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Network Security Analysis and Summary in TaiwanFang, Jia-Ching 30 July 2003 (has links)
With the increasing reliance on the Internet and computers, threats also increase. More and more foundations, companies and tools of computer network security emerge to defense the Internet. To prevent the attacks form crackers, plenty of resources about network security were developed on the Internet and people can get the resource they want as long as they know where the professional network security information is. But from another point of view, too much information would become a great burden to general users on the Internet, because they have no idea what information is the most important. This make them confuse, and the only thing they can do is do nothing. They need summarized security information and the advise for his own system and services, instead of all system security information.
In this research, we integrate the systems in TWCERT/CC and discover the most helpful information to those who access the Internet in Taiwan, such as, the most threatened vulnerabilities in Taiwan. The information is like the SANS TOP 20. The unity of the entire system in TWCERT/CC could give administrators more specific and summarized information and their prior job is to fix the most vulnerable holes according to the information offered.
Key words: network security, critical Internet security vulnerabilities, incident report, SAS, Security Auditing System, TWCERT/CC
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An application of artificial neural networks in freeway incident detection [electronic resource] / by Sujeeva A. Weerasuriya.Weerasuriya, Sujeeva A. January 1998 (has links)
Includes vita. / Title from PDF of title page. / Document formatted into pages; contains 139 pages. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references. / Text (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. / ABSTRACT: Non-recurring congestion caused by incidents is a major source of traffic delay in freeway systems. With the objective of reducing these traffic delays, traffic operation managers are focusing on detecting incident conditions and dispatching emergency management teams to the scene quickly. During the past few decades, a few number of conventional algorithms and artificial neural network models were proposed to automate the process of detecting incident conditions on freeways. These algorithms and models, known as automatic incident detection methods (AIDM), have experienced a varying degree of detection capability. Of these AIDMs, artificial neural network-based approaches have illustrated better detection performance than the conventional approaches such as filtering techniques, decision tree method, and catastrophe theory. So far, a few neural network model structures have been tested to detect freeway incidents. / ABSTRACT: Since the freeway incidents directly affect the freeway traffic flow, majority of these models have used only traffic flow variables as model inputs. However, changes in traffic flow may also be stimulated by the other features (e.g., freeway geometry) to a greater extent. Many AIDMs have also used a conventional detection rate as a performance measure to assess the detection capability. Yet the principle function of incident detection model, which is to identify whether an incident condition exists for a given traffic pattern, is not measured in its entirety by this conventional measure. In this study, new input feature sets, including freeway geometry information, were proposed for freeway incident detection. Sixteen different artificial neural network (ANN) models based on feed forward and recurrent architectures with a variety of input feature sets were developed. ANN models with single and double hidden layers were investigated for incident detection performance. / ABSTRACT: A modified form of a conventional detection rate was introduced to capture full capability of AIDMs in detecting incident patterns in the freeway traffic flow. Results of this study suggest that double hidden layer networks are better than single hidden layer networks. The study has demonstrated the potential of ANNs to improve the reliability using double layer networks when freeway geometric information is included in the model. / System requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader. / Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Development and Application of ITS Operations Evaluation Models (ITSOEMs)Murthy, Gummadavelly Narasimha 01 January 2012 (has links)
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) play an important role in supporting motorists and first responders to handle major incidents, hazmat spills, security measures and other emergency operations. Increasingly, technology advancements and applications are providing invaluable integration opportunities to interconnect safety, maintenance, ITS, traffic operations, facilities, and transportation equipment programs to maximize available resources and achieve efficiency in transportation operations.
This research focuses on one of the prominent ITS devices: Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) operations. Using real time incident management operations data and ITS operations data, an attempt is made to develop ITS Operations Evaluations Models (ITSOEMs) that are capable of quantifying the operations value of DMS and their complementing ITS surveillance and detection systems, such as CCTV, Safety Service Patrol (SSP) and Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems.
The I-95 corridor in the state of Virginia is selected as the Study Corridor. Operations data from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) on DMS and ITS detection systems and incident management is analyzed to accomplish four key research objectives: a) To collect, extract and evaluate real time operations data from VDOT ITS and incident management operations programs and identify the factors contributing to the successful operation of DMS for the duration of incidents and events occurring on the I-95 Study Corridor; b) To develop analytical models to determine measurable influence of incident detections in successfully disseminating messages on DMS; c) To develop ITS Operations evaluation models to determine the effectiveness of DMS messages during incidents by quantifying the influence of DMS messages in the deterrence of secondary incidents on the I-95 Study Corridor; and d) To develop guidelines on the application of these quantitative ITS evaluation models so that transportation engineers can effectively use these models to perform ITS evaluations at other ITS locations. The ITS evaluation framework developed in this research work is expected to assist transportation engineers in the prioritization, selection and implementation of operations and technology integration strategies.
