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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Roles of Branding for a Brand Entering Overseas Markets : A Case Study of a Danish Butter Launching in Hong Kong with Success

Wong, Catherine, Lau, Tat Pui January 2011 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose ofthis research is to investigate how branding is applied in a challengingindustry for an overseas market.  In other words, we would look into the aspects that are important for building and strengthening a brand in overseas market. Design/Methodology/Approach – Our qualitative research is developed according to the interpretive approach which seeks to understand the aspects of brandings foroverseas market.  This research would beconducted as a deductive study; the validity of present knowledge would bedemonstrated.  Qualitative approach isapplied for identifying the aspects in a successful launching of a brand in anoverseas market. Findings – This research demonstrates that branding has been involving inlaunching of brands to overseas markets. The case study indicates that brand portfolio, brand identity and brandpositioning are essential in extending brands to overseas markets. Practical Implications – It serves as supplementary andreference information for brand management in marketing plan for globalmarkets, especially in food industry. Originality/Value – The originality of this paper lies in its knowledge area ofbranding, which uses brand portfolio, brand identity and brand positioningliteratures and journals to examine the role of branding in practical case. Keywords Brand Portfolio, Brand Identity, Brand Positioning, Denmark, HongKong, Food Industry Paper Type Research paper

Positioning of a brand point of parity : a study of a possible approach for taking position of a point of parity in a mature business to business market

Linander, Kristina, Carlsson, Carolina January 2012 (has links)
Every organisation has to build their brand on specific associations that they want to be related to. These associations can be divided into two categories: points of parity and points of difference. Traditionally brands have been concentrating on the company’s points of difference in their positioning strategies. It is more complex to take the position of a point of parity than it of a point of difference. Positioning involves finding a distinct place in the customer’s memory for the right reasons the company wants to convey and in that way maximize the profit potential for the company. To be able to achieve this, the company need to define its target group, its competition, and in what way the brand are alike the competition and in what way they differ from their competition. Existing brands positioning derives from the brand’s identity. The problem question is how can an organisation gain the position of a point of parity? Food Safety is relevant to use as an example given that it is impossible to compromise with, since it could lead to bankruptcy if not properly handled. The aim is to dissolve the complexity of the situation by using well known theory about marketing strategies, brand building, positioning, brand identity, brand equity and communication. The solution consists of three phases that forms a model of a strategy. In the first phase the organisation need to set up their marketing and brand strategies, their frame of reference and decide on their identity, what point of parities and point of differences they want to be associated with. The second phase involves elaboration of the identity into brand equity. For a point of parity it is a longer process than for a point of difference. The last phase is the communication of the brands message and identity. Communication is the key to linking the identity to the customer. The steps are combined in the strategy set up in this research. Since markets are dynamic it is important to resubmit and keep working with all steps of the strategy.

LUXURY-FASHION.com : Hur modeföretag skapar lyx med pixeln som byggsten / LUXURY-FASHION.com : How fashion brands create luxury using pixels as building blocks

