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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Micronarrativas como estratégia de comunicação interna / Micro narratives as internal communication strategy

Emiliana Pomarico Ribeiro 29 October 2014 (has links)
As reflexões sobre a contemporaneidade sugerem que, na rapidez da pós-modernidade e frente a tantas possibilidades proporcionadas pela multiplicidade de plataformas midiáticas (tradicionais e digitais), muitas organizações, na urgência de comunicar, geram grandes quantidades de informações sem relevância para seus públicos. Limitadas a um modelo pronto e replicadas sem critério, são disparadas para os indivíduos sem considerar os diferentes sujeitos integrantes/construtivos da cultura organizacional e suas histórias, memórias e desejos, e sem enxergar as diversas oportunidades para repensar este processo da comunicação interna. É neste panorama que o presente estudo pretende detectar oportunidades de envolvimento do público interno, assim como a criação de narrativas comunicacionais mais atrativas e bem-sucedidas. Para tanto, busca-se a compreensão da riqueza existente em conteúdos coletados em projetos de memória oral, de cunho participativo e dialógico, como os desenvolvidos com base na contação de histórias sobre as experiências vividas dos funcionários no ambiente organizacional: as chamadas micronarrativas. Este conceito foi desenvolvido sobre as teorias que interpretam as grandes narrativas da modernidade, as quais possuíam uma significativa força na vida das pessoas e serviam como referências para a sociedade, mas que começaram a se enfraquecer a partir do século XX e se perderam na pós-modernidade, quando o foco passou a ser o indivíduo e suas histórias. Dessa maneira, ao verificar, descrever, esclarecer e entender o conteúdo exposto pelos entrevistados em suas micronarrativas organizacionais, é possível refletir como a comunicação interna pode trabalhar de maneira mais efetiva e afetiva para gerar novas narrativas que estimulem envolvimento, reconhecimento, identificação, compreensão e ação de seus funcionários, no lugar das racionalidades, padronizações, efemeridades e excessividades. / Reflections on contemporaneity suggest that in the fleetness of post-modernity and in the presence of so many possibilities offered by the multiplicity of media platforms (traditional and digital), many organizations, in the urgency to communicate, generate large amounts of information with no relevance to their audiences. Limited to a ready template and replicated without criteria, this information is issued to individuals without considering the different members/constructive subjects of organizational culture and their stories, memories and wishes; missing the various opportunities to rethink the process of internal communication. Before this scenario, the present study aims to identify opportunities to involve the internal workforce, as well as creating more attractive and successful communication narratives. To that purpose, we seek a better understanding of the richness in the content of oral memory projects, which nature is participatory and dialogic, such as those developed based on storytelling about the employees\' experiences in the organizational environment: the micro narratives. This concept was developed based on the theories that interpret the grand narratives of modernity, which had a significant influence in people\'s lives and served as references to society, but started weakening in the twentieth century and were dissolved in the post-modernity, when the focus shifted to the individual and their stories. Therefore, when we verify, describe, explain and understand the contents stated by respondents in their organizational micro narratives, it is possible to ponder how internal communications can work more effectively and affectively to generate new narratives that encourage involvement, recognition, identification, understanding and action from the employees, in detriment to rationality, standardization, and ephemeral excesses.

As práticas mortuárias na região da Argólida entre os séculos XI e VIII a.C. / Mortuary practices in the Argolid between the eleventh and the eighth centuries BC

Camila Diogo de Souza 02 July 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa de doutorado pretende levantar, catalogar e examinar os vestígios arqueológicos dos contextos funerários, datados entre o intervalo do século XI ao VIII a.C. nos principais sítios da região da Argólida (Mapas 1, 2 e 3), Argos, Tirinto, Asine, Micenas, Náuplia e Lerna. Comparando tais dados entre si, e discutindo-os a partir de fundamentos teórico-metodológicos da Arqueologia das Práticas Mortuárias, objetivamos, por fim, levantar considerações sobre os costumes funerários dessa área, revelando possíveis padrões de enterramento e de comportamento sócio-cultural inseridos nas mudanças políticas ocorridas em um período de longa duração, principalmente, durante o período denominado de Alto Arcaísmo, o século VIII a.C., com o processo de formação da pólis argiva. / This thesis intends to gather, catalogue and analyze the archaeological data from the funerary contexts, dated from the XI to the VIII centuries BC in the main sites of the Argive plain (Maps 1, 2 and 3). Finally, it is also our aim to compare the data collected and discuss them through the theoretical and methodological basis of the Archaeology of Mortuary Practices trying to reach some questions and considerations about the funerary customs and burial patterns of this region and also possible social and cultural behavior characteristic of the shifts occurred mainly during the VIII century BC.

