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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Разработка и реализация организационных и технологических инноваций на производственном предприятии : магистерская диссертация / Development and implementation of organizational and technological innovations at the production plant

Морозова, Е. А., Morozova, E. A. January 2021 (has links)
Для успешного и эффективного управления организацией необходимо иметь представление о комплексном анализе бизнес-процессов, степени эффективности взаимодействия между сотрудниками, а также объективно оценке организационной культуры. Т.е. следует проводить диагностику организационной культуры с точки зрения эффективности бизнеса. Объективность исследования обусловлена наличием актуальных сведений о текущем состоянии организационной культуры в компании, т.к. от этого зависит успешность ее функционирования. Знание реального положения дел в компании позволит вовремя разработать комплекс мероприятий и устранить имеющиеся проблемы, внедрить новые методы, позволяющие сплотить работников между собой, что обеспечит успешность планирования стратегического развития компании. Предметом исследования магистерской диссертации является организационные инновации. реализуемые промышленным предприятием и условия их успешной реализации. Объектом исследования являются промышленные предприятия, одним из примеров таких предприятий – АО «УРАЛЭНЕРГОРЕМОНТ», которое является одним из ведущих специализированных предприятий России. АО «УРАЛЭНЕРГОРЕМОНТ» выполняет все виды ремонтов, монтажи и реконструкции энергетического и электротехнического оборудования любой мощности и сложности для предприятий энергетики, черной металлургии, химической промышленности и машиностроения. Также предприятие занимается производством запасных частей для паровых турбин. Целью данной магистерской диссертации является применение усовершенствованных методов диагностики организационной культуры, анализ текущего состояния организационной культуры на промышленных предприятиях, а также разработка рекомендаций для улучшения организационной культуры компаний как инструмента реализации организационных инноваций для промышленного предприятия. / To manage your organization successfully and efficiently, you need to be aware of a comprehensive analysis of business processes, the effectiveness of interaction between employees, and an objective assessment of the organizational culture. I.e. The organizational culture should be diagnosed in terms of business efficiency. The objectivity of the study is due to the availability of up-to-date information about the current state of organizational culture in the company, since the success of its functioning depends on this. Knowledge of the real state of affairs in the company will allow you to develop a set of measures on time and eliminate existing problems, introduce new methods that allow you to unite employees with each other, which will ensure the success of planning the strategic development of the company. The subject of a master's thesis is organizational innovation. implemented by an industrial enterprise and the conditions for their successful implementation. The object of the study is industrial enterprises, one of the examples of such enterprises is URALENERGOREMONT JSC, which is one of the leading specialized enterprises in Russia. JSC "URALENERGOREMONT" performs all types of repairs, installation and reconstruction of power and electrical equipment of any capacity and complexity for enterprises of energy, ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry and mechanical engineering. The company is also engaged in the production of spare parts for steam turbines. The purpose of this master's thesis is to apply improved methods of diagnosing organizational culture, analyze the current state of organizational culture in industrial enterprises, as well as develop recommendations for improving the organizational culture of companies as a tool for implementing organizational innovations for an industrial enterprise.

Exoneración del IGV Ley N° 27037 y su incidencia en el desarrollo empresarial en Mypes del sector ferretero – Jazan, 2020

