Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CANNABIS"" "subject:"[enn] CANNABIS""
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'Não compre, plante'? A tipificação penal das situações de cultivo de Canábis pelo Tribunal de Justiça de São PauloSilva, Felipe Figueiredo Gonçalves da 13 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Felipe Figueiredo Gonçalves da Silva (felipe.figueiredo@gvmail.br) on 2016-05-12T04:04:06Z
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(Versao Finalissima Deposito) Não compre, plante - A tipificação de situações de cultivo de canabis pelo TJSP (revisto).pdf: 2245792 bytes, checksum: e4fcc9435053ba40a8b6421f65173a71 (MD5)
(Versao Finalissima Deposito) Não compre, plante - A tipificação de situações de cultivo de canabis pelo TJSP (revisto).pdf: 2245792 bytes, checksum: e4fcc9435053ba40a8b6421f65173a71 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Letícia Monteiro de Souza (leticia.dsouza@fgv.br) on 2016-05-12T12:17:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
(Versao Finalissima Deposito) Não compre, plante - A tipificação de situações de cultivo de canabis pelo TJSP (revisto).pdf: 2245792 bytes, checksum: e4fcc9435053ba40a8b6421f65173a71 (MD5)
(Versao Finalissima Deposito) Não compre, plante - A tipificação de situações de cultivo de canabis pelo TJSP (revisto).pdf: 2245792 bytes, checksum: e4fcc9435053ba40a8b6421f65173a71 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-12T12:22:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
(Versao Finalissima Deposito) Não compre, plante - A tipificação de situações de cultivo de canabis pelo TJSP (revisto).pdf: 2245792 bytes, checksum: e4fcc9435053ba40a8b6421f65173a71 (MD5)
(Versao Finalissima Deposito) Não compre, plante - A tipificação de situações de cultivo de canabis pelo TJSP (revisto).pdf: 2245792 bytes, checksum: e4fcc9435053ba40a8b6421f65173a71 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-04-13 / Brazilian Law n. 11.343 published in august of 2006 (Drug Law) creates the National System of Drug Public Policy and establishes the guidelines for the Brazilian drug policy. The Drug Law proposes an integrated approach to the drug problem grounded in two major pillars: prevention of drug use and repression of drug trafficking. Among the measures taken by the Law lies the creation of a specific criminal offence called 'growing for self-consumption' (art. 28, §1). This measure was well seen by the anti-prohibition movements and criminal scholars in general. 'Growing for personal consumption' receives the same criminal treatment as 'possession with intent to consume', with criminal sanctions composed of alternative measures to imprisonment. Art. 28 §2 of the Drug Law poses the criteria that should be used by the criminal justice system’s competent authorities to perform the criminal classification of conducts under its scope. This research is dedicated to the study of criminal classification of Cannabis crops in São Paulo’s Justice Court. The study focuses the arguments presented by the judges and their use in the decisions to justify the classification of a crop as being for personal use or with intent to sell. We seek to identify in which ways the criteria presented in Art. 28, §2 of Brazilian Drug Law are posed on the justification of the judicial rulings. One main question drives this research: what are the elements and how are they used in the criminal classification of Cannabis crops? To address the core questions the research was developed through a judicial decision research in the electronic repertoire of São Paulo’s Justice Court. The research analyses 135 decisions delivered by the court in which the grower’s intention is explicitly discussed in the context of criminal classification. The decisions studied were taken between 1998 and 2014 and were selected in accordance to the criteria stablished throughout this dissertation. The quantitative results of the empirical research are related to the general features of the procedures, evidences referred in the decisions, characteristics of the crops and justification of the criminal classification. The qualitative discussion of the research’s results is posed in four blocks: (i) interpretation and assessment of the notion of drug quantity; (ii) criminal records, circumstances of the arrest and characteristics of the agent; (iii) sale’s material and other elements relevant for criminal classification; (iv) features of the evidentiary repertoire of the criminal procedures. We expect to contribute to a better understanding of (i) the determination of intention in cases involving Cannabis cultivation and (ii) da legal consequences that stem from the legislative choice not to use threshold quantities standards for determining personal use and trafficking. / A Lei nº 11.343 de 23 de agosto de 2006 (Lei de Drogas) instituiu o Sistema Nacional de Políticas Públicas sobre Drogas e criou as diretrizes para a política de drogas brasileira. Dentre o conjunto de medidas trazidas pela lei em seu dispositivo criminal está a criação de um tipo penal específico de cultivo de plantas para produção de drogas para consumo pessoal (art. 28, §1º). O plantio para consumo recebe o mesmo tratamento jurídico-penal que o porte para consumo (art. 28), sendo previstas sanções alternativas à privação de liberdade. O §2º do art. 28 da Lei de Drogas estabelece os critérios que as autoridades competentes do sistema de justiça criminal deverão