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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podnikatelský plán pro rozvoj malého podniku / Business Plan for Small Business Development

Vantroba, Štefan January 2009 (has links)
Cielom tejto diplomovej prace je navrhnut podnikatelsky plan na rozvoj malej firmy. V prvej casti je teoreticky opisane prostredie malych firiem. Dalej je skumane obchodne prostredie firmy a adopcia praktik riadenia vztahu so zakaznikmi (CRM) v oblasti malych firiem. V poslednej casti autor navrhuje podnikatelsky zamer jednoduchej webovej CRM sluzby Zakaznici.eu a detailnejsie specifikuje projekt rozvoja.

Podnikatelský plán restaurace / Business Plan of Restaurant

Ingrová, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with elaboration of prospectus about the proposal of building a new style restaurant in the particular lokality, consequently in micro-region Novy Dvur. The final prospectus goes from the complete analysis of the market in term of potential customers and also of current competition. By the choice of the introduced project versions I take the investment return into account, cash flow and net present value. In graduation theses also I valorize diversification of the project.

Strategie rozvoj malého podniku / Strategic Development of Small Company

Štěpánová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on development strategy of a small company. The work deals with transfer of trade to a limited liability company and its future development. On the basis of the theoretical knowledge are solved the analysis of the internal and external environment. Practical part contains implementation of the change and proposals for further development of the company. At the end, schedule of its implementation is designed.

Návrh rozvoje společnosti působící v oblasti servisu elektrotechnických zařízení průmyslových podniků / Proposal of the Business Development of the Company Operating in the Market in Servicing Electrical Equipment of Industrial Enterprises

Kormaňáková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with a proposal of business development of the company HUDECZEK SERVICE, s. r. o. which provides servicing of industrial electrical equipment. The theoretical part contains characteristics of potential development of the company and description of selected analyses of company’s external and internal environment. These analyses are then applied in the practical part where they are used for appraisal of company’s current situation. The results of these analyses are subsequently processed into concrete proposals for development opportunities leading to a consolidation of current position on the marketplace and an increase of company’s competitiveness.

Externa och halvexterna handelsetableringar : En kvalitativ analys av attityder och drivkrafter för planering och utveckling av externhandel i Gävleborgs län

Blom, Lisa, Fridh, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Det svenska transportsystemet är i dagsläget till stor del fossilberoende och efterfrågan på transporter förväntas öka det närmaste decennierna. En ökad efterfrågan på transporter genererar i sin tur ökade utsläpp, vilket medför negativa effekter på människors hälsa men även på miljön. För att nå uppsatta klimatmål måste trenden om ständigt ökade trafikvolymer brytas. Samhällsplanering och beteendeförändringar av det mer kraftfulla slaget är nödvändigt för att kunna skapa ett hållbart transportsystem. All utbyggnad av transportinfrastrukturen innebär långsiktiga konsekvenser, dels på grund av den omfattande påverkan det har på städers och regioners struktur men också för att de leder till ett ökat bilresande och därmed större klimatpåverkan. Drivkraften för externa handelsetableringar är stark, och det finns fortfarande många förespråkare som menar att dessa etableringar behövs för att utöka kommuners konkurrenskraft. När externa handelsområden och köpcentrum etableras ökar det totala trafikarbetet med personbil, vilket har en direkt proportionell ökning av koldioxidutsläpp. I Sverige finns inga politiska krav på hur planering av externa och halvexterna handelsetableringar ska utformas, och kommunerna är inte heller skyldiga att upprätta några policys kring dessa etableringar. Detta examensarbete har genom kvalitativa intervjuer med nyckelpersoner i Gävleborgs län undersökt vilka drivkrafter och attityder som finns hos kommunerna vad gäller utveckling och planering av externa och halvexterna handelsetableringar. Ämnet har analyserats utifrån perspektiven tillgänglighet och hållbar utveckling, med stöd från det regionala hållbarhetsmålet om en fossilfri fordonsflotta år 2030, samt den svenska klimatlagen. Det som framkommit under intervjuerna är att det inte finns någon direkt drivkraft hos kommunerna att etablera nya externa handelsområden, men att det finns en vilja att fortsätta utveckla de redan existerande handelsområdena då dessa är viktiga för den lokala tillväxten. I Gävleborgs län prioriteras personbilen och är det vanligaste transportmedlet till länets externa och halvexterna handelsområden. Kommunerna arbetar med att förbättra tillgängligheten med kollektivtrafik, cykel och gång, men trots detta finns uppenbara brister och en medvetenhet om svårigheterna att få hållbara resemedel att bli de dominerande transportsätten till dessa områden. Mer kraftfulla metoder och åtgärder inom samhällsplanering och beteendeförändringar är nödvändigt för att kunna skapa ett hållbart transportsystem. Det kan uppnås genom att kombinera olika styrmedel och att förbättra samverkan inom såväl kommunerna som regionen i helhet. / The current Swedish transportation system is depending on fossil fuels and the demand for transportation is expected to increase in the coming decades. This will lead to increased emissions of greenhouse gases and other airborne pollutants, which have negative impacts both on human health and the environment. In order to achieve the national climate targets, the trend of constantly increasing traffic volumes must be slowed down. In order to create a sustainable transport system, radical changes in both community planning and behavioral changes are going to be necessary. All expansion of the transport infrastructure has long- term consequences, partly because of its extensive impact on the structure of cities and regions, but also because they can cause increased car travel and generate greater climate impacts. External trade agreements and the strive towards economic growth has a strong influence on traffic planning in the Swedish municipalities. When suburban retail districts and shopping centers are established, the total amount car traffic increases, which leads to increased carbon dioxide emissions. In Sweden, there are no political rules or guidelines on how external trade establishments should be planned, nor are the municipalities obliged to establish any such policies. Through a series of qualitative interviews with people in position of policy making in Gävleborg County, the present thesis investigated the driving forces and attitudes that exist in the municipalities regarding the development and planning of external establishments. The topic has been analyzed from the perspective of accessibility and sustainable development, supported by the regional sustainability goal of a fossil-free vehicle fleet in 2030, and the Swedish climate law. What emerged during the interviews is that there is no direct impetus for the municipalities to establish new external trade areas, but that there is a willingness to continue to develop the already existing ones, as they are deemed important for local growth. In the regional traffic planning, the passenger car is given priority, since it is the most commonly used means of transportation to and from the county’s suburban shopping districts. The municipalities are working to improve accessibility by public transport, bicycle and walking, but there is an awareness of the difficulties in making sustainable forms of travel the dominant transportation to these areas. More powerful methods and measures in community planning and behavior change are necessary to create a sustainable transport system. This can be achieved by combining different instruments and improving collaboration within both the municipalities and the region.


