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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O desterro dos naturais da terra. Escrita, cotidiano, profecias e revolta na expulsão dos mouriscos de Espanha (1492-1614) / The exile of the natives of the land. Writing, daily life, prophecies and revolt in the expulsion of the moriscos of Spain (1492-1614)

Ximena Isabel León Contrera 11 June 2018 (has links)
Esta tese representa uma análise de variadas fontes sobre o problema mourisco especificamente no Reino de Granada ao longo do século XVI e começo do XVII quando se verifica a expulsão do grupo de origem muçulmana na Península Ibérica. A opção pela documentação principal recaiu na análise de crônicas da Guerra de Granada e Rebelião das Alpujarras (1568) e num tratado de cronista oficial sobre os mouriscos de Espanha (1606), incluindo também bandos, cartas, profecias e outros documentos oficiais e não oficiais da Coroa e dos próprios mouriscos, bem como algumas fontes inquisitoriais em especial de processos do reino granadino, ainda que, eventualmente, exista um olhar em indivíduos de outros reinos. O primeiro conjunto elaborado por cronistas não oficiais, para além de abordar os eventos relativos à revolta dos mouriscos, incluem documentos oficiais e manifestações de mouriscos e outras fontes. O trabalho dividido em cinco capítulos contempla uma discussão historiográfica sobre a questão mourisca, seguida de uma análise da documentação a respeito de seus costumes e cotidiano. O terceiro capítulo trata de profecias mouriscas que seriam um dos elementos para a explosão da revolta dos chamados naturais da terra. A seguir a tese aborda a segunda guerra de Granada (a primeira ocorreu a princípio do século XVI) conforme apresentada pelas crônicas de dois granadinos: um diplomata espanhol membro da importante família Mendoza (Diego Hurtado de Mendoza) e um soldado (Luis del Marmol Carvajal), também granadino, que atuou dos combates para subjugar os levantados. A parte final contempla um tratado do humanista jesuíta e cronista oficial, Pedro de Valência, que reflexiona e aconselha o rei Felipe III sobre os mouriscos. Esta parte se debruça ainda nos estertores da presença moura no território europeu da Monarquia Hispânica e da expulsão, valendo-se de fontes iconográficas e de escritos apologéticos da remoção dos mouriscos de Espanha. / This thesis represents an analysis of several sources on the Moorish problem specifically in the Kingdom of Granada during the XVI century and beginning of the XVII when it is verified the expulsion of the group of Muslim origin in the Iberian Peninsula. The main documentation were some chronicles of the War of Granada and Rebellion of the Alpujarras (1568) and a treatise of an official chronicler on the Moors of Spain (1606), also including bandos, letters, prophecies and other official and unofficial documents of the Crown and of the Moors themselves, as well as some inquisitorial sources especially of processes of the kingdom of Granada, although eventually there is a look at individuals from other kingdoms. The first set prepared by unofficial chroniclers, besides addressing the events related to the Moorish revolt, include official documents and manifestations of Moorish and other sources. The work divided into five chapters contemplates a historiographical discussion on the Moorish question, followed by an analysis of the documentation regarding its customs and daily life. The third chapter deals with Moorish prophecies that would be one of the elements for the explosion of the revolt of the called naturales de la tierra (land\'s naturals). Then the thesis deals with the Second War of Granada (the first occurred in the early sixteenth century) as presented by the chronicles of two Grenadines: a Spanish diplomat member of the important Mendoza family (Diego Hurtado de Mendoza) and a soldier (Luis del Marmol Carvajal ), who took part in the fighting to subdue those raised. The final part includes a treatise of the Jesuit humanist and official chronicler, Pedro de Valencia, who reflects and advises King Felipe III on the Moors. This part is focused on the rushing of the Moorish presence in the European territory of the Spanish Monarchy and the expulsion, using iconographic sources and apologetic writings of the removal of the Moors from Spain.

