Spelling suggestions: "subject:" latin america"" "subject:" latin dimerica""
1201 |
The Reputation Game: Searching for Low-Wage Work in Urban NicaraguaIbanez, Lindsey McKay 18 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.
1202 |
Quechua Women's Embodied Memories of Political Violence in Peru (1980s-1992):The Female Body Communicates MemoriesGomez, Nancy Regina, 17 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
1203 |
The Clean Development Mechanism and its Potential as a Development Tool: A Socio-Economic Study of Communities Hosting Projects in BrazilRabelo, Ana Carolina D 19 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.
1204 |
[pt] A presente dissertação busca apresentar uma possibilidade de
ampliação dos estudos sobre a fortuna intelectual de Antonio Candido de
Mello e Souza (1918-2017). Partiremos de alguns ensaios soterrados
(1966-1982) – relativamente esquecidos - que versam sobre a cultura
latino-americana, a partir dos quais é possível perceber certo esforço
intelectual, por parte do autor, de interlocução com o cenário que extrapola
as fronteiras nacionais a partir dos anos 1960, alavancando a criação de
redes, congressos, publicações, encontros, seminários e leituras coletivas
de caráter continental. Esse interesse latino-americanista leva o crítico a
produzir um conjunto de textos de interpretação que procuram dar sentido
à produção literária do continente, aproximando o Brasil dos países
hispano hablantes. O argumento desenhado por ele é que a produção
estética, na América Latina, viveu sempre em função de um sentimento de
contrários: uma dialética entre o mundo dos valores urbanos, com certa
abertura à forma/linguagem dita universal, e uma reafirmação do caráter
regionalista, que perpetua o material local. Para ele, no contexto pós 1950
desenha-se na América Latina uma produção de maturidade, chamada
de super-regionalista, que é capaz de equilibrar esta aparente oposição
entre nacional e cosmopolita, produzindo uma literatura mais reflexiva e
consciente do caráter dependente das culturas periféricas. Diante disso,
nossa hipótese é que este ensaísmo, uma opção estético-política de
abertura à dinâmica da circulação intelectual e à leitura dos sentidos da
formação continental, levou Candido a formular uma interpretação dialética
da própria dinâmica do processo de modernização que atravessou o
espaço da América Latina ao longo dos séculos XIX e XX. / [en] This dissertation intends to expand the studies on the intellectual
production of Antonio Candido de Mello e Souza (1918-2017). We will start
from a few buried essays on Latin American culture (1966-1982), which
have been relatively neglected by academics, where it is possible to
perceive an intellectual effort made by Candido to dialogue with scenes that
went beyond national boundaries during the 1960s. This meant the creation
of networks, congresses, publications, meetings, seminars and collective
readings of continental character. This Latin American interest made the
critic to produce a set of texts which aimed to be interpretative of Latin
America, and to give meaning to the literary production of the continent,
bringing Brazil closer to the Spanish speaking countries. His point was that
aesthetic production in Latin America has always been a function of a
feeling of opposites: a dialectic between the world of urban values, with a
certain openness to the universal form / language, and a reaffirmation of the
regionalist character, which perpetuates local material. For him, in the post-
1950 context, a production of maturity, called super-regionalist, was ready
in Latin America and able to balance this apparent opposition between
national and cosmopolitan, as well as to produce a more reflexive and
conscious literature concerning the dependent character of peripheral
cultures. Thus, our hypothesis is that these Candido s essays show an
aesthetic-political option of opening to the dynamics of intellectual
circulation and reading the meanings of continental formation, and allowed
him to formulate an dialectic interpretation of the very dynamics of the
processes of modernization that have crossed the space of America
throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.
1205 |
[pt] O trabalho analisa as diferenças e semelhanças entre os conflitos geracionais em grupos de
esquerda provenientes dos EUA e da Argentina durante os longos anos 1960. O estudo
percebe que há aspectos comuns que levaram à ruptura entre as gerações à esquerda do
espectro político em ambos contextos, como por exemplo, a relação das vertentes
geracionais com as organizações de trabalhadores e com o Bloco Socialista. / [en] The text analyzes the differences and similarities among generational conflicts in groups
on the left from the USA and Argentina during the long 1960s. The study notes there are
common aspects which brought to the rupture between the generations on the left on the
left of the political spectrum in both contexts, such as, for example, the generational
groups relation with workers organizations and with the Socialist Bloc.
1206 |
A Partial Expansion of the 980 Division of the Dewey Decimal Classification Including a Spanish Version of the TablesClarke, Virginia 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is (1) to expand the 980 division (designated by the term History: South America, Latin America, Spanish America) of the Dewey Decimal Classification for the history of Latin America as a whole and for national histories of several typical countries, and (2) to translate the expanded tables into Spanish.
