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資本結構理論及其影響因素之實證研究李偉南, LI, WEI-NAN Unknown Date (has links)
第二節:NI與NOI 資本結構理論
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公司認股權證對股價之影響 / On Stock Return Processes and Conditional Heteroskedasticities with Warrant Introduction張瑞珍, Chang, Jui-Jane Unknown Date (has links)
雖然許多研究已針對認股權證評價進行調整,但是其價格低估的問題仍無法解決。因此,本文將探討認股權證發行對股價報酬動態過程的影響。本文將證實是否認股權證發行將影響其標的股價之動態過程,倘若股價報酬的動態過程已反應了認股權證發行的潛在稀釋效果,則進行充分調整的股權稀釋模型將低估認股權證的價格。為了確認在評價認購權證時充分調整稀釋效果的必要性,本文將檢測權證發行對股票報酬過程的影響。本文利用延伸Garch-M模型,導出四個檢驗稀釋效果的模型。實證結果顯示,在發行認股權證之後,股價報酬的變異數顯著降低,該結果在釐清股權稀釋效果與不對稱效果之後,該稀釋效果依然顯著。 / As the underestimation of warrants remains unsolved after many adjustments presented by previous researchers, we further investigate the impact of the warrant introduction on the underlying stock return processes. This research attempts to determine whether the introduction of warrants influences the return processes of underlying stocks. If the introduction creates a potential dilution effect in stock return processes, full dilution adjustment pricing models would lead to underestimation. To exam whether full dilution adjustments are required for warrant pricing, the GARCH-M model has been extended to derive four models for testing the dilution effect on stock return processes. Empirical results show that the volatilities of underlying stock return processes are significantly reduced following warrant introduction even after clarification and distinguishing dilution from asymmetric effect.
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Kapitalstrukturens effekt på lönsamhet : En studie av svenska företagGeiding, Richard, Einarsson, Jesper January 2014 (has links)
In this paper the effect of capital structure on profitability has been investigated among Swedish companies. The essay intends to examine how the relationship between debt and profitability appear among Swedish companies and if the relationship differs between industries. The purpose is to find out how debt affects the profitability of Swedish companies. A quantitative approach has been applied. The selection was made among companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, which resulted in a sample of 207 companies. Several regression analyzes has been formed, based on the independent variable debt-ratio and the dependent variables profit margin, pre-tax profit margin, operating margin, return on assets and return on equity. The variables were calculated using data from each company’s annual reports for the entire investigation period, year 2009-2013. The theories in the study are the capital structure irrelevance theory, trade-off, agency theory and the pecking-order theory. The scientific papers which has served as reference for this paper is a study made by Addae et al., where the relationship between debt and profitability were examined among listed companies in Ghana and a study made by Panno, where a similar relationship were examined among companies in the UK and Italy. The results indicates positive relationships between debt-ratio and profit margin, pre-tax profit margin and operating margin. This result is in parity with that from Pannos investigation and it seems that Swedish companies tend to take advantage of the tax-shield, giving support for the trade-off theory. However, regarding the relationship between debt-ratio and return on assets as well as equity, no significant relationship could be found. This means that it is not possible to say that more debt causes changes in return on assets or return on equity among Swedish companies. Furthermore, regarding the relationships between industries, it has only been possible to find significant relationships in 2 out of 17 industries and therefore no valid conclusions could be drawn concerning that question. / I denna uppsats har kapitalstrukturens effekt på lönsamhet undersökts bland svenska företag. Uppsatsen ämnar besvara hur sambandet mellan skuldsättning och lönsamhet ser ut bland svenska företag och om sambandet skiljer sig mellan olika branscher. Syftet är att ta reda på hur skuldsättningen påverkar lönsamheten i svenska företag. För att uppfylla syftet har en kvantitativ forskningsansats tillämpats. Urvalet har gjorts utifrån noterade företag på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm som uppfyllt tre villkor, vilket har resulterat i ett urval om 207 stycken företag. För att besvara frågeställningen har det genomförts regressionsanalyser som baserats på den oberoende variabeln skuldandel och de beroende variablerna vinst-, bruttovinst- och rörelsemarginal samt räntabilitet på eget och totalt kapital. Beräkningen av variablerna har föregåtts av en omfattande datainsamling där grunddata hämtats in från de aktuella företagens årsredovisningar för hela undersökningsperioden, åren 2009-2013. De centrala vetenskapliga teorierna som behandlats i undersökningen är kapitalstrukturens irrelevansteori, trade-off, agentteorin och pecking-order. De vetenskapliga artiklar som fungerat som referensram för uppsatsen är en studie av Addae m.fl., där sambandet mellan skuldsättning och lönsamhet har undersökts bland noterade företag i Ghana och en studie av Panno, där ett liknande samband undersökts bland företag i Storbritannien och Italien. Resultaten pekar på positiva samband mellan skuldandel och vinst-, bruttovinst- och rörelsemarginal. Detta ligger i linje med de resultat som Panno funnit och talar för att svenska företags kapitalstruktur förklaras av trade-off teorin, som utgår ifrån irrelevansteorins skattesköld i förhållande till konkurskostnader. Vad gäller sambandet mellan skuldandel och räntabilitet på eget och totalt kapital har inget signifikant samband kunnat styrkas. Det innebär att det inte går att säga att en högre skuldsättning bland svenska företag leder till en förändring i varken avkastning på eget eller totalt kapital. Vidare gäller att på branschnivå har det bara gått att finna signifikanta samband mellan skuldsättning och lönsamhet i 2 av 17 branscher.
