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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vývoj pozice prémiových a luxusních automobilových značek na českém trhu / Analysis of the position of premium and luxury car brands on the Czech market

Huťťan, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Goal of my diploma thesis is evaluation of premium car brands on the Czech market in terms of market share and image among the target group. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. First chapter is focused on basic marketing terminology and strategic marketing. Second chapter describes marketing mix in detail. Third chapter defines brand, specifies differences between premium and luxury brand, summarizes brand functions for the consumer as well as for the company, describes brand valuation models and finally defines brand identity, brand image and positioning. Fourth chapter analyses market shares developent of leading premium and luxury car brands on the Czech market. Fifth chapter introduces and evaluates model portfolios of selected premium and luxury car brands. Sixth chapter describes target groups of the most successful premium car brands according to their brand identity. Seventh chapter summarizes results of my own survey and define the image of the leading premium car brands. Last chapter involves my suggestions and recommandations which lead to better position of the leading premium car brands on the Czech market.

Visual Merchandising en el punto de venta en la tienda deportiva especializada, en la decisión de compra en los jóvenes entre los 22 a 27 años de NSE A, B de Lima

Battistini Guiulfo, Sebastián Jesús 04 July 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación presenta un análisis destacado del desenvolvimiento del visual merchandising en el punto de venta en una tienda deportiva. Como se pudo comprobar la presencia de una marca en el punto de venta es lo más relevante para el consumidor. La afinidad y la calidad del mismo siempre predomina por encima de las demás estrategias. Asimismo, estrategias que ayudan a mostrar los productos o servicios en la tienda deportiva también tienen una mayor solidez de influencia con las relaciones públicas la materialización de una experiencia se hace a través de la personificación de un ídolo deportivo utilizando el producto o servicio que se busca destacar y mostrar. Indudablemente, lo que se añade a las tiendas son la necesidad de establecer organizaciones de la ubicación de las tiendas separadas por los estilos de vida que hoy en día los consumidores están acostumbrados a encontrar. De esta manera, un nuevo orden hace que las estrategias sean precisamente para satisfacer a sus clientes a través de las características que pueden presentar estos productos o servicios. Todo esto trae consigo un panorama mucho más dinámico para las tiendas, los consumidores demandan tener un conocimiento previo del producto antes de tomar de tomar la decisión final y por ello, la tienda realiza estrategias en el punto venta destinadas a informar y presentar los productos de una manera especial y agradable. / This research presents an outstanding analysis of the development of visual merchandising at the point of sale in a sports store. As it was possible to verify the presence of a brand in the point of sale is the most relevant for the consumer. The affinity and quality of it always predominates over the other strategies. Likewise, strategies that help show the products or services in the sports store also have a greater solidity of influence with public relations, the materialization of an experience is done through the personification of a sports idol using the product or service that is sought highlight and show. Also, what is added to the stores are the need to establish organizations of the location of the stores separated by the lifestyles that today consumers are accustomed to find. In this way, a new order makes the strategies are precisely to satisfy their customers through the characteristics that these products or services can present. All this brings with it a much more dynamic outlook for stores, consumers demand to have a prior knowledge of the product before making the final decision and therefore, the store makes strategies at the point of sale designed to inform and present the products of a special and pleasant way. / Trabajo de investigación

Involucramiento de las marcas que modificaron su logo en el contexto de la pandemia Covid19 / Involvement of the brands that changed their logo in the context of the Covid19 pandemic

