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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ELIANE GOMES DA SILVA BORGES 05 January 2021 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desta pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, é a escuta de crianças na Primeira Infância residentes em contextos de favela, relacionando seus saberes à dimensão de seus direitos. Escutamos um grupo de 06 crianças com idades entre 5 e 6 anos residentes na Rocinha, favela do Rio de Janeiro, sobre o que é importante para o seu bem-estar a partir do seu cotidiano através de metodologia apropriada. A reflexão proposta e os referenciais teóricos, metodológicos e conceituais selecionados consideram a criança como sujeito do processo de investigação valorizando a escuta como direito. Na análise dos dados, as falas e expressões das crianças foram articuladas a partir de aproximações e distanciamentos com as normativas que preconizam os direitos na Primeira Infância. Definimos como aproximações as relações entre os temas que emergiram do campo e os direitos preconizados e como distanciamentos os temas que se relacionaram a violações de direitos. Os resultados apontam para a importância do exercício de escuta e aprendizagem com as crianças valorizando suas potencialidades sem ignorar as condições impostas por diversas desigualdades e injustiças que marcam o cenário de favela. Concluímos que a escuta de crianças como direito, embora presente nos debates, ainda tem sido pouco valorizada nas práticas e nas políticas públicas. A pesquisa permitiu-nos perceber que a escuta às crianças, quando valorizada pelos adultos, pode agregar ao compromisso em relação aos direitos das crianças na Primeira Infância. / [en] The purpose of this qualitative study is to listen to young children who live in favelas regardingtheir knowledge about their rights. We listened to a group of six children between the ages of five and six who are residents of the Rio favela, Rocinha, about what they consider important to their well-being. The proposed reflection, the theoretical, methodological and conceptual references chosen reflect the position that children are central subjects in a study and should be listened to, as a right. The testimonies and views of the children were analysed contrasting their knowledge within relation to their rights. The results point out to the importance of listening to and learning with the children without losing sight of the conditions in which they live which result from various inequalities and injustices that characterize life in a favela. We conclude that despite the fact that the notion of listening to childrenas a right is already part of the debates, in fact their voices have little value in public policies and social practices. The study helped us understand that when children s voices are valued by adults, there are gains that can contribute to the commitment to young children and their rights.

Ungdomspåföljder och barnets rättigheter : En kvalitativ dokumentstudie av rättsutvecklingen för unga lagöverträdare i Sverige (1993-2023) / Juvenile Sanctions and the Rights of the Child : A Qualitative Document Study of The Legal Development for Young Offenders in Sweden (1993-2023)

Kaiser, Alicia, Karlsson, Anna January 2024 (has links)
I denna kandidatuppsats utforskas hur lagstiftningen för unga lagöverträdare mellan 15-17 år som misstänks eller döms för grova brott har förändrats under tidsperioden 1993-2023 ur ett kritiskt barnrättsteoretiskt perspektiv. Under denna tidsperiod ska barnets rättigheter framträda under lagstiftningsprocessen och studiens syfte är att undersöka huruvida barnets rättigheter framkommer vid utvecklingen av nya ungdomspåföljder. Studien belyser den ökade tendensen av lagstiftaren att tillämpa strängare straff som respons på ungdomsbrottslighet och i bekämpandet av kriminella nätverk. Detta  reflekterar ett skifte från fokus på rehabilitering, till allt mer straffande åtgärder med inslag av kontroll och frihetsberövande. Denna studie granskar hur dessa förändringar påverkas av barnets rättigheter enligt FN:s barnkonvention och diskuterar den komplexitet som uppstår när barn misstänks eller döms för grova brott, samt vid utformandet av ungdomspåföljder. Genom riktad kvalitativ innehållsanalys av fyra statliga offentliga utredningar identifierades flera centrala teman, såsom skiftet i ansvarande myndigheter, utveckling av straffsystemets principer, balansen mellan samhällsskydd och rehabilitering, barnkonventionen och barnperspektiv, barnets bästa och barnets behov. Denna studies resultat visar att det har skett en markant ökning av straffande åtgärder, vilket har lett till att unga lagöverträdare i högre grad hamnar inom Kriminalvårdens system snarare än att få stödjande åtgärder från socialtjänsten under senare tid. Detta har resulterat i en förskjutning där samhällsskydd prioriteras framför rehabilitering och barns rättigheter enligt barnkonventionen, där särskilt principen om barnets bästa riskerar att åsidosättas.

