Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CANNABIS"" "subject:"[enn] CANNABIS""
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Authentication of Complex Botanical Materials by Chemometrics and Chemical ProfilingChen, Zewei 25 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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The relevance of age at first alcohol and nicotine use for initiation of cannabis use and progression to cannabis use disordersBehrendt, Silke, Beesdo-Baum, Katja, Höfler, Michael, Perkonigg, Axel, Bühringer, Gerhard, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2012 (has links)
Background: A younger age at onset of use of a specific substance is a well-documented risk-factor for a substance use disorder (SUD) related to that specific substance. However, the cross-substance relationship between a younger age at onset of alcohol use (AU) and nicotine use (NU) and the risk of cannabis use disorders (CUD) in adolescence and early adulthood remains unclear.
Aims: To identify the sequence of and latency between initial AU/NU and initial cannabis use (CU). To investigate whether younger age at AU- and NU-onset is associated with any and earlier CU-onset and a higher risk of transition from first CU to CUD, taking into account externalizing disorders (ED) and parental substance use disorders as putative influential factors.
Methods: Prospective-longitudinal community study with N = 3021 subjects (baseline age 14–24) and up to four assessment waves over up to ten years with additional direct parental and family history information. Substance use and CUD were assessed with the DSM-IV/M-CIDI.
Results: Most subjects with CU reported AU (99%) and NU (94%). Among users of both substances, 93% reported AU prior to CU (87% for NU). After adjustment for ED and parental substance use disorders younger age at AU-onset was associated with any CU. Younger age at NU-onset was associated with earlier CU initiation. Younger age at AU- and NU-onset was not associated with a higher risk of CUD.
Conclusions: The cross-substance relevance of younger age at first AU and NU for the risk of CUD is limited to early CU involvement.
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Associations Between Cannabis Use and Impulsive Risk-Taking in Undergraduate Students Who Binge DrinkRemley, Katherine D. 12 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring Patterns of the Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Among Adolescents in High-Risk Appalachian (U.S.a) CommunitiesMamudu, Hadii M., Shahani, Disha, Jones, Antwan, Ahuja, Manik, Adeniran, Esther, Weierbach, Florence, Swindle, Jean, Liu, Ying, Keener, Janet, Blair, Cynthia J., McNabb, Michelle, Asare, Matthew, Wood, David L., Ferketich, Amy 01 January 2022 (has links)
Background: Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) use among adolescents in the United States (U.S.) has surpassed conventional tobacco products (CTPs), including cigarettes. Increasingly, ENDS are used concurrently with CTPs and substances such as cannabis. However, few studies involve Central Appalachia, a region with historically high rates of tobacco and other substance use. Objective: To examine prevalence of concurrent use of ENDS and cannabis among school-going adolescents in Appalachian Tennessee and delineate associations between ENDS use and substance-related risk behavior (cannabis use), social relations (peer use), and school-related risk behavior (academic performance). Methods: Data were obtained from a survey conducted with youth aged 13-17 years in 2018 in a county in Appalachian Tennessee (n = 280). A multivariable logistic regression model was fit to evaluate associations between ENDS and cannabis use, and other factors. Results: Overall, lifetime ENDS and cannabis prevalence estimates were 31.1% and 18.6%, respectively. Lifetime ENDS users had increased odds of also being lifetime cannabis users [OR = 9.22, 95% confidence interval (CI): 3.44-24.75]. Lifetime ENDS users had increased odds of reporting ENDS use among peers [OR = 12.11; 95% CI: 5.40-27.12] and lower academic performance (OR associated with mostly C or D vs. A grades was 4.28, 95% CI: 1.68-10.90). Conclusion: This study found an association between ENDS and cannabis use among adolescents in Appalachian Tennessee exists. Additionally, peer use and academic performance were associated with ENDS use. The findings have implications for public health intervention planning to address not only ENDS but also substance use among Appalachian youth.
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Les motifs de la conduite automobile après avoir consommé du cannabis : revue de portée et validation d’un outil psychométriqueBeaulieu-Thibodeau, Alexis 03 1900 (has links)
Contexte : La consommation de cannabis affecte les habiletés de conduite (Capler et al., 2017) et augmente significativement le risque d’accident (Asbridge et al., 2012). Malgré ces risques, 22 % des consommateurs canadiens ont rapporté avoir conduit dans les deux heures suivant sa consommation (Gouvernement du Canada, 2020). Connaitre les motifs de la conduite après avoir consommé du cannabis (CACC) est crucial pour développer des programmes de prévention efficaces visant à réduire la prévalence de ce comportement.
Objectif : Le premier objectif est de rapporter et classer les motifs de la CACC mentionnés dans la littérature scientifique. Le deuxième objectif est de valider les propriétés psychométriques du Questionnaire des motifs de la conduite automobile après avoir consommé du cannabis (QMCACC).
