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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

<b>From Preschool to Kindergarten: An Investigation of Transition Strategies</b>

Chelsea Leeann Poindexter (18349827) 12 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Children with autism may have delayed language skills. Deficits in pragmatic language can affect social interaction with adults and peers and academic performance as more complex language becomes required for reading comprehension and analysis of information (Ibrahimagic et al., 2021 p. 251) This research supports the study question, how can educators prepare children with autism during this transition program? The survey was sent to fifteen participants addressing their insights and experiences of the transition to kindergarten process and the transition strategies that were used in the classroom. The results from the survey indicated that teachers do not know about the transition to kindergarten process. For the transitional practices, 36% of teachers said they used social stories, 9% of teachers used a photo book of new people and school environments, and 27% of teachers used observations of the student in the preschool classroom. This research assisted in the production of a handbook.</p>

L’environnement intérieur et l’autisme : un Centre de jour pour adultes

Blais, Irini 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente et discute d’une problématique importante qui s’inscrit dans un contexte actuel, autant sur le plan international que local, puisqu’elle touche 1 enfant sur 68 (CDC, 2010). On parle ici du trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA). Plus spécifiquement, cette recherche se concentre sur les jeunes adultes autistes, qui du jour au lendemain, se retrouvent face à une interruption de services. Elle suggère qu’une adaptation adéquate de l’environnement soit davantage explorée en vue d’offrir des centres de jour adaptés à cette clientèle. La question de recherche est la suivante : Quels sont les éléments du design intérieur qui peuvent améliorer la qualité de vie des adultes autistes? Il est essentiel de s’y attarder, puisque les personnes TSA sont entre autres caractérisées par leur hypersensibilité et leur hyposensibilité face à l’environnement. Bien que le sujet de l’autisme soit richement documenté par le domaine des sciences médicales, il est apparu qu’il l’est moins par celui de l’aménagement. La stratégie méthodologique de cette recherche repose sur des analyses de précédents, des observations participantes ainsi que la tenue d’entretiens semi-dirigés auprès de parents d’enfants autistes. Cette étude vise simultanément l’amélioration de la compréhension de la pratique émergente du design comme moyen d’intervention ainsi que l’identification des facteurs (éclairages, couleurs, matériaux, division de l’espace, etc.) pouvant améliorer le bien-être des adultes autistes. Sur la base des données collectées, il a été remarqué qu’effectivement, plusieurs moyens peuvent être entrepris pour concevoir des environnements améliorant le bien-être de ces adultes. Les résultats extraits du terrain mènent à des propositions d’aménagement claires : rendre l’abstrait le plus concret possible, aménager des zones de retrait social, offrir une variété d’ambiances, et finalement, offrir un encadrement sécuritaire. / This thesis presents and discusses an important issue that is part of a current context, both international and local level, since it affects 1 child in 68 (CDC, 2010). We are talking about the Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). More specifically, this research focuses on young autistic adults who suddenly find themselves facing a lack of services. It suggests that an adequate adaptation of the environment should be explored in order to provide adapted day Centers to this clientele. The question of the research is the following: What are the elements of interior design that can improve the quality of life of autistic adults? It is essential to linger over it, since ASD people are characterized by hypersensitivity and hyposensitivity to the environment. Even if the subject of autism is richly documented by medical science, it appeared that it is less studied by the interior architecture domain. The methodological strategy of this research is based on analysis of precedents, participant observation and the conducting semi-structured interviews with parents of autistic people. This study aims simultaneously to improve the understanding of the emerging practice of design as an intervention and the identification of factors (lightings, colors, materials, spatial organization) that could improve the wellbeing of autistics adults. Based on the data collected, it was noticed that, indeed, several means can be undertaken to design environments improving the well-being of adults. The results extracted from the field study lead us to clear layout proposals: making the abstract as concrete as possible, develop areas of social withdrawal, offer a variety of atmospheres, and finally provide a safe environment.

