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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Schenberg e as Bienais / Schenberg and the Biannials

Ana Paula Cattai Pismel 28 August 2018 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou evidenciar a atuação de Mario Schenberg na organização das Bienais Internacionais de São Paulo enquanto crítico de arte, nas décadas de 1960 e 1970. Foi analisado o envolvimento do crítico na Sala Especial do pintor Alfredo Volpi na VI Bienal (1961), bem como sua participação no júri de seleção da representação brasileira na VIII, IX e X Bienais (1965, 1967 e 1969). Foi examinada, ainda, a participação de Schenberg nas Mesas Redondas promovidas pela Associação Internacional de Críticos de Arte junto às edições de 1969 e 1971 (X e XI Bienais). A investigação tomou por fontes primárias as críticas originais do Centro Mario Schenberg de Documentação da Pesquisa em Arte ECA/USP escritas no período delimitado, bem como os demais livros, artigos e entrevistas do crítico; acrescente-se a esse material as entrevistas realizadas com artistas, curadores e cientistas que conviveram com Mario Schenberg nessas duas décadas. Além disso, foi realizado um levantamento documental no Arquivo Histórico Wanda Svevo, da Fundação Bienal. A presença do crítico no certame se deu, em primeiro lugar, por conta de sua proximidade com os artistas e seu interesse pela arte e, em segundo lugar, por sua capacidade de trazer um novo olhar para com as obras de arte, que poderia agregar a singularidade da figura de Mario Schenberg aos quadros da Bienal. Ao entender que era função do certame promover visibilidade para os novos artistas que começavam a desenvolver seu trabalho e a definir novos caminhos para a arte, o crítico assumiu o papel de facilitador da aceitação de novos artistas e tendências na representação brasileira das Bienais. / This study had the objective of highlighting Mario Schenberg\'s action in the Sao Paulo\'s International Biennial organization while art critic, in the decades of 1960 and 1970. It was analysed the critic\'s involvement in the painter Alfredo Volpi\'s Special Room in the VI Biennial (1961), as well as his participation on the selection jury of the brazilian representation on the VIII, IX and X Biennials (1965, 1967, 1969). It was examined, still, Schenberg\'s participation on the round tables promoted by the International Association of Art Critics on the 1969 and 1971 (X e XI Biennials) editions. The investigation considered by primary sources the original critics of the Mario Schenberg\'s Center of Documentation Research in Art - ECA/USP written in the defined period, as well as the other books, articles and interviews from the critic; add to this material the interviews with artists, curators and scientists who lived with Mario Schenberg in these two decades. In addition to that, a documental survey was carried out in the Wanda Svevo\'s Historical Archive from the Biennials Foundation. The critic\'s presence in the field was due, in first place, by his proximity to the artists and his interest for the art and, in second place, for his capacility of bringing a new view to works of art, which could add the singularity of Mario Schenberg\'s figure to the Biennial\'s work of art. In understanding that it was the fields function to promote visibility to the new artists who were starting to develop their work and define new ways for the art, the critic took upon him the role of facilitator on the acceptance of new artists and tendencies on the brazilian representation of the Biennials.

電視與現代家庭:1960年代平面媒體中的再現 / Television and modern family: the representation in print media in1960s