considerar na tipificação penal das situações de cultivo. Este trabalho se debruça sobre a tipificação penal de situações de cultivo de canábis em acórdãos do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo. A problemática de pesquisa aqui desenvolvida discute especificamente quais são os argumentos e como eles são apresentados nas decisões para justificar a determinação de que uma situação de cultivo é para fins de tráfico ou de consumo pessoal. O trabalho busca identificar como os critérios do §2º do art. 28 da Lei de Drogas são apresentados na fundamentação de decisões judiciais em que se discute na esfera criminal se uma situação de cultivo é para 'consumo pessoal' ou 'destinada a terceiros'. Uma pergunta central norteia a pesquisa realizada: quais os elementos e de que forma eles são utilizados nas decisões analisadas para tipificação do plantio para consumo pessoal (art. 28, §1º, da Lei de Drogas) e do plantio destinado a fornecer drogas a terceiros (art. 33, §1º, II)? Para enfrentar a problemática de pesquisa utilizamos a ferramenta de busca de acórdãos disponibilizada no sítio eletrônico do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo. Foram analisados 135 acórdãos do TJSP que enfrentam diretamente a controvérsia relativa à tipificação penal de situações de cultivo de canábis. Os acórdãos foram proferidos entre os anos de 1998 e 2014 e foram selecionados segundo os critérios especificados no capítulo metodológico da dissertação. Os resultados quantitativos da pesquisa dizem respeito às informações gerais dos processos, elementos de prova mencionados nos acórdãos, características das situações de cultivo e fundamentação da tipificação penal. A discussão qualitativa sobre os resultados da pesquisa é promovida em quatro frentes: (i) interpretação e valoração da quantidade de drogas; (ii) antecedentes criminais, circunstâncias da prisão e do agente; (iii) materiais de venda e outros elementos relevantes na tipificação penal; e (iv) características do conjunto probatório. As questões discutidas nestas frentes circunscrevem o problema de pesquisa e é a partir delas que é feita a análise apresentada neste trabalho. Esperamos conseguir contribuir para melhor compreensão (i) da determinação da finalidade do cultivo e (ii) das implicações jurídicas que decorrem da opção legislativa pela não utilização de critérios quantitativos na definição dos crimes de tráfico de drogas e plantio para consumo.
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Les perturbations de la récupération des évènements autobiographiques chez les usagers réguliers de cannabis / Impairments of autobiographical events recovery in regular cannabis usersDevin, Anne-Laure 12 December 2016 (has links)
La littérature indique que les consommateurs de cannabis sont fragilisés, tant au niveau émotionnel que cognitif. Nous pensions que ces dysfonctionnements pouvaient être associés à un appauvrissement du rappel autobiographique. Nous observons en effet, au travers cette étude exploratoire, que les usagers réguliers de cannabis éprouvent des difficultés à récupérer des évènements autobiographiques spécifiques, ce qui est révélateur d’un biais de surgénéralité. Il apparaît que la fonction adaptative que revêt l’usage de cannabis influence le rappel d’évènements généraux chez les usagers, bien plus que ne le font les facteurs représentatifs de leur fonctionnement émotionnel. Par conséquent, nous suggérons qu’au sein de cette population, la fonction «adaptative de l’usage, illustre, bien plus que d’autres facteurs prédicteurs, l’hypothèse d’évitement fonctionnel (Williams, 2006) afin d’expliquer la survenue de ce biais de surgénéralité. Au regard, à présent, de la valence émotionnelle des évènements autobiographiques rappelés par les usagers, cette recherche ne nous a pas permis de mettre en évidence de surreprésentation des évènements négatifs au sein du rappel autobiographique des usagers, contrairement à ce que nous envisagions au regard de la littérature. Il est possible de penser que ces résultats sont dus, entre autre, à l’effet des cannabinoïdes sur la modulation des émotions. Toutefois, afin de nous en assurer, nous aurions besoin que d’autres recherches s’attèlent à répondre sur cette question. / The literature indicates that cannabis users are vulnerable, both emotionally and cognitively. We expected that these dysfunctions may be associated with a loss of autobiographical recall. Indeed, through this exploratory study, we observe that regular cannabis users have difficulties to retrieve specific autobiographical events, which is indicative of a surgenerality bias. It appears that adaptive use motivation influences the recall of general events in users, much more than the representative factors of their emotional functioning. Therefore, we suggest that, in this population, adaptive use motive, illustrate, much more than other predictors, the functional avoidance assumption (Williams, 2006) to explain the occurrence of this surgenerality bias. Given, now, the emotional valence of autobiographical events recalled by the users, this research does not allow to demonstrate overrepresentation of negative events in the autobiographical recall of users, contrary to what we envisaged in the light of literature. It is possible to think that these results are due, among other things, to the effect of cannabinoids on the modulation of emotions. However, to confirm this, we need more research gets done to answer this question.
