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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produktmatchning EfficientNet vs. ResNet : En jämförelse / Product matching EfficientNet vs. ResNet

Malmgren, Emil, Järdemar, Elin January 2021 (has links)
E-handeln ökar stadigt och mellan åren 2010 och 2014 var det en ökning på antalet konsumenter som handlar online från 28,9% till 34,2%. Otillräcklig information kring en produkts pris tvingar köpare att leta bland flera olika återförsäljare efter det bästa priset. Det finns olika sätt att ta fram informationen som krävs för att kunna jämföra priser. En metod för att kunna jämföra priser är automatiserad produktmatchning. Denna metod använder algoritmer för bildigenkänning där dess syfte är att detektera, lokalisera och känna igen objekt i bilder. Bildigenkänningsalgoritmer har ofta problem med att hitta objekt i bilder på grund av yttre faktorer såsom belysning, synvinklar och om bilden innehåller mycket onödig information. Tidigare har algoritmer såsom ANN (artificial neural network), random forest classifier och support vector machine används men senare undersökningar har visat att CNN (convolutional neural network) är bättre på att hitta viktiga egenskaper hos objekt som gör dem mindre känsliga mot dessa yttre faktorer. Två exempel på alternativa CNN-arkitekturer som vuxit fram är EfficientNet och ResNet som båda har visat bra resultat i tidigare forskning men det finns inte mycket forskning som hjälper en välja vilken CNN-arkitektur som leder till ett så bra resultat som möjligt. Vår frågeställning är därför: Vilken av EfficientNet- och ResNetarkitekturerna ger det högsta resultatet på produktmatchning med utvärderingsmåtten f1-score, precision och recall? Resultatet av studien visar att EfficientNet är den över lag bästa arkitekturen för produktmatchning på studiens datamängd. Resultatet visar också att ResNet var bättre än EfficientNet på att föreslå rätt matchningar av bilderna. De matchningarna ResNet gör stämmer mer än de matchningar EfficientNet föreslår då Resnet fick ett högre recall än vad EfficientNet fick.  EfficientNet uppnår dock en bättre recall som visar att EfficientNet är bättre än ResNet på att hitta fler eller alla korrekta matchningar bland sina potentiella matchningar. Men skillnaden i recall är större mellan modellerna vilket göra att EfficientNet får en högre f1-score och är över lag bättre än ResNet, men vad som är viktigast kan diskuteras. Är det viktigt att de föreslagna matchningarna är korrekta eller att man hittar alla korrekta matchningar. Är det viktigaste att de föreslagna matchningarna är korrekta har ResNet ett övertag men är det viktigare att hitta alla korrekta matchningar har EfficientNet ett övertag. Resultatet beror därför på vad som anses vara viktigast för att avgöra vilken av arkitekturerna som ger bäst resultat. / E-commerce is steadily increasing and between the years 2010 and 2014, there was an increase in the number of consumers shopping online from 28,9% to 34,2%. Insufficient information about the price of a product forces buyers to search among several different retailers for the best price. There are different ways to produce the information required to be able to compare prices. One method to compare prices is automated product matching. This method uses image recognition algorithms where its purpose is to detect, locate and recognize objects in images. Image recognition algorithms often have problems finding objects in images due to external factors such as brightness, viewing angles and if the image contains a lot of unnecessary information. In the past, algorithms such as ANN, random forest classifier and support vector machine have been used, but recent studies have shown that CNN is better at finding important properties of objects that make them less sensitive to these external factors. Two examples of alternative CNN architectures that have emerged are EfficientNet and ResNet, both of which have shown good results in previous studies, but there is not a lot of research that helps one choose which CNN architecture that leads to the best possible result. Our question is therefore: Which of the EfficientNet and ResNet architectures gives the highest result on product matching with the evaluation measures f1-score, precision, and recall? The results of the study show that EfficientNet is the overall best architecture for product matching on the dataset. The results also show that ResNet was better than EfficientNet in proposing the right matches for the images. The matches ResNet makes are more accurate than the matches EfficientNet suggests when Resnet received a higher precision than EfficientNet. However, EfficientNet achieves a better recall that shows that EfficientNet is better than ResNet at finding more or all correct matches among its potential matches. The difference in recall is greater than the difference in precision between the models, which means that EfficientNet gets a higher f1-score and is generally better than ResNet, but what is most important can be discussed. Is it important that the suggested matches are correct or that you find all the correct matches? If the most important thing is that the proposed matches are correct, ResNet has an advantage, but if it is more important to find all correct matches, EfficientNet has an advantage. The result therefore depends on what is considered to be most important in determining which of the architectures gives the best results