1207 |
HABITAR EL SUR. La ciudad latinoamericana en los inicios del siglo XXI a través de sus exposiciones de arte contemporáneoAlceste Trujillo, Marylena 28 October 2020 (has links)
[ES] Latinoamérica es una extensa región formada por más de veinte países muy diferentes, que integran un continente pluricultural, marcado por gran cantidad de contrastes, en un marco político convulso y con uno de los índices de desigualdad social más elevado del mundo. En este contexto se registra una de las mayores urbanizaciones del planeta generando metrópolis que se encuentran entre las más densamente pobladas. La presente Tesis Doctoral, que lleva por título Habitar el sur. La ciudad latinoamericana en los inicios del siglo XXI a través de sus exposiciones de arte contemporáneo, analiza 19 exposiciones de arte latinoamericano que han tenido lugar en la década que va de 2009 a 2019 en cinco ciudades ¿Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Ciudad de México y Santiago¿ que han abordado el tema urbano y en las que se refleja el contexto socioeconómico actual de la zona. Sus artistas se expresan a través de diferentes disciplinas como la pintura, escultura, fotografía, instalación, videoarte, performance y acciones en el espacio público, con materiales tan diversos como papel, telas, plástico, polvo, madera, concreto, escombros, sangre, cartuchos de balas, flores y luces para, con sus creaciones, mostrarnos cómo viven su día a día en esas metrópolis. Estas obras, que corresponden a más de 150 artistas estudiados, no están exentas de las contradicciones del entorno donde surgen. Elaboradas bajo un enfoque crítico buscan acercarnos a la ciudad con otra mirada para activar la reflexión y promover la participación ciudadana en el espacio público por ser nuestro lugar de encuentro y el más apropiado para debatir temas de interés colectivo. Palabras clave Latinoamérica, ciudad, arte, espacio público, globalización, cultura, urbanidad, sociedad. / [EN] Latin America is an extensive region made up of more than twenty very different countries, which form a multicultural continent, marked by an abundance of diversities, in a turbulent political frame and with one of the most elevated social inequality indexes worldwide. This context gives rise to one of the major urbanizations in the planet, generating metropoles which are found to be the most densely populated. The following Doctoral Thesis, titled Inhabiting the south. The Latin American city at the dawn of the XXI century through its exhibits of contemporaneous art, analyzes 19 exhibits of Latin American art that have taken place in the decade from 2009 to 2019 in five cities (Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Mexico City and Santiago) that have approached the urban theme and in which the socioeconomic context of the area is reflected. Their artists express themselves through various disciplines such as painting, sculpture, photography, installation, video art, performance and actions in the public place, with materials as diverse as paper, fabrics, plastic, dust, wood, concrete, debris, blood, bullet cartridges, flowers and light to, with their creations, show us how they live their day-to-day in these metropoles. These works, which correspond to more than 150 studied artists, are not exempt from the contradictions of the environment from which they originate. Created under a critical perspective, these works seek to bring us closer to the city with another viewpoint to ignite reflection and promote citizen participation in the public space, this being our meeting place and the most appropriate to debate topics of collective interest. Key words Latin America, city, art, public space, globalization, culture, urbanity, society. / [CA] Llatinoamèrica és una extensa regió formada per més de vint països molt diferents, que integren un continent pluricultural, marcat per gran quantitat de contrastos, en un marc polític convuls i amb un dels índexs de desigualtat social més elevat del món. En este context es registra una de les majors urbanitzacions del planeta generant metròpolis que es troben entre les més densament poblades. La present Tesi Doctoral, que porta per títol Habitar el sud. La ciutat llatinoamericana en els inicis del segle XXI a través de les seues exposicions d'art contemporani, analitza 19 exposicions d'art llatinoamericà que han tingut lloc en la dècada que va de 2009 a 2019 en cinc ciutats -Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Ciutat de Mèxic i Santiago- que han abordat el tema urbà i en les que es reflectix el context socioeconòmic actual de la zona. Els seus artistes s'expressen a través de diferents disciplines com la pintura, escultura, fotografia, instal·lació, videoart, performance i accions en l'espai públic, amb materials tan diversos com a paper, -te-les, plàstic, pols, fusta, concret, runes, sang, cartutxos de bales, flors i llums per a, amb les seues creacions, mostrar-nos com viuen el seu dia a dia en eixes metròpolis. Estes obres, que corresponen a més de 150 artistes estudiats, no está exemptes de les contradiccions de l'entorn on sorgixen. Elaborades davall un enfocament crític busquen acostar-nos a la ciutat amb una altra mirada per a activar la reflexió i promoure la participació ciutadana en l'espai públic per ser el nostre lloc de trobada i el més apropiat per a debatre temes d'interés col·lectiu. Paraules clau Llatinoamèrica, ciutat, art, espai públic, globalització, cultura, urbanitat, societat. / Alceste Trujillo, M. (2020). HABITAR EL SUR. La ciudad latinoamericana en los inicios del siglo XXI a través de sus exposiciones de arte contemporáneo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153383
1208 |
Electoral campaigning in Latin America's new democracies: The Southern ConeEspindola, Roberto January 2007 (has links)
No / This book examines how political communication and the mass media have played a central role in the consolidation of emerging democracies around the world.
