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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Categorias psicológicas ordinárias, comportamento e análise do comportamento / Ordinary psychological categories, behavior, and behavior analysis

Filipe Lazzeri Vieira 19 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho diz respeito às três seguintes questões gerais (e que possuem certas inter-relações): (i) Qual seria o lugar do comportamento em uma análise plausível das categorias psicológicas ordinárias (tais como as emoções, os humores, as chamadas atitudes proposicionais, dentre outras)? (ii) O que é comportamento, isto é, quais são as condições que delimitam o que conta e o que não conta como tal? (iii) Seria ou não valiosa a adoção de conceitos psicológicos ordinários em análise do comportamento? Com respeito à questão (i), eu procuro: (i.1) clarificar o leque de categorias exatamente envolvidas nela, por meio da elaboração de uma taxonomia relativamente neutra dessas categorias; e (i.2) formular e apoiar uma forma de perspectiva comportamental como resposta, com base em algumas abordagens comportamentais anteriores, dentre outras. Com respeito à questão (ii), procuro: (ii.1) clarificar a noção de comportamento, elucidando suas diferentes acepções e, em especial, as fronteiras que delimitam o que conta como comportamento em uma acepção aqui relevante dela (a saber, comportamento como ocorrência de uma ação ou reação de um organismo), por meio de análise conceitual; e (ii.2) apontar dificuldades (conceituais) em várias definições de comportamento (naquela acepção específica) encontradas na literatura científica e filosófica. Com respeito à questão (iii), procuro: (iii.1) apresentar uma reconstituição semiformal de argumentos de Skinner (behaviorismo radical), Rachlin (behaviorismo teleológico) e Foxall (behaviorismo intencional) sobre ela, com base no modelo de solução de problemas de Laudan sobre a estrutura e a dinâmica de teorias; e (iii.2) oferecer um breve balanço crítico dessas três perspectivas nesse tocante, com base na abordagem que sugiro como resposta a (i). / This work deals with the following three (to some extent interrelated) questions: (i) What is the place of behavior in a plausible analysis of ordinary psychological categories (such as emotions, moods, so-called propositional attitudes, and so on)? (ii) What is behavior, that is, what are the conditions that distinguish behaviors from non-behaviors? (iii) Would it be useful enough to embrace ordinary psychological concepts in behavior analysis? Concerning question (i), I attempt (i.1) to clarify the range of categories pertaining thereto, by providing a relatively neutral taxonomy of these categories; and (i.2) to put forward and support a particular form of behavioral approach as an answer, by drawing upon some previous behavioral approaches, among others. Concerning question (ii), I attempt (ii.1) to clarify the concept of behavior, by distinguishing different senses thereof and elucidating, in particular, the boundaries of behavior qua occurrence of an organism\'s action or reaction; and (ii.2) to identify (conceptual) difficulties with some definitions of behavior (in that particular sense of the concept) found in the scientific and philosophical literature. Finally, concerning question (iii), I endeavor (iii.1) to present a semiformal reconstruction of arguments supported by Skinner (radical behaviorism), Rachlin (teleological behaviorism), and Foxall (intentional behaviorism), by taking advantage of Laudan\'s problem-solving model of the dynamic and structure of theories; and, based upon the approach outlined as an answer to (i), (iii.2) to provide a brief critical assessment of these three perspectives in this regard.

Os efeitos da Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (FAP) no tratamento de uma criança vítima de abuso sexual / Not informed by the author

