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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intelectuais e exílios : confronto de resistências em revistas culturais Encontros com a Civilização Brasileira, Cuadernos de Marcha e Controversia (1978-1984)

Couto, Cristiano Pinheiro de Paula January 2013 (has links)
Atento ao impacto que o exílio provocou nas nervuras ideológicas e nas estratégias de resistência e de intervenção política e cultural da intelligentsia contestatária latinoamericana, busco analisar, comparativamente, no corpus textual de Encontos com a Civilização Brasileira (1978-1982), da segunda época dos Cuadernos de Marcha (1979- 1984) e de Controversia (1979-1981), alguns dos temas que inflamaram as polêmicas no interior do meio intelectual crítico da América Latina entre os anos de 1978 e de 1984, marcos de fundação e fechamento das revistas que conformam o objeto desta tese. Anos, no contexto latino-americano, de reajustes, de redefinições e de encruzilhadas, definidos pela transição de um ambiente sociocultural cerceado e conduzido por um Estado autoritário para uma circunstância em que se deveria constituir um Estado de Direito com novas relações, fundadas em “regras compartilhadas”, com a emergente sociedade civil. Anos em que se fragmentaram estratégias de resitência política e cultural, tornadas gradualmente mais tensionadas. / The second half of the Seventies was notoriously a time of acute political and cultural transformations not only in the international arena, but also in the context of Latin American transition to democracy. During the Seventies, many Latin American intellectuals were banished into exile. Through the analysis of three political and cultural journals, Encontros com a Civilização Brasileira (1978-1982), Cuadernos de Marcha in its second epoch (1979-1985) and Controversia (1979-1983), I develop the argument that the exile of a segment of the Latin American intelligentsia, within the context of the Cold War, in place of choke the democratic resistance off, directed the political ponderings of the contestatory intellectual field on a course of critical revision and reorganization of the political thought. The distinctive atmosphere of anxiety, bewilderment and agitation has favored, in specific circumstances, the accumulation of critical mass. I assume that the political and cultural journals had an indisputable significance within this context. Moreover, it played an important role, as structures of sociability, in the restoration of Latin American intellectual networks, coexisting with emerging tensions.

Ditadura e desterro: trajetórias de exilados brasileiros do golpe de 1964 nos Estados Unidos (1964-1979) / Dictatorship and exile: trajectories of Brazilian exiles from the military coup of 1964 in the USA(1964-1979)

SILVEIRA, Lorenna Burjack da 25 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:17:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Lorenna Burjack da Silveira.pdf: 520691 bytes, checksum: 7938ea582d8628034bb1ed377f09ee7e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-25 / This thesis aims at analyzing the trajectory of Brazilian exile victims of the 1964 military coup that opted for the United States as a place of exile in that country or were there denouncing the repressive character of the Brazilian military dictatorship. In order to more appropriately approach and understand that issue, the study presents a reflection on the characteristics of the exile as a major concern, before addressing what happened to Brazilian exile victims. Thus, this is a multidisciplinary study, developed to understand how people who have been exiled can be framed in International Law, the difficulties imposed to individuals and yet the possibilities that arise from this situation for those who experience it. Eventually, the pathological aspects of exile and torture are also discussed. The main places where Brazilian exiles were found are traced in this research, among them the United States are highlighted. This country was also responsible for granting weapons as well as logistical and financial support to the military government that overthrew late president Goulart. The relations between Brazil and the United States in the 1960s and 1970s were prioritized in this study, in an attempt to signal how the American society during this period questioned the foreign policy adopted by their country, especially with regard to Latin America. Finally, this study examines closely the link between Brazilian exiles and American intellectuals, activists and religious leaders whose purpose was to publish in the American press reports about repression and torture practiced by Brazilian military. / Esta dissertação tem como objeto de estudo a trajetória de exilados brasileiros vítimas do golpe de 1964 que optaram pelos Estados Unidos como local de desterro ou estiveram naquele país denunciando o caráter repressivo da ditadura militar brasileira. Para melhor compreensão do tema, a dissertação foi iniciada com ampla reflexão sobre o exílio, para então adentrar no tema proposto. A proposta é de um estudo multidisciplinar, procurando conhecer como o exilado é enquadrado no Direito Internacional, as dificuldades e possibilidades que essa situação implica para os indivíduos que a vivenciam, os aspectos patológicos do exílio e da tortura. Foram destacados, ainda, os principais locais de desterro dos brasileiros e entre os que receberam exilados brasileiros constam os Estados Unidos, país responsável pelo suporte bélico, logístico e financeiro concedido aos militares que derrubaram o governo João Goulart. Foram priorizadas nesta reflexão as relações entre Brasil e Estados Unidos nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, buscando assinalar como a sociedade norteamericana nesse período questionava a política externa adotada pelo seu país, principalmente no que se refere à América Latina. Enfatizou-se a articulação entre exilados brasileiros, e intelectuais, ativistas e religiosos norte americanos, cujo propósito era publicar na imprensa norte-americana denúncias sobre a repressão e a tortura praticada pelos militares brasileiros.

