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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Écriture migrante et cinéma accentué au Québec : l’exil dans l’œuvre de Marilú Mallet

Massé, Johanne 05 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire explore l’exil au cinéma et en littérature, en particulier à travers l’œuvre de Marilú Mallet, cinéaste et écrivaine québécoise d’origine chilienne. L’approche choisie emprunte à la fois au champ littéraire et au champ cinématographique, et fait intervenir à la fois théoriciens, écrivains et cinéastes. À travers plusieurs regards croisés entre cinéastes et écrivains, ce mémoire décrit comment les thèmes du dépaysement, de la mémoire, de l’identité, du territoire et de la langue reviennent sans cesse dans les œuvres des auteurs migrants. Il interroge également la place des auteurs migrants au sein de la littérature et du cinéma nationaux, leur apport à l’imaginaire collectif, et plus largement leur place dans le discours social ambiant. À travers son œuvre, Mallet raconte sa propre expérience d’exilée en même temps qu’elle témoigne de ce qui s’est passé après le coup d’État au Chili en 1973, laissant des traces pour contrer l’histoire officielle. / This master thesis explores exile in cinema and literature, especially through the work of Marilú Mallet, a Quebec filmmaker and writter exiled from Chile. The approach chosen borrows both to the literary and cinematographic fields, and lets intervene writters and filmmakers as much as theoreticians. Through crossed views between writters and filmmakers, this master thesis describes how the issues of displacement, memory, identity, territory and language are recurrent in the works of authors in exile. It also questions the place of migrant authors within national literature and cinema, their contribution to the collective imaginative world and social debates and reflections. Through her work, Mallet tells her own experience of exile, as well as she testifies of what went on after the coup of 1973, leaving evidences to counter the official version of history.

Paminklai Lietuvos sovietinio genocido aukoms ir rezistencijos dalyviams atminti (1941-1953, 1988-2006 m.) / Memorials for victims of the soviet genocide and for participants of the resistance (1941-1953, 1988-2006)

Trimonienė, Rūta 02 July 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Sovietinės okupacijos metu žuvo ir nukentėjo apie 350 tūkst. Lietuvos gyventojų. Visų jų atminimui nuo 1941 m. su pertraukomis buvo statomi įvairių tipų paminklai. Tyrimo objektas – rezistencijos dalyvių ir sovietinio genocido aukų įamžinimo paminklais procesas, jo ypatumai ir kylančios problemos, taip pat vietovių ir statinių, įamžintų paminklais, apskaitos ir įpaveldinimo klausimai. Jie iki šiol nenagrinėti ir nėra sulaukę tyrimo. Darbo tikslas – atskleisti Lietuvos gyventojų sovietinio genocido aukų ir rezistencijos dalyvių atminimo įamžinimo ir įpaveldinimo procesus bei su jais susijusias problemas. Tam įgyvendinti yra iškeliami šie uždaviniai: 1. nustatyti paminklų statybos etapus ir statytojų grupes, jas apibūdinti; 2. išsiaiškinti, kaip vykdoma vietovių ir statinių, pažymėtų paminklais, apskaita, koks šių objektų skirstymas; 3. apžvelgti, kaip vykdomi vietovių ir statinių tvarkymo bei įamžinimo darbai; 4. išsiaiškinti, kokios yra įamžinimo ir įpaveldinimo problemos. Tyrimo chronologija – tyrimas pradedamas XX a 5–uoju dešimtmečiu, kadangi jame prasidėjo pirmoji paminklų statymo banga ir įamžinimo darbai. Procesas nėra baigtinis, jis vyksta ir dabar, todėl apsibrėžiame 2006 m. Remiantis darbo tyrimu paminklų statyba sovietinio genocido aukų ir rezistencinio judėjimo dalyvių atminimui Lietuvoje vyko trimis etapais, kur memorialinių vietovių teritorijų tvarkymą, paminklų statybą ir memorialinių statinių ženklinimą vykdė įvairūs žmonės ir organizacijos, kuriuos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY OF MASTER’S WORK During the Soviet occupation, around 350,000 Lithuanian residents suffered and died. From 1941 on, with interruptions, monuments of various kinds have been built to commemorate all of them. The subject of this investigation is the process of immortalizing members of the resistance movement and victims of Soviet genocide in monuments, the specific features of and problems encountered in this process, as well as issues concerning the inventory and memorialization of sites and buildings recognized as monuments. These have not been the subject of any study hitherto and have not been the focus of investigation. The goal of this work is to disclose the processes and associated problems of commemorating and memorializing Lithuanian victims of Soviet genocide and members of the resistance. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were formulated: 1. to determine the phases of monument construction and groups of builders, and to characterize them; 2. to explain how inventory of sites and buildings recognized as monuments takes place and how these objects are categorized; 3. to survey how work is carried out for the maintenance and commemoration of sites and buildings; 4. to ascertain the nature of problems involved in commemoration and memorialization. Based on the work of our investigation, the construction of monuments commemorating victims of Soviet genocide and members of the resistance movement took place in three phases in Lithuania, a process in which... [to full text]

