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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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En captivité: politiques humaines et vies animales dans les jardins zoologiques du XIXe siècle à nos jours :ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes, Zoos de Londres et Anvers / In captivity: human policies and animal lives in zoological gardens from the nineteenth century to the present time :Jardin des Plantes Menagerie, London Zoo, Antwerp Zoo

Pouillard, Violette 03 March 2015 (has links)
Suivant les récents développements historiographiques dans le champ de l’histoire des animaux, cette thèse aborde l’histoire des jardins zoologiques du côté des bêtes elles-mêmes. Elle examine donc non seulement les politiques humaines de gestion des animaux de zoo, mais aussi leurs influences sur les corps et les comportements des animaux, et leurs évolutions mutuelles. <p>L’examen débute à la fondation du jardin zoologique, c’est-à-dire au moment de la création de la ménagerie parisienne du Jardin des Plantes en 1793, et se centre, outre sur cette institution originelle, sur le jardin zoologique de Londres, créé en 1828, et celui d’Anvers, fondé en 1843. <p>Pour écrire l’histoire des animaux de zoo, la thèse mobilise une méthodologie qui mêle des indicateurs descriptifs – témoignages sur les corps et comportements animaux, sur les infrastructures de captivité, sur les soins et l’alimentation dont bénéficient les bêtes, – et quantitatifs – étude sérielle sur la longue durée des entrées et sorties d’animaux ainsi que des longévités des primates et des grands félins. L’évolution de ces différents indices est examinée au sein d’un cadre chronologique régi par les politiques des gestionnaires de zoos. Ainsi, après une première partie débutant à la fondation des institutions étudiées, une seconde s’ouvre au début du XXe siècle, alors que le marchand allemand Carl Hagenbeck ouvre en 1907 un zoo privé à Stellingen, près de Hambourg, qui popularise un nouveau type de présentation des bêtes, par lequel celles-ci sont exposées durant la journée en plein air et séparées du public par des fossés. Enfin, une troisième partie s’amorce à partir des années 1950, lorsque les zoos s’attellent à la mise en œuvre d’une nouvelle fonction, celle de protection des espèces ex situ, s’ajoutant aux trois autres traditionnellement endossées (récréative, éducative, scientifique).<p>L’examen des vies des bêtes sous l’influence des politiques humaines aboutit à élaborer une nouvelle chronologie des zoos, qui distingue un long XIXe siècle, dévoreur de vies animales ;une seconde phase, hygiéniste, à partir de l’entre-deux-guerres, caractérisée par les volontés des gestionnaires de rationaliser les conditions de captivité, mais dont les incidences sur les vies animales sont toutefois réduites ;enfin une troisième, attentive aux animaux, du milieu des années 1970 à nos jours, qui permet la naissance d’une nouvelle économie animale des zoos, qui voit l’atténuation des ponctions en milieu naturel pour la plupart des taxons (spécifiquement les mammifères et les oiseaux).<p>Ce faisant, l’étude met aussi en évidence, à rebours des discours finalistes de l’historiographie officielle, des permanences, immanentes à la captivité des animaux dans le contexte des zoos. Il s’agit d’une part de l’expression par les bêtes de comportements anormaux dans des proportions qui dépassent le niveau anecdotique ;il s’agit d’autre part de l’approvisionnement en milieu naturel, qui, bien qu’en déclin dans le contexte du bouleversement de l’économie animale, persiste jusqu’à nos jours en nombre important pour les taxons moins considérés, soit les poissons et les invertébrés, et se réincarne en de nouveaux avatars pour les autres (ponctions dans le cadre des programmes de protection, captures scientifiques, )./<p><p>Following in the footsteps of recent developments in the French historiography, this dissertation aims at balancing the attention given to humans and animals. The research therefore focuses on human policies concerning the management of animals kept in zoological gardens, as well as on their consequences on the bodies and behaviors of animals, and on mutual influences between humans and animals.<p>The study begins with the birth of the zoological garden, i.e. the creation of the Jardin des Plantes Menagerie in 1793, and focuses on this institution as well as on the London Zoo, created in 1828, and the Antwerp Zoo (1843). <p>In order to write the history of zoo animals, the method uses both descriptive indicators – testimonies on animals bodies and behaviors, on captive environments, on animal cares, handling and food, – and quantitative indicators – long-term study of the arrivals and departures, births and deaths of animals and of the longevity of Primates and Pantherinae in captivity. The evolution of these indicators takes place in a chronological framework based on the policies designed to manage zoo animals. The first part begins with the foundation of the zoological gardens. The second one starts at the beginning of the 20th century, when German dealer Carl Hagenbeck opened a zoo in Stellingen, near Hamburg (1907) which popularized a new way to display the animals, in open-air enclosures separated from the public by ditches. The third part starts in the 1950’s, when zoos implemented a new function, one of ex situ conservation, in addition to their other traditional recreative, educative and scientific missions.<p>This study of animal lives under human influence results in a new chronology of zoological gardens, discerning a long 19th century, that consumed animal lives, a second phase, hygienist, from the interwar period, marked by the managers’ willingness to rationalize the conditions of captivity, without much influence on animals lives and longevity, and a third one, from the mid-1970’s to the present time, characterized by increased attention to zoo animals and their well-being, allowing the birth of a new animal economy of zoological gardens, by which in situ captures decline for most taxa (specifically mammals and birds).<p>The dissertation also shows, in opposition with the finalist discourses of the official historiography, somes continuities, immanent to animal captivity in the context of zoological gardens. Abnormal behaviors in animals especially appear in proportions exceeding the anecdotal level. Another important phenomenon pointing to continuities is the collecting in the wild which, although it declined at the same rhythm that the new animal economy developed, has persisted to this day, profusely for the least considered taxa (fishes and invertebrates), and resurfacing in new iterations for mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians (capture for purposes of conservation, for scientific collecting, ). / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Roles of <em>Wnt4/5a</em> in germ cell differentiation and gonad development &amp; <em>ErbB4</em> in polarity of kidney epithelium

