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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Team Intervention Program on Role Perception and Task Cohesion on a Swedish Junior Ice-Hockey Team / Effekter av ett laginterventionsprogram på rollupplevelse och uppgiftsinrikatd lagsammangållning i ett junior ishockeylag

Lindström, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
The purposes of this study was to examine what effects a specific team intervention program had on the ice-hockey players’ perceptions of their roles and the teams’ task cohesion. Further the purpose was to examine the benefits from having clear roles and strategies to develop role clarity. It was an intervention study with experimental design and a mixed method approach. Participants were two Swedish male junior ice hockey teams including one experimental team (n=14) and one control team (n=16). The intervention took place during competitive season and was based on communication training, mutual sharing and role development. The results showed that the role clarity decreased in both teams during the time of the intervention. The players in the intervention team felt significant more appreciated than the players in the control team. Overall did the intervention team have more positive trends than the control team. Perceived benefits from role clarity were good cooperation, communication, self-confidence and determination. Suggested strategies to develop role clarity were to communicate with team mates and coach, practice and adjust to the team. Positive effects from the intervention were improved communication, positive attitude, self-confidence, calmness, cohesion and openness. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka effekter ett specifikt laginterventionsprogram hade på spelarnas upplevelse av sina roller och lagets uppgiftsinriktade lagsammanhållning. Vidare var syftet att  undersöka de fördelar som kommer med att ha en klar roll och vilka strategier som används för att skapa rollklarhet. Studien var en interventionsstudie med experimentell design med ett mixat tillvägagångssätt. Deltagare I studien var två juniorishockeylag; ett experimentlag (n=14) och ett kontrollag (n=16). Interventionen pågick under tävlingssäsong och baserades på communikationsträning, ömsesidigt utbyte och rollteori. Resultatet visade att rollklarheten minskade under interventionstiden. Spelarna i interventionslaget upplevde sig sifnifikant mer uppskattade än spelarna i kontrollaget. Överlag hade interventionslaget mer positiva trender i fler variabler än kontrollaget. Upplevda fördelar med klara roller var bra samarbete, kommunikation, självförtroende och beslutsamhet. Föreslagna strategier för utvecklande av rollklarhet var att kommunisera med lagkamrater och tränare, träna och anpassa sig till laget. Positiva effekter av interventionen var förbättrad kommunikation, positiv attityd, självförtroende, lugn, lagsammanhållning och öppenhet.

The relationship between shared vision, cohesion, role clarity, mutual trust and transformational leadership within a team setting