Natureza peregrina: a fauna e a flora das índias ocidentais nas crônicas oficiais hispânicas (1570-1620) / Pilgrim nature: the new worlds fauna and flora in the Hispanic Official Chronicles (1570-1620)

Flavia Preto de Godoy Oliveira 11 March 2016 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta uma reflexão acerca dos conhecimentos sobre a fauna e a flora do Novo Mundo produzidos pelas instituições vinculadas à Coroa espanhola entre os anos de 1570 e 1620. Para tanto, optou-se pela análise das crônicas oficiais e dos documentos expedidos pelo Consejo de Indias que demandavam informações sobre o mundo natural americano. As configurações e as funções que assumiam os saberes sobre os animais e as plantas nas estruturas burocráticas e no espaço discursivo das crônicas oficiais são elementos analisados ao longo dos quatro capítulos que compõem a tese. No primeiro apartado, além de discussões teóricas e historiográficas sobre as relações entre império, conhecimento e ciência, foram examinadas algumas das cédulas e instruções enviadas pelo Consejo de Indias a diferentes partes do continente no período anterior a 1570. O segundo capítulo foi dedicado à análise da reforma empreendida por Juan de Ovando no Consejo de Indias, sobretudo, em relação às leis e demandas relativas à coleta de dados e construção de conhecimentos sobre o continente americano, também foram discutidos aspectos relacionados à criação do cargo de cosmógrafo o cronista maior das Índias. O terceiro capítulo está dedicado ao exame das obras do primeiro cosmógrafo e cronista maior das Índias, Juan López de Velasco. O último capítulo está centrado no estudo dos dois cronistas oficiais das Índias que atuaram durante o reinado de Felipe III: Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas e Pedro de Valencia. Com a análise desse conjunto documental, pretendemos evidenciar a configuração de uma cultura epistêmica no seio das instituições oficiais, a qual estava em diálogo com tradições letradas e científicas do período, bem como com os anseios de constituição de uma ideia de império para a Monarquia Hispânica. / This thesis presents a reflection about the knowledge of the New Worlds fauna and flora, generated by the institutions linked to the Spanish Crown between the years of 1570 and 1620. For this, it was opted for the analysis of the official chronicles and documents issued by Consejo de Indias that demanded information about the American natural world. The configurations and the functions that took on the knowledge about animals and plants in the bureaucratic structures and in the discursive space of the official chronicles are analyzed elements during the four chapters that compound the thesis. In the first part, beyond the theoretical and historiographical discussions about the relationships among the empire, knowledge and science, were examined some of the documents and instructions sent by Consejo de Indias to different parts of the continent in the period before 1570. The second chapter was dedicated to the analysis of the reform made by Juan de Ovando in Consejo de Indias, mainly with regard to laws and demands linked to data gathering and knowledge building about the American continent and also were discussed aspects related to the creation of the cosmographer-chronicler major of Indies position. The third chapter is dedicated to the examination of the first cosmographer-chronicler major of Indies Juan Lopez de Velascos work. The last chapter is focused on the analysis of two Indies official chroniclers that acted during Felipe IIIs reign: Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas and Pedro de Valencia. With the analysis of this documentation, it is intended to emphasize the configuration of an epistemic culture within the official institutions, culture related to literate and scientific traditions of that period as well as to the desire to establish an idea of empire for the Hispanic monarchy.

"A construção lingüística do riso nas crônicas de José Simão" / "The linguistic construction of the laughter in José Simão´s chronics"

