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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mediação: proposta de implementação no processo civil brasileiro. / Mediation: how to insert it in Brazilian civil procedure

Demarchi, Juliana 23 May 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda a inserção dos meios alternativos de resolução de conflitos no processo civil e propõe a consideração de tais métodos como técnicas processuais voltadas ao atingimento dos escopos da jurisdição, tomada essencialmente como função pública voltada à pacificação de conflitos. São apresentados os institutos fundamentais do processo civil e se parte de uma releitura do processo civil a partir da busca da efetividade e da consideração do escopo da pacificação como escopo magno da jurisdição, o que justifica a introdução de meios complementares de solução de conflitos voltados à promoção da solução consensual dos litígios. Tem-se, então, em certa medida, a ampliação do objeto de estudo do processo civil. Tendo em vista a necessidade de se agregar novos institutos à consecução dos escopos do processo, os meios alternativos de solução de conflitos passam a ser tratados não mais como meros equivalentes jurisdicionais, mas como ferramentas do próprio sistema processual para a consecução de seus escopos. Isso conduz ao alargamento do objeto da ciência processual, à alteração do conteúdo programático das Escolas de Direito e à formação de um novo profissional da área jurídica. Dentre os métodos de resolução de conflitos existentes, são descritas a negociação, a conciliação, a avaliação neutra e a mediação, com destaque para esta última pela maior amplitude de aplicação e de técnicas utilizadas. São apresentados os fundamentos teóricos da mediação, as principais técnicas utilizadas e o procedimento que se recomenda seja observado para a condução adequada dessa forma de solução de controvérsias. Descritos esses métodos, passa-se à abordagem de algumas experiências de aplicação dos meios alternativos de forma complementar ao processo civil, destacando-se especialmente a disciplina legal estabelecida nos Estados Unidos da América e na Argentina. O presente trabalho culmina com a apresentação de um cronograma de instalação de setores de mediação anexos ao sistema judicial, abordando o recrutamento de mediadores, a capacitação necessária, o papel dos operadores do direito na empreitada e a metodologia de trabalho empregada, tudo a partir das bases legislativas já existentes em nosso ordenamento e do sucesso do projeto de gerenciamento de casos elaborado pelo CEBEPEJ - Centro Brasileiro de Estudos e Pesquisas Judiciais. A ampla utilização da mediação como instrumento de pacificação e consecução dos escopos da jurisdição já é possível independentemente de legislação própria .e específica, embora a institucionalização possa constituir um instrumento importante da divulgação e implementação da mediação em nossa sociedade. Buscou-se lançar as bases teóricas e práticas do uso da mediação como ferramenta de consecução dos escopos da jurisdição, principalmente o da pacificação, a partir de uma visão diferenciada do conflito e da necessidade de formação de um novo profissional da área jurídica, incorporando ao processo civil métodos complementares de solução de conflitos marcados pelo traço da interdisciplinaridade que permitirão alcançar o processo civil que se almeja: efetivo, célere e voltado preponderantemente à pacificação dos conflitantes. / The present work tackles the insertion of alternative dispute resolution methods in civil procedure, and proposes to consider these methods as procedural techniques focused on obtaining the scope of the jurisdiction, taken essentially as a public function towards the pacification of disputes. The fundamental institutes of civil procedure are presented from a new reading in the field, seeking effective solutions and considering the scope of pacification as a substantial scope of jurisdiction, thereby justifying the introduction of supplementary means for the resolution of disputes focusing on the promotion of a consensual resolution of disputes. The subject of study of civil procedure is hence to some extent broadened. In view of the necessity to aggregate new institutes in order to attain the scopes of the process, the alternative dispute resolution methods are henceforth treated not as mere jurisdiction equivalents but as tools of the very procedure system for the attainment of its scopes. This leads to the widening of the subject of the science of civil to the modification of programme contents in the Colleges of Law and to the building of a new law professional. Negotiation, conciliation, neutral early evaluation and mediation fall within the methods used to resolve disputes, particular emphasis being laid on the latter due to the extent of its application and the techniques used. The theoretical foundations of mediation, the main techniques used and the recommended procedure to be observed for a proper execution of this form of resolution of controversies are presented. Once completed the description of those methods, we shall move onto the experience of the application of alternative means as a supplementary form in civil proceedings, while highlighting more particularly the legal discipline established in the United States of America and in Argentina. This work then culminates with the presentation of a schedule for the insta1lation of additional mediation sectors alongside the judicial system, while tackling the recruitment of mediators, the necessary qualification, the role played by law professionals in this enterprise and the work methodology employed, all of which from the legal bases existing in our ordinance and the success of the case management project elaborated by CEBEPEJ - the Brazilian Judicial Studies and Research Centre. The wide use of mediation as a pacification tool for the attainment of the scopes of jurisdiction is a1ready possible, regardless of the specific legislation itself, although the institutionalisation may constitute an important tool for the release and implementation of mediation in our society. The purpose of this study was to set the theoretica1 bases and practices of the use of mediation as a tool to attain the scopes of jurisdiction, and mainly that of pacification from a differentiated viewpoint of dispute and from the necessity of qualifying a new legal professional by incorporating supplementary methods into civil proceedings for the resolution of disputes marked by the trait of an interdisciplinary approach, hereby making it possible to reach the civil procedure aspired to: an effective and diligent proceeding turned most and foremost towards the pacification of the parties in dispute.

