Spelling suggestions: "subject:" dorganisations"" "subject:" d'organisations""
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Towards sustainable peace in Uganda?Svenson, Anna January 2007 (has links)
This study was performed during the period March – May of 2007 in Kampala and Gulu district, Uganda, and it was made possible due to a scholarship from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The main focus of the study is to examine and analyse the peace process taking place in Juba (the Juba talks), southern Sudan, with the goal to solve the 20 year old conflict in northern Uganda between the government of Uganda and the rebel group the Lord’s Resistance Army. I am doing this by, first; identify the actors involved by using John Paul Lederach’s pyramid which includes three levels of actors, second; study different methods for peacebuilding and thereafter identify which methods have been used in the Ugandan case and third; discover to what extent the civil society and more specifically women’s organisations have contributed to this process. The data collected consist of qualitative literature studies, analyses of articles dealing with the peace talks and interviews with representatives from different levels of the Ugandan society. The analyse of the material shows that all levels of the society have been involved to some extent, but that the peace process is mainly characterized by the top-down approach to peacebuilding, with the top level leaders as the main actors. I also found that women’s organisations in Uganda want to engender the peace talks, for example by bringing women to the negotiation table and let them participate in high level decision-making. Finally, the civil society has in general contributed to a large extent to the negotiations in order to bring peace, yet with different results.
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Strategic partnerships for transformational change towards a sustainable society / Strategic partnerships for transformational change towards a sustainable societyBlume, Richard, Karell, Miriam, Outhwaite, Andrew January 2006 (has links)
Today, global socio-ecological problems are too complex and urgent for isolated actions, and cross-sector collaboration is increasingly required to generate transformational change towards a sustainable future. Partnerships between businesses and civil society organisations (CSOs) in particular have the potential to achieve the required change for sustainability. However, the ‘backcasting’ approach used in this study highlights a gap between current approaches and what partnerships might look like in a sustainable future. Research draws on literature, eighteen interviews and an action research project with Interface Europe. Results indicate that: 1) in the current paradigm shift, collaboration provides a competitive advantage; 2) individual, organisational and societal benefits of partnering are significant; 3) understanding the art and science of partnering is needed to make them work 4) organisational development and strategy affect partnership type and outcomes; 5) Corporate Social Responsibility efforts initiate cross-sector partnerships, but are responsive and fall short of being strategic; 6) articulation of visions for a sustainable future is rare and; 7) most partnerships are not aligned with core business strategies. In conclusion, dialogue across all sectors is advocated to co-create a sustainable future and The Natural Step Framework is recommended to align business planning and partnership strategies with sustainability. / <p>Andrew Outhwaite (arouthwaite@gmail.com) Miriam Karell (jazzminq@gmail.com) Richard Blume (rblume@gmail.com) Website http://partnerships4SSD.blogspot.com</p>
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Lärande i projektintensiva verksamheter : När projekten är större än organisationen / Learning in project intensive operations : When projects outgrow the organisationBergare, Ingela, Nilsson, Andrea January 2006 (has links)
Det blir allt vanligare att människor byter arbetsgivare flera gånger under sitt yrkesverksamma liv och den gamla synen på anställningen som ett livslångt åtagande håller på att försvinna. Organisationer knyter till sig temporära medarbetare, bland annat till sina olika projekt, för att dessa ska tillföra sådan kompetens som inte finns i den ordinarie organisationen. Detta syns tydligt i statistiken från SCB som visar att andelen temporärt anställda ökar i Sverige och nu är nästan 16 % av arbetskraften. Uppsatsen behandlar lärandeprocesser i organisationer med höga E/A-tal, det vill säga organisationer där andelen temporärt anställda överstiger andelen tillsvidareanställda medarbetare. Den inriktar sig på lärandet i och mellan projekt, samt hur huvudorganisationen tar del av lärandet i projekten, när individerna med specialkompetens bara är temporärt anställda. Respondentorganisationernas syn på kunskap stannar vid individuell kompetens. De har som strategi att till varje nytt projekt anställa personer med rätt kompetens temporärt. När projektet är avslutat, slutar även de som är anställda för projektet. Om organisationen behöver personer med samma kompetens för andra projekt, återanställs personerna temporärt för att arbeta i dem. Studien visar att de undersökta organisationerna har en fungerande lärprocess trots att de inte medvetet strävar efter detta. Inom projekten sker hela tiden ett kunskapsutbyte mellan teammedlemmarna, och mycket utav denna kunskap sprids inom organisationen genom småprat och formella möten. En viktig kunskapskälla är de chefer som fungerar som länk mellan huvudorganisationen och projektgrupperna. / It is getting increasingly common for people to change employer several times during their professional life. The old way to look at employment as a one single lifelong commitment is declining. Organisations are now using more temporary employees, among other things for their different projects, with the intention that these should provide complementary competence to the organisation. This is clearly shown in the statistics from SCB, which illustrates that the share of temporary employees in Sweden increases and at the present represents almost 16 % of the labour force. This thesis studies learning processes in organisations with a high E/E-number, which stand for organisations where the share of temporary employees exceeds the share of regular employees. The thesis focus on learning within and between projects, as well as how the main organisation takes part of the learning in the projects, when the individuals with special competence are only temporary employed. The respondent organisations view on knowledge stop at individual competence. Their strategy is to employ people with the right competences temporary to each new project, so when the project is closed, the people and the competence leave. If the organisation requires people with the same competence again for other projects, they are temporary re-employed. The study shows that the organisations examined do have a functional learning process, although they do not consciously strive for this. Within the projects there is a constant knowledge exchange between the team members, and a lot of this knowledge is spread through out the organisation by small talk and formal meetings. An important source of knowledge is the supervisors which function as a link between the main organisation and the project teams.
