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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De Venise à Milan : le retour de Federico Zandomeneghi (1841-1917) en Italie : des années de jeunesse à la redécouverte posthume / From Venice to Milan : the return of Federico Zandomeneghi (1841-1917) to Italy : from his youth to the posthumous rediscovery

Madeddu, Silvia 28 November 2015 (has links)
Federico Zandomeneghi (1841-1917) a toujours été considéré comme un artiste vénitien ayant émigré en 1874 à Paris avant de devenir un adepte de Degas et participer, à partir de 1879, aux expositions impressionnistes. Cette recherche a pour principal objectif d’analyser les liens que l’artiste entretint avec son pays - l’Italie - avant, pendant et après son long séjour parisien. Aussi nous sommes-nous plus particulièrement concentrée sur la période allant de 1841 à 1874 durant laquelle Zandomeneghi se forma dans les Académies de Beaux-Arts de Venise et Milan, avant de partir s’installer à Florence où il rencontra les peintres macchiaioli. Nous avons en outre analysé le contexte artistique italien dans lequel l’artiste évolua, et aussi dans quelle mesure les rapports qu’il tissa avec les nombreuses personnalités du monde de l’art qu’il eut l’occasion de fréquenter (Diego Martelli, Marcellin Desboutin) eurent une influence sur les choix qu’il fit par la suite ; puis, nous avons essayé de décrire la position que Zandomeneghi s’était gagnée sur le sol italien avant de le quitter définitivement. La seconde partie de notre recherche retrace en revanche - grâce à l’analyse d’un corpus de lettres inédites - le processus de réévaluation critique qui s’amorça en Italie après la mort de l’artiste et pour lequel œuvrèrent Enrico Piceni et Angelo Sommaruga : ces critiques et marchands d’art milanais ont en effet joué un rôle fondamental dans la redécouverte de Zandomeneghi en Italie. Même si Zandomeneghi avait passé quarante-trois années de sa vie en France, il ne réussit jamais à conquérir sa place dans l’historiographie française alors que, pour la seconde fois, il jouit des honneurs de la critique italienne. Cette recherche a pour objectif de mettre en lumière les raisons du cadrage historiographique dominant à l’heure actuelle, à savoir celui qui ne voit en Zandomeneghi qu’un peintre impressionniste vénitien, étiquette sous laquelle il a d’ailleurs été proposé au public à l’occasion des expositions plus récentes. / Venetian Federico Zandomeneghi (1841-1917) is always remembered as an artist who relocated to Paris in 1874 to become a follower of Degas, taking part in the Impressionist exhibitions starting in 1879. The primary objective of this thesis is to analyse this artist's ties to Italy, before and after his long-lasting experience in France. We delve into the period starting in 1841 and lasting until 1874 during which Zandomenegi trained at the academies of Venice and Milan, and during which he moved to Florence, at which point he first encountered the Macchiaioli. Moreover, this study has given us the opportunity to deepen our understanding of the Italian artistic context in which Zandomeneghi developed, to what extent his close relatonships with the numerous artists he encountered affected his later artistic choices (Diego Martelli, Marcellin Desboutin), and what position Zandomeneghi attained in Italy before leaving his country permanently. In the second part of the present study, a corpus of unpublished letters between two Milanese art personalities, the art critic Enrico Piceni and art dealer Angelo Sommaruga, was thoroughly examined. Their role was indeed crucial for Zandomeneghi’s artistic rediscovery. Although Zandomeneghi spent 43 years of his life in France, he was never fully recognized in the French historiography, whereas was acclaimed for the second time by the Italian critic after his death. This thesis aims to shed light on the reasons why Zandomeneghi has always been considered a Venetian impressionist, a label that has been employed even in very recent expositions.


