Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ATTACHMENT THEORY"" "subject:"[enn] ATTACHMENT THEORY""
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[pt] Apesar da filosofia paliativista defender o direito do doente de escolher o local do óbito, existe uma valorização do óbito em domicílio e uma política de desospitalização nas unidades de saúde com o objetivo de otimizar recursos, diminuir os riscos de infecção hospitalar e favorecer o bem-estar do paciente. Entretanto, óbito no domicílio não é por si só indicativo de qualidade da assistência prestada. Torna-se importante saber como ocorreu o processo de morrer. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a experiência de acompanhamento do processo de morte no domicílio para o cuidador familiar principal de paciente oncológico adulto em cuidados paliativos. Para tal, discutiu-se sobre as seguintes temáticas: a relação do ser humano com a morte e o morrer a partir de referenciais sócio antropológicos, os estudos contemporâneos sobre o luto e as especificidades dos cuidados ao fim de vida no domicílio. Utilizou-se a metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa, submetendo o material discursivo das entrevistas a uma análise de conteúdo. Conclusão: Constatou-se que a abordagem quanto às decisões de fim de vida costuma ser tardia e prevalece a falta de diálogo sobre o assunto entre o paciente e a família. Portanto, as escolhas são majoritariamente da família. Sobrecarga, bem como dificuldades durante a alimentação e os curativos foram alguns dos desafios enfrentados pelos cuidadores familiares principais. A experiência foi avaliada de forma positiva pela maioria dos entrevistados, havendo valorização do suporte da equipe de assistência domiciliar e da oportunidade de usufruir do convívio familiar. Contudo, para alguns o domicílio permaneceu impregnado de lembranças do período de adoecimento e do momento da morte. / [en] Although the palliative philosophy defends the patient s right to choose the place of death, there is a valuation of death at home and a policy of dehospitalization in the health units with the objective of optimizing resources, reducing the risks of hospital infection and favoring the well-being of the patient. However, death at home is not in itself indicative of the quality of care provided. It becomes important to know how the dying process occurred. The objective of this study was to investigate the experience of monitoring the death process at home for the main family caregiver of an adult oncologic patient in palliative care. For that, the following themes were discussed: the relation of the human being with death and dying from socio-anthropological references, the contemporary studies on grief and the specifics of end-of-life care at home. The qualitative research methodology was used, subjecting the discursive material of the interviews to a content analysis. Conclusion: It was found that the approach to end-of-life decisions is usually late and there is a lack of dialogue on the subject between the patient and the family. Burden, as well as difficulties during feeding and dressing were some of the challenges faced by leading family caregivers. The experience was evaluated in a positive way by most of the interviewees, valuing the support of the home care team and the opportunity to enjoy family life. However, for some the household remained impregnated with memories of the period of illness and the time of death.
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“I min familj, är min pappa lite dum mot min mamma” : En scoping review om barns upplevelser av våld i nära relation / ”In my family, my dad is a bit bad towards my mom” : A scoping review about children's experiences of intimate partner violenceNordlund, Camilla, Edberg, Louise January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relation är ett stort samhällsproblem såväl globalt som nationellt. Uppemot vart tionde barn i Sverige växer upp med att uppleva våld i nära relation. Att belysa barns upplevelser av våld bidrar i denna studie till en djupare kunskap för våldets karaktär samt våldets påverkan på anknytningen mellan barn och dess vårdnadshavare. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att syntetisera och analysera hur tidigare forskning beskriver barns upplevelser av våld i nära relation. Metod: Denna studie är en litteraturöversikt där 16 primärstudier samlades in och analyserades med en tematisk analysmetod. Resultatet belyser hur barn på skilda sätt upplever våld i hemmet, samt hur de bär på enkänsla av rädsla och oro inför våldet. Resultatet visar även på att barnen inte är passiva åskådare till våldet, utan alla barn agerar på något sätt i samband med att våldet uppstår. / Background: Intimate partner violence is a major societal problem both globally and nationally. Up to one in ten children in Sweden grows up experiencing intimate partner violence. Illuminating children's experiences of violence in this study contributes to a deeper knowledge of the character of violence and the impact of violence on the attachment between children and their guardians. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to synthesize and analyze how previous research describes children´s experiences of intimate partner violence. Method: This study is a literature review where 16 primary studies were collected and analyzed using a thematic analysis method. Result: The results highlight how children experience violence in their own home in different ways, as well as how they carry a feeling of fear and anxiety in front of the violence. The results also show that children are not passive spectators to the violence, but all children act in some way in connection with the violence occuring.