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Dynamique des rôles managériaux dans une administration publique en transformation : du manager idéal au management réparti / Managerial identity work in a French public administration in transformation : from the perfect manager to shared managementCognat, Aurélie Sara 09 December 2013 (has links)
Quand le contexte organisationnel d'une entreprise évolue, quelles sont les conséquences sur le rôle des managers ? La littérature traitant du travail managérial a longtemps considéré que le rôle du manager était stable et unique quel que soit l'environnement organisationnel dans lequel il prenait place. Pourtant les recherches en design organisationnel montrent que les évolutions profondes des modes de coordination ont un impact sur la hiérarchie et la chaîne d'encadrement verticale qui la caractérise, donc sur le rôle des managers dans la coordination. On peut alors se demander comment procéder pour faire évoluer les rôles managériaux. Quels leviers peuvent servir à transformer les pratiques des managers ? Pour étudier cette question, nous avons suivi pendant plusieurs années en recherche intervention une administration publique qui a entrepris de transformer ses rôles managériaux suite à une évolution forte de son environnement et de ses missions. Nous avons appliqué une grille d'analyse conçue à partir des travaux sur les dynamiques de rôles des managers qui permet d'étudier le nouveau rôle de manager et la capacité des managers à entrer dans ce rôle. Pour parvenir à jouer leur rôle les managers mobilisent des ressources cognitives, stratégiques et subjectives. Un diagnostic des ressources disponibles individuellement et collectivement est donc nécessaire pour étudier la capacité des managers à entrer dans le nouveau rôle.L'étude de la démarche de professionnalisation des managers mise en place dans cette administration montre la volonté de faire acquérir des compétences aux managers. Or nous démontrons la difficulté à expliciter et à transmettre ces compétences via ce type de formation. D'autre part les managers ne disposent pas collectivement des ressources stratégiques nécessaires pour faire ce qu'on leur demande. Et on constate parfois individuellement des déficits de ressources subjectives. On pourrait donc anticiper un blocage dans la dynamique d'appropriation des rôles.Une étude des évolutions sur plusieurs années permet de constater trois situations où les blocages sont levés :1. les rôles ne sont pas les mêmes pour tous les managers et certains disposent de davantage de ressources que les autres quand l'activité requiert une évolution forte de leur rôle. 2. quand ils ne disposent pas des ressources suffisantes, certains managers s'efforcent d'acquérir de nouvelles ressources 3. ou bien, il arrive que l'organisation évolue vers des situations de management partagé pour prendre en charge une fonction managériale que les managers ne peuvent prendre en charge, faute de ressources individuelles et/ou collectives suffisantes. / When organisational context is evolving, what are the consequences for the role of managers ? Litterature about managerial work considered for a long time that the managerial role was single and steady whatever was its organisational background. Nevertheless, researches in organizational design point that a deep development of organizational configuration impact the company's hierarchy and the managerial role of coordination. How to proceed to change managerial roles ? Which actions can transform managers practices?This thesis adressed this issue on the basis of a several years collaborative research in a public administration. This administration decided to transform managerial roles after a deep change of its environment and its missions. We applied an analytical framework built from a review of managerial identity work litterature. The framework guides us to study the new managerial role and how managers can perform this new role. The study implies a diagnosis of cognitive, strategic and subjective ressources available for managers individually and collectivelly.The case of a procedure of management professionalization, set up in this administration, shows the means used to have managers acquire new competences. This also shows how difficult it is to explicit and to transfer the managerial competences by this type of training. Moreover, managers don't have collectively the required strategic ressources to do what they are supposed to do. Besides, some managers don't have individually the needed subjective ressources. Hence a block of role dynamic could be anticipated.A study of evolutions during severals years allow to show three situations where block are resolved :1. roles are not the same for all managers and some of them have more ressources than others when activity requires a deep role evolution. 2. when ressources are insufficient, some managers tried to acquire new ressources. 3. or, sometimes the organization evolved towards situations of shared management to take charge of the managerial function, which managers can't stand because of a lack of ressources, collectively and/or individually.