Maria Teresa Rego de França 22 September 2006 (has links)
Subjaz a este trabalho o objetivo de analisar como o riso e o risível são construídos lingüisticamente. A fundamentação teórica baseia-se em Bergson, Propp, Bahktin, Todorov, Raskin e Attardo. Inicialmente, procedemos a uma retomada histórica, buscando conhecer como o riso e o risível foram explicados por vários pensadores e teóricos de diferentes épocas. De Aristóteles a Freud, pudemos constatar o domínio de três grandes correntes teóricas: a psicológica, a sociológica e a psicanalítica. Somente quando a Lingüística se fixa como ciência, já no século XX, o fenômeno do riso passa a ser estudado sob a perspectiva estritamente lingüística. No segundo capítulo, procedemos à contextualização do corpus e buscamos verificar como a produtividade do humor ? o dizer muito com pouco ? se constrói em outra mídia. Se a comicização extratextual revelou-se típica nos textos analisados, também pudemos detectar que o humor de José Simão constantemente se realiza via paródia e apresenta características do cômico grotesco. Explicitar e exemplificar a Teoria Semântica do Humor, proposta por Raskin - para quem todo texto risível envolve a sobreposição de scripts e a presença de um gatilho que permite a passagem do modo sério (bona fide) para o modo joke telling (non-bona fide) ? foram as ações que nortearam a elaboração do nosso terceiro capítulo. Já o quarto capítulo foi dedicado exclusivamente ao humor das palavras, ou seja, ao humor verbal cuja motivação inicial decorre de se explorarem os aspectos sonoros, significantes. O último capítulo, dedicado à análise, permitiu-nos constatar como a clássica divisão de Cícero (humor da res e humor da verba) permanece atual: as piadas trocadilhescas e as situacionais bem o comprovam. / The aim of this paper is to analyse as the humor and the laugh are linguistic made. The theory?s statement is based on Bergson, Propp, Bahktin, Todorov e Attardo. Firstly we made a historical retrospective, trying to know as the humor and the laugh were explained by several thinkers and theorists throughout the different ages. From Aristotle to Freud we could realize the domain of the three remarkable current theories: the psychological, the sociological, the psychoanalytic. Only when the Linguistic was considered as a science - which happened just on the XX century - the humor´s phenomenon started to be studied from a proper linguistic side of view. On the second chapter, we focused the corpus and we tried to verify how the humor?s productivity - as to say lots in few words - is made in another media. We noted that extratextual comic action was the typical one in the studied texts and we also realized that José Simão?s humor is often parodist and so it shows typical characteristics of the grotesque comic. To explain and to give some examples of the ?Semantic Theory of Humor? proposed by Raskin - to whom all the humor texts involves a overlap of scripts and the presence of a trigger which provides the passage from the bona fide to the joke telling mode ? were the actions that leaded the elaboration of the third chapter. The fourth chapter was dedicated specifically to the humor of the words, it is to say: the verbal humor which bases come from the sonorous aspects of the words. The last chapter, dedicated to the final analysis, let us realized as the classic division of Cicero (humor of res and humor of verba) remains between us: the jokes and the punners can prove it.

Memórias do cotidiano e saberes sujeitados: análise das crônicas A+B de Machado de Assis / Memories of everyday and subjects knowledges: analysis of chronic A + B of Machado de Assis

Sousa Neto, Dário Ferreira 25 September 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender, a partir de uma perspectiva composicional, sete crônicas de Machado de Assis. Publicadas entre setembro e outubro de 1886 no jornal Gazeta de Notícias, as crônicas A+B são uma junção de gêneros crônica, diálogo e paródia e de procedimentos retóricos estruturais estilização e paráfrase e não-estruturais intertextualidade, ironia e humor, tendo como base fundamental a tragicomédia. A partir das teorias de Julia Kristeva, Mikhail Bakhtin, Michel Foucault e Linda Hutcheon, a análise busca compreender os elementos composicionais e entender os efeitos de sentido que tornam essas crônicas fundamentais para a compreensão do conjunto de obras de Machado de Assis. À medida que a análise se desenvolveu, evidenciou-se a habilidade do grande do grande autor de apropriar-se de fontes canônicas e estabelecer relações de sentido entre elas e os diversos discursos políticos e casos noticiados no jornal nesse período. Por isso, justifica-se o título deste trabalho, Memórias do cotidiano e saberes sujeitados, pois, a partir de procedimentos retóricos estruturais e não estruturais, o autor desarticula os diversos discursos e saberes oficiais, utilizando-se de saberes cotidianos não-oficiais para evidenciar as incongruências e as inconsistências de saberes impostos como verdades. Essas evidências são elaboradas por meio de procedimentos técnico-estéticos que mostram a importância das crônicas em nossa literatura. / This work aims to understand, from a compositional perspective, seven of Machado de Assis` chronicles. Published between September and October of 1886 in the newspaper Gazeta de Notícias, the chronicles A + B are an amalgamation of genres - chronicle, dialogue and parody - and rhetorical structural procedures - styling and paraphrase - and non-structural - intertextuality, irony and humour, based on the tragicomedy. Established on the fundamental theories of Julia Kristeva, Mikhail Bakhtin, Michel Foucault and Linda Hutcheon, the analyzis tries to understand the compositional elements and the sense of effects that transform these chronicles in elementary factors to understand all Machado de Assis` works. As the analysis has developed, it showed up the ability of the great author of appropriating from canonical sources in order to establish relations between them and the various political speeches and reported cases in the newspaper from that period. This is the reason of the title of this work, Memórias do cotidiano e saberes sujeitados, therefore from rhetorical structural and non structural procedures, the author disarranges the various official speeches and knowledges using the daily non-official knowledges to highlight the incongruous and the inconsistencies of forced knowledges as \"truths\". Such evidences are produced through technical and aesthetic procedures that show the importance of chronicle in our literature.