Nord Lobos, Amanda, Wincent, Edvin, Martinez, Samuel January 2023 (has links)
Modeindustrins lyxvarumärken har, trots sina avantgardistiska och flamboyanta förknippningar, ett varaktigt rykte om att vara konservativt inställda till förändringar av sina väletablerade affärsmodeller. Den digitala disruptionen som internets framfart innebar för modedetaljhandeln omfamnades likaså inte av lyxsegmentet förrän långt efter att resten av modeindustrin redan insett näthandelns enorma affärsmöjligheter. Det är dock inte utan giltiga argument som lyxvarumärkena ställt sig skeptiska till att anamma den här "nymodigheten". Att förvalta den sociokulturella signifikansen av varumärkets identitet är instrumentellt för lyxvarumärkens fortsatta framgång, och att överföra ett flera decennier gammalt brick-and-mortar-koncept till världen online är inte riskfritt. Förändringen står dock inte längre för dörren, utan har oblygt gjort sig hemmastadd. Således syftar den här studien till att undersöka hur modeföretag inom lyxsegmentet använder marknadsföringsmedel (exempelvis bildspråk, narrativ, layout) i sin cultural branding online för att upprätthålla sin brand identity. För att kvalitativt studera fenomenet har en netnografiskt inspirerad metod tillämpats bestående av att observera ett urval hemsidor från lyxvarumärken av akademiker klassade som accessible core. Analytiskt intressant ansågs på förhand hemsidornas visuella identitet, bildspråk, narrativa stilgrepp och layout vara, med grund i tidigare forskning. Det här informerade således fokuset för insamlingen av materialet som sedan analyserades tematiskt. Resultatet visade att narrativa marknadsföringsstrategier är olika avsett vilken typ av varumärke och i vilken utsträckning narrativen kommuniceras. En introduktion av komponenterna i webbdesign presenteras som viktiga för att skapa en estetik som upprätthåller ett varumärkes identitet online. Resultaten indikerar vidare att narrativ och webbdesign görs kongruenta genom konsekvent användning av antingen en minimalistisk eller maximalistisk designfilosofi. Avslutningsvis diskuteras resultatets funna teman i kontrast mot tidigare forskning såväl som teoretiska och praktiska följder, samt rekommendationer för framtida forskning. / Despite over-the-top aesthetics and an outward image dressed in glitz and glamour the luxury fashion industry is deeply rooted in a culture of careful conservatism. For the individual au fait with this internal culture, the industry-wide resistance to the digitalisation of a centuries old business model was not unexpected. Yet, survival is to adapt. Today e-luxury within fashion is mainstream. However, becoming mainstream does not presuppose that the risks sceptics forewarned of regarding luxury fashion going online were invalid. The fear of once prestigious and culturally significant brands being watered down when translated into a more populist forum like the internet is not without warrant. In this netnographically inspired study, the authors employed the theory of cultural branding by Douglas Holt when analysing the websites of three luxury brands within the fashion industry to determine what marketing strategies are used by the industry to sustain one’s brand identity. Results indicate that narrative strategies are diverse concerning what kind of material and to what extent stories are communicated. Also, the components of web design most important in creating an aesthetic that enforces a brand’s identity online are presented. Results further indicate that narrative and web design are made congruent through the consistent use of either a minimalist or maximalist approach. To conclude, the authors of the study theorise on the academic as well as practical implications of our results, as well as providing recommendations for future research. This thesis is written in Swedish.

From Trump Tower to Trump White House: The Rhetoric of Donald Trump's 'Winning' Brand

Metcalf, Benjamin 01 April 2021 (has links)
Donald Trump's rhetoric of winners and losers has prompted dangerous division in the United States. It is well understood that Trump's divisive discourse appealed to white, blue-collar Americans who had become disillusioned with the political establishment. This study explores how Trump persuaded this audience by transitioning business communication principles, highlighted by his signature 'winners and losers' theme, into politics. Trump's use of the reality television show, The Apprentice, as a branding platform had the rhetorical effect that catapulted Trump's unique 'winning' brand back into the public's consciousness. While the principles of business rhetoric Trump used in The Apprentice were clearly transitioned to Twitter during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, his tweets were unique in how they foregrounded the 'losers' he faced during the campaign. To illuminate Trump's branding strategy as both TV personality and political candidate, this analysis of Trump draws on Kenneth Burke's concept of consubstantiation and contemporary theories of business rhetoric, namely the idea of narrative-processing and its influence on consumers' connection with a brand. Because Trump constructs his brand with language that aims at restructuring America's social hierarchy, this study also uses critical discourse analysis (CDA) to understand the implications of power for both his audience and his opponents. This study concludes that while Trump's winning brand identity contributed to him winning the presidency, it also promotes male dominance and exacerbates political division in the United States.

Varumärkesaktivism - Positivt eller negativt för företag? : En fallstudie om hur varumärkesaktivism används i ett företag inom klädbranschen samt hur detta uppfattas av deras kunder

