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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur ser gymnasielärare i tekniska ämnen på undervisning om hållbar utveckling i sammanhang av produktutveckling? / How do upper secondary school teachers in technical subjects define sustainable development? And how do they teach about this matter in the context of product development?

Foghammar, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Begreppet hållbar utveckling är mångfacetterat och undervisning om detsamma inbegriper många olika beröringsområden och kan komma till uttryck på många olika sätt inom tekniska undervisningsämnen. Denna studie utgår ifrån en definition av begreppet i de tre dimensionerna: ekologisk, social (social/kulturell) och ekonomisk. Detta är en beskrivning som också används av Skolverket och denna studie har ett primärt fokus på de här två förstnämnda dimensionerna. Undervisning för hållbar utveckling framstår från tidigare forskning som om det har ett komplext innehåll och att det saknas konsensus om vad det är och vad som egentligen ska tas upp och förmedlas i undervisningen. Samtidigt framgår av flertalet skolpolitiska dokument att hållbar utveckling ska influera all undervisning. Däribland kan teknikprogrammets examensmål nämnas där det står att utbildningen ska förmedla ”…teknikens roll i samspelet mellan människa och natur med hänsyn till hållbar utveckling” (Skolverket, u.å., Examensmål) samt att ”Utbildningen ska visa sambanden mellan de olika delarna i teknikutvecklingsprocesser och bidra till att eleverna förstår hela kedjan i utveckling av teknik i ett hållbart samhälle” (ibid.).Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur gymnasielärare som undervisar i tekniska konstruktionsrelaterade ämnen, beskriver fenomenet hållbar utveckling i sammanhang av undervisning om produktutveckling och sina respektive undervisningserfarenheter av detsamma. Intentionen är att bidra till en vidgad förståelse för vad undervisning för hållbar utveckling kan vara och vilket innehåll som kan komma till uttryck i dessa undervisningssammanhang.Studien bygger på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra lärare verksamma på teknikprogrammet. Lärares utsagor om sina respektive undervisningserfarenheter analyseras utifrån perspektiv om ekologiskt och socialt hållbar produktutveckling, samt utifrån teorier om kulturella och etiska aspekter kopplade till undervisning om hållbar utveckling.Studien visar att lärare har skilda sätt att se på och förklara hållbar utveckling och de uppger också att de har olika sätt att undervisa om detta fenomen, det vill säga den undervisning som förmedlas har olika innehåll. Studien visar också tendenser på att lärarna ger undervisningsinnehåll som berör hållbar utveckling olika prioritet och fokus, samt att undervisning om etik inte berörs i sammanhang av produktutveckling. Då hållbar utveckling tenderar att beröras i olika grad och då undervisningsinnehållet varierar mellan de intervjuade lärarna, väcker studien bland annat frågor som berör likvärdighet, men också frågor om de svårigheter som lärare uppger att de förknippar med undervisning om hållbar utveckling. / The concept of sustainable development is complex and there are many different areas to cover when teaching about sustainable development within technical subjects. The main areas are often referred to as the ecological, the social and the economic dimension, so also by the Swedish national agency for education. In main focus of this study, are possible contents of the ecological and the social (social/cultural) dimension, to be considered in technical education in upper secondary school. More precisely, the aim of this study is to investigate how teachers describe sustainable development and how they explain their teaching experiences of sustainable development in context of product development. The intention is that this study can contribute to a broaden understanding of how education of sustainable development can be performed, i.e. what content of sustainable development is applied into the education of product development in upper secondary school.This qualitative study is based on semi structured interviews with four teachers at the technology program. Teachers' statements about sustainable development and their respective teaching experiences are analyzed by comparing their statements, to theories of ecologically and socially sustainable product development methods and perspectives. The teaching experiences communicated in the interviews, are also compared to theories of cultural and ethical aspects linked to education for sustainable development.The results show that teachers have different explanations of the concept of sustainable development and different opinions about what education for sustainable development is about. That is, they exemplify education for sustainable development in different ways and there are indications in interviews that education for sustainable development are given different focuses and priorities. The results also show that none of the teachers have any experiences about ethics to share in the interviews, experiences to be related to teaching situations when product development is concerned.The results are discussed in perspective of the difficulties and the wishes of complementary professional training within the subject of sustainable development, ideas that the teachers mentioned in the interviews. Furthermore, the national ideal to strive towards ”providing equal education to all pupils” is problematized in the light of the results.