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Il rinnovato interesse nella coltivazione della canapa industriale non è stato supportato da studi approfonditi e generalmente si basa su esperienze dirette di coltivazione. Questo studio si prefigge come obbiettivo quello di sfruttare tutte la parti della pianta di canapa per migliorare l’economicità complessiva della sua coltivazione tramite l’uso di tecniche agronomiche e di pratiche post-raccolta. La Cannabis sativa ha un vasto campo di applicazioni, tra cui le più promettenti in termini di ritorno economico sono il cosmetico e il farmaceutico. I composti naturali più interessanti della Cannabis sono i cannabinoidi non-psicoattivi cannabidiolo (CBD) e cannabigerolo (CBG) presenti in elevate concentrazioni nelle foglie e nelle brattee di Cannabis. Altri metaboliti secondari prodotti dalla canapa e di grande interesse sono le cannflavine, una classe di prenil-flavonoidi caratteristico di questa specie. Nel primo e nel secondo capitolo la dinamica temporale di accumulo dei metaboliti secondari ad elevato valore aggiunto è stata monitorata per alcune delle varietà più comuni di canapa industriale ed è stata determinata la produzione potenziale di questi composti. Nel terzo capitolo una collezione di semi di canapa è stata valutata per le caratteristiche morfologiche e per il contenuto e la qualità dell’olio. Concludendo questo studio contribuisce allo sviluppo di una coltivazione della canapa per le molteplici destinazioni d’uso dei semi e del fitocomplesso. / Rapidly growing interest into industrial hemp cultivation is not supported by strong data and generally is referred to a limited experience on field cultivation. This study aims to exploit all the parts of hemp plant, in order to ameliorate the overall economy of its cultivation and by providing information on agronomic management and post-harvest operations. Cannabis sativa has a wide range of industrial applications and the most promising, in terms of economic revenues, are the cosmetic and pharmaceutics. The most interesting phytochemicals in Cannabis are the cannabinoids, in particular the non-intoxicating compounds cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabigerol (CBG), present at high concentration in the leaves and bracts of Cannabis. Some other promising secondary metabolites of hemp are cannflavins, a class of prenyl-flavonoids characteristic of this species. In the first and second chapter the time course accumulation of high added-value compounds was monitored for some of the most common industrial hemp cultivars, and the potential production was assessed. In the third chapter a collection of hemp seeds was evaluated for its morphological characteristics and for its oil content and quality. In conclusion this thesis contributes to a further development of multipurpose hemp cultivation for seed and phytocomplex production.