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Nouvelles organisations de la distribution urbaine des colis sur le dernier kilomètre : innover par une approche spatiale / Structuring last-mile parcel delivery solutions for urban zones : an innovative spatial approach for urban goods distributionDucret, Raphaëlle 19 December 2014 (has links)
Le contexte technologique et socioéconomique favorise la croissance des volumes de colis échangés en France et particulièrement l'augmentation des livraisons dans les villes. Livraisons qui se complexifient sous l'effet des contraintes urbaines, des injonctions de durabilité, des évolutions des attentes des clients. Les prestataires de la distribution urbaine de colis doivent relever les défis économiques, organisationnels, environnementaux et politiques que représente cette mutation de la distribution du dernier kilomètre. Replacer la ville et son organisation spatiale au centre de la création de nouvelles organisations de la distribution et rapprocher l'analyse spatiale des outils et des techniques de gestion du transport de marchandises en ville (TMV), et notamment de la modélisation, peut permettre d'innover. La thèse va développer cette posture, jusque-là délaissée par les recherches en TMV. Une analyse détaillée de la nature des relations entre forme urbaine, organisations spatiale et TMV va être proposée. A partir de ces résultats, les premiers éléments d'une modélisation spatiale du TMV au service de la création d'un outil d'aide à la décision capable de segmenter la ville en zones différenciées en fonction de leurs caractéristiques spatiales, socioéconomiques et politiques et d'adapter les solutions de livraison par zones seront proposés. / With the spread of new technologies and the advent of economic and social changes, the volume of parcels has grown in France. Parcel deliveries in cities have similarly experienced an important increase. Deliveries have become more and more complex because of changing client patterns, urban constraints and cities' concerns for sustainability. The growing complexity of the ‘last mile' delivery poses economic, organizational, environmental and political challenges to parcel providers. Putting the spatial organization of cities back at the heart of the creation of new logistics organizations and integrating spatial studies to urban logistics techniques and tools, in particular in modelling, can be means of innovation. Until now spatial studies have been largely under-used in UF. This study will provide an in-depth analysis of the relationships between urban spatial organization, urban form and UF. Based on those results, the thesis provides the first elements of a spatial urban freight modelling approach. The modelling approach will enable the creation of a decision support tool able to identify homogeneous urban zones based on urban form, economic and political characteristics in order to offer the most suitable delivery solution to each zone of a city.
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Le droit de la responsabilité des organisations internationalesKlein, Pierre 01 January 1996 (has links)
Pas de résumé / Doctorat en droit / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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La gouvernance universitaire et l'évolution des usages du numérique : nouveaux enjeux pour l'Enseignement Supérieur et la Recherche français / University Governance and the Evolution of Digital Uses : New Challenges for Higher Education and French ResearchMocquet, Bertrand 12 December 2017 (has links)
Nous constatons que les universités sont confrontées à un double mouvement de la société sur leur organisation provoquant une nécessité de changement. Le premier concerne l’environnement institutionnel changeant depuis la loi Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche de 2013 : passage à la responsabilité et compétences élargies, contraintes budgétaires fortes, évolutions sociales des apprenants, nouvelle pratique managériale dans le secteur public. Ce premier mouvement provoque pour nous un paradoxe : la naissance d’un phénomène d’isomorphisme institutionnel, les comportements des universités convergent quand bien même chacune d’elles tente d’être plus attractive que l’autre sur le marché de la formation tout au long de la vie. Par ailleurs, un second mouvement, qui concerne les membres et les usagers des universités, apparaît au regard des usages des Technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans la société : la facilité d’accès à la connaissance au moyen de nouvelles plateformes, l’adoption des TIC dans la société catalysent cela. En réaction à ces deux mouvements, nous estimons que les universités sont en changement. Et nous souhaitons étudier en quoi l’évolution des usages du numérique conduit à la nécessité d’une gouvernance du numérique universitaire. Nous tenterons de démontrer que l’instabilité provoquée par l’arrivée du numérique dans les universités est une occasion de faire évoluer le système universitaire, au point de créer un nouveau point d’équilibre s’appuyant sur une nouvelle gouvernance : la gouvernance du numérique universitaire. Celle-ci permettrait de développer les usages du numérique de tous les acteurs, et placerait ainsi l’établissement dans un meilleur positionnement dans un environnement devenu de plus en concurrentiel, tout en améliorant son fonctionnement. Pour cela nous construirons les analyses à partir de plusieurs terrains complémentaires, non pas dans un souci de comparaison de terrains, mais bien de vérification partielle d’une ou plusieurs hypothèses au sein de chacun de ces 5 terrains d’observation. Sur la base des analyses de ces expériences et de questionnement sur cette notion de gouvernance du numérique universitaire, cette thèse souhaite contribuer à la réflexion sur les gouvernances d’universités, afin qu’elles puissent