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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Positive organisations the impact of leader relations and role clarity on turnover intention / Jacob Rudolph de Villiers

De Villiers, Jacob Rudolph January 2011 (has links)
Organisations of today demand efficiency, rationality and personal sacrifice to achieve company goals and profit margins. The integral part that leader relations play in organisations is becoming more evident in the current economic climate. It is therefore vital that organisations focus on good relations in order to achieve engagement, resulting in lower levels of turnover intention. Organisations can be viewed as positive when leaders focus on the importance of people to enhance performance and employee wellness. The general objective of this study was to determine the relationship between leader member-exchange, role clarity, psychological empowerment, engagement and turnover intention. A specific financial institution within the Gauteng province was selected and regional managers, branch managers and consultants participated in the research. A cross-sectional survey design was used to collect data. The Leader-Member Exchange questionnaire, Role Conflict and Ambiguity Questionnaire, Measuring Empowerment Questionnaire, Engagement Questionnaire and Intention to- leave Scale were administered. Statistical analysis was carried out by means of SPSS and AMOS. Factor analysis indicated a one factor structure for LMX7, MRCAQ, WEQ, TIS and a four factors structure for MEQ. The scales all showed acceptable reliabilities. The results showed that LMX, role clarity, psychological empowerment, work engagement, and turnover intention were related. Role clarity mediated the relationship between LMX and psychological empowerment, while psychological empowerment mediated the relationship between role clarity and work engagement as well as turnover intention. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2011

Ledarskap i hemtjänst

Stenberg, Madeleine January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Att finna det goda chefskapet som är kopplat till ett bra ledarskap är en svår uppgift som alla chefer idag är medvetna om. Dessutom behöver chefen i sitt ledarskap få med sig gruppen som gör att arbetsmiljö gynnas positivt och bidrar till en mer stabil arbetsgrupp. Kunderna belönas av chefens goda ledarskap tillsammans med medarbetarna som kunnat skapa en positiv känsla som ger mer till kunderna i äldreomsorgen i längden. Syftet: Studien är uppbyggd att utifrån ett ledarskapsperspektiv se hur cheferna uppfattar sitt ledarskap som chef och som arbetsledare. Metod: Arbetslivsforskaren använde semistrukturerade kvalitativa frågor utifrån en intervjuguide.  Tillsammans med tre ledarsskapspolicydokument som finns i tre likastora olika kommuner som fanns i en storstadsregion i Sverige, kan arbetslivsforskaren hämta mer stöd med hjälp av dokumenten till sin forskning. Detta för att se hur ledarskapet förankras i de olika hemtjänstgrupperna ifråga om tydlighet, engagemang och delaktighet. Arbetslivsforskaren har sedan analyserat texterna med hjälp av fenomenologin. Detta för att arbetslivsforskaren skall få en så tydlig bild som möjligt, användes frågeställningar som handlar om vilka erfarenheter medarbetarna och cheferna har om ledarskapet. Cheferna och medarbetarna är verksamma i äldreomsorgens hemtjänst i tre olika kommuner. Resultat: Det som framkom efter att ha analyserat textmaterialet 0ch intervjuerna var att det upplevdes finnas ett samspel mellan medarbetare och chefer. Detta samspel kan liknas vid att chefen har tillit till sin personal och vet att de kan ta egna beslut i oväntade situationer. Resultatet pekar på ett centralt begrepp som handlar om chefernas komplexa arbetsroll och tre underkategorier som handlade om tydlighet, engagemang och delaktighet i ledarskapet. Slutsats: Arbetslivsforskaren tolkar genom textanalys i resultatet att det goda ledarskapet kännetecknas av delaktighet, engagemang och tydlighet. I hela studien jämförde olika ledarstilar och skillnaden mellan dessa. Forskning och citat från respondenternas erfarenheter ger en bra bild av hur ledarskapet uppfattas om tydlighet, engagemang och delaktighet i hemtjänstgrupperna. / Background: Finding the good leadership associated with good leadership is a difficult task all the managers today are aware of. In addition, the manager in his leadership needs to join the group, which makes the work environment beneficial and contributes to a more stable working group. Customers are rewarded by the manager's good leadership together with the employees who were able to create a positive feeling that gives more to the elderly care customers in the long run. Purpose: The study is based on a leadership perspective, looking at how managers perceive their leadership as a manager and as a supervisor. Method: The working life researcher used semi-structured qualitative questions based on an interview guide. Together with three leadership policy papers that exist in three equal municipalities that existed in a metropolitan region in Sweden, workforce researchers can obtain more support with the help of the documents for their research. This is to see how leadership is rooted in the different homework groups in terms of clarity, dedication and participation. The working life researcher has then analyzed the texts using phenomenology. In order for the work life researcher to get as clear a picture as possible, questions were used that deal with the experiences of employees and managers about leadership. The managers and employees are active in the elderly care home service in three different municipalities. Result: What emerged after analyzing the text material 0ch interviews was that there was an interaction between employees and managers. This interaction may be similar to the fact that the boss trusts his staff and knows that they can make their own decisions in unexpected situations. The result points to a central concept that deals with the managers' complex work roll and three subcategories that deal with clarity, dedication and participation in leadership. Conclusion: The work life researcher interprets through text analysis in the result that good leadership is characterized by involvement, dedication and clarity. Throughout the study, different leadership styles and the differences between them compared. Research and quotes from the respondents' experiences give a good picture of how leadership is perceived about clarity, dedication and participation in the home service groups / <p>OBS! Presenterade magisteruppsatsen vt 2016 och blev nu klar med rättningen av uppsatsen</p>