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Možnosti poskytování harm reduction a léčebných intervencí uživatelům konopných drog v kontaktních centrech a terénních programech: kvalitativní analýza názorů pracovníků v Praze a Středočeském kraji / Possibilities of providing harm reduction and therapeutic interventions to cannabis users in drop-in centres and outreach programmes: qualitative analysis of employee opinions in Prague and Central Bohemian RegionPúčiková, Dominika January 2017 (has links)
Introduction:. In 2014, there were 180 thousand problematic users of drugs in the Czech Republic. Action plan of the realisation of National strategy of anti-drug politics in the Czech Republic concentrates on lowering the degree and risk of marijuana usage, while in the first period no specific programs for target group have been realised. In 2015, 2400 marijuana consumers were using low-threshold treatment programs. Topic of cannabis related drug users in drop-in centres and outreach programs appears at the expert meetings, though there is a lack of systematically developed material, which would be include good practice of low- threshold treatment programs for the target group. Aim: Primary aim of thesis is to provide a qualitative analysis of opinions of drop-in centers and outreach programs employees in Prague and Central Bohemian region regarding the possibility of offering harm reduction and therapeutic interventions to cannabis users. Thesis could serve as a summary of good practice of harm reduction services in the Czech Republic and become a material that could help individual services in the formulation of concept, respectively in changing and evaluating the work with cannabis users. Methodology: Data were collected via semi-structured interviews and were subsequently analysed using...
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Reducing risks of transactions on marijuana markets - institution of friendship / Snižování rizik u transakcí na trhu s marihuanou v České republice a v USA - instituce přátelstvíBěláčková, Vendula January 2011 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Economists depict illicit markets as violent, due to the lack of centralized property rights enforcement. At the same time, the importance of friendship networks and drug sharing is a recently documented feature of the marijuana market. Recent studies show an increased role of acquiring marijuana through friends, especially in settings where drug policy is rather punitive. This thesis extends this research into the norms that marijuana users attribute to their definition friendship. To do this, the thesis conceptualizes friendship as a type of institution that reduces the transaction costs on the market, and like that, it limits the decision making of marijuana market players. DATA: Marijuana market patterns in the Czech Republic and North-Central Florida were analyzed via both qualitative and quantitative research methods. For the purpose of the qualitative study, 44 (resp 66) study participants were marijuana users and retailers recruited at North-Central Florida (resp in the Czech Republic), with the use of respondent-driven sampling. Inclusion criteria into the study was the use of marijuana in the last 12 months. Semi-structured interviews, that took 80 minutes on average, followed an interview guide focused on marijuana use, sharing, purchases, sales and growing, with extensive probes on activities of respondents` "friends", as they defined them. As for the quantitative data, marijuana market modules from two representative general population surveys on substance use were used (CS 2008, NSDUH). METHODS: Qualitative data were analysed with the use of inductive analysis, and were framed into institutional economics theory. Quantitative data were analyzed with the use ordinary logit models. FINDINGS: The study has shown remarkable impact of drug policies on cannabis markets via comparison between the Czech Republic and the U. S. (North-Central Florida). The study findings suggest that users' definitions of friendship include expectations for behavior that sustain the distribution chain within the marijuana markets. Respondents provided definitions of friendship that contained norms on marijuana sharing and reciprocation, purchases for friends, and introduction to the dealer - for whom the term "friend" has been used as a synonym in most cases. In quantitative analysis, acquistion through a friend made significant reduction of price at last purchase in the U. S., approaving the hypothesis that friendship can be an effective institution to reduce transaction costs on the market. In the Czech Republic, such analysis was inconclusive. This demonstrates that the importance of friendship might be higher in countries where drug prohibition is more severe. CONCLUSIONS: Punitive drug policy provides incentives to shrinking the market into social networks, and like that, it imposes harms on users in terms of decreasing control over their substance use can criminal risks (larger amounts purchased, and the risk of detection to regular citizens, who serve as middlemen on the market without an intention to make profit). For more precise estimates, further surveys shall distinguish between different modalities of friendship, and between different product types.
