. På lång sikt kan det ge starkt underlag för att locka till sig besöksnäring, befolkning och företag. / Place marketing is a growing phenomenon both internationally and in Sweden, where it is alleged that "cities are competing against other cities' of the tourism industry, new businesses and population. To place market the specific values of the city, by packaging and "sell" an idea of the city, has become more of a rule than an exception, where they want to highlight the specific qualities of the city through texts and images.But what hides in the shadow-side of the place marketing? And what will the actual effects be of the photos used to showcase the city?Many critical scholars believe that a risk is that the population of the city does not recognize the image of their own town and may feel neglected leading to the marketing losing its power. Hence the importance of internal site marketing as it is extremely important to win legitimacy among the population.In my research I have done in-depth study of Karlstads relatively new place brand °Karlstad with related brand materials. Through analysis of the texts and pictures from the material with additional interviews with key figures working with the marketing in Karlstad municipality, I have also gained a deeper perspective and understanding of the purpose of the subject of place marketing. Through analysis, I have been able to discern themes and discourses that recur in the material.There are no actual numbers or statistics on the gain of place marketing for a town in financial or other values. Instead, what it does give is recognition, and if done properly, a strong brand that can be recognized by citizens of Sweden and even internationally. If there are other strong and important values that can be associated with the town it will give wider effects of depth in the long perspective, creating a possibility to attract tourists, inhabitants and companies.

Sistema Único de Saúde: de que sistema se trata? / Unified Health System: what system is it?

Márcio José Martins Alves 30 May 2006 (has links)
Constata-se que a reforma sanitária brasileira representa um avanço na direção de uma concepção avançada de sistema de saúde. Entretanto o SUS, com toda a materialidade das reformas ao nível macro induzidas a partir dos avanços na legislação, a implantação da regionalização e hierarquização da assistência, e dos instrumentos de gestão, assim como todas as grandes organizações modernas, padece de problemas de coordenação na operação de suas ações. Este trabalho pretende discutir as possibilidades e limites das mudanças organizacionais induzidas pela implementação do SUS na configuração dos sistemas locoregionais de saúde, à luz das experiências internacionais e das contribuições mais recentes das teorias organizacionais, no contexto da transição do fordismo à acumulação flexível. A partir do referencial da teoria dos sistemas, considera-se a contribuição das teorias organizacionais fordistas, pós-fordistas e pós-modernistas na especificidade do campo da saúde coletiva, para discutir a efetividade dos seus subsistemas cibernéticos do SUS: controle, avaliação, regulação, auditoria e vigilância em saúde, no complexo contexto da configuração do poder deste setor. Verifica-se que o SUS, constituído a partir de culturas organizacionais fordistas, do antigo INAMPS e da Saúde Pública tradicional, não tem obtido êxito em configurar estruturas organizacionais competentes, na medida em que reproduz os modelos tradicionais nos seus sistemas de controle. Esta dificuldade em parte deve-se ao momento histórico, que fez coincidir o momento dos avanços na legislação, em direção à ampliação do direito à saúde, com o momento das reestruturações dos aparelhos estatais decorrente da crise global do modo de produção fordista, e com as profundas transformações demográficas, epidemiológicas e da tecnologia da assistência médica. Por outro lado, a disponibilidade de soluções pósfordistas propicia um padrão para a conformação de novas regras e novos modos de regulação do sistema de saúde, que induzam a comportamentos auto-reguladores por parte dos prestadores de serviços de saúde, considerando as metas de equidade e de melhoria da saúde da população. Conclui-se que a necessária reforma do setor saúde demanda o fortalecimento de uma tecno-burocracia protegida contra injunções político-partidárias, que possibilite a incubação uma cultura organizacional profissional em todas as esferas de governo e níveis de gestão, que incentive um trabalho em saúde competente e moralmente comprometido com as finalidades do SUS nesse país. / The Brazilian Health Reform is a step ahead towards an advanced health system concept. However, despite the concrete legal progress achieved through the 1988 Constitution, expressed in reforms at the broader level, aiming to organize the assistance in a hierarchyzed services network, and the promulgation of norms for the decentralized system local management, the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), as other large modern organizations, experiences a lack of coordination in its operations. This work aims to discuss the possibilities and limits of the organizational changes induced by this implementation, in the very configuration of regionalized health systems from the viewpoint of international experience with health systems reforms, taking into account the most recent contributions of the organizational theories, considering the transitional context from fordism to post-fordism. From the theoretical perspective of systems, we consider the contribution of organization theories, regarding the specificity of the field of public health, to argue the effectiveness of its regulation subsystems: control and evaluation, regulation, medical audit, health Information and also the surveillance and disease control systems, within the complex configuration of political power in this sector, in Brazil. SUS, characterized by a mix of two fordist organizational patterns the National Institute of Social Security (INAMPS) and traditional Public Health systems fails to build competent organizational structures, since it reproduces traditional models in its controlling systems. These difficulties are due in part to historical determinants, which made the legal advances towards a more comprehensive health right coincide with State reforms arisen from the crisis of fordist regulation patterns, and also with worldwide deep societal transformations, like demographic and epidemiological transitions, and the high costs of medical technology. On the other hand, the availability of post-fordist organizational solutions provides patterns for new rules and ways for health systems regulation, which lead to self-regulated behaviors on the part of health care providers, considering the goals of equity and improvement of populational health. The author conclude that necessary health care reform in Brazil requires the strengthening technobureaucracy protected against political-partisan injunctions, allowing the incubation of a professional organizational culture in all government and managerial levels, fostering the competent health work, committed with SUSs purposes.

