Spelling suggestions: "subject:" dorganisations"" "subject:" d'organisations""
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Facklig gränspolitik : Landsorganisationens invandrings- och invandrarpolitik 1946 - 2009Yalcin, Zeki January 2010 (has links)
This thesis concerns the trade union reaction to immigration as a phenomenon and toimmigrants as a labour force on the Swedish labour market. It concerns trade union politicsregarding immigration and immigrants, from the political decision taken in 1946 to recruitworkers from other countries because of the labour shortage in Sweden, to 2009 when theconflict in the Swedish town of Vaxholm, that was a consequence of the EU’s expansion to theeast and which received such enormous attention in the Swedish media, was given its finalverdict and the continued existence of the “Swedish model” was placed under question. Thestudy focuses on the labour movement’s central trade union organisation in Sweden, in otherwords the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (Landsorganisationen, or LO as it is commonlyabbreviated in Sweden).The basis for the thesis has been that the process of immigration must naturally in the longterm lead to the addition of workers on the labour market, and consequently increasedcompetition amongst workers. The question has been how the interest organisation LO, whoseprimary mission is to protect the wage rates and social conditions for its members, and whichhas the restriction of competition as an overriding strategy, would handle the phenomenon ofimmigration and the existence of immigrants as a labour force on the Swedish labour marketand within the trade union movement, during the course of the study. The choice of LO as afundamental starting point for the study, being as it is an interest organisation with the shorttermobjective of protecting its members’ interests, but also given the organisation’s more longtermobjectives of being an important actor on the labour market and within society, hasinfluenced the choice of the thesis’ central theoretical concepts; strategy, restriction ofcompetition, calculability, power and hegemony. This very starting point, but also the natureof the source materials and a reflection over the immigration process (from immigration toimmigrant workers on the labour market and finally to trade union members), has meant that Ihave chosen to structure the thesis and present my findings based on three different problemareas. I have chosen to refer to these problem areas as boundaries, there LO have dealt withvarious problems concerning the phenomena of immigration and immigrants on the Swedishlabour market, as well as problems related to some of its own members having foreignbackgrounds. These boundaries consist firstly of an outer boundary that is a physicalboundary, coincident with national boundaries and influencing immigration politics, there LOwas able to consider the scope of the immigration process and make calculations about whatthe resultant addition of new workers, that is a natural consequence of the immigrationprocess, would mean for the labour market. Secondly an inner boundary, that encompasses thelabour market but is more transparent to members of society and influences immigrant politics,there LO was able to consider the terms and conditions that should be made available to theimmigrant workers, in general within society and in particular on the labour market. Finally aninnermost boundary, encompassing the trade union membership, there LO was able to managethe terms and conditions for the immigrant workers within the trade union movement.The thesis’ overriding objective has been to examine LO’s strategies for these threeboundary areas and to see if there is a coherent pattern behind LO’s actions on these threevarying levels. A more theoretical objective with this thesis has been to examine if the possiblepatterns that would appear in LO’s actions within these three boundary areas, could bediscussed from the perspective of a power structure.
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Kaunokirjallisuus suomalaiselle yleiselle kirjastolle haasteena, rasitteena ja mahdollisuutena:historiallis-argumentatiivinen tarkastelu suomalaisen yleisen kirjastolaitoksen suhteesta kaunokirjallisuuteen ja kirjalliseen järjestelmäänTuomi, P. (Pirjo) 25 April 2017 (has links)
The aim of the study is to indicate the role of fiction in the institutionalisation and subsequent developments of the Finnish public library in view of the traditions of literary sociology and organisation studies. To indicate and open this connection, the study depicts the relationship of professional librarianship in the public library to the literary system, and scrutinises the options this cultural and historical connection could provide to both the public library and other agents of the literary system today and in the future.