Choix de localisation résidentielle des ménages en milieu urbain : les apports récents des modèles de choix discrets en présence d'un nombre élevé d'alternatives / Residential location choice in urban areas : recent discrete choice model with large number of alternatives

Aissaoui, Hind 30 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse, portant sur le choix de localisation résidentielle des ménages, s’inscrit dans le cadre théorique de la microéconomie urbaine et de l’utilité aléatoire. Si l’approche des choix discrets reste la plus appropriée dans ce domaine, la difficulté réside dans l’adaptation de ce type de modèles au contexte spatial (autocorrélation spatiale, grand nombre d’alternatives de choix) d’une part, et dans la manière de définir l’échelle de désagrégation d’autre part. Pour ce faire, nous avons procédé en deux temps. Nous avons estimé un logit multinomial avec un échantillon aléatoire d’alternatives pour comprendre le processus de choix de localisation résidentielle, avant de tester l’apport d’une structure hiérarchique pour traiter les problèmes d’autocorrélation spatiale. Cela a aussi permis l’investigation d’une nouvelle méthode de correction des biais liés à l’échantillonnage d’alternatives dans le cas du modèle logit emboîté. En termes de résultats, nous avons montré que la qualité de l’environnement social est le facteur le plus déterminant, sans remettre en cause le poids toujours important de l’accessibilité à l’emploi. Au plan méthodologique, nous avons été en mesure de tester l’apport de l’utilisation d’un modèle logit emboîté pour analyser les choix de localisation de l’aire urbaine de Lyon. Cependant, nous n’avons pas pu dépasser la difficulté de séparer l’autocorrélation spatiale et entre les nids. Le calage du modèle de choix de localisation en 1999 et en 2007 a aussi permis de donner des éléments de réponse sur la transférabilité temporelle des modèles de choix de localisation et de questionner, dans les travaux futurs, le pouvoir prédictif d’un modèle de choix de localisation. / This thesis, focusing on the choice of residential location, is based on the theoretical framework of urban micro-economy and random utility. Though discrete choice modelling is the most appropriate in this field, the difficulty lies in choosing the appropriate model to the spatial context of residential location choice (spatial autocorrelation, large number of alternatives), on the one hand, and in the way of defining the spatial scale, on the other hand. For this purpose, we proceeded in two stages. We estimated a multinomial logit with random sampling of alternatives to understand the process of residential location choice before taking into account the spatial autocorrelation, and estimating a nested logit model. It also allowed to investigate the feasibility of applying a new method to correct biases of sampling alternatives in the case of nested logit model. In terms of results, we have shown that social environment are the most important determinants of residential location choice. Though job accessibility still weigh on household choice decision. In terms of methodology, we were able to test the feasibility of estimating a nested logit model with sampling of alternatives to analyze the choice of location of Lyon urban area. However, we could not overcome the difficulty of distinguishing spatial autocorrelation from nesting. The use of 1999 and 2007 databases to model residential location choice also helped to provide answers on the temporal transferability of location choice models and discuss in future work the predictive power of a location choice model.