Uehara Laura, Jazmín Allison 12 September 2021 (has links)
Las marcas tienen dos esferas, la identidad e imagen de marca. Dentro de la identidad de marca está el logo. Este es el primer vínculo con los consumidores. Muchas marcas renovaron su logo durante la pandemia, apoyando el distanciamiento social. El motivo de la investigación es el interés por llenar un vacío académico que explore el involucramiento en marcas que realizaron un proceso de rebranding por motivos de una pandemia. El objetivo principal del presente artículo es analizar cómo influye el involucramiento con las marcas que modificaron temporalmente sus logos con motivo del aislamiento social frente a las marcas que no lo hicieron. La metodología tiene un enfoque cualitativo desarrollando entrevistas personales y siguiendo una guía de preguntas. Los colaboradores son hombres y mujeres de 25 a 35 años, con nivel socioeconómico B y C, con o sin grado académico, solteros y residentes en Lima Metropolitana. Casos: Mercado Libre, Alianza Lima y Mercedes Benz. El hallazgo principal es que sí hay mayor involucramiento con las marcas que cambiaron su logo de manera temporal por la pandemia. Debido a que los consumidores sienten atracción cuando las marcas realizan ayuda social porque se diferencian de la competencia (Martínez & Rodrigues, 2018) / Brands have two spheres, identity and brand image. Within the brand identity is logo. This is the first link with consumers. Many brands renewed their logo during pandemic, supporting social distancing. The reason for the research is because there is no academic literature that has explored the involvement of brands that underwent a rebranding process due to a pandemic. The main objective of this article is to analyze how brand involvement influences brands that temporarily modified their logos due to social isolation versus brands that did not. The methodology has a qualitative approach developing personal interviews and following a question guide. The target are men and women between the ages of 25 and 35, with socioeconomic status B and C, with or without an academic degree, single and residents of Lima. Cases: Mercado Libre, Alianza Lima and Mercedes Benz. The main finding of the investigation is that the public have greater involvement with the brands that temporarily changed their logo due to the pandemic. The main finding is that there is involvement with the brands that temporarily changed their logo due pandemic. Consumers feel attraction when brands perform social assistance because they differentiate themselves from competition (Martínez & Rodrigues, 2018). / Trabajo de investigación

Percepción de la narrativa de concientización de la campaña “Con mi propio vaso” de la marca Cristal lanzada durante la crisis del Covid-19 en consumidores de cerveza de 25 a 39 años del asentamiento humano “Puerto Nuevo” / Perception of beer brand Cristal's narrative for awareness during Covid-19 in a shanty town

Ferreccio Chincha, Mauricio Clemente 22 April 2021 (has links)
La crisis del Covid-19 ha llevado al mundo a una nueva normalidad, la cual ha forzado cambios en los hábitos de compra del consumidor para evitar contagiarse. Esto es un nuevo reto para las marcas, puesto que su comunicación debe apelar al cuidado del consumidor en esta pandemia. La marca de cerveza Cristal ha lanzado la campaña “Con mi propio vaso” que concientiza al público sobre la situación de la pandemia y promueve el consumo de cerveza en un vaso propio, en lugar de continuar con la tradición de compartirlo. La presente investigación busca analizar cuáles son las percepciones de concientización y de prevención sanitaria que el público residente del asentamiento humano Puerto Nuevo ha recibido respecto al storytelling de la campaña. Se ha realizado un estudio cualitativo que recurre al uso de entrevistas semiestructuradas para conocer la opinión de los consumidores y sus experiencias respecto a la pandemia. / The Covid-19 crisis has led the world into a new normality which has forced changes on consumers’ usual shopping habits in order to avoid contagion. This is a new challenge for brands because their style of communication must go towards caring for the consumer during the pandemic. Con mi propio vaso (“Using my own glass”) is a campaign released by Peruvian beer brand Cristal to help spread awareness and encourage people to drink beer using their own glassware, rather than keeping the somewhat popular tradition of sharing a single glass and passing it around. This research focuses on analyzing what perceptions regarding awareness and sanitary measures the people of the Peruvian shanty town Puerto Nuevo have received from the storytelling of this campaign. In order to do that, a qualitative approach has been proposed, by collecting data from semi-structured interviews that allows us to know both opinions and personal experiences of the interviewees. / Trabajo de investigación

Application of Branding Concepts for Development of Competitiveness / Application of Branding Concepts for Development of Competitiveness

