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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Meta-Analysis of Herbal Cannabis Therapy for Chronic Pain

Seneca, Michael J 01 January 2014 (has links)
Since the first so-called “medical marijuana” legislation was passed in California in 1996, a total of twenty states and the District of Columbia have passed laws permitting limited use of cannabis. Despite the changes in state laws, cannabis remains illegal for any purpose under federal law. Changes in state laws have coincided with a renewed interest in the substance for the treatment of a variety of conditions. There has been a significant increase in published data over the past twenty years examining the efficacy of cannabis as an appetite stimulant, antiemetic agent, and analgesic adjuvant. The purpose of this meta-analysis was to synthesize published data on cannabis use as an analgesic agent. Five studies meeting inclusion criteria were located through searches of online databases, review of reference lists, author correspondence, and review of clinical trials databases. Meta-analysis was conducted using fixed-effects modeling. The overall effect of mean reduction of pain intensity was -4.895 (Z-score) with an associated p value of 0.003. The combined standardized mean difference (SMD) was -0.362 (CI -0.507 to -0.217), indicating on average a moderate significant reduction in pain intensity for patients with chronic pain. As the legal status of the substance evolves, additional research is needed to establish evidence-based clinical recommendations regarding the use of medicinal cannabis in pain management.

Assessment of the dopamine system in addiction using positron emission tomography

Albrecht, Daniel Strakis January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Drug addiction is a behavioral disorder characterized by impulsive behavior and continued intake of drug in the face of adverse consequences. Millions of people suffer the financial and social consequences of addiction, and yet many of the current therapies for addiction treatment have limited efficacy. Therefore, there is a critical need to characterize the neurobiological substrates of addiction in order to formulate better treatment options. In the first chapter, the striatal dopamine system is interrogated with [11C]raclopride PET to assess differences between chronic cannabis users and healthy controls. The results of this chapter indicate that chronic cannabis use is not associated with a reduction in striatal D2/D3 receptor availability, unlike many other drugs of abuse. Additionally, recent cannabis consumption in chronic users was negatively correlated with D2/D3 receptor availability. Chapter 2 describes a retrospective analysis in which striatal D2/D3 receptor availability is compared between three groups of alcohol-drinking and tobacco-smoking subjects: nontreatment-seeking alcoholic smokers, social-drinking smokers, and social-drinking non-smokers. Results showed that smokers had reduced D2/D3 receptor availability throughout the striatum, independent of drinking status. The results of the first two chapters suggest that some combustion product of marijuana and tobacco smoke may have an effect on striatal dopamine concentration. Furthermore, they serve to highlight the effectiveness of using baseline PET imaging to characterize dopamine dysfunction in addictions. The final chapter explores the use of [18F]fallypride PET in a proof-of-concept study to determine whether changes in cortical dopamine can be detected during a response inhibition task. We were able to detect several cortical regions of significant dopamine changes in response to the task, and the amount of change in three regions was significantly associated with task performance. Overall, the results of Chapter 3 validate the use of [18F]fallypride PET to detect cortical dopamine changes during a impulse control task. In summary, the results reported in the current document demonstrate the effectiveness of PET imaging as a tool for probing resting and activated dopamine systems in addiction. Future studies will expand on these results, and incorporate additional methods to further elucidate the neurobiology of addiction.

An overview on the environmental impacts of synthetic leather made of hemp fiber with preliminary lifecycle assessment