Étude comparative des représentations sociales du développement durable en contexte scolaire en France et au Chili : enjeux et défis des pratiques éducatives menées en sciences sociales et humaines et sciences de la nature / Comparative study of social representations of sustainable development in the school context in France and Chile : opportunities and challenges of educational practices carried out in social sciences and natural sciences

Berrios, Adolfo 26 September 2016 (has links)
Compte tenu des différences concernant le pilotage de l’éducation au développement durable (EDD) en France et au Chili et la place plus ou moins explicite du mot développement durable (DD) dans les sciences humaines et sociales et les sciences de la nature de ces deux pays, cette recherche tente de repérer la manière dont les enseignants et les élèves, en fonction de ces disciplines, se représentent l’objet DD. Il s’agit de mettre en évidence comment leurs représentations sociales (RS) répercutent dans le processus d’enseignement-apprentissage de cette question socialement vive (QSV). Pour ce faire, nous avons élaboré un dispositif méthodologique qui associe des questionnaires et des entretiens pour les enseignants. Alors que pour les élèves, ce dispositif se base intégralement sur des questionnaires. Nos résultats révèlent l’existence chez les enseignants des deux pays d’une RS du DD emboîtée dans celle d’un environnement-ressource. Cette représentation serait plus marquée chez les enseignants chiliens, en dégageant ainsi une perception plus développementaliste dans leur compréhension des enjeux du DD. Bien que les élèves, toutes classes confondues, partagent une RS ancrée dans la réalisation d’écogestes, la visée développementaliste est aussi présente chez les apprenants chiliens. À la lumière de nos résultats, nous pensons que sans une mise à distance dans la construction du savoir et en écartant les controverses, les pratiques éducatives acquièrent une allure transmissive qui ne favorise pas la compréhension des questions complexes que soulève la mise en place de ce projet planétaire. / Considering the differences in the control of education for sustainable development (ESD) in France and Chile and the more or less explicit place of the word sustainable development (SD) in the humanities and social sciences and natural sciences such two countries, this research attempts to identify how teachers and students, according to these disciplines, will represent the SD object. This is to highlight how their social representations (RS) reflected in the teaching-learning process of this socially controversial issue (QSV). To do this, we developed a methodological device that combines interviews and questionnaires for teachers. As for the students, this device is based entirely on questionnaires. Our results reveal the existence among teachers of both countries an RS SD fitted into that of a resource-environment. This representation would be more pronounced among Chilean teachers, thus generating a developmentalist perception in their understanding of SD issues. Although students of all classes share a RS rooted in the realization of eco-gestures, the developmentalist referred is also present among Chilean students. In light of our results, we believe that without a distancing in the construction of knowledge and spreading controversy, educational practices acquire a transmissive pace that does not promote understanding of the complex issues involved in implementing it global project.

Like or Dislike: The Emotional Toll of Being on Facebook

Weathers, Lauren N. 01 August 2013 (has links)
The current study examined the relationship between affect changes or lack thereof when one logs onto Facebook or Yahoo!. Facebook was specifically chosen for examination in the current study due to its widespread use, its vast effect on society, and its unique features that allow users to obtain information and have social interaction at the same time. Yahoo! served as a control due to the fact that it is a highly popular site that has similar features of Facebook without having the social functions. Both sites allow users to observe news that is pertinent and of interest to them and both are popular; the main difference between the two sites is the social component that Facebook can offer that Yahoo! is unable to offer users. Findings suggest that logging onto Facebook increases positive affect and joy, but this is short lived. After a period of time on the website negative affect and anger increase. Further research needs to be conducted in order to understand what activities on Facebook lead to more or less affect modulation and future studies are discussed.

