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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mírové uspořádání teritoriálního konfliktu: případ Ekvádoru a Peru / Peace Settlement of Territorial Dispute: Ecuador-Peru case study

Rigó, Michael January 2022 (has links)
This thesis analyses the peace process between Ecuador and Peru and stimulates discussion in the field of conflict resolution. On Monday, October 26th, 1998, President of Peru Alberto Fujimori and Ecuador Jamil Mahuad Witt signed an international agreement that ended more than 150 years lasting territorial conflict. A series of hostile acts and armed conflicts have accompanied these neighbouring states for decades. Four states became the guarantor of the peace treaty: Brazil, the United States, Argentina and Chile. Complicated negotiations began in 1995 after a short war on the Cenepa River. The negotiating teams of the guaranteeing states used various mediation strategies, including the organization of negotiations, sanctions and financial incentives. The aim of this qualitative case study is an analysis of the causes of successful mediation performed by the guaranteeing states. The research follows the theoretical part, which describes the so-called contingency approach and ripeness theory.

Henry Agard Wallace and Latin America (1932-1946): The Limits of American Liberalism

Steiker, Jason January 1981 (has links)
No description available.


BRENO ABI CHAHIN NEVES 18 April 2023 (has links)
[pt] As ficções latino-americanas, sejam elas literárias ou cinematográficas, produzidas na segunda década do século XXI, têm sido palco de produções sobre uma questão não resolvida coletivamente, e que ainda assombra diversas esferas da vida pública e privada da sociedade: o passado insepulto das ditaduras militares no subcontinente. Nessas obras, percebe-se que o passado, enquanto dimensão temporal, se impõe ao presente e teima em não passar. As diversas formas de perpetração da violência de Estado, que não foram trabalhadas de maneira coletiva, fizeram com que o horror praticado nos anos de exceção, fosse confinado no subterrâneo da história oficial. Isso possibilitou que diferentes narrativas sobre fatos históricos, sobre o passado recente da América Latina, pudessem ser contestadas, abrindo portas para movimentos que soterram verdades, para o negacionismo e revisionismo histórico. Sendo assim, esta dissertação propõe uma reflexão sobre as soluções formais que essas ficções contemporâneas utilizam para dar conta das feridas ainda abertas, causadas pelas ditaduras civis-militares e da permanência da violência institucional, ao longo do tempo. A partir do estudo de algumas ficções latino-americanas, parte-se da hipótese de que, nessas narrativas, o deslocamento de enunciação, a banalidade do mal e uma estética fantasmática, que aponta para a utilização do corpo como ruína/alegoria, são artifícios narrativos que colocam a temporalidade no centro do debate. / [en] Latin American fiction, whether literary or cinematographic, produced in the second decade of the 21st century, has been the stage for productions about an issue that has not been collectively resolved and that still haunts various spheres of public and private life in society: the unburied past of military dictatorships in the subcontinent. In these works, it is perceived that the past as a temporal dimension imposes itself on the present and insists on not passing. The various forms of perpetration of State violence that were not dealt with collectively meant that the horror practiced in the years of exception was confined to the underground of official history. This made it possible for different narratives about historical facts about the recent past of Latin America to be contested, opening doors to movements that bury truths, to denialism and historical revisionism. Therefore, this dissertation proposes a reflection on the formal solutions that these contemporary fictions use to deal with the wounds that are still opened caused by civil-military dictatorships and the permanence of institutional violence over time. From the study of the chosen fictions, we start from the hypothesis that, in these narratives, the displacement of enunciation, the banality of evil and a ghostly aesthetic that points to the use of the body as a ruin/allegory are narrative devices that place temporality at the center of the debate.


EDUARDO SILVA RUSSELL 24 April 2023 (has links)
[pt] Ao reconhecer o impacto subjetivo da opressiva dominação europeia na América, é possível construir uma reflexão acerca da importância do trabalho dos e das profissionais da área das Letras no que vem a ser a virada decolonial, uma vez que eles e elas possuem, em suas mãos, a possibilidade de abordar um sem-fim de temas, autores e autoras, livros que contemplem questões, entre outras, de caráter social, cultural, linguístico. O objetivo desta tese foi o de encontrar professores e professoras cujas ideias decoloniais atravessassem suas perspectivas pedagógicas, bem como o de entender como e por que as suas aulas apontavam para um ensino que referenciado pelas pautas erigidas pelos debates anticoloniais. O referencial teórico que orienta a abordagem epistemológica é advindo, sobretudo, dos estudos hispano-americanos desenvolvidos pelo Grupo Modernidade/Colonialidade, que são ampliados pelas contribuições de nomes como o de Paulo Freire. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram a construção de um questionário e de um roteiro de entrevista, ambos realizados virtualmente com aqueles e aquelas que se autodeclaravam decoloniais. Ao final, pude compreender como os (as) informantes constroem leituras e ações pedagógicas de proposição decolonial, trazendo à tona a forma como a atividade docente, de modo ativo e crítico, revela caminhos autorais e criativos para a promoção de um ensino engajado na subversão dos motes coloniais. Seja adotando livros cujas tônicas apontam para problematização do racismo, sexíssimo, entre outros; seja propondo atividades que resgatam elementos formadores da cultura nacional (e também latino-americana), como os conhecimentos africanos e indígenas, os (as) entrevistados (as) apresentam suas interpretações e usos da epistemologia de modo a colaborar com os pressupostos da decolonialidade. / [en] By recognizing the subjective impact of the oppressive European domination in America, it is possible to reflect on the importance of the work of literary professionals in the decolonial turn, since they have, in their hands, the possibility of approaching an endless number of themes, authors, and books that deal with social, cultural, and linguistic issues. The goal of this thesis was to find male and female teachers whose decolonial propositions crossed their pedagogical perspectives, as well as to understand how and why their classes pointed to a teaching based on discussions derived from anticolonial debates. The theoretical framework that guides the epistemological approach comes, above all, from the Hispano-American studies developed by the Modernity/Coloniality Group, which are amplified by the contributions of names such as Paulo Freire. The methodological procedures were developed from the construction of a questionnaire and an interview script, both done virtually, because of the pandemic, with those who declared themselves to be decolonial. At the end, I was able to understand how the informants construct readings and pedagogical actions in a decolonial perspective, bringing to light how the teaching activity, in an active and critical way, reveals authorial and creative paths for the promotion of a teaching engaged in the subversion of colonial ideas. By adopting books that focus on racism, sexism, among others; or by proposing activities that rescue elements that form the national (and also Latin American) culture, such as African and indigenous knowledge, the interviewees present their interpretations and uses of epistemology in a way that collaborates with the assumptions of decoloniality.