Tesařová, Mariana January 2017 (has links)
Předložená diplomová práce je zaměřena na aplikaci konceptů značky sloužící k rozvoji konkurenceschopnosti produktu instituce vysokoškolského vzdělávání, konkrétně studijního oboru “Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development”. Na základě teoretických poznatků, metodiky dle Ko Floora a konceptu Brand Prismu je zhodnocena stávající situace studijního oboru. Zároveň jsou provedeny analýzy konkurentů a požadavků zákazníků, společně s analýzou odvětví k určení pozice značky studijního oboru na trhu. Na základě výsledků ze všech provedených analýz jsou následně stanoveny návrhy řešení konceptu značky na podporu rozvoje konkurenceschopnosti studijního oboru.

Rozvoj značky v pojišťovně / Branding Development at Insurance Company

Taťáková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
Předložená diplomová práce je zaměřená na použití konceptů a strategie značky sloužící k rozvoji značky Pojišťovny České Spořitelny a.s.., Vienna Insurance Group. Základem jsou teorie marketingových guru Ko Floora, Kapferera, Kellera a konceptů brand identity a brand prismu které jsou použity k analýze současného stavu branding značky. Současně jsou provedeny analýzy konkurentů a prostředí k určení pozice značky na trhu. Na základě výsledků provedených analýz jsou stanoveny návrhy řešení konceptu rozvoje značky.

Strategický rozvoj značky / Strategic Brand Management

Beran, Jaromír January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with proposals for the development and building of a brand at the retail company Goled, which deals with the online sale of LED lighting. The thesis identifies suitable theoretical concepts for brand development. First is analyzed the company, the Goled brand itself and then its position to customers and competitor. The work mainly uses the experience of existing customers of the brand, which it then uses to design appropriate building and development of the Goled brand.

Strategický rozvoj značky / Strategic Brand Management

Slámová, Petra January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problematics of brand development of a chosen business, which is pizza and burger manufactory and delivery Comics Pizza & Burgers in Brno. The thesis is divided into three parts. The theoretical part defines theoretical bases which serve to create a brand development strategy. The analytical part follows, based on the findings in the theoretical part and a methodical outline. This part first describes basic business data, which is followed by an analysis of the inner and outer business environment as well as an assessment of the current business situation from the market, clientele, and competition standpoints. These analyses serve to evaluate the newly researched information and to create the designs found in the final part of the thesis.

Att ha inkluderande reklam är en självklarhet, eller? : Organisationers förhållningssätt till normkreativ reklam / Having inclusive advertising is a matter of course, right? : Organizations' approach to norm creative advertising

Ehn, Anna, Lundberg, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att skapa en ökad kunskap och förståelse för organisationers förhållningssätt till normkreativ reklam   Metod: En deduktiv studie av kvalitativ karaktär genomfördes genom fem intervjuer med Vattenfall, Synoptik, Sparbanken Rekarne, TUI och Vinter.   Slutsats: Studien visade att organisationers förhållningssätt till normkreativ reklam varierar. Studien påvisade även att de organisationer som hade ett positivt förhållningssätt arbetade aktivt med normkreativ reklam och ansåg att det var en självklarhet eftersom detta uppvisade samhällsansvar. CSR, uppmärksamhet och utökad målgrupp var bidragande orsaker till att organisationer valde att använda respektive att inte använda normkreativ reklam. Studien belyste även att normkreativ reklam påverkar två av varumärkesidentitetens beståndsdelar; kultur och personlighet. / Purpose: The purpose of the study was to create a greater knowledge and understanding of organizations' perception of norm creative advertising.   Method: A deductive study with qualitative data conducted through five semi-structured interviews with Vattenfall, Synoptik, Sparbanken Rekarne, TUI and Vinter.    Conclusion: The study showed that organizations' approach to norm creative advertising vary.  The study also showed that organizations' that had a positive approach to norm creative advertising worked with norm creative advertising in their organization and believed that it was a matter of course as this demonstrated corporate social responsibility. CSR, attention and extended target group was contributing reasons why organizations choose to use or not to use norm creative advertising. The study also showed that norm creative advertising affects two of the brand identity elements; culture and personality.