An analysis of the relationship between cluster-based school management and improving teaching in Namibian schools

Pomuti, Hertha Ndategomwa 27 April 2009 (has links)
In 1991, one year after the Namibian independence, the Ministry of Education and Culture was organised in six departments and six regional directorates. The regional directorates were established as early as in 1991. The establishment of the regional directorates was the first step towards decentralisation of education management, which took a form of de-concentration. During the late 1990s, the regional directorates were subdivided into thirteen regional education directorates to be in compliance with the central government policy of decentralising functions from the head offices of various ministries to the regional administrations in the thirteen regions. During 2000, the Namibian Ministry of Education introduced cluster-based school management as a decentralisation reform, granting authority and responsibility for managing school supervision and in-service training for school managers and teachers to clusters, to be implemented in all the thirteen education regions. Cluster–based school management reform has been adopted as a strategy for improving school supervision and teaching in Namibia. However, there is little empirical evidence on the effects of school clustering on the quality of teaching in Namibia. This study examined the implementation of cluster-based school management reform in the Namibian primary schools. The specific focus of the study was to assess: (1) the implementation of cluster-based school management reform in the Namibian primary schools; and (2) the relationship between cluster-based school management reform and improving teaching at classroom level. The data for this study were collected through: (1) survey research in thirty-seven primary schools in five regions: Caprivi; Erongo; Hardap; Karas and Kunene, and (2), case studies, based on interviews; focused group discussions; informal conversations; observations; and document analyses in the three primary school clusters in two of the five education regions. The study’s main findings are that the implementation of cluster-based school management reform has been constrained by resource scarcity and reluctance to share resources; potential threat to the authority of school inspectors and school principals; and incongruence between the ideologies existed prior to the introduction of the reform and the democratic ideology. The other main finding from this study is that there is insufficient evidence to show that the teaching methods of teachers who have received support from the school management reform are notably different from those who have not. This study demonstrates a number of obvious missing links between cluster-based school management and improving teaching, because the reform lacks: (1) clarity, guidelines and resources to support and monitor teaching in schools and at classroom level; (2) clarity on the roles and responsibilities of key implementers in improving teachers’ teaching practices; (3) capability to transform school traditions and culture into a culture which transforms teaching in schools; and (4) clarity on how teacher involvement can be utilised to improve teaching in schools. This study concludes that there is no evidence from this study that cluster-based school management reform relates to improving teaching. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

De l'observation des pratiques des maîtres débutants : éléments de compréhension des organisateurs de pratiques typiques / Observing the trainee teachers' pratice : comprehension elements of pratical organisers