Ensino-aprendizagem em um contexto dinâmico - o caso de planejamento de transportes / Teaching-learning in a dynamic context – the case of transportation planning

Márcia de Andrade Pereira 17 March 2005 (has links)
As rápidas mudanças causadas pelo avanço tecnológico e pelo processo de globalização reforçam a necessidade de se redefinir o perfil do engenheiro para atender as exigências tanto do mercado de trabalho como da sociedade. O surgimento de novas técnicas e ferramentas de análise é uma conseqüência natural deste avanço tecnológico e científico e deveria ser rapidamente incorporado a cursos com forte base tecnológica, como a Engenharia. O desafio para que isto efetivamente ocorra é que o tempo dedicado às disciplinas não pode mais ser ampliado para incorporar novos conteúdos. No entanto, a hipótese desta pesquisa é que, ao mesmo tempo em que fazem parte do problema, as novas tecnologias podem fornecer os recursos necessários para a sua solução. Neste contexto, um novo paradigma para o ensino-aprendizagem é necessário, sendo importante para isto, reconhecer não somente o potencial papel do computador e das ferramentas a ele associadas, como também compreender os diferentes estilos de aprendizagem. Diante disto, o objetivo deste trabalho de tese é explorar e avaliar alternativas para adequação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem ao contexto de rápidas e constantes inovações hoje observado, fazendo-se uso de recursos da hipermídia, fundamentada nos conceitos do construtivismo e testada a partir da introdução de conteúdos inovadores em uma disciplina que trata de Planejamento de Transportes. Através dessa disciplina procurou-se avaliar se os alunos seriam capazes, com a abordagem proposta, de absorver novos tópicos sem comprometer o conteúdo programático tradicional. Para tanto, complementou-se o paradigma tradicional com diversas alternativas pedagógicas (trabalhos em grupo, CD educativo, pesquisas na Internet, WebCT, etc.) em uma turma do terceiro ano do curso de Engenharia Civil. Os resultados encontrados indicam que as alternativas consideradas contribuíram de alguma forma para o aprimoramento da metodologia tradicional, apresentando resultados positivos para o aprendizado. Pode-se afirmar assim que a contribuição desse trabalho para o ensino de Engenharia de Transportes foi significativa, na medida em que demonstra que é possível aprimorar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, inclusive incorporando novos conteúdos, mesmo diante de uma grade curricular rígida. / The fast changes produced by the technological development and by the globalization process highlight the need for a new profile of an engineer that can meet the demands of the labor market and of the society. The emergence of new techniques and analyses tools is a natural consequence of that technological and scientific development and it should be immediately incorporated into courses with a strong technological basis, such as Engineering. The challenge to do so is the time constraint imposed to disciplines, which can no longer be increased to include additional topics. However, the hypothesis of this research is that although the new technologies are part of the problem, they can also provide the resources needed for its solution. In such a context, a new paradigm for the teaching learning process is required, in which not only the potential role of the computer itself and of the tools associated to are acknowledged, but also the different learning styles of the students should be taken into account. Therefore, the objective of this research work is to search and evaluation of alternatives for adapting the teaching-learning process to the context of fast and constant innovations currently observed. This is achieved by using multimedia resources for exploring concepts of constructivism, tested with the inclusion of innovative concepts in a Transportation Planning discipline. This experiment was meant to evaluate if the students would be able to grasp new topics along with the long-established contents with the proposed approach. The traditional paradigm was then combined with several pedagogical alternatives (team work, educational CD-ROM, research on Internet, WebCT, etc.) in a Civil Engineering attended by third-year students. The results found indicate that the alternatives considered have contributed to some extent, to the improvement of the traditional teaching method, bringing positive outcomes to the learning process. Therefore, one can conclude that this study brought a valuable contribution for Transportation Engineering education, given that the teaching-learning process was improved while making possible the inclusion of new topics even in a very inflexible grid course.

