Spelling suggestions: "subject:": forminformation design"" "subject:": informationation design""
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Information graphics in health technology assessmentStahl-Timmins, William Marck January 2011 (has links)
This thesis addresses the question of the design, production and use of information graphics in health technology assessment (HTA). Drawing on previous research in both information design and health policy, it describes a comprehensive design process for creating new visual presentations that can inform health policy-makers. The thesis begins by introducing, and functionally defining the terms ‘information graphics’ and ‘health technology assessment’ in Chapter 1. It then offers a methodological discussion of how research can be performed at the intersection between these two diverse fields. This discussion forms Chapter 2 of the thesis. The context of use is surveyed in two studies, which are presented in Chapter 3. These assess the current use of information graphics in HTA, and the information needs of health policy decision-making bodies. This enables a needs-based approach to the design of 10 information graphics, that could be used in hta. These are shown in Chapter 4. Finally, two of these information graphics are empirically tested with two further research studies, forming Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. The thesis is aimed at giving practical advice to those wanting to produce graphical presentations of information in HTA, and to provide the foundation for further original research in information design and HTA. Chapter 7 draws together the research from the rest of the thesis, to make recommendations in light of the combined findings.
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Ett rum för både möte och projektarbete? : En studie om aktivitetsbaserat arbetssätt i den fysiska miljön i en projektstudio.Josefin, Häggström January 2016 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är en studie om hur en projektstudio kan utformas så att den kommunicerar och stödjer dess syfte, samt stödjer de arbetsuppgifter som genomförs. Arbetet har genomförts i samarbete med NCC AB i Solna. NCC arbetar mycket i projekt och dagens lokaler stödjer inte arbete i projekt så bra som de önskar, de är i behov av fler projektstudios. NCC har som mål att börja arbeta mer aktivitetsbaserat i och med att miljöerna stödjer deras arbetssätt. En projektstudio ska fungera för olika typer av arbetsuppgifter så som individuellt arbete, arbete i grupp och större möten. Projektstudion är en plats för både möte och projektarbete. I dagsläget är den planerade ytan för projektstudion ett öppet kontorslandskap. Studien baseras på litteratur om zonindelning, rummets påverkan, grupparbete och arbetssätt, psykologiskt perspektiv samt Leesmanundersökning på NCC. I studien har följande metoder genomförts: platsanalys, analys av Leesmanundersökning på NCC, kvalitativ intervju och workshop. Studien resulterar i att ett gestaltningsförslag skapas, i detta fall en projektstudio. Ytan för projektstudion har gått från att vara ett öppet kontorslandskap till att vara en miljö som stödjer olika typer av arbetsuppgifter. / This thesis is about how a Project Studio can be designed so it communicates and support its purpose, and also support the assignments to be performed in the Studio. The study has been made in cooperation with NCC AB in Solna, Sweden. NCC often work in projects but their premises today does not support project working as well as they would wish it to, NCC is therefor in need of more Project Studios. NCC:s goal is to be able to work in a more Activity Based manner as a result of the environment better supporting this way of working. A Project Studio should function for different types of job assignments such as individual work, work in groups and bigger meetings. The Project Studio is a place for both meetings and working in projects. The intended space is currently an openplan. The study has a base founded on literature primarily relating to: zoning; the influence of space; teamwork and manner of working; a psychological perspective; and a Leesman review conducted at NCC. In the study the following methods have been performed: space analysis; analysis of the Leesman review at NCC; qualitative interviews and a workshop. The study results in a design proposal for a Project Studio. The space for the Project Studio would be transformed from an open-plan to an environment that more fully supports the different types of job assignments required at NCC.