Françoise, Christine 03 December 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de notre recherche est de tenter d'identifier les compétences professionnelles (Altet, 1996 et 2009) acquises ou en cours d'acquisition des maîtres novices durant leur année de stagiarisation (visée heuristique). Pour ce faire, nous nous inscrivons dans le paradigme écologique ou paradigme de la complexité (Clanet, 1997 ; Piot, 2014). Nous portons un intérêt particulier à l'acquisition des compétences liées à trois dimensions clés que sont la gestion du temps, la tâche et les interactions maîtres-élèves, dimensions étudiées notamment par les chercheurs intégrés au réseau OPEN (Observation des pratiques enseignantes). Nous postulons que le développement professionnel (Wittorski & Briquet-Duhazé, 2010), initié en début de carrière, est variable selon les novices et que cette variabilité est interdépendante du degré de maîtrise des compétences attachées à ces dimensions. Le niveau d'expérience constituant un axe majeur de notre recherche, nous opposerons dans une approche contrastive, l'enseignant stagiaire à l'enseignant expérimenté, évoluant dans des situations similaires. Si nous avons pour ambition de déceler des différences entre les stagiaires en formation professionnelle (variabilité inter-maîtres), nous visons également l'identification des « invariances qui dénotent la présence d'organisateurs des pratiques » (Clanet, 2001). Nous nous efforçons donc de repérer parmi les pratiques enseignantes mobilisées, les organisateurs des pratiques typiques des maîtres « novices ». Pour ce faire, nous recourons à des méthodes mixtes, quantitative (questionnaires) et qualitative (observations et entretiens). Les questionnaires portent sur le niveau de maîtrise des compétences attendues (Référentiel de compétences, 2013) et sur les difficultés potentielles des futurs maîtres. La population enquêtée concerne les stagiaires eux-mêmes (N=178) ainsi que les maîtres d'accueil temporaire (MAT) (N=83) qui les accompagnent. Dans un second temps sont confrontés les deux corpus de représentations pour en évaluer le degré de congruence. Centrées sur trois dimensions organisatrices précédemment déclinées (Clanet, 2010), les observations portent sur six trinômes d'enseignants (un MAT et deux stagiaires N=18) œuvrant dans des classes de cycle III. Nous prenons appui sur la dimension tâche, afin d'analyser les dimensions transversales temps et interactions. Plus précisément, les étapes communes, mises en évidence au sein de séances portant sur la résolution de problèmes – et partant la tâche donnée à l'élève – sont analysées via la gestion du temps et des interactions. Dans une perspective ergonomique (Leplat, 2000), nous mesurons enfin, à travers ces observations et des entretiens, l'écart entre tâche « prescrite » et tâche « effective ». Les premiers résultats nous ont permis de dégager une typologie déclinant trois profils dominants parmi les maîtres stagiaires. En outre, il semble que s'agissant de l'enseignement des mathématiques à l'école élémentaire, les stagiaires rencontrent certaines difficultés communes, caractéristiques des premiers pas dans le métier. Pour autant, l'opposition initiale entre pratiques des stagiaires et pratiques des maîtres expérimentés laisse place à un continuum intégrant la complexité des pratiques d'enseignement donnant lieu à de multiples déclinaisons. Au regard de l'analyse des résultats, la formation initiale des futurs professeurs des écoles pourrait être questionnée dans le but d'en améliorer la qualité via un processus réflexif. / The aim of our research is to try to identify the professional competences that have been acquired or are being acquired by new teachers during their training year (heuristic objective). To do so, we are following an ecological or complex paradigm (Clanet, 1997; Piot, 2014). We are particularly interested in the acquisition of competences related to three key notions such as time control, task, teacher-pupil interactions, that are studied by researchers integrated in the OPEN network (Observation des pratiques enseignantes). We presume that the professional development (Wittorski & Briquet-Duhazé, 2010), initiated at the beginning of a career, varies according to people and that this variability is interdependent of the level of these notions' competence mastering. The experience level is a major axis in our study; in a contrastive study, we shall oppose the trainee to the experienced teacher that are working in similar situations. If we aim to find out differences between professional trainees (Inter-trainee varaibility), we also claim to identify « invariabilities that show the presence of practice organisers » (Clanet, 2001). We try to identify typical beginner teacher organisers among teaching practice that are set up. To do so, we use mixed, quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative (observation and interviews) methodologies. Questionnaires are about the mastering level of expected competences (Competence official list, 2013) and about the potential difficulties met by future teachers. People in the survey are trainees (N=178) as well as their temporary trainee supervisers (MAT: N=83). Eventually, the two representation studies are compared in order to assess their similarities. Six groups of three persons (a superviser and two trainees) in cycle 3 classes are being observed according to the three previously defined notions (Clanet, 2010). We focus on the notion of « task » in order to analyse the cross notions time and interactions. Common steps that are seen during lessons dealing with problem solving activities- and consequently tasks given to pupils- are analysed through time control and interactions. In an ergonomic perspective (Lepalt, 2000), we measure the gap between a « given » and an « effective » task through observation and interviews. The first results allow us to find out a typology of three main profiles among trainees. Moreover, in maths teaching at primary level, trainees meet similar obstacles that are common to beginners. The initial opposition between training and experienced teachers is replaced by a continuum which integrates complex teaching practice leading to multiple consequences. Through the result analysis, initial primary teacher training could be questioned in order to improve its quality, thanks to a reflexive process.

Sustaining the professional identity of beginning teachers in early mathematics, science and technology teaching