Chasquibol Daza, Erika Katerin January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general, analizar el impacto de la exoneración del Impuesto General a las Ventas ley N° 27037, en el desarrollo empresarial en MYPES del sector ferretero en el distrito de Jazan 2020. La cual se planteó este problema con la siguiente interrogante ¿Cuál es el impacto de la exoneración del Impuesto General a las Ventas (ley N° 27037) en el desarrollo empresarial?, ya que esto es importante pues el objeto de esta ley es promover el desarrollo sostenible y holístico de la región amazónica, crear condiciones para la inversión pública y promover la inversión privada. La metodología utilizada fue un diseño de investigación descriptivo no experimental, tipo aplicada con enfoque mixto, la población fue de cuatro empresas MYPES ferreteras del distrito de Jazan. La técnica que se utilizo fue una entrevista, el instrumento para la recopilación de información, revisión de información recolectada. Según los resultados obtenidos ante el análisis de rentabilidad presentado, se concluye que las empresas se consideran rentables, puesto que generan una suficiente utilidad para su negocio, esto se debe a que sus ingresos son más elevados que sus gastos. Por lo cual se sugiere al gobierno peruano, no eliminar los incentivos tributarios, ya que son los únicos beneficiarios son los consumidores fiscales del distrito de Jazan, ya que eliminarlos traería consigo conflictos sociales y aumento de precios en los productos, lo cual afectaría la económica y necesidades de los consumidores. / The general objective of this research was to analyze the impact of the exemption from the General Sales Tax Law No. 27037, on business development in MYPES of the hardware sector in the district of Jazan 2020. Which raised this problem with the following question: What is the impact of the exemption from the General Sales Tax (Law No. 27037) on business development? Since this is important because the purpose of this law is to promote sustainable and holistic development of the Amazon region, create conditions for public investment and promote private investment. The methodology used was a non-experimental descriptive research design, applied type with a mixed approach, the population was four MYPES hardware companies in the Jazan district. The technique used was an interview, the instrument for collecting information, review of collected information. According to the results obtained from the presented profitability analysis, it is concluded that the companies are considered profitable, since they generate enough profit for their business, this is because their income is higher than their expenses. Therefore, it is suggested to the Peruvian government not to eliminate tax incentives, since the only beneficiaries are the fiscal consumers of the Jazan district, since eliminating them would bring about social conflicts and increase in product prices, which would affect the economy. and consumer needs.

An analysis of the development of small and medium enterprises in Namibia (Khomas region)

Ipinge, Aune 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In a stable economic environment and enabling macro economy, such as Namibia, a small and medium enterprise (SME) sector is vital for the growth and sustainability of the economy. Although several studies have been conducted on SMEs, to the best of the researcher's knowledge, no single study has been conducted with regard to SME development in Namibia with emphasis on the Khomas region. The aim of this study was to explore the progress made, during the last decade in minimising constraints faced by SMEs in key developmental areas, such as access to finance, sound management, business processes, marketing and strategic alliances. In order to adequately address these key developmental areas the research sought to address the following questions: What strategies should SMEs adopt in terms of management, finance, marketing and networking in order to ensure their future viability? What is the institutional capacity from the sample of 50 SMEs in the Khomas region? What are the likely capital and recurrent cost implications with respect to traders wanting to form alliances in the Khomas region? What potential problems are likely to emanate from the SMEs' venturing into the export processing enclave? The government of Namibia, in 1997, recognised the important role SMEs can play in the country's socio-economic development. A number of policy documents were issued to give clear definitions of small businesses and to stipulate government programmes intended to ensure that conditions are favourable and enabling for SMEs' growth in Namibia. This research study explores the impact of the process of development since the passing of the Government SME Policy in 1997. Furthermore, this research looked at policy documents on SMEs, national development plans (NDPs), millennium development goals (MDGs), other developmental goals and government policies relevant to SME development in Namibia. The analysis indicates that the majority (74%) of SMEs in the Khomas region are involved in general dealing, like footstalls, detergent makers and the service industry. According to the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI 1997: 29), lack of finance is widely regarded as one of the major obstacles to the development of more advanced small businesses. Most of the SMEs do not have sufficient funds to venture into capital intensive programmes like manufacturing activities. As a result, general dealing becomes a better option since it does not require large sums of money to start operating or to expand current operations. Financial institutions have stringent collateral requirements; therefore access to finance is regarded as a major limiting factor for SME growth in the Khomas region. The survey also concluded that most SME owners act as sole proprietors and try to perform all business operations by themselves. They usually fail to keep financial records, due to ignorance of its importance. As a result most SMEs do not know how much money they have used or profits made. This research investigated, concluded and made recommendations on the factors that have assisted or impeded SME development in Namibia, with emphasis in the Khomas region.

Analýza aktivit agentury Czech Invest v posledních letech / Analysis of the activities of CzechInvest in recent years

Vaculíková, Hana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the activities of CzechInvest, the Investment and Business Development Agency. The analysis is aimed at the portfolio of provided services and development programmes. The system of investment incentives in the manufacturing industry is discussed in detail. The thesis also shows planned measures, which would change the current support in favor of research, development and innovations (technology centers) and business support services centers. Foreign direct investments inflow into the Czech Republic is analyzed as well. It examines investment projects mediated by CzechInvest mainly in the last six years. In the conclusion, the comparison of received foreign direct investments and mediated investment projects is implemented.