mieux appréhender l’éducation supérieure du XXIe siècle. / We see that universities are confronted with a double movement of society on their organization, necessitating a change. The first concerns the changing institutional environment since the Law Higher Education and Research in 2013 : shift to responsibility and broadened competencies, strong budgetary constraints, social evolutions of learners, new managerial practice in the public sector. This first movement provokes for us a paradox: the birth of a phenomenon of institutional isomorphism, the behavior of universities converge even though each of them tries to be more attractive than the other on the market of training all the way long life. In addition, a second movement, involving the players and users of universities, appears in relation to the uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in society: the ease of access to knowledge through new platforms, the adoption of ICTs in society catalyze this. In response to these two movements, we believe that universities are changing. And we want to study how the evolution of digital uses leads to the need for digital university governance. We will try to show that the instability brought about by the arrival of digital in the universities is an opportunity to evolve the university system to the point of creating a new equilibrium point based on a new governance : digital university governance . This would allow the development of the digital uses of all the players, thus placing the establishment in a better position in a more competitive environment, while improving its functioning. For this we will construct the analyzes from several complementary fields, not for the sake of comparing land, but rather a partial verification of one or more hypotheses within each of these five observations. On the basis of the analyzes of these experiences and the questioning of this notion of digital university governance, this thesis wishes to contribute to the reflection on university governance so that they can better understand higher education in the 21st century.
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La communication interculturelle au sein des entreprises françaises implantées au Maroc : interaction entre cadres français et autochtones / Intercultural communication among French companies based in Morocco : interaction between French and moroccan executivesBelga, Jihane 19 June 2017 (has links)
Les différents changements politiques, économiques, sociaux et technologiques poussent les organisations à se développer constamment. Elles font face à des environnements ayant tendance à être de plus en plus exigeants et instables ; d’un côté la globalisation qui déplace toutes les frontières et d’un autre l’envahissement des nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication dans toutes les fonctions de l’entreprise. De nos jours, des personnes issues de cultures différentes peuvent être amenées à travailler au sein d’une même entreprise. Ceci peut toutefois créer des incompréhensions entre les parties concernées. Ces rivalités ne concernent pas simplement les malentendus linguistiques mais vont au-delà de ceux-ci. En effet, la compréhension, l’interprétation, la manière d’agir et de penser de chacun, va dépendre essentiellement de sa propre culture. C’est justement ce qui a suscité notre intérêt et nous a poussée à approfondir ce sujet pour mieux comprendre le phénomène de l’interculturel en milieu organisationnel et déduire les difficultés rencontrées lors d’une interaction dans une telle situation. Et afin de pouvoir proposer ou mettre en place une stratégie valable dans un contexte interculturel, nous avons choisi, comme terrain de recherche, plusieurs organisations implantées au Maroc et opérant dans différents secteurs d’activité. Ainsi, il est question de déterminer en quoi consistent les problèmes liés à la communication dans un contexte interculturel du point de vue des deux groupes de collaborateurs à savoir les autochtones et les étrangers, notamment les français, collaborant au sein d’une même organisation. C’est donc notre curiosité d’apprendre davantage sur l’interculturalité en entreprise qui nous encourage à accomplir cette recherche. / The various political, economic, social and technological changes are pushing organizations to extend constantly there activities. They face environments that tend to be increasingly demanding and unstable ; On the one hand, the globalization that shifts all borders and on the other the invasion of new information and communication technologies in all the functions of the company.Nowadays people from different cultures can be brought to work together within the same company. However, this may create misunderstandings between the concerned persons. These rivalries do not simply concern linguistic misunderstandings, but go beyond them. Indeed, the understanding, the interpretation, the way of acting and the thinking of each one, will depend essentially on its own culture. This is what has aroused our interest and has pushed us to deepen this subject to better understand the phenomenon of intercultural communication in an organizational environment and to deduce the difficulties encountered during an interaction in such a situation. And in order to propose or develop a strategy that might be available in an intercultural context, we have selected several organizations based in Morocco operating in different activities area. Thus, the purpose of our research is to determinate what are the problems related to communication in an intercultural context from the point of view of the two groups of collaborators, namely moroccan people and the foreigners, in particular the French ones, collaborating within the same organization.It is therefore our curiosity to learn more about interculturality in companies that encourages us to carry out this research.