Experiências com desenvolvimento ágil / Experiences with agile development

Bassi Filho, Dairton Luiz 18 March 2008 (has links)
A crescente demanda por sistemas e a alta velocidade com que seus requisitos evoluem têm evidenciado que desenvolvimento de software exige flexibilidade, pois muitas decisões precisam ser tomadas durante o projeto. Além disso, as dificuldades para a produção de sistemas vão muito além das questões técnicas. Fatores estratégicos, comerciais e humanos são responsáveis por algumas das variáveis que contribuem para tornar o desenvolvimento de sistemas de software uma atividade altamente complexa. Modelos tradicionais de desenvolvimento de software propõem processos prescritivos que não consideram toda essa complexidade. Por outro lado, Métodos Ágeis de desenvolvimento de software sugerem uma abordagem mais humanística com foco na entrega rápida e constante de software com valor de negócios. Porém, para conseguir isto, é preciso escolher um conjunto de práticas de desenvolvimento adequado às características do projeto e da equipe. Desta forma, a natureza única de cada projeto e a necessidade de alta qualidade e produtividade tornam importante a busca por práticas de desenvolvimento. A partir de projetos que conduzimos usando métodos ágeis na academia e na indústria, identificamos e descrevemos 22 práticas para desenvolvimento de software que podem ser adotadas por equipes para aumentar o seu desempenho e/ou a qualidade do software. / The growing demand for systems and the high speed with which their requirements evolve has shown that software development requires flexibility because many decisions need to be taken during the project. Also, the difficulties for the production of software systems go far beyond the technical issues. Strategic, commercial and human factors are responsible for some variables that contribute to make the software development a highly complex activity. Traditional models of software development propose prescritive processes that do not consider all this complexity. On the other hand, Agile Methods of software development suggest an humanistic approach focused on fast and often business valuable software deliveries. But, in order to get it, one needs to choose an appropriated group of development practices accordingly to the project and team features. In this way, the individuality of each project and the need for better quality and productivity motivate the search for software development practices. Based on projects that we conducted by using agile methods in academic and industry environments we identified and described 22 software development practices that can be used by teams to increase their performance and/or the software quality.

Unga vuxna med Aspergers syndrom : Vad främjar etablering på arbetsmarknaden? / Young adults with Aspergers syndrome : What promotes establishment in the labor market?

Löjdmark, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund; Arbetslösheten är högre för personer med funktionsnedsättningar än i befolkningen i övrigt. Personer med Neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF) har svårigheter att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden. Syfte; Beskriva stödinsatser för unga vuxna med Aspergers syndrom (ASD) för att kunna etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden. Metod; En litteraturöversikt har gjorts där 10 stycken vetenskapliga artiklar har analyserats och utgjort resultatet.  Resultat; Studien har delats upp i fyra olika teman (tidsaspekten, samordning av insatser, stöd som finns och stöd som saknas) vilket belyser vilka stödinsatser som finns, och vilket stöd som efterfrågas för personer med ASD Diskussion; Personer med ASD har komplexa behov av stöd och stödet är effektivast när det individualiseras. Samordning mellan olika aktörer tillsammans med individen och icke tidsbegränsat stöd efterfrågas i större omfattning för att öka chanserna till etablering på arbetsmarknaden. Slutsats; Etableringen på arbetsmarknaden för unga vuxna med ASD kan förbättras genom individanpassat, samordnat och icke tidsbegränsat stöd. Nyckelord; Aspergers syndrom (ASD), arbetsmarknad, etablering, stöd, unga vuxna / Background; Unemployment is higher for people with disabilities than in the rest of the population. People with neuropsychiatric disabilities (NPF) have difficulties in establishing themselves in the labor market. Purpose; Describe support measures for young adults with Asperger's syndrome (ASD) in order to establish themselves in the labor market Method; A literature rewive was conducted in which 10 scientific articles were analyzed and discussed. Result; The study has been divided into four different themes (time aspect, coordination of efforts, existing support and lack of support), highlighting what support efforts are available and what support is requested for people with ASD Discussion; Individuals with ASD have complex support needs and support is most effective when individualized. Coordination between different actors together with the individuals and non-timelimited support is increasingly demanded to increase the chances of establishing in the labor market. Conclusion; The establishment of the young adults with ASD can be improved through personalized, coordinated and non-timelimited support. Keywords; Asperger syndrome (ASD), labor market, establishment, support, young adult

Experiências com desenvolvimento ágil / Experiences with agile development

Dairton Luiz Bassi Filho 18 March 2008 (has links)
A crescente demanda por sistemas e a alta velocidade com que seus requisitos evoluem têm evidenciado que desenvolvimento de software exige flexibilidade, pois muitas decisões precisam ser tomadas durante o projeto. Além disso, as dificuldades para a produção de sistemas vão muito além das questões técnicas. Fatores estratégicos, comerciais e humanos são responsáveis por algumas das variáveis que contribuem para tornar o desenvolvimento de sistemas de software uma atividade altamente complexa. Modelos tradicionais de desenvolvimento de software propõem processos prescritivos que não consideram toda essa complexidade. Por outro lado, Métodos Ágeis de desenvolvimento de software sugerem uma abordagem mais humanística com foco na entrega rápida e constante de software com valor de negócios. Porém, para conseguir isto, é preciso escolher um conjunto de práticas de desenvolvimento adequado às características do projeto e da equipe. Desta forma, a natureza única de cada projeto e a necessidade de alta qualidade e produtividade tornam importante a busca por práticas de desenvolvimento. A partir de projetos que conduzimos usando métodos ágeis na academia e na indústria, identificamos e descrevemos 22 práticas para desenvolvimento de software que podem ser adotadas por equipes para aumentar o seu desempenho e/ou a qualidade do software. / The growing demand for systems and the high speed with which their requirements evolve has shown that software development requires flexibility because many decisions need to be taken during the project. Also, the difficulties for the production of software systems go far beyond the technical issues. Strategic, commercial and human factors are responsible for some variables that contribute to make the software development a highly complex activity. Traditional models of software development propose prescritive processes that do not consider all this complexity. On the other hand, Agile Methods of software development suggest an humanistic approach focused on fast and often business valuable software deliveries. But, in order to get it, one needs to choose an appropriated group of development practices accordingly to the project and team features. In this way, the individuality of each project and the need for better quality and productivity motivate the search for software development practices. Based on projects that we conducted by using agile methods in academic and industry environments we identified and described 22 software development practices that can be used by teams to increase their performance and/or the software quality.