Ryan, Shaun 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: New and innovative work structures are being employed in organisations today, especially in the way in which work is approached (Rico & Cohen, 2005). This experimentation has arisen because organisations are seeking better ways of achieving productivity targets and addressing customer demand (Arnold, Barling & Kelloway, 2001). These new work structures are team-based structures, which are widely purported to be the ideal, since teams can respond rapidly because of their multiplicity of skills (Kogler Hill, 2010). Furthermore, high performing teams with this multiplicity of skills should display certain characteristics or behaviours required to achieve results. This study suggests four team characteristics that are necessary for team success, namely shared vision, cohesion, role clarity and mutual trust. This study furthermore explores the role of the team leader in nurturing the above-mentioned characteristics at a team level, since current thinking on leadership suggests that a leader should be able to inspire, motivate and be a role model for his/her team members (Bass & Avolio, 1994), all of which are behaviours characteristic of a transformational leader; thus transformational leadership is the focal point in this study. To determine the effect of transformational leadership on team characteristics, a convenience sample (N = 73) consisting of various nursing wards within a large public sector hospital was used in this study. The measurement model used in the present study fitted the data satisfactorily, RMSEA = .077 (p > .05, 95% CI [.024, .12]). The hypothesised structural model — where transformational leadership affects all four team characteristics directly, without latent interrelationships between team characteristics — was then fitted to the data, showing poor fit, χ2 (df 50, N = 73) = 213.49, p < .05. Despite the poor initial structural model fit, the subsequent results indicated that the hypothesised relationships between transformational leadership and team characteristics (hypothesis 2 through to hypothesis 5) were all significant (p < .05). The modification indices were then investigated for indications of possible model improvement and it was indicated that three additional  paths (i.e. a link between shared vision and cohesion; a link between trust and shared vision; and a link between shared vision and role clarity) were to be considered for addition. The modification indices, in addition, also illustrated that two  paths (i.e. the link between transformational leadership and cohesion and the link between transformational leadership and shared vision) were to be considered for deletion. The structural model was respecified based on modification indices and expected Δ χ2 statistics, and fitted to the data, leading to acceptable fit, RMSEA = .079 (p > .05, 95% CI [.048, .670]). This indicated an improvement over the unmodified model. However, further research based on a larger sample would be needed to verify these suggested path additions and deletions. Overall, the results of the study support the key role that transformational leadership plays on desirable team characteristics. The limitations and implications of the findings of this study are discussed and recommendations for future research are also highlighted. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nuwe en innoverende werkstrukture word toenemend gebruik in kontemporêre organisasies, veral met betrekking tot die manier waarop werk benader word (Rico & Cohen, 2005). Organisasies ondersoek voortdurend wyses om die bereiking van produktiwiteitsteikens en bevrediging van kliënte te maksimeer (Arnold, Barling & Kelloway, 2001). Moderne werkstrukture is toenemend spangebaseerd, aangesien spanne vinnig kan reageer op verandering weens die veelvuldigheid van spanvaardighede (Kogler Hill, 2010). Verder kan verwag word dat hoëverrigtingspanne met ‘n wye verskeidenheid van vaardighede ook oor sekere kerneienskappe sal beskik. Die huidige studie veronderstel vier spaneienskappe wat kritiek is vir spansukses, nl. gedeelde visie, kohesie, rolduidelikheid en onderlinge vertroue. Die studie verken verder die rol van die spanleier om hierdie spaneienskappe te kweek, aangesien onlangse leierskapteorie veronderstel dat ‘n suksesvolle leier vaardig behoort te wees om sy/haar span te inspireer, motiveer en ook ‘n rolmodel moet wees vir die span. Die laasgenoemde is eienskappe kenmerkend van transformasionele leiers (Bass & Avolio, 1994); aldus die fokus van die bestaande studie op transformasionele leierskap. Ten einde die effek van transformasionele leierskap op spaneienskappe te ondersoek, is ‘n nie-ewekansige steekproef (N = 73) van verplegingseenhede binne ‘n groot publieke sektor hospitaal gebruik in die huidige studie. Die metingsmodel vir die studie het bevredigende passing getoon, RMSEA = .077 (p > .05, 95% VI [.024, .12]). Die veronderstelde strukturele model — waar transformasionele leierskap direkte invloede uitoefen op al vier spaneienskappe, in die afwesigheid van onderlinge latente interkorrelasies tussen spaneienskappe — was gevolglik gepas op die navorsingsdata, met swak passing, χ2 (df 50, N = 73) = 213.49, p < .05. Ten spyte van die swak strukturele modelpassing het daaropvolgende resultate getoon dat die alternatiewe hipoteses rakende verwantskappe tussen transformasionele leierskap en spaneienskappe (hipoteses 2 tot 5) almal ondersteun was (p < .05). As volgende stap, is die aanpassingsindekse (MI) verder verken vir moontlike aanduidings van modelverbetering; drie addisionele  roetes (nl., tussen gedeelde visie en kohesie; tussen vertroue en gedeelde visie; en tussen gedeelde visie en rolduidelikheid) is oorweeg vir verdere byvoeging. Die aanpassingsindekse het verder getoon dat twee  roetes (nl., tussen transformasionele leierskap en kohesie, asook tussen transformasionele leierskap en gedeelde visie) oorweeg behoort te word ter verbetering van die strukturele model. Die strukturele model is herspesifiseer, gebaseer op die aanpassingsindekse en verwagte Δ χ2 statistiek, en gevolglik gepas op die data. Die resultate het gedui op bevredigende passing, RMSEA = .079 (p > .05, 95% VI [.048, .670]) — ‘n duidelike verbetering op die aanvanklike strukturele model. Verdere navorsing is egter nodig om hierdie voorgestelde aanpassings aan die strukturele model te verifieer in ‘n groter steekproef. In die geheel gesien, dui die studie se resultate op die sleutelrol wat transformasionele leierskap speel in die ontwikkeling en handhawing van gewenste spaneienskappe. Beperkinge en implikasies van die bevindinge word bespreek, en aanbevelings word gemaak vir verdere navorsing.