Novos parâmetros para a intervenção do Estado na economia: persistência e dinâmica da atuação do BNDES em uma economia baseada no conhecimento / New parameters for the State intervention in the economy: persistence and dynamics of BNDES performance in a knowledge based economy

Schapiro, Mario Gomes 14 May 2009 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar os novos caminhos da intervenção direta do Estado na economia, notadamente no ambiente financeiro nacional, em que prevalece a atuação de um banco público de desenvolvimento - O BNDES. O trabalho parte do pressuposto de que há uma variedade de alternativas institucionais de organização financeira, que refletem as trajetórias históricas dos países. É por esta razão que se pode identificar, por exemplo, diferenças entre o modelo norte-americano e o modelo nipo-germanico: enquanto o primeiro é baseado nas operações do mercado de capitais, o segundo conta com os investidores institucionais e com os bancos. A partir daí, pode-se igualmente reconhecer que a alternativa institucional constitutiva do sistema financeiro nacional conta com os agentes estatais: os seus principais atores financeiros. Destes todos, o BNDES é o exemplo mais significativo. Diante disso, uma vez caracterizado que a intervenção direta do Estado, também chamada no trabalho de regulação institucional, é o elemento característico do modelo brasileiro de desenvolvimento, a tese procurar mostrar que esta ação pública tem sofrido alterações, em um contexto recente. Em razão de um novo paradigma econômico, a economia baseada no conhecimento, pode-se reconhecer modificações na forma de atuação do agente estatal. Um estudo de caso revela que não só o financiamento das inovações passou a assumir um caráter relevante na agenda do BNDES, como, principalmente, esta atividade esteve associada a uma nova racionalidade de intervenção. Diante da nova economia, o Banco atua em convergência com os demais agentes financeiros e com isso assume um papel de indutor tanto das empresas emergentes, como do próprio de mercado de capital de risco. Esta constatação aponta para dois atributos que compõem, então, esta nova rodada da regulação direta da economia: a persistência e a dinâmica. A persistência porque apesar das modificações advin advindas de uma economia baseada no conhecimento, o Estado e, em especial o BNDES, continua a desempenhar um papel chave no financiamento do desenvolvimento brasileiro, particularmente em áreas não consolidadas e portadoras de futuro, como, ora, são as inovações. A dinâmica porque esta prevalência do agente estatal no financiamento corporativo assenta-se em novas ferramentas e assume uma distinta racionalidade, compatível com uma economia privatizada e aberta à concorrência internacional. É, pois, disso que trata esta tese: da regulação institucional de um banco de desenvolvimento em uma economia baseada no conhecimento. / The objective of this dissertation is to examine the new ways of direct State intervention in the economy, especially in the domestic financial environment, which has a prevailing public bank for development - the BNDES. The work is based on the assumption that there are a variety of alternatives to institutional financial organization, which reflect the historical trajectories of the countries. It is for this reason that we can identify, for example, differences between the U.S. model and the Japanese-German model: while the former is based on the operations of the capital market, the latter deals with institutional investors and the banks. Hence, we can also recognize that the alternative institutional constituent of the national financial system takes into account state agents, their main financial players. Of them all, the BNDES is the most significant example. Thus, once established the direct intervention of the state, also called institutional regulation, as the main feature of the Brazilian model of development, the dissertation examines the changes it recently underwent. Because of a new economic paradigm, the knowledge based economy, there have been changes in the way state acts in economy. A case study shows that not only that the financing of innovation has become paramount within the BNDES agenda, but also this activity has been associated with a new rationale for intervention. Facing this new economy, the Bank operates in convergence with other financial agents, thus taking a role in inducing both emerging companies and venture capital. This finding points to two attributes that make up, thus, this new stage of direct regulation of the economy: persistence and dynamics. Persistence because despite changes resulting from a knowledge based economy, the state and, in particular the BNDES, continues to play a key role in the financing of Brazilian development, particularly in non¬consolidated and future bearing areas, as innovations. Dynamics, because the prevalence of the state agent in corporate finance is based on new tools and takes a different rationale, consistent with a privatized economy, open to international competition. That is, therefore, with the core issue of the present dissertation: the institutional regulation of a development bank within a knowledge-based economy.