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Family Communication Patterns And The Impact Of These Behaviors On Adult Children Of AlcoholicsRoberts, Paula J 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Family communication patterns shape children's behavior trajectories. This study explored perspectives of family communication, attachment styles, and taking conflict personally in samples of adult children of alcoholics and nonalcoholics. This study used family communication patterns theory, attachment style theory, and conflict-specific behavior of taking conflict personally surveys to guide research questions. An analysis of the results suggests an overarching theme in adult children of alcoholics. First, an emerging pattern revealed elevated anxiety attachment in adult children of alcoholics. Next, with family communication patterns, findings suggest that children who were raised with a parent who had alcohol use disorder were associated negatively with conversation disorder. Finally, regarding taking conflict personally, participants who perceived the mother had alcohol use disorder showed significantly elevated stress reactions to taking conflict personally, while participants who perceived their father to have alcohol use disorder were positively associated with all three dynamics of taking conflict personally, personalization, persecution, and stress reactions. These findings bring awareness to the impact family communication dynamics and alcohol use disorder have on adult children of alcohol alcoholics and the consequential outcomes of such communication patterns in the family.
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Marital Satisfaction and Parental Mental Health in Association with Secure-Base Provision to School-Age ChildrenOosterhouse, Kendra 08 1900 (has links)
The current study examines interrelations among family factors in a sample of married couples with children in middle childhood. Specifically, this study tested the associations between parents' mental health, marital satisfaction, and provision of a secure base through emotional sensitivity to the child. We further explored bidirectional and moderation effects between spouses. Participants included 86 heterosexual couples residing in the North Texas community. Using the actor-partner interdependence model, multilevel modeling results indicated that both spouse's mental health symptomology and relationship satisfaction are linked to parent's self-perceived ability to provide a secure base; several gender effects were also found. Additionally, actor relationship satisfaction significantly moderated the association between actor mental health symptomology and secure-base provision. In the context of low actor satisfaction, as the actor's mental health symptomology increases, secure-base provision also increases; however, in the context of high actor satisfaction, as actor's mental health symptomology increases, secure-base provision decreases. Additionally, partner relationship satisfaction significantly moderated the association between partner mental health symptomology and actor secure-base provision. In the context of low partner satisfaction, as partner mental health symptomology increases, actor secure-base provision increases; however, in the context of high partner satisfaction, as partner mental health symptomology increases, actor secure-base provision decreases. Spill-over, compensatory, and cross-over hypotheses, strengths, limitations, implications, and future directions are discussed.
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En pilotstudie av hästen som relationsskapande komponent i behandling av psykisk ohälsa : Undersökning av deltagare i hästunderstödd behandling och jämförelse med en grupp fritidsryttareMontén, Anna, Limegård, Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med pilotstudien var att undersöka hur klienter som deltog i hästunderstödd behandling (n = 13) till följd av psykisk ohälsa såg på relationen till hästen och dess anknytningsfrämjande och alliansskapande egenskaper, samt i vilken utsträckning respondenterna hade ett auktoritärt förhållningssätt gentemot hästen. För jämförelse användes en grupp fritidsryttare (n = 23). Klientgruppen rekryterades genom intresseföreningen Organisationen för Hästunderstödda Insatser (OHI) och fritidsryttargruppen från två ridskolor. Deltagarna fick genomföra en enkät med frågor avseende anknytningsfrämjande kvaliteter i relationen till hästen, samt vilka relationsskapande egenskaper de ansåg hästen besitta. Resultatet indikerade att båda grupperna i hög utsträckning såg positiva egenskaper i hästen och såg relationen till hästen som positiv. Resultaten indikerade att klientgruppen i högre utsträckning såg egenskaper och relationella kvaliteter i hästen som kan ses som anknytningsfrämjande och alliansskapande. Fritidsryttargruppen uppgav i högre utsträckning ett auktoritärt förhållningssätt gentemot hästen. Trots det begränsade urvalet och att resultatet inte genomgående var entydigt, tolkas resultaten som att det finns belägg för vidare utforskning av ämnet och undersökning av frågeställningen för ett större urval med en reviderad kvantitativ enkät då pilotstudien fann signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna. / The purpose of this pilot study was to explore clients undertaking equine assisted treatment for mental illness (n = 13) view of the horses attachment and working alliance facilitating abilities. Further, the study aimed to explore to which extent the respondents viewed themselves as being authoritative in relation to the horse. For comparison a group of recreational equestrians (n = 23) were used. The respondents in the client group were recruited from the association Organisationen för Hästunderstödda Insatser (OHI) and the recreational equestrians were recruited from two riding schools. The participants undertook a survey with questions regarding attachment facilitating qualities in their relationship with the horse, and which relationship facilitating characteristics they experienced in the horse. The results indicated that the respondents in both groups over all viewed the horses’ characteristics and their relationship with the horse as positive. The results indicated that the client group to a higher extent regarded the horse as having characteristics and relational qualities that could be viewed as alliance and attachment facilitating. The recreational equestrians reported an authoritative approach toward the horse to a larger degree than the client group. Although there were limitations regarding the size of the sample, and coherence in the results, the results indicated that there are grounds for future research of the subject and research question at hand, with the use of a larger population and a revised survey, as the pilot study did find significant differences between the groups.