Tradition and Translation : Maciej Stryjkowski's Polish Chronicle in Seventeenth-Century Russian Manuscripts

Watson, Christine January 2012 (has links)
The object of this study is a translation from Polish to Russian of the Polish historian Maciej Stryjkowski’s Kronika Polska, Litewska, Żmódzka i wszystkiej Rusi, made at the Diplomatic Chancellery in Moscow in 1673–79. The original of the chronicle, which relates the origin and early history of the Slavs, was published in 1582. This Russian translation, as well as the other East Slavic translations that are also discussed here, is preserved only in manuscripts, and only small excerpts have previously been published. In the thesis, the twelve extant manuscripts of the 1673–79 translation are described and divided into three groups based on variant readings. It also includes an edition of three chapters of the translation, based on a manuscript kept in Uppsala University Library. There was no standardized written language in 17th-century Russia. Instead, there were several co-existing norms, and the choice depended on the text genre. This study shows that the language of the edited chapters contains both originally Church Slavonic and East Slavic linguistic features, distributed in a way that is typical of the so-called hybrid register. Furthermore, some features vary greatly between manuscripts and between scribes within the manuscripts, which shows that the hybrid register allowed a certain degree of variation. The translation was probably the joint work of several translators. Some minor changes were made in the text during the translation work, syntactic structures not found in the Polish original were occasionally used to emphasize the bookish character of the text, and measurements, names etc. were adapted to Russian norms. Nevertheless, influence from the Polish original can sometimes be noticed on the lexical and syntactic levels. All in all, this thesis is a comprehensive study of the language of the translated chronicle, which is a representative 17th-century text.

Imagining modernity in António de Alcântara Machado's Journalistic Chronicles

Alfredo, João Valentino 19 July 2012 (has links)
This dissertation, titled “Imagining Modernity in António de Alcântara Machado’s Journalistic Chronicles”, demonstrates the historical relevance of the journalistic chronicle in Brazilian intellectual and cultural life and its novel diachronic and aesthetical relationship to Latin American modernization. Focusing primarily on unpublished and original journalistic chronicles (crônica) by avant-garde writer Alcântara Machado, the genre of the crônica, a brief narrative piece that first debuted in Brazil’s mid-19th century newspapers, is analyzed as both a key cultural mediation and valuable archive of the early intellectual constructions of Brazil’s entrance into modernity. Thanks to its uniquely hybrid quality, the crônica crossed multiple discursive boundaries, including literature, journalism, history, caricature, photography, painting, drama and cinema, and dealt with a wide variety of objects and subjects in narrating the current events of 19th century Rio de Janeiro and early 20th century São Paulo. To examine this topic, this dissertation focuses on the crônicas by Brazilian writers such as José de Alencar, Machado de Assis, Olavo Bilac, João do Rio, and Lima Barreto. The crônica, according to this study, conceived of the city as an entity in flux, revealing the chance encounters and tensions between isolated subjects and the crowd, thus shedding light on the paradoxical interplay between the public and private spheres. All these complex themes are discussed under the lights of a comprehensive bibliography on modernity, literature, and journalism, in order to examine the crônica's extensive engagement with urbanization, race and gender issues, the education of the lower classes, and the growth of the literature and journalism in the region. Specifically, it is discussed how the crônica became a powerful ideological force in the construction of national and cultural identities, contributing to Brazil’s and Latin America’s place in the liberal economic order. Concomitantly, it is shown how such journalistic writing decisively impacted literary production Brazil and Latin America. / text