Aspectos ambientais na contratação de obras públicas

Siqueira, Aretusa dos Santos de 08 November 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2015-05-27T13:42:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Aretusa dos Santos de Siqueira.pdf: 9009635 bytes, checksum: 9c422ba9f7391ce8c701689aa216bf26 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-27T13:42:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aretusa dos Santos de Siqueira.pdf: 9009635 bytes, checksum: 9c422ba9f7391ce8c701689aa216bf26 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-11-08 / The present work aims to analyze the environmental aspects in public works contracts conducted through the bidding process, including the bulge in his quest for sustainability, establishing as State obligation to include environmental criteria for economy of natural resources. With its enormous power purchases and hires the State went on to act as a potential economic engine, assuming the responsibility for the formation of new markets more sustainable and ecologically correct, seeking alternatives ranging from recycling, saving water and energy, to the decrease of harmful gases to the environment. Apart from this contribution to the environment through public signings, this research will also analyze the issue of environmental liability in the State about the environmental damage arising from their employment under the auspices of the triple responsibility (civil, administrative and criminal law) provided for in our Magna Carta. / O presente trabalho tem a finalidade de analisar os aspectos ambientais nas contratações de obras públicas realizadas através do procedimento licitatório, incluindo em seu bojo a busca pela sustentabilidade, estabelecendo como obrigação Estatal a inclusão de critérios ambientais para economia dos recursos naturais. Com seu enorme poder de compras e contratações o Estado passou a atuar como um potencial agente econômico, assumindo consequentemente a responsabilidade pela formação de novos mercados mais sustentáveis e ecologicamente corretos, buscando alternativas que vão desde a reciclagem, economia de água e energia, até a diminuição de gases nocivos ao meio ambiente. Além dessa contribuição com o meio ambiente através das contratações públicas, a presente pesquisa também analisará a questão da responsabilidade ambiental do Estado sobre os danos ambientais decorrente de suas contratações, sob a égide da tríplice responsabilização (cível, administrativa e penal) prevista em nossa Carta Magna.

The Influence of School Discipline Approaches on Suspension Rates

Christy, Donna 01 January 2018 (has links)
A free and appropriate public education is promised to every child in the United States. However, zero tolerance school discipline policies have broken that promise, pushing students out of the classroom and into the school-to-prison pipeline. Despite the growing body of research demonstrating negative social and economic impacts of exclusionary discipline, public school administrators have been slow to adopt innovative policies that provide rehabilitative alternatives. The purpose of this study was to compare, using the consequences of innovations application of Rogers's diffusion of innovations theory, the impact of various school district approaches to school discipline on suspension rates while controlling for race and socioeconomic status. This study used a quantitative, nonexperimental, nonequivalent groups, posttest-only research design using secondary analysis of data reported by 218 school districts in a New England state for the 2016-17 school year. Analysis of covariance indicated that there is a significant relationship between approaches to school discipline and suspension rates when controlling for racial and socioeconomic composition (p < .05). Race and economic disadvantage significantly influenced suspension rates (p < .001), and districts implementing alternatives differed significantly in their racial and socioeconomic compositions (p < .001). Policy implications include the promotion of alternative approaches to school discipline. Implications for social change include evidence to support the work of those addressing the needs underlying student behavior rather than crime and punishment models to produce safe and supportive schools and dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline.