Johnzon, Ellen, Johnzon, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
Varumärkesaktivism är en strategi för marknadsföring som har blivit alltmer uppmärksammad på senare år. Det är en form av ställningstaganden där varumärken lyfter samhällsfrågor för att påverka konsumenterna genom marknadsföring som är skapad och upprätthållen av sociala och politiska värderingar. Detta är extra viktigt inom klädbranschen då företag på den marknaden idag lider av minskat förtroende från konsumenter, dels när det kommer till integritet och dels när det gäller produkternas ursprung och tillverkning. Varumärkesaktivism kan i vissa fall dock missgynna företagen om kunden inte anser att denna aktivism är autentisk, eller om kunden inte sympatiserar med budskapet företaget förmedlar. Däremot kan detta även skapa fördelar om denna varumärkesaktivism är autentisk och kunden sympatiserar med budskapet, vilket är en svår balansgång för företag idag. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka varför och hur ett känt internationellt företag inom klädbranschen arbetar med varumärkesidentitet samt varumärkesaktivism. Syftet var även att se hur företaget arbetar för att förmedla detta på ett autentiskt sätt till sina kunder och hur deras kunder uppfattar denna aktivism. Detta studerades genom att tillämpa en kvalitativ strategi där empiri samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med chefer inom det utvalda företaget som arbetar med varumärkesbyggande, kommunikation samt sociala medier. För att ta reda på hur kunderna uppfattar denna aktivism genomfördes även kvalitativa intervjuer med kunder hos företaget. Studiens resultat visade att företaget idag har en tydlig varumärkesidentitet som bygger på deras kärnvärden samt grundvärderingar vilket även stämmer överens med uppfattningen från deras kunder. Utifrån varumärkesidentiteten tar företaget sedan ställning i sociopolitiska frågor genom att kommunicera denna varumärkesaktivism på sitt instagramkonto samt hemsida. Resultatet visade även att företagets kunder anser att varumärkets åsikter inom sociopolitiska frågor stämmer överens med hur företaget agerar vilket har bidragit till en autentisk uppfattning av företagets varumärkesaktivism. Sammanfattningsvis är denna studiens slutsats att företaget idag har en tydlig koppling mellan sin varumärkesidentitet samt varumärkesaktivism, vilket har lett till att deras aktivism uppfattas som autentisk från deras kunder. / Brand activism is a marketing strategy that has received increased attention in recent years. It is a form of stance where brands raise societal issues to influence consumers through marketing that is created and maintained by social and political values. This is important in the clothing industry as companies in the market today suffer from reduced trust from consumers, partly when it comes to the origin and manufacture of the products. However, brand activism can in some cases be a disadvantage for companies, if the customer does not believe that this activism is authentic, or if the customer does not agree with the message that the company is communicating. But in other cases, it can create benefits if this brand activism is authentic and fits in with the customer, which is a difficult balancing act for companies today. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate why and how a well-known international company in the clothing industry works with brand identity and brand activism and how the company communicates this in an authentic way to its customers and how the customers perceive this activism. This was studied by applying a qualitative strategy where empirical data has been collected through qualitative interviews with managers who work with brand building, communication and social media at the selected company. Qualitative interviews were also conducted with customers of the company to find out how the company's customers perceive this activism. The results of the study showed that the company today has a distinct brand identity based on their core values, which agrees with the perception from their customers as well. From the brand identity, the company takes a stand on sociopolitical issues by communicating this brand activism. Further, the results showed that the company's customers considered that the brand's views on socio-political issues are in line with how the company acts and thus contribute to an authentic perception of the company's brand activism. To summarize, this study showed that the company today has an evident link between its brand identity and brand activism, which has led to their activism being perceived as authentic by their customers.

Creating Sustainability Through Corporate Branding

Ritz, Hayley Lynn 01 January 2007 (has links)
This thesis provides a thorough definition of corporate branding, including its benefits when used as a strategic marketing tool. There are many who believe that the logo of a corporation is its brand. However, the logo is only one interpretation of the brand. The brand is the corporation's ethos. It is the fundamental character or spirit of the corporation. It is an expression of who the corporation is. It is the essence that links the corporation's product or service with its consumer through loyalty and emotional attachments. Corporations use various processes and methodologies when they begin to create and enhance their corporate brand. Corporations must define their corporate personality, build recognition, standardize, and fulfill brand promises. There are also obstacles and challenges that corporations face in their endeavor to implement a branding guideline, and the chance of overcoming them without defined leadership is unrealistic. This study focuses specifically on existing literature about corporate branding and cites case study examples to show what makes the best brands successful and where failing brands could have been more successful. The study concludes by providing insight into the future for corporate branding and offering suggestions for technical communication professionals who find themselves a part of the brand building and defining process. There are various rules to branding and traits that are common to every top brand in the world. By instilling its brand with such traits, and following certain processes with focus, passion, and persistence, and most of all a long-term commitment to the brand, a corporation will find its brand among the most recognized brands in the world.