A narrative of omission : oral history, exile and the media’s untold stories – a gender perspective

Present, Hebresia Felicity 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa consists of a vast, culturally diverse population, entrenched in customary tribal influences which are essentially based on stringent patriarchal directives. These spilt over into other societal spheres, one of which is the media, which is part of an existing male hegemonic society. The rationale for this study is essentially to determine the role played by the media in their representation of women, before and shortly after the liberation of South Africa. This study will establish whether the voices of women were represented, or not, in the media, in the period shortly after the unbanning of the African National Congress (ANC) and affiliated organisations in 1990. By interviewing and recording the oral histories of a few female ANC Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) soldiers, the need is evident to, through this oral tradition process, give a voice to these voiceless women. The theoretical foundations for this study is firstly based on “womanism”. Womanism was born from the shortcomings of feminism (a largely Western concept) that was unable to address the issues unique to the situation of black women. A second theoretical point of departure is the Social Responsibility Theory, a media theory that could, based on research done for this study, play a profound role to the benefit of women. The methodological investigation is based on a mixed method research approach where Content Analysis (CA) and Grounded Theory (GT) are triangulated with the literature review. The GT processes gave a voice to some unknown female MK soldiers by conducting interviews based on in-depth interview questions. The CA process led to the conclusion that the voices of women who contributed to the struggle were largely ignored by the media. The researcher found that given the contributions and sacrifices women have made in democratising South Africa, acknowledgement of these efforts are sorely lacking, especially in the media. This study therefore seeks to contribute to the lost and repressed voices of women, and to redress a history of omission to a history of commission. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika beskik oor 'n kultureel diverse bevolking met tradisionele stam-invloede wat essensieel gebaseer is op streng patriargale riglyne. Dit het oorgespoel na ander sosiale kontekste, waarvan een die media is, en wat deel uitmaak van 'n bestaande manlike hegemoniese gemeenskap. Die rasionaal vir hierdie studie was om vas te stel watter rol die media gespeel het in die representasie van vroue kort ná die eerste stappe tot 'n bevryde Suid-Afrika. Hierdie studie wou vasstel of die stemme van vroue verteenwoordig was, of nie, in die media, in die tydperk kort ná die ontbanning van die African National Congress (ANC) en ander geaffilieerde organisasies in 1990. Die veronderstelling is dat vrouestemme nie in die media waarneembaar was nie, en dat die situasie teengewerk kan word deur die toepassing van mondelinge geskiedenis. In hierdie geval is die verhale van 'n paar vroulike Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK)-soldate geboekstaaf om sodoende deur die mondelinge geskiedenistradisie 'n stem te gee aan stemlose vroue. Die teoretiese grondslag vir hierdie studie is eerstens gebaseer op “Womanism”. Dié teorie het ontstaan weens die tekortkominge van Feminisme (grootliks ‟n Westerse konsep), wat nie in staat was om die kwessies wat uniek is aan die situasie van swart vroue aan te spreek nie. 'n Tweede teoretiese vertrekpunt is die Sosiale Verantwoordelikheidsteorie. Gebaseer op die navorsing vir hierdie studie, kan dit 'n groter rol in die media in die belang van vroue speel. Die metodologie is gebaseer op 'n gemengde metode-navorsingsbenadering waar Inhoudsanalise en Grounded Theory (GT) trianguleer met die literatuurstudie. Die GT-proses gee 'n stem aan 'n paar onbekende vroulike MK-soldate deur onderhoudvoering wat op in-diepte onderhoudvrae gebaseer is. Die inhoudsanalise proses het bevind dat vroue wat bygedra het tot die Vryheidstryd grootliks deur die media geïgnoreer is. Gegewe die bydraes en opofferings wat vroue gemaak het in die demokratisering van Suid-Afrika, ontbreek erkenning van hul pogings in ons geskiedskrywing, en beslis so in die media. Hierdie studie was 'n poging om by te dra tot die omkeer van hierdie situasie, naamlik om 'n “geskiedenis van uitsluiting” te herstel na 'n “geskiedenis van insluiting”.