Un test d'adéquation global pour la fonction de répartition conditionnelle

FERRIGNO, Sandie 17 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Soient X et Y , deux variables aléatoires. De nombreuses procédures statistiques permettent d'ajuster un modèle à ces données dans le but d'expliquer Y à partir de X. La mise en place d'un tel modèle fait généralement appel à diverses hypothèses que <br />l'on doit valider pour justifier son utilisation. Dans ce travail, on propose une approche globale où toutes les hypothèses faites pour asseoir ce modèle sont testées simultanément. <br />Plus précisément, on construit un test basé sur une quantité qui permet de canaliser toute l'information liant X à Y : la fonction de répartition conditionnelle de Y sachant (X = x) définie par F(y|x)=P(Y<=y|X=x). Notre test compare la valeur prise par l'estimateur polynômial local de F(y|x) à une estimation paramétrique du modèle supposé et rejette sa <br />validité si la distance entre ces deux quantités est trop grande. Dans un premier temps, on considère le cas où la fonction de répartition supposée est entièrement spécifiée et, dans <br />ce contexte, on établit le comportement asymptotique du test. Dans la deuxième partie du travail, on généralise ce résultat au cas plus courant en pratique où le modèle supposé contient un certain nombre de paramètres inconnus. On étudie ensuite la puissance locale du test en déterminant son comportement asymptotique local sous des suites d'hypothèses contigües. Enfin, on propose un critère de choix de la fenêtre d'ajustement qui intervient lors de l'étape d'estimation polynômiale locale de la fonction de répartition conditionnelle.

Development of a new screening assay to identify proteratogenic compounds using Zebrafish Danio rerio embryo combined with an exogenous mammalian metabolic activation system (mDarT)

Busquet, François 30 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The assessment of teratogenic effects of chemicals is generally performed using in vivo teratogenicity assays e.g., in rats or rabbits. Following the 3R principles, the development of alternative methods is encouraged to reduce the number of animal tests. From this perspective, we have developed an in vitro assay (mDarT) using the zebrafish Danio rerio embryo teratogenicity assay (DarT) combined with an exogenous mammalian metabolic activation system (MAS), able to biotransform proteratogenic compounds. Cyclophosphamide, ethanol, benzo[a]pyrene and thalidomide were used as test materials to assess the efficiency of this assay. Briefly, the zebrafish embryos were co-cultured at 2 hpf (hours post fertilization) with the test material at varying concentrations, mammalian liver microsomes from different species and NADPH for 60 min at 32°C under moderate agitation in Tris buffer. The negative control (test material alone) and the MAS control (MAS alone) were incubated in parallel. For each test group, 20 eggs were used for statistical robustness. Afterwards fish embryos were transferred individually into 24-well plates filled with fish medium for 48 hours at 26°C with a 12 hour-light cycle. Teratogenicity was scored after 24 and 48 hpf using morphological endpoints. The test was considered to be valid if a minimum of 90% of fish eggs developed normally for the two controls (test material alone and MAS alone). For each test material, the experiment was repeated three times with the controls satisfying the validation criteria (≤ 10% impaired embryos). Indeed, no significant teratogenic effects were observed compared to controls in fish embryos exposed to the proteratogens alone (i.e., without metabolic activation) or the MAS alone. In contrast, the four test materials induced significant abnormalities in fish embryos when co-incubated with animal liver microsomes. For cyclophosphamide, ethanol and thalidomide a concentration-response relationship was shown and the qualitative nature of the malformations was similar between fish embryos and humans. Benzo[a]pyrene was demonstrated to be significantly teratogenic in fish embryos in spite of no concentration-response and unspecific teratogenic fingerprints. We conclude that the application of animal liver microsomes will improve and refine the DarT as a predictive and valuable alternative method to screen teratogenic substances.

Les " conditions de travail " : proposition de modélisation pour l'usage. Entre épistémologie et philosophie sociale, un mode de traitement ergologique du concept.