Naillat, F. (Florence) 25 October 2011 (has links)
Abstract The embryonic urogenital system generates the metanephric kidneys, the gonads and the adrenal glands, and its development is based on sequential and reciprocal cell and tissue interactions. The mechanisms which regulate urogenital ontogeny are still poorly understood. In this thesis, the roles of Wnt-4 and ErbB4 functions in gonad and kidney development were analysed by using in vivo functional genomic technologies. Wnt-4 is crucial in female development since its absence leads to a partial female to male sex reversal. We found that Wnt-4 mediated the interactions between the somatic and the germ cells and played a role in meiosis which is regulated in part by the secreted signal retinoic acid (RA). Expression of certain meiosis-controlling genes (Stra8, Spo11) was inhibited in the Wnt-4 deficient germ cells, while certain pluripotency genes (Oct4, Fgf9, Sox2 and Dnmt3l) were activated similarly as in the wild-type male gonad. In addition to this, we noted that a gene encoding for a Cyp26b1 enzyme, which degrades RA in the embryonic testis, was ectopically expressed in the Wnt-4 deficient ovary. Microarray analysis was used to identify candidate Wnt-4 target genes by using the Wnt-4 knock-out mouse. Of these genes, Runx-1 may represent a novel signalling target to mediate Wnt-4 activity in the control female development The role of receptor-tyrosine kinase ErbB4 in kidney development was studied by using both in vivo gain and loss of function approaches. In the gain-of-function situation, we found that certain markers for the epithelial tubules and collecting ducts lost their polarized expression pattern. At the same time, the orientation of the cells in the kidney tubules was deregulated and an increase in cell proliferation was noticed. We suggest that the observed defects gave rise to an increase in the tubule diameter and to cyst formation in the kidney cortex. In the loss-of-function mouse, the lack of ErbB4 expression led to a similar phenotype as with the gain of function, and the renal functions of the mutant adult kidneys were compromised. In conclusion, the results point to specific roles for Wnt-4 and ErbB4 in the control of urogenital development. Wnt-4 appears to be crucial in sustaining proper female somatic cell and germ cell differentiation, and maintenance of gonad development during and after the sex determination event, while ErbB4 activity is critical for the regulation of tubular growth in embryonic kidney development. / Tiivistelmä Sekä nisäkkään jälkimunuainen, lisämunuainen että sukurauhanen kehittyvät alkion urogenitaalialueen järjestelmästä ja solu- ja kudosvuorovaikutukset ohjaavat elinkehitysprosessia. Tapahtuman molekyylitason mekanismit ovat kuitenkin huonosti tunnettuja. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin Wnt-4 signaalin tehtäviä sukurauhasen ja ErbB4- proteiinin munuaisen kehityksessä. Wnt-4 signaali on keskeinen naisen sukupuolisuuden kehityksessä, koska signaalin puutos aiheuttaa alkion sukupuolen osittaisen kääntymisen naaraasta koiraaksi. Tarkastelimme aluksi sitä, välittääkö Wnt-4 itusolujen ja sukurauhasen somaattisten solujen vuorovaikutuksia ohjaten itusolujen meioosia, jota mm. A-vitamiini säätelee. Havaitsimme, että Wnt-4 geeni puuttuessa tietyt meioosia säätelevät geenit kuten Stra8 ja Spo11 olivat heikentyneet, kun taas solujen monikykyisyyteen liittyvät geenit kuten Oct4, Fgf9, Sox2 ja Dnmt3l aktivoituivat vastaavalla tavalla kuin havaitaan normaalisti koirasalkion kivesaiheessa. Tämän lisäksi havaitsimme, että Cyp26b1-geeni, joka johtaa A-vitamiinin hajoamiseen alkiossa ja estää normaalisti meioosin koirasalkion kivesaiheessa oli aktivoitunut munuaisrauhasaiheessa, jolta puuttuu Wnt-4 aktiivisuus. Tuloksemme osoittavat, että Wnt-4 säätelee osaltaan naarasalkion itusolujen meioosia. Tarkastelimme myös mikrosirututkimusten avulla niitä geenejä, joita Wnt-4 säätelee sukuelinaiheessa. Identifioimme useissa Wnt ja β-catenin signaalireittiin liittyvissä geeneissa muutoksia. Muuntuneet geenit voivat olla Wnt-4 signaalireitin kohdegeenejä. Näistä Runx-1 saattaa olla keskeinen Wnt signaalitien kohdegeeni, joka säätelee merkittävällä tavalla naaraan munarauhasen kehitystä. Väitöskirjan toisessa osassa tarkastelimme ErbB4-reseptorityrosiinikinaasin tehtäviä munuaisen kehityksen säätelyssä. ErbB4-geenin tehtäviä tutkittiin käyttäen hyväksi siirtogeenisiä malliorganismeja, joissa ErbB4-geenin määrä oli joko koholla tai ajastetusti inaktivoitu. ErbB4- geenin kokeellinen yliaktiivisuus muutti spesifisti tekijöitä, jotka säätelevät osaltaan jälkimunuaisen epiteeliputkien solujen orientaatiota ja solun jakautumista. Solujen orientaatiomuutoksen yhteydessä myös solujen jakautuminen häiriintyi. Oletuksemme on, että nämä epiteelikudoksessa tapahtuneet muutokset ovat syy, miksi kohotettu ErbB4-aktiviteetti muuttaa epiteeliputkien paksuutta ja pituutta erityisesti munuaisen pintakerroksissa. Havaitsimme myös, että ErbB4-geenin ajastettu poistaminen munuaisen epiteelikudoksessa johti hyvin samankaltaisiin, mutta vastakkaisiin muutoksiin kuin ErbB4-aktiviteetin kohottaminen. Muutokset johtivat myös muutoksiin munuaisen toiminnassa. Yhteenvetona toteamme, että näillä Wnt-4 ja ErbB4 solusignallointiin liittyvillä molekyyleillä on keskeinen tehtävä alkion munarauhasen ja munuaisen aiheen kehityksen säätelyssä. Wnt-4 ohjaa sekä itusolujen että somaattisten solujen erilaistumista ja samalla sukupuolen määräytymistä ja jatkokehitystä, kun taas ErbB4-signallointireseptorin tehtävä on avainasemassa munuaisen epiteeliputken kasvun säätelyssä.