Undervisning rörande hållbar utveckling i åk 1–3 inom geografiämnet. / Education for sustainable development in grades 1-3 in geography

Eliasson, Klara January 2023 (has links)
Teaching about sustainable development should permeate all subjects in school. The curriculum for geography states that students must develop the ability to take a stand on “the global challenges of our time and the future based on ecological, social and economic perspectives on sustainable development” (Skolverket, 2022b, p. 1). However, the concept of sustainable development is difficult to define and the curriculum space give teachers in primary school a wide range of choices when it comes to teaching about sustainable development within the subject of geography. The purpose of this survey was therefore to develop knowledge about how teachers in primary school interpret the concept of sustainable development, as well as to investigate how they describe and motivate their teaching regarding sustainable development within the subject of geography.Based on the purpose of the survey, a qualitative interview study was conducted in which six primary school teachers participated. The results showed that the teachers generally interpret the concept of sustainable development from an ecological perspective and in general they teach about how to protect nature and resources. When the results were compared to Öhman´s and Östman´s environmental teaching traditions, it was the normative teaching tradition that was most commonly used. Sustainable development is usually taught thematically or interdisciplinary. The teachers motivate their didactic choices by saying that the working methods are age appropriate and adapted to the students´ level of maturity.

Learning as a Key Leverage Point for Sustainability Transformations

Bryant, Jayne January 2021 (has links)
The global challenges of our time are unprecedented and urgent action is needed. Transformational learning and leadership development are key leverage points for supporting society’s transition towards sustainability. Many even claim that learning on an individual, organisational and societal scale is required for society’s successful transitioning towards sustainability. However, in this relatively new field, practitioners, scholars and educators grapple with what best promotes transformational learning and with how to best design and operate learning experiences that truly build capacity for leadership for sustainability. The aim of this work was to establish an improved understanding of this and to find recommendations for practitioners and educators with ambitions to create systems change for sustainability by building the capacity of people to be sustainability leaders. As an educator and facilitator of sustainability work for over a decade, working at the crossroads of local government and community change, lecturing on leadership for sustainability in Australia and currently being embedded within the faculty of the Master’s in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability (MSLS) program in Sweden, I have rested this thesis firmly within an action-oriented transformations research paradigm in which the only way to understand a system is through a comprehensive collaborative attempt to change it. One case of action research explored an organisational change for sustainability program that spanned over five years in a local government in Perth, Western Australia and the learning and policy interventions that supported this change. Participant observation with field notes, interviews, surveys and document analysis were particular methods used in this case. Two further cases focused on the MSLS program and its practices and specific components that support such leadership development and transformational learning. Feedback surveys from students and an open question survey to alumni were key methods used in these cases. The findings suggest that community and relationships are essential for supporting and growing sustainability leadership capacity; that hope and agency are irreplaceable components for leading sustainability change; that self-reflection and dialogue are skills that will help sustainability leaders navigate complex and uncertain futures and that these can be learned. Findings also indicate that creating a shared language for sustainability work helps bridge disciplinary divides and practitioner silos, and that skills of dialogue are required to capitalise on participation. Also, the integration of the components of community, place, content, pedagogy and disorientation with hope and agency can help support transformation in sustainability leadership education and provide synergistic reinforcement of the sustainability transformation required. This thesis provides added evidence that learning can be a key leverage point for sustainability transformations in an organisation and suggests how such learning can be most effectively achieved through a conscious design of learning environments, including the use and integration of the mentioned components to improve sustainability leadership for impact in society.