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Historiska manér : Hur förändring av manér kan förtydliga ett historiskt förloppThiel, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
The following essay is a thesis in Information Design with orientation in Informative illustration. The collaboration with the TT News Agency, which forms the basis of the work, presupposes that an information graphic about the history of smoking is produced, which occurs in connection with the new tobacco law coming into force on July 1, 2019. The purpose of the thesis is to examine how the formation of image manners can affect the historical connection to an illustration, and examine whether this can contribute to a perceived development of time. The aim of the enquiry is to explore whether it is possible to create a "timeline" without a line, using manners. Through data collection and theories in semiotics, visual rhetoric, cognitive visualization and perception, as well as previous experiences throughout the education in Informative illustration, concept and design proposals were created. Methods used in the thesis are image analysis and testing, which took the form of an internet survey. The former was implemented to understand how the manners of the illustration should look like to create an affiliation to the stated time periods. The latter was carried out to investigate whether the target group experiences the connection between the illustrations and the time periods, and to investigate whether the illustrations together contribute to a historical development. The result of the study shows that manners can contribute with a historical connection, but the illustrations with a more distinctive appearance are considered easier to interpret. The result also concluded that object´s, such as clothes and jewelry, contributes to the understanding of the illustrations historical affiliation. Manners can also contribute to a perceived historical development, whereupon 96 percent of the survey participants perceived this. / Följande undersökning är ett examensarbete i Informationsdesign med inriktningen Informativ illustration. Samarbetet med TT Nyhetsbyrån, som ligger till grund för arbetet, förutsätter att en informationsgrafik om rökningens historia gestaltas, vilket sker i samband med att den nya tobakslagen träder i kraft 1 juli 2019. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur utformning av bildmanér kan påverka den historiska kopplingen till en illustration, samt undersöka om detta kan bidra till en upplevd utveckling av tid. Målet med undersökningen är att utforska om det är möjligt att skapa en ”tidslinje” utan linje, med hjälp av manér.Genom datainsamling och teorier inom semiotik, visuell retorik, kognitiv visualisering och perception, samt tidigare erfarenheter inom utbildningen Informativ illustration, utformades koncept- och gestaltningsförslag. Metoder som brukats i arbetet är bildanalys och utprovning, vilket tog form utav en surveyundersökning. Den förstnämnda genomfördes för att få en inblick i hur gestaltningarnas manér bör se ut för att skapa en tillhörighet till dess specifika tidsperiod. Den nästnämnda genomfördes för att undersöka om målgruppen upplever illustrationernas koppling till de tänka tidsperioderna , samt undersöka om målgruppen anser att illustrationerna i samverkan bidrar till en historisk utveckling.Resultatet av undersökningen påvisar att manér kan bidra med en historisk koppling, däremot anses de illustrationer med ett mer utmärkande manér enklare att avläsa. Det framkom även att bildobjekt och föremål, likt kläder och smycken, är bidragande vid förståelse för illustrationens historiska tillhörighet. Likaså kan manér bidra med en upplevd historisk utveckling, varpå 96 procent av enkätens deltagare anses uppfatta detta.
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Immersive Storytelling for Environmental CommunicationHe, Yin January 2019 (has links)
As one of the earliest attempts to apply immersive technology in environmental communication, this design research project tries to answer the following research question: how do we communicate the connections between food-related behaviors and environmental impacts through immersive storytelling? During the project, an immersive story called "Trik’s' Party" for dome shows and a journey map of an immersive visitor experience are created. These design outcomes and this paper are built on the knowledge of scientific findings, communication methods, content creations, and service design. To support the creation process, new sketching, storyboarding and prototyping methods were developed for dome content creations. The core message of this paper is that effective environmental communication is not just about informing the public about facts and data from scientific studies. It is also about giving individuals and communities the knowledge, tools and spaces to develop a vision of their own future. Immersive storytelling is one of the methods for creating these spaces. It has a large potential to raise public empathy with other people and their future-self when the long-term and abstract impacts of the environmental problems become more visible and comprehensible in an imaginary space.