Muriel, Prévot-Carpentier 12 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
A partir d'une problématique suscitée par l'élaboration de l'Observatoire des Conditions de Travail de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi (ANPE) auquel nous avons participé en Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche (CIFRE), la thèse retrace les généalogies conceptuelles qui ont amené aux visions actuelles du concept de " conditions de travail ", qui s'est institutionnalisé en France vers 1970 en restant sans définition. Marqué au niveau de sa structure par une conception factorielle issue de la division du travail, et par une conception séquentielle issue du taylorisme qui s'y est superposée, il se constitue progressivement au niveau de son sens dans les débats du XIXe siècle dans une dialectique entre droit-liberté et pouvoir-domination qui s'apparente à une conception politique des conditions pour le travail, subsumée à partir du mouvement de rationalisation du début du XXe siècle par une conception organisationnelle de conditions entièrement normées ou normables. Ces conditions tendent alors à être traitées dans des négociations institutionnelles, en désadhérence de la dialectique permanente et sans cesse renouvelée du normatif et du normé dans l'activité. Cette distance entre le concept et la vie est une usurpation épistémologique dont nous proposons le dépassement par une modélisation ergologique du concept mettant en visibilité les multiples entités de débats de normes, et donc de valeurs, du micro au macro dans l'espace social. Ce mode de traitement renouvelé du concept au profit de ceux qui travaillent, favoriserait l'émergence d'alternatives laissées en pénombre dans l'activité, sources potentielles de performance pour les entités productives.

Bioetanolio gamybos verslo įmonės valdymo strategijos modeliavimas / Modelling of management strategy in business of bioethanol industry

Seilius, Nerijus, Seilius, Darius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Strateginis valdymas yra pagrindinė magistrinio darbo „Bioetanolio gamybos verslo įmonės valdymo strategijos modeliavimas“ tema. Strateginis valdymas yra pateikiamas ne tik kaip teorinis procesas, susidedantis iš strateginės analizės, strategijos formavimo ir strategijos ��gyvendinimo etapų, bet ir praktinis modelis, taikytinas bioetanolio gamybos verslo atveju. Bioetanolio verslas Lietuvos rinkoje yra pakankamai nauja veiklos sritis, pasižyminti nedideliu konkurentų skaičiumi ir nesuformuotais produkcijos realizavimo kanalais. Dėl šios priežasties didžioji dalis bioetanolio produkcijos yra eksportuojama. Tačiau palanki teisinė aplinka, sąlygoja geras vystymosi ir plėtros tendencijas ir vietinėje rinkoje. Siekiant suformuoti tikslingą bioetanolio gamybos verslo strateginio valdymo modelį, yra atlikti tiek teoriniai, tiek empiriniai tyrimai. Jų rezultatai sudarė sąlygas ne tik pasirinkti greito įsiskverbimo į vietinę rinką ir eksporto per prekybos tarpininkus strategijas, bet ir parengti veiksmų (finansų, marketingo, gamybos, organizacinių) programas bei įvertinti finansines-investicines strateginio valdymo įgyvendinimo proceso galimybes ir identifikuoti įgijamus konkurencinius pranašumus rinkoje. / Strategic management is the main Master‘s “Modelling of management strategy in business of bioethanol industry” thesis. Strategic management is considered not only as theoretical process, including strategic analysis, strategy formulation and strategy implementation stages, but also as practical model, applicable in bioethanol industry. Bioethanol industry is quite new activity field in Lithuanian market, characterized by a little number of competitors and unformed distribution channels of production. For that reason the vast majority of bioethanol production is being exported. But favourable legal enviroment causes good development and expansion tendencies in local market as well. To form a model of strategic management of bioethanol industry, it have been made and defined theoretical and empirical researches. The results caused both an opportunity to select a fast infiltration to local market and export by sales agents strategies and to formulate such operational programmes as finance, marketing, organizational and production. There is also a possibility to evaluate financial opportunities of implementation of strategic management process and to indicate the main competitive advantages in the market.

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