Hultkrantz, Martina January 2018 (has links)
This report covers a preliminary life cycle assessment (LCA) on imitation leather made from hemp fiber (hemp leather) and a comparison to bovine leather, to examine whether hemp leather is an environmentally sustainable alternative. The bovine leather industry is responsible for heavy chemical use and emissions, detrimental effects to the environment as well as to human health. The United Nations (UN) and other organizations call for immediate action against the animal product industry sector to greatly reduce emissions and protect the environment. Hemp is a versatile plant that can be used for many things, including paper, composites, textiles, food and medicine, and is probably a suitable material for imitation leather. The hemp plant requires little inputs, grows fast and without pesticides, has positive effects on the environment and can be cultivated on every inhabited continent. The preliminary LCA was based on a patent describing the manufacturing process of hemp leather completed with data from literature and a few assumptions made. LCA-results for bovine leather were collected from literature and the two leather fabrics were then compared. The comparison showed that hemp leather is superior to bovine leather in all compared categories except for water consumption and hazardous waste. Bovine leather had 99% more energy use, 78% higher acidification potential (AP), 99,9% higher eutrophication potential (EP) and 83% higher global warming potential (GWP) than hemp leather. The large water consumption in the manufacturing phase of hemp leather is possible to be explained by over dimensioning of inputs. The report concludes that hemp leather would be the environmentally and ethically admirable choice between the two leathers and that more research on more modern methods of manufacturing it should be performed. / Denna rapport omfattar en preliminär livscykelanalys (LCA) på syntetiskt läder gjort av hampfiber (hampläder) och en jämförelse med nötskinn, för att undersöka om hampläder är ett miljövänligt alternativ. Nötskinnsindustrin är ansvarig för stor kemikalieanvändning och tunga utsläpp, skadlig inverkan på miljö samt människors hälsa. Förenta nationerna och andra organisationer fordrar till omedelbar handling mot djurindustrisektorn för att drastiskt minska utsläpp och skydda miljön. Hampa är en mångsidig växt som kan användas inom många olika applikationer, såsom till papper, kompositer, textiler, mat och medicin, och är förmodligen ett passande material till imitationsläder. Hampan behöver liten mängd tillförd energi, växer fort och utan bekämpningsmedel, har positiva effekter på miljön och kan odlas på alla bebodda kontinenter. Den preliminära LCA:n är baserad på ett patent beskrivande hampläders produktionsprocess, kompletterat med data från litteratur samt några antaganden. LCA-resultat från nötskinnsproduktion samlades från litteratur och resultaten från de två lädertyperna jämfördes sedan. Jämförelsen visade att hampläder är överlägset nötskinn i alla jämförda kategorier utom vattenkonsumtion och farligt avfall. Nötskinn har 99% högre energianvändning, 78% högre försurningspotential (AP), 99,9% högre övergödningspotential (EP) och 83% högre potential till global uppvärmning (GWP) än hampläder, enligt resultaten. Hampläders produktionsprocess stora vattenkonsumtion kan troligtvis förklaras av en överdimensionering av indata. Denna rapport drar slutsatsen att hampläder skulle vara det mest miljövänliga och etiskt försvarbara valet mellan de två lädertyperna och att modernare produktionsmetoder för hampläder bör studeras.

Hög tid: att undersöka kvällspressens cannabisrapportering : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie av medierapporteringen om cannabis sedan 2010 i Aftonbladet och Expressen / High time: a study of cannabis coverage in the evening press : A quantitative and qualitative study of cannabis media moverage since 2010 in Aftonbladet and Expressen

Neemé, Kevin, Zetterquist, Viktor January 2024 (has links)
This study delves into the media coverage of cannabis by analyzing articles from Aftonbladet and Expressen between 2010 and 2024. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, the study examines the tone, content, and trends in reporting on cannabis through these years. A total of 904 articles were analyzed, with a focus on identifying patterns, trends, and shifts in the portrayal of cannabis in the two newspapers. The quantitative content analysis involves coding and categorizing a large sample of articles to uncover key themes and frequencies of coverage. Additionally, a qualitative discourse analysis is conducted on a subset of texts to deepen the understanding of how cannabis is framed and represented in the media. The methodological rigor includes inter-coderreliability checks and statistical evaluations to ensure consistency and validity in the analysis process. The findings reveal a predominance of negative articles, with a particular focus on domestic issues in Sweden such as increasing gang violence. The study also highlights the influence of media discourse in shaping perceptions of cannabis, portraying it both as an illegal commodity associated with violence and as a symbol of deviance. By scrutinizing the language and narratives used in media representations, this research sheds light on the construction of cannabis in Swedish newspapers and the potential impact on public attitudes and policies.