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Indická rodina v díle Anity Desai / Indian Family in Selected Novels by Anita DesaiKolmanová, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to analyze the parent-child relationship in selected novels by Anita Desai. The novels chosen for the analysis are Cry, the Peacock; Clear Light of Day; Fire on the Mountain; Fasting, Feasting. The aim of the theoretical part is, firstly, to introduce Anita Desai and her style of writing, secondly, to lay the theoretical basis for further analysis of the attachment between children and their parents. In this part the author presents the Attachment theory, behavioural patterns and parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, uninvolved). The theoretical part is concluded by a portrait of Indian society and typical Indian family structure - the environment in which Desai's protagonists live. The practical part consists of thorough analysis of the selected novels. The analysis shows Desai's tendency to portray such parenting styles that instil insecurity in children. The results prove that these approaches to raising a child affect the personality development negatively. It was interesting to find out that gender bias influences not only the life-path and self-concept of the protagonists but also the quality of their relationship with their parents.
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Beziehungen von positivem Affekt und Persönlichkeitsressourcen zu kardiologischen Untersuchungsergebnissen in einem kardiologischen Patientenkollektiv / Relations between positive affect, personality resources and the results of cardiologic examinationsZech, Beke 25 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Le lien à l’animal : le vétérinaire et son rapport au savoir : étude clinique / The human-animal bond : the veterinarian and his objective knowledge : a clinical approachMichon-Chassaing, Sophie 20 November 2013 (has links)
Issue d'un questionnement initié dans une pratique professionnelle de psychosociologue qui interrogeait la place de l'animal dans des récits de nature autobiographique, cette recherche s'est construite dans le but d'explorer la thématique du rapport à l'animal, dans le cadre des Sciences de l'éducation. Pour construire cet objet de recherche, des références théoriques pluridisciplinaires ont été mobilisées, de même qu'une démarche de recherche inscrite dans un cadre clinique d’orientation psychanalytique, qui met en jeu les élaborations contre-transférentielles du chercheur. Un cheminement exploratoire a été enrichi par l’analyse de deux entretiens cliniques de recherche. Ce premier temps met en évidence l’impact positif du lien d’attachement à l’animal dans la construction psychique d’un être humain. Dans cette recherche, les références théoriques et cliniques sont principalement les concepts d'attachement, de construction du rapport au savoir ainsi que les apports de W. R. Bion et de D. W. Winnicott. C’est sur cette base que s'est effectué le choix des vétérinaires comme corpus de recherche, profession éminemment concernée par la relation à l'animal. Cinq entretiens cliniques semi-directifs ont été effectués auprès de vétérinaires en exercice libéral, puis analysés quant à leurs dynamiques psychiques latentes. Les principaux résultats montrent que, pour ces professionnels, le lien à l’animal développé dans l’enfance est à l’origine de leur choix professionnel. C'est également ce lien, transformé, qui semble mobilisé comme une ressource psychique pour investir et réussir leurs études. Il apparaît aussi que le rapport au savoir construit dans l’interaction de l'enfant à l'animal représente une ressource possible dans la compréhension de la relation du maître avec son animal dans les pratiques de consultation. Un autre résultat de cette recherche démontre que l’intérêt pour l’animal chez l’enfant permet à certains sujets de développer des capacités cognitives qui sont mobilisables dans un savoir relationnel et professionnel ultérieur. / Stemming from a questioning initiated in a professional practice of psychosociolog which questioned the place of the animal in autobiographical stories, this research was carried out with the aim of exploring the relationship with the animal within the framework of the educational sciences. To build this focus of research, multidisciplinary theoretical references were mobilized, together with a research process within the clinical framework of psychoanalytic orientation, taking into account the counter transferential process of the investigator.An exploratory pathway has been enriched through the analysis of two clinical interviews. This first step highlights the positive impact of the human-animal attachment in the construction of the psychic identity of the human being. In this research, the notions of attachment and the construction of the relation to knowledge are the key theoretical and clinical concepts, enriched by contributions of W. R Bion and D. W. Winnicott. It is on this basis that was made the choice of the veterinarians as a corpus of this research, as this profession is highly concerned by the relation to the animal. Five semi-directive clinical interviews were carried out with veterinarians practising in liberal exercise, then analysed on the basis of their latent psychological dynamic. The main results show that for these professionals, the link to the animal developed during childhood is at the origin of their career choice. Also, it is this link, evolved through the time, which seems mobilized as a psychic resource to invest and succeed their studies. It also appears that the approach to the knowledge built during their interaction with animals as a child represents a possible resource to better understand the relationship between the owner and his animal during a veterinary consultation. Another result of this research shows that the interest for the animal as a child allows some subjects to develop cognitive capabilities which are mobilisable in ulterior relational and professional skills.