張瑋, Chang, Wei Unknown Date (has links)
1960年代的電視機與現代生活圖景,在傳播研究史上仍有待開拓。本文試圖以1960年代之平面媒體資料,理解報紙、雜誌、書籍中電視再現的現代家庭生活樣貌,以及在都市發展過程中,電視機在新式住宅中扮演之角色。 結果發現,「現代化」是1960年代電視機販售推廣時常見的定義架構。現代化的「電化家庭」以現代化符碼作為販售號召,標誌著的是技術理性、進步之建構,過程中,嫁妝成為物質電器與美滿符號的具體化實踐機會。 「現代化」電化生活的再現中,家庭勞務之性別關係被凸顯出來。女性多以家庭主婦角色出現,展現的是勞務責任的承擔。由於女性的勞務承擔角色,她們被限縮於住宅與勞務工作之中,因此寂寞與無聊困擾之討論見於史料。電視機化做主婦的依託,提供她們對外交流的心理滿足。 此外,新式住宅的出現,私領域在鐵門與隔音不佳的水泥牆物質形構中漸漸形成一種心理狀態。電視機的出現,使家庭成為一個消費場域、享受空間,私領域得以深化。而電視也不僅僅成為總體居家裝飾的一部分,也成為個人地位象徵,電視消費者的分析展現現代的「高品味」與「低品味」的區分過程。 電視機的再現透露日本殖民、國府統戰、美國冷戰體系三股力量複雜交會的圖景。電視機造型、技術、資本,都因為日本家電廠與台廠合作之關係而承接下來,日本符號仍然沒有完全被去除,而以另外一種姿態低調地進入電視機的家庭生活再現中。 然而,大部分的平面媒體論述集中在美國。美國節目、美國影集大舉進入家庭之中,成為「現代生活的參照標準」。在整體對美國親近的強勢論域上,日本符號被歸依在美國的論述下。現代化被塑造成是歐美的標準,認同也指向了歐美。 但是事實上,日本符號仍然以品牌認同、簡潔理性之設計外觀出現於生活之中。 至於在電視機的國族方面,設置具高度宣傳意義,不過,不管是電視機販售與電視節目內容,國的宣傳身影不斷,但更強大的渴望娛樂與追求享受之消費者邏輯,正在醞釀形成。國的宣傳雖然得以進入家戶,不過卻與娛樂趨向之間,在家戶內形成角力。

Energieffektivisering av en 1960-talsvilla / Energy efficiency of a house from the 1960s