The public library acquires, stores, intermediates, and advances fiction, using methods developed as a kind of innovation, and spread from one country to another as a result of the institutional isomorphic change. The public library emerged in the 19th century to fulfil informational-educational aims, but it developed quickly into the library or the readers. In view of this study, the questions of book selection of fiction in particular became a challenge for the public libraries that had to make compromises demanded by their environments.
Later, in the 1960s, the challenges related to fiction in public libraries became more typically social. The library’s functions and tasks started to widen, and fiction became only one type of material among others—though still one favoured by the users of the library. Within the public library too, as well as within the literary field, one still discussed the criteria of fiction selection in the 1980s.
The role of the public library as a cultural agency further weakened in the 1990s, when new tasks based on the objectives of the information society were posed to the library. In light of this and in view of the modern hybrid library, fiction and all printed material started to seem old-fashioned. In the 2000s, one indeed started to build the public library as a modern service agency where the significance of the space was emphasised at the expense of the collection.
The study indicates that by emphasising the particular role of the public library as an agent of the literary system, one perhaps could enrich the whole literary system and its concept as well as affect the legitimacy and sufficiency of the resources of small libraries especially. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on osoittaa kirjallisuussosiologisen ja organisaatiotutkimuksen tutkimusperinteitä hyödyntäen, minkälainen rooli kaunokirjallisuudella on erityisesti suomalaisen yleisen kirjaston institutionalisoitumisessa sekä myöhemmässä kehityksessä. Yhteyden osoittamiseksi ja avaamiseksi kuvaillaan yleisen kirjaston ja kirjastoammatillisuuden suhdetta kaunokirjalliseen järjestelmään, sekä tarkastellaan mahdollisuuksia, joita tämä kulttuurinen ja historiallinen sidos voi tarjota tänä päivänä ja tulevaisuudessa sekä yleiselle kirjastolle että kirjallisen järjestelmän muille toimijoille.
Yleinen kirjasto hankkii, säilyttää, välittää ja edistää kaunokirjallisuutta käyttäen eräänlaisina innovaatioina kehittyneitä erityisiä menetelmiä, jotka ovat levinneet maasta toiseen yleisen kirjaston ja kirjastoammatillisuuden institutionaalisen samankaltaistumisen seurauksena. Yleinen kirjasto syntyi 1800-luvulla toteuttamaan tiedollis-sivistyksellisiä päämääriä, mutta nopeasti siitä kehittyi lukijoiden kirjasto. Tämän tutkimuksen näkökulmasta erityisesti kertomakirjallisuuden kirjavalinnan kysymyksistä tulikin yleiselle kirjastolle haaste, jossa jouduttiin tekemään toimintaympäristöstä johtuvia kompromisseja.
Myöhemmin 1960-luvulla yleisen kirjaston kaunokirjallisuuteen liittyvät haasteet muuttuivat enemmän yhteiskunnallisiksi. Sen toimintoja ja tehtäväkenttää alettiin laajentaa, ja kaunokirjallisuudesta tuli kirjastossa vain yksi – tosin kirjastonkäyttäjien edelleen suosima – aineisto. Tosin sekä yleisen kirjaston sisällä että kirjallisella kentällä keskusteltiin vielä 1980-luvullakin kaunokirjallisen kokoelman valintakriteereistä.
Yleisen kirjaston asema kulttuurilaitoksena heikkeni edelleen, kun 1990-luvulla kirjastolle asetettiin tietoyhteiskunnan tavoitteiden mukaisia uusia tehtäviä. Kaunokirjallisuus ja koko painettu kirjallisuus aineistona alkoivat tässä valossa ja modernin hybridikirjaston näkökulmasta näyttäytyä vanhanaikaisina. Yleisestä kirjastosta alettiinkin 2000-luvulla rakentaa modernia palvelulaitosta, jossa tilan merkitys korostui kokoelman kustannuksella.
Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, että korostamalla yleisen kirjaston erityislaatuista roolia kirjallisen järjestelmän toimijana voitaisiin rikastuttaa koko kirjallista järjestelmää ja sen käsitettä sekä mahdollisesti lisätä erityisesti pienten kirjastojen legitimiteettiä ja resurssien riittävyyttä.
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The role of water regimes in the promotion of hydrosolidarity in the Southern African Development Community (SADC): The case of the SADC Water Sector and the Orange-Senqu Commission (ORASECOM)Nienaber, Shanna January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to develop a framework that makes explicit some of the core
norms and indicators of hydrosolidarity and to assess whether regional and basin-level
multilateral water regimes in SADC are able to promote and apply the identified norms and
indicators. This is a relevant aim given that water availability and provision is a challenge in
this water scarce region. This is further complicated by the reality that transboundary water
contains 68 percent of the area of the SADC region; it provides for 74 percent of the region’s
people and constitutes 91 percent of the available surface water resources in the region. In a
region where fresh water is both fundamentally scarce and shared, it becomes critical to best
govern water so as to respond to the needs of water-related ecosystems which transcend
political boundaries as well as the complex spectrum of social actors and forces that place
demands on the resource. Hydrosolidarity is a concept that aims to respond to this
challenge. The concept has not, however, been distilled into a framework for analysing the
effectiveness of transboundary water governance. Also, International Relations (IR) has
extensive scholarship on the closely related ideas of cooperation, regimes and international
organisations. This literature has not, however, been systematically linked to a framework for
analysing whether water regimes can deliver on the indicators of hydrosolidarity.
This context gives rise to a core research question which focused on the extent to which
SADC Water Sector (WS) (a regional water regime) and the Orange-Senqu River Basin
Commission (ORASECOM) (a basin level water regime) can foster hydrosolidarity in
Southern Africa. The assumption and thesis statement is that water regimes in SADC offer a
partial promotion of hydrosolidarity by developing cooperative institutional structures that
allow for the development of norms and standards of behaviour, but are not able to create
enhanced integration and linkages beyond the water sector or to deal with issues relating to
holistic stakeholder participation. This research question is unpacked through four subquestions.
The first question considers the extent to which hydrosolidarity contributes to an
understanding of an ideal for transboundary water governance. The second analyses
whether water regimes can foster hydrosolidarity. The third considers if regional and basinlevel
water regimes exist in SADC, and if so, how they manifest. The last considers whether
SADC WS and ORASECOM do actually foster hydrosolidarity in practise.
The task of developing a theoretical framework for analysing hydrosolidarity in a
transboundary context results in a set of norms and indicators being clarified. The norms of
hydrosolidarity include cooperation and solidarity, equity, inclusivity, promotion of human
well-being and environmental sustainability around transboundary waters. Linked to these
norms are a set of indicators that can be used to identify and work towards hydrosolidarity.
These include striving for shared knowledge about transboundary rivers, enhanced
integration and linkages between relevant actors, issue areas and governance structures,
organisational structures for fostering transboundary water governance, stakeholder
involvement in transboundary water governance processes, and development of a normative
framework for transboundary water governance. These norms and indicators are also
systematically linked to the characteristics and functions of multilateral water regimes.
When applying this framework to the two case study areas, it emerges that SADC WS and
ORASECOM can only partially foster and promote the norms and indicators of
hydrosolidarity in SADC. Whilst all the norms and indicators are present in the agreements
and practices of the regimes, there are certain limitations to the extent to which the norms
and indicators can be entrenched. There are three main reasons for this. Firstly, the regimes
are confronted with various capacity constraints. Secondly, the regimes have a limited
advisory and technical mandate, meaning that they cannot enforce their recommendations or
actually implement anything in the domestic jurisdiction of member states without express
permission. Thirdly, the regime structure itself is limited by its theoretical assumptions which
emphasise the authority of states, the importance of state sovereignty and the importance of
a Western-centric, positivist type of scientific knowledge as being the most authoritative
statements of truth with which to guide policy. In order to fully achieve hydrosolidarity, a more complex set of actors needs to work in
collaboration with these water regimes. These other actors include national governments,
pre-existing bilateral arrangements in the basin, non-state actors and civil society.