A construção do sentido na escrita de alunos universitários : uma proposta de ensino fundamentada nos princípios cognitivos de adaptação e complexidade /

Mendonça, Maria Eunice Barbosa Vidal. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Antônio Suárez Abreu / Banca: Maria do Rosário de Fátima Valencise Gregolin / Banca: Eliana Izabel Scurciatto / Banca: Maria Flávia de Figueiredo Pereira Bollela / Banca: Iracema Aparecida Wada Papa / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi encontrar novos direcionamentos para o ensino de língua, na dinâmica complexa da ordenação de ideias em textos escritos por alunos universitários. Nossa hipótese básica é de que um número considerável de jovens ingressantes no ensino superior não redige com clareza por falta do necessário domínio das estruturas sintáticas e suas funções, o que decorre, a nosso ver, de um equívoco na concepção de língua e de escrita sob a qual eles foram educados. Com o intuito de compreender as estratégias linguísticas utilizadas por alunos recém-admitidos em faculdade, para organizar com clareza as suas ideias, recorremos à perspectiva funcionalista e aos postulados da Linguística Cognitiva, uma vez que esses modelos teóricos partilham a mesma noção de que a língua é parte da cognição humana, devendo, pois, ser estudada em função do contexto sociocomunicativo. O corpus desta pesquisa é constituído por um conjunto de textos escritos por ingressantes em Direito, visto que deles - mais do que outros profissionais - serão exigidas habilidades linguísticas capazes de corresponder, de forma clara, aos anseios de seus clientes. Nossa amostra resultou de atividades de reescrita de textos confusos ou ambíguos que foram oferecidos aos alunos em sala de aula. A proposta de refacção textual foi baseada no paradigma dos Sistemas Complexos, que entende que tanto a parte está no todo, como o todo está nas partes de que se compõe. Desse modo, os alunos foram levados a buscar soluções de clareza para seus textos, trabalhando intuitivamente, procurando orientação de reescrita somente no princípio da complexidade de passar da desordem (caos) para a ordem sem receberem instruções gramaticais explícitas. Os resultados permitiram a valiosa possibilidade de ensinar questões de língua confiando na reordenação de estruturas pelos próprios alunos / Abstract: The aim of this thesis was to find new issues for language teaching, in the complex dynamics of ordering ideas in written texts by college students. Our hypothesis is that a considerable number of students entering college do not write in a clear way, for lacking the necessary mastery of syntactic structures and their functions. From our point of view, this is due to the development of a failing conception of both language and writing during their education. Aiming at understanding linguistic strategies employed by college freshmen for organizing their ideas with clarity, we called on the functionalist viewpoint and the assumptions of cognitive linguistics, since those frameworks share the same notion of language as part of human cognition and thus must be studied in the social and communicative context. The corpus of this research is composed by an amount of texts written by Law freshman students, because inasmuch for them - more than others professionals - it will be requested language skills apt for corresponding, in a clear way, to the aspirations of their clients. Our sample is the result of the rewriting activity of bewildered or ambiguous texts presented to the students in classrooms. The text rewriting proposal is based on the Complex System paragon, which states that the part is in the whole as much as the whole is in its component parts. Thereby, the students were guided to look for clarity solutions for their texts, working intuitively by finding the rewriting guidance only under the complexity principle of passing from disorder (chaos) to order, without explicit grammatical instructions. The results worthily contributed to a possibility of teaching language issues by trusting the own students to reordering structures / Doutor