Covering a broad range of political and cultural contexts, including Eastern and Southern Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa, this new volume investigates the problems and conflicts arising in the process of establishing an independent media and competitive politics in post-autocratic societies. Considering the changing dynamic in the relationship between political actors, the media and their audience, the authors of this volume address the following issues:
Changing journalistic role perceptions and journalistic quality
The reasons and consequences of persisting instrumentalization of the media by political actors
The role of the media in election campaigns
The way in which the citizens interpret political messages and the extent to which the media influence political attitudes and electoral behaviour
The role of the Internet in building a democratic public sphere.
1209 |
Desecularisation of the State and Sacred Secularism: Politics and Religion in Mexico within the Latin-American ContextMora Duro, Carlos Nazario 13 February 2025 (has links)
Recent political conflicts have highlighted the influence of religious actors and organisations in the public spheres of Latin American countries. The Pentecostal Evangelical movement in Colombia was crucial to the success of the ‘No’ campaign in the 2016 plebiscite, in which citizens rejected the peace agreement between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). In Brazil, evangelical congregations played a central role during the 2016 impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, and in the subsequent rise of Jair Bolsonaro. In Bolivia, evangelical leaders and conservative elements of the Catholic Church alike supported the 2019 coup against Evo Morales. In Mexico, the 2018 rise of left-wing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been accompanied by criticism of his proximity to religious actors, and his moralising political rhetoric. Some authors have even described the Mexican leader as a politician with messianic overtones. Against this background, it is worth asking what the implications of the recent convergence between politics and religion in Latin America are. To answer this question, we must avoid the oversimplification of suggesting a singular process of religious advance in Latin American societies. It is important to instead highlight the complex interaction of: 1) the process of secularisation (involving both secularism and secularity) in the region, 2) the trend towards pluralisation of the religious field, 3) the concurrence of counter-secular expressions in the public space, 4) and the occurrence of conflict in the political arena. Although secularisation in Latin America historically emerged as a process of distinction of the political sphere, I argue here that it is currently expressed as a democratic ideal through the process of the dispersal in society of certain secular notions favouring state autonomy, especially in those countries that maintain the secularism legally established in the nineteenth century. My approach raises the question of how the boundaries between religion and the state in Mexico have been defined historically, and what the current status of this differentiation is. I also advance the analytical notion of sacred secularism, as a principle and expectation in the public space.
1210 |
Les relations économiques, commerciales et financières entre le Pérou et la France : diplomatie économique, coopération technique et stratégies des entreprises françaises (1945-1975) / The economic and financial relations between France and Peru : economic diplomacy, technical cooperation and the strategies of French companies (1945-1975)Cayo Durand de Geist, Getsiva 16 January 2019 (has links)
La Seconde Guerre mondiale avait complétement interrompu les échanges entre la France et le Pérou. En revanche, au cours des Trente Glorieuses, la France réussit à rétablir une position appréciable au sein de l’économie péruvienne. Grâce à une diplomatie économique active et un engagement diversifié des entreprises privées et publiques, la France devint un partenaire notable de la coopération technique. Ce pays joua un rôle important dans les programmes d’industrialisation et de modernisation du Pérou. Cette thèse s’interroge sur l’évolution et la structure des relations économiques franco-péruviennes entre 1945 et 1975. L’étude se penche sur les échanges commerciaux ainsi que sur les domaines des échanges financiers, de l’industrie et de la coopération technique, combinant des analyses macro et micro-économiques. Il s’agira d’analyser les stratégies et performances des entreprises françaises au sein des grands projets au Pérou en considérant les succès et les limites de leurs engagements. Ainsi, la thèse présente une étude nuancée à propos d’un sujet jamais étudié auparavant et cherche à contribuer d’une manière novatrice aux recherches sur l’histoire des relations entre l’Europe et les pays latino-américains ainsi que sur les rapports Nord-Sud. / The Second World War had completely severed the relations between France and Peru. Throughout the Golden Age of Capitalism, however, France managed to re-establish a considerable position within the Peruvian economy. Thanks to an active economic diplomacy and the various efforts of private and public companies, France became a notable partner in technical cooperation and played, henceforth, an important role in the Peruvian programmes of industrialisation and modernisation. This thesis deals with the evolution and structure of the economic relations between France and Peru from 1945 to 1975. Combining macro- and microeconomic methods, it equally investigates the bilateral trade relations as well as the domains of finance, industry and technical cooperation. The study analyses the strategies and performances of French companies in Peruvian large-scale projects considering their successes as well as their limits. In this way, the thesis presents a nuanced view on a subject, which has never been studied before. It contributes in an innovative way to the research on the relations between Europe and Latin America and between the Global North and South.
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