Addressing ambiguity within information security policies in higher education to improve compliance

Buthelezi, Mokateko Portia 06 1900 (has links)
nformation security (InfoSec) policies are widely used by institutions as a form of InfoSec control measure to protect their information assets. InfoSec policies are commonly documented in natural language, which is prone to ambiguity and misinterpretation, thereby making it hard, if not impossible, for users to comply with. These misinterpretations may lead the students or staff members to wrongfully execute the required actions, thereby making institutions vulnerable to InfoSec attacks. According to the literature review conducted in this work, InfoSec policy documents are often not followed or complied with; and the key issues facing InfoSec policy compliance include the lack of management support for InfoSec, organisational cultures of non-compliance, intentional and unintentional policy violation by employees (the insider threat), lack of policy awareness and training as well as the policy being unclear or ambiguous. This study is set in the higher education context and explores the extent to which the non-compliance problem is embedded within the policy documents themselves being affected by ambiguity. A qualitative method with a case study research strategy was followed in the research, in the form of an inductive approach with a cross-sectional time horizon, whereby a selection case of relevant institutional InfoSec policies were analysed. The data was collected in the form of academic literature and InfoSec policies of higher education institutions to derive themes for data analysis. A qualitative content analysis was performed on the policies, which identified ambiguity problems in the data. The findings indicated the presence of ambiguity within the policy documents, making it possible to misinterpret some of the policy statements. Formal methods were explored as a possible solution to the policy ambiguity. A framework was then proposed to address ambiguity and improve on the clarity of the semantics of policy statements. The framework can be used by policy writers in paying attention to the presence of ambiguity in their policies and address these when drafting or revising their policy documents. / School of Computing / M. Sc.(Computing)

Three Essays on Bureaucracy at American Research Universities

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: The three essays in this dissertation each examine how aspects of contemporary administrative structure within American research universities affect faculty outcomes. Specific aspects of administrative structure tested in this dissertation include the introduction of new administrative roles, administrative intensity (i.e. relative size of university administration), and competing roles between faculty, administrators, and staff. Using quantitative statistical methods these aspects of administrative structure are tested for their effects on academic grant productivity, faculty job stress, and faculty job satisfaction. Administrative datasets and large scale national surveys make up the data for these studies and quantitative statistical methods confirm most of the hypothesized relationships. In the first essay, findings from statistical modeling using instrumental variables suggest that academic researchers who receive administrative support for grant writing and management obtain fewer grants and have a lower success rate. However, the findings also suggest that the grants these researchers do receive are much larger in terms of dollars. The results indicate that administrative support is particularly beneficial in academic grant situations of high-risk, high-reward. In the second essay, ordered logit models reveal a statistically significant and stronger relationship between staff intensity (i.e., the ratio of faculty to staff workers) and faculty stress than the relationship between executive intensity (i.e., the ratio faculty to executive and managerial workers) and faculty job stress. These findings confirm theory that the work of faculty is more loosely coupled with the work of executives than it is with staff workers. A possible explanation is the increase in administrative work faculty must take on as there are fewer staff workers to take on administrative tasks. And finally, in the third essay results from multi-level modeling confirm that both role clarity and institutional support positively affect both a global measure of faculty job satisfaction and faculty satisfaction with how their work time is allocated. Understanding the effects that administrative structure has on faculty outcomes will aid universities as faculty administrative burdens ebb and flow in reaction to macro trends in higher education, such as unbundling of faculty roles, unbundling of services, neoliberalism, liberal arts decline, and administrative bloat. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Public Administration and Policy 2017