Stålheim, Victoria, Roth, Karin January 2012 (has links)
Miljöfrågor är i dagsläget ett ämne som intresserar och engagerar mångamänniskor på olika plan och inom olika ämnesområden. Kraven från vår regeringoch från EU blir allt stramare och inom området byggteknik finns idag krav på enbyggnads specifika energianvändning vid nybyggnation. Problemet är att det intefinns något specifikt krav på det befintliga beståndet och dessa byggnader har oftahög energiförbrukning. Möjligheten att det inom en snar framtid kommer kommakrav på det befintliga beståndet, likt det som finns för nybyggnation, är inteorimligt. Det är därför viktigt att redan nu se på vilka åtgärder det finns att vidtaför att sänka energiförbrukningen hos äldre byggnader och som riktlinje strävaefter att nå det krav som ställs på nybyggnation. Det finns många möjligheter och tillvägagångssätt till att energieffektivisera detäldre beståndet av bostäder. För att uppnå kvalitet i arbetet har en avgränsninggjorts till att endast studera 1960-talshus och se vilka åtgärder det finns att vidtasamt dess lönsamhet. För att kunna ge ett svar har tre frågeställningar tagits framsom behandlar energideklarationer för 1960-talshus inom Jönköpings kommun,samt en fallstudie av ett 1960-talshus. Studien av energideklarationerna gav kunskap om de vanligaste energibovarna ochvilka kostnadseffektiva åtgärder som kommunen rekommenderar. De vanligasteenergibovarna konstaterades vara köldbryggor, självdragventilation,varmvattenförluster samt värmeförluster via öppen spis. Kommunensrekommenderade kostnadseffektiva åtgärder visade sig som förväntat hautgångspunkt i de vanligaste energibovarna och är vattenbesparingsprodukter, nyregleringsteknik för inomhustemperaturen, fönsteråtgärder, tilläggsisolering avvind samt installation av kassett i öppen spis. Fallstudien med dessenergiberäkningar av 1960-talshuset visade på samma energibovar som varvanligast enligt energideklarationerna. För att förbättra byggnaden urenergisynpunkt togs olika totalrenoveringsförslag för energieffektivisering avbyggnaden fram, och de olika förslagens lönsamhet beräknades.Renoveringsförslagen består av byte av uppvärmningskälla, tilläggsisolering avfasad, vind och grund, byte av fönster samt vilken effekt solfångare bidrar med.För att få fram lönsamheten ställs energiårskostnaden för de olikatotalrenoveringsförslagen mot det ursprungliga oljeuppvärmda husets årligaenergikostnad. De framtagna totalrenoveringsalternativen ger alla en lägre årligenergikostnad jämfört med det oljeuppvärmda ursprungshuset, och inom 20 år harman tjänat in renoveringen. Enligt beräkningar är det mest lönsammatotalrenoveringsalternativet att efter 15 år ha valt putsad fasad medpelletsuppvärmning, och efter 20 år har det varit mest lönsamt att välja putsadfasad med kombinerad sol- och pelletsuppvärmning. Nackdelen med totalrenoveringsförslagen är att alla inte har möjligheten att utföraallt, men att exempelvis enbart byta värmekälla och tilläggsisolera vinden kan göraen skillnad för plånbok och miljö. / Environmental issues are in the current situation a subject of interest and concernto many people at various levels and in different subject areas. The demands fromour government and the EU is becoming increasingly tight and the study ofconstruction technology available today requires a building's specific energyconsumption in new buildings. The problem is that there is no specificrequirement for existing buildings and these buildings often have high energyconsumption. The possibility that in the near future there will come demands forthe existing population, like the demands which exists for new construction, is notunreasonable. It is therefore important that we now look at what action that ispossible to take to reduce energy consumption in older buildings and as aguideline strive to achieve the requirements for new construction. There are many possibilities and approaches to energy efficiency of the olderpopulation of housing. In order to achieve quality of work has a boundary madeto only study house from the 1960s and see what actions it is possible to take andits profitability. In order to give an answer, three questions were presented dealingwith energy declarations for buildings from the 1960s in the municipality ofJönköping, and a case study of a 1960s building. The study of energy declarations gave knowledge of the most common energyleaks and the cost-effective measures that the municipality is recommended. Themost common energy leaks were found to be thermal bridges, natural ventilation,water loss and heat loss through the fireplace. The cost-effective measures that themunicipality’s recommended proved to be, as expected, based on the mostcommon energy leaks and are water saving products, new adjustment techniquesfor indoor temperature, window measures, supplementary insulation of the atticand an installation of a cassette in the fireplace. The case study with its energycalculations of the house from the 1960s showed the same energy villains whowere most common according to the energy declarations. In order to improve thebuilding from an energy perspective was different complete renovation proposalsfor improving energy efficiency of building raised, and the various proposalsprofitability was calculated. Renovation proposals consist of replacing the heatingsource, additional insulation of facade, wind and ground, the replacement ofwindows as well as solar power contribute to. To obtain profitability is annualenergy cost for the complete renovation proposals compared to the originaloil-heated house's annual energy costs. All the designed renovation options gives alower annual energy costs compared to the original oil-heated house, and within20 years it has earned the renovation. According to estimates, the most profitablecomplete renovation proposal after 15 years is to have chosen plaster façade withpellet heating, and after 20 years it has been most profitable to choose plasterfaçade with combined solar and pellet heating. The disadvantage of the complete renovation proposals is that not everyone hasthe ability to accomplish everything, but for example to only change the source ofheat and can make a difference both for his wallet and the environment.

Players or pawns?: student-athletes, human rights activism, nonviolent protest and cultures of peace at the 1968 summer olympics

Hrynkow, Christopher 22 August 2013 (has links)
The image of two US athletes with black glove-covered fists raised on the podium at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics is iconic. However, despite a number of academic studies, articles, books, lectures and films addressing this moment, the deeper story behind that student-athlete protest at Mexico 68 is little known. It was far from being a merely spontaneous or violent action. In fact, the protest was part of a concerted and largely peaceful effort to highlight several systemic injustices of the late 1960s by a group named the Olympic Project for Human Rights. As will be demonstrated in this thesis, it follows that the deeper story of the student-athlete protests at Mexico 68 are ripe with significance from both: (1) a Peace Studies perspective, focussing on structural injustice, and (2) a Conflict Resolution Studies viewpoint, which upholds value in the constructive settling of disputes. Employing a Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) lens, which keeps both sets of concerns in view, and undertaking descriptive and analytical approaches that bring the voice of the athletes to the fore as much as possible given the limitations of this study, allows for a discussion of remarkable student-athletes interacting not only within the competitive structure of their sport at the Olympics, but also amongst social, institutional, and political contexts. This approach becomes foundational for the conclusion that the athletes involved in protests at Mexico 68 were players (i.e., agents) and not pawns, in relation to complex socio-political forces, which sought to manipulate and oppress them. Moreover, this PACS approach allows for twelve concrete lessons flowing from the stories of the athletes to be delineated for their contemporary relevance in a world where far too many injustices remain. In short, the main protest is herein presented as an awe-inspiring moment, simultaneously as a compass and a key, which when integrated with a PACS perspective serves to guide us towards a fuller understanding of the Olympic Project for Human Rights and it goals, unlocking what is revealed in this study to be a potentially important moment in the history of cultures of peace.