"Vart ska jag ta vägen?" : Läsningar av migrationens poetik och subjektivitet i Athena Farrokhzads Vitsvit, Maja Lee Langvads HUN ER VRED och Gabriel Itkes-Sznaps Tolvfingertal

Luzon, Cecilia January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

La transmission intergénérationnelle de la mémoire chilienne du passé récent répressif : de Santiago à Montréal

Nguyen, Tuong-Vi 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

L'exil et le féminin dans leur rapport à l'étranger : approche psychanalytique et anthropo-philosophique / Exile and feminity in their relationship with unknown : psychoanalytic, anthropological and philosophical approach

Picquet, Audrey 04 November 2017 (has links)
Le thème de l’exil, très présent dans l’actualité, constitue le substrat de cette réflexion. Orientée par la psychanalyse, dans ce qu’elle interroge l’articulation du psychisme à la Culture (soit du singulier au collectif), nous avons été amenée à faire un premier détour par la théorie afin de comprendre la part d’énigme du féminin, avant que d’entrevoir avec l’apport de l’anthropologie, la façon dont cette énigme est traitée dans la Culture, et ainsi de repérer les incidences de l’exil géographique sur l’exil et le féminin. En effet, si l’exil (celui-ci étant à entendre comme psychique), renvoie à l’étranger en soi, le féminin apparaît pour les femmes, comme un redoublement d’énigmes, exil et féminin les concernant en leur rapport à l’inconnu. En outre, émerge depuis ces différents témoignages, la question suivante : « qu’en est-il du féminin pour elles, en contexte d’exil géographique ? ». La fragilisation des constructions symboliques culturelles soutenant ces sujets dans leur rapport à un « sentiment d’identité » et dans leur lien à l’Autre, vient précariser leurs repères, modifiant ce qui les unit dans leurs représentations à leur être femme, notamment à l’adolescence, temps de rencontre du féminin. S’ouvre alors une alternative pour ces femmes exilées subissant cette dégradation des processus métaphoriques culturels : la créativité ou le ravage. Lorsque l’étranger n'est pas vécu comme un danger, mais comme un insu porteur d’ouverture, elle est le lieu d’où surgit l’invention. A l’inverse, s’il est perçu comme une menace venant de l’extérieur, c’est le risque pour elles d’une désertion subjective où le désir vient à être gangréné dans un lien de contagion. / Exile, a very topical question, makes the substratum of this thought. A growing number of works deal with this question, that we have developed here, according to the reading of exiled women books, under a stalling angle of femineity for women. Directed by the psycho-analysis in its questioning the link between psychism and culture, we have been led to take a by-way with the theory in order to understand the enigmatical part of femineity, before having a hint about the way this question is treated by Culture with the help of Anthropology, and feel the consequences of geographic exile on exile and femineity .As a matter of fact, if exile (psychical one) sends someone to one’s unknown part, femineity appears for women as a redoubling of enigmas, as they are dealing with exile and femineity in their intercourse with the extraneous. Besides, the following question comes into view from the different witnesses: “what about femineity for hers, in geographic exile context? “The instability of cultural systems of symbols, upholding those individuals with regard to an “identity feeling “and their bond to the “Other”, makes their landmarks precarious, altering what unites them in their representation of “being a woman “, especially during teenage, experiencing time with femineity .An option then starts for these exiled women, who undergo damaged cultural metaphorical processes: creativity or “ravage”.When the unknown is not considered as a danger but as an opening, it is a place for contriving.On the opposite, if it is considered as a threat coming from outside, they run the risk of a subjective desertion where their desire is cankered in a bond of contagiousness.