"Det regnar uppifrån" : En grundad teori om relationen chef-medarbetare i yrken med brukarkontakt

Dahlberg, Matilda, Lé Faucheur, Sanna January 2018 (has links)
En fungerande relation mellan chef och medarbetare skapar bättre förutsättningar för välmående på arbetsplatsen. Studiens syfte är att belysa relationen chef-medarbetare inom yrken med brukarkontakt samt att generera en teori och förklaringsmodell grundad i data, vilken manifesterar aspekter som är betydelsefulla för chefer och medarbetare kopplat till den fungerande relationen dem emellan. Med grundad teori som forskningsansats och metodologiskt angreppssätt använder vi nio intervjuer och tre skuggningar för att undersöka och lyfta chefers och medarbetares perspektiv på relationen chef-medarbetare. Resultatet visar att både chef och medarbetare framhåller relationen dem emellan som mycket viktigt. Vår teori innefattar ett flertal aspekter som enligt dem behöver vara välfungerade för att relationen ska vara fungerande, t.ex. medarbetarens förhållningssätt och atmosfären på arbetsplatsen. Resultatet visar också att det är chefen som måste ge förutsättningar för relationsskapandet. Det mest utmärkande i det insamlade materialet är vikten av tydlighet från både chef och medarbetare för att deras relation ska vara fungerande. Den genererade teorins förklaringsmodell kan användas som ett verktyg i utformandet av trivsamma arbetsplatser samt som en påminnelse om att relationen chef-medarbetare är viktig för välmående på arbetsplatsen. / A functioning relation between the employer and the employee generates better conditions for wellbeing at the workplace. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the functioning relation between employer-employee, within social work/the supporting role profession, and to generate a theory and a model. The aim with this is to illustrate the aspects of the functioning employeremployee relation, which are important according to them. With grounded theory as the research and methodological approach, we use nine interviews and three participative observations to examine and highlight employers and employees’ perspectives of their relation to each other. The result shows the importance of the functioning relation between them, according to both the employer and the employee. Our theory highlights several aspects that are all necessary if a functioning relation shall be possible, e.g. the employees approach and the working climate. The result also proves the importance of the employers’ role to obtain the prerequisites to develop a good relation. The most distinguishing feature of the collected material is the importance of clarity from both the employer and the employee. The generated theory model can be used as a tool in the strategy of acquiring good working conditions as well as a reminder of the importance of a functioning relation between the employer-employee.

Lugn matematik- en fallstudie om studiero i matematikundervisning

Gustafsson, Linus January 2021 (has links)
Skolan ska vara en lugn och trygg miljö, där eleverna ska kunna fokusera på sitt lärande utan att bli störda. Denna fallstudie syftar därför till att undersöka hur en matematiklärare kan skapa och bibehålla studiero. Genom observationer och en intervju har jag undersökt en lärares arbete med studiero. Resultatet visade att en lärare kan informera eleverna på ett tydligt sätt om vilka regler som gäller i matematikklassrummet, för att skapa studiero. Resultatet visade även att det sociala samspelet mellan elever, och lärarens tillgänglighet, har betydelse för arbetet med studiero. / The school should be a calm and safe environment, where students should be able tofocus on their learning without being disturbed. This case study therefore aims to investigate how a mathematics teacher can create and maintain a calm environment conducive to learning. Through observations and interviews, I have investigated a teacher's work with a calm environment conducive to learning. The results showed that a teacher can inform students in a clear way about the rules that apply in the mathematics classroom to create a calm environment conducive to learning. The results also showed that the social interaction between students and the teacher's availability is important for the work with a calm environment conducive to learning.

