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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fundamentos jurídicos do meio ambiente criado e os principais instrumentos de proteção do patrimônio ambiental cultural material

Boch, Queli Mewius 01 April 2011 (has links)
O meio ambiente cultural, composto de natureza e cultura, é parte integrante do direito ambiental, e sua proteção caracteriza-se como direito constitucional fundamental de todo cidadão, vez que visa a manter viva a história e identidade de um povo, evitando dissipar a geração antecedente daquelas que ainda estão por vir. A preservação do patrimônio ambiental cultural pode ser considerada como o direito à preservação do meio ambiente cultural, que é meio para a garantia da sadia qualidade de vida humana. Os valores que retratam a proteção do patrimônio ambiental cultural estão presentes no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, com previsão constitucional, infraconstitucional e legislações esparsas, com caráter nacional e internacional, voltadas à proteção desse patrimônio de forma abrangente. A tutela do patrimônio ambiental cultural, que porta referência à ação, à memória e à identidade do povo brasileiro, encontra guarida nos principais instrumentos jurídicos de tutela administrativa e judicial dos bens culturais, bem como naqueles de ordem local, regulamentados no Estatuto da Cidade e executados pelo Plano Diretor Municipal, os quais buscam tutelar e fiscalizar a proteção que faz jus o patrimônio cultural, mantendo preservado o meio ambiente cultural, histórico e paisagístico de uma comunidade, resguardando suas memórias históricas, suas origens, seus costumes e, em especial, sua identidade. A preservação do meio ambiente histórico e cultural de uma localidade, cidade ou região, deve ser incentivada na atual sociedade, pela própria comunidade local, que deverá reconhecer o valor intrínseco de cada bem que pretende ver preservado, bem como mediante políticas públicas que visem não deixar cair no esquecimento a história do povo que a colonizou, evitando dissipar a memória da geração antecedente. / The cultural environment, consisting of nature and culture, is an integral part of environmental law and its protection is characterized as a fundamental constitutional right of every citizen, as it seeks to keep alive the history and identity of a people, preventing the absorption of previous generation from those who are yet to come. The preservation of cultural heritage environment can be considered as the right to preservation of cultural environment, which is the way to guarantee healthy quality of life. The values that reflect the cultural heritage protection environment are present in Brazilian law, with constitutional and infra-constitutional provision and sparse legislation, with national and international character, that aim to protect this heritage in a comprehensive manner. The preservation of the cultural heritage environment, which carries a reference to action, memory and identity of the Brazilian people, find shelter in the main legal instruments for administrative and judicial protection of cultural property, as well as those of local order, regulated by the Statute of the City and performed by the Municipal Master Plan, which seek to protect and enforce the protection that lives up the cultural heritage preserved by keeping the cultural environment, history and landscape of a community, protecting its historic memories, their origins, their habits and, in particular, their identity. The preservation of historic and cultural environment of a city, town or region should be encouraged in today´s society, by the local community itself, which should recognize the intrinsic value of each item you want to see preserved as well as through public policies that do not allow the history of the colonized people to be forgotten, avoiding dispel the memory of the previous generation.

Die verband tussen gemeentebouprosesse en missionale gemeenteontwikkeling : ’n prakties teologiese studie (Afrikaans)

Ungerer, Andre Gerhardus 23 October 2010 (has links)
This study deals with the process of building up the local congregation and the manner in which missional objectives are achieved. The study is undertaken against the background of the disturbing decline in membership numbers particularly in the two traditional Reformational churches in South Africa, namely the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) and the Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa. This decline is in line with similar tendencies in mainstream churches the world over. Collins’s (2006) three questions to the local congregation constitute the point of departure. Firstly: To what degree does the congregation function effectively in line with her mission in the world? Secondly: To what extent does the congregation make a distinct impact on the community? If the congregation were to disappear all of a sudden – will it leave a serious void in the community? The third question deals with sustainability: Is the congregation’s long term impact of such nature that its success is not just attributable to a single leader. The three questions have been adapted according to Collins’s process model (2001) and the key aspects of the theory of building up the local church are discussed in Chapters 2 and 3. The bulk of Chapter 2 deals with the very important matter of the missio Dei and discusses how the congregation should discover and enact her missional calling in the local community. The study furthermore deals with mission in the current South African context, particularly in view of the fact that an entirely new mission field has opened itself up with the influx into the country of so many people from neighboring countries who have come to live in our midst. Chapter 4 deals with the empirical testing associated with the study to establish if the study’s hypothesis, namely whether local churches that have undergone a structured process of building up the local church are missionally more successful than those that have not undergone a structured process, can be verified. The findings in this regard are dealt with in Chapter 5, while certain aspects that characterize the missional congregation in current times are also discussed. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