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Archival evaluation of a proactive school wide discipline planRutz-Beynart, Beth 01 June 2006 (has links)
The study conducted was an archival review of school detailed incident discipline records and description of the school-wide proactive discipline plan developed at an elementary school. The study examined the effects of sequential changes in a proactive school-wide discipline plan. Initially, the baseline data consisted of a full year of school without a proactive school-wide discipline plan. This allowed an assessment of the variation in referrals that occurred across a school year. Subsequent years were assessed in relation to this baseline, and the effects from year to year compared to other years. After the baseline year, substantial changes were made by implementing a school-wide proactive program. In later years, variations were made in the school-wide proactive plan that improved its delivery efficiency. The changes were not major changes but were variations of the original intervention program. Thus, this was a program evaluation on a school-wide basis, incorporating multiple nonconcurrent time series essentially forming an A -- B design with maintenance of improvements under conditions which varied slightly from year to year. The data revealed a higher rate of incidents among ESE and Pre ESE students (students who were later staffed into an ESE program) students then their basic education peers in the primary grades. The data revealed that while the support decreased over time the school-wide mean of incidents increased. The data did not show any decreases in behaviors which would be described of low impact, and there was not a decrease in incidents which would be described as high impact over the course of the evaluation. This study showed that continued behavioral support for teachers may be needed for decreases in incidents over time as well as a possible need to increase attention to students who are at risk behaviorally in order to intervene prior to an ESE placement.
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Belysning av risker i vårdprocessen / Illuminating risks in a care processJansson, Christina January 2015 (has links)
Vårdprocessen beskriver patientens väg genom vården där utgångspunkten är patientens behov och slutpunkten är då behovet av vård upphör och patienten är färdigbehandlad. Ett grundläggande kvalitetskrav är att vården är säker och att patienten inte riskerar att skadas i vårdprocessen. Den mycket uppmärksammade rapporten "To err is human", som kom i slutet av 1990-talet, visade att ett stort antal dödsfall och medicinska felbehandlingar orsakades av hälso- och sjukvården. Rapporten blev startskottet i en världsomspännande debatt om patientsäkerhet som påverkat säkerhets- och systemsyn. Idag ses felhandlingar inte längre som ett hinder utan som en möjlighet till lärande och ny kunskap. Begreppet patientsäkerhet har lyfts fram och vikten av att vårdprocesserna leder till goda resultat tydliggörs allt mer. Inom alla verksamheter inträffar oförutsedda händelser som får oönskade effekter, något som avviker från det förväntade. En avvikelse definieras som en händelse som inte följer normal rutin och förväntade vårdförlopp. Några av dessa händelser rapporteras och analyseras avseende bakomliggande orsak och allvarlighetsgrad av det inträffade samt sannolikhet för upprepning bedöms. Det saknas dock en övergripande riskvärdering av avvikelser i vårdprocessen och kunskap om var i de olika processerna som de allvarligaste riskerna förekommer. Syftet med studien var att belysa riskvärderade avvikelser i vårdprocessen. Studien bygger på empirisk retrospektiv analys av insamlad data i form av inkluderade data från elektroniskt avvikelsehanteringsverktyg under en period av tolv månader vid ett sjukhus som bedriver elektiv kirurgisk vård. Varje avvikelse riskvärderades, där grad av allvar (gradering 1-4) multiplicerades med sannolikhet för upprepning (gradering 1-4). Ett riskvärde, större eller lika med åtta, klassificerades som avvikelser med hög risk och mindre än åtta som avvikelser med låg risk. Därefter analyserades rapportörens berättelse av vad som inträffat och händelsen relaterades till var i huvud- eller stödprocess den inträffat. Avvikelser med hög risk i huvudprocessen, 67 procent, förekom vid vårdplanering och inskrivning och 33 procent vid utskrivning. Avvikelser med låg risk förekom vid vårdplanering, operation/behandling/omvårdnad samt vid postoperativ vård på uppvakningsavdelning, 67 procent. Av avvikelser med hög risk i stödprocesserna förekom 67 procent i den fysiska arbetsmiljön och 17 procent inom HR/personal och 17 procent inom sterilprocessen. Avvikelser med låg risk i stödprocesserna förekom företrädesvis i den fysiska arbetsmiljön, 54 procent. En systematisk riskvärdering av avvikelser visar vilka områden i vårdprocessen som kräver förbättringsåtgärder och skulle kunna skapa förutsättningar för en säkrare väg för patienten, samt skulle kunna stärka medarbetarnas riskmedvetenhet. Inledning och avslutning av vårdprocessen är områden som ur patientsäkerhetsperspektiv kan förbättras
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The risk assessment of aircraft runway overrun accidents and incidentsKirkland, Ian D. January 2001 (has links)
The UK Civil Aviation Authority has recognised the need for protection against the runway overrun over and above the standard protection recommended by ICAO. Normal protection for the aircraft is provided in ICAO's Annex 14 by the strip at the end of a runway, and a recommendation for the installation of a Runway End Safety Area (RESA). In the UK, the CAA has stated that as part of their safety management system the aerodrome licensee should review the RESA distance requirement for their individual circumstances on an annual basis through a risk assessment. However, current industry knowledge of circumstantial factors in runway overruns is limited. Also, current models that are used to determine likely overrun wreckage locations and RESA dimensions take no account of the operational conditions surrounding the overruns or the aerodrome being assessed. This study has attempted to address these needs by highlighting common factors present in overrun occurrences through the compilation and analysis of a database of runway overruns, and through the construction of a model of wreckage location that takes account of the conditions at an individual aerodrome. A model of overrun probability has been constructed and the consequences of an overrun have been examined. One outcome of the study is an awareness that the industry is in an extremely poor state of knowledge of operational characteristics of non-accident flights, which if not addressed will be a major barrier to future advancement of aviation safety improvement and research.