Méthode : Ce mémoire présente deux articles. Le premier article est une revue de portée des motifs de la CACC. Le deuxième article présente les analyses de validation du QMCACC. Un échantillon de 1 765 conducteurs canadiens a été utilisé pour tester la cohérence interne, la validité convergente/discriminante et la structure du questionnaire via une analyse factorielle confirmatoire.
Résultats : La revue de portée a extrait 32 motifs de la CACC. Le QMCACC a une bonne cohérence interne, une validité convergente/discriminante adéquate et une bonne validité factorielle.
Conclusion : Des messages efficaces de santé publique doivent être mis en oeuvre pour informer la population des risques de la CACC. Le QMCACC semble évaluer efficacement le concept d’intérêt et peut être utilisé pour contribuer aux efforts de prévention. / Background: Cannabis use affects the ability to drive (Capler et al., 2017) and significantly increases the risk of accidents (Asbridge et al., 2012). Despite these risks, 22 % of Canadian consumers reported driving within two hours of using this substance (Government of Canada, 2020). Increased knowledge of the motives for driving after cannabis use (DACU) is crucial to design effective prevention programs to reduce the prevalence of this behaviour.
Objective: The first objective is to report and categorize the motives for DACU mentioned in the scientific literature. The second objective is to validate the psychometric properties of the Motives for Driving after Cannabis Use Questionnaire (MDACUQ).
Method: This master’s project presents two articles. The first article is a scoping review of the motives for DACU. The second article presents the validation analyzes of the MDACUQ. A sample of 1,765 Canadian drivers was used to test the internal consistency, convergent/discriminant validity and the structure of the subscales (factors) of the questionnaire with a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).
Results: The scoping review extracted 32 motives for DACU. The MDACUQ has good internal consistency, adequate convergent/discriminant validity, and the CFA showed a good factorial validity.
Conclusion: Effective public health messages must be implemented to inform the population of the risks of DACU. The MDACUQ seems to accurately captures the concept of interest and can help prevention efforts to reduce the prevalence of this risky behaviour.
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A cross-sectional study of the association between polysubstance use and mental health in young adultsChopra, Rajit 04 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Les études sur la consommation de substances en lien avec la santé mentale chez les jeunes adultes considèrent généralement chaque substance séparément et se concentrent sur les symptômes d'anxiété ou de dépression. Ce mémoire décrit les modes de consommation régulière (au moins hebdomadaire) d'alcool, de cannabis et de nicotine et estime l'association entre ces modes de consommation (séparément et en combinaison) et les symptômes de dépression, d’anxiété ainsi que la santé mentale positive (SMP) chez les jeunes adultes.
Méthodes : Les données de cette étude transversale sont tirées du cycle 23 (2017-20) de l'étude NDIT, lorsque les participants étaient âgés de 31 ans en moyenne. Une régression linéaire ajustée pour l'âge, le sexe et le niveau d'éducation modélise les associations entre: (i) le nombre de substances consommées; et (ii) les modes de consommation de plusieurs substances et chacun des indicateurs de santé mentale.
Résultats : 37 % des participants n’ont consommé aucune substance régulièrement; 42 %, 16 % et 5 % ont consommé une, deux et trois substances, respectivement. Il n'y avait pas d'association dose-réponse entre le nombre de substances et les indicateurs de santé mentale. La consommation de deux substances était associée aux symptômes d'anxiété (β ̂(IC95%) = 1,32(0,34;2,31) et à la SMP (-3,64(-6,34;-0,95)). La combinaison cannabis-nicotine était associée aux symptômes d'anxiété (2,58(1,06;4,10)) et à la SMP (-5,90(-10,04;-1,76)). La combinaison alcool-nicotine était associée à la SMP (-3,70(-7,30,-0,10)).
Conclusion : Les combinaisons de substances en plus des substances individuelles devraient être investiguées en lien avec la santé mentale. / Background: Studies on substance use in relation to mental health among young adults generally consider each substance separately and in addition, they tend to focus on symptoms of anxiety or depression. This thesis describes the patterns of regular (at least weekly) use of alcohol, cannabis and nicotine, and estimates the association between these patterns and symptoms of depression, anxiety, as well as positive mental health (PMH) among young adults.
Methods: Data for this cross-sectional study were drawn from cycle 23 (2017-20) of the NDIT study when participants were age 31 years on average. The associations between: (i) number of substances used; and (ii) pattern of polysubstance use and each of the mental health indicators were modeled using linear regression adjusting for age, sex and level of education.