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Rumslig dramaturgi : Ett verktyg för att främja den kognitiva tillgängligheten i utställningssammanhangVelasco Ramos, Irene January 2019 (has links)
Rumslig dramaturgi är ett examensarbete inom informationsdesign och inriktningen rumslig gestaltning. I dag finns enligt kulturplaner utsatta regionala mål för kultur och även lagstadgade tillgänglighetskriterier vilka genom demokratin är en värdegrund som regional museiverksamhet behöver möta. Det informationsdesignproblem som förekommer är att sträva mot att uppnå dessa mål och lagar, och samtidigt ta människans processer för informationsinhämtning och tolkning i beaktande. Om denna kunskap inte finns, eller bortses från, riskeras både tillgänglighetskraven och de regionala målen. Därför är syftet med detta arbete att undersöka på vilket sätt berättartekniska metoder och dramaturgi kan användas till informations- och budskapsförmedling som stödjer den kognitiva tillgängligheten inom utställningssammanhang. Arbetet grundar sig i teorier som kognition, perception, berättelser och dramaturgi samt utförda kvalitativa undersökningsmetoder. Resultat av dessa redovisas, och används slutligen som utgångspunkt i ett förslag där en modell för rumslig dramaturgi exemplifieras i utställningen Historiska ögonblick på Sörmlands museum beläget i Nyköping, Södermanlands län. Nyckelord: Informationsdesign, rumslig gestaltning, utställningar, kognition, tillgänglighet, dramaturgi. / Rumslig dramaturgi is a thesis in information design, with a focus on spatial design. Today, according to governing regional documents, there are cultural goals and statutory accessibility criteria, which through democracy are a value base that regional museum operations need to face. The information design is to work towards these goals and laws, while considering the human processes for collecting information and rendering. If this knowledge does not exist or is disregarded, both the accessibility requirements and the regional goals are at risk. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to investigate how narrative techniques and dramaturgy can be used for information and message mediation that supports the cognitive accessibility within exhibition contexts. The work is based on theories such as cognition, perception, narratives and dramaturgy, as well as performed qualitative research methods. The results of these are outlined, and furthermore used as a starting point to a proposal where a model for spatial dramaturgy is exemplified in the exhibition Historiska ögonblick at Sörmlands Museum located in Nyköping, Södermanlands County. Keywords: Information design, spatial design, exhibitions, cognition, accessibility, dramaturgy
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Multimodal design för lärande i utställningsmiljö : En studie om sinnen som modaliteter och dess kommunikation i ett historiskt rumNolåkers, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Gustav Vasa-föreningen planerar att bygga en utställning för att främja kulturlivet och öka lärandet kring Gustav Vasas ledning på 1500-talet. Förhoppningen är att genom utställningen kunna agera som en förlängd arm till skolorna i Strängnäs kommun i form av studiebesök. I utställningen vill föreningen informera om Gustav Vasas utnämning till kung den 6 juni 1523 på ett intresseväckande och informativt sätt, för att kunna nå ut till en yngre målgrupp, lågstadieelever. Genom ett samarbete med föreningen har detta examensarbete undersökt hur sinnen som modaliteter kan tillämpas i en utställningsmiljö i lärande syfte. I rapporten har Selanders teorier om multimodalt lärande tillsammans med McKenna-cress & Kaminens och Velvets riktlinjer kring utställningsmiljöer tillämpats. Teorierna har tillsammans med en etnografisk undersökning i form av en observation lagt grund för det designförslag som fastställts. Designförslaget redogör för hur utnämnandet av Gustav Vasa som kung kan kommuniceras i utställningsmiljö, för att bidra till lärande med hjälp av sinnen som modaliteter. / The Gustav Vasa Association plans to build an exhibition to promote cultural life and increase learning about Gustav Vasa's leadership in the 16th century. The ambition is that through the exhibition will act as an extended arm for the schools in Strängnäs municipality in the form of study visits. In the exhibition, the association wants to inform about Gustav Vasa's coronation as king on June 6, 1523 in an interesting and informative way, in order to reach a younger target group in the form of primary school pupils. Through a collaboration with the association, this degree project has examined how the senses as modalities can be applied in an exhibition environment for learning purposes. In the report, Selander's theories on multimodal learning together with McKenna-cress & Kaminens and Velvet's guidelines on exhibition environments have been applied. Together with an ethnographic survey in the form of an observation, the theories have laid the foundation for the design proposal that has been established. The proposal describes how the appointment of Gustav Vasa as king can be communicated in an exhibition environment, in order to contribute to learning with the help of the senses as modalities.