The theoretical contribution of this dissertation from a water perspective is a clarification of
the norms and indicators of hydrosolidarity. From an IR perspective, it illustrates how
important a multi-theoretical lens is when analysing complex problems, as it helps to
elucidate the strengths and weaknesses of a variety of individual theoretical stances. The
practical contribution of this dissertation is to provide a clearer understanding of the capacity
of water regimes to deliver on the outlined norms and indicators of hydrosolidarity. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Political Sciences / unrestricted
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The alignment of Faith - Based Organisations’ (FBOs) services with the HIV and AIDS National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2007 - 2011 in Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM)Dhlamini, Velile Henrietta January 2014 (has links)
The HIV and Aids pandemic and its impact on socio-economic development in South Africa led to the development of the broad National Strategic Plan (NSP 2007-2011) with the aim to guide the country’s response to the pandemic. This document was the second plan post 1994, to deal with the pandemic, the first one being the NSP 2000-2005. However, despite addressing the HIV and Aids pandemic since the 1990s, national statistics indicate that the country still grapples with curbing the spread of new HIV infections.
The goal of the study was to investigate the alignment of the FBOs HIV and Aids service delivery with the NSP 2007-2011 in Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM). To achieve this goal, the study conceptualised and analysed the NSP 2007-2011 with regards to its implications for partnerships in addressing the HIV and Aids pandemic within the context of the social development approach. The study investigated the Faith-Based Organisations (FBOs) HIV and Aids service delivery, the main partners in the field and policy implementation, to establish the extent of their service alignment with the NSP 2007-2011 and to identify and describe elements required for service delivery necessary for alignment to the policy. A qualitative research approach, using a collective case study design was utilised for the study. Data was gathered by means of two focus group interviews with the HIV and Aids Projects’ managers/coordinators in the employment of the Christian-based FBOs in Ekurhuleni. Findings showed that most FBOs HIV and Aids service delivery focus on the management of the disease, and as a result neglect the grassroots and fundamental integrative prevention services. Some difficulties in the partnership between FBOs and government were found by the study, coupled with poor communication between government and FBOs leading to the isolation of FBOs in rendering HIV and Aids services. Research findings further revealed poor application of the NSP 2007-2011 elements of effective communications, partnerships, service coordination, monitoring and evaluation including provision of support through financial resources by government to enhance FBOs HIV and Aids service delivery.
The study concluded that the FBOs service delivery in the field of HIV and Aids in EMM is not in full alignment with the NSP 2007-2011. Furthermore, it was established that without an application of the developmental approach to facilitate the implementation of the NSP elements, FBOs HIV and Aids service delivery in alignment with the NSP 2007-2011, will be difficult to achieve. The study recommended that the NSP implementation must be based on the social development model to facilitate HIV and Aids service delivery linkages amongst government departments on a broad range of the interrelated development issues caused by the pandemic. It was also recommended that future National Strategic Plans should include social developmental themes, to ensure improved alignment of FBOs HIV and Aids service delivery, namely, a rights-based approach; partnerships; economic and social development; participation and a macro and micro focus. In particular, it was noted that government needs to strengthen its partnership with the FBOs and to provide intensified funding towards HIV and Aids service delivery. Further research should be conducted to establish how the NSP 2012-2016 (RSA, 2012) has incorporated these recommendations in order to fill the gaps identified in this study. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / lk2014 / Social Work and Criminology / MA / Unrestricted
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Les organisations paysannes en République du Congo : émergence et signification des dynamiques organisationnelles dans le secteur agricole en zones péri-urbaines et rurales / Rural organizations in Republic of Congo : emergence and significance of the dynamic organizational in agricultural sector in peri-urban and rural areasImbou-Ngalamou, Annick Judicaëlle 25 September 2015 (has links)