A Theatre for Change: Applying Community Based Drama Practices into Ontario Middle Schools

Harrison, Kiersten Rose January 2012 (has links)
Teachers have an undeniable influence on youth, on whose shoulders tomorrow rests. It is vital for teachers to be conscious of their role in both the local and global community in order to facilitate occasions for students to develop a sense of global consciousness. By imparting to students the desire to learn and to explore their interactions with things, people and experiences, and actively pursue knowledge, they develop critical literacy skills required to both acquire understanding and be(come) understood. Through this research study, the implications of applying David Diamond’s community drama work called Theatre for Living, as an effective and critical literacy practice to enhance social conciousness within a middle school, is assesssed. The program was implemented in a split grade 7/8 and grade 8 classroom in southwestern Ontario. The study exemplifies for educators a practical yet significant step for initializing and developing a broad sense of awareness in students; that is the sense of global consciousness.

Vymezení konceptu komunitní školy v českém školském systému / The Definition of community school concept in the Czech educational system

Lauermann, Marek January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation is designed as a theoretical research study, whose aim is to explore the possibilities of mapping and development of the community aspect of schools. This field of study is still relatively unexplored. The goal of this dissertation is to outline theoretically the concept of a Community school, and to stress the change of paradigm of current education and focus on how the role of school changes in current society. The dissertation also focuses on theoretical aspects of school perception and current scientific knowledge in given area. The research focuses on the analysis and characteristics of the Community school model. Further goal of the empirical research was to determine whether there is a reliable instrument to help identify the type and quality of a given Community school, identify a basic typological distribution of Community schools in the Czech Republic, identify how individual concepts of Community schools differ in the content and delivery of their curricula, and how are principles of Community schools interconnected with the principles of inclusive education, and in particular with the provision of equal opportunities. The qualitative research was carried out in five elementary schools in the Czech Republic that identify themselves as Community schools. These five...

Strategická společenská odpovědnost firem / Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility

Urbanová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis is dedicated to strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR) and to the concept of creating shared value (CSV). It analyses the difference between CSV and common business philanthropy which is based on allocation of some part of their profit. It shows the connection between business and civic society. Currently the companies realise that their success is related to the well-being of the society in which they work. Therefore - when adopting the concept of CSV companies focus on the field in which they are active in their core business. The thesis concentrates on partnering business companies with civic society organisations. This is based on the belief that social and economic aims coincide. This partnership is a challenge to find a solution to common social issues. It should gain profit to both sides. The theory of this thesis is complemented by a research and analysis of interviews with respondents from both business and civic companies.

Компаративни ефекти музичких фестивала на локалну заједницу и туризам EXIT versus SZIGET / Komparativni efekti muzičkih festivala na lokalnu zajednicu i turizam EXIT versus SZIGET / Comparative impacts of music festivals on local communities and tourism - EXIT versus SZIGET