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Engaging map visualization through Emotional DesignRodriguez, Patricia January 2019 (has links)
Gustav Vasa association, among other things, works to inform the public about Strängnäs interesting background about Swedish history and cultural heritage. Their purpose is to promote Strängnäs as an interesting travel destination to visit and teach visitors about Swedish history during the 15th to 17th century specifically. Their objective is to promote and deliver this information through interactive and innovative platforms in order to attract a younger target group, but also to engage the user’s interaction. This research contains the strategies and methods needed in order to create a digitally interactive and cultural map of Strängnäs, that would achieve both visual engaging and guiding purposes. Under this research, multiple methodologies were performed in order to get a more in-depth knowledge about the Swedish domestic traveller needs, preferences, motivations and behaviours before and while leisure traveling. In addition to that, theories from emotional design, rhetorical, storytelling and cartographic visual techniques among others, are presented to give this thesis a base to visually engage and guide the users. The data collection methods used in this research has been both as observations, interviews with Gustav Vasa association, tourist centres in Eskilstuna, Västerås and Strängnäs and with the target group, with the purpose of gather data relevant as this research´s basis. Along with these, user testing methods such as A/B testing, think aloud and usability testing were conducted as to evaluate the resulting design concepts from the data collection methods. This thesis resulted in that a combination of both emotional and rhetorical theories, and both flat and skeuomorphic design styles, created an engaging and persuading visual content. This concluding in making users want to interact with the map´s visual and textual context within the map´s digital interaction. The use of visual concepts that could be associated by a both visceral and reflective level of design (Norman, 2005) concluded in a stronger engaging response from the users, as well as, the use of visual rhetorical theories within the map´s visual content. Finally, the use of storytelling techniques both in visual and textual context lured the user to interact with the information provided by the design.
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A infografia na divulgação científica: um estudo de caso da revista Pesquisa Fapesp / Infographics in scientific popularization: a case study of Pesquisa FAPESP magazineSato, Susana Narimatsu 22 September 2017 (has links)
A dissertação tem como questão inicial o processo de comunicação entre instituições de pesquisa e a comunidade não científica, atentando para o papel mediador do designer gráfico. Recorreu-se a dois referenciais teóricos da Comunicação: o Design da Informação - no qual insere-se o estudo da infografia - e a Divulgação Científica. Foi também compilado um conjunto de soluções infográficas, buscando-se identificar aspectos que qualificam uma comunicação visual eficiente, investigando-se não apenas atributos estéticos, mas também de caráter cognitivo. Por fim, propôs-se um modelo de análise empírico para infográficos jornalísticos, que foi testado em corpus proveniente da revista Pesquisa FAPESP, publicação de Divulgação Científica editada pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados gerados pelo modelo permitem visualizar as ênfases dadas, respectivamente, às seguintes funções de design: utilidade, precisão e satisfação; de forma que permita verificar a adequação do formato infográfico empregado ao conteúdo informativo - da reportagem - representado. / The initial inquiry of the dissertation is the communication process between research institutions and the non-scientific community, observing the mediating role of the graphic designer. Thus, the approach to two major theoretical references: Information Design - in which infography is inserted - and Scientific Popularization. In addition, a set of infographic solutions was compiled to exemplify aspects that qualify efficient visual communication, in an investigation of both aesthetic and cognitive attributes. Finally, an empirical analysis model for journalistic infographics is proposed, which was tested with a corpus taken from the Scientific Popularization magazine Pesquisa FAPESP, published by São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP. The achieved results from the model allow the visualization of the emphasis given, respectively, to the following design functions: utility, precision and satisfaction. Hence, it enables to verify the adequacy of the employed infographic format to the informational content represented.
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A construção da expressividade na infografia: um estudo de criações de Jaime SerraPliger, Marcelo 20 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-20 / The specific object of this study is the work of Spanish infographist Jaime
Serra, recognized in his field for developing projects with expressive character.
Our goal is to investigate how the communication of information is
constructed in Serra s infographics. Infography is a diagrammatic combination
of texts and images in many different fields of communication, including
journalism. The research on this topic fits into the study of human
communication manifestations and contributes to understand the current
state of infographics and the critical discussion that seeks for guidelines for
infographics creation process. We observed two groups: one that supports
the development of objective, technical and scientific infographics and another
that supports infographics with emphasis on subjectivity and aesthetic
expressivity. Our main question is: how Serra articulates expression plane
and content plane to build different layers of meaning? The theory base
relates the graphic semiology developed by BERTIN (1967) and the graphic
syntax theory by Yuri ENGELHARDT (2002). The first chapter presents significant
historical moments that exploit the expressiveness in infographics,
the presence of Serra s work in this context and the critical debate around
the theme through the arguments of Edward Tufte, Alberto Cairo, and Nigel
Holmes. In the second chapter we write about Bertin s visual variables theory
and Engelhardt s graphic syntax theory. These two theories together with
Greimas s semiotic provide the basis to study three examples of Serra s work
in the third chapter. Through the observation of some common characteristics
in infographics that explore new expression forms to communicate information,
we concluded that the use of unusual instruments to create images
in infographics - as the incorporation of elements of the cultural imaginary
and the displacement of actors place in the enunciation - are resources
that Serra uses in his creation process and that significantly participates in
the construction of meaning communicated in his infographics / O objeto específico deste estudo é o trabalho do infografista espanhol Jaime
Serra, reconhecido em seu campo por desenvolver projetos de caráter expressivo.