L’émergence des organisations paysannes en milieu périurbain et rural en République du Congo en particulier à Brazzaville et dans les Plateaux, s’inscrit dans une dualité de logiques : des logiques paysannes propres aux paysans eux-mêmes et, en même temps, des logiques institutionnelles sous l’impulsion des acteurs extérieurs, l’Etat, les ONG, les agences de coopération bilatérales et multilatérales. On voit donc apparaître de nouvelles dynamiques organisationnelles, ouvrant de nouveaux espaces à l’éruption d’acteurs sociaux qui, à travers des stratégies de positionnement et de promotion s’improvisent comme intermédiaires entre les flux financiers circulant dans ces milieux. Ces nouveaux acteurs se distinguent par leurs charisme, leurs compétences, leur connaissance endogène du milieu, leur appartenance sociale, et leur position dans l’arène locale. Elite, jeune, femme, religieuse, notable du village, etc., acquièrent ainsi une légitimité dans leur milieu, deviennent de véritables courtiers contrôlant les canaux de communication entre les donateurs et les paysans. Positionnement ou promotion, ces nouveaux acteurs jouent un rôle central dans l’arène des possibles. Quelles que soient leur origine, ces dynamiques n’enrayent pas les clivages qui ont existé et apparaissent actuellement sous des nouvelles formes, responsables de conflits entre les acteurs. Par ailleurs, l’aide au développement dont bénéficient les paysans et leurs groupements n’est assurément pas neutre. Elle véhicule l’idéologie des donateurs, et créée inévitablement des comportements d’adaptation des paysans aux exigences des structures d’appui et peut entraîner une perte au moins partielle de leur autonomie. / The emergence of peasant organizations in peri-urban and rural areas in Republic of Congo in particular with Brazzaville and in the Plateau, has a dual logical understanding; peasant farmers view and at the same time, institutional view influenced by external actors, the state, NGOs, bilateral and multilateral cooperation agencies. We see the emergence of new organizational dynamics, which lead to the creation of new spaces and the coming in of social actors who position themselves as intermediaries between financial flows circulating in these environments. These new players are distinguished by their charisma, their skills, their endogenous knowledge of the environment, social affiliation, and their position in the local arena. Elite, young, woman, religious, village elder, etc., they acquire legitimacy in their communities, become real brokers controlling the communication channels between donors and farmers. Whether self imposed or promoted, these new actors play a central role in the arena of possibilities. Whatever their origin, these dynamics do not wipe out the cleavages that have existed and still appear in new forms, the cause of conflicts between actors. In addition, development aid enjoyed by farmers and their associations is certainly not neutral. It conveys the ideology of donors, and influences the behavior of farmers to cope with the requirements of support structures and may result in different degrees of loss of their autonomy.
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The role of management support and shared understanding of 20 keys for continuous improvement: an employee perspectiveDe Morny, Charl January 2014 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / This study aimed to assess employee’s responses with regard to the implementation of a new workplace improvement programme. The purpose of this research was to focus on the understanding that could be gained about employee’s responses to organisational change using qualitative research
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Ethical leadership: an assessment of the level of moral reasoning of managers in a South African short-term insurance companyMorilly, Simon W. January 2013 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / Against the background of major corporate scandals internationally and in South Africa, questions are being asked about the level of morality of leaders in organisations. This study assessed the level of moral reasoning of senior managers in a South African company in the insurance industry. The study was based on Kohlberg’s Cognitive Moral Development (CMD) Theory and an assessment of key literature pieces relating to ethical leadership and business ethics. Research has demonstrated that ethical leaders have a significant influence on an organisation’s performance, reputation, sustainability, ethical climate and employee engagement. Globally and in the South African corporate context it is therefore important
for organisations to understand the capacity of its leaders to behave ethically so that appropriate interventions can be engaged in. More specifically, this study aimed to assess the level of moral reasoning of managers in a large South African organisation and examined the relationship between the variables age, gender, race, tenure and education on the one hand and the level of moral reasoning on
the other hand. This study also assessed the reliability of the Managerial Moral Judgment Test (MMJT). This study was a cross-sectional, quantitative study utilising a previously developed questionnaire, the Managerial Moral Judgment Test.