Förändras för att förbli : Hur omvärldsfaktorer påverkar den svenska reklambyråbranschen / Change to remain : How external factors affect the Swedish advertising agency industry

Florhed, Jonas, Tjernström, Matilda January 2013 (has links)
Omvärldsfaktorer som företag står utan makt att direkt påverka förändrar ständigt det affärslandskap där företag vistas. Framför allt har den tekniska utvecklingen ständigt varit en stark drivkraft till organisatorisk förändring, både historiskt sett men även i modern tid. Den tekniska utvecklingen för med sig förändrade beteenden hos konsumenter vilket tjänsteföretag måste ta hänsyn till vid utformandet av erbjudanden. För företag idag är det en utmaning att lyckas revidera sin egen verksamhet och kontinuerligt anpassa sina erbjudanden i takt med att marknaden och omvärlden ständigt förändras. Företag kan inte bortse från affärsutveckling om de vill förbli konkurrenskraftiga. Syftet med studien är därför att söka förståelse för hur omvärldsfaktorer påverkar och förändrar ett tjänsteerbjudande, och hur företag aktivt kan arbeta med att möta marknadens behov i såväl rådande som framtida affärsklimat. För att uppfylla studiens syfte har en empirisk undersökning genomförts på den svenska reklambyråbranschen. Den empiriska studien innehåller kvalitativa intervjuer med företrädare från både reklambyråer och reklamköpande företag. Reklambyråbranschens tjänsteerbjudande har analyserats i ett generellt perspektiv utifrån en teoretisk referensram där omvärldsfaktorer, tjänsteerbjudandets utformning och affärsutveckling varit centrala delar. Studiens resultat visar att tjänsteföretag kontinuerligt måste anpassa sina framtidsprognoser gällande omvärldsfaktorer, i synnerhet teknologisk innovation och förändrade konsumentbeteenden, till konkreta affärsmål för att vara konkurrenskraftiga. Omvärldsfaktorernas påverkan har enligt studien resulterat i att dagens tjänsteföretag måste vara väl insatt i kundens interna verksamheter, då samproduktion mellan köpare och säljare tenderar att bli en allt viktigare del i tjänsteerbjudandet. En ytterligare slutsats av omvärldsfaktorernas påverkan är att köpare av en tjänst idag styrs av emotionella värden i beslutsfattandet, vilket gör att den personliga affärsrelationen blir allt viktigare för tjänsteföretag för att vara attraktiva i köparens ögon. För framtida forskning ges en rekommendation att göra en komparativ studie där reklambyråbranschen jämförs med en närliggande konsultbransch för att ge ytterligare perspektiv på tjänsteerbjudandet som fenomen. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

Design Thinking in Business Innovation

Gullberg, Gustav, Landström, Anders, Widmark, Erik, Nyström, Mikael January 2006 (has links)
Med globaliseringen har världen snabbt förändrats och designerns roll är inte längre lika självklar. Vi har tittat på hur man kan expandera begreppet design och utnyttja designerns kvalitéer inom nya områden. Magisterexamensarbetet "Design Thinking in Business Innovation" syftar till att undersöka hur man kan utnyttja designyrkets kreativa och innovativa processer inom affärsutveckling. I vårt exjobb har vi jobbat med ett av Storbritanniens ledande vitvaruföretag, GDHA, och har tillsammans med marknadsföringsstudenter från Stockholms Universitet tagit fram affärsstrategier för hur de kan agera på en framtida marknad. Kombinationen av kreativt tänkande och traditionell affärsutveckling genererade nya innovativa koncept med syfte att utifrån företagets förutsättningar stärka dess konkurrenskraft och skapa nya affärsmöjligheter. "Design Thinking in Business Innovation" resulterade i en ny arbetsmetod samt tre koncept som visualiserar resultatet av en kreativ affärsutvecklingsprocess. Dessa koncept sträckte sig från konventionell produktutveckling för differentiering till utveckling av nya försäljningskanaler samt en helt ny affärsidé som bygger vidare på GDHAs kärnverksamhet. Koncepten konkretiserades i form av en modell av ett kylskåpskoncept, samt tre stycken animerade kortfilmer.Som ett resultat av vårt exjobb har vi startat Remotel, ett design kontor som fokuserar på affärsutveckling genom användarorienterad research, kreativa processer och visuell kommunikation (mer info på www.remotel.se). / The world is undergoing change and the disintegration of the old economy is becoming evident. Production is moving to low cost countries and competition is growing fierce. In order to stay competitive, companies around the world recognises the need to become more innovative. In order to achieve this it is imperative to balance and compliment the linear business thinking that still rule the managerial body. Leading research in this area suggest that the key to innovation in business development lies within the creative thinking of the design field. This paper describes a joint master degree project that seeks to test these theories and develop methods and protocols to put them into practice. So the question is, what happens when one use industrial  design as a tool to innovate business in the Creative Economy? The research group consists of four industrial designers from Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm and four marketing students from School of Business, Stockholm University. During the project we applied action research and introspection in a case study where new business strategies where formulated for a live company as our empirical base. The process proved more difficult but also more rewarding than initially anticipated and resulted in several new potential strategies for the company while providing valuable insight and experience in interdisciplinary team work in this field. This paper presents suggestions to how design thinking and business thinking can be combined in the process of developing business strategies and accentuates some of the skills and qualities that inherently drive this process. The collaboration investigates the synergy between designers and business managers and illustrates the potential in combining these competences to find new ways to create, re-define and develop businesses in the creative economy.