Fernanda Resende Moreira 22 June 2018 (has links)
O abuso sexual infantil (ASI) é um problema de grande relevância social que pode trazer prejuízos como risco aumentado para psicopatologias, problemas sexuais e déficit nos relacionamentos interpessoais. A Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (FAP) propõe um tratamento baseado na instalação de repertório de relacionamento interpessoal, modelado na relação terapêutica, em um ambiente seguro para o cliente e com baixa probabilidade de punição. O objetivo da pesquisa foi verificar os efeitos da FAP no tratamento de um menino de 11 anos de idade vítima de ASI, por meio da mensuração de comportamentos clinicamente relevantes (CCR) e comportamentos extrassessão. Foi realizado um delineamento experimental de caso único de reversão (A1-B1-A2-B2) em que a Fase A1 correspondeu a Terapia Analítico- Comportamental Infantil (TACI) enfocando análise dos comportamentos fora do setting terapêutico, a Fase B1 correspondeu a introdução sistemática da FAP e as fases A2-B2 corresponderam a replicação das condições anteriores com a retirada da FAP e sua reintrodução, respectivamente. Uma sessão de follow-up também foi realizada um mês após o término da psicoterapia. Cinco sessões de cada fase foram categorizadas pelo instrumento FAPRS. Utilizou-se o questionário CBCL e a Escala de Comportamentos Extrassessão, respondidos pela mãe da criança, afim de obter as medidas de comportamento externo, bem como o instrumento PedsQL para medir mudanças na autoavaliação da criança sobre a satisfação com a qualidade de vida e CAPS para as mudanças na autoavaliação de atribuições/percepções sobre a experiência de ASI. Os resultados apontaram aumento da porcentagem de CCR2 e queda da porcentagem de CCR1 durante as fases de inserção da FAP; queda dos CCR2 e aumento dos CCR1 quando a FAP foi retirada. As mudanças das porcentagens dos CCR2 foram mais contingentes à manipulação da variável independente. Não foi observada reversão dos CCR1, resultado do bloqueio de esquiva produzido pelo contexto terapêutico e por características específicas dos CCR1 da criança. O CBCL demonstrou melhora global na maioria de suas categorias, fazendo com que a criança saísse da faixa clínica dos problemas para a faixa considerada normal. As melhoras clínicas sugeridas nas categorias da Escala de Comportamentos Extrassessão que se relacionavam com os CCR da criança parecem ter sido produzidas pela introdução da FAP enquanto as pioras clínicas parecem ter sido produzidas pela retirada da FAP, o que sugere uma generalização (para o ambiente natural) dos ganhos terapêuticos obtidos em sessão. Tanto a CAPS quanto o PedsQL apontaram uma piora na avaliação do cliente. No entanto, discutiu-se que tal quadro é representativo de uma melhora no autoconhecimento da criança / Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a problem of great social relevance that can cause impairment as an increased risk for psychopathologies, sexual problems and interpersonal relationships. Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) proposes a treatment based on the installation of an interpersonal relationship repertoire, shaped by the therapeutic relationship, in a safe environment for the client and a low probability of punishment. The objective of this study was to ascertain the effects of FAP on the treatment of an 11-year-old boy victim of CSA by measuring clinically relevant behaviors (CCR) and out-of-session behaviors. A single-subject withdrawal experimental design (A1-B1-A2-B2) in which Phase A1 corresponded to Childrens Behavioral-Analytic Therapy (TACI) focusing on behavioral analysis outside the therapeutic setting, Phase B1 corresponded to the systematic introduction of FAP and the A2- B2 phases corresponded to the replication of the previous conditions with the withdrawal of FAP and its reintroduction, respectively. A follow-up session was also held one month after the end of psychotherapy. Five sessions of each phase were coded by the FAPRS system. The CBCL questionnaire and the Out-of-session Behavior Scale, answered by the child\'s mother, were used to obtain the external behavior measures, as well as the PedsQL instrument to measure changes in the child\'s self-assessment on quality of life satisfaction and CAPS for the changes in the self-assessment of attributions/perceptions about the CSA experience. The results indicated an increase in CCR2s percentage and a decrease in CCR1s percentage during the FAP insertion phases; reduction of CCR2 and increase of CCR1 when FAP was withdrawn. Changes in CCR2 percentages were more contingent on independent variable manipulation. No reversal of CCR1 was observed, because of the avoidance behavior blockade produced by the therapeutic context and by the specific characteristics of the childs CCR1. The CBCL showed overall improvement in most of its categories, causing the child to leave the clinical range of problems for the range considered normal. The clinical improvements suggested in the Out-of-session Behavior Scale categories that related to the child\'s CCRE appear to have been produced by the introduction of FAP while clinical worsening appears to have been produced by FAP withdrawal, suggesting a generalization (for the natural environment ) of the therapeutic gains obtained in session. Both CAPS and PedsQL pointed to a worsening client assessment. However, it was argued that such a picture is representative of an improvement in the childs self-knowledge

Prática baseada em evidências em psicologia e a eficácia da análise do comportamento clínica / Evidence-based practice in psychology and the efficacy of clinical behavior analysis