A escritura do intervalo : a poética epistolar de Antônio Vieira

Bettiol, Maria Regina Barcelos January 2008 (has links)
Ce travail a pour but de réhabiliter la correspondance du jésuite portugais Antônio Vieira Ravasco, connu dans les annales de la Littérature brésilienne et portugaise comme le Père Antônio Vieira. Figure emblématique de la lusophonie, Vieira vécut en Amérique Portugaise, actuellemente territoire du Brésil, au cours du dix-septième siècle. C’est justement dans cette imprévisible Amérique, le Brésil-colonie, que l’exilé Vieira écrivit la majorité de sa correspondance et de son oeuvre, pratiquant non pas une littérature portugaise ou brésilienne à proprement parler, mais plutôt une littérature déterritorialisée, une littérature luso-brésilienne écrite dans un entre-deux-mondes. La lettre vieirienne est une cartographie du paysage géographique et textuel de l’auteur, d’un Brésil en formation, d’une culture en gestation dont l’unité naît paradoxalemente sous le signe de la diversité. Les lettres se configurent comme textes fondateurs de notre culture même si elles contribuèrent à la formation de l’imaginaire national. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo reabilitar a correspondência do jesuíta português Antônio Vieira Ravasco, conhecido nos anais das Literaturas Brasileira e Portuguesa como Padre Antônio Vieira. Figura emblemática da lusofonia, Vieira viveu na América Portuguesa, atual território do Brasil, durante o século XVII. É justamente nessa imprevisível América Portuguesa, nesse Brasil-colônia, que o “exilado” Vieira escreveu grande parte da sua correspondência e da sua obra praticando não uma literatura portuguesa ou brasileira propriamente dita, mas uma literatura portuguesa desterritorializada, uma literatura lusobrasileira escrita no intervalo de dois mundos. A carta vieiriana é uma cartografia da paisagem geográfica e textual do autor, de uma cultura em gestação, cuja unidade nasce, paradoxalmente, sob o signo da diversidade. As cartas configuram-se como textos fundadores da nossa cultura, conquanto tenham contribuído para a formação do imaginário nacional. / This study aims at recovering correspondence written by the Portuguese Jesuit Antônio Vieira Ravasco, known in Brazilian and Portuguese annals as Father Antônio Vieira. An emblematic symbol of the Portuguese language, the priest lived in the Portuguese America, where nowadays lies the territory of Brazil during the seventeenth century .It is precisely in this unpredictable Portuguese America, in this Colonial Brazil where, as an “exile”, Vieira wrote most of his letters and works, producing a literature that was neither Portuguese nor Brazilian, but a deterritorialized Portuguese Literature – a Portuguese-Brazilian literature, written between two worlds. Vieirian epistolography comprises a cartography depicting the author’s geographic and textual scenery, as well as a culture that was still in bloom and whose unity rose paradoxically under the sign of diversity. These letters are the founding texts of the Brazilian culture, once they have contributed to the development of a national imaginary.