Natural Language Processing using Deep Learning in Social Media

Giménez Fayos, María Teresa 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] En los últimos años, los modelos de aprendizaje automático profundo (AP) han revolucionado los sistemas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural (PLN). Hemos sido testigos de un avance formidable en las capacidades de estos sistemas y actualmente podemos encontrar sistemas que integran modelos PLN de manera ubicua. Algunos ejemplos de estos modelos con los que interaccionamos a diario incluyen modelos que determinan la intención de la persona que escribió un texto, el sentimiento que pretende comunicar un tweet o nuestra ideología política a partir de lo que compartimos en redes sociales. En esta tesis se han propuestos distintos modelos de PNL que abordan tareas que estudian el texto que se comparte en redes sociales. En concreto, este trabajo se centra en dos tareas fundamentalmente: el análisis de sentimientos y el reconocimiento de la personalidad de la persona autora de un texto. La tarea de analizar el sentimiento expresado en un texto es uno de los problemas principales en el PNL y consiste en determinar la polaridad que un texto pretende comunicar. Se trata por lo tanto de una tarea estudiada en profundidad de la cual disponemos de una vasta cantidad de recursos y modelos. Por el contrario, el problema del reconocimiento de personalidad es una tarea revolucionaria que tiene como objetivo determinar la personalidad de los usuarios considerando su estilo de escritura. El estudio de esta tarea es más marginal por lo que disponemos de menos recursos para abordarla pero que no obstante presenta un gran potencial. A pesar de que el enfoque principal de este trabajo fue el desarrollo de modelos de aprendizaje profundo, también hemos propuesto modelos basados en recursos lingüísticos y modelos clásicos del aprendizaje automático. Estos últimos modelos nos han permitido explorar las sutilezas de distintos elementos lingüísticos como por ejemplo el impacto que tienen las emociones en la clasificación correcta del sentimiento expresado en un texto. Posteriormente, tras estos trabajos iniciales se desarrollaron modelos AP, en particular, Redes neuronales convolucionales (RNC) que fueron aplicadas a las tareas previamente citadas. En el caso del reconocimiento de la personalidad, se han comparado modelos clásicos del aprendizaje automático con modelos de aprendizaje profundo, pudiendo establecer una comparativa bajo las mismas premisas. Cabe destacar que el PNL ha evolucionado drásticamente en los últimos años gracias al desarrollo de campañas de evaluación pública, donde múltiples equipos de investigación comparan las capacidades de los modelos que proponen en las mismas condiciones. La mayoría de los modelos presentados en esta tesis fueron o bien evaluados mediante campañas de evaluación públicas, o bien emplearon la configuración de una campaña pública previamente celebrada. Siendo conscientes, por lo tanto, de la importancia de estas campañas para el avance del PNL, desarrollamos una campaña de evaluación pública cuyo objetivo era clasificar el tema tratado en un tweet, para lo cual recogimos y etiquetamos un nuevo conjunto de datos. A medida que avanzabamos en el desarrollo del trabajo de esta tesis, decidimos estudiar en profundidad como las RNC se aplicaban a las tareas de PNL. En este sentido, se exploraron dos líneas de trabajo. En primer lugar, propusimos un método de relleno semántico para RNC, que plantea una nueva manera de representar el texto para resolver tareas de PNL. Y en segundo lugar, se introdujo un marco teórico para abordar una de las críticas más frecuentes del aprendizaje profundo, el cual es la falta de interpretabilidad. Este marco busca visualizar qué patrones