Jan Luiz Leonardi 07 April 2016 (has links)
Tradicionalmente, a escolha pelo tipo de intervenção psicoterápica para diferentes quadros clínicos depende fundamentalmente da experiência profissional do terapeuta e de sua predileção por determinadas estratégias clínicas. Esse cenário, entretanto, tem se modificado no contexto da prática baseada em evidências, definida pela American Psychological Association como o processo individualizado de tomada de decisão clínica que ocorre por meio da integração da melhor evidência disponível com a perícia clínica no contexto das características, cultura e preferências do cliente. O paradigma de prática baseada em evidências está em perfeita harmonia com a ideologia da análise do comportamento aplicada, que, desde a sua origem, apresenta um forte comprometimento com a sustentação empírica de seus procedimentos terapêuticos. Apesar desse comprometimento, é de fundamental importância avaliar em que medida a área está ou não produzindo evidências de eficácia. Em vista disso, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a produção de evidências empíricas da terapia analítico-comportamental (TAC) e da psicoterapia analítica-funcional (FAP), na literatura nacional e internacional, de modo a complementar as revisões sistemáticas já realizadas sobre outras modalidades de análise do comportamento clínica terapia de aceitação e compromisso (ACT), terapia comportamental dialética (DBT) e ativação comportamental (BA). Para cumprir esse objetivo, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura conduzida de forma a localizar o maior número possível de estudos empíricos sobre TAC e FAP, publicados ou não, que abarcou onze bases de dados globais e três bases de dados específicas da análise do comportamento. A seleção dos estudos obedeceu aos seguintes critérios de inclusão: ser relato de caso, experimento de caso único ou pesquisa de grupo que descreve os resultados obtidos num processo de terapia individual; ter participantes com desenvolvimento típico e idade igual ou superior a 18 anos; ter ocorrido exclusivamente no ambiente de consultório; ser fundamentado no behaviorismo radical e utilizar conceitos da análise do comportamento na descrição do processo terapêutico. No total, foram selecionados 54 trabalhos que apresentaram 72 casos. As informações de cada um dos casos foram organizadas numa planilha do Microsoft Excel e diferentes categorias de análise foram construídas de modo a possibilitar dois tipos de análise. A primeira, descritiva, abarcou a denominação dada à terapia, idade, gênero e diagnóstico dos clientes, método de pesquisa, número de sessões, avaliação da fidelidade ao procedimento, apresentação de análise de contingências, alvos da intervenção, procedimentos utilizados, eficácia, medidas de resultado e follow-up. A segunda análise consistiu em diversos cruzamentos entre esses dados. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que a TAC e a FAP carecem de evidências empíricas que comprovem ou rejeitem sua eficácia. À luz desses dados e das revisões sistemáticas sobre ACT, DBT e BA, argumenta-se que terapeutas e pesquisadores brasileiros têm três opções: (1) utilizar apenas os princípios comportamentais básicos, isto é, a teoria, para guiar sua prática clínica, o que é insuficiente para garantir a eficácia da intervenção; (2) adotar um dos modelos internacionais de análise do comportamento clínica; (3) sistematizar a TAC para, posteriormente, pesquisá-la experimentalmente. Espera-se que, além de oferecer o estado da arte da pesquisa clínica sobre TAC e sobre FAP, este trabalho contribua para o desenvolvimento científico das terapias comportamentais e para o fortalecimento da análise do comportamento como ciência e profissão / Traditionally, the choice of the type of psychotherapeutic intervention for various clinical conditions fundamentally depends on the professional experience of the therapist and his/her predilection for certain clinical strategies. However, this scenario has been changing in the context of evidence-based practice, defined by the American Psychological Association as the individualized process of clinical decision-making that takes place through the integration of the best available evidence with clinical expertise in the context of the characteristics, culture and preferences of the client. The paradigm of evidence-based practice is in perfect harmony with the applied behavior analysis ideology, which, since its inception, has a strong commitment to the empirical support of its therapeutic procedures. Despite this commitment, it is of fundamental importance to assess to what extent the area is or is not producing evidence of efficacy. In view of this, this thesis aimed to analyze the production of empirical evidence of behavioral-analytic therapy (TAC) and functional-analytic psychotherapy (FAP), in national and international literature, in order to complement the systematic reviews already conducted on other modalities of clinical behavior analysis acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and behavioral activation (BA). To achieve this goal, a review of the literature was conducted in order to find the largest possible number of empirical studies of TAC and FAP, published or not, which covered eleven global databases and three specific databases of behavior analysis. The selection of studies followed the following inclusion criteria: to be a case report, single-case experiment or group research that describes the results obtained in an individual therapy process; to have participants with typical development and age up to 18 years of age; to have taken place exclusively in the office environment; to be based on radical behaviorism and to use behavior analysis concepts in the description of the therapeutic process. In total, 54 works that presented 72 cases were selected. The information regarding each one of the cases has been organized in a Microsoft Excel worksheet and different analysis categories have been designed so as to enable two kinds of analysis. The first kind was a descriptive one, and embraced the name given to the therapy, age, gender and diagnosis of clients, research method, number of sessions, evaluation of procedure fidelity, description of analysis of contingencies, targets of intervention, procedures used, efficacy, outcome measures and follow-up. The second kind consisted of the analysis of different combinations of these data. The results lead to the conclusion that TAC and FAP lack empirical evidence to support or reject their efficacy. In light of these data and the systematic reviews on ACT, DBT and BA, it is argued that Brazilian therapists and researchers have three options: (1) use only the basic behavioral principles, i.e. the theory, to guide their clinical practice, which is insufficient to ensure the efficacy of the intervention; (2) adopt one of the international models of clinical behavior analysis; (3) systematize TAC so that it can be researched experimentally afterwards. It is expected that, in addition to offering the state of the art of clinical research on TAC and on FAP, this work will contribute to the scientific development of behavioral therapies and to the strengthening of behavior analysis as a science and profession