‘Out of your Mind’: The Embodied Pedagogy of Social Presencing Theater for Sustainability

Pater, Emmy, Keim, Lea, Lang, Priska January 2022 (has links)
In order to address complex challenges and bring about transformations, change agents need to possess the necessary capacities. Contemplative pedagogies such as Social Presencing Theater (SPT) may play a crucial role in developing such capacities. Therefore, this thesis explores how the embodiment method SPT could contribute to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), in order to support change agents in development. SPT and its learning environment, outcomes and possible contributions to ESD were researched through surveys with twelve participants of a two-day SPT training, as well as interviews with eleven SPT facilitators. According to the results, SPT has the potential to offer relevant contemplative practices that cultivate the capacities that leaders need to address complexity and uncertainty. The findings suggest that as a learning process, SPT can foster capacities within change agents and groups, promoting awareness and mental flexibility to recognize and work with dynamic systems. SPT also appears to foster specific learning outcomes, including several key competencies for sustainability. We recommend applying SPT in the context of strategic leadership development for sustainability, to promote sustainability education that is strategic, holistic, and innovative.

Lärande för hållbar utveckling : En tvärsnittsstudie om hållbar utveckling i svensk gymnasieskola / Education for sustainable environment : A cross-sectional study of sustainable development in Swedish upper secondary school

Lundberg, Ludvig January 2018 (has links)
A subset of Agenda 2030 (Colglazier 2015) is to ensure that all students get the skills needed to promote sustainable development. This study aims at examining Swedish upper secondary school experiences of teaching sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to investigate Swedish upper secondary schools and teachers’ thoughts and experiences of teaching sustainable development, thereby creating a basis for a distance course in say Learning for Sustainable Development. To investigate this, a cross-sectional study has been conducted consisting of interviews by a focus group consisting of principals and teachers from a secondary school and a principal from another upper secondary school. The results of this study revealed a number of different aspects that upper secondary schools experience can make difficult in learning about sustainable development, including its difficulty in defining and evaluating a value-based topic such as sustainable development. There were also a number of aspects that are important in designing a course in Sustainable Development, addressed to high school teachers, such as a clear gain for the participating upper secondary teachers and the ability to customize the content to their own subjects. / Ett delmål i Agenda 2030 (Colglazier 2015) är att säkerställa att alla studerande får de färdigheter som behövs för att främja hållbar utveckling. Denna studie ämnar att undersöka svenska gymnasieskolan erfarenheter av att undervisa om hållbar utveckling. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka svenska gymnasieskolor och lärares tankar om att undervisa i och om hållbar utveckling, och genom detta skapa ett underlag för en distanskurs i “Lärande för hållbar utveckling”. För att undersöka detta har en tvärsnittstudie utförts bestående av en genomförd workshop med rektorer och lärare från en gymnasieskola samt intervju med en rektor från ytterligare en gymnasieskola. I resultatet från denna studie framkom en rad olika aspekter som gymnasieskolor upplever kan försvåra vid lärande om hållbar utveckling, bland annat dess svårighet att definiera och hur man betygssätter ett värdebaserat ämne som hållbar utveckling. Det framkom även en rad aspekter som är viktiga vid utformning av en kurs inom “Lärande för hållbar utveckling” riktad till gymnasielärare, till exempel en klar vinning för de deltagande gymnasielärarna och möjlighet att anpassa innehållet till sina egna ämnen.

Fighting Doomsday : an Ecocritical Discourse Analysis of Coursebooks / Bekämpa domedagen : en ekokritisk diskursanalys av läromedel

Vik, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the present study is to investigate how three coursebooks used in upper secondary school in Sweden portray nature and promote agency to enact the environmental perspective as outlined by Skolverket (2022). The data for this study was obtained through a close reading of the coursebooks, and the criteria for selecting data were that the texts should touch upon subjects related to nature, sustainability and the environment. The research method employed was qualitative discourse analysis. The data was analyzed within the theoretical framework of ecocriticism as well as some concepts from climate psychology. When examining the data, it was found that nature was portrayed in mainly an anthropocentric way, but also as metaphysical one. Furthermore, the findings suggest that there is an emphasis on individual rather than collective responsibility when promoting agency to act in favor of the environment. This emphasis could potentially promote climate anxiety rather than encourage engagement and, therefore, it could ultimately undermine the environmental perspective. In conclusion, the findings suggest that there is a risk of failing the environmental perspective as stipulated by Skolverket (2022). Ultimately, this study suggests further research be carried out in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) to explore the effects of promoting environmental engagement among students.