léxicos, si los hay, han sido aprendidos por la red para clasificar un texto. / [CA] En els últims anys, els models d'aprenentatge automàtic profund (AP) han revolucionat els sistemes de processament de llenguatge natural (PLN). Hem estat testimonis d'un avanç formidable en les capacitats d'aquests sistemes i actualment podem trobar sistemes que integren models PLN de manera ubiqua. Alguns exemples d'aquests models amb els quals interaccionem diàriament inclouen models que determinen la intenció de la persona que va escriure un text, el sentiment que pretén comunicar un tweet o la nostra ideologia política a partir del que compartim en xarxes socials. En aquesta tesi s'han proposats diferents models de PNL que aborden tasques que estudien el text que es comparteix en xarxes socials. En concret, aquest treball se centra en dues tasques fonamentalment: l'anàlisi de sentiments i el reconeixement de la personalitat de la persona autora d'un text. La tasca d'analitzar el sentiment expressat en un text és un dels problemes principals en el PNL i consisteix a determinar la polaritat que un text pretén comunicar. Es tracta per tant d'una tasca estudiada en profunditat de la qual disposem d'una vasta quantitat de recursos i models. Per contra, el problema del reconeixement de la personalitat és una tasca revolucionària que té com a objectiu determinar la personalitat dels usuaris considerant el seu estil d'escriptura. L'estudi d'aquesta tasca és més marginal i en conseqüència disposem de menys recursos per abordar-la però no obstant i això presenta un gran potencial. Tot i que el fouc principal d'aquest treball va ser el desenvolupament de models d'aprenentatge profund, també hem proposat models basats en recursos lingüístics i models clàssics de l'aprenentatge automàtic. Aquests últims models ens han permès explorar les subtileses de diferents elements lingüístics com ara l'impacte que tenen les emocions en la classificació correcta del sentiment expressat en un text. Posteriorment, després d'aquests treballs inicials es van desenvolupar models AP, en particular, Xarxes neuronals convolucionals (XNC) que van ser aplicades a les tasques prèviament esmentades. En el cas de el reconeixement de la personalitat, s'han comparat models clàssics de l'aprenentatge automàtic amb models d'aprenentatge profund la qual cosa a permet establir una comparativa de les dos aproximacions sota les mateixes premisses. Cal remarcar que el PNL ha evolucionat dràsticament en els últims anys gràcies a el desenvolupament de campanyes d'avaluació pública on múltiples equips d'investigació comparen les capacitats dels models que proposen sota les mateixes condicions. La majoria dels models presentats en aquesta tesi van ser o bé avaluats mitjançant campanyes d'avaluació públiques, o bé s'ha emprat la configuració d'una campanya pública prèviament celebrada. Sent conscients, per tant, de la importància d'aquestes campanyes per a l'avanç del PNL, vam desenvolupar una campanya d'avaluació pública on l'objectiu era classificar el tema tractat en un tweet, per a la qual cosa vam recollir i etiquetar un nou conjunt de dades. A mesura que avançàvem en el desenvolupament del treball d'aquesta tesi, vam decidir estudiar en profunditat com les XNC s'apliquen a les tasques de PNL. En aquest sentit, es van explorar dues línies de treball.En primer lloc, vam proposar un mètode d'emplenament semàntic per RNC, que planteja una nova manera de representar el text per resoldre tasques de PNL. I en segon lloc, es va introduir un marc teòric per abordar una de les crítiques més freqüents de l'aprenentatge profund, el qual és la falta de interpretabilitat. Aquest marc cerca visualitzar quins patrons lèxics, si n'hi han, han estat apresos per la xarxa per classificar un text. / [EN] In the last years, Deep