CLARA LOPES PEREIRA 17 October 2024 (has links)
[pt] Não garanto que é bonito, mas é incontestavelmente vivo reflete sobre o exercício, na escrita literária de Clarice Lispector, do imperativo de perder o medo do feio, anunciado pela protagonista de A paixão segundo G.H. (1964). Propõe-se uma aproximação entre este romance e A via crucis do corpo (1974), com ênfase nos diferentes modos como ambos os escritos mobilizam um mesmo sentimento feio: o nojo. A dissertação investiga como as diferentes maneiras de avivar o nojo empregadas por Clarice Lispector são capazes de conferir a um texto um lugar de prestígio e relegar o outro ao estatuto de obra menor, mobilizando aspectos como a recepção e as circunstâncias que envolvem a publicação dos dois livros, o uso da linguagem e os aspectos sociais neles abordados, e os jogos que se encenam entre texto e leitor. Por fim, a dissertação se volta para aquilo que os dois livros têm em comum – o fio que os conecta, não como obras que se pretendem finais, mas como exercícios de aproximação do que é vivo – e, consequentemente, orgânico, inacabado, imperfeito, feio. / [en] I am not sure it is beautiful, but it is undeniably alive reflects on the exercise, in Clarice Lispector s literary writing, of the imperative of overcoming the fear of the ugly, as announced by the protagonist of The passion according to G.H. (1964). It proposes an approach between this novel and The via crucis of the body (1974), emphasizing the different ways in which both writings mobilize the same ugly feeling: disgust. The dissertation investigates how the different ways of arousing disgust employed by Clarice Lispector are capable of conferring a place of prestige to one text and relegating the other to the status of a minor work, mobilizing aspects such as reception and the circumstances surrounding the publication of the two books, the use of language and the social aspects addressed in them, and the games enacted between text and reader. Finally, the dissertation turns to what the two books have in common – the thread that connects them, not as works that claim to be final, but as exercises in approaching what is alive – and, consequently, organic, unfinished, imperfect, ugly.

Quand _Refus global_ devient "Refus global" : l'histoire d'une réception partielle

Dubois, Sophie 08 1900 (has links)
Refus global, le recueil, n’est pas « Refus global », le texte rédigé par Paul-Émile Borduas et cosigné par 15 membres du groupe automatiste. Partant de cette distinction entre le recueil automatiste et son texte éponyme et du constat selon lequel la partie éclipse le tout dans le discours critique, cette thèse a pour objectif d’expliquer l’occultation du recueil dans l’histoire sociale et artistique québécoise. À partir de l’étude de la réception de 1948 à 2008, j’interroge la constitution du récit commun entourant l’œuvre, duquel le recueil est exclu. Il s’agit donc de mettre au jour les obstacles qui se sont présentés dans le parcours de réception du recueil, nuisant à la formation d’un discours unifié et cohérent à son sujet et l’empêchant de s’inscrire dans l’histoire. Dégagés de l’étude du corpus composé de 639 objets sémiotiques secondaires (OSS, selon le concept proposé par Brigitte Louichon), les obstacles à la réception du recueil relèvent à la fois de facteurs pragmatiques, telles la composition hétérogène de l’œuvre ou sa disponibilité; de facteurs institutionnels ou historiographiques, comme la disciplinarisation du champ culturel ou l’impact du récit de la Révolution tranquille sur l’histoire littéraire; et de facteurs humains, reposant sur le rôle des auteurs et de certains critiques dans l’accueil réservé à l’œuvre. Les différentes étapes de la réception sont ainsi considérées : de l’horizon d’attente (Jauss) à la réception productive (Link), en passant par la publication, les premières critiques, les rééditions, les lectures savantes, l’historicisation et l’entrée de l’œuvre dans la mémoire à titre de symbole ou d’hypotexte. Or, plutôt qu’à ce parcours de réception exemplaire, c’est son envers qui est interrogé ici, c’est-à-dire les difficultés et les déviations de la réception du recueil Refus global. Cette thèse est divisée en trois parties. La première, théorique et méthodologique, situe mon propos dans les domaines de l’histoire culturelle et des études de réception, et présente diverses considérations concernant