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Les marchés de drogues sur le darkweb : impacts des opérations de perturbation de la policeGagné, Camille 07 1900 (has links)
L’émergence des cryptomarchés, ayant mené au développement de nouvelles méthodes de distribution de drogues et autres produits et services illicites (Walsh et Phil, 2011), pose divers défis aux forces de l’ordre. Ces dernières, souhaitant limiter la portée de leurs actions, adoptent habituellement des stratégies similaires à celles utilisées auprès de réseaux de drogues traditionnels (Décary-Hétu et Giommoni, 2016). Toutefois, les différences entre ces marchés et ceux en ligne génèrent des questionnements quant à l’efficacité de ces techniques. Jusqu’à présent, peu d’études s’y sont intéressées, mais celles qui ont été recensées sont effectivement parvenues à des résultats peu enthousiastes. Ces recherches ont conclu que les activités tentées jusqu’à présent par la police n’avaient pas influencé le marché de façon significativement durable (Décary-Hétu et Giommoni, 2016; Van Buskirk, Roxburgh, Farrell et Burns; 2014; Soska et Christin, 2015). Dans cette optique, ce mémoire pose un regard sur l’impact d’une opération policière n’ayant toujours pas été analysée à ce jour, qui, en collaboration avec les services postaux, a mené à une arrestation et à plusieurs saisies en lien avec des vendeurs de cannabis canadiens opérant sur les cryptomarchés. Après avoir analysé les données recueillies selon un modèle d’évaluation d’impact considérant l’offre, la demande et le prix, les résultats démontrent qu’au contraire de ce que nous dicte la littérature, l’opération a eu pour effet de diminuer significativement à long terme certains indicateurs tels que le nombre de transactions, les parts des marchés de transactions, le nombre de vendeurs actifs, les revenus engendrés et les parts de marchés de revenus, le tout au sein du marché de cannabis canadien. Le modèle de prédiction utilisé, se basant sur des analyses de séries chronologiques interrompues (ARIMA), nous a permis de déterminer que l’opération étudiée avait contribué à éviter 2452 transactions sur ce qui était normalement prévu par la tendance pré-intervention, soulignant une baisse considérable de 101%, versus 91% internationalement (différence de 10%) 18 mois après le début de l’intervention. / The emergence of cryptomarkets, which has led to the development of new methods of distributing drugs and other illicit products and services (Walsh and Phil, 2011), poses various challenges to the police. The latter, wishing to limit the scope of their actions, usually adopt strategies similar to those used with traditional drug networks (Décary-Hétu and Giommoni, 2016). However, the differences between these markets and those online raise questions about the effectiveness of these techniques. So far, few studies have focused on that topic, but those that have been identified have achieved unenthusiastic results. This research concluded that the activities attempted to date by the police have not influenced the market in a significantly sustainable manner (Décary-Hétu and Giommoni, 2016, Van Buskirk, Roxburgh, Farrell and Burns, 2014, Soska and Christin, 2015). With this in mind, this Masters thesis looks at the impact of a police operation that has not yet been analyzed, which, in collaboration with the postal services, has made an arrest and several seizures in connection with cryptomarket sellers. After analyzing the data collected according to an impact evaluation model considering supply, demand and price, the results show that, contrary to what the literature dictates, the operation had the effect of reducing significantly long-term indicators such as the number of transactions, shares of trading markets, the number of active sellers, income generated and market share of income, all within the Canadian cannabis market. The prediction model used, based on interrupted time series analyzes (ARIMA), allowed us to determine that the study had avoided 2452 transactions normally planned by the trend before the intervention, showing us a considerable drop of 101%, comparatively to 91% internationally (difference of 10%) 18 months after the beginning of the intervention.