Learning (DL) has revolutionised the potential of automatic systems that handle Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. We have witnessed a tremendous advance in the performance of these systems. Nowadays, we found embedded systems ubiquitously, determining the intent of the text we write, the sentiment of our tweets or our political views, for citing some examples. In this thesis, we proposed several NLP models for addressing tasks that deal with social media text. Concretely, this work is focused mainly on Sentiment Analysis and Personality Recognition tasks. Sentiment Analysis is one of the leading problems in NLP, consists of determining the polarity of a text, and it is a well-known task where the number of resources and models proposed is vast. In contrast, Personality Recognition is a breakthrough task that aims to determine the users' personality using their writing style, but it is more a niche task with fewer resources designed ad-hoc but with great potential. Despite the fact that the principal focus of this work was on the development of Deep Learning models, we have also proposed models based on linguistic resources and classical Machine Learning models. Moreover, in this more straightforward setup, we have explored the nuances of different language devices, such as the impact of emotions in the correct classification of the sentiment expressed in a text. Afterwards, DL models were developed, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), to address previously described tasks. In the case of Personality Recognition, we explored the two approaches, which allowed us to compare the models under the same circumstances. Noteworthy, NLP has evolved dramatically in the last years through the development of public evaluation campaigns, where multiple research teams compare the performance of their approaches under the same conditions. Most of the models here presented were either assessed in an evaluation task or either used their setup. Recognising the importance of this effort, we curated and developed an evaluation campaign for classifying political tweets. In addition, as we advanced in the development of this work, we decided to study in-depth CNNs applied to NLP tasks. Two lines of work were explored in this regard. Firstly, we proposed a semantic-based padding method for CNNs, which addresses how to represent text more appropriately for solving NLP tasks. Secondly, a theoretical framework was introduced for tackling one of the most frequent critics of Deep Learning: interpretability. This framework seeks to visualise what lexical patterns, if any, the CNN is learning in order to classify a sentence. In summary, the main achievements presented in this thesis are: - The organisation of an evaluation campaign for Topic Classification from texts gathered from social media. - The proposal of several Machine Learning models tackling the Sentiment Analysis task from social media. Besides, a study of the impact of linguistic devices such as figurative language in the task is presented. - The development of a model for inferring the personality of a developer provided the source code that they have written. - The study of Personality Recognition tasks from social media following two different approaches, models based on machine learning algorithms and handcrafted features, and models based on CNNs were proposed and compared both approaches. - The introduction of new semantic-based paddings for optimising how the text was represented in CNNs. - The definition of a theoretical framework to provide interpretable information to what CNNs were learning internally. / Giménez Fayos, MT. (2021). Natural Language Processing using Deep Learning in Social Media [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172164 / TESIS