Nosso objetivo é investigar como se constrói a comunicação de informações
nos infográficos de Serra. A infografia é uma associação diagramática de
textos e imagens presente em diferentes campos da comunicação, entre eles o
jornalismo. A pesquisa sobre esse tema se insere no estudo de manifestações da
comunicação humana e contribui com subsídios para a compreensão do atual
estado da infografia e do debate crítico que busca definir as características diretrizes
nos processos de criação de infográficos. Observam-se duas linhas: uma
defende o desenvolvimento de infográficos objetivos, técnicos e científicos; e
outra que propõe a realização de infográficos com ênfase na subjetividade e
esteticamente expressivos. Nossa pergunta é: como Serra articula o plano da
expressão e o plano do conteúdo para construir diferentes camadas de sentido?
A base teórica relaciona a semiologia gráfica desenvolvida por Bertin (1967)
e a teoria da sintaxe gráfica de Yuri Engelhardt (2002). O primeiro capítulo
apresenta momentos históricos significativos de exploração da expressividade
na infografia, o trabalho de Serra nesse contexto e o debate crítico em torno do
tema através dos argumentos de Edward Tufte, Alberto Cairo e Nigel Holmes.
No segundo capítulo apresentamos a teoria de variáveis visuais de Bertin e a
teoria de sintaxe gráfica de Engelhardt. Essas duas teorias, em conjunto com a
teoria semiótica de Greimas, fornecem a base para a análise de três trabalhos
de Serra no terceiro capítulo. Através da observação de algumas características
comuns nos infográficos que exploram novas formas expressivas de comunicar
informações, concluímos que o uso de instrumentos pouco habituais para criação
de imagens em infográficos, como a incorporação de elementos do imaginário
cultural e o deslocamento do lugar dos atores na enunciação, são recursos
que Serra utiliza em seu processo de criação e que participam significativamente
na construção de sentido comunicada em seus infográficos
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Análise colorimétrica de faces humanas: uma abordagem para auxílio ao reconhecimento de imagens / Colorimetric analysis of human faces: an approach to image recognition assistanceLuciana de Sousa Santos 31 July 2013 (has links)
A quantificação colorimétrica da pele do rosto humano apresenta uma grande dispersão de valores. Esta dispersão varia de acordo com o espaço de cor (HSV ou YCbCr) adotado para a análise e quanto menor a dispersão mais adequado é o espaço ao reconhecimento facial. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a distribuição estatística da colorimetria de imagens de rostos digitalizadas. A análise poderá dizer se as coordenadas de cor, tais como saturação, matiz e valor podem auxiliar em técnicas de reconhecimento de faces. Como resultado da análise, espera-se concluir qual dos sistemas de coordenadas de cor (HSV ou YCbCr) é o mais adequado à aplicações em reconhecimento facial. Os resultados obtidos serão apresentados com fundamentação no design da informação. O grande número de amostras fotográficas disponíveis para análise (530) e o correto equilíbrio de iluminação, contraste e temperatura de cor constituem o principal diferencial desse trabalho. / The colorimetric quantification of the human face skin presents a large dispersion of values. This dispersion varies according to the color space (YCbCr or HSV) adopted for the analysis. The smaller the dispersion the more appropriate is a certain color space for face recognition methods. The objective of this paper is to analyze the colorimetric statistical distribution of digital face images. The analysis will show how color coordinates (such as hue, saturation and brightness), can help with facial recognition techniques. The result of this analysis will tell which color space (HSV or YCbCr) is more adequate to be used in face recognition systems. The results obtained will be presented in accordance with the fundamentals of information design. The large number of photographic samples available for analysis (530) and the right balance of lighting, contrast and color temperature are the main differential of this work.
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