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Wirksamkeit ambulanter Verhaltenstherapie bei Substanzstörungen und abhängigen Verhaltensweisen - Evaluation einer SpezialambulanzHelbig, Friederike, Pixa, Anja, Bühringer, Gerhard, Hoyer, Jürgen 07 August 2020 (has links)
Hintergrund: Die Psychotherapierichtlinien ermöglichen erst seit 2011 unter bestimmten Bedingungen eine ambulante psychotherapeutische Behandlung bei Substanzstörungen. Empirische Ergebnisse zu diagnostischen Charakteristika der auf dieser Grundlage behandelten Patienten und zu Erfolgsraten fehlen weitgehend. Methoden: Wir untersuchten N = 59 konsekutive Patienten einer Spezialambulanz, von denen n = 34 eine Behandlung begannen (Intent-to-Treat(ITT)-Stichprobe) und n = 28 sie abschlossen (Completer), mit standardisierten diagnostischen Interviews und ermittelten die Erfolgsraten nach ambulanter Kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie (Einzeltherapie) auf der Basis von Symptomskalen (Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI); Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)) sowie Patienten- und Therapeuten-Ratings, einschließlich einer klinischen Beurteilung der Abstinenz. Ergebnisse: 40% aller anfragenden Patienten nahmen keine Psychotherapie auf. Bei den behandelten Patienten kam es zu signifikanten Veränderungen (ITTAnalysen: d = 0,8 (BSI) bis d = 1,2 (BDI)). Mehr als zwei Drittel der Patienten erreichten eine klinisch relevante Verbesserung der Symptomatik gemäß Patienten- oder Therapeutenbeurteilungen (zwischen 68 und 76%, ITTStichprobe). Alle Completer mit Abhängigkeitssyndrom (n = 11) sowie 86% der diesbezüglichen ITT-Stichprobe erreichten zumindest unter der Behandlung eine Abstinenz. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Erfolgsraten bei Patienten, die die Therapie abschließen, sind gut. Sie sprechen für den Nutzen des ambulanten Settings. / Effectiveness of Outpatient Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders – Evaluation of a Specialized Outpatient Clinic Background/Aim: Given a number of conditions, the revision of the German psychotherapy guidelines in 2011 facilitates treating substance use disorders in outpatient psychotherapy. Empirical results on the diagnostic characteristics of the patients treated within this setting and about the effectiveness of the treatment are lacking. Material and Methods: We examined N = 59 consecutive patients, diagnosed with standardized diagnostic interviews, of a specialized outpatient clinic for cognitivebehavioral therapy. Of these, n = 34 started the treatment (intent-to-treat (ITT) sample) and n = 28 completed it. The outcome (including clinical judgement of abstinence) was assessed with established symptom scales (Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)) as well as therapist and patient ratings. Results: About 40% of the patients who contacted the clinic did not start the therapy. In therapy completers, clinically relevant improvement was reached. Based on ITT analyses, effect sizes ranged from d = 0.8 (BSI) to d = 1.2 (BDI). Based on therapist and patient ratings, the percentage of successful therapies was high (between 68 and 76%, ITT analyses). All therapy completers diagnosed with a dependence syndrome reached abstinence at least temporarily. Conclusion: Effectiveness rates are high in completers. These results show that treatment can be efficient in an outpatient setting.
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Associations entre les consommations d’alcool et de cannabis et les variations volumétriques chez l'adulte et lors de l’adolescence, et évaluation des différences sexuelles potentiellesNavarri, Xavier 12 1900 (has links)
Objectifs : Les différences structurelles associées aux troubles d’usage d’alcool (TUA) et de cannabis (TUC) sont inconsistantes dans la littérature, et les chercheurs ont du mal à cerner si des différences entre les sexes (DS) structurelles observées chez des patients TUA et TUC existent. De plus, le lien longitudinal entre la consommation d’alcool et de cannabis durant l’adolescence et le développement cérébral est indéterminé. Le premier objectif est de caractériser les différences structurelles entre les patients TUA ou TUC et leurs témoins et de comparer ces différences cas-témoins à celles observées dans d’autres troubles psychiatriques. Le deuxième objectif est d’évaluer les DS structurelles chez les patients TUA et TUC par rapport à leurs témoins. Le troisième objectif est d’évaluer la relation entre la consommation d’alcool et de cannabis et le développement cérébral durant l’adolescence sur une période de cinq ans. Méthodes : Des méta-analyses sur des larges échantillons de TUA (k = 7, N = 798) et de TUC (k = 7, N = 447) ont été réalisées à partir de la base de données sur des adultes et des adolescents du groupe de travail ENIGMA-Addiction pour a) comparer les différences structurelles observées entre les cas et témoins dans les TUA et TUC à celles observées dans d’autres conditions psychiatriques et b) évaluer les DS structurelles dans les TUA et TUC en évaluant des termes d’interaction et en stratifiant les analyses par sexe. La base de données Neuroventure (N = 130), une cohorte d’adolescents âgés de 13 ans et suivis sur une période de cinq ans, a été utilisée afin d’évaluer comment la beuverie et le cannabis sont associés à des DS structurelles chez l’adolescent. Les résultats sur ces deux bases de données ne sont pas directement comparés puisqu’elles ne se concentrent pas sur la même population. Résultats : Des réductions volumétriques observées dans les TUA et TUC sont semblables