Prodanović Stamenović Aleksandra 29 September 2015 (has links)
<p>По истраживању Туристичке организације Србије (ТОС) догађаји&nbsp; су први&nbsp; на листи туристичких мотива за долазак страних туриста у нашу земљу. Манифестациони туризам&nbsp; је због тога истакнут у &bdquo;Стратегији развоја туризма Србије&ldquo;&nbsp; као веома значајан сегмент развоја туризма у Србији, али и као компаративна предност домаћег туризма.&nbsp; Према подацима Туристичке организације Војводине, у Војводини се годишње одржи 1382 манифестације. Једна од најважнијих манифестација је&nbsp; EXIT фестивал који се већ 15 година одржава у Новом Саду.&nbsp; Овај фестивал је уврштен у 10 најбољих европских фестивала. Маркетинг стратегија Војводине предлаже да се у развоју туризма следи пример Мађарске. У Мађарској се у току године одржи&nbsp; више<br />од 3000 фестивала који привлаче 18-20 милиона посетилаца из Мађарске&nbsp; и<br />иностранства,&nbsp; што говори о значају који туризам догађаја има на туризам Мађарске. Будимпешта је главни град Републике Мађарске. Налази се на 300&nbsp; km&nbsp; од Новог Сада и изузетно је посећена туристичка дестинација. Један од значајнијих туристичких догађаја у&nbsp; Будимпешти је музички фестивал&nbsp; SZIGET,&nbsp; који окупља велики број извођача и посетиоце из преко 70 различитих земаља, чиме доприноси позитивном имиџу Будимпеште на туристичкој мапи Европе.</p><p>Локално становништво&nbsp; је битан стејкхолдер у развоју туристиче дестинације. У&nbsp; вези са одређеним подручјем и животном средином, има много бољи осећај за то шт а су реалне потребе тог подручја, као и јаснију визију будућег развоја, него централна управа.&nbsp; Због наведеног је потребно укључити визије, жеље и потребе, потенцијале и ентузијазам локалне заједнице у планове за будући развој</p><p>&nbsp; С обзиром да&nbsp; је врло мало&nbsp; истраживања о ефектима музичких фестивала на локалну заједницу&nbsp; наших простора, анкетирани су становници Новог Сада и Будимпеште, о ефектима које&nbsp; EXIT&nbsp; и&nbsp; SZIGET&nbsp; фестивали&nbsp; остварују, применом модификоване&nbsp; FSIAS скале.&nbsp; Сакупљено је укупно&nbsp; 505&nbsp; валидних&nbsp; упитника&nbsp; који&nbsp; су даље&nbsp; коришћени&nbsp; у статистичким анализама.&nbsp; Применом експлоративне факторске анализе утврђена је&nbsp; двофакторска структура модификоване&nbsp; FSIAS&nbsp; скале, а фактори су именовани на следећи начин: Ф1&nbsp; позитивни&nbsp; ефекти&nbsp; -&nbsp; друштвене користи&nbsp; и&nbsp; Ф2&nbsp; негативни ефекти&nbsp; -друштвени трошкови фестивала.<br />Истраживањем се дошло до сазнања да локално становништво&nbsp; Новог Сада и<br />Будимпеште више перципира позитивне него негативне ефекте фестивала на локалну заједницу, при чему испитаници из Новог Сада обе групе ефеката оцењују вишим просечним оценама у односу на испитанике из Будимпеште. Такође, истраживањем је потврђено да&nbsp; фестивали доприносе развоју туризма, промоцији и имиџу дестинације. Утврђено&nbsp; је које су&nbsp; и&nbsp; јаке тачке оба фестивала, а на које ставке би менаџмет требао више утицати како би се позитивни ефекти мултипликовали, као и који&nbsp; ефекти&nbsp; могу бити занемарени&nbsp; по мишљењу локалног становништва, а да фестивал не губи на квалитету.</p><p>Социјални утицаји на локалну заједницу нису универзални, оно што има важан утицај у једној заједници може имати занемарљив утицај у другој заједници.</p> / <p>Po istraživanju Turističke organizacije Srbije (TOS) događaji&nbsp; su prvi&nbsp; na listi turističkih motiva za dolazak stranih turista u našu zemlju. Manifestacioni turizam&nbsp; je zbog toga istaknut u &bdquo;Strategiji razvoja turizma Srbije&ldquo;&nbsp; kao veoma značajan segment razvoja turizma u Srbiji, ali i kao komparativna prednost domaćeg turizma.&nbsp; Prema podacima Turističke organizacije Vojvodine, u Vojvodini se godišnje održi 1382 manifestacije. Jedna od najvažnijih manifestacija je&nbsp; EXIT festival koji se već 15 godina održava u Novom Sadu.&nbsp; Ovaj festival je uvršten u 10 najboljih evropskih festivala. Marketing strategija Vojvodine predlaže da se u razvoju turizma sledi primer Mađarske. U Mađarskoj se u toku godine održi&nbsp; više<br />od 3000 festivala koji privlače 18-20 miliona posetilaca iz Mađarske&nbsp; i<br />inostranstva,&nbsp; što govori o značaju koji turizam događaja ima na turizam Mađarske. Budimpešta je glavni grad Republike Mađarske. Nalazi se na 300&nbsp; km&nbsp; od Novog Sada i izuzetno je posećena turistička destinacija. Jedan od značajnijih turističkih događaja u&nbsp; Budimpešti je muzički festival&nbsp; SZIGET,&nbsp; koji okuplja veliki broj izvođača i posetioce iz preko 70 različitih zemalja, čime doprinosi pozitivnom imidžu Budimpešte na turističkoj mapi Evrope.</p><p>Lokalno stanovništvo&nbsp; je bitan stejkholder u razvoju turističe destinacije. U&nbsp; vezi sa određenim područjem i životnom sredinom, ima mnogo bolji osećaj za to št a su realne potrebe tog područja, kao i jasniju viziju budućeg razvoja, nego centralna uprava.