跨境電商環境下物流企業的業務發展策略-以中国邮政為例 / The Business Development Strategy of Logistics Enterprises in Cross-border Ecommerce - Case Study of China Post

林書弘, Lin, Stanley Unknown Date (has links)
跨境電商環境下物流企業的業務發展策略-以中国邮政為例 / After Chinese domestic ecommerce boom in the mid-2000s, cross-border ecommerce has become the hot topic and big trend in recent years. As one of the important part of ecommerce, logistics service providers also face some difficulties in changing from the domestic to cross-border e-commerce. The study starts from the business development trend and in view of postal express player to seek the effective strategies. For example, they should set up different strategies for different target customers and provide tailor-made products, establish the overseas warehouse for global network expansion, work with the government and participate in the pilot cities of cross-border ecommerce, design convenient and efficient customs clearance system, further improve the terminal network and customer service system, and finally create a better industrial atmosphere with the cross-border ecommerce practitioners and rejuvenate the postal express and logistics enterprises in business development.

新事業發展與動態能力建構-以明基材料為例 / A Case Study on the New Business Development and Formulation of Dynamic Capablities

陳弘鈞, Chen, Hung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
當企業面臨內部的規模與範疇擴張及外部的市場需求轉變時,在本業中的成長機會將日漸減少。因此,如何透過開創新事業來回應這些挑戰,往往是企業成長的重要課題。在推動新事業的過程中,如何調整組織架構,並從中萃取出深層的動態能力,以因應後續一波波的環境考驗、持續運用於下一個新事業,更是企業存亡的關鍵。然而,新事業的外部力量、內部變革、及動態能力形成的連結並未被過往研究有效建立。有鑑於此,本研究以明基材料為主軸,探討企業如何在引入外部合作下建構動態能力,並持續演進以因應外部挑戰。 明基材料由光碟事業起家,回應明基友達集團的面板原料需求,而發展偏光片事業。建立起深厚的技術與人才布局後,明基材歷經了偏光片的跌價趨勢及材質瓶頸,進而在金融海嘯後投入成長穩定的生醫產業。在生醫事業中所建構的堅實品牌與通路,更成為明基材後續投入隱形眼鏡事業的動能與後盾、進軍全球市場。本研究依光碟、偏光片、生醫、及隱形眼鏡四大階段作為產業及事業探討的架構,以解構出中每個新事業發展事件背後蘊藏的動態能力基礎。 本研究發現:在導入外部合作模式的情形下,動態能力的養成更能突破內部創新的限制及盲點。在引入垂直或水平的外部力量後,更須將力量挹注到組織內部,在結構、技術、任務、或人員等構面產生變革,方能進一步產生市場預測、技術製程、人才匯流、通路後勤、品牌行銷、及技術互補能力等六大動態能力。在早期的光碟及偏光片事業中,明基材倚重集團的垂直支援,養成了技術製程、技術互補、與人才能力,強調內部定位並掌握動、靜態程序,具有高度路徑相依性。於近期的生醫及隱形眼鏡事業中,明基材則更重視異業水平合作,更完整了品牌行銷、通路後勤、與市場預測能力,著重外部定位並協調動、靜態程序,更彈性掌握技術機會。透過動態能力在定位、程序、及路徑的持續演進,企業方能一次次化解產業危機,在新事業中穩健發展、開創新局。 / When confronted with internal expansion of scale and scope as well as external alteration of market demands, enterprises are bound to face fewer and fewer opportunities of growth in their original businesses. Hence, how to cultivate new businesses in reply to these challenges is usually a crucial issue for enterprise growth. In the process of new business development, the survival of the enterprise lies in the way of modulating organizational framework and extracting profound, dynamic capabilities therein to tackle subsequent environmental trials as well as to exert them on the next new business. Nonetheless, the connection among external strengths, internal organizational transformations, and the formulation of