à celles des autres conditions psychiatriques comparées. Des réductions volumétriques spécifiques à l’un des deux sexes et communes aux deux sexes ont également été observées pour les TUA et TUC. Finalement, des variations volumétriques sous-corticales et d’épaisseurs corticales ont été associées spécifiquement à la consommation simultanée et décalée d’alcool et de cannabis. Conclusions : Bien qu’aucune direction causale n’a pu être déterminée dans ces trois articles, ces résultats contribuent au développement des connaissances sur les DS structurelles et les mécanismes neurobiologiques impliquées dans les dépendances chez l’adulte et les effets de l’alcool et le cannabis sur le développement adolescent, notamment dans l’hippocampe. Les DS structurelles observées sont importantes afin d’éviter de généraliser les différences structurelles observées entre les cas et témoins associées à la consommation de substance aux deux sexes. / Objectives: Structural differences associated with alcohol use disorders (AUD) and cannabis use disorders (CUD) are inconsistent in the literature, and researchers have difficulty identifying whether structural sex differences (SDs) observed in AUD and CUD patients occur. In addition, the longitudinal relationship between alcohol and cannabis use during adolescence and brain development is unclear. The first objective is to characterize the structural differences between AUD or CUD patients and their controls and to compare these case-control differences with those observed in other psychiatric disorders. The second objective is to assess the structural SDs in AUD and CUD patients compared to their controls. The third objective is to assess the relationship between alcohol and cannabis use and brain development during adolescence over a five-year period. Methods: Meta-analyses were performed on large samples for alcohol (k = 7, N = 798) and cannabis (k = 7, N = 447) use disorders based on the ENIGMA-Addiction working group dataset that includes adolescents and adults to a) compare structural differences in AUD and CUD patients compared to controls to those reported in other psychiatric conditions, and b) evaluate SSD in AUD and CUD by evaluating interaction terms and by performing sex-stratified analyses. The Neuroventure dataset (N = 130), a cohort of 13 year-old adolescents followed one a five-year period, was used to evaluate how adolescent binge-drinking and cannabis use were associated with SSD in brain structures and cognitive performance. The results on these two datasets are not directly compared since they do not focus on the same population of interest. Results: Reduced volumes were observed in AUD and CUD with effect sizes in general similar to those reported in the other compared psychiatric disorders. Male- and female-specific and non-sex specific case-control differences were also observed in AUD and CUD. Finally, reduced subcortical volumes and cortical thickness were associated with drug- and sex-specific parameters through adolescence. Conclusion: Although no causal direction was evaluated in the three articles, these results contribute to a better understanding of the impact of alcohol and cannabis misuse on the SSD occurring in the adult and adolescent brain, notably in the hippocampus. The observed sex differences are important to avoid generalizing the substance use-related structural abnormalities to both sexes.
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Giving Texas Veterans a Voice: Traumatic Experience and Marijuana UseBerard, Amanda Kay 08 1900 (has links)
Disabled veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) exist in a category separate from many civilians and soldiers. Their experiences land them in a category distinctly marked as atypical. The standard protocol to manage this atypical subject position is prescription drugs- a mark of the ill. In a distorted, post-war American society, what happens when veterans with PTSD refuse to be labeled as ‘sick,' ‘different,' or even ‘disabled'? This thesis explores the actions and intricacies of a community of veterans who advocate for medical cannabis to manage associated symptoms of PTSD. This group of veterans campaigns for individuality, both in medical treatment and in personal experience. Collaboratively, their experiential evidence indicates that none can be treated in the same fashion. After a year of participant observation and field work, it becomes apparent that their work both individualizes and unifies the veterans. This thesis details their experiences and the results of their activist campaign to demarcate themselves.
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Výplňové hmoty pro svislé a vodorovné konstrukce s využitím obnovitelných surovin / Filling materials for vertical and horizontal constructions using renewable raw materialsGregor, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with industrial hemp and its use in vertical and horizontal structures. The work is mainly focused on the fillers of industrial hemp and inorganic binder. In the practical part of the feasibility study for future use of industrial hemp in the construction industry as a filling materiál in vertical and horizontal structures. This area has been targeted by all test samples. They are presented here and evaluated and compared the results of tests on unconfined compressive strength, compressive strength, depending on the deformation density of fresh and hardened mixture and the termal conductivity of different types of inorganic binders and fillers such as hemp.
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