Botha, Marie 18 September 2012 (has links)
The focus of this study is on foundation phase and early childhood teachers’ professional identity formation. This study is about six beginning teachers in their first year of teaching early mathematics, science and technology (MST) in different schools and grade levels. Early childhood settings and primary schools in South Africa have a diverse learner body that increasingly demands of beginning early childhood and foundation phase teachers to continually strive to adapt their teaching and young children’s learning to the different learning environments for effective implementation of the curriculum. A learning identity framework was used to generate and analyse data. The learning identity framework is premised on the assumption that identity and learning are closely linked and that both are influenced by factors internal and external to the individual. Specifically, the study sought to answer the research question of how beginning first year early childhood and foundation phase teachers form, sustain or change their professional teacher identity in the teaching of mathematics, science and technology (MST) in the early years and in different school settings. The study used a phenomenological approach and case study method to explain the professional teacher identity formation process and to illuminate what factors influence this process. The study researched how teacher identities can be narratively constructed on the basis of the lived experiences of the six teachers in different school contexts. Data was generated from different sources for the purpose of triangulation which included visual and written narratives, observations and interviews (open and semi-structured). The analysis and results were based on categories of descriptions of themes. The findings indicate that identity formation is an ongoing process of integration of teachers’ personal and professional histories and initial teacher education and training, alongside issues of school culture and institutional (in-school) support. Those key factors emerge as strong determinants of the kinds and the relative stability or otherwise of professional identities which the six teachers develop in the first year of MST teaching, and thus the kind of reform minded teachers they become. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / unrestricted

Women’s Intrasexual Variability in Sexual Psychology and Pain Functioning

Lutz, Charlotte M 01 January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sexual orientation, self-described gender expression and preferred levels of gender expression in romantic partners with ischemic pain performance in healthy young women. It was hypothesized that lesbian and bisexual women would be less sensitive to pain than heterosexual women. It was also hypothesized that regardless of sexual orientation, women who endorse a preference for more feminine romantic partners and who describe themselves as more masculine would report higher pain thresholds, higher pain tolerance, and lower pain intensity levels than women who report attraction to more masculine romantic partners and rate themselves as possessing more feminine dispositions. A total of 172 women completed multiple assessments of identity and gender expression followed by an ischemic pain task. The study demonstrated that ischemic pain performance is associated with sexual orientation, dispositional gender expression, and preferred gender expression in romantic partners in healthy young women. Compared to heterosexual women, lesbian and bisexual women reported lower pain intensity ratings. Among heterosexual women, attraction to more feminine romantic partners was associated with lower pain intensity ratings early into the ischemic discomfort task, and there was a slight association between self-described masculinity and lower pain intensity ratings for heterosexual women. Similar associations emerged between attraction to more feminine romantic partners and higher pain tolerance in the heterosexual group and for dispositional masculinity and higher pain threshold and tolerance levels in the combined lesbian and bisexual group. These findings provide preliminary support for the hypothesis that, irrespective of biological sex, various other aspects of sexual identity are associated with ischemic pain performance.

Self-Monitoring and Romantic Relationships: Individual Differences in Romantic Jealousy

Andolina, Tiffany Lucille 01 January 2015 (has links)
To extend the research on self-monitoring and romantic relationships, we explored the connection between self-monitoring and romantic jealousy using a between-subjects design. We hypothesized high self-monitors (like men) would find sexual infidelity more distressing than emotional infidelity, whereas low self-monitors (like women) would find emotional infidelity more distressing than sexual infidelity. Participants completed the 25-item Self-Monitoring Scale (Snyder, 1974) and 6 hypothetical infidelity scenarios (Buss et al., 1999). To statistically control for third variables, participants also completed the 11-item Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (Gangestad & Simpson, 1991). Although we found a main effect for self-monitoring in romantic jealousy, these results did not support our hypotheses. That is, these reliable differences in self-monitoring reflected more or less distress by emotional infidelity. Limitations (e.g., third variables, directionality) and future directions (e.g., potential moderators/mediators for self-monitoring differences in romantic jealousy) of this research are discussed.

Investigaciones en Cerro del Oro, valle de Cañete

Ruales, Mario 10 April 2018 (has links)
Archaeological Research at Cerro del Oro, Cañete ValleyThe excavations at Cerro del Oro in the Cañete valley revealed an uninterrupted occupation sequence since the Early Intermediate Period. This huge archaeological complex acquires its monumental features about this time, but it also evidences significant changes during the Epoch 1 of the Middle Horizon Period, with the introduction of new cultural patterns. This preliminary report tries to identify these social changes in their cultural expression. / Las excavaciones en Cerro del Oro, valle de Cañete, han revelado una ocupación constante desde el Periodo Intermedio Temprano. Este gran complejo arqueológico adquiere sus rasgos monumentales desde esta época, pero también evidencia cambios significativos durante la primera época del Horizonte Medio, con la introducción de nuevos patrones culturales. Este informe preliminar trata de identificar estos cambios en la expresión cultural de esta sociedad.

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