The Mind's Eye: Reconstructing the Historian's Semantic Matrix Through Henry Knighton's Account of the Peasants' Revolt, 1381

Keeshan, Sarah Marilyn Steeves 12 December 2011 (has links)
The medieval historian engaged with the systems of power and authority that surrounded him. In his account of the Peasants' Revolt in late medieval England, the ecclesiastical historian Henry Knighton (d. 1396) both reinforced and challenged the traditional order. This thesis explores the ways in which his ideological perspectives shaped his understanding of the events of June 1381 and how this understanding was articulated through the structure, language, and cultural meaning of the historical text. The reconstruction of authorial intention and reclamation of both Knighton and the medieval reader as active participants in the creation of history challenge a historiography that has long disregarded Knighton as an unremarkable historical recorder. Instead, they reveal a scholar whose often extraordinary approach to the rebels and traditional authorities expresses a great deal about the theory, practice, and construction of power and authority in late medieval England.

The Chronicles of Spain: A Discussion of Some Trends in Spanish History Found in the Chronicles of Hydatius of Lemica, John of Biclaro, Isidore of Seville, and the Chronicle of Zaragoza

Johnson, Gary William Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis intends to examine four chronicles from fifth, sixth, and early seventh century Spain and discuss the different approaches to the history of that period that the chronicles of Hydatius of Lemica, John of Biclaro, Isidore of Seville, and the Chronicle of Zaragoza display. Firstly, each of the writers will be discussed in turn, along with the implications of their choice to use the format of a chronicle to record the past. Then, their sources of information will be examined, because all four chronicles do not have access to the same quantity of information from parts of the world other than Spain. After these matters are dealt with, we will analyse the way in which changing political and social realities affect the presentation of historical events in our chronicles, including the use of appropriate technical terms. Finally, the treatment of religious issues will be examined, and once again we will see how the changes of their times altered the style of these chronicles. In all of this, it is apparent that attitudes in Spain to the recent past changed during this period, because of the political, religious, economic, and social upheavals caused by the disappearance of the Roman Empire in Spain and the rise of the kingdom of the Visigoths.

Entre as quatro linhas : da crônica sobre o futebol ao colunismo esportivo ou da profissionalização do futebol e do cronista

Brauner, Eugenio Ferreira January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho discute o surgimento, o desenvolvimento e o fim da crônica esportiva. De início, a relação entre a crônica o futebol era às turras, já que o referido esporte era considerado uma coisa estrangeira, praticada pela alta sociedade. Com a entrada dos homens de letras no mundo da crônica esportiva, casos de José Lins do Rego e Nelson Rodrigues, a crônica passou a ter um papel fundamental na criação de um certo imaginário futebolístico, como a mística do Flamengo, a realeza de Pelé, a camisa canarinho e o complexo de vira-latas, por exemplo. Por fim, no momento em que a literatura abandona a crônica esportiva, fica a opinião e o vocabulário do especialista, do cronista esportivo que discute esquemas táticos e escalações. O literato é substituído pelo especialista em futebol, um analista, um ser racional para contrapor a passionalidade do torcedor. A crônica deixa a literatura para se tornar um simples colunismo. / This work discusses the emergence, development and termination of sports chronicle. Initially, the relationship between chronicles and football was at odds, since this sport was considered a foreign thing, practiced by the high society. With the entry of lettered men in the world of sports chronicles, being the case of José Lins do Rego and Nelson Rodrigues, the chronicle was to play a key role in creating a certain football fancy, like Flamengo's mystique, Pele's royalty, the canarinho shirt and the stray dog complex, for example. Finally, the moment that the literature leaves the sports chronicle, the opinion and the vocabulary left are from a specialit, a sportswriter who discusses tactical formations and lineups. The literate writer is replaced by football expert, an analyst, a rational being to counteract the supporter's passionateness. The chronicle abandons the literature to become just a column.