Uppror och solidaritet : 1960- och 1970-talets politiska uttryck i den svenska affischkonsten / Insurrection and solidarity : the political expression in Swedish poster art during the 1960s and 1970s

Gustafsson, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
Under det svenska 1960- och 1970-talet engagerade sig det svenska folket i en rad olika ideologiorienterade organisationer, internationella frågor eller folkrörelser, något som även tog sitt uttryck i kulturen. Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är att undersöka ett urval politiska affischer, utifrån Michael Baxandalls teori "The period eye", hur 1960- och 1970-talets konst påverkades av samtidens samhällstrukturer och politiska engagemang. Min tyngdpunkt kommer att ligga i de politiska affischer som på något sätt hade en anknytning till en alternativ rörelse, såsom Miljörörelsen, Kvinnorörelsen och Vietnamrörelsen. Men även den den svenska konstscenen i stort kommer att tillföras till undersökningen som en komplettering till förståelsen av affischernas uttryck och funktion, som ofta fabricerades utanför institutionella sammanhang. Dessa frågeställningar vill jag besvara med hjälp av den historiska bakgrunden och min analys: Vilka orsaker ligger bakom användandet av konstnärliga affischer vid spridningen av politisk propaganda? Det vill säga: Vilka faktorer gjorde att affischen användes flitigt som medium av de alternativa rörelserna istället för annan bildkonst? Hur kan den politiska andan från decennierna urskiljas konkret i affischerna? Hur skiljer sig affischkonsten från den mer institutionella konsten under dessa två decennier? Utifrån mina frågeställningar kommer jag att analysera tre politiska affischer genom att sätta in dem i ett historiskt perspektiv, vilket är deras samtid, 1960- och 1970-tal. Viktigt i det historiska perspektivet kommer att vara; de ekonomiska förutsättningarna, politikens uttryck i de olika sociala rörelserna, de internationella frågorna som präglade den svenska inrikespolitiken, synen på kulturarbetarnas politiska ansvar och konstnärens roll som politisk aktör.

Players or pawns?: student-athletes, human rights activism, nonviolent protest and cultures of peace at the 1968 summer olympics

Hrynkow, Christopher 22 August 2013 (has links)
The image of two US athletes with black glove-covered fists raised on the podium at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics is iconic. However, despite a number of academic studies, articles, books, lectures and films addressing this moment, the deeper story behind that student-athlete protest at Mexico 68 is little known. It was far from being a merely spontaneous or violent action. In fact, the protest was part of a concerted and largely peaceful effort to highlight several systemic injustices of the late 1960s by a group named the Olympic Project for Human Rights. As will be demonstrated in this thesis, it follows that the deeper story of the student-athlete protests at Mexico 68 are ripe with significance from both: (1) a Peace Studies perspective, focussing on structural injustice, and (2) a Conflict Resolution Studies viewpoint, which upholds value in the constructive settling of disputes. Employing a Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) lens, which keeps both sets of concerns in view, and undertaking descriptive and analytical approaches that bring the voice of the athletes to the fore as much as possible given the limitations of this study, allows for a discussion of remarkable student-athletes interacting not only within the competitive structure of their sport at the Olympics, but also amongst social, institutional, and political contexts. This approach becomes foundational for the conclusion that the athletes involved in protests at Mexico 68 were players (i.e., agents) and not pawns, in relation to complex socio-political forces, which sought to manipulate and oppress them. Moreover, this PACS approach allows for twelve concrete lessons flowing from the stories of the athletes to be delineated for their contemporary relevance in a world where far too many injustices remain. In short, the main protest is herein presented as an awe-inspiring moment, simultaneously as a compass and a key, which when integrated with a PACS perspective serves to guide us towards a fuller understanding of the Olympic Project for Human Rights and it goals, unlocking what is revealed in this study to be a potentially important moment in the history of cultures of peace.