dynamic capabilities wasn’t effectively established in prior research. Accordingly, this study is rooted upon the case study of BenQ Materials Corp. in the aim of looking into how enterprises incorporate external collaborations to construct their dynamic capabilities, which can constantly evolve to cater to external challenges. BenQ Materials was initiated as a disc manufacturer, while differentiating into the polarizer business in response to the demand for panels of the BenQ Group. While establishing solid technical and personnel allocations, BenQ Materials underwent the price-declining trend and bottlenecks in textures, which make it in turn resort to the steadily growing biomedical industry after the financial tsunami. The robust channels and brands built in the biomedical business not only served as the backing and momentum, but further steering BenQ Materials into the contact lens industry and global markets. This thesis classifies both the industry and business analysis into four categories: discs, polarizers, biomedicine, and contact lens, which helps dissect every new business incident, excavate the foundation of dynamic capabilities behind. Throughout the research, this study reveals that under the introduction of external collaborations, the formulation of dynamic capabilities can further break though the blind spots and limits from internal innovations. After importing vertical or horizontal external forces, enterprises should then translate the external forces into internal organization changes in the aspects of the structure, techniques, tasks, and personnel, giving rise to the six dynamic capabilities: market predicting, technique procedural, talent streaming, channel logistical, brand marketing, and technique complementary capability. In the disc and polarizer business, BenQ Materials depended heavily on the vertical support from the BenQ Group and generated the technique procedural, technique complementary, and talent streaming capability, laying emphasis on internal positioning, dynamic and static processes, and high-level path dependency. While in biomedical and contact lens business, BenQ Materials further treasured inter-industry horizontal cooperation, from which the brand marketing, channel logistical, and more comprehensive market predicting capability were nurtured, valuing external positioning, dynamic and static processes coordinating, and elastic technological opportunity managing. The consecutive evolution of dynamic capabilities on positions, processes, and paths not only facilitates enterprises to get through industry crises time after time, but fuels new businesses’ sturdy growth and innovation.

Smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo vystymosi Švenčionių rajone problemų sprendimų kryptys / Directions of problems solution developing small and medium business in Shvenchionys region