Motion Based Event Analysis

Biswas, Sovan January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Motion is an important cue in videos that captures the dynamics of moving objects. It helps in effective analysis of various event related tasks such as human action recognition, anomaly detection, tracking, crowd behavior analysis, traffic monitoring, etc. Generally, accurate motion information is computed using various optical flow estimation techniques. On the other hand, coarse motion information is readily available in the form of motion vectors in compressed videos. Utilizing these encoded motion vectors reduces the computational burden involved in flow estimation and enables rapid analysis of video streams. In this work, the focus is on analyzing motion patterns, retrieved from either motion vectors or optical flow, in order to do various event analysis tasks such as video classification, anomaly detection and crowd flow segmentation. In the first section, we utilize the motion vectors from H.264 compressed videos, a compression standard widely used due to its high compression ratio, to address the following problems. i) Video classification: This work proposes an approach to classify videos based on human action by capturing spatio-temporal motion pattern of the actions using Histogram of Oriented Motion Vector (HOMV) ii) Crowd flow segmentation: In this work, we have addressed the problem of flow segmentation of the dominant motion patterns of the crowds. The proposed approach combines multi-scale super-pixel segmentation of the motion vectors to obtain the final flow segmentation. iii) Anomaly detection: This problem is addressed by local modeling of usual behavior by capturing features such as magnitude and orientation of each moving object. In all the above approaches, the focus was to reduce computations while retaining comparable accuracy to pixel domain processing. In second section, we propose two approaches for anomaly detection using optical flow. The first approach uses spatio-temporal low level motion features and detects anomalies based on the reconstruction error of the sparse representation of the candidate feature over a dictionary of usual behavior features. The main contribution is in enhancing each local dictionary by applying an appropriate transformation on dictionaries of the neighboring regions. The other algorithm aims to improve the accuracy of anomaly localization through short local trajectories of super pixels belonging to moving objects. These trajectories capture both spatial as well as temporal information effectively. In contrast to compressed domain analysis, these pixel level approaches focus on improving the accuracy of detection with reasonable detection speed.