Söderbom Olsson, Tobias January 2020 (has links)
Pharmaceutical residues are passing our wastewater treatment plants and flowing out in to the nature. The medical substances are built to affect different processes in our bodies, but also affect other species and increase the risk of developing multi resistant bacterial strains, not curable with antibiotics. This has made wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) interested in investing in pharmaceutical removal. This study describes what criteria that are important to consider when choosing technology for pharmaceutical removal, and presents a model for the WWTPs to use when choosing pharmaceutical removal technology. Secondly, the study presents a reasoning regarding business model concepts. These concepts are presented to aid suppliers of pharmaceutical removal technology, when designing their business models. The method of choice is a qualitative research study based on interviews and document analysis. / Aktiva läkemdelssubstanser passerar idag våra reningsverk oförändrade och rinner ut i naturen. Dessa substanser är tillverkade för att påverka olika biologiska processer i våra kroppar, men de påverkar också andra arter och ökar risken för att utveckla antibiotikaresistenta bakterier som vi inte kan bota oss från. Dessa risker har gjort reningsverk intresserade av att investera i läkemedelsrening. Denna studie beskriver vilka kriterier som är viktiga att överväga vid val av teknik för läkemedelsrening och presenterar sedan en modell som reningsverk kan använda när de väljer teknik för läkemedelsrening. Ett resonemang förs också kring olika affärsmodellskoncept som kan nyttjas av leverantörer av teknik för läkemedelsrening, när de utvecklar sina affärsmodeller. Den valda metoden för studien är baserat på ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt med intervjuer och dokumentanalyser.