Delgiado, Rima 24 February 2010 (has links)
Nagrinėjama tema yra itin aktuali Lietuvoje, kadangi tik smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo kūrimasis ir plėtra didele dalimi lemia kiekvieno visuomenės nario gyvenimo kokybės kilimą. Tyrimo objektas koncentruojamas ties smulkiomis ir vidutinėmis įmonėmis, kurios sudaro didžiausią vystomo verslo skaičiaus šalyje. Pagrindiniu tyrimo tikslu pasirenkamas šių įmonių problemų nustatymas. Nusistatytais tyrimo uždaviniais buvo siekiama kryptingai išanalizuoti problemas, trukdančias verslo plėtrai, jų svarbumo nustatymui, bei problemų sprendimo krypčių radimui. Tyrimo būdu buvo siekiama atmesti arba pagrįsti darbe iškeltai hipotezei, kuri teigė, kad pagrindinė problema stabdanti SVV regionuose plėtrą, ten veikiančių įmonių intelektinio kapitalo stoka ir nepakakami jo ugdymo tempai. Problemų nustatymui ir rinkos situacijos vertinimui, buvo naudojami antriniai informaciniai šaltiniai, tokie kaip moksliniai straipsniai, anksčiau atliktų tyrimų duomenys, bei pirminiai informacijos šaltiniai, gauti apklausus smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo atstovus Švenčionių rajone. Atlikus tyrimą, susisteminus ir išanalizavus duomenis, gauti tokie rezultatai, kad pagrindinė problema stabdanti smulkių ir vidutinių įmonių plėtrą yra aukštas mokesčių lygis šalyje. Darbe iškelta hipotezė buvo dalinai patvirtinta. / The subject of research is very important in Lithuania, because the rise of each society member’s life quality mostly depends on the formation and development of small and medium business. The research object concentrates on small and medium companies which are the biggest part of developing business in the country. The main target of the research is to determine problems of these companies. Tasks of the research helped to analyze problems slowing business development, to determine their importance and to find the directions of problems solutions. It was aimed to reject or to justify hypothesis raised in the research which affirmed that the main problem slowing the development of small and medium business in regions is the lack of intelligence capital and insufficient rates of its education in operating companies. Secondary informational sources such as scientific articles, information of previously made researches and primary informational sources received from the survey of small and medium business in Shvenchionys region representatives were used for problems determination and evaluation of market situation. After the research is done and its data is structured and analyzed the received result is that the main problem slowing the development of small and medium companies is the high level of taxes in the country. The hypothesis raised in the work was partly confirmed.

Kultur- och kraftfältsanalys av det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet inom socialtjänsten : - om kopplingen till intentionerna för socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd (SOSFS 2011:9) om ledningssystem för systematiskt kvalitetsarbetet

Vitalis, Ulrika January 2014 (has links)
Föreliggande studie har behandlat kultur och systematiskt kvalitetsarbete inom socialtjänsten. Det huvudsakliga syftet var att genom tillämpning av kultur- och kraftfältsanalys studera hur väl förberedd en enhet inom socialtjänsten är att följa intentionerna för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete inom socialtjänsten. Studien genomfördes utifrån PDSA-cykeln som en variant av aktionsforskning och baserades på en fallstudie inom Individ- och familjeomsorgen i Hammarö kommun. Resultatet analyserades utifrån en kraftfältsanalys där med- och motkrafter identifierades. Av resultatet framkom att det sammantaget fanns en positiv inställningen till systematiskt kvalitetsarbete, men att kulturen inte tydde på detsamma. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att enheten har dåliga förutsättningar att följa intentionerna för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete. Om de skall införlivas måste enhetens positiva inställning kvarstå, ledningen vara aktivt närvarande, medarbetare göras delaktiga och kulturen förändras. Värdet i studien ligger i att det i Sverige idag finns ett pågående arbete med att implementera eller revidera ledningssystem för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete inom socialtjänsten. Kulturens betydelse av effektivitet och framgångsrikt kvalitetsarbete kan inte nog belysas. Studien kan ge inspiration till ledare och organisationer, främst inom socialtjänsten, att förena systematiskt kvalitetsarbete och arbetet med kultur.  Fortsatt forskning bör ha fokus på ledarskapets betydelse avseende organisationskultur, men det saknas även forskning som visar hur förbättringskultur skapas som stäcker sig över organisations- och professionsgränserna. / The present study has examined the cultural and systematic quality work in social services. The main purpose was that through the application of cultural and force field analysis study how well prepared a unit in social services is to follow the intentions of systematic quality work in social services. The study was conducted based on the PDSA cycle as a variant of action research and was based on a case study in the Individual and family services in Hammaro municipality. The results were analyzed on the basis of a force field analysis, where with and counterweights were identified. My results show that overall there was a positive attitude towards systematic quality work, but that the culture did not suggest the same. In summary, the unit has poor conditions follow the intentions of systematic quality work. If they must be incorporated into the device's positive attitude persist, lead an active presence, employees involved and the culture is changing. The value of the study lies in the fact that in Sweden today there is an ongoing effort to implement or revise management system for systematic quality work in social services. The importance of culture of efficiency and successful quality work can not be elucidated. The study may provide inspiration for leaders and organizations, primarily in the social services, to reconcile systematic quality work and work culture. Further research should focus on the importance of leadership organizational culture, but there is also a lack of research that shows how improvement culture is created that extends across organizational boundaries and profession.

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