Soft Power And Hard Power Approaches In U.S. Foreign Policy: A Case Study Comparison In Latin America

Weinbrenner, John 01 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of soft power versus hard power in U.S. policy towards Latin America. In recent years America's unipolar moment has been challenged from populist leaders in the region to its inability to get a handle on the flow of illegal immigrants and illicit drugs that reach its shores. This thesis is a step to understanding the difference between power and influence as well as the effects of hard power and soft power in U.S. foreign policy. A historical comparative case study analysis has been conducted utilizing the cases of FDR's Good Neighbor policy and Reagan's contra war policies. This qualitative approach examined specific short-term and long-term goals of each policy and analyzed each strategy's ability to achieve those stated goals. The results of the study reveal that both soft and hard power approaches can have positive as well as negative effects on American influence in Latin America.

L'opera inquieta. Julio Cortázar e il gioco dei generi letterari

Rubbi, Nicolò 12 July 2021 (has links)
Julio Cortázar è autore che in Italia tutti leggono e pochissimi davvero conoscono. Il presente lavoro di ricerca nasce dal desiderio di redigere uno studio esaustivo sull’autore argentino. Uno degli elementi di novità è senz’altro la volontà di non soffermarsi unicamente sull’opera in prosa, quei racconti e romanzi per i quali lo scrittore è riconosciuto a livello mondiale, procedendo piuttosto con uno scavo ulteriore ed anteriore che tenga conto anche (e soprattutto) della poco conosciuta opera in versi e dei primi scritti critici.

Quiero Bailar : En fallstudie om hur Ivy Queen utmanar normativa könsroller i Latinamerika och genrekonventioner i reggaetón med låten ”Quiero Bailar”

Casal, Elizeth January 2024 (has links)
In the music genre reggaetón there has been an ideal premiering hypermasculine behaviour and narratives. The female reggaetón artist Ivy Queen has been active within the genre since the early beginnings. She has spoken about the impact it had on her, working against so many men i a masculine culture. Ivy Queen has expressed that her masculine energy has served her well in situations where people have tried to put her down for being a woman. Ivy Queen is known for challenging gender norms with different artistic expressions. She has without a doubt paved the way for today's female reggaetón artists who are using classic women's rights-messages in their songs and images.  This study starts of with the theories used which are queer- and intersectional feminist-theories. Then working its way in to giving context with an introduction to history of gender in Latin America in relation to colonialism and Catholicism. Here, marianismo and machismo are important themes to introduce when the study moves toward characteristics of reggaetón and giving background in Ivy Queen.  This study will use an audiovisual model to analyze Ivy Queens song and music video "Quiero Bailar" in relation to machismo and marianismo in Latin America, and genre conventions in reggaetón.  The result of this study shows us that not only does Ivy Queen choose some parts of what critics see as problematic in reggaetón and machismo and uses it to her advantage. She also breaks down hegemonic structures through usage of queer modes in voice, image, and lyrics - while keeping the music traditionally formed.

Pro-Government Militias and the Legacy of Military Rule in Latin America

Mendelsohn, Alexander 01 January 2019 (has links)
Currently Latin America experiences a phenomenon of widely varying levels of violence across the region. Many countries, such as El Salvador and Honduras, have exceptionally high murder rates upwards of 40 homicides per 100,000 people (UNODC 2015). Other countries, such as Uruguay and Argentina, have relatively low rates, below 10 homicides per 100,000 people (UNODC 2015). I believe this variation stems from the use of pro-government militias specifically employed in the past by military governments as tools of suppression. Under the guise of combating subversive elements within their countries, these groups were used to silence and repress those who opposed the military governments. Employing civilians, active military, police officers and high-ranking government officials; these groups often carried clandestine and sometimes public ties to their governments. By examining the origins, afterlives, and level of control exerted over these pro-government militias in Argentina and El Salvador; this study aims to understand the role these groups played in the dispersion of violence throughout society ultimately accounting for the variation we see today.

The Commodity and Industrial Sector in the Brazilian Economy

Persilva Fernandes, Barbara 25 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Mediated Intimacies: Legal, Literary, and Journalistic Textualities of Gender Violence in Post-War Nicaragua

Miklos, Alicia Z. 28 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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