Fast Appark

Alarcon Morales, Ambar Raquel, Del Rosario Castañeda, Estrella Araceli, Kabayama Orozco, Nuri Isabel, Neira Tocto, Bitia, Ramírez Flores, Stephani Milagros 23 February 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto nos ha permitido analizar y validar la viabilidad de la idea de negocio planteada en el curso predecesor de Desarrollo de Negocios 1. Asimismo, se desarrollaron diferentes disciplinas aprendidas a lo largo de toda la carrera, tales como Estadística, Marketing, Finanzas, Evaluación de Proyectos, entre otras. Esto ha permitido que se pueda desarrollar un amplio análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo para determinar la viabilidad del proyecto. En el presente curso, se ha planteado una idea innovadora de servir a los usuarios y brindar la facilidad para buscar, ubicar y reservar estacionamientos disponibles en las zonas estratégicas de mayor demanda. Para el desarrollo del proyecto, ha sido necesario trabajar los puntos de aspectos generales del negocio, planeamiento estratégico, investigación de mercado, plan de operaciones, plan de marketing, estructura organizacional, y finalmente plan económico financiero. Además, se consideran factores relevantes como, la demanda según el distrito, los precios y los espacios de estacionamientos. Asimismo, se proyecta los activos, pasivos, patrimonio y otros gastos administrativos, para obtener una correcta planificación según los objetivos establecidos, a fin de cumplir con las expectativas del proyecto, generar ingresos para lograr la rentabilidad y solidez de la compañía. Estos puntos han permitido validar la viabilidad del proyecto y demostrar que en la actualidad los negocios enfocados a la tecnología tienen una alta rentabilidad. / This project has allowed us to analyze and validate the feasibility of the business idea proposed in the predecessor course of Business Development 1. Likewise, different disciplines learned throughout the career were developed, such as Statistics, Marketing, Finance, Project Evaluation, among others. This has allowed the development of a broad qualitative and quantitative analysis to determine the feasibility of the project. In this course, an innovative idea has been proposed to serve users and provide the facility to search, locate and reserve available parking spaces in strategic areas of greatest demand. For the development of the project, it has been necessary to work on the general aspects of the business, strategic planning, market research, operations plan, marketing plan, organizational structure, and finally economic and financial plan. In addition, relevant factors such as demand according to the district, prices and parking spaces are considered. Likewise, assets, liabilities, equity and other administrative expenses are projected to obtain a correct planning according to the established objectives, in order to meet the expectations of the project, generate income to achieve profitability and solidity of the company. These points have allowed validating the viability of the project and demonstrating that currently technology-focused businesses are highly profitable. / Trabajo de investigación

The Small Business Development Center Program: From a Small Business Growth Stage and Adult Learning Perspective

Kruger, Roy Otis 01 January 1991 (has links)
The study of the Clackamas Small Business Development Center's Small Business Management Programs (SBM) had three research objectives: to ascertain what information should be transferred to small business owners and how best to transfer that information; to ascertain what information is presently being transferred to clients and what methods are used in transferring the information; and to survey clients in order to develop a current demographic profile, measure their level of satisfaction with the assistance received, and ascertain what they perceived were the benefits of the program to their companies. Prior to the study, there had been little systematic research of what information should be transferred to SBDC clients and the most effective methods for transferring that information. The small business growth stage literature was used to develop the recommended body of information. The adult learning literature was used to develop the recommended methods for transferring that information to clients. The majority of respondents were women, well educated, middle-aged, and from companies in service related industries that employed few workers. The findings suggest that clients desire an increase in both the appropriateness of the program's informational content and the level of their involvement in tailoring the SBM program to the needs of their organizations. As suggested by the Small Business Growth Stage Models, a statistically significant decline in client satisfaction of the program's informational content was found to exist between stage two and stage three business owners. The study found that instructors did not utilize specific business factors (such as sales levels, numbers of employees, etc.) in developing the informational content of the SBM programs. Instructors also did not utilize client preferred learning styles, or formal client involvement in developing the instructional design of the SBM program. The study found that clients and center personnel appear to differ in their perceptions regarding the role of the instructor and the purpose of the SBM program. Clients appear to envision the role of the instructor as more of a consultant, while instructors view their role as preparing clients to solve their own problems.

Managing the Transition Towards Open Source Software Adoption: : Considerations for Large IT Companies / Hanteringen av Övergången mot Open Source Software Adoption: : Överväganden för stora IT-företag