Workplace Discrimination Climate and Team Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Collective Value Congruence, Team Cohesion, and Collective Affective Commitment

Edun, Anya T 26 March 2015 (has links)
This study explored the relationship between workplace discrimination climate on team effectiveness through three serial mediators: collective value congruence, team cohesion, and collective affective commitment. As more individuals of marginalized groups diversify the workforce and as more organizations move toward team-based work (Cannon-Bowers & Bowers, 2010), it is imperative to understand how employees perceive their organization’s discriminatory climate as well as its effect on teams. An archival dataset consisting of 6,824 respondents was used, resulting in 332 work teams with five or more members in each. The data were collected as part of an employee climate survey administered in 2011 throughout the United States’ Department of Defense. The results revealed that the indirect effect through M1 (collective value congruence) and M2 (team cohesion) best accounted for the relationship between workplace discrimination climate (X) and team effectiveness (Y). Meaning, on average, teams that reported a greater climate for workplace discrimination also reported less collective value congruence with their organization (a1 = -1.07, p < .001). With less shared perceptions of value congruence, there is less team cohesion (d21 = .45, p < .001), and with less team cohesion there is less team effectiveness (b2 = .57, p < .001). In addition, because of theoretical overlap, this study makes the case for studying workplace discrimination under the broader construct of workplace aggression within the I/O psychology literature. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis found that workplace discrimination based on five types of marginalized groups: race/ethnicity, gender, religion, age, and disability was best explained by a three-factor model, including: career obstruction based on age and disability bias (CO), verbal aggression based on multiple types of bias (VA), and differential treatment based on racial/ethnic bias (DT). There was initial support to claim that workplace discrimination items covary not only based on type, but also based on form (i.e., nonviolent aggressive behaviors). Therefore, the form of workplace discrimination is just as important as the type when studying climate perceptions and team-level effects. Theoretical and organizational implications are also discussed.

Improving Dynamic Decision Making Through Training and Self-Reflection

Donovan, Sarah Jane 01 January 2012 (has links)
The modern business environment requires managers to make decisions in a dynamic and uncertain world. In the current study, experimenters investigated the effects of a brief training aimed at improving dynamic decision making (DDM) skills on individual performance in a virtual DDM task. During the training, experimenters explained the DDM process, stressed the importance of self-reflection in DDM, and provided 3 selfreflective questions to guide participants during the task. Additionally, experimenters explored whether participants low or high in self-reflection would perform better in the task and whether participants low or high in self-reflection would benefit more from the training. Participants were 68 graduate business students. They individually managed a computer-simulated chocolate production company called CHOCO FINE and answered surveys to assess self-reflection and demographics. Results showed that students trained in DDM made decisions leading to better management performance in CHOCO FINE compared to untrained students. Self-reflection scores also predicted performance in this virtual business, and participants low in self-reflection benefitted the most from training. Organizations could use DDM training to establish and promote a culture that values selfreflective decision making.

Online Aggression : The Influences of Anonymity and Social Modeling

Zimmerman, Adam G. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Behavioral temptation to aggress and participant blog responses following a group word unscrambling game were examined in situations of anonymity and positive or negative social modeling. Anonymous participants were more aggressive than non-anonymous participants. Also, social modeling seemed to moderate the effect of anonymity on behavioral temptation to aggress as well as verbal aggression via blog posts. Specifically, anonymous participants responded more aggressively when they viewed aggressive models following failure in a team word unscrambling game. These findings suggest that although anonymity may increase the likelihood that individuals will aggress, social modeling may influence aggressive outcomes.

Balancing Act: Successfully Combining Creativity and Accountability in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy

Bello, Nathalie Duque 01 January 2015 (has links)
The conditions that allowed early MFTs the freedom to creatively explore different interventions and theories of change are no longer available in today’s mental health care system. Although there are many benefits to the structure of managed behavioral healthcare organizations, a thorough review of the literature demonstrates that many therapists working in managed care agencies struggle with maintaining their theoretical creativity, claiming third-party payers’ service requirements and paperwork a barrier to their creativity. A phenomenological transcendental research method was utilized to understand the phenomenon of successfully combining creativity and accountability in the practice of marriage and family therapy from the perspective of six creative MFTs who have effectively incorporated creative therapeutic techniques into their work, while adhering to the structured requirements of managed care. The findings and themes of the study were organized into two categories. The themes in the Textural / Content Category (description and purpose of therapeutic creativity at a managed care agency) are: (1) Creatively combining the needs of the clients, the different professional entities, insurance companies and you as a therapist, (2) Translating post-modern information into the medical model language that meets the third-party payers’ requirements, (3) Completing documentation with clients, (4) Incorporating technique from a range of therapy models, (5) Keeping clients engaged through a variety of resources and activities, and (6) Utilizing metaphors and themes to uncover patterns of relational dynamics and behaviors. The themes in the Structural / Supportive Conditions Category (factors that allow the balance of creativity and accountability to occur) are: (1) Systemic understanding of how the therapeutic and business systems of managed behavioral healthcare interact together, (2) Having a supportive network of colleagues, (2a) Supportive group of coworkers within the job setting, (2b) Supportive network of MFT colleagues outside of the work setting, (3) Desire to make a difference in peoples’ lives, (4) Continuous education on all aspects of the mental health field, (5) Employers’ support of creative therapy, (6) Self-reflection, (7) Self-care, and (8) Organization and time management.