Lídia Besouchet e Newton Freitas: mediações políticas e intelectuais entre o Brasil e o Rio da Prata (1938-1950) / Lídia Besouchet and Newton Freitas: political and intellectual mediations between Brazil and the Rio de la Plata (1938-1950)

Lívia de Azevedo Silveira Rangel 14 October 2016 (has links)
Esta tese propõe analisar a trajetória de exílio do casal de intelectuais Lídia Besouchet e Newton Freitas, militantes de esquerda forçados a deixar o Brasil durante a ditadura do Estado Novo. Depois de atravessarem a fronteira com o Uruguai, após uma curta temporada em Montevidéu, o casal se estabeleceu em Buenos Aires, permanecendo ali por mais de uma década. Durante os doze anos em que Lídia e Newton viveram na capital portenha, desenvolveram uma intensa atividade cultural ao redor de distintos projetos e em aliança com uma complexa rede de intelectuais. Em grande parte, seus interesses estiveram vinculados a maior divulgação da cultura brasileira na Argentina. Envolvidos nesta tarefa, publicaram dezenas de livros e artigos, realizaram conferências e exposições, participaram de empreendimentos editoriais e de trabalhos de tradução e promoveram um ativo intercâmbio entre artistas e escritores dos dois países. Compreender a participação de Lídia e Newton no cenário intelectual rioplatense da década de 1940, por intermédio de suas atuações como produtores e mediadores de cultura, é o objetivo deste trabalho, que também trata de pensar a problemática de aproximação cultural do Brasil da tão distante América Hispânica. Para tanto, a pesquisa trabalhou com três eixos documentais: o acervo pessoal do casal composto por cartas, postais, fotografias e manuscritos; a documentação da polícia política, seus prontuários e relatórios; e o conjunto de publicações na imprensa durante os anos em que viveram no exílio. / This dissertation intends to analyze the exile of Lidia Besouchet and Newton Freitas, Brazilian leftists militants forced to leave Brazil during the Estado Novo due to political persecution. After crossing Uruguay border, and a short layover in Montevideo, the couple set up a house in Buenos Aires for a dozen years, in which time they grew an intense cultural life based on a strong connection to a rich web of intellectuals. They were mostly concerned with propagating Brazilian culture in Argentina. In order to do so, they have published dozens of books and articles, promoted conferences and exhibitions, taken part in publishing entrepreneurship and translations, fomenting, in that way, the interchange of artists and writers of the two countries. This research aims to understand the importance of their role in the Rio de la Plata during the 1940s, and also to think about the general complex scenario of the not-so-close relations between Brazil and Hispanic America. This research made use of three different kinds of historical documents: personal archives composed by letters, post cards and manuscripts; the political police files; and the set of publications of the couple during the time they lived in exile.

Três poetas e três tempos do exílio espanhol de 1939: Luis Cernuda, Emilio Prados e Max Aub / Three poets and three periods of the 1939 Spanish exile: Luis Cernuda, Emilio Prados and Max Aub

Ivan Martucci Forneron 10 November 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho se debruça sobre a poesia do exílio republicano espanhol de 1939. A pesquisa procura demonstrar que o tempo de duração do exílio é fator preponderante para a leitura de uma produção poética ampla e dispersa. Desse modo, seu enfoque central trata de investigar como essa poética exilada assimilou e ressignificou as três décadas de exílio, reconstruindo a identidade de seus autores. O corpus é composto por livros de inflexão da obra de três autores: Luis Cernuda (Vivir sin estar viviendo, 1944-1949), Emilio Prados (La piedra escrita, 1959-1961) e Max Aub (Antología traducida, 1963-1971). / The present study examines the 1939 Spanish Republican exile poetry. The investigation aims to demonstrate that the time the exile lasted is a fundamental aspect when reading such a widespread poetic production. Thus, the focus is on analyzing in which way this exiled poetry incorporated and resignified the three decades of exile, reconstructing the authors identity. Critical books in three authors works compose the corpus: Luis Cernuda (Vivir sin estar viviendo, 1944-1949), Emilio Prados (La piedra escrita, 1959- 1961) and Max Aub (Antología traducida, 1963-1971).