Com a palavra o segundo sexo : percursos do pensamento intelectual feminista no Brasil dos anos 1960

Méndez, Natalia Pietra January 2008 (has links)
A análise da intelectualidade e de seu papel como um dos agentes de mudanças sociais e culturais é um tema que vem galgando espaços significativos na produção historiográfica. Neste trabalho, proponho um estudo sobre o percurso do pensamento feminista no Brasil Contemporâneo. Para tanto, escolhi três autoras que desempenharam um importante papel ao introduzir um olhar feminista no campo intelectual brasileiro: a jornalista Carmen da Silva, a escritora e editora Rose Marie Muraro e a socióloga Heleieth Saffioti. Através da palavra, estas mulheres colaboraram para o questionamento do conhecimento tradicional e misógeno. Trouxeram à luz novas interpretações para os problemas sociais, afirmando a análise das relações entre os sexos como um ponto fundamental para a compreensão e transformação da sociedade. Atentas às alterações na vida das mulheres que transcorriam ao longo do século XX, mantiveram os olhos focados na realidade brasileira. Na década de 1960, em meio a um regime ditatorial, seus escritos simbolizaram a liberdade almejada por mulheres e homens que sonhavam com a possibilidade de um país diferente. No período em questão, Carmen, Rose e Heleieth germinaram um debate, a partir de seus espaços de atuação, sobre a condição da mulher. Respectivamente, a Imprensa, a Igreja Católica e a Universidade. São instituições de onde surgiram parte significativa dos pensadores e da atividade intelectual no Brasil. Analisar as obras e as trajetórias de vida destas mulheres proporciona outros olhares sobre as relações de poder vigentes no contexto dos anos de 1960 e sobre o papel da intelectualidade na elaboração e difusão do pensamento feminista. / The analysis of the intellectuality and its role as one of the responsible for the social and cultural changes is a theme which is achieving meaningful positions in the historical production. In this study, I propose an analysis concerning to the development of the feminist thought in the Contemporary Brazil. So, three authors who have performed an important role in this field were chosen since they introduced a feminist perspective in the Brazilian intellectual environment. Such women are: the journalist Carmem da Silva, the writer and publisher Rose Marie Muraro and the sociologist Heleieth Saffioti. These women have collaborated to the inquiring of the traditional and misogynist knowledge through their concepts. They have brought to light new interpretations to the social problems, claiming the analysis of the gender relations as a fundamental subject for the comprehension and changing of the society. Being careful about the changes in the women lives that happened during the XX century, they kept their eyes focused on the Brazilian reality. In the 1960s, during the dictatorial period, their writings symbolized the desired freedom by women and men who dreamed about the possibility of a different country. In that period, Carmen, Rose e Heleieth evolved a debate about the women's condition starting from their working fields. Respectively, the press, the Catholic Church and the Universities are institutions from where emerged a significant part of the scholars and of the intellectual activity in Brazil. The analysis of these women's issues and their course of life provides us with a different point of view about the relation of the power in effect in the context of the 1960s and on the role of the intellectuality in the development and spreading of the feminist thought.

Téma viny v české próze 60. let 20. století / The theme of guilt in Czech prose of the 1960s

HOUZIMOVÁ, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the theme of guilt in the particular texts edited in the 1960s. The theme is followed with regard to the phenomena of holocaust, transfer of Sudeten Germans, collaboration and communist regime. The ties between actual and fictional world are among others considered with a view to refer to the unique character of totalitarian regimes. One of the aims is to find out parallels between the Nazi and the Communist regime and the interface of their ideologies in terms of analysis, comparison and interpretation of the texts. Simultaneously, the narrative discourse is considered within context of the influence it has got upon the interpretation of guilt. The guilt itself is surveyed with regard to the philosophy of existentialism which contributes to the specification of possible ways of defining the particular offences and their evaluation, and at the same time helps to open new ways of discussion about guilt and possibilities of staying innocent as the significant phenomena not only in the realm of the literature of the 1960s.