Du rêve du collectionneur aux réalités du musée: l'histoire du musée de Mariemont, 1917-1960

Paree, Daphné 24 June 2014 (has links)
Situé au cœur du Hainaut, le musée de Mariemont doit son existence à la volonté de Raoul Warocqué, riche industriel, homme politique et philanthrope qui lègue en 1917 son château et les collections qu’il renferme à l’État belge. Formé ainsi d’un contenant et d’un contenu, le musée de Mariemont incarne bien, du moins jusqu’à l’incendie du château en 1960, ce qu’Anne-Doris Meyer a appelé les « musées de collectionneurs », dont bon nombre d’exemples voient le jour à la charnière des 19e et 20e siècles, en Belgique comme à l’étranger.<p>De l’histoire du musée de Mariemont, on ne retient généralement que le geste qui lui a donné naissance. Aucune étude ne s’était penchée jusqu’ici sur ce qui se passe après le décès de Raoul Warocqué. En comblant cette lacune, cette thèse offre l’opportunité d’examiner comment une collection privée se mue en musée public, comment les pouvoirs publics veillent à concilier le souhait du bienfaiteur et les missions du musée, quelles difficultés ils ont rencontrées dans la gestion de ce patrimoine d’origine privée et quelles solutions ils y ont apportées. <p> / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Operation and regulation of copyright collective administration in Nigeria : important lessons for Africa

Ola, Olukunle Rotimi 13 November 2012 (has links)
The introduction of a regulatory framework in the area of collective management of rights in Nigeria must have been intended to strengthen the creative industry. Unfortunately, it has thrown this industry and in particular the music and film industries into a battle of a regulated against a non-regulated collective administration sector for upward of twenty (20) years. My choice of research on this topic could be attributed to the interest I developed while administering the collective administration desk at the Nigerian Copyright Commission. Serving on that desk afforded the opportunity to see the frustration of right owners who were being deprived the fruit of their labor, as the societies meant to collect and distribute royalties on their behalf were enmeshed in litigations and in the process, rarely paid any royalties to authors. Within this context, this research seeks to explore whether there is any merit in the continued existence of the current regulatory framework for collective management in Nigeria, and what the best operational framework for collective administration in Nigeria would be. A methodological approach entailing literature review of books, articles, journals, legislation, cases, reports of committees and interviews with experts was adopted, with critical analysis carried out on particularly the Nigerian Copyright Act, the Nigerian Copyright (collective management organisation) regulation, the South African Copyright Act, the South African Performers’ Protection Act, the South African Collecting Societies Regulation, as well as judicial decisions challenging certain provisions in the Nigerian legislation. It is hoped that this research will spur a desire for the need for supervisory and regulatory agencies of government to seek the national interest above all others in taking and making decisions that affect the collective administration of copyright and related rights. / Mercantile law / LL.M. (Intellectual Property)

Tvorba databázové aplikace a řešení pro Business Intelligence / Creation of Database Application and Solutions for Business Intelligence

Městka, Milan January 2012 (has links)
Theme of this master’s thesis is design of software support for business intelligence. Design is realized in cooperation with corporation ZZN Pelhřimov a.s. Introduction is focused on theoretical description of business intelligence and datamining and also on development environment in which is project designed. Corporation is characterised also in introduction. Main part contains data collecting and definition of individual modules. In conclusion of this thesis will be several types of analysis from collected data and then according to these analysis, we can draw measures to improve current state of corporation.