Auto-orientalisme et orientalisme : les vestiges du discours orientaliste dans les mémoires auto-biographiques irano-états-uniens

Tohry, Niloofar 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur les problématiques de la représentativité, de l’occidentalisation et du discours orientaliste dans les mémoires autobiographiques rédigés par des femmes iraniennes vivant actuellement aux États-Unis. Basant nos arguments sur diverses théories critiques post-colonialistes (portant sur l’identité exilée/immigrante, la tradition orientaliste, la représentativité dans le genre autobiographique, l’occidentalisation, etc.), nous questionnerons l’authenticité narrative (et l’intention) des écrivaines irano-états-uniennes en explorant le processus d’assimilation culturelle (voire d’occidentalisation) qui engendre en elles une auto-perception fondamentalement orientaliste. Une fois internalisée par l’écrivaine, ce regard orientaliste est projeté sur le peuple iranien dont elle prétend être la porte-parole sincère et bien-intentionnée. Par contre, notre analyse déconstructiviste des mémoires irano-états-uniens démontre qu’il existe dans ces récits une tendance à renforcer la dichotomie orientaliste dominante (Occident-moderne-supérieur / Orient-arriéré-inférieur). Bien que les écrivaines prétendent de vouloir dévoiler les réalités du pays aux lecteurs et lectrices occidentaux, elles ne font que réitérer les stéréotypes négatifs sur l’Iran – les même stéréotypes d’ailleurs déjà promus par les médias de masse états-uniens. / This paper focuses on the interconnected issues of representation, Westernization, and Orientalist discourse in autobiographical memoirs written by Iranian female writers presently living in the United States. Founding my arguments on various post-colonialist theories (dealing with exile/immigrant identity, Orientalism, the issue of representation in the autobiographical genre, Westernization discourse, etc.), I question the discursive authenticity (and authorial intent) of Iranian-American female writers by exploring the process of cultural assimilation (i.e. Westernization) that engenders within them a fundamentally Orientalist self-perception. Once internalized by the writer, this Orientalist gaze is projected onto the Iranian people, whom the writer claims to be a credible and well-meaning representative of. However, my deconstructionist analysis of Iranian-American memoirs illustrates that these writers only contribute in reinforcing the dominant Orientalist binary (West-modern-superior / East-backwards-inferior). Although the writers claim to unveil the so-called realities of Iranian society to the Western readers, they merely reiterate the same negative stereotypes on Iran already present in American mainstream media.

Discours, intertextualite et altérité dans "Pourquoi as-tu laissé le cheval à sa solitude ?" de Mahmoud Darwich / Discourse, intertextuality and otherness in "Why did you leave the horse alone" of Mahmoud Darwich

Amayra, Mahmoud 03 July 2019 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l’analyse du discours identitaire du recueil Pourquoi as-tu laissé le cheval à sa solitude ? de Mahmoud Darwich à savoir la nature de la relation que le Moi (celui de Mahmoud Darwich) entretient avec le Moi de l’Autre. Autrement dit, le recueil en question ressemble à un dialogue où le même et l’autre se plongent dans un discours à titre argumentatif. La réponse à la question de la relation entre les deux parties du dialogue est abordée, premièrement, d’un point de vue thématique/théorique : la présentation de la figure emblématique du Moi darwichien perçu en tant qu’un, ayant une identité personnelle, culturelle, sociale et nationale, différente de celle dont dispose l’autre un (celui de l’Autre). Deuxièmement, d’un point de vue pratique, le type de relation entre les deux côtés a été montré à travers l’analyse du corpus du recueil se composant de six groupes. / This study focuses on the analysis of identity discourse of Darwich’s collection : Why did you leave the horse alone? in order to know the nature of relationship that the me of Darwich maintains with the me of the Other. In other words, our collection looks like a “dialogue” where the me of Darwich and the me of the Other plunge into an argumentative discourse. To answer our question about the relationship between the two parts of dialogue, we have firstly chosen a theoretical approach: the presentation of the emblematic figure of Darwich perceived as one, having a personal, cultural, social and national identity, different from the identity of the other one. Secondly, through a practical point of view, the type of relationship between the two sides has been shown through the analysis of the corpus consisting of six groups.