The Role of A Flexible Brand Identity in A Dynamic Market : A Multiple-Case Study on Swedish Coffee Brands

Enoksson, Louise, Larsson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Conducting successful business requires a clear and steady brand identity, which is a part of brand management (Aaker, 1996; Kapferer, 1992, de Chernatony, 1999). Sticking to the core values and the traditions of the brand is beneficial. However, it seems advantageous to possess a flexible brand identity for the brand to be able to adapt to market trends and development. This could be of even more importance if the brand is existing in a dynamic market (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). This study aims to understand and further describe the role of flexible brand identity in a dynamic market, from a corporate point of view. The study was made according to an inductive approach of qualitative research, which enabled data collection from two case companies. The Swedish coffee market was chosen as the case market. Hence, five in-depth interviews were conducted with people working for two established coffee brands in Sweden.    The empirical findings showed the importance of working on the brand identity to stay relevant in the Swedish coffee market. Factors and stakeholders such as consumers, retail, shops, origin of the coffee, changes in consumer interests, and market trends were mentioned. Communication, and brand transformation, also appeared to be important factors within the study. The empirical findings have been analysed in comparison to the previous research on brand identity and dynamic markets, as well as further developed and discussed.  Altogether, the study aimed to discuss concepts and the empirical findings, and by the inclusion of the research questions: 1) How do companies work on transforming their brand identity? 2) How can a flexible brand identity be favourable when existing in a dynamic market? In conclusion, the Swedish coffee market appears to be moderately dynamic, and the benefits of a flexible brand identity is the ability to adapt and adjust for market trends, as long as the core values are taken into account during the changes. / Att driva framgångsrik business innebär ett behov av en tydlig och stabil varumärkesidentitet, vilken är en del inom varumärkeshanteringen (Aaker, 1996; Kapferer, 1992, de Chernatony, 1999). Det är föredömligt att hålla sig till varumärkets grundvärderingar och traditioner, men kan även vara fördelaktigt att bedriva en mer flexibel varumärkesidentitet för att kunna anpassa den till marknadstrender- och utveckling. Det kan vara om än mer viktigt om varumärket verkar på en dynamisk marknad (da Silveira, 2013; Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). Den här studien syftar till att förstå och vidare beskriva innebörden av en flexibel varumärkesidentitet på en dynamisk marknad, och detta utifrån ett företagsperspektiv. Den kvalitativa studien utfördes genom en induktiv ansats, med datainsamling från två olika företag på den svenska kaffemarknaden. Sammanlagt har fem anställda inom två svenska kaffevarumärken har intervjuats.    Den empiriska datan visade på att det är viktigt att jobba med varumärkesidentiteten för att vara relevant på den svenska kaffemarknaden. Faktorer och intressenter, såsom konsumenter, dagligvaruhandeln, kaffebutiker och kaffets ursprung, nämndes upprepat. Trender och svängande kaffeintresse samt kommunikation och varumärkestransformation var också centrala aspekter. Den empiriska datan har analyserats och jämförts med tidigare forskning men har också utvecklats och vidare diskuterats.    Sammantaget syftar studien till att diskutera koncepten och den empiriska datan och syftet har brutits ned i två forskningsfrågor: 1) Hur kan företag arbeta med att transformera sin varumärkesidentitet? 2) Hur kan en flexibel varumärkesidentitet vara fördelaktig på en dynamisk marknad? Utifrån analysen drogs slutsatsen att den svenska kaffemarknaden är “moderately dynamic” och fördelarna med en flexibel varumärkesidentitet är att den kan anpassas efter marknaden och dess trender, så länge grundvärderingarna tas i beaktning genom förändringarna.

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