Relation entre les trajectoires d’usage régulier de cannabis et celles d’activité physique modérée à vigoureuse chez les jeunes adultes

Kabanemi, Tshala Tina 01 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Les études sur l’association entre la consommation de cannabis et l’activité physique sont majoritairement transversales et rapportent des résultats contradictoires. Ce mémoire se penche sur la relation entre les trajectoires de consommation de cannabis et celles d’activité physique chez les jeunes adultes pour éclairer la recherche et informer la santé publique. Objectifs : Décrire 1) les trajectoires sexospécifiques d’activité physique modérée à vigoureuse (APMV) et d’usage régulier (1-7 jours/semaine) de cannabis (URC) des adultes de 20 à 35 ans et 2) la relation entre les trajectoires des deux comportements. Méthodes : Les données sur les 742 participants proviennent des cinq derniers cycles de l’étude longitudinale Nicotine Dependence in Teens. L’âge moyen des participants à chaque suivi est de 20,3, 24,0, 30,5, 33,6 et 35,2 ans. La méthode fondée sur le groupement de Nagin est utilisée pour identifier des trajectoires distinctes d’APMV et d’URC. Des probabilités conditionnelles reliant les trajectoires des deux comportements sont estimées pour décrire leur relation. Résultats : Les quatre trajectoires d’APMV et les deux trajectoires d’URC identifiées sont similaires chez les deux sexes. Les probabilités conditionnelles suggèrent que la trajectoire croissante d’APMV est associée à la trajectoire d’URC persistant chez les hommes et, dans une moindre mesure, chez les femmes. Conclusion : Il existe des trajectoires distinctes d’APMV et d’URC chez les jeunes adultes. Les individus, et plus particulièrement les hommes, qui ont des niveaux croissants d’APMV de 20 à 35 ans ont une probabilité accrue de consommer régulièrement du cannabis durant la même période. / Background: Most studies investigating the association between cannabis use and physical activity are cross-sectional and they report contradictory results. We investigated how cannabis use and physical activity co-occur over time among young adults to better understand their relationship and inform research and public health. Objectives: Describe 1) sex-specific trajectories of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and regular (1-7 days/week) cannabis use (RCU) from age 20 to 35 and 2) associations between the trajectories of these two behaviors. Methods: A total of 742 participants from the five most recent cycles of the Nicotine Dependence in Teens longitudinal study provided MVPA and RCU data. Mean age at each cycle was 20.3, 24.0, 30.5, 33.6 and 35.2 years. Group-based trajectory modeling was used to identify distinct trajectories of MVPA and RCU. Conditional probabilities linking trajectories across behaviors were estimated to describe associations between MVPA and RCU trajectories. Results: The four MVPA trajectories and the two RCU trajectories identified were similar across sexes. Conditional probabilities suggested an association between the increasing MVPA trajectory and the trajectory of persistent RCU, more so among men than among women. Conclusion: Distinctive trajectories of MVPA and RCU exist in young adulthood. Individuals, and particularly men, with increasing MVPA levels from age 20 to 35 have an increased probability of RCU over the same age range.

Marijuana Australiana: Cannabis use, popular culture and the Americanisation of drugs policy in Australia, 1938-1988

Jiggens, John Lawrence January 2004 (has links)
The word 'marijuana' was introduced to Australia by the US Bureau of Narcotics via the Diggers newspaper, Smith's Weekly, in 1938. Marijuana was said to be 'a new drug that maddens victims' and it was sensationally described as an 'evil sex drug'. The resulting tabloid furore saw the plant cannabis sativa banned in Australia, even though cannabis had been a well-known and widely used drug in Australia for many decades. In 1964, a massive infestation of wild cannabis was found growing along a stretch of the Hunter River between Singleton and Maitland in New South Wales. The explosion in Australian marijuana use began there. It was fuelled after 1967 by US soldiers on rest and recreation leave from Vietnam. It was the Baby-Boomer young who were turning on. Pot smoking was overwhelmingly associated with the generation born in the decade after the Second World War. As the conflict over the Vietnam War raged in Australia, it provoked intense generational conflict between the Baby-Boomers and older generations. Just as in the US, pot was adopted by Australian Baby-Boomers as their symbol; and, as in the US, the attack on pot users served as code for an attack on the young, the Left, and the alternative. In 1976, the 'War on Drugs' began in earnest in Australia with paramilitary attacks on the hippie colonies at Cedar Bay in Queensland and Tuntable Falls in New South Wales. It was a time of increasing US style prohibition characterised by 'tough-on-drugs' right-wing rhetoric, police crackdowns, numerous murders, and a marijuana drought followed quickly by a heroin plague; in short by a massive worsening of 'the drug problem'. During this decade, organised crime moved into the pot scene and the price of pot skyrocketed, reaching $450 an ounce in 1988. Thanks to the Americanisation of drugs policy, the black market made 'a killing'. In Marijuana Australiana I argue that the 'War on Drugs' developed -- not for health reasons -- but for reasons of social control; as a domestic counter-revolution against the Whitlamite, Baby-Boomer generation by older Nixonite Drug War warriors like Queensland Premier, Bjelke-Petersen. It was a misuse of drugs policy which greatly worsened drug problems, bringing with it American-style organised crime. As the subtitle suggests, Marijuana Australiana relies significantly on 'alternative' sources, and I trawl the waters of popular culture, looking for songs, posters, comics and underground magazines to produce an 'underground' history of cannabis in Australia. This 'pop' approach is balanced with a hard-edged, quantitative analysis of the size of the marijuana market, the movement of price, and the seizure figures in the section called 'History By Numbers'. As Alfred McCoy notes, we need to understand drugs as commodities. It is only through a detailed understanding of the drug trade that the deeper secrets of this underground world can be revealed. In this section, I present an economic history of the cannabis market and formulate three laws of the market.