Konsten att skapa ett varumärke : En kvalitativ studie om hur skandinaviska modevarumärken inom premiumsegmentet arbetar med varumärkesbyggande / The art of creating a brand : A qualitative study on how Scandinavian fashion brands in the premium segment work with branding

Ristic, Ana, Jörnhammar, Lina, Höög, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Den globala modeindustrin är idag en av de mest konkurrenskraftiga branscherna i världen där särskilt premiumsegmentet har haft stor tillväxt på senare tid. I takt med att det regelbundet tillkommer nya företag på marknaden är det svårt för företag att särskilja sig från sina konkurrenter. Premiumvarumärken inkluderar exklusivitet men grundar sig desto mer i ett känslomässigt engagemang från kunderna. Med detta i beaktning är premiumvarumärken i särskilt behov av att lyfta fram sina betydande egenskaper och bygga starka varumärken. Modevarumärken inom premiumsegmentet är mindre beforskat i jämförelse med de andra segment, vilket belyser relevansen av denna studie. Således var syftet med denna studie att identifiera hur modeföretag inom premiumsegmentet på den skandinaviska modemarknaden arbetar med varumärkesbyggande, avseende varumärkesidentitet och produktmix. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgår från två huvudområden: varumärkesidentitet och produktmix och nyttjades för att få en grundläggande förståelse för studiens forskningsområde. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte och dess frågeställningar nyttjades en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med utgångspunkt i fem stycken intervjuer med skandinaviska modevarumärken. Intervjuerna var av strukturerad och semistrukturerad karaktär och genomfördes genom onlinemöten och mail. Resultatet visar att varumärkesidentitet är särskilt centralt för modevarumärken inom premiumsegmentet med hänsyn till att den bör genomsyra alla delar i varumärket såsom produkter, pris, distribution och service. Produkten verkar vara särskilt betydelsefull för hur identiteten ska kommuniceras. Likväl är produkten extra viktig för modevarumärken inom premiumsegmentet med hänsyn till att de har ett högre pris och därmed större förväntningar på dess värde. I studien framgår det även att distribution är särskilt utmärkande då många var överens om att det fanns en strävan efter att befinna sig tillsammans med andra lyxiga varumärken. Slutligen visar resultatet att varumärkesidentiteten och produktmixen bör vara tydlig och konsekvent för modevarumärken inom premiumsegmentet. / The fashion industry is today one of the most competitive industries in the world where especially the premium segment have had a significant growth recently. As new companies regularly enter the market, it is difficult for companies to separate themselves from their competitors. Premium brands include exclusivity and are based on an emotional interest from customers. With this in mind, premium brands are in particular need to highlight their significant attributes and build strong brands. Fashion brands within the premium segment are less researched in comparison to the other segments, which highlights the relevance of this study. Accordingly the purpose of this study was to identify how fashion companies within the premium segment of the Scandinavian fashion market work with branding, regarding brand identity and product mix. The theoretical framework of this study is based on two main areas: brand identity and product mix and was used to gain a fundamental understanding of the research area. In order to be able to answer the purpose of the study, a qualitative research method was used based on five interviews with Scandinavian fashion brands. The interviews were of a structured and semi-structured quality and were conducted through online meetings and email. The result shows that brand identity is particularly central for fashion brands in the premium segment, considering that it should permeate all parts of the brand such as products, price, distribution and service. The product seems to be particularly important for how the identity is communicated. Nevertheless, the product is especially important for fashion brands in the premium segment, considering that they have a higher price and therefore bigger expectations of its value. In the study, it also appears that distribution is particularly distinctive as many agreed that there was an aspiration to be together with other luxury brands. Finally, the result shows that the brand identity and product mix should be clear and consistent for fashion brands in the premium segment.

Holistic view of brand equity and sustainability activities : A qualitative study in the transport sector

Petterson, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of the study is to explore how sustainability activities are perceived as a part of a company’s brand equity and brand reputation in a B2B context within the transport sector. This is studied from the perspectives of the supplier as well as of its customers. Methodology - The research purpose was of an exploratory nature and had an qualitative approach, where data was collected through in-depth, semi-structured interviews. The research strategy is in the form of a case study based on a Swedish truck company, more specifically tanker trucks. The respondents consisted of current customers and employees at the forwarding company.   Results - The findings of the study showed that transport companies in the specific industry do not have a direct need to conduct marketing communication or focus as much on the brand reputation as the theory says. However, in terms of sustainability, marketing is still relevant, but not for creation of brand equity. Sustainability activities are therefore not a requirement for brand equity in the transport industry. Customers who do not have sustainability activities as a requirement for suppliers see sustainability as an add-on service, and since sustainability is not an expressed need for these customers, satisfaction is positively affected, although satisfaction does not say anything about the customer’s degree of fulfillment of sustainability. Implications - This study helps to fill the gap in the research area of sustainability activities and brand equity, both by studying the subject in the transport sector but also by providing a holistic view of the impact of sustainability on brand equity and brand reputation. The findings of the study also contribute to practitioners, by giving forwarding companies in a B2B market insights to prioritize their marketing efforts through obtained findings in terms of sustainability, brand equity, and brand reputation. Further findings show that B2B customers have a hard time fulfilling the emotional route in customer-based brand equity, instead, they fulfill the rational route. Sustainability is thus a complement to strengthening brand equity. However, it is not enough as an individual aspect when it comes to creating brand equity in the transport industry. The thesis shows that customers have the greatest interest in the environmental sustainability dimensions in terms of responsibility in the transport sector. Communicating sustainability and its value creation further in the value chain to customers can result in interest and commitment to sustainability.