Automatic identification of northern pike (Exos Lucius) with convolutional neural networks

Lavenius, Axel January 2020 (has links)
The population of northern pike in the Baltic sea has seen a drasticdecrease in numbers in the last couple of decades. The reasons for this are believed to be many, but the majority of them are most likely anthropogenic. Today, many measures are being taken to prevent further decline of pike populations, ranging from nutrient runoff control to habitat restoration. This inevitably gives rise to the problem addressed in this project, namely: how can we best monitor pike populations so that it is possible to accurately assess and verify the effects of these measures over the coming decades? Pike is currently monitored in Sweden by employing expensive and ineffective manual methods of individual marking of pike by a handful of experts. This project provides evidence that such methods could be replaced by a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), an automatic artificial intelligence system, which can be taught how to identify pike individuals based on their unique patterns. A neural net simulates the functions of neurons in the human brain, which allows it to perform a range of tasks, while a CNN is a neural net specialized for this type of visual recognition task. The results show that the CNN trained in this project can identify pike individuals in the provided data set with upwards of 90% accuracy, with much potential for improvement.

Image forgery detection using textural features and deep learning

Malhotra, Yishu 06 1900 (has links)
La croissance exponentielle et les progrès de la technologie ont rendu très pratique le partage de données visuelles, d'images et de données vidéo par le biais d’une vaste prépondérance de platesformes disponibles. Avec le développement rapide des technologies Internet et multimédia, l’efficacité de la gestion et du stockage, la rapidité de transmission et de partage, l'analyse en temps réel et le traitement des ressources multimédias numériques sont progressivement devenus un élément indispensable du travail et de la vie de nombreuses personnes. Sans aucun doute, une telle croissance technologique a rendu le forgeage de données visuelles relativement facile et réaliste sans laisser de traces évidentes. L'abus de ces données falsifiées peut tromper le public et répandre la désinformation parmi les masses. Compte tenu des faits mentionnés ci-dessus, la criminalistique des images doit être utilisée pour authentifier et maintenir l'intégrité des données visuelles. Pour cela, nous proposons une technique de détection passive de falsification d'images basée sur les incohérences de texture et de bruit introduites dans une image du fait de l'opération de falsification. De plus, le réseau de détection de falsification d'images (IFD-Net) proposé utilise une architecture basée sur un réseau de neurones à convolution (CNN) pour classer les images comme falsifiées ou vierges. Les motifs résiduels de texture et de bruit sont extraits des images à l'aide du motif binaire local (LBP) et du modèle Noiseprint. Les images classées comme forgées sont ensuite utilisées pour mener des expériences afin d'analyser les difficultés de localisation des pièces forgées dans ces images à l'aide de différents modèles de segmentation d'apprentissage en profondeur. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que l'IFD-Net fonctionne comme les autres méthodes de détection de falsification d'images sur l'ensemble de données CASIA v2.0. Les résultats discutent également des raisons des difficultés de segmentation des régions forgées dans les images du jeu de données CASIA v2.0. / The exponential growth and advancement of technology have made it quite convenient for people to share visual data, imagery, and video data through a vast preponderance of available platforms. With the rapid development of Internet and multimedia technologies, performing efficient storage and management, fast transmission and sharing, real-time analysis, and processing of digital media resources has gradually become an indispensable part of many people’s work and life. Undoubtedly such technological growth has made forging visual data relatively easy and realistic without leaving any obvious visual clues. Abuse of such tampered data can deceive the public and spread misinformation amongst the masses. Considering the facts mentioned above, image forensics must be used to authenticate and maintain the integrity of visual data. For this purpose, we propose a passive image forgery detection technique based on textural and noise inconsistencies introduced in an image because of the tampering operation. Moreover, the proposed Image Forgery Detection Network (IFD-Net) uses a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) based architecture to classify the images as forged or pristine. The textural and noise residual patterns are extracted from the images using Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and the Noiseprint model. The images classified as forged are then utilized to conduct experiments to analyze the difficulties in localizing the forged parts in these images using different deep learning segmentation models. Experimental results show that both the IFD-Net perform like other image forgery detection methods on the CASIA v2.0 dataset. The results also discuss the reasons behind the difficulties in segmenting the forged regions in the images of the CASIA v2.0 dataset.

Image-classification for Brain Tumor using Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network : Bildklassificering för hjärntumör medhjälp av förtränat konvolutionell tneuralt nätverk