Consommation de cannabis et symptômes dépressifs à l'adolescence : le rôle modérateur de la qualité de la relation parent-adolescent

Lavallée, Gabrielle 08 1900 (has links)
La dépression est une psychopathologie répandue qui débute fréquemment au cours de l’adolescence. Maintes répercussions tant personnelles qu’économiques et sociales ont été associées à ce trouble. Plusieurs facteurs, dont la consommation de cannabis, ont été identifiés comme étant susceptibles d’influencer l’apparition et le développement de symptômes dépressifs. Il existe toutefois une absence de consensus par rapport au lien entre la consommation de cannabis et les symptômes dépressifs à l’adolescence, qui pourrait notamment résulter de différences méthodologiques telles que le contrôle de tierces variables. Parmi ces variables, la relation parent-adolescent pourrait modérer la relation entre la consommation de cannabis et les symptômes dépressifs. Ce mémoire vise d’une part à vérifier la relation entre la consommation de cannabis et la manifestation de symptômes dépressifs à l’adolescence et, d’autre part, le rôle modérateur de la relation parent-adolescent sur ce lien. L’échantillon compte 1 740 adolescents québécois suivis longitudinalement du secondaire II au secondaire IV. Des analyses de régression multiple hiérarchique ont été effectuées afin de tester les hypothèses à l’étude. Les résultats démontrent une faible relation positive entre la consommation de cannabis en secondaire II et les symptômes dépressifs évalués deux ans plus tard. Par ailleurs, une seule dimension de la relation parent-adolescent, soit le faible soutien parental, a été identifiée comme ayant un pouvoir prédictif sur les symptômes dépressifs. Cet effet d’interaction explique néanmoins une variance insuffisante pour être significatif d’un point de vue clinique. Les implications de ces résultats pour la recherche sont discutées. / Depression is a prevailing psychopathology which often begins during adolescence. Multiple repercussions on personal, economic and social levels have been associated with this disorder. Many factors including cannabis have been identified as likely to influence the onset and development of depressive symptoms. However, there is a lack of consensus concerning the link between cannabis use and depressive symptoms in adolescence, which could result from methodological differences as the control of potential confounding variables. Among these variables, parent-adolescent relationship has been identified as a potential moderator in the relationship between cannabis use and depressive symptoms. The present research project firstly aims to examine the relationship between cannabis use and the manifestation of depressive symptoms in adolescence and, secondly to verify the potential moderating effect of parent-adolescent relationship on that link. The sample includes 1 740 Quebec teenagers followed longitudinally in high school. Multiple hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses. Results indicate a weak positive relationship between cannabis use and depressive symptoms assessed two years later. Moreover, only one dimension of the parent-adolescent relationship, defined as low parental support, has been identified as having predictive power on depressive symptoms. However, the variance explained by this interaction is insufficient to be considered on a clinical level. The implications of these findings are discussed.