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No description available.
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På SoL-sidan : Avvikelsehantering på fem vårdboenden i Uppsala kommunBerggren, Marie January 2010 (has links)
En viktig del av den svenska välfärden är kommunens äldreomsorg för personer över 65 år, där Socialtjänstlagen ger rättighet till vårdboende och andra servicetjänster när det behövs. Kommunernas kommunaltjänst ska enligt Socialtjänstlagen vara av god kvalitet. Rapportering av avvikande händelser är en av hörnpelarna i arbetet med att förbättra kvalitet och säkerhet i vården. Avvikelserapportering bidrar till att undvika att negativa händelser upprepas, samt att rutiner förbättras för att höja kvalitet. Genom att ta tillvara möjligheterna med avvikelserapporter kan kvaliteten på vårdboenden förbättras och utvecklas. Denna studie visar på behovet av ytterligare fokus på arbetet med avvikelsehantering gällande omsorg.
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Vilka faktorer påverkar att en avvikelse rapporteras eller ej? : - en intervjustudie med sjuksköterskorUtegård, Yvonne January 2007 (has links)
What affect if an incident is reported? - an interview study with nurses ABSTRACT Everyday in health care, there are incidents which can harm patients. However, reporting these incidents is not always a positive experience. The number of incident reports which are documented are a lot fewer than the number of incidents that actually occur. The purpose of the present study was to describe factors that affect nurses’ decisions on whether to report an incident or not. Interviews were carried out with ten nurses. The interviews were tape recorded and transcribed. Collected data were analysed, inspired by Burnard’s model of content analysis. The result showed two categories which can affect the decision of whether to report or not report an incident. One category Personal considerations, described that personal consequences for all concerned were important, that is, consequences for themselves, the patient, workmates and their own family. They also felt a moral responsibility and claimed that their conscience sometimes guided them when they chose whether to report an incident or not. The second category, Leadership and organisation described practical consequences; nurses wanted feedback and wanted to see that reporting incidents led to changes being made. They also claimed that the culture and routines in the workplace influenced their decision to report an incident. Hopefully, in order to ensure patient safety, the result in this study can contribute to preventive measures being taken so that even more incidents are reported, as this affects patient safety in the highest degree.
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How have youth experienced trying to get off the street : what has helped and hinderedBrown, Tracy L. 05 1900 (has links)
The experience of how youth get off the street is scarcely documented. The present study explored what helped and hindered youth in their experience as they tried to get off the street and addressed the following research question: “How have youth experienced trying to get off the street: what has helped and hindered?” Twenty youth, aged 19-24 years of age, living in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada who have spent time living on the street were interviewed using Flanagan’s (1954) Critical Incident Technique. The qualitative analysis of the interviews identified 259 critical incidents, forming nine helping categories and six hindering categories when youth tried to leave the streets. The nine helping categories included: (1) Taking Responsibility, (2) Engaging in Constructive Activities, (3) Friends and Family Support, (4) Changing Drug and Alcohol Use, (5) Support from Professional Organizations, (6) Disillusionment of Street Life, (7) Dreams and Hope for a Different Future, (8) Income Assistance and (9) Leaving Negative Influences Behind. The six hindering categories were: (1) Drugs and Alcohol, (2) Emotional Struggles, (3) Lack of Support, (4) Enjoyment of Homelessness, (5) Limited Formal Education, Life Skills and Employment and (6) Income Assistance Difficulties. The results from this study are discussed in relation to implications for theory, practice and future research.
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