Osman, Ahmad, Alsabbagh, Bushra January 2023 (has links)
Brain tumor is a disease characterized by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells inthe brain. The brain is responsible for regulating the functions of all other organs,hence, any atypical growth of cells in the brain can have severe implications for itsfunctions. The number of global mortality in 2020 led by cancerous brains was estimatedat 251,329. However, early detection of brain cancer is critical for prompttreatment and improving patient’s quality of life as well as survival rates. Manualmedical image classification in diagnosing diseases has been shown to be extremelytime-consuming and labor-intensive. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) hasproven to be a leading algorithm in image classification outperforming humans. Thispaper compares five CNN architectures namely: VGG-16, VGG-19, AlexNet, EffecientNetB7,and ResNet-50 in terms of performance and accuracy using transferlearning. In addition, the authors discussed in this paper the economic impact ofCNN, as an AI approach, on the healthcare sector. The models’ performance isdemonstrated using functions for loss and accuracy rates as well as using the confusionmatrix. The conducted experiment resulted in VGG-19 achieving best performancewith 97% accuracy, while EffecientNetB7 achieved worst performance with93% accuracy. / Hjärntumör är en sjukdom som kännetecknas av okontrollerad tillväxt av onormalaceller i hjärnan. Hjärnan är ansvarig för att styra funktionerna hos alla andra organ,därför kan all onormala tillväxt av celler i hjärnan ha allvarliga konsekvenser för dessfunktioner. Antalet globala dödligheten ledda av hjärncancer har uppskattats till251329 under 2020. Tidig upptäckt av hjärncancer är dock avgörande för snabb behandlingoch för att förbättra patienternas livskvalitet och överlevnadssannolikhet.Manuell medicinsk bildklassificering vid diagnostisering av sjukdomar har visat sigvara extremt tidskrävande och arbetskrävande. Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) är en ledande algoritm för bildklassificering som har överträffat människor.Denna studie jämför fem CNN-arkitekturer, nämligen VGG-16, VGG-19, AlexNet,EffecientNetB7, och ResNet-50 i form av prestanda och noggrannhet. Dessutom diskuterarförfattarna i studien CNN:s ekonomiska inverkan på sjukvårdssektorn. Modellensprestanda demonstrerades med hjälp av funktioner om förlust och noggrannhetsvärden samt med hjälp av en Confusion matris. Resultatet av det utfördaexperimentet har visat att VGG-19 har uppnått bästa prestanda med 97% noggrannhet,medan EffecientNetB7 har uppnått värsta prestanda med 93% noggrannhet.

Normalization of Deep and Shallow CNNs tasked with Medical 3D PET-scans : Analysis of technique applicability

Pllashniku, Edlir, Stanikzai, Zolal January 2021 (has links)
There has in recent years been interdisciplinary research on utilizing machine learning for detecting and classifying neurodegenerative disorders with the sole goal of outperforming state-of-the-art models in terms of metrics such as accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity. Specifically, these studies have been conducted using existing networks on ”novel” methods of pre-processing data or by developing new convolutional neural networks. As of now, no work has looked into how different normalization techniques affect a deep or shallow convolutional neural network in terms of numerical stability, its performance, explainability, and interpretability. This work delves into what normalization technique is most suitable for deep and shallow convolutional neural networks. Two baselines were created, one shallow and one deep, and applied eight different normalization techniques to these model architectures. Conclusions were drawn based on our analysis of numerical stability, performance (metrics), and methods of Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Our findings indicate that normalization techniques affect models differently regarding the mentioned aspects of our analysis, especially numerical stability and explainability. Moreover, we show that there should indeed be a preference to select one method over the other in future studies of this interdisciplinary field.

Intra-prediction for Video Coding with Neural Networks / Intra-prediktion för videokodning med neurala nätverk