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Attachment and Religion : An Integrative Developmental FrameworkGranqvist, Pehr January 2002 (has links)
<p>The aim of the thesis was to examine the applicability of attachment theory to adult and adolescent religiosity. Attachment theory is an empirically oriented research paradigm that takes evolutionary theory as the starting point in the study of child-parent relations and their socioemotional correlates in development. The work consisted of two interrelated tasks. First, limitations in theory and research in the psychology of religion, particularly the traditional psychodynamic perspectives, were highlighted, and attachment theory was proposed as an integrative framework to remedy some of those limitations. Second, four empirical studies (I-IV), based on attachment theoretical predictions, were conducted to investigate relations between individual differences in attachment and religiosity. </p><p>The combined results from the studies suggest the existence of two religiosity profiles in relation to attachment. Both profiles resemble influential descriptions of individual religiosity differences in the psychology of religion literature. The religiosity of individuals in the first profile is similar to their parents' religiosity and is likely to be stable over time. If religious changes have been experienced, these are likely to be gradual, to occur early in life, and in a context pointing to the importance of relationships with religious significant others. Such individuals' God image is likely to be loving, and not distant. It was hypothesized that these religiosity characteristics stern from experiences with sensitive attachment figures in childhood, and that such experiences have promoted partial adoption of the attachment figures' religious standards. The mental representations of attachment resulting from the favorable experiences were suggested to be responsible for a corresponding image of a loving God. </p><p>The religiosity of individuals in the second profile is independent of parental religiosity, and is likely to fluctuate (increase and decrease) over time. Their religious changes are more sudden and intense, occur relatively later in life, and in a context pointing to an emotionally supportive function for religion. Such individuals' God image is more distant, and less loving. These religiosity characteristics were hypothesized to stem from experiences with insensitive attachment figures in childhood. It was suggested that they reflect an affect regulation strategy to obtain/maintain a sense of felt security, and that God is utilized as a compensatory attachment-like figure in this regard. </p><p>Findings pertaining to the profiles generally emerged regardless of whether the design was cross-sectional (I-IV) or longitudinal (III); whether participants were adults (I, II, and IV) or adolescents (Study III); and whether attachment was assessed with self-report questionnaires (I-IV) or independent ratings based on a semi-structured interview (IV).</p>
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Attachment and Religion : An Integrative Developmental FrameworkGranqvist, Pehr January 2002 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to examine the applicability of attachment theory to adult and adolescent religiosity. Attachment theory is an empirically oriented research paradigm that takes evolutionary theory as the starting point in the study of child-parent relations and their socioemotional correlates in development. The work consisted of two interrelated tasks. First, limitations in theory and research in the psychology of religion, particularly the traditional psychodynamic perspectives, were highlighted, and attachment theory was proposed as an integrative framework to remedy some of those limitations. Second, four empirical studies (I-IV), based on attachment theoretical predictions, were conducted to investigate relations between individual differences in attachment and religiosity. The combined results from the studies suggest the existence of two religiosity profiles in relation to attachment. Both profiles resemble influential descriptions of individual religiosity differences in the psychology of religion literature. The religiosity of individuals in the first profile is similar to their parents' religiosity and is likely to be stable over time. If religious changes have been experienced, these are likely to be gradual, to occur early in life, and in a context pointing to the importance of relationships with religious significant others. Such individuals' God image is likely to be loving, and not distant. It was hypothesized that these religiosity characteristics stern from experiences with sensitive attachment figures in childhood, and that such experiences have promoted partial adoption of the attachment figures' religious standards. The mental representations of attachment resulting from the favorable experiences were suggested to be responsible for a corresponding image of a loving God. The religiosity of individuals in the second profile is independent of parental religiosity, and is likely to fluctuate (increase and decrease) over time. Their religious changes are more sudden and intense, occur relatively later in life, and in a context pointing to an emotionally supportive function for religion. Such individuals' God image is more distant, and less loving. These religiosity characteristics were hypothesized to stem from experiences with insensitive attachment figures in childhood. It was suggested that they reflect an affect regulation strategy to obtain/maintain a sense of felt security, and that God is utilized as a compensatory attachment-like figure in this regard. Findings pertaining to the profiles generally emerged regardless of whether the design was cross-sectional (I-IV) or longitudinal (III); whether participants were adults (I, II, and IV) or adolescents (Study III); and whether attachment was assessed with self-report questionnaires (I-IV) or independent ratings based on a semi-structured interview (IV).
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