Discussing sustainability in Summer Camps through Story Circle processes : An embedded quantitative-qualitative Mixed-Method approach to how our stories help us discuss sustainability.

Yviquel, Nicolas January 2023 (has links)
Opening up dialogue on sustainability is part of the mission that Education for Sustainable Development (E.S.D.) possess to act against some of the challenges of today’s world. Despite widespread practice in schools we can also see E.S.D. in other forms of non-conventional education such as holiday camps which offer different types of assets sometimes lacking in schools: A strong connection to the outdoors and a stronger sense of communal life. Story circles have been used here as a tool using storytelling of personal life experiences. The aim was to look at how would stories and discussions about sustainability be shaped during a Story circle. Two research questions were form: 1.     How do story circles with camp counselors combine to shape discussions about sustainability? 2.     How do these discussions compare to sustainable competencies? Could story circles in holiday camps be a resource to enhance staff’s sustainable competencies? Participants were staff from two camps in France and the United States. Three interventions took place with a total of fourteen participants. Story circles were treated as focus groups and analyzed using thematic analysis used to shape a follow-up questionnaire to achieve an embedded mixed-method design. Results showcased how participants shared personal life experiences regarding sustainability through their stories and how they were able to reflect on these in a group effort. Additionally, they revealed how Story circles could be an interesting resource to enrich staff’s sustainable competencies at the condition to have a well-trained facilitator leading the activity. / <p>The presentation was done online.</p>

I hållbarhetens tjänst : En kvalitativ studie över lärares perspektiv på hållbar utveckling och dess roll i skolan / In the service of sustainability : A qualitative study of teachers' perspectives of sustainable development and its role in education

Bergvall, Clas January 2023 (has links)
En stor fråga i samhället av idag är den om hur en god framtid på planeten möjliggörs och optimeras. Otaliga diskussioner och forskningar i ämnet finns och det är en brännande fråga för politiker och ledare världen över. Ett viktigt led i en hållbar utveckling – som frågan kommit att begreppsliggöras som – handlar om utbildning. För att möjliggöra en hållbar framtid krävs utbildade och ansvarsfulla människor, men det aktuella området ses ofta på med olika ögon och på olika sätt. Den här studien syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur undervisande mellanstadielärare förhåller sig till en hållbar utveckling, vilka perceptioner de har på begreppet och vilka didaktiska tillvägagångssätt som framträder som lyckosamma i strävan att utveckla medborgare med hållbarhet i fokus. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sex mellanstadielärare i norra Sverige och efterföljande tematisk analys framträder en bild av begreppet som svårtolkat med, för lärarna, vissa kunskapsluckor vilket påverkar en praktik som därmed inte når upp till lärarnas egna förväntningar på sin undervisning. En undervisning som idealt är holistiskt och består av autentiska och reflekterande element och där barnet ses som den utvalde i önskan om en hållbar framtid. / A subject of importance in todays’ society is that of how a good future on the planet is enabled and optimized. Countless discussions and research exist and is a prevailing matter for politicians and leaders around the world. An important part of sustainable development – which is what the subject has come to be referred to – is about education. To enable a sustainable future educated and responsible people are of importance, but the matter in question is often differently viewed by different individuals. This study aims to increase the understanding of how middle school teachers relate to sustainable development, their perceptions of the concept and some didactic approaches viewed as successful in the pursuit of developing citizens with a sustainability in mind. Through qualitative interviews with six middle school teachers in the north of Sweden and subsequent thematic analyses, a picture of the concept as difficult to interpret emerges, along with some knowledge gaps affecting the practice which in relation does not meet the teachers’ expectations of their own teaching. A teaching that, ideally, is holistic and consists of authentic and reflective elements and where the child is seen as the chosen in the quest for a sustainable future.