Hensman, Paulina January 2018 (has links)
Intra-prediction is a method for coding standalone frames in video coding. Until now, this has mainly been done using linear formulae. Using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) may improve the prediction accuracy, leading to improved coding efficiency. In this degree project, Fully Connected Networks (FCN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) were used for intra-prediction. Experiments were done on samples from different image sizes, block sizes, and block contents, and their effect on the results were compared and discussed. The results show that ANN methods have the potential to perform better or on par with the video coder High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) in the intra-prediction task. The proposed ANN designs perform better on smaller block sizes, but different designs could lead to better performance on larger block sizes. It was found that training one network for each HEVC mode and using the most suitable network to predict each block improved performance of the ANN approach. / Intra-prediktion är en metod för kodning av stillbilder i videokodning. Hittills har detta främst gjorts med hjälp av linjära formler. Användning av artificialla neuronnät (ANN) skulle kunna öka prediktionsnoggrannheten och ge högre effektivitet vid kodning. I detta examensarbete användes fully connected networks (FCN) och convolutional neural networks (CNN) för att utföra intra-prediktion. Experiment gjordes på prover från olika bildstorlekar, blockstorlekar och blockinnehåll, och de olika parametrarnas effekt på resultaten jämfördes och diskuterades. Resultaten visar att ANN-metoder har potential att prestera bättre eller lika bra som videokodaren High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) för intra-prediktion. De föreslagna ANN-designerna presterar bättre på mindre blockstorlekar, men andra ANN-designs skulle kunna ge bättre prestanda för större blockstorlekar. Det konstaterades att prestandan för ANN-metoderna kunde ökas genom att träna ett nätverk för varje HEVC-mode och använda det mest passande nätverket för varje block.

Generative Adversarial Networks and Natural Language Processing for Macroeconomic Forecasting / Generativt motstridande nätverk och datorlingvistik för makroekonomisk prognos

Evholt, David, Larsson, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Macroeconomic forecasting is a classic problem, today most often modeled using time series analysis. Few attempts have been made using machine learning methods, and even fewer incorporating unconventional data, such as that from social media. In this thesis, a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is used to predict U.S. unemployment, beating the ARIMA benchmark on all horizons. Furthermore, attempts at using Twitter data and the Natural Language Processing (NLP) model DistilBERT are performed. While these attempts do not beat the benchmark, they do show promising results with predictive power. The models are also tested at predicting the U.S. stock index S&P 500. For these models, the Twitter data does improve the accuracy and shows the potential of social media data when predicting a more erratic index with less seasonality that is more responsive to current trends in public discourse. The results also show that Twitter data can be used to predict trends in both unemployment and the S&P 500 index. This sets the stage for further research into NLP-GAN models for macroeconomic predictions using social media data. / Makroekonomiska prognoser är sedan länge en svår utmaning. Idag löses de oftast med tidsserieanalys och få försök har gjorts med maskininlärning. I denna uppsats används ett generativt motstridande nätverk (GAN) för att förutspå amerikansk arbetslöshet, med resultat som slår samtliga riktmärken satta av en ARIMA. Ett försök görs också till att använda data från Twitter och den datorlingvistiska (NLP) modellen DistilBERT. Dessa modeller slår inte riktmärkena men visar lovande resultat. Modellerna testas vidare på det amerikanska börsindexet S&P 500. För dessa modeller förbättrade Twitterdata resultaten vilket visar på den potential data från sociala medier har när de appliceras på mer oregelbunda index, utan tydligt säsongsberoende och som är mer känsliga för trender i det offentliga samtalet. Resultaten visar på att Twitterdata kan användas för att hitta trender i både amerikansk arbetslöshet och S&P 500 indexet. Detta lägger grunden för fortsatt forskning inom NLP-GAN modeller för makroekonomiska prognoser baserade på data från sociala medier.

Exploring State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Methods for Quantifying Exercise-induced Muscle Fatigue / Exploring State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Methods for Quantifying Exercise-induced Muscle Fatigue