Návrh vedení sběrné místní komunikace s tramvajovou tratí linky č.3 areálu Zbrojovky v Brně / Design of the local connecting road with the tram track of the line no.3 in the area of Zbrojovka in Brno

Paszandová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with design of the tram power collecting route and the tram track of the route no. 3 in reconstruction area recently called “Zbrojovka Brno”. Connection to the present infrastructure is also considered. Housing, resting, administration sectors and tram stops are designed for easy availability in the new area. Because the railroad bounds the area on the East and will be extended in the future, joining the tram transport with integrated transport system in Židenice is possible. Design includes the new bridge across Svitava river and connection with surrounding areas. If we divide individual car transport (IAD) from the tram route, the trolley car transportation is designed in place IAD.

Quand le geste technique transforme l'intention : l'évolution de l'accordéon diatonique en Bretagne / When the technical gesture transforms the intention : the evolution of diatonic accordion in Brittany

Caplat, Jacques 29 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail vise à comprendre pourquoi et comment l'accordéon diatonique breton a connu une profonde transformation organologique et stylistique au cours des dernières décennies. L'évolution de l'instrument est ici le témoin des dynamiques historiques et sociales, que l'accordéon présente la particularité d'avoir intégrées dans sa forme-même du fait de sa rare plasticité, et qu'il permet d'éclairer. Statut des musiciens professionnels au sein d'une pratique restée massivement amateur, rôles et mécanismes de l'apprentissage d'un savoir traditionnel initialement basé sur l'oralité, fluctuation des attentes sociales à travers les générations successives, sont quelques-uns des aspects qui se dévoilent au fil de l'étude et qui se relient.À partir du constat d'une mutation organologique progressive, nous chercherons à comprendre les modifications profondes des fonctions sociales jouées par l'instrument. Un retour historique permettra de définir les intentions et le statut des « pionniers » du renouveau de l'accordéon diatonique breton dans les années 1970. En nous appuyant sur ce socle, nous montrerons comment l'accordéon en tant qu'outil est en interaction étroite et permanente avec le geste du musicien et avec son intention (produire des notes – et dans quelle fonction sociale), et combien le passage des générations a renouvelé le contexte d'exposition de l'accordéon et le statut des musiques bretonnes dites « à danser ». Ainsi, nous verrons que la modification progressive de l'intention a conduit à une modification de l'instrument, mais que celle-ci, en retour, fragilise l'efficacité des intentions antérieures. / This work aims to understand why and how the Breton diatonic accordion has undergone a profound organological and stylistic transformation during the last decades. The evolution of the instrument here reflects the historical and social dynamics, that the accordion has integrated into its very form because of its rare plasticity, bringing them into light. The status of professional musicians in a largely amateur context, the roles and mechanisms of learning traditional knowledge initially based on orality, the fluctuation of social expectations through successive generations, are some of the aspects that unfold over the course of the study and connect with one-another.Starting from the observation of a progressive organologic change, we will seek to understand the profound changes of the social functions played by the instrument. A historical overview will allow to define the intentions and the status of the "pioneers" of the revival of the Breton diatonic accordion in the 1970s. Based on this foundation, we will show how the accordion as a tool is in close and permanent interaction with the musician's gesture and with his intention (producing notes – and in what social function), and how much the passage of generations has renewed the context of use of the accordion and the status of Breton music said "to be danced". Thus, we will see that the progressive modification of the intention led to a modification of the instrument, but that this, in turn, weakens the effectiveness of the previous intentions.