”Det går ju inte att undervisa om fucking hållbarhet när grundprincipen som att sopsortera inte finns!” : Agenda 2030 i Hem- och konsumentkunskapsundervisningen / "It's not possible to educate about fucking sustainability when the fundamental principles like waste sorting don't exist!" : Agenda 2030 in Home Economics Education

Berneklint, Camilla January 2024 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling är ett område som skall ingå i grundskolans samtliga ämnen. De globalamålen i Agenda 2030 visar dock en komplexitet som kan vara svår att integrera i alla ämnen.Denna studie fokuserar på hem- och konsumentkunskapsundervisning i grundskolan. Syftet äratt belysa lärares erfarenheter av att arbeta med detta i sin undervisning. Studien omfattar sexsemistrukturerade intervjuer med lärare i hem- och konsumentkunskap. Centrala tankegångar istudien är baserade på Deweys resonemang om undervisning där meningsskapande, inquiry,demokratiska arbetssätt samt praktik och teori knyts samman till en helhet.Resultatet visar på en bredd i arbetssätt och de sätt ämnet integreras i undervisningen.Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att lärare tenderar undervisa om hållbar utveckling än attskapa ett lärande för hållbar utveckling. Lärarna arbetar främst med aspekterna hälsa, ekonomioch miljö där praktik och teori skapar en helhet. / Sustainable development is an area that must be included in all secondary school subjects.However, the global goals in Agenda 2030 show a complexity that can be difficult to integrateinto all subjects. This study focuses on Home Economics in secondary school. The purpose isto highlight teachers' experiences of working with this in their teaching. The study comprisessix semi-structured interviews with teachers of Home Economics. Central lines of thought inthe study are based on Dewey's reflection about teaching where meaning-making, inquiry,democratic methods as well as practice and theory are linked to form a holistic approach.The result shows a breadth of methods and the way the subject is integrated into teaching. Insummary, the study shows that teachers tend to teach sustainable development rather than createlearning for sustainable development. The teachers mainly work with the aspects of health,economic, and environmental issues where practice and theory form a holistic approach.

Choosing Sustainability Education : Context, Values and Resources of Parents choosing non-formal Sustainability Education Projects in Germany

Reymann, Lennart January 2022 (has links)
Non-formal education projects are seen as taking a key role regarding Education for Sustainable Development; however, the conditions of participation are still scarcely explored. The objective of this study is to develop a concept helping to understand the resources, motivations, underlying values, and context of parents in the process of choosing a non-formal Education for Sustainability project in Germany for their children aged six to twelve. For this, the school choice concept of Raveaud and van Zanten, which is utilizing “resource” definitions in approximation to Bourdieu’s capital, is adapted for the non-formal sustainability education sector, by implementing the concept of environmental capital, conceptualizing the choice framework for non-formal sustainability education. Ten interviews with parents from such projects have been conducted in the summer of 2021 and analysed based on the newly developed choice framework for non-formal sustainability education. Unlike what the adapted school-choice theory suggests, the local normative framework has little impact on the choices parents make in the non-formal choice process. The results indicate that especially cultural resources within the framework of environmental capital and accumulated in the informal learning space have had a formative impact on the parents, which let them to enrol their children to participate in the sustainability education projects. In comparison to formal school choice processes, the tension between impersonal and personal values is not as tangible for parents. As projects combine expressive values like self-realisation and impersonal values like environmental awareness in their pedagogical approaches, parents are even able to satisfy both their personal and impersonal values while choosing an SE project. It is being discussed how parents can be strengthened in their role to pass on sustainability values, without creating an even greater inequality regarding environmental capital, as well as the importance of a symbiosis between EE and ESD projects to further sustainability education in Germany.

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