Evolving Software Development Methodologies: The Search for Accounting Clarity

Igou, Amy 01 December 2014 (has links)
For many years, most IT departments used the same software development methodology called waterfall. This methodology outlines distinct phases for project completion; each phase needing to be completed prior to the start of the next. The primary accounting standard for allocating costs for software development is written in the language of waterfall. Costs are either capitalized or expensed depending on the type of activity that was performed. IT departments have been moving toward a new group of software development methodologies called agile. These methodologies do not follow the phases of waterfall. This makes the current accounting standard for software development difficult to interpret and determine the appropriate transaction. This further hinders IT organizations attempts to better quantify business value of software projects. To examine this issue, a new construct called accounting clarity is introduced in this research. Accounting clarity is an agreement between IT and accounting regarding the treatment of software development costs. This study shows that it is essential for both IT and accounting to work together to determine a solution. The accounting clarity construct is developed from the “ilities” of software quality models and the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Level 3 key process area (KPA) of intergroup coordination. Intergroup coordination provides the concepts for accounting clarity as the two groups must coordinate to determine the appropriate accounting treatment. The “ilities” are characteristics that should be followed and measured throughout a software development project to ensure long term maintainability of software. This study proposes that accounting clarity should be one of the "ilities" in the software quality model. A portion of the study of accounting clarity examines the relationship between accounting clarity and project control, proposing a positive relationship between the two variables. Then the study examines factors that help to increase accounting clarity. These factors were derived from teamwork and coordination literature. To test the hypothesized relationships, a survey methodology was used. Individuals working on agile software development projects were participants in the survey. This study contributes to both the IT and accounting literature. The research provides a framework to examine other contexts in which the current accounting standards are unclear. As changes happen more frequently in business, this is more likely to occur on a frequent basis. The study has practical implication for software development as it highlights the importance of understanding the accounting implications prior to the project and continuously throughout the lifespan of the software. Adding accounting clarity to the “ilities” of software quality helps software development teams include this in project plans with any software development methodology.

A construção do sentido na escrita de alunos universitários: uma proposta de ensino fundamentada nos princípios cognitivos de adaptação e complexidade

Mendonça, Maria Eunice Barbosa Vidal [UNESP] 18 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-05-18Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:20:27Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 mendonca_mebv_dr_arafcl.pdf: 635349 bytes, checksum: 1aeacd15c51d052be2a79cf995dc2028 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O objetivo deste trabalho foi encontrar novos direcionamentos para o ensino de língua, na dinâmica complexa da ordenação de ideias em textos escritos por alunos universitários. Nossa hipótese básica é de que um número considerável de jovens ingressantes no ensino superior não redige com clareza por falta do necessário domínio das estruturas sintáticas e suas funções, o que decorre, a nosso ver, de um equívoco na concepção de língua e de escrita sob a qual eles foram educados. Com o intuito de compreender as estratégias linguísticas utilizadas por alunos recém-admitidos em faculdade, para organizar com clareza as suas ideias, recorremos à perspectiva funcionalista e aos postulados da Linguística Cognitiva, uma vez que esses modelos teóricos partilham a mesma noção de que a língua é parte da cognição humana, devendo, pois, ser estudada em função do contexto sociocomunicativo. O corpus desta pesquisa é constituído por um conjunto de textos escritos por ingressantes em Direito, visto que deles — mais do que outros profissionais — serão exigidas habilidades linguísticas capazes de corresponder, de forma clara, aos anseios de seus clientes. Nossa amostra resultou de atividades de reescrita de textos confusos ou ambíguos que foram oferecidos aos alunos em sala de aula. A proposta de refacção textual foi baseada no paradigma dos Sistemas Complexos, que entende que tanto a parte está no todo, como o todo está nas partes de que se compõe. Desse modo, os alunos foram levados a buscar soluções de clareza para seus textos, trabalhando intuitivamente, procurando orientação de reescrita somente no princípio da complexidade de passar da desordem (caos) para a ordem sem receberem instruções gramaticais explícitas. Os resultados permitiram a valiosa possibilidade de ensinar questões de língua confiando na reordenação de estruturas pelos próprios alunos / The aim of this thesis was to find new issues for language teaching, in the complex dynamics of ordering ideas in written texts by college students. Our hypothesis is that a considerable number of students entering college do not write in a clear way, for lacking the necessary mastery of syntactic structures and their functions. From our point of view, this is due to the development of a failing conception of both language and writing during their education. Aiming at understanding linguistic strategies employed by college freshmen for organizing their ideas with clarity, we called on the functionalist viewpoint and the assumptions of cognitive linguistics, since those frameworks share the same notion of language as part of human cognition and thus must be studied in the social and communicative context. The corpus of this research is composed by an amount of texts written by Law freshman students, because inasmuch for them — more than others professionals — it will be requested language skills apt for corresponding, in a clear way, to the aspirations of their clients. Our sample is the result of the rewriting activity of bewildered or ambiguous texts presented to the students in classrooms. The text rewriting proposal is based on the Complex System paragon, which states that the part is in the whole as much as the whole is in its component parts. Thereby, the students were guided to look for clarity solutions for their texts, working intuitively by finding the rewriting guidance only under the complexity principle of passing from disorder (chaos) to order, without explicit grammatical instructions. The results worthily contributed to a possibility of teaching language issues by trusting the own students to reordering structures