This study contributed to the very sparse body of knowledge of managerial moral reasoning in the South African business context, while the research results can be used to identify managerial training and development needs in ethics in the organisation studied. This study found that the moral reasoning levels of managers at the research site, is at the conventional level, while the variables age, gender, race, tenure and education have no significant influence on the level of moral reasoning. In addition, this study established the internal reliability of the Managerial Moral Judgment Test and located ethical leadership and business ethics in the literature.
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A qualitative exploration of gendered discourses of South African women in middle managementPauw, Annalie 17 October 2009 (has links)
This study is a qualitative exploration of the gendered discourses of South African women in middle management. It explores the locations and perspectives from which middle management women speak, the institutions and traditions that inform their discourses and the challenges to dominant discourses on gender present in their talk. It is conducted from a social constructionist framework. The broader South African context is fraught with a contradiction between policy and practice. South Africa’s progressive constitution does not erode women’s tenuous and vulnerable position as is seen in the high incidence of violence against women, sexual harassment and women’s specific vulnerability to and rates of HIV infection. This contradiction is also evident in the labour market where South Africa echoes a global tendency of the continuation of gender stratification in the workplace. This is characterised by a tendency towards gender traditional occupations, a continuing wage gap, discontinued career paths for women, gender stratification of task division at work and unequal work division on the home front. This results in continued gender stratification of management and executive management positions. Women make up approximately 50% of the global, economically active population yet they have not been successful in entering the management world with the same proportion. Using social constructionism and a focus on discourse, this study examines the discursive construction of the gender stratification of the workplace. It starts by exploring how available literature on the topic constructs the problem as related to internal and individual matters, societal and social factors or organisational and institutional processes. It further explores the developments in the field of gender, discourse and organisations. Interview data from semi-structured interviews with women in middle management are analysed using discourse analysis. Different and contradicting discourses emerge from this analysis illustrating different discourses and associated identity positions available to women. The discourse analysis shows how different and contradicting discourses support the status quo by structuring certain subject positions into desirable explications of femininity but also how these contradictions allow space for resistance. The study argues that establishing a feminine identity remains vital to participants and that this requires ‘identity footwork’ within complex and contradictory discursive positions. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Psychology / unrestricted
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Leda och bli ledd : En essä om moralens tvetydighet och det goda ledarskapet i idéburna organisationerHämäläinen-Karlström, Paula January 2017 (has links)
Abstract In this study I explore everyday leadership in a philosophical and existential perspective, based on a field study with three deep interviews with leaders for non-profit organisations that offers alternative social, school and care activities as a complement to the welfare that society provides. A fourth voice that is contributing to the study material and running throughout the text in reflections, discussions and analyses is mine, and thus my professional experiences are also part of the research material. Existentialism and the book of Simone de Beauvoir For the moral of ambiguity, together with Aristotle's thoughts of virtue and practical knowledge, are the basis in my philosophical approach to the field study in which I attempt to explore everyday leadership in the welfare sector. Factual evidence is taken from scientific reports, as well as from scientific literature. These are used for comparisons regarding the actuality of the study and the definition of concepts such as leadership. With the interview questions I seek to encourage conversations and reflections on how it is to be a leader in the encounter between one’s own inner conviction and the external circumstances in which the leader is located. The