Results: 37% of participants did not consume any substances regularly; 42%, 16%, and 5% consumed one, two and three substances, respectively. There was no dose response association between number of substances and any of the mental health indicators. Use of two substances was associated with anxiety symptoms (β ̂(95% CI) = 1.32(0.34,2.31)) and PMH (-3.64(-6.34,-0.95)). The cannabis-nicotine combination was associated with anxiety symptoms (2.58(1.06,4.10)) and PMH (-5.90(-10.04,-1.76)). The alcohol-nicotine combination was associated with PMH (-3.70(-7.30,-0.10)).
Conclusion: Combinations of specific substances in addition to individual substances should be investigated in relation to mental health among young adults.
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Under vilka omständigheter förekommer försäljning av cannabis? : En fältstudie i Stockholm / In which conditions does dealing of cannabis occur? : A field study in StockholmGliori, Gabriel January 2021 (has links)
Cannabis är den vanligaste illegala drogen i Sverige, och dess konsumtion är ständigt växande. De senaste årens massiva ökning av dödsskjutningar tros vara ett resultat av konflikter mellan kriminella nätverk i fråga om just cannabisförsäljning. För att ta itu med dessa problem måste vi först lära oss mer om de platser där hantering av cannabis sker, i synnerhet försäljning. Den här studien ämnar ge en inblick i hur de här platserna ser ut, vad som kännetecknar dem, och varför just dessa blir utvalda för drogrelaterade aktiviteter, med målet att formulera förslag på hur de kan utformas så att försäljningen av cannabis förebyggs. Studien utfördes genom fältarbete och tillämpandet av ett särskilt fältprotokoll där variabler avsedda att beskriva förhållanden i miljön bedömdes. Dataunderlaget kom från polisens register över arresteringar för misstanke om överlåtelse av cannabis under åren 2019–2020. Vad som kan sägas är att en typisk plats låg i ett bostadsområde med flervåningshus, avskild från stora folkmassor och trafik, öppen med god sikt, och med god tillgänglighet. De erhållna resultaten analyserades sedan i relation till kriminologiska teorier, i syfte att skapa en större förståelse om varför brotten inträffar just där. För att kunna förhindra cannabishandeln på dessa platser har lösningsförslag baserade på principer i CPTED-strategin framförts. Dessa gäller bland annat ökad övervakning från byggnader runtomkring samt att ta upp kampen om det sociala rummet genom att skapa en känsla av ökad territorialitet på platserna. Rapporten avslutas med en utvärdering av den nyttjade metoden samt en diskussion om komplexiteten i att lösa problemen enkom genom åtgärder i stadsmiljön, då det finns en rad andra faktorer som spelar in. Det vi samhällsplanerare kan erbjuda är lösningsalternativ som må stävja brottsligheten, men i slutändan är det individer som väljer att begå dessa kriminella handlingar. / Cannabis is the most common illegal drug in Sweden, and its consumption is constantly increasing. The massive rise in fatal shootings in recent years is believed to be a result of conflicts between criminal networks regarding cannabis sales. To address these issues, we must first learn more about the places in which cannabis occurs, particularly dealing. This study aims to provide an insight into what these places look like, what characterizes them, and why these are selected for drug-related activities, with the aim of offering suggestions on how they could be designed to prevent the dealing of cannabis. The study was carried out through fieldwork and the utilization of a special fieldwork protocol in which variables intended to describe conditions in the environment were assessed. The data came from police records of arrests for suspicions of selling cannabis during the years 2019– 2020. What can be said is that a typical place was in a residential area with multi-storey buildings, separated from large crowds and traffic, open with good visibility, and with good accessibility. The results obtained were then analyzed in relation to criminological theories, to create a greater understanding of why the crimes occur right there. In order to prevent the cannabis dealing in these places, proposed solutions have been put forward based on principles in the CPTED strategy. These include increased surveillance from surrounding buildings and taking up the fight about the social space by creating a sense of increased territoriality in the places. The report ends with an evaluation of the method used and a discussion about the complexity of solving the problems solely through measures in the urban environment, as there are a number of other factors that come into play. What we urban planners can offer are alternative solutions that may curb crime, but in the end, it is individuals who decide to commit these criminal acts.
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Cannabisfrågan : En jämförande diskursanalys av Liberalerna och deras ungdomsförbund / On Cannabis : A Comparative Analasys of the Liberals and Their Youth AssociationElmandiwy, Salam January 2024 (has links)
This essay aims to compare the Swedish party The Liberals and its youth association (The Liberal Youth Association) in their opinions regarding the legalization and/or decriminalization of cannabis in Sweden. In this study, Carol Bacchis’ ‘WPR’ method is used in order to first break down the beliefs of each party in order to then compare them to each other. The WPR method is essential to a study such as this as it analyzes a problem of discourse starting from the roots of the policy. After breaking down each party's stance on the issue a comparison then further ensures a deeper understanding of the disparity. This essay concludes that the main difference between the Liberals and the Liberals youth association is the fundamental belief in their own drug policies. The Liberals claim that more studies are required as there is not enough evidence to decisively conclude whether legalization/decriminalization is better than zero tolerance. The youth association, however, claims that it is impossible to stop the black market and that the Swedish state should be the ones with a monopoly on the sales, not the gangs. They also believe that there is a billion Swedish kronor market that would benefit the Swedish people.