Afram, Abboud, Sarab Fard Sabet, Danial January 2023 (has links)
Muscle fatigue is a severe problem for elite athletes, and this is due to the long resting times, which can vary. Various mechanisms can cause muscle fatigue which signifies that the specific muscle has reached its maximum force and cannot continue the task. This thesis was about surveying and exploring state-of-the-art methods and systematically, theoretically, and practically testing the applicability and performance of more recent machine learning methods on an existing EMG to muscle fatigue pipeline. Several challenges within the EMG domain exist, such as inadequate data, finding the most suitable model, and how they should be addressed to achieve reliable prediction. This required approaches for addressing these problems by combining and comparing various state-of-the-art methodologies, such as data augmentation techniques for upsampling, spectrogram methods for signal processing, and transfer learning to gain a reliable prediction by various pre-trained CNN models. The approach during this study was to conduct seven experiments consisting of a classification task that aims to predict muscle fatigue in various stages. These stages are divided into 7 classes from 0-6, and higher classes represent a fatigued muscle. In the tabular part of the experiments, the Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were trained, and the accuracy was determined. A similar approach was made for the spectrogram part, where the signals were converted to spectrogram images, and with a combination of traditional- and intelligent data augmentation techniques, such as noise and DCGAN, the limited dataset was increased. A comparison between the performance of AlexNet, VGG16, DenseNet, and InceptionV3 pre-trained CNN models was made to predict differences in jump heights. The result was evaluated by implementing baseline classifiers on tabular data and pre-trained CNN model classifiers for CWT and STFT spectrograms with and without data augmentation. The evaluation of various state-of-the-art methodologies for a classification problem showed that DenseNet and VGG16 gave a reliable accuracy of 89.8 % on intelligent data augmented CWT images. The intelligent data augmentation applied on CWT images allows the pre-trained CNN models to learn features that can generalize unseen data. Proving that the combination of state-of-the-art methods can be introduced and address the challenges within the EMG domain.

Image-classification for Brain Tumor using Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network / Bildklassificering för hjärntumör med hjälp av förtränat konvolutionellt neuralt nätverk

Alsabbagh, Bushra January 2023 (has links)
Brain tumor is a disease characterized by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the brain. The brain is responsible for regulating the functions of all other organs, hence, any atypical growth of cells in the brain can have severe implications for its functions. The number of global mortality in 2020 led by cancerous brains was estimated at 251,329. However, early detection of brain cancer is critical for prompt treatment and improving patient’s quality of life as well as survival rates. Manual medical image classification in diagnosing diseases has been shown to be extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) has proven to be a leading algorithm in image classification outperforming humans. This paper compares five CNN architectures namely: VGG-16, VGG-19, AlexNet, EffecientNetB7, and ResNet-50 in terms of performance and accuracy using transfer learning. In addition, the authors discussed in this paper the economic impact of CNN, as an AI approach, on the healthcare sector. The models’ performance is demonstrated using functions for loss and accuracy rates as well as using the confusion matrix. The conducted experiment resulted in VGG-19 achieving best performance with 97% accuracy, while EffecientNetB7 achieved worst performance with 93% accuracy. / Hjärntumör är en sjukdom som kännetecknas av okontrollerad tillväxt av onormala celler i hjärnan. Hjärnan är ansvarig för att styra funktionerna hos alla andra organ, därför kan all onormala tillväxt av celler i hjärnan ha allvarliga konsekvenser för dess funktioner. Antalet globala dödligheten ledda av hjärncancer har uppskattats till 251329 under 2020. Tidig upptäckt av hjärncancer är dock avgörande för snabb behandling och för att förbättra patienternas livskvalitet och överlevnadssannolikhet. Manuell medicinsk bildklassificering vid diagnostisering av sjukdomar har visat sig vara extremt tidskrävande och arbetskrävande. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) är en ledande algoritm för bildklassificering som har överträffat människor. Denna studie jämför fem CNN-arkitekturer, nämligen VGG-16, VGG-19, AlexNet, EffecientNetB7, och ResNet-50 i form av prestanda och noggrannhet. Dessutom diskuterar författarna i studien CNN:s ekonomiska inverkan på sjukvårdssektorn. Modellens prestanda demonstrerades med hjälp av funktioner om förlust och noggrannhets värden samt med hjälp av en Confusion matris. Resultatet av det utförda experimentet har visat att VGG-19 har uppnått bästa prestanda med 97% noggrannhet, medan EffecientNetB7 har uppnått värsta prestanda med 93% noggrannhet.

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