&nbsp; Zbog navedenog je potrebno uključiti vizije, želje i potrebe, potencijale i entuzijazam lokalne zajednice u planove za budući razvoj</p><p>&nbsp; S obzirom da&nbsp; je vrlo malo&nbsp; istraživanja o efektima muzičkih festivala na lokalnu zajednicu&nbsp; naših prostora, anketirani su stanovnici Novog Sada i Budimpešte, o efektima koje&nbsp; EXIT&nbsp; i&nbsp; SZIGET&nbsp; festivali&nbsp; ostvaruju, primenom modifikovane&nbsp; FSIAS skale.&nbsp; Sakupljeno je ukupno&nbsp; 505&nbsp; validnih&nbsp; upitnika&nbsp; koji&nbsp; su dalje&nbsp; korišćeni&nbsp; u statističkim analizama.&nbsp; Primenom eksplorativne faktorske analize utvrđena je&nbsp; dvofaktorska struktura modifikovane&nbsp; FSIAS&nbsp; skale, a faktori su imenovani na sledeći način: F1&nbsp; pozitivni&nbsp; efekti&nbsp; -&nbsp; društvene koristi&nbsp; i&nbsp; F2&nbsp; negativni efekti&nbsp; -društveni troškovi festivala.<br />Istraživanjem se došlo do saznanja da lokalno stanovništvo&nbsp; Novog Sada i<br />Budimpešte više percipira pozitivne nego negativne efekte festivala na lokalnu zajednicu, pri čemu ispitanici iz Novog Sada obe grupe efekata ocenjuju višim prosečnim ocenama u odnosu na ispitanike iz Budimpešte. Takođe, istraživanjem je potvrđeno da&nbsp; festivali doprinose razvoju turizma, promociji i imidžu destinacije. Utvrđeno&nbsp; je koje su&nbsp; i&nbsp; jake tačke oba festivala, a na koje stavke bi menadžmet trebao više uticati kako bi se pozitivni efekti multiplikovali, kao i koji&nbsp; efekti&nbsp; mogu biti zanemareni&nbsp; po mišljenju lokalnog stanovništva, a da festival ne gubi na kvalitetu.</p><p>Socijalni uticaji na lokalnu zajednicu nisu univerzalni, ono što ima važan uticaj u jednoj zajednici može imati zanemarljiv uticaj u drugoj zajednici.</p> / <p>According to Tourist Organization of Serbia (TOS) research events are the first motive for<br />arrival of foreign tourists in our country. Event&nbsp; tourism is therefore one of the pillars in<br />&bdquo;Tourism Development Strategy of Serbia&quot; as a very important segment, as a comparative<br />advantage of domestic tourism. According to Tourist Organization of Vojvodina, 1382&nbsp;<br />events are annually held in Vojvodina. One&nbsp; of the most important manifestations is the<br />EXIT festival, held in Novi Sad for 15 years. This festival has been listed as one of the top<br />10 European festivals. In development of tourism Marketing Strategy of Vojvodina suggests<br />following the example of Hungary. In period of one year more than 3000 festivals are held<br />in Hungary which are attracting 18-20 million of visitors from Hungary and abroad, that fact<br />indicates importance of events in Hungarian tourism. Budapest is the capital of Republic of<br />Hungary.&nbsp; It is 300 km away from Novi Sad and it is highly visited tourist destination. One<br />of the most important tourism events in Budapest is Sziget music festival, which gathers a<br />large number of performers and visitors from more than 70 different countries. Therefore<br />Sziget festival is contributing to the positive image of Budapest on European tourist map.<br />Local population is an important stakeholder in development of tourist destinations. In<br />relation to specific area and environment local population can have better sense of what are<br />real needs, what is more sustainable and can gain more benefit in future development, than<br />the central government. As result it is necessary to include vision, desires and needs,<br />potentials and enthusiasm of local community in plans for future development.<br />As there are no studies on effects of music festivals on local community in our area, this<br />scientific research investigated local population perception on effects of music festivals. The<br />survey about effects of Exit and Sziget festival sampled residents from Novi Sad and<br />Budapest. Appropriate sampling collected total of 505 valid surveys that are used in<br />statistical analysis. Modified FSIAS scale showed positive and negative effects of festival<br />and what significance these effects have on local community.<br />The&nbsp; results of the&nbsp; study&nbsp; show&nbsp; that local population from Novi Sad and Budapest&nbsp; perceives<br />more positive effects from festivals than negative effects. Respondents from Novi Sad&nbsp; gave<br />higher average grades for both groups of effects. Also, the results confirmed that festivals<br />contibute to tourism development, promotion and image of destination.<br />Strong points&nbsp; or strengths&nbsp; of both festivals were determined as well as areas that should be<br />more influenced by management so positive effects could be multiplied. Also low priority<br />or possible overkill&nbsp; points&nbsp; are defined&nbsp; and&nbsp; can be ignored, as they are not&nbsp; influencing<br />quality of festival.<br />Social impacts on local community are not universal, those that have important impact on<br />one community may have a negligible effect on the other.</p>