Národnostní složení československých vojenských jednotek v zahraničí v letech 1939 - 1945 / "Czech", or "Czechoslovak" Army? The ethnic and nationality composition of the Czechoslovak military units-in-exile in 1939 - 1945

Maršálek, Zdenko January 2014 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Arts Institute of Czech Studies Historical Sciences - Czech History Zdenko M a r š á l e k ABSTRACT OF THE PhD THESIS "Česká", nebo "československá" armáda? Národnostní složení československých vojenských jednotek v zahraničí v letech 1939-1945 "Czech", or "Czechoslovak" Army? The ethnic and nationality composition of the Czechoslovak military units-in-exile in 1939-1945 tutor: prof. PhDr. Jan Kuklík, CSc. (†) PhDr. Jan Gebhart, DrSc. 2014 ABSTRACT General background One of the most important phenomena, which is important especially in current and future Europe, is the problem of the personal self-identification of individuals in the multinational and multicultural environment of higher (e.g., political) units, in particular national self- identification. For research about the problems connected with this phenomenon, the sample of the Czechoslovak units-in-exile during the World War II is an almost ideal historical model. The Czechoslovak units were, by far, the most diverse armed forces among the all exile-armies; yet this issue has not attracted the attention it deserves, neither in terms of different nationalities, nor from the perspective of ethnic issues in the units as a whole. The issue of the nationality in the resistance-in-exile was determined by the needs...

Počátky sociálnědemokratického poúnorového exilu (1948-1953) / Forming of Socialdemocratic Post-February Exile (1948-1953)

Horák, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
HORÁK, Pavel, Počátky poúnorového sociálnědemokratického exilu (1948-1953) [Forming of socialdemocratic post-February exile (1948-1953)], Praha, Karlova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav českých dějin, 2014, 392 s. Vedoucí diplomové práce Doc. PhDr. Jana Čechurová, Ph.D. The study aims to answer questions in which way was formed socialdemocratic exile party in the years 1948-1953. It studies who, how and why could have or wanted to have been involved in this process. The topic is viewed from the institutional perspective of an "exile party". It analyses how was the party organised and negotiated. Besides personal stories in the background of refugee everydayness it also looks into what it meant to a be a "social democrat" in "post-February exile" and whether the "exile party" created its own sphere of communicative space for formulating program and various demands and initiatives. The work focuses on the formative period of "exile". It is delimited by the year 1953 which proved a long-term, bipolar character of the world order. The hypothesis is the statement that the "exile socialdemocratic party" was formed in the frame of Czechoslovakian post-February migration as an institution which was creating its own communication, social and migration networks based on specific criteria. At the same...

Novinář a politik Hubert Ripka / Journalist and politician Hubert Ripka

Pavlát, David January 2016 (has links)
During the first republic, Hubert Ripka (1895-1958) was one of the most active democratic orientated journalists and closest colleagues of minister of foreign affairs and later president Edvard Beneš. His political and journalist beginnings are connected with national democratic group Mladá generace. What was crucial for Ripka's career was the split between left and right wings of Mladá generace in 1920, when he - after the victory of the right wing - withdrew. Antonín Pešl brought him to the Národní osvobození, which was associated with Československá obec legionářská and politics of Hrad. In the area of foreign policy he focused above all on monitoring political and cultural life in Jugoslavia, he became a secretary of Československo-jihoslovanská liga, member of Slovanský ústav, he contributed to the Jugoslavian periodicals and to the renovated Slovanský přehled. Ripka's most important lecture activity was associated with prestigious Klub Přítomnost. He worked in Lidové noviny since 1930, yet he still contributed to a lot of other periodicals. With growing threat of Pangermanism he concentrated on all kinds of support of Little Entente. He made informative foreign trips since 1932, from which he brought summary reports to E. Beneš. In 1934 he participated significantly in the programme of...

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