Get together, do whatever! - En kvalitativ fallstudie på Media Evolutions communityskapande verksamhet

Arvidsson, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Studien undersöker communityskapande verksamhet inom kreativa näringar. Genom att applicera en modell som behandlar varumärkesidentitet, the Corporate Brand Identity Matrix, på en exempelorganisation kunde dennas nyckelfunktioner för communityskapande identifieras. Modellens idéer kring identitetsskapande kunde även prövas på en organisation som verkar på ideella grunder där community och kollektivt värde står i fokus framför vinstdrivande intressen. Resultaten baseras på material insamlade från en kvalitativ fallstudie utförd på den Malmöbaserade organisationen Media Evolution, där verksamhetens uppbyggnad kring element valda från modellen stod i fokus. Organisationens arbetssätt kopplat till elementen kunderbjudande, relationer, kultur och uttryck undersöktes genom observationer och intervjuer med representanter från olika delar av communityt. Resultaten visade hur verksamheten i praktiken arbetar på ett mer organiskt sätt än vad modellens design indikerar, varpå det blir problematiskt att tydligt kategorisera Media Evolutions funktioner under CBIMs element. Media Evolutions främsta nyckelfaktorer visade sig ha stor grund i att man har översatt digitala idéer till en fysisk gestaltning kring vilket communityt byggs upp i alla led. Således kunde en utvecklad modell skapas där organisationens communityskapande verksamhet bättre kan förstås. Resultatet visade hur organisationens nyckelfaktorer är lokal anpassning för verksamheten, praktiserat tillika kommunicerat fokus på engagemang och medskapande kultur, hierarkisk utplattning samt relationsbaserade arbetssätt. / This study looks at the phenomenon of community building in creative industries. By looking at an example organization through a brand identity perspective, using elements from the Corporate Brand Identity Matrix model, key functions could be identified. The ideas borrowed from a corporate business perspective regarding identity could also be tested on a community built on non-profit interests. The results rely on data gathered from a qualitative case study of Media Evolution in Malmö. Through observations and interviews with representatives from different parts of the community, Media Evolution’s way of working regarding value, proposition, culture, expression and relationship was studied. Findings showed that a conflict appears between the CBIM and the way this kind of community is built up. Since Media Evolution’s organization is managed more organic and relationship based than the model implies, it tended to be difficult to categorize their functions under the specific elements used in the study. Therefor a new model could be designed to better explain the organizations community building. Findings also showed that Media Evolution’s key functions all are born out of digital ideas translated into physical formation. Key functions of the organization showed to be local adaption, community diversity, practical and rhetorical focus on engagement, hierarchal flattening and a relationship based approach.


[pt] Este estudo investiga o posicionamento de marca de uma clínica de saúde privada especializada em medicina celular situada na zona sul da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Utilizando o método de estudo de caso, o posicionamento da marca foi investigado sob a perspectiva da semiótica francesa de Semprini (2010), com o propósito de identificar a eficiência da marca em transmitir sua identidade para seu público e propor melhorias para amplificar a atuação da empresa perante seus concorrentes no Brasil. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de entrevista com pacientes, médicos parceiros e funcionários. Como resultado desta pesquisa foi desenvolvido o Projeto de Marca da Medcel Medicina Celular e sugestões de melhorias, entre elas a necessidade de investimento na contratação de empresa especializada em marketing, principalmente digital, aplicando, em especial, a ferramenta storytelling, como estratégia eficaz de comunicação na área de saúde. / [en] This study investigates the brand positioning of a private healthcare clinic specializing in cellular medicine located in the southern area of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Using the case study method, the brand positioning was investigated from the perspective of French semiotics by Semprini (2010), with the purpose of identifying the effectiveness of the brand in conveying its identity to its audience and proposing improvements to enhance the company s performance against its competitors in Brazil. The research was conducted through interviews with patients, partner physicians, and employees. As a result of this research, the Medcel Cellular Medicine Brand Project was developed, along with suggestions for improvements, including the need for investment in hiring a specialized marketing company, especially in digital marketing, applying storytelling as an effective communication strategy in the healthcare sector.

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