Towards the intercultural communication of the Gospel: a response to change in the St Helenian culture

Appollis, Edward Adrian 30 November 2004 (has links)
St Helena Island in the South Atlantic Ocean has been changing for over a decade. The way the people on the Island respond to the change affects the way in which the Gospel is communicated, and this has missiological implications. This raises the question; what influence does change have on the way the Gospel is communicated? If people are resistant to social change, will they be open to change required by the Gospel? How will good intercultural skills help? To fully address the Island's response to change, one needs to look at the interplay of change, culture and communication. It also important to consider how these three elements can be monitored and managed by both the Saints and the clergy alike. This will become the basis for my proposal of focusing the intercultural communication of the Gospel on the ever-changing world of the youth. / Christian Spirit, Church History, Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

Narrative technique as a tool for perspective transformation in management development

Schmidt, Lydia 01 January 2002 (has links)
Industrial and Organisational Psychology / (D.Litt. et Phil. (Industrial Psychology))

Die gemeenteboumodel van Kenon L Callahan : die prakties- teologiese implikasie vir die gemeenskap van gelowiges in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika

Meyer, Lukas Johannes. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Talle Christelike kerke in Suid- Afrika, onder meer die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika, verkeer tans in 'n krisis. Die lidmaattalle toon 'n drasties dalende tendens, minder kinders word gedoop en minder Iidmate le belydenis van geloof af Hierdie krisis, asook die invloed van die postmodernisme op die hedendaagse mens, word aan die hand van die handelingswetenskaplike benadering ondersoek. Die gemeenteboumodel van Kenon L Callahan word gebruik, en daar word gevra tot watter mate hierdie model op die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika toegepas kan word. Wat sal die prakties- teologiese implikasies daarvan op die gemeenskap van gelowiges in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika wees? Die resultaat van die studie is dat die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika wel met vrug gebruik kan maak van Callahan se model, met inagneming van die kerk se bestaande struktuur, tradisie en geskiedenis. In die toepassing van die model sal daar nuwe, ongekende eise aan die kerk gestel word. / Numerous christian churches in South Africa, including the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa is currently experiencing a crisis. Membership is declining, less children are baptised While new and unknown demands will be made on the church, new and exciting opportunities will also be met each year, and less members are confirmed. This crisis, together with the influence of the post- modernism, is explored using an operational science approach, and a possible solution to this problem is sought. The church growth model ofK.L. Callahan is used to facilitate this research. The applicability of this model to the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa is explored, together with the practical theological implications thereof on the holy community. The result of the study is that the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa can apply Callahan' s model to great affect, while cognisance should be taken of the church's own structure, tradition and history. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Th. M. (Practical Theology)

A Reflection on the use of the narrative analogy in couples' counselling : a case example

Botha, Petro 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / In this study the use of the narrative analogy in couple's counselling has been outlined. A literature study situates the narrative analogy within a wider philosophical framework. The underlying assumptions of the narrative analogy, both in general and in the work with couples, as well as the role of the counsellor using the narrative analogy, are explored. A case example is described to illustrate the use of the narrative analogy. / Social Work / M. Soc. Sc. (Mental Health)

A LITURGIA DE HEBREUS: Uma análise de como as mudanças sociais influenciam as formas de culto / The Liturgy of Hebrews: An analysis of how social changes influence the style of worship services.

Fernandes, Celso Eronides 07 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:21:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Celso Eronides Fernandes.pdf: 345213 bytes, checksum: 9c75c65fae3a80f5bd2ba708993c2e61 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-03-07 / What influential power does social change have over types of worship services? The truth is that religion is not exempt from receiving influences from social and political changes. This research analyzes and compares two moments that Christianity suffered influences from changes that occurred in society. The first moment is based upon the Epistle of Hebrews, in the first century of the Christian age, when it dismembered itself out of the Jewish liturgy and formed a liturgical speech for itself. The other moment is the present day, where the worship services have received strong influences from changes that society has suffered. It is possible in both of these instances to find a struggle between Traditionalism and Modernism, between what is new and what is old, between what is established and what struggles in order to be established / Qual o poder de influência das mudanças sociais nos estilos de cultos? A realidade é que a Religião não é isenta de sofrer influências das mudanças políticas e sociais. Esta pesquisa analisa e compara dois momentos em que o Cristianismo sofreu influências das mudanças ocorridas na sociedade. O primeiro momento está baseado na Epístola de Hebreus, ainda nos primeiros séculos da era cristã, quando conseguiu se desvincular da Liturgia Judaica e formar um discurso litúrgico próprio. O outro momento estudado é a época atual, onde os cultos têm recebido grande influência das mudanças que a sociedade vem sofrendo. Em ambas as épocas é possível apontar uma luta entre a Tradição e a Modernidade, entre o velho e o novo, entre o que esta estabelecido e o aquilo que quer espaço a fim de se estabelecer

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