Entwicklung einer agil-strukturierten Prozesslösung mittels ASD: Agile Systems Design für das technische Änderungsmanagement im After Sales eines OEM der Automobilindustrie

Heimicke, Jonas, Pfau, Sascha, Vetten, Linda, Albers, Albert 06 September 2021 (has links)
Die Anwendung agiler Arbeitsweisen rückt zunehmend in den Interessensfokus unterschiedlicher Bereiche in produzierenden Unternehmen. Eine erhöhte Reaktionsfähigkeit auf unvorhergesehene Veränderungen im Kontext, Steigerung der Transparenz bezüglich Arbeitsinhalt und Auslastung im Entwicklerteam sowie das erschaffen und Vorantreiben einer übergeordneten Teamvision und damit verbundene Performancesteigerungen sind nur einige der positiven Effekte, die hierdurch erzielt werden sollen. Da die genutzten Ansätze jedoch meist auf Best Practices aus der Branche der Softwareentwicklung resultieren, stellen sie die Bereiche in produzierenden Unternehmen vor neue Herausforderungen, wie den Umgang mit Normen und Standards im agilen Arbeiten, Datenschutz bei der Erfassung von Arbeitsaufwänden und den Umgang mit physischen Produkteigenschaften. Damit die Einführung von Agilität in die Abläufe produzierender Unternehmen nachhaltig erfolgt, wurde eine Methodik entwickelt, mittels derer ein individueller Prozess bestehend aus agilen und strukturierenden Elementen abgeleitet werden kann. Im vorliegenden Beitrag soll diese Methodik hinsichtlich ihrer Zweckmäßigkeit untersucht werden, um daraus in zukünftigen Forschungsarbeiten eine Weiterentwicklung dieser Methodik abzuleiten. Dies erfolgt in einem realen Anwendungsfall – dem Änderungsmanagement eines deutschen OEMs in der Automobilindustrie. Hierzu wurde der hier existierende Prozess beobachtet und erfasst, Interviews mit betroffenen Mitarbeitern geführt und Potentiale für eine Prozessverbesserung durch die Integration agiler Elemente definiert. Diese wurden im Anschluss ebenfalls im Zuge der Methodik zur Entwicklung der individuellen agilen Prozesslösung durch eine zum Anwendungsfall passende Gesamtmethode realisiert. Die Evaluation des Vorgehens hat gezeigt, dass der Anspruch der Individualität der entwickelten Gesamtmethode gegeben ist, jedoch noch kleinere Verbesserungspotentiale bestehen.

Iterationsarten und deren Auslöser in der Frühen Phase der PGE – Produktgenerationsentwicklung

Wilmsen, Miriam, Spadinger, Markus, Albers, Albert, Nguyen, Cong Minh, Heimicke, Jonas 06 January 2020 (has links)
Insbesondere die frühen Phasen in Prozessen der Mechatroniksystementwicklung sind durch ein hohes Maß an Unsicherheit gekennzeichnet. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt des Produktentstehungsprozesses liegen lediglich vage und unscharfe Anforderungen an das Produkt vor, welche es zu konkretisieren gilt. Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Produktentwicklung haben einen verstärkenden Effekt auf die Unsicherheiten in frühen Entwicklungsphasen. Diesen begegnen Unternehmen aus dem Bereich der Mechatroniksystementwicklung zunehmend mit der Implementierung agiler Entwicklungsansätze in ihre etablierten Prozesse. Neben der frühen und kontinuierlichen Kundeneinbindung, der klare Ausrichtung der Prozesse auf die Wertsteigerung der Produkte aus Kundensicht, flachen und offenen Hierarchien und dem stetigen Aufbau und Weiterentwicklung von Prototypen verleihen meist geplante Iterationen den jeweiligen Projekten das Adjektiv „agil“. Die Vielfalt der in der Literatur beschriebenen und meist generisch formulierten Arten von Iterationen (geplant oder ungeplant, korrekturbezogen oder progressiv) ist jedoch sehr groß. Zudem werden Iterationen in der Praxis meist intuitiv und unbewusst durchgeführt, was zum einen dazu führt, dass das jeweilige Entwicklungsvorgehen nicht situationsoptimal ausgeführt wird oder gar hinsichtlich der Ergebnissynthese und –Analyse redundante Tätigkeiten erfolgen. Aus diesem Grund verfolgt das vorliegenden Forschungsvorhaben die Zielsetzung, einen Beitrag zur Unterstützung der Produktentwickler in frühen Entwicklungsphasen bei der Identifikation notwendiger Iterationen zu leisten. Durch eine Berücksichtigung dieser in der kurz- und mittelfristigen Projektplanung kann somit die Prozessunsicherheit reduziert werden.