A linha que contorna a crônica: a obra de Tarsila do Amaral / The line that contours the chronicle: the work of Tarsila do Amaral

Maria Helena Cavalcanti Hofmann 31 March 2010 (has links)
A proposta desta dissertação é investigar o trabalho artístico de Tarsila do Amaral, sua obra plástica como também sua obra escrita. Esta pesquisa se propõe a compreender de que maneira sua pintura, elaborada como um desenho, com cores delimitadas por fios e imagens geometrizadas adquire uma dependência a uma narrativa de cunho literário. Tarsila do Amaral, pintora modernista, parece organizar os espaços em suas pinturas ao construir linhas, elaboradas cuidadosamente, imprimindo um aspecto aparentemente cerebral ao seu trabalho. Assim, partindo dessas duas formas de arte, imagem e texto, que dialogam entre si na obra da pintora, surgiu a necessidade de escrever a dissertação em forma de crônica. Ao longo da pesquisa este gênero literário demonstrou ser a forma mais adequada para lidar com o objeto de estudo, pois, escrever crônicas tendo como ponto de partida os quadros e textos de Tarsila do Amaral permitiu um olhar mais detalhado e demorado sobre sua obra, possibilitando também lidar com todos os aspectos de sua vida que tangenciaram sua arte. Parece importante perceber as influências estrangeiras em sua formação como pintora e sua busca por uma identidade como artista. Ressaltando o aspecto lúdico de sua obra, as crônicas a seguir buscam compreender como uma pintura racional pode gerar um resultado próximo a uma imagem infantil, especialmente no período Pau-Brasil. Já na fase Antropofágica, o foco de estudo se concentrou na tela Abaporu, em sua elaboração, inspiração e desdobramentos como movimento literário e artístico. Assim, vinte e uma crônicas proporcionam um panorama de aspectos relevantes na obra de Tarsila do Amaral desde o início de seus estudos de desenho até o período em que já recebia o devido reconhecimento por sua obra artística / The proposal of this dissertation is to investigate the artistic work of Tarsila do Amaral, both her plastic and written workmanship. This research intends to understand how her painting, elaborated as a drawing, with colors delimited by lines and geometrized images, acquires a dependence on a narrative of literary matrix. Tarsila do Amaral, modernist painter, seems to organize the spaces in her paintings when constructing lines, carefully elaborated, printing a cerebral aspect to her work. Therefore, from these two forms of art, image and text, which dialogue between them in the workmanship of the painter, the necessity of writing a dissertation in the chronicle form came out. This literary genre demonstrated to be the form that best adjusted to handle the study object throughout the research, thus writing chronicles having as a starting point Tarsila do Amarals pictures and texts allowed a more detailed and detained look at her workmanship, also making possible to treat all aspects of her life that touched her art. It seems important to realize the foreign influences on her formation as a painter and her search for an identity as an artist. Emphasizing the ludic aspect of her workmanship, the following chronicles seek to understand how a rational painting can produce a result close to a childish image, especially in the Pau-Brasil period. In the Anthropophagic phase, the focus of the study was especially concentrated on the Abaporu screen, on its elaboration, inspiration and unfoldings as literary and artistic movement. Accordingly, twenty one chronicles provide a panorama of the relevant aspects in the workmanship of Tarsila do Amaral since the beginning of her drawing studies until the period in which she has already received the right acknowledgment of her artistic work

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