Problematika užívání návykových látek a školní prostředí / Issue of substance abuse and school environment

Šmejkalová, Jaroslava January 2016 (has links)
The thesis investigates the theoretical knowledge about the issue of addictive substances and personal experience with their use for pupils 6. and 8. classes of primary school and for students 2. and 4. year of the grammar school. In the first part of my work, I focused on the definition of basic concepts, the outline of the characters and the possible causes that lead to addiction to drugs, I presented the most commonly used drugs and identified the possibilities of drug prevention. The second part is devoted to a survey in the form of a questionnaire, which directly examines the knowledge and experience with the drug specific age groups of pupils and students. This work could be material for teachers who want to participate in the drug prevention.

Lien entre l’accessibilité perçue d’une substance psychoactive et sa consommation : rôle modérateur de la perception du risque à consommer à l’adolescence

Normandin, Gabrielle 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Avaliação da presença de cocaína e anfetamina em amostras de sangue post mortem e de indivíduos vivos, utilizando técnica de microextração em fase líquida (HF-LPME) / Amphetamine, cocaine and tetrahydrocannabinol evaluation in blood samples of living people and post mortem blood samples using microextraction technique in liquid phase (HF-LPME).

Sanchez, Clovis 18 April 2018 (has links)
Estima-se atualmente que mais de 5% da população mundial vem fazendo uso recreativo de algum tipo de substância psicoativa, sendo que o direito a esse uso é tema recorrente da sociedade contemporânea. Por apresentar riscos associados à saúde e a segurança das populações, o uso abusivo dessas substâncias tem instigado a toxicologia social na busca de respostas, com as quais se possa caracterizar, analisar e gerenciar esses riscos. Drogas de grande consumo no Brasil são a anfetamina, cocaína e Cannabis sativa. Esta tese desenvolveu uma nova metodologia para detectar e quantificar anfetamina, cocaína e tetrahidrocanabinol em sangue total, com uso de microextração em fase líquida via fibra de polipropileno (HF-LPME), seguida de cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa (GC-MS). Trata-se de uma técnica que apresenta vantagens sobre as tradicionais, uma vez que demanda quantidades menores de solvente orgânico, diminuindo riscos e custos de processo. Também propôs um estudo com a aplicação dos métodos em 69 amostras de sangue de vivos e de post mortem, as quais foram obtidas por convênio com a superintendência da polícia técnica científica de São Paulo (SPTC/SP). Os métodos desenvolvidos foram validados de acordo com diretrizes internacionais de interesse forense. Como resultado da validação, os métodos desenvolvidos se mostraram precisos e exatos para anfetamina e cocaína. O limite de detecção da cocaína foi de 5 ng . mL-1 e o limite de quantificação de 10 ng . mL-1. Quanto a anfetamina, os limites de detecção e de quantificação foram de 5 ng . mL-1. A técnica de HF-LPME não foi aplicável ao tetraidrocanabinol (Δ9-THC). Como resultado da análise das amostras, 40% delas apresentaram resultados positivos para cocaína. Desses positivos, 35% foram oriundos das matrizes de sangue de vivos e 64% oriundos de sangue post mortem. Nenhuma delas apresentou resultado quantificável para anfetamina. / It is currently estimated that more than 5% of the world\'s population has been doing recreational use of some kind of psychoactive substances and the legal right to such use is a recurring theme debated by contemporary society. Due to the risks associated with populations health and safety, the abusive use of these substances has been instigating by social toxicology to search for answers to characterize, analyze and manage these risks. Drugs of great consumption in Brazil are, amphetamine cocaine and marijuana. This thesis proposes to develop a new methodology to detect and quantify psychoactive drugs in whole blood with the use of liquid phase microextraction by polypropylene fiber (HFLPME), followed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It is a technique that presents advantages compared with traditional ones, because of the smaller amounts demands of organic solvent, reducing risks and process costs. It also proposes a study with 69 blood samples taken from living persons and post mortem blood samples, which were obtained by agreement with the Superintendency of São Paulo Scientific Technical Police (SPTC / SP). The methods developed were validated according to international guidelines of forensic interest. As a result of the validation, the methods developed were precise and accurate for amphetamine and cocaine. The limit of cocaine detection was 5 ng . mL-1 and the limit of quantification was 10 ng . mL-1. As for amphetamine, the limits of detection and quantification were 5 ng . mL-1. The HF-LPME technique was not applicable to tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC). As a result of the sample analysis, 40% of them presented positive results for cocaine. Of these, 35% were from blood samples taken from living persons and 64% from the post mortem blood samples. None of the samples presented quantifiable results for amphetamine.

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