intention is to seek better understanding of leadership in a social organisation, and how the professional role interacts with the person who takes this role. Through conversations and reflections I investigate in what way the moral approach of leadership and how the interviewee relates to the context in which he or she is active. The leaders' experience, thoughts and reflections on their professional role constitute the basis for discussion and analysis. The conversation reflects the moral values and approaches of the interviewed leaders in the profession and, conversely, the impact of the professional role in the personal sphere. / Sammanfattning I denna essä som bygger på en fältstudie bestående av tre djupintervjuer med ledare för social och idéburen verksamhet inom vård, skola och omsorg utforskas vardagens ledarskap i ett filosofiskt och existentiellt perspektiv. Begreppet idéburna organisationer syftar till enskilda organisationer, vilka bedriver icke vinstdrivande verksamhet i syfte att komplettera samhällets insatser inom välfärdssektorn. En fjärde röst i essän som bidrar till studiematerialet och löper genom texten i reflexion, diskussion och analys är min egen, och mina yrkeserfarenheter utgör också en del av empirin. Existentialismen och filosofen Simone de Beauvoirs bok För en tvetydighetens moral är, tillsammans med Aristoteles’ tankar gällande dygd och praktisk kunskap, filosofiska ansatser i analysen och diskussionen av fältstudien om vardagligt ledarskap. Faktaunderlag hämtat från forskningsrapporter tillika med vetenskaplig litteratur utgör bollplank för jämförelser gällande studiens aktualitet till dagens situation och bestämning av begrepp som till exempel vad ledarskap innebär. Intervjufrågorna söker bjuda in till samtal och reflektioner om hur det är att vara ledare i mötet mellan en egen inre övertygelse och yttre omständigheter. Intentionen är att söka utforska hur det är att vara och arbeta som ledare för en social verksamhet, och hur den professionella rollen samverkar med människan som intar denna roll. I samtal och reflektioner undersöks hur ledarskapet och den intervjuades moraliska förhållningssätt relaterar till det sammanhang ledaren är verksam i. Ledarnas erfarenheter, tankar och reflektioner om sin yrkesroll är utgångspunkt för diskussion och analys. Samtalen speglar de intervjuade ledarnas moraliska värderingar och förhållningssätt i yrkesutövandet, och omvänt, vilken inverkan yrkesrollen har i den personliga sfären.
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Factors influencing disclosure and help-seeking practices of Nigerian women resident in England with lived experience of domestic violence and abuseFemi-Ajao, Omolade Ibiyinka January 2016 (has links)
Background: Domestic violence and abuse is a public health problem affecting more than one third of all women globally. It usually takes place between individuals in intimate relationships and/or within the family. In the United Kingdom (UK), while theoretical and policy interventions have led to an increase in domestic violence and abuse service provision for women, there is paucity of research on the disclosure and help-seeking practices of women from ethnic minority populations. Aim: To identify factors influencing disclosure and help-seeking practices of Nigerian (ethnic minority population) women resident in England with lived experience of domestic violence and abuse, in order to make recommendations to relevant stakeholders on domestic violence service provision and utilisation. Methods: A cross-sectional qualitative research design was utilised. This included a qualitative systematic review of literature on domestic violence research among women from ethnic minority populations in the UK; individual, in-depth semi-structured interviews with 16 Nigerian women resident in England with lived experience of domestic violence and abuse, and with nine Nigerian religious and community leaders based in England. The interviews were conducted between May 2012 and April 2014, and data were analysed using thematic analysis technique. Findings: Three main themes were identified as factors influencing the disclosure and help-seeking practices of Nigerian (ethnic minority population) women in England, UK. These are socialisation from country of birth, immigration status, and acculturation in the country of immigration. These findings were discussed using the modified sociological theory of domestic violence and abuse. Conclusion: There is a need for appropriate gender socialisation, and collaborative working with ethnic minority community groups and faith-based organisations to enhance access and facilitate utilisation of existing domestic violence services by Nigerian (ethnic minority populations) women resident in England with lived experience of domestic violence and abuse.
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