Профориентационная работа со школьниками с РАС в виртуальной реальности : магистерская диссертация / The potential of virtual reality in career guidance for schoolchildren with autistic spectrum disorders

Валиева, Э. Р., Valieva, E. R. January 2020 (has links)
Current work is focused on the development of a project of a career guidance complex using virtual reality for schoolchildren with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Various issues related to the subject were highlighted in the work. One of such is the inconsistency of current career guidance methods with current and future labor markets. Another problem is the lack of accessible career guidance techniques for people with health limitations, and in particular with ASD. Current work also underlines the lack of effective assistance to people with disabilities and with ASD in their professional self-determination, despite the allocation of state quotas for vacancies for people with health limitations. In the course of the work, a detailed analysis of various domestic and foreign literature on the stated problems was carried out, and a draft career guidance methodology using virtual reality for schoolchildren with ASD was developed. In the future, it is planned to continue work on the project of a career guidance complex. And, although the project is complex, resource-consuming, and long-term, its implementation can be a step towards solving the problems of career guidance for people with autism spectrum disorders and, in general, the problems of their inclusion in public life. / Работа посвящена созданию проекта профориентационного комплекса с использованием виртуальной реальности для школьников с расстройствами аутистического спектра (РАС). В работе были освящены такие проблемы как несоответствие использующихся в настоящее время методов профориентации современному и будущему рынкам труда; отсутствие доступных профориентационных методик для лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (ОВЗ), и в частности – с РАС; а также отсутствие эффективной помощи лицам с ОВЗ, и с РАС – в частности, в их профессиональном самоопределении, несмотря на выделение государственных квот на вакансии для лиц с ОВЗ. В ходе работы был проведён подробный анализ различной отечественной и зарубежной литературы по заявленным проблемам, а также был разработан проект профориентационной методики с использованием виртуальной реальности для школьников с РАС. В дальнейшем планируется продолжить работу над проектом профориентационного комплекса. И, не смотря на то, что проект является сложным, ресурсозатратным и долгосрочным, его реализация может стать шагом в сторону решения проблем профориентации лиц с расстройствами аутистического спектра и в целом проблем их включённости в общественную жизнь.


Meeks, Lisa M. 13 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Barn som drabbas av problematisk skolfrånvaro : Socialt arbete med barn som lever med problematisk skolfrånvaro / Children that are affected by problematic school absenteeism : Social work with children that live with problematic school absenteeism

Hilding Blåvarg, Leija, Högman von Post, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks yrkesverksamma inom skola och socialtjänst perspektiv på problematisk skolfrånvaro ifrån yrkesverksamma inom skola och socialtjänst. Studien är en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjustudie där nio intervjuer genomförts och inkluderade tio deltagare. Intervjumaterialet har analyserats utifrån ekologisk systemteori och symbolisk interaktionism. Resultatet från studien visade på att problematisk skolfrånvaro ansågs uppstå av flera olika anledningar och att det inte är eleven som enbart är problemet utan att det är också samhället som brister när problematisk skolfrånvaro uppstår. Problematisk skolfrånvaro beskrivs som ett samlingsbegrepp för att elever inte är i skolan av olika anledningar eller inte hänger med i studierna. De insatser som studiens deltagare uppfattade vara mest effektiva mot problematisk skolfrånvaro var att kartlägga barnets situation, skapa en relation till barnet vårdnadshavare för att kunna ge rätt stöd och att personal gör sällskap med barnet till skolan. / This study explores problematic school absence through the perspectives of professionals from schools and social services. It is a qualitative semi-structured interview study involving nine interviews with ten participants. The interview material was analyzed through ecological systems theory and symbolic interactionism. The study indicates that problematic school absence is attributed to a variety of reasons and that the problem lies not solely with the pupils but also with society when problematic school absence occurs. Problematic school absence is described as an umbrella term for pupils not being in school for various reasons or not keeping up with their studies. The interventions perceived as most effective by the professionals interviewed were to map the child's situation, build a relationship with the child to provide the right support, and for staff to accompany the child to school.

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