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Pleurotus ostreatus production on Cannabis sativa, L. (Industrial Hemp) Residues for Edible Mushrooms and Mycelium-based CompositesReiss II, Matthew William 14 August 2022 (has links)
The current anthropogenic practices of generating single-use waste streams in agriculture, forestry and manufacturing industries have created a host of environmental health problems. Humankind's reliance on non-renewable resources for the production of food and materials, and its current approach to product design and development, are clearly unsustainable. One mitigation strategy to reducing industrial and municipal solid waste, as well as environmental pollution, can be found in using white rot fungi to valorize our planet's most abundant and regenerative natural resource – plant biomass containing lignocellulose. From residual dry plant matter, white rot fungi can be employed through a solid-state fermentation process to produce a variety of edible, nutrient-dense saprotrophic mushrooms in addition to biologically augmented composite materials. Under the framework of the circular economy, agricultural and forestry byproducts with fibers containing lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose may be used as a feedstock for the production of both food and biomaterials – keeping plant biomass revolving through multiple cycles of use and reuse for a variety of product outputs that are biodegradable and help to sequester carbon. In this study, mushrooms were grown on a variety of lignocellulosic substrates derived from agricultural and forestry residues. Hemp-based substrates performed the best of the feedstocks with regard to mushroom yield and mycelium colonization time. Additionally, a number of mycelium composite products were designed and fabricated in this study using residual lignocellulosic plant biomass, including: insulation bricks, acoustical panels, and biodegradable planter pots. In particular, spent mushroom substrate containing hemp hurd and other agricultural and forestry residues showed significant potential in upcycling lignocellulosic plant biomass for the production of both mushrooms and mycelium materials. Regenerative design practices demonstrated how food and materials can be generated from the same lignocellulosic feedstock; therefore, reducing waste, circulating products and materials, and ultimately regenerating nature. / Master of Science / Environmental pollution and natural resource scarcity have encouraged exploration into using biologically based materials for the production of more ecologically friendly products. By valorizing the Earth's most abundant, renewable natural resource for the production of food and materials– dry plant matter containing lignocellulose – waste is reduced, carbon is stored, and materials can remain upcycled through multiple generations of production. Lignocellulosic residues – natural fibers containing the biopolymers lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose – have recently been given increased attention due to their ability to be aggregated and grown into low-cost, lightweight materials using white rot fungi. Mushroom farming has historically valorized lignocellulosic agricultural and forestry residues to grow an edible, nutrient-dense food crop. This thesis investigates the potential of various agricultural and forestry residues for the production of mushrooms and mycelium-based lignocellulosic composites. Furthermore, this study explores the utilization of spent mushroom substrate for the production of several mycelium-based composite products within the framework of the circular economy. Hemp-based substrates demonstrated significant potential in both mushroom production and mycelium composite fabrication, outperforming other agricultural residues in this study with regard to mushroom yield and speed of mycelial growth of Pleurotus ostreatus. More research into the tunable lignocellulosic substrate compositions will continue to help advance mushroom production and mycelium-based composite generation as environmentally friendly materials and production practices continue to gain interest.
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”Vad är grejen med cannabis?" : En netnografisk studie om hur upplevelser av stigma kopplat till bruk av cannabis kan bidra till att skapa mening i sociala sammanhang / "What's the deal with cannabis?" : A netnographic study on how experiences of stigma related to cannabis use can contribute to creating meaning in social contexts.Peereboom, Robin, Rosenberg, Patrik January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines how experiences of stigma related to cannabis use are expressed and processed in an online forum. Using a netnographic method, posts from the cannabis forum on Flashback are analysed to understand how these interactions contribute to meaning-making in social contexts. By examining posts, a complex picture emerges of how stigma is expressed and how users manage this in online environments. The forum serves as a place where users can share experiences and support each other, contributing to a collective meaning-making around cannabis use. The thesis employs Erving Goffman’s theories of stigma and symbolic interactionism to highlight how individuals within a stigmatized group manage and navigate their social reality. The results show that cannabis users on Flashback actively discuss and cope with stigma through various strategies and adaptations, contributing to a deeper understanding of how social and structural constraints affect their experiences and behaviours. By normalizing their use and creating a shared understanding within the group, they mitigate the negative consequences of stigma. This thesis thus provides insights into how digital environments both reflect and influence the norms and attitudes surrounding cannabis use.
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