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Kvalitetsutveckling i kommunal verksamhet : Hinder och möjligheter vid implementering av en ny styr- och ledningsfilosofiSamuelsson, Ann-Katrin, Wijk, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
År 2014 valde Söderhamns kommun att anta en ny styr- och ledningsfilosofi baserad på värderingar som ökat medborgarfokus, medarbetares engagemang samt en verksamhet präglad av tillit i alla led. Dessa värderingar utgör även grunden för offensiv kvalitetsutveckling och förändringsledning. Syftet med denna kvalitativa fallstudie var att erhålla mer kunskap kring implementeringen av den nya filosofin samt hur organisationens högre ledning upplevde förändringsarbetet. Åtta chefer har intervjuats. De semistrukturerade intervjuerna har sedan transkriberats och sammanställts varpå empirin har tolkats utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv med utgångspunkt i arbetets teoretiska ramverk. Resultatet visade att förändringsarbetet är komplext till sin natur och att ledarna tolkat och arbetat med värderingarna på olika sätt, vilket skulle kunna ses som skillnader i såväl individuell som organisatorisk mognadsnivå. Vidare har kommunen en ekonomistyrning som ännu inte anpassats efter den nya filosofin. Författarna drar slutsatsen att de begrepp som präglar kommunens värderingar lätt blir abstrakta och svåra att översätta i praktisk handling samt att det finns utrymme för förbättringar inom implementeringsarbetet. / In 2014, the municipality of Söderhamn initiated a new control and management philosophy, characterized by core values such as increased citizen focus, employee commitment and trust in all operative aspects. These values are the same as the core values of Total Quality Management and leadership for change. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to gain more knowledge about the work involved in implementing the management philosophy as well as the experiences of senior management. Eight managers were interviewed. These semi-structured interviews were then transcribed and collected, after which the empiricism has been interpreted from a hermeneutic perspective based on the theoretical framework of the study. The results indicate that the change process is complex and the leaders have interpreted the guiding values differently, leading to the conclusion that there are differences in the degree of matureness between individuals as well as within the organisation. Moreover, the financial steering in the municipality is not yet accustomed to the new philosophy/ management. The authors conclude that the concepts characterizing the values of the municipality easily become abstract and are hard to implement in practise and, furthermore, there is capacity for improvement in the implementation work. / <p>2017-06-28</p>
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The development of the rural water supply and sanitation sector in Zimbabwe between 1974 and 1987 : the design and impact of donor supported projectsBoydell, Robert Arthur January 1990 (has links)
Although the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade has generated great interest from foreign aid donors, its impact. in terms of increased service levels has been poor. These disappointing results have been explained by the UN and other donors in terms of inadequate funding and lack of cost recovery, poor operations and maintenance, lack of personnel, unacceptable technology, poor logistics and non involvement of the beneficiaries. However, an alternative explanation revolves around factors contributing to poor project design. These include the lack of understanding of the development process, donor bias and self interest, and poor coordination and commitment by the recipient government. A review of the development and trends of contemporary aid philosophy and its translation in to rural development and water and sanitation projects, which led to the launch of the IDWSSD, provides a number of lessons that can be used to formulate a hybrid model for project design and the sector development process, that defines the relative roles of donors, recipient governments and people themselves. The model is based on coordinated development, community participation, and sector growth from pilot projects to large scale programmes. The developments in the rural water and sanitation sector that took place in Zimbabwe from 1974 to 1987, provide a unique opportunity to test this model using a systems analysis approach. After gaining Independence in 1980, Zimbabwe's development assistance funding grew tenfold with the influx of foreign donors, and major commitments were made by the new Government to rural development and the goals of the IDWSSD. However, the large investments in water and sanitation which included the preparation of a national master plan with external technical assistance, had both positive and negative impacts on the continuing development of the sector, the start of which can be traced back, well before Independence, to small pilot projects sponsored by non government organizations that used appropriate technology developed by the Rhodesian Government. This development process and the changing approach to project design is illustrated by a series of case studies of projects supported by multilateral and bilateral donors, and non government organizations, that were milestones during this period. Finally the project and sector development model is modified based on the practical lessons from Zimbabwe and recommendations for future practice are made together with suggestions for areas of further research.
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