The Importance of School Climate: How School Leaders in Inner City Middle Schools Shape Climate

Robinson, Willie 01 May 2020 (has links)
Traditional educational reform efforts have relied on standardized testing as the primary indicator of student achievement. Current research is broadening the scope as the impact of shaping positive school climates to support the needs of students is examined (Reynolds, 2016). Positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based system of school-wide reinforcement that provides the groundwork for supportive school climates. The purpose of this study was to determine elements of PBIS programs that facilitated positive school climates. Data collection strategies included focus individual interviews, observation, and document analysis. Triangulation was used to analyze the data. Three iterations were used to develop a process for understanding the elements that positively impact school climates. The first iteration categorized data by actions utilized by stakeholders. The second iteration grouped the actions by the school leader’s impact on school policy in relation to positive school climate. In this iteration, categories were combined from the first iteration based upon their impact on school climate. The third iteration established the role that key stakeholders must attain in order to establish a solid foundation for a positive school climate. The results revealed that in order for a school to maintain a positive school climate, key stakeholders to include the administrator, PBIS coach, community, students and teachers, must work in concert. Study participants identified facilitating teaching and learning expectations through role playing, shaping and maintaining a safe environment and establishing productive relationships as critical elements needed to shape a positive school climate. This was achieved by solidifying consistent rituals and routines grounded in the distinct needs of each site. The consensus across all three sites acknowledges the roles of the PBIS coaches and the building level administrator. As the PBIS coach and the building administrators worked together, they assumed the lead as PBIS work is facilitated, stakeholder support was strengthened. collaborative partnerships were formed to embrace a common vision and common goals

Using Special Interests to Improve Academic On-Task Behavior in High School Students with Autism / Att använda specialintressen för att förbättra akademiskt on-task-beteende hos gymnasieelever med autism

Dahlbäck, Katrin January 2021 (has links)
A large majority of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have one or more special interests, i.e. interests that they find to be extremely motivating and engaging. Also, students with ASD often struggle to focus in classroom settings, as academic assignments are typically not as motivating as their special interests. Previous research has shown that special interests can be used to increase academic on-task behavior for young children with ASD but is lacking in terms of academic on-task behavior in adolescents. In this study, a multiple-baseline across participants was used to determine whether altering academic assignments to match individuals’ special interests would increase on-task behaviors in three high school students with ASD. The intervention proved to be effective, as on-task behavior increased in all three participants. Although altering assignments did require some time from teachers this is likely justifiable, given the positive effects for the students. / En övervägande majoritet av ungdomar med autismspektrumtillstånd (AST) har ett eller flera specialintressen; intressen som de tycker är extremt motiverande och engagerande. Dessutom uppvisar elever med AST ofta svårigheter med att fokusera i klassrumsmiljöer, eftersom akademiska uppgifter vanligtvis upplevs vara mindre motiverande än deras specialintressen. Tidigare forskning har visat att specialintressen kan användas för att öka akademiskt on-task-beteende hos små barn med AST, med det saknas forskning gällande detta område hos ungdomar. I den här studien användes en multipel baslinje-design för att undersöka hur inkluderandet av specialintressen i skoluppgifter påverkade akademiskt on-task beteende hos tre gymnasieelever med AST. Interventionen visade sig vara effektiv, då on-task-beteendet ökade hos alla tre deltagare. Trots att denna typ av anpassning av uppgifter är tidskrävande för lärare, är tidsåtgången sannolikt befogad utifrån de positiva effekter det hade för eleverna.

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