Characterization of the Underwater Light Environment and Its Relevance to Seagrass Recovery and Sustainability in Tampa Bay, Florida

Anastasiou, Christopher J 10 November 2009 (has links)
The availability of light is a primary limiting factor for seagrass recovery and sustainability. Understanding not only the quantity but the quality of light reaching the bottom is an important component to successful seagrass management and the key focus of this study. This study explores the spectral properties of the sub-surface light field in four shallow Seagrass Management Areas (SMA) in Tampa Bay. Wavelength-specific photosynthetically active radiation (PAR(λ)) and the spectral light attenuation coefficient (Kd(λ)) are used to estimate the percent blue, green, and red light remaining at the bottom relative to the surface. LIDAR Bathymetry is combined with Kd(λ) to produce high-resolution maps of percent subsurface light along the seagrass deep edge. The absorptance spectra from two seagrass species together with PAR(λ) is used to calculate the photosynthetically useable radiation (PUR(λ)), a term describing the actual wavelengths of light being used by the seagrass. Based on the average annual Kd(λ) , 32% - 39% percent of PAR reached the bottom at the seagrass deep edge, while only 14% - 18% of blue light reached bottom, suggesting that seagrass may be blue-light limited. Analysis of PUR(λ) data further confirmed that seagrass are blue-light limited. Each SMA was characterized in terms of the inherent optical properties (IOP) of absorption and scatter. Tampa Bay is considered a chlorophyll-dominated estuary. However, in this study, colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) was the major absorber of blue light, accounting for 60% of the total absorption. To infer past light conditions, the IOPs were related to parameters more commonly used in routine monitoring programs. To estimate Kd(λ) an empirically-derived model using only the total absorption and scatter coefficients was used and resulted in a good fit between measured Kd(480) and modeled Kd(480). A deck-mounted flow-through system was used to survey each SMA for CDOM and chlorophyll a fluorescence, among other properties. A series of SMA-specific predictor equations were empirically derived to relate raw fluorescence to the IOPs. The Kitchen SMA was used as a case study. Survey results show a strong connection between CDOM-rich waters and the mangrove-dominated shoreline.

A Cognitive Perspective of Self-Other Agreement: A Look at Outcomes and Predictors of Shared Implicit Performance Theories

Swee, Hsien-Yao 01 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

The Relations of Attention to and Clarity of Feelings With Facial Affect Perception

Suslow, Thomas, Kersting, Anette 20 October 2023 (has links)
Attention to emotions and emotional clarity are core dimensions of individual differences in emotion awareness. Findings from prior research based on self-report indicate that attention to and recognition of one’s own emotions are related to attention to and recognition of other people’s emotions. In the present experimental study, we examined the relations of attention to and clarity of emotions with the efficiency of facial affect perception. Moreover, it was explored whether attention to and clarity of emotions are linked to negative interpretations of facial expressions. A perception of facial expressions (PFE) task based on schematic faces with neutral, ambiguous, or unambiguous emotional expressions and a gender decision task were administered to healthy individuals along with measures of emotion awareness, state and trait anxiety, depression, and verbal intelligence. Participants had to decide how much the faces express six basic affects. Evaluative ratings and decision latencies were analyzed. Attention to feelings was negatively correlated with evaluative decision latency, whereas clarity of feelings was not related to decision latency in the PFE task. Attention to feelings was positively correlated with the perception of negative affects in ambiguous faces. Attention to feelings and emotional clarity were not related to gender decision latency. According to our results, dispositional attention to feelings goes along with an enhanced efficiency of facial affect perception. Habitually paying attention to one’s own emotions may facilitate processing of external emotional information. Preliminary evidence was obtained suggesting a relationship of dispositional attention to feelings with negative interpretations of facial expressions.

The Lombard Effect on Speech Clarity in Patients with Parkinson Disease

AL-FWARESS, FIRAS SALER DAHER 22 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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