Lagergren, Viktor, Norelius, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The promise of reduced costs, increased flexibility, and independence from vendors of proprietary products has convinced organizations worldwide to deploy Open Source Software (OSS) in their production environments and commercial offerings. Therefore, the ability to scale software, seamlessly integrate open source software in products and increase benefits from OSS participation are crucial capabilities. However, the nature of OSS is not entirely compatible with the rigid structures and processes of many large companies and thus successfully managing OSS has proven to be highly difficult. Previous research has shown that many companies have built previous success on ‘closed innovation’ logic and must now move in a highly counterintuitive direction towards an ‘open innovation’ mindset. This creates various strategic and operational challenges which they need to identify and overcome to avoid disruption. Based on the aforementioned, the purpose has been to investigate key patterns in how development and increased use of open source software could affect large IT companies. This is to illustrate the transition between closed innovation to open innovation strategy for software, but also to describe the strategic and operational challenges that come appear thereafter. To create a deeper understanding of this process of change, a single (qualitative) case study by a large Swedish IT company has been carried out. The hope is to be able to contribute to research by presenting general conclusions from the case study where empirical data is linked to contemporary research in the field. In order to be able to generalize based on the empirical data, interviews have been conducted with both doctoral students and professors in the field, but also experts in the business world. Our findings have generated insights concerning the OSS adoption process of Company A. The findings of the study include a 6-step model that describes the adoption process as well as strategic and operational considerations for successful transition towards efficient OSS governance. / Med förhoppningar om reducerade kostnader, ökad flexibilitet och ett minskat beroende av tredjepartsleverantörer har användandet av open source-mjukvara (OSS) eskalerat under det senaste årtiondet och kommit att dominera stora delar av mjukvaruindustrin. Förmågan att skala och integrera open source-mjukvara har således blivit en viktig kompetens för att skapa konkurrensfördelar. Dock är nuvarande processer för integrering av open source-mjukvara emellertid inte helt förenligt med många etablerade företags strukturer och processer. Hantering och integrering har istället visat sig vara en stor utmaning då många företag historiskt byggt sina framgångar genom en logik som präglas av sluten innovationsstrategi och immateriella rättigheter (IPR). Företag tvingas idag att röra sig i en kontraintuitiv riktning som präglas av öppen innovation, och i kölvattnet av teknisk och industriell förändring uppenbarar sig strategiska och operativa utmaningar. Dessa utmaningar måste företag identifiera, förstå och övervinna för att undvika att bli utkonkurrerade. Med detta som bakgrund är syftet med denna studie att Identifiera viktiga mönster som beskriver hur utvecklingen och en ökad användning av open source-mjukvara kan påverka stora IT-företag. Detta för att belysa övergången mellan sluten innovationsstrategi och öppen för open source-mjukvara, men även för att skildra vilka strategiska och operativa utmaningar som uppenbarar sig därefter. För att skapa en djupare förståelse för denna förändringsprocess har en enskild (kvalitativ) fallstudie av ett stort svenskt IT-företag genomförts. Förhoppningen är att kunna bidra till forskning genom att presentera generella slutsatser från fallstudien där empirisk data kopplas an till nutida forskning inom området. För att kunna generalisera utifrån empirin har intervjuer genomförts med dels doktorander och professorer inom området, men också experter inom affärsvärlden. Empirin har genererat en 6-stegs modell som beskriver adoptionsprocessen för OSS. Modellen har sedermera jämförts med samtida forskning inom samma område där likheter och skillnader diskuterats och presenterats. Vidare har strategiska och operativa överväganden belysts och diskuterats för att kunna bidra till en ökad förståelse för de utmaningar som många företag står inför.


PAULO CEZAR LOURES 30 April 2021 (has links)
[pt] A Manutenção Autônoma (MA) é parte de uma estratégia de manutenção que se centra na relação homem-máquina para efetuar de forma eficaz a limpeza, lubrificação, inspeção e pequenos reparos. Quando devidamente implementada, a MA pode melhorar significativamente a produtividade e a qualidade, bem como reduzir os custos, portanto é uma importante área da Gerência de Operações (OM). No entanto, a indústria tem sido desafiada com inúmeras barreiras para implementar com sucesso a MA, e o meio acadêmico pouco tem feito para ajudar a indústria a este respeito. Esta dissertação aborda essa atual lacuna entre pesquisa e prática, tendo como objetivo principal desenvolver um framework para a implementação da MA com as dimensões Humana, Tecnológica e Organizacional (HTO). O trabalho baseia-se numa pesquisa-ação, conduzida no âmbito de um estudo longitudinal, num processo de laminação de tiras a quente de uma usina siderúrgica. A adoção da abordagem HTO por pesquisadores da OM tem sido conduzida com sucesso em diferentes casos e está bem documentada na literatura. No entanto, o autor sugere que esta é a primeira pesquisa a utilizar esta abordagem dentro da MA. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam a aderência das dimensões HTO para corresponder aos desafios da implementação da MA e reforçar a necessidade de uma perspectiva holística e combinada destas dimensões para o desenvolvimento empresarial, resultando em ganhos de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa e que quatorze lições foram aprendidas com implicações práticas imediatas. Os gestores da indústria podem fazer um balanço das lições aprendidas no âmbito desta pesquisa-ação e utilizar o framework oferecido para ajudar à implementação com sucesso da MA nas suas operações industriais. / [en] Autonomous Maintenance (AM) is part of a maintenance strategy that focuses on the man-machine relationship to effectively carry out cleaning, lubrication, inspection and minor repairs. When properly implemented, AM can significantly improve productivity and quality, as well as reduce cost, therefore, it is an important area of operations management (OM). However, the industry has been challenged with numerous barriers to successfully implement AM and the academy has done little to help industry in this regard. This paper addresses this current research practice gap by offering as its main goal a framework for implementation of AM with the Human, Technological and Organizational (HTO) dimensions. It builds upon an action-research conducted within a longitudinal study in a rolling mill production process. The adoption of the HTO approach by OM scholars has been successfully conducted in different cases and is well documented in the literature. However, the author suggests that this is the first research to use this approach within AM. The research findings indicate the adherence of the HTO dimensions to match the AM implementation challenges and reinforce the need for a holistic and combined perspective of these dimensions for business development, resulting in gains of both a quantitative and qualitative nature and that fourteen lessons were learned with immediate practical implications. Practitioners can take stock of the lessons learnt within this action-research and the offered framework to aid the successful implementation of AM in their industrial operations.

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