"Forward You Must Go": Chemawa Indian Boarding School and Student Activism in the 1960s and 1970s / Chemawa Indian Boarding School and Student Activism in the 1960s and 1970s

Ruhl, Melissa 06 1900 (has links)
vii, 122 p. : ill. / High school student activism at Chemawa Indian School, a Native American boarding school in Oregon, transformed the curriculum, policies, and student life at Chemawa. Historians have neglected post-WWII boarding school stories, yet both the historical continuities and changes in boarding school life are significant. Using the student newspaper, the <italic>Chemawa American,</italic> I argue that during the 1960s, Chemawa continued to encourage Christianity, relegate heritage to safety zones, and rely on student labor to sustain the school. In the 1970s, Chemawa students, in part influenced by the Indian Student Bill of Rights, brought self-determination to Chemawa. Students organized clubs exploring Navajo, Alaskan, and Northwest Indian cultures and heritages. They were empowered to change rules such as the dress code provision dictating the length of hair. When the federal government threatened to close Chemawa many students fought to keep their school open even in the face of rapidly declining enrollment rates. / Committee in charge: Dr. Ellen Herman, Chairperson; Dr. Jeffery Ostler, Member; Dr. Brian Klopotek, Member

Com a palavra o segundo sexo : percursos do pensamento intelectual feminista no Brasil dos anos 1960

Méndez, Natalia Pietra January 2008 (has links)
A análise da intelectualidade e de seu papel como um dos agentes de mudanças sociais e culturais é um tema que vem galgando espaços significativos na produção historiográfica. Neste trabalho, proponho um estudo sobre o percurso do pensamento feminista no Brasil Contemporâneo. Para tanto, escolhi três autoras que desempenharam um importante papel ao introduzir um olhar feminista no campo intelectual brasileiro: a jornalista Carmen da Silva, a escritora e editora Rose Marie Muraro e a socióloga Heleieth Saffioti. Através da palavra, estas mulheres colaboraram para o questionamento do conhecimento tradicional e misógeno. Trouxeram à luz novas interpretações para os problemas sociais, afirmando a análise das relações entre os sexos como um ponto fundamental para a compreensão e transformação da sociedade. Atentas às alterações na vida das mulheres que transcorriam ao longo do século XX, mantiveram os olhos focados na realidade brasileira. Na década de 1960, em meio a um regime ditatorial, seus escritos simbolizaram a liberdade almejada por mulheres e homens que sonhavam com a possibilidade de um país diferente. No período em questão, Carmen, Rose e Heleieth germinaram um debate, a partir de seus espaços de atuação, sobre a condição da mulher. Respectivamente, a Imprensa, a Igreja Católica e a Universidade. São instituições de onde surgiram parte significativa dos pensadores e da atividade intelectual no Brasil. Analisar as obras e as trajetórias de vida destas mulheres proporciona outros olhares sobre as relações de poder vigentes no contexto dos anos de 1960 e sobre o papel da intelectualidade na elaboração e difusão do pensamento feminista. / The analysis of the intellectuality and its role as one of the responsible for the social and cultural changes is a theme which is achieving meaningful positions in the historical production. In this study, I propose an analysis concerning to the development of the feminist thought in the Contemporary Brazil. So, three authors who have performed an important role in this field were chosen since they introduced a feminist perspective in the Brazilian intellectual environment. Such women are: the journalist Carmem da Silva, the writer and publisher Rose Marie Muraro and the sociologist Heleieth Saffioti. These women have collaborated to the inquiring of the traditional and misogynist knowledge through their concepts. They have brought to light new interpretations to the social problems, claiming the analysis of the gender relations as a fundamental subject for the comprehension and changing of the society. Being careful about the changes in the women lives that happened during the XX century, they kept their eyes focused on the Brazilian reality. In the 1960s, during the dictatorial period, their writings symbolized the desired freedom by women and men who dreamed about the possibility of a different country. In that period, Carmen, Rose e Heleieth evolved a debate about the women's condition starting from their working fields. Respectively, the press, the Catholic Church and the Universities are institutions from where emerged a significant part of the scholars and of the intellectual activity in Brazil. The analysis of these women's issues and their course of life provides us with a different point of view about the relation of the power in effect in the context of the 1960s and on the role of the intellectuality in the development and spreading of the feminist thought.

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