la constitution du corpus et le traitement des données. La deuxième aborde l’horizon d’attente et la première réception, moment crucial pour la survie de l’œuvre, comme l’ont montré Hans Robert Jauss et Daniel Chartier. On y observe notamment l’effet de verrou (Cambron) qu’a le renvoi de Borduas sur la constitution du récit de réception, de même que les critères éthiques et esthétiques en fonction desquels s’est opérée la hiérarchisation des composantes du recueil. La troisième partie couvre la réception subséquente (1950-2008). À l’étude des obstacles empêchant l’intégration du recueil dans l’histoire s’ajoute alors l’étude des réceptions parallèles, parcellaires et autonomes dont a bénéficié Refus global pour survivre – ponctuellement et partiellement – en dehors du récit commun formé autour de « Refus global ». Avec les différentes catégories d’OSS (directs, indirects, hypertextuels, métacritiques et parcellaires), ces trois types de réception font partie des outils heuristiques développés dans le but d’expliquer la réception partielle dont a fait l’objet le recueil. Selon l’approche quantitative et environnementaliste de l’histoire culturelle, Refus global est envisagé comme un microcosme de la culture, dans lequel certaines œuvres sont retenues et d’autres négligées. L’analyse d’un corpus critique large et varié permet ainsi de saisir non seulement les phénomènes conduisant à la consécration du texte éponyme ou à l’oubli relatif du recueil, mais aussi les tendances critiques, les parutions marginales, les critiques isolées, etc. qui, enfouies dans les angles morts de la réception, offrent au recueil et à ses composantes des voies de contournement du discours dominant. En somme, l’étude de la réception du recueil Refus global a permis à la fois de déplacer la focalisation critique depuis « Refus global » vers Refus global, de développer des outils pour envisager la réception d’œuvres marginalisées et de mettre en évidence des critères privilégiés dans la constitution de l’histoire et de la mémoire culturelles québécoises depuis 1948. / Total Refusal, the pamphlet, is not "Total Refusal", the text written by Paul-Émile Borduas and co-signed by 15 members of the group of artists called the Automatists. Based on this distinction between the pamphlet and its eponymous text, and from the observation that the part eclipses the whole in the critical discourse about this work, this thesis aims to explain the occultation of the pamphlet in Quebec’s social and artistic history. From the study of the reception from 1948 to 2008, I question the construction of the common narrative surrounding the work, from which the pamphlet is excluded. In this regard, I uncover which obstacles impeded the pamphlet’s path of reception, preventing the constitution of a unified and coherent discourse, and limiting its place in history. These obstacles, identified from a corpus that includes 639 secondary semiotic objects (« objets sémiotiques secondaires » (OSS), as proposed by Brigitte Louichon), derive from (1) pragmatic factors such as the heterogeneous composition of the work or its availability; (2) institutional or historiographical factors, such as the disciplinarisation of the cultural field and the influence of the Quiet Revolution’s narrative on the literary history; and (3) human factors, based on the role of writers and critics in the reception of the work. The different stages of the reception are thus considered: from the horizon of expectation (Jauss) to the productive reception (Link), through the publication, the first reviews, the reeditions, the academic lectures, the historicization and the entry of the work in the collective memory as a symbol or an hypotext. However, rather than this classic path of reception, I am concerned with its opposite side, that is, the difficulties and deviations of the reception of Total Refusal pamphlet. This thesis is divided in three parts. The first part, theoretical and methodological, positions my argumentation in the fields of cultural history and reception studies, and presents various considerations about the formation of the corpus and the processing of the data. The second part is concerned with the horizon of expectations and the first reception. Such is a critical time for the survival of the work, as showed by Hans Robert Jauss and Daniel Chartier. Notably presented are the lock effect (Cambron) of