Criteria for obtaining the grant of a patent of invention in Peru / Criterios para obtener la concesión de una patente de invención en el Perú

Arana Courrejolles, María del Carmen 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article is a casuistry review of technical reports of several filesregarding applications of patent of invention, in the technological fields of biotechnology, pharmaceutics, chemistry and engineering, where in general and specific criteria are identified and extracted on the requirements of clearness and inventive step that are evaluated in the technical report for obtaining a patent of invention in Peru.It is important to note that prior to the review of the investigated technical reports, certain definitions are provided for understanding the requirements of the technical report, such as conciseness, clearness, sufficiency, novelty and inventive step. / El presente artículo es una revisión casuística de informes técnicos de diferentes expedientes de solicitudes de patentes de invención en los campos tecnológicos de la biotecnología, farmacia, química e ingeniería, donde se identifican y extraen los criterios generales y específicos sobre los requisitos de claridad y nivel inventivos que se evalúan en el examen técnico para la obtención de una patente de invención en el Perú.Es importante señalar que previo a la revisión de los informes técnicos investigados, se brindan algunas definiciones para la compresión de los requisitos del examen técnico, tales como concisión, claridad, suficiencia, novedad y nivel inventivo.

Klarspråk i myndighetstext : En undersökning av begripligheten i Skatteverkets förfrågningar, överväganden och beslut / Palin language in official texts : An investigation of comprehensibility in The Swedish Tax Authority's inquiries, deliberations and decisions

Marcusson, Eva January 2009 (has links)
No description available.


Jesus, Simoni Aparecida Fortes de 02 October 2009 (has links)
This dissertation presents the foundations of representation and knowledge on René Descartes Meditations in order to discuss his project on the reconstruction of the whole science of his time through a critical review of it s underpinnings. We approach the theme through the analysis of the six meditations, beginning with doubts concerning opinions and sensitive knowledge in general, as well as doubts about the subject's own knowledge in particular. Analysis is made of the means that lead to the first certainty, the one which concerns the thinking subject, which is aware of its own existence and whose synthesis is manifested in the expression: "I am, I exist", which serves as a background for the other findings, such as the existence of God and its truth, the problem of representation, or the representative character of ideas, of their objective reality, and the principles of causation and correspondence. We also highlight the importance of statements about the ability to analyze, which implies the possibility of error when a statement is set out without proper verification of it s clarity and evidence, for the acts of thinking, wanting, desiring, are always true, but the judgments based on them may be misleading, if their foundation does not satisfy the criteria of clarity and evidence. / Esta dissertação apresenta a fundamentação da representação e do conhecimento, a partir da obra Meditações, de René Descartes, com o intuito de discutir o seu projeto de reconstruir a ciência, a partir da crítica das opiniões que fundamentavam a ciência de seu tempo. A abordagem do tema se dá a partir da análise das seis meditações, iniciando pela dúvida acerca das opiniões e do conhecimento sensível de um modo geral, bem como do próprio sujeito do conhecimento, de modo particular. São analisados os meios que levam à primeira certeza, a do sujeito pensante, que tem consciência da sua própria existência e cuja síntese se manifesta na expressão: eu sou, eu existo , a qual serve de ponto de apoio para as demais constatações, como a da existência de um deus e de sua veracidade, do problema da representação, ou do caráter representativo das idéias, da sua realidade objetiva, e dos princípios de causalidade e de correspondência. Destacamos também, a importância das afirmações sobre a capacidade de ajuizar, o que implica na possibilidade do erro quando um juízo é enunciado sem a devida constatação de sua clareza e evidência, pois os atos de pensar, querer, desejar, são sempre verdadeiros, mas os juízos deles decorrentes podem levar ao erro, caso o seu fundamento não obedeça aos critérios da clareza e da evidência.