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Essays on the financial governance of firmsWilson, Linus January 2007 (has links)
Four essays, or chapters, model the capital structure, governance, and investment decisions as part of a sequential game. Each chapter is separate in its context, assumptions, and conclusions. The titles of the chapters are below. Abstracts of each essay or chapter can be found at the beginning of each chapter. The titles of the chapters or essays are as follows: I. Managerial Ownership with Rent-Seeking Employees, II. Financing Professional Partnerships, III. Sunk Cost Efficiency with Identical Competitors, and IV. Business Stealing and Bankruptcy. With the exception of Chapter III, which is meant to complement Chapter IV, these essays argue that the structure of financial contracts can affect the real behavior of firms. The first chapter argues that financial governance policies affect the behavior of rank-and-file employees. In Chapter II, the governance and capital structure of professional service firms affects clients’ expectations of the firm’s quality. In Chapter IV, the enforcement of financial contracts by bankruptcy courts affects the number of firms that enter and exit the industry.
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The Knowledge Production Function : Evidence from New Micro DataLööf, Hans January 2002 (has links)
This doctoral thesis consists of five self-contained essays.Common themes that unify the essays are the conditions for innovative engagements and the effort to endogenize innovations into the explanation of profitability, productivity and growthin manufacturing and service production. The purpose is to explore the importance of innovation in explaining heterogeneity in the performance of firms. The traditional analysis of the relationship between research and developmentand productivity is extended and developed by using, on the onehand, firm-level data not previously available and, on theother, a modern state-of-the-art econometric framework. Essay I. Methods and results are reviewed and stylized facts presented regarding the return on innovation. The limitations of the data and methods used in mainstream literature are discussed. A set of firm-level observations recently made available and a multiple knowledge production function analysis have been used to clarify the role of innovation in explaining performance heterogeneity among manufacturing firms inSweden. Essay II. The relationships between innovation and productivity among manufacturing firms in Finland, Norway and Sweden are studied. The main purpose is to investigate the contributions of firm-level innovation in creating the large observed differences in aggregated productivity growth between Norway on the one hand and Finland and Sweden on the other. Essay III. The focus of this essay is threefold. One, since innovation has been found to be a major contributor to productivity growth in manufacturing, we seek to find whether there is any evidence for the notion that service industrie shave a lower propensity to be innovative or that they are less efficient in deriving benefits from innovations. Second, we consider what real productivity growth does, and what the measurement methods do to produce the reported weak growthrates in services. Third, given that intermediate services have been found to be one of the fastest growing input factors inmanufacturing, largely reflecting the replacement of internally provided activities by externally produced outputs, we examine what the impact of outsourcing is on productivity growth in manufacturing. The essay brings a comparative perspective to these issues by analyzing the firm-level data on innovativeactivities and economic performance in knowledge-intensive manufacturing and service firms in Sweden. Essay IV.This essay investigates the sensitivity of estimated relationships between innovation and firm performance. The essay compares the sensitivity of results with regards to different types of models, estimation methods, measures of firm performance, classification of firms, type of innovations and data sources. The analyses are performed on both the level and growth rate of firm performance, and theinfluence of outliers is explored. Essay V. The role of capital structure and external financing in innovation and production is studied. Results from different model specifications are explored. A preferred dynamic model with flexible adjustment is used for an inter-country and an intra-country comparison of the determinants of the optimal mix between debt and equity as wellas the rate of change towards an optimal capital structure. / <p>QC 20100526</p>
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Three essays in the finance of emerging markets / Trois essais en finance sur les marchés émergentsEl Bahsh, Rana 19 October 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de décrire et d'expliquer le comportement du marché et des entreprises dans les pays émergents du Moyen-Orient et de la région du Golfe dont les économies ont engagé avec vigueur des programmes de réformes systématiques pour s'intégrer au marché mondial. Le risque politique est l'une des données majeures de cette région et pourrait avoir un impact significatif sur le domaine financier. Dans les faits cependant, le potentiel de ces économies, conjugué à la volonté des gouvernements de libéraliser l'économie et de développer le domaine de l'investissement, attire les investisseurs étrangers soucieux de rediriger leurs investissements après les dérives de la crise financière mondiale. La thèse se compose de trois essais. Le premier traite de l'effet des caractéristiques des entreprises et des pays concernés sur la structure du capital. Il se subdivise en deux parties: l'une concerne les seuls groupes d'entreprises, l'autre porte sur l'ensemble des entreprises cotées en bourse. Le deuxième essai s'intéresse à la gouvernance d'entreprise sur les marchés boursiers ainsi qu'à l'impact de l'application des normes de communication financière sur les valeurs boursières et sur les asymétries d'information. Le troisième essai est consacré à l'impact des facteurs liés à l'entreprise et au pays concerné sur les dépenses en capital de l'entreprise. Un chapitre introductif fait préalablement au lecteur une présentation de la région quant aux opportunités, obstacles et risques. Il en ressort au final d'intéressants résultats qui expliquent pour partie le comportement des entreprises et des investisseurs dans la région et qui ouvrent la voie à d'autres questions méritant investigations et explications. Cette thèse peut constituer, pour les économies émergentes, une aide à la planification de leur processus de développement. Elle représente un maillon important dans les recherches financières portant sur une région qui n'avait jamais été étudiée auparavant sous cet angle de façon aussi large, profonde et systématique. / The objective of this thesis is to describe and to explain corporate and market behavior in the emerging markets of the Middle East and the Gulf States region. These economies have started enthusiastically extensive reform programs to integrate into the world market. Political risk is a main feature in the region and can hold a significant effect on financial aspects. Meanwhile, the rich capabilities and capacities of these economies along with the governments' intent to liberalize the economies and develop their investment arena attract, in fact, foreign investors who want to redirect their investments to emerging markets after the deteriorations of the world financial crisis. The thesis is comprised of three essays: the first is about the effect of company and country characteristics on capital structure. This article is divided into two sub-articles; one is applied only on the group corporations and the other is applied on all the listed companies in all the markets. The second essay is about corporate governance in stock markets, and the effect of applying disclosure standards on stock prices and on asymmetric information. The third essay is about the effect of firm and country factors on firm's capital expenditure. Also an introductory article is prepared to introduce the region to the reader within the context of opportunities, obstacles, and risks. Very interesting findings evolved which explain some aspects of the behavior of corporations and investors in the region. The results open the gate to specific important questions and topics that need to be explained and investigated. This thesis can assist these emerging economies in the planning for the development process. It will be an important stone in our future financial researches on the region which has never been explored before so widely, deeply, and extensively.
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Financování podniku - zdroje financování / Financing of firms - resources of financingKřížková, Renata January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with financial resources of company. I explain terms such as enterprise financing, capital structure, structure of company assets, long and short-term financing, shareholder's capital, liabilities and their costs. For the qualification purpose I have divided the financial resources into shareholder 0s equity and liabilities. They are separately described in the third and the fourth parts. They are the most importatnt and the widest parts of the whole thesis. The last part is devoted to alternative resources, that companies can use for financing of their business plans. The thesis concentrates on the possibilities of financing for large business companies. The aim of my thesis is to provide its readers with a variety of knowledge on the topic, which should enable them to make thier own financial decision. KEY WORDS: enterprise financing, financial management, resources of financing, structure of assets, capital structure, cost of capital
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Småföretagarnas Bootstrapping : en kvantitativ studie om hur småföretagens bootstrappinganvändning förklaras utifrån företagens livscykelKarlsson, Anton, Nilsson, Pontus January 2017 (has links)
Arbetslösheten i Sverige uppgick under 2017 års första månad till 7,3 procent. En aktuell faktor för att minska arbetslösheten är entreprenörskap. Entreprenörskap är en viktig del i utvecklingen för att driva småföretag. Småföretagen svarar för en betydande del av Sveriges sysselsättning, men lider av låg överlevnadsgrad. För att öka sannolikheten för överlevnad använder många småföretag olika bootstrappingmetoder. Syftet med bootstrapping är att finna lösningar på resursbehov och kan därför ses som ett alternativ till externa finansieringsmedel. Förutsättningarna för användning av finansiella bootstrappingmetoder varierar utefter vart i företagslivscykeln företagen befinner sig. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är således att förklara vilka bootstrappingmetoder svenska småföretag använder utifrån företagens livscykel. För att kunna uppnå studiens syfte och skapa en generell bild över forskningsområdet har studien genomförts med en kvantitativ forskningsansats genom ett positivistiskt forskningssynsätt. Studien har undersökt 115 småföretag i Sverige genom en enkätundersökning. Genom att studera teorier kring småföretagens kapitalstruktur samt resursanskaffning skapades en grund för att utforma studiens huvud- samt underhypoteser kring finansiell bootstrapping och företagslivscykeln. Det huvudsakliga resultatet från studien är att användningen av finansiella bootstrappingmetoder förändras genom företagslivscykeln. Studien kan även påvisa att vissa bootstrappingmetoder används mer relativt andra i respektive livscykelstadier. / During the first month of 2017 the unemployment in Sweden amounted to 7,3 percent. An important factor for reducing unemployment is entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is an important part of the development of small businesses. Small businesses account for a significant part of Sweden's employment, but suffer from low survival rates. To increase the likelihood of survival, many small businesses use different type of bootstrapping methods. The aim of Financial bootstrapping is to find solutions for resource needs and can therefore be seen as an alternative to external funding. The conditions for using Financial bootstrapping methods vary according to the business lifecycle. The purpose of this essay is to explain witch bootstrapping methods Swedish small businesses are using based on the business lifecycle. In order to achieve the purpose of the study and to create a general view of the research area, the study has been conducted which a quantitative research approach through a positivist research philosophy. The study examined 115 small businesses in Sweden by a survey. By examining theories about small business capital structure and resource needs, a foundation was created for designing the studies main and under hypothesis regarding financial bootstrapping and the business lifecycle. The main result of the study is that the use of financial bootstrapping methods is changing throughout the business lifecycle. The study can also demonstrate that some bootstrapping methods are used more relative to others in their respective lifecycle stages.
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Velocidade de ajuste da estrutura de capital e a frequência de aquisições: um estudo com empresas norte-americanas / Speed of adjustment of capital structure and frequency of acquisitions: a study of North American companiesBastos, Douglas Dias 09 May 2014 (has links)
As conclusões das pesquisas sobre velocidade de ajustamento da estrutura de capital em direção ao alvo (SOA - Speed Of Adjustment) são muito divergentes quanto à velocidade medida. A maioria dos estudos mensura o SOA sem levar em conta certas especificidades das empresas ou de suas estratégias. Dividindo-se a amostra em empresas não adquirentes, adquirentes eventuais e adquirentes em série, o presente estudo tem por objetivo investigar o padrão de comportamento do SOA no período entre 1990 e 2010 para empresas norte-americanas. Considerando diversas variáveis de controle (restrições financeiras, oportunidades de crescimento, grau de alavancagem financeira e emissão/redução de dívidas e ações), tem-se uma investigação mais aprofundada de como as empresas não adquirentes, adquirentes eventuais e adquirentes em série ajustam sua estrutura de capital em direção ao alvo. São utilizadas como variáveis dependentes o endividamento a valor de mercado e endividamento líquido a valor de mercado. Verificou-se que os endividamentos médios para as três amostras são diferentes entre si, de forma estatisticamente significante. As empresas adquirentes em série possuem o menor endividamento, ao passo que as empresas não adquirentes são as mais endividadas, estando as empresas adquirentes eventuais em posição intermediária quanto ao endividamento. Este resultado sugere que as empresas possuem padrões de endividamentos distintos em função de sua política de investimentos relacionada à aquisições. É utilizado o modelo de ajustamento parcial para mensurar o SOA, empregando painel de dados dinâmico com a técnica do Método dos Momentos Generalizados (GMM) Sistêmico para se medir a velocidade de ajustamento da estrutura de capital de um período a outro. Esta técnica tem-se mostrado a menos enviesada e, assim, tem sido uma das mais utilizadas em trabalhos empíricos. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam que o padrão de comportamento do SOA pode depender da sua estratégia de investimentos em aquisições. O SOA das empresas adquirentes em série é constantemente menor em comparação ao SOA das empresas adquirentes, mesmo considerando as diversas variáveis de controle. O SOA das empresas não adquirentes permanece em posição intermediária. Esses resultados em conjunto sugerem que a folga financeira (baixo nível de endividamento e elevado saldo de caixa) seja um fator relevante para as adquirentes em série. Desse modo, tais empresas ajustam seu endividamento de forma mais lenta, em resposta a uma estrutura de capital mais adequada à sua política de investimentos. Por outro lado, as empresas adquirentes eventuais ajustam mais rapidamente sua estrutura de capital em função de sua política de aquisições esporádicas. / The conclusions of surveys on speed of adjustment (SOA) towards the target capital structure are widely divergent as regards the measured speed. Most studies measure the SOA without taking into account certain specificities of the companies or of their strategies. Dividing the sample in non-acquiring companies, sporadic acquiring companies and serial acquirers, this study seeks to investigate the pattern of behavior of the SOA, in the period between 1990 and 2010 for North American companies. Considering several control variables (financial restrictions, growth opportunities, degree of financial leverage and issuance/reduction of debts and shares), we have a more in-depth investigation into how non-acquiring companies, sporadic acquiring companies and serial acquirers adjust their capital structure towards the target. Market leverage value and net market leverage are used as dependent variables. It was verified that the average debt levels for the three samples are different from one another, in a statistically significant manner. The serial acquirers have the lowest leverage, while non-acquiring companies have the highest leverage, with acquirers companies in an intermediate position on the leverage. This result suggests that companies have different debts patterns, due to its investment policy related to acquisitions. The partial adjustment model is employed to measure the SOA, using dynamic panel data with the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) Systemic to measure the speed of adjustment of the capital structure from one period to another. This technique has shown itself to be less biased and has thus been one of the most commonly used techniques in empirical studies. The results show evidence that the SOA may depend of its investment strategy. The SOA of serial acquirers companies is constantly lower than the SOA of acquiring companies, even considering all the control variables. The SOA of non-acquiring companies remains in an intermediate position. Taken together, these results suggest that the financial slack (low debt and high cash balance) is a relevant factor to serial acquirers. Thus such companies adjust their debt more slowly in response to a more adequate capital structure to their investment policy. On the other hand, sporadic acquiring companies adjust faster its capital structure, due to its sporadic acquisition policy.
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O financiamento das pequenas e médias empresas via mercado de capitais: análise da viabilidade frente o ambiente institucional brasileiroLima Junior, Laercio Barbosa 14 September 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-09-14 / Financing small-medium enterprises is an undeveloped issue in Brazil. Funding sources to SMEs are rare, concentrated in banking loan. These firms can then face difficulties in accessing long term funding, like high costs or credit restriction due to information asymmetry. This task aims to explore the possibility of using the equity market as source of long term financing to SMEs. It will be analyzed the theories that sustain the discussion on capital structure of firms and the main foreign experiences in promoting this market for SMEs. The Brazilian institutional environment is also object to study, according as it contributes or impedes the development of this market / O financiamento das pequenas e médias empresas é um assunto pouco desenvolvido no Brasil. As fontes de recursos para PMEs são escassas, concentradas no crédito bancário. Essas empresas podem então enfrentar dificuldades no acesso ao financiamento de longo prazo, como custos maiores ou restrição do crédito em virtude de assimetria de informações. Este trabalho objetiva explorar a possibilidade de utilização do mercado acionário como fonte de recursos de longo prazo para as PMEs. Serão analisadas as teorias que sustentam a discussão sobre a estrutura de capital das empresas e as principais experiências internacionais em promover esse mercado para PMES. O ambiente institucional brasileiro também é objeto de estudo, na medida em que ela contribui ou dificulta o desenvolvimento desse mercado
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