La représentation sociale des soins palliatifs chez un groupe de professionels de CLSC

Bellavance, Marjolaine 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Homage to Everyday People

Chun, Sang Ja 11 August 2011 (has links)
Influenced by an ever-growing sense of alienation with my homeland, I have been determined to discover through my art practice an ability to challenge conventional notions of home, identity, communication and miscommunication. Exploring these themes, I became increasingly aware of the parallels between everyday life and art practice. By creatively connecting with a diverse amount of local people and their communities, I fulfilled desires to discover a sense of belonging and generated opportunities for others to break through traditional social boundaries and roles.

The effect of entitlement and patronage on empowerment : a case study on a development project in Bangladesh

Eschbach, Philipp 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Sustainable development empowers poverty-affected people and communities by strengthening their capabilities. HRDP, a Bangladeshi development agency aims to achieve this goal by offering literacy classes and primary school edu-cation. In recent years, they have encountered obstacles to their empowerment strategy. Socio-cultural mediated expectations and moral obligations impeded the capability approach. This case study seeks to research the effects of entitlement and patronage on the empowerment of people in one of their projects. To be able to understand these structures and to determine possible implications for the asset-based ap-proach, 14 interviews and two focus-group discussions with local stakeholders have been conducted in the village of Gabtali, Bangladesh. Findings revealed that people desire to invest their own assets to increase their well-being, but expect assistance for this to happen. The study suggests align-ing expectations and obligations with the capability approach and also suggests a few ideas how this could be accomplished. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development studies)

Can local-community-paradigm and epitopological learning enhance our understanding of how local brain connectivity is able to process, learn and memorize chronic pain?

Narula, Vaibhav, Zippo, Antonio Giuliano, Muscoloni, Alessandro, Biella, Gabriele Eliseo M., Cannistraci, Carlo Vittorio 04 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The mystery behind the origin of the pain and the difficulty to propose methodologies for its quantitative characterization fascinated philosophers (and then scientists) from the dawn of our modern society. Nowadays, studying patterns of information flow in mesoscale activity of brain networks is a valuable strategy to offer answers in computational neuroscience. In this paper, complex network analysis was performed on the time-varying brain functional connectomes of a rat model of persistent peripheral neuropathic pain, obtained by means of local field potential and spike train analysis. A wide range of topological network measures (14 in total, the code is publicly released at: https://github.com/biomedical-cybernetics/topological_measures_wide_analysis) was employed to quantitatively investigate the rewiring mechanisms of the brain regions responsible for development and upkeep of pain along time, from three hours to 16 days after nerve injury. The time trend (across the days) of each network measure was correlated with a behavioural test for rat pain, and surprisingly we found that the rewiring mechanisms associated with two local topological measure, the local-community-paradigm and the power-lawness, showed very high statistical correlations (higher than 0.9, being the maximum value 1) with the behavioural test. We also disclosed clear functional connectivity patterns that emerged in association with chronic pain in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and ventral posterolateral (VPL) nuclei of thalamus. This study represents a pioneering attempt to exploit network science models in order to elucidate the mechanisms of brain region re-wiring and engram formations that are associated with chronic pain in mammalians. We conclude that the local-community-paradigm is a model of complex network organization that triggers a local learning rule, which seems associated to processing, learning and memorization of chronic pain in the brain functional connectivity. This rule is based exclusively on the network topology, hence was named epitopological learning.

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