Příspěvek k poznání způsobu obživy na přelomu neolitu a eneolitu (srovnávací studie západního kulturního okruhu s oblastí Čech a Moravy) / The Paper on Understanding the Subsistence Manner on the Transition of Neolithic and Eneolithic Age (a Comparative Study between the Western Culture Complex and Regions of Bohemia and Moravia)

Mattová, Sabina January 2012 (has links)
The study presented deals with the phenomenon of increased hunting activity on the transition of the Neolithic and Eneolithic Age, the reasons of which have been so far investigated only in regard to environmental conditions of locations. The phenomenon is observed on locations of a wide area of Middle Europe. Nevertheless, there exist locations with prevailing agricultural economy. On the basis of a detailed comparative analysis of the material culture of the Western culture circle and Bohemia and Moravia, the study aims to trace the reflection of the phenomenon in archaeological materials - differences between locations with predominant domestic sources, and locations with predominant wild sources. Alongside, the study deals with a possible environmental impact on increasing hunting tendencies. In order to created a database, a detailed catalogue of locations has been compiled. The catalogue holds the most essential information on material culture with regard to expected agricultural manners. The catalogue also serves as a clue for setting particular indicators of the database, the purpose of which is to organise the data in a comparable form. Subsequently, a descriptive database has been compiled. The database traces the reflection of agricultural base of the individual locations. By means of a...

The rights and obligations of a bank when opening a bank account

Makgane, Innocent 16 October 2015 (has links)
The opening of a bank account serves as the genesis of a bank customer relationship. It is imperative that the establishment of a bank customer relationship be regulated by law. Both the common law and statutory law regulate the admission of new clients to the realm of banking. It is a minimum requirement, in terms of both statutory and common law, that the identity of a prospective client who wishes to open a bank account must both be established and verified. This, the need to know one’s customer, is not only good law but common sense and an effective measure to prevent criminals from accessing the banking system. Parties who work together must know each other. The need to establish and verify the identity of a potential customer is commonly referred to as the Know Your Customer standards, alternatively the Customer Due Diligence framework. The Know Your Customer standards are neither unique to South Africa nor have their origins in South Africa. The Know Your Customer standards are international standards which the Financial Action Task Force and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision have been advocating for quite some time. A confluence of the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision greatly influenced the birth of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act in South Africa. The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 prescribes the steps that a bank has to take in order to establish and verify the identity of a potential client. It will be shown in this dissertation that the identification and verification regime established by the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 0f 2001 and the common law are not fool proof. This dissertation makes recommendations on how the current loopholes that exist in the law can be addressed. / Mercantile Law / LLM

Treasures of the University : an examination of the identification, presentation and responses to artefacts of significance at the University of St Andrews, from 1410 to the mid-19th century, with an additional consideration of the development of the portrait collection to the early 21st century

Rawson, Helen C. January 2010 (has links)
Since its foundation between 1410 and 1414 the University of St Andrews has acquired what can be considered to be ‘artefacts of significance’. This somewhat nebulous phrase is used to denote items that have, for a variety of reasons, been deemed to have some special import by the University, and have been displayed or otherwise presented in a context in which this status has been made apparent. The types of artefacts in which particular meaning has been vested during the centuries under consideration include items of silver and gold (including the maces, sacramental vessels of the Collegiate Church of St Salvator, collegiate plate and relics of the Silver Arrow archery competition); church and college furnishings; artworks (particularly portraits); sculpture; and ethnographic specimens and other items described in University records as ‘curiosities’ held in the University Library from c. 1700-1838. The identification of particular artefacts as significant for certain reasons in certain periods, and their presentation and display, may to some extent reflect the University's values, preoccupations and aspirations in these periods, and, to some degree, its identity. Consciously or subconsciously, the objects can be employed or operate as signifiers of meaning, representing or reflecting matters such as the status, authority and history of the University, its breadth of learning and its interest and influence in spheres from science, art and world cultures to national affairs. This thesis provides a comprehensive examination of the growth and development of the University's holdings of 'artefacts of significance' from its foundation to the mid-19th century, and in some cases (especially portraits) beyond this date. It also offers insights into how the University viewed and presented these items and what this reveals about the University of St Andrews, its identity, which changed and developed as the living institution evolved, and the impressions that it wished to project.

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