Proměny diskurzů českého katolického exilu v Itálii 1962-1969 / Discursive Transformation during the Czech Catholic Exile in Italy 1962-1969

Blažek, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with events during the Czech Catholic exile in Italy with a focus on the 1960's. It provides a closer look at the institutional and discursive changes that took place at the time of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the subsequent stay of Cardinal Josef Beran in Rome (1965-1969). The work focuses mainly on the development of the publishing house Christian Academy, the Velehrad Center and the Nepomucenum Papal College where the leading figures of Czech Catholic exile, mostly priests, worked. By using the method of historical discourse analysis the work studies how the pro-conciliary orientation which defined itself in opposition towards conservative tendency in the Church became increasingly predominant in the exile environment. Last but not least, the work also shows how the form of Catholic exile discourse in Italy was influenced by the changing relationship between papal diplomacy and Communist Czechoslovakia.

Edvard Beneš: zahraniční politika druhého československého prezidenta a její vývoj v letech 1938-1945 / Edvard Beneš: foreign policy of the second Czechoslovak President and its development in 1938-1945

Oraiqat, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
In this master's thesis I am researching the foreign policy of Edvard Beneš in 1938- 1945. Foreign policy of Czechoslovakia is closely linked to Beneš as he led it continuously since 1918 - first as a minister of foreign affairs and after 1935 as president. Beneš did reassess his foreign policy after the Munich Agreement and Czechoslovakia emerged from the World War II tightly connected to the Soviet Union without any western counterbalance. This shift in foreign policy subsequently led to transformation of Czechoslovakia into Soviet satellite which is frequent subject to criticism of Edvard Beneš. The goal of this thesis is to analyse the development of the second Czechoslovak President's foreign policy in 1938-1945 and to define the causes of the shift in the foreign policy of Czechoslovakia. I will be focusing mainly on the backgrounds of determining the foreign policy since Edvard Beneš' statements depended mainly on the audience. I want to accomplish that based on research of memoirs and many more documents. I will confront my interpretations of the primary sources with views from the secondary sources. One of the goals of this thesis is also to find out if it's possible to draw new and valuable conclusions by researching available primary sources.

Proponenti samostatného Československa v angloamerickém tisku mezi lety 1914 - 1918 / The Proponents of the Czecho-Slovak Independence in English and American press between 1914 - 1918

Kříž, Jonáš January 2020 (has links)
The thesis analyses the reflection of the Czechoslovak freedom movement within the English and American daily press during the World War I (1914 - 1918). In its theoretical part the thesis provides the chronological framework of the Czechoslovak movement and discusses its main challenges as well as essential milestones and achievements. It also introduces the reader to the most popular theoretical concepts regarding the idea of the Czech national independence existing at the brink of the war. With regard to the historical perspective the thesis also elaborates on the development and timeline of Masaryk's exile endeavour as well as personal relations, the latter contributing greatly in promoting the Czechoslovak cause abroad. In its analytical part the thesis deals with the sample of media articles related to the issue of Czechoslovaks and their pursuits. Using the qualitative approach it reconstructs the media frameworks through which the theme of the Czechoslovaks was presented and interpreted in a variety of British and American dailies during the Great War. Besides the daily press it also builds its findings upon the historical literature, archival documents and correspondence. Focusing on the identified media frameworks the thesis strives to identify themes, ideas, concepts and arguments that...

Edvard Beneš a slovenská otázka v druhém československém zahraničním odboji / Edvard Beneš and the Slovak issue at the Second Czechoslovak resistance

Kadlecová, Zita January 2013 (has links)
This work Edvard Beneš and the Slovak issue at the Second Czechoslovak resistance focuses on the explanation of selected issues in the history of Czechoslovakian politics during the Second Czechoslovak resistance in Paris, London and Moscow between 1938-1945. This interpretation will concentrate on changes in the resistance, especially with regard to the issues affecting Slovaks and Slovakia in the period from the autumn of 1938 to the spring of 1945. It attempts as much as possible to describe and analyze the transformations in the perception of the Slovak issue while Czechoslovakian government was in exile, paying particular attention to this in relation to President E. Beneš, his followers and Slovakian members of the resistance movement. This topic will be studied highlighting significant aspects of wartime events, staging of foreign action and the situation back home - in the Protectorate and in the Slovak State. Also the actions of opposition and its key leaders will be mentioned. The aim of this research is to show the development and progression of conceptions of the Slovak issue in chronological stages of foreign resistance. Another aim is to illustrate the influence of the international political circumstances, the foreign policy orientation of the Czechoslovak exile, and events in the...

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