Betrokkenheid van lidmate by die kerk as n..funksie van lidmaathoudings ten opsigte van Godsdiens en van lidmaatpersepsie van die kerk se Psigososiale klimaat. Betrokkenheid van lidmate by die kerk as n..funksie van lidmaathoudings ten opsigte van Godsdiens en van lidmaatpersepsie van die kerk se Psigososiale klimaat.

Pretorius, Tyrone Brian January 1987 (has links)
Magister Artium (Psychology) - MA(Psych) / The aim of the present study was to determine whether church involvement can be conceptualized as a function of both organizational and personal factors. For the purposes of this study the psychosocial climate of the church served as an organizational factor while religious attitudes served as personal factors. A further aim of the study was to determine to what extent the church can be seen as a support system that serves as a buffer against stressors. Subjects consisted of 214 congregation members of 10 different churches that were spread out over the areas of Bellville-South, Kuilsriver and Belhar in the Cape Peninsula. Subjects completed five questionnaires: the Church climate scale (CCS), the Involvement in the church scale (ICS), the Survey of religious attitudes (SRA), a psychological well-being questionaire (RIF) and a biographical questionnaire. The relationship between the different variables were determined by means of product moment correlations, stepwise multiple regression and Chi-square analyses. The analysis of the significance of the differences between more involved and less involved church members was performed by means of Rotelling's T2 statistic. It was found that, according to the psychometric measures applied: the dimensions of the psychosocial climate of the church plays a limited role in the prediction of church insignificance as a predictor of church involvement in the final multiple regression analysis which involved all independent variables simultaneously. Orthodox religious beliefs had a positive relationship with church involvement, while inner religious conflicts had a negative relationship with church involvement. there was no relationship between church involvement and psychological well-being. orthodoxy, income, normative clarity and educational qualifications were the only significant predictors of church involvement. more involved and less involved members differed significantly and the difference between the two groups can be attributed to orthodoxy of religious beliefs. Although the results of the main investigation did not fully confirm the researcher's expectations, the intercorrelations between the different variables produced a number of interesting findings. The Church climate scale produced the following significant correlations with the other variables: ( i) "Normative clarity" correlated negatively with the experience of inner religious conflicts as well as the experience of anxiety, depression and global psychological well-being. It however correlated positively with educational qualifications. Chi-square analyses further showed that married persons, received a high level church. compared to unmarried per the persons, of "normative clarity" within "Sense of community" correlated positively with the level of religious orthodoxy and negatively with the experience of anxiety. (iii)"Social concern correlated positively with the level of religious orthodoxy as well as with sex (men percieved a higher level of social concern within the church than women) . (iv) "Openness to change" correlated positively with the level of religious orthodoxy as well as with sex (men percieved a higher level of social concern within the church than women)

Měření srozumitelnosti Zpráv o finanční stabilitě / Measurement of Clarity of Financial Stability Reports

Mišák, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is to measure and investigate the clarity of Financial stability reports from 27 European central banks. Using unbalanced panel data from 2004 to 2017 we found out variables that determine the level of clarity of Financial stability reports. Clarity indices are calculated by Flesch-Kincaid readability tests. Based on our results, we claim that the clarity of the Financial stability report is affected by the level of independence of the central bank and by non-housing macroprudential policy index. Furthermore, the clarity of Financial stability reports changes among years and especially during the financial crisis. According to spatial models, the distance between central banks really matters in the terms of the clarity of Financial stability reports.

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