Viol?ncia dom?stica e rede de prote??o: dificuldades, responsabilidades e compromissos / Domestic violence and protection network: difficulties, responsibilities and commitments

Weber, Mara Aparecida Lissarassa 06 June 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mara Weber.pdf: 507096 bytes, checksum: 67f983de01cc632835cd2bba1f38e3e5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-06-06 / This study had, as a general objective, the understanding of how the relation between a Children s Education public school and the Tutelary Council happens, in cases of domestic violence. In a more specific way, it intended to understand how the school s management and the school s supervisor from a municipal instance of support for the educational unit work on domestic violence notifications against their students; to perceive how the domestic violence cases are analysed by the Tutelary Council and know the perception of the school s psychologist s role in this process for the school, the school s supervisor and the Tutelary Council, besides having the view of an area s professional. Semi-structured interviews were had and a protocol of promptuary analysis in the Tutelary Council was composed by using a qualitative methodology. Considering the thematic one of the domestic violence in the understanding of the relations between different systems, we use the Urie Bronfenbrenner s ecological approach as well as the Children s Rights, as one legal apparatus that guides and supports action in this area. The results showed the difficulties in the relations among the many agencies and also indicated that the procedures not always guarantee the child s protection against the domestic violence. There is little intermeshing of the school and the Tutelary Council. Therefore there is not a preventive and integrated work marked by aids after the establishment of certain situations. The school adopts internal registration procedures without denouncing to the Tutelary Council due to the fact that it does not believe that the accusation will protect the child or the accuser. The Tutelary Council seeks for support in other agencies when there is domestic sexual violence suspicion and in confirmed cases, it immediately aims for protecting the child from his or her aggressor. Failures of the psychologist s formation in working on domestic violence, in addition to difficulties in placing this professional in the public institutions, specially the school, were noticed. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral compreender como acontece a rela??o entre uma escola p?blica de educa??o infantil e o Conselho Tutelar em casos de viol?ncia dom?stica. De maneira mais espec?fica pretendeu-se entender como a dire??o da escola e a supervisora escolar, lotada em uma inst?ncia municipal de suporte ? unidade educacional, trabalham com as notifica??es de viol?ncia dom?stica contra seus alunos; compreender como casos de viol?ncia dom?stica s?o analisados pelo Conselho Tutelar e conhecer a percep??o do papel do psic?logo escolar, ao longo deste processo, para a escola, para a supervisora escolar e para o Conselho Tutelar, al?m de termos uma vis?o de uma profissional da ?rea. Utilizamos uma metodologia qualitativa, na qual realizamos entrevistas semi-estruturadas e compusemos um protocolo de an?lise dos prontu?rios no Conselho Tutelar. Considerando a tem?tica da viol?ncia dom?stica na compreens?o das rela??es entre diferentes sistemas, utilizamos a abordagem ecol?gica de Urie Bronfenbrenner, al?m do Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente, como um dispositivo legal que orienta e sustenta a??es nesta ?rea. Os resultados indicaram que existem dificuldades nas rela??es entre os diferentes ?rg?os e os procedimentos nem sempre garantem a prote??o ? crian?a v?tima de viol?ncia dom?stica. H? pouco entrosamento entre a escola e o CT, n?o existindo um trabalho preventivo e integrado, marcado por aux?lios ap?s a instaura??o de certas situa??es. A escola adota procedimentos internos de registro, sem denunciar ao CT por n?o confiar que a den?ncia ir? proteger ? crian?a ou o denunciante. O CT busca apoio em outros ?rg?os quando existe a suspeita de viol?ncia sexual dom?stica e nos casos confirmados procura imediatamente proteger a crian?a do agressor. Foram apontadas falhas na forma??o do psic?logo para trabalhar com a viol?ncia dom?stica e dificuldades da inser??o deste profissional nos equipamentos p?blicos, em especial, a escola.

Rätt till utbildning för papperslösa barn

Alsuhairi, Josef, Elhüseyni, Cansu January 2015 (has links)
1 juli år 2013 trädde en ny skollag i kraft i Sverige. Den nya lagen ger papperslösa barn i Sverige rätt till utbildning. Detta gäller både om barnet har fått avslag av Migrationsverket på sin uppehållstillståndsansökan och om barnet lever gömt och inte sökt uppehållstillstånd. Idag har papperslösa barn rätt till utbildning men detta innebär inte att dessa barn har en skolplikt, utan det avgör barnet själv eller familjen till det papperslösa barnet om rätten ska nyttjas. Denna valfrihet leder till att flera papperslösa barn inte utnyttjar sin rätt till utbildning. Det finns flera orsaker till detta som exempelvis att många papperslösa familjer inte känner till den nya skollagen och att polisen de facto har rätt att omhänderta en papperslös elev från skolan. Då det inte existerar någon garanti för att den papperslösa elevens trygghet i skolan väljer många papperslösa familjer bort denna rättighet på grund av rädslan att barnet skall bli omhändertaget av polisen. I samband med detta har vi identifierat olika dilemman för lärare, dilemman som uppstår vid en sammanstötning mellan lärares yrkesetik och lärares lagstadgade plikter såsom anmälningsplikt. I Sverige har lärare en skyldighet att anmäla, om de misstänker eller får kännedom om att ett barn far illa skall de meddela socialtjänsten. Denna anmälningsplikt orsakar ett stort dilemma för lärare då konsekvensen av en anmälning kan bli förödande för den enskilde papperslösa eleven och dennes familj. För att få en klarare bild av lärarnas dilemman utförde vi intervjuer med olika lärare på Skånska skolor. Vid intervjutillfällena fick vi förklarat för oss att dilemmat med anmälningsplikten och skyddande av papperslösa elever är någonting som lärare fruktar. Utifrån Barnkonventionen, lärares yrkesetik, tystnadsplikt samt specifik skolsekretess kan lärare skydda den enskilde papperslösa eleven. Dock så finns rädslan kvar bland lärarna om vad som händer om en specifik situation leder till att socialtjänsten måste kontaktas. Resultatet av analysen ger en bild av att lärares yrkesetik inte är så stark som andra yrkesetiker, således kan lärare stå upp mot andra myndigheter och neka deras begäran om tillträdde på skolan. / July 1 2013 a new law entered into force in Sweden. The new Education Act gives undocumented children in Sweden right to education. This is regardless whether the child has been rejected by the Migration Board on their residence permit application and shall be rejected or if the child lives in hiding and has not applied for a residence permit. Today, undocumented children's right to education does not mean that undocumented children have a school attendance, this determines the child himself or the family of the undocumented child´s the right to be utilized. This choice leads too many undocumented children do not exercise their right to education. There are several reasons for this, such that many undocumented families are not aware of the new Education Act, but also that the police actually have the right to seize an undocumented student from school. Then there exists no guarantee that the undocumented student's safety at school, many undocumented families declines this right because of the fear of being found and cared for by the police. In connection with this issue, we have identified various dilemmas for teachers, dilemmas that arise when there is a clash between teachers' professional ethics' and teachers' statutory obligations such as notification requirements to authority. In Sweden, teachers have an obligation to notify if they suspect or become aware that a child is being abused to social services. This notification requirement causes a big dilemma for teachers as the consequence of a notification can be devastating for the individual undocumented student and their family. To get a view of the teacher's dilemmas, we conducted interviews with teachers from Skåne. In the interviews we got told by teachers that the dilemma with the notification requirements and protection of undocumented students is something that teachers fear. Thanks to the Convention of Children´s Rights, teachers' professional ethics, teacher´s obligation to observe silence and confidentiality that exists at the school, teachers can protect the individual undocumented student. However, there are fears remain in the teachers about what happens if it comes to the situation where a claim must be made to social services. The results of the analysis gave us that the teachers' professional ethics is not as strong as other professional ethics so that teachers can stand up to other authorities and deny their request for the entry of the school.

Umgänge med umgängesstöd : Barns delaktighet i domar gällande umgänge med umgängesstöd

Gunnarsson, Malin January 2023 (has links)
In 2020, approximately 6900 children in Sweden were relevant for investigation of custody disputes. During the same year, 1802 court decisions were enforced regarding supervision by a contact person. Previous research has shown that children often have a lack of participation and opportunity to influence in these cases. It has also shown that parental rights and the child´s need for protection often outweigh the child´s expressed will. The aim of this study was to investigate children´s participation in the district court´s judgments regarding supervision by a contact person. What an impact the child´s will have and how factors such as age, risks and their best interest affect children´s ability to be involved. Through a qualitative content analysis, nine judgments from various district courts in Sweden during 2018-2021 have been selected. The material was then analyzed with the help of social constructivist theory and Roger Hart´s ladder of participation. The study shows that in six out of nine judgments, children are involved based on different levels and that 44% of the judgments are in accordance with the child´s expressed will. However, it has been difficult to read out how the child´s will has actually had a bearing on the verdict. The result also shows that factors such as age, risks and the best interests of the child affects the child´s ability to participate. In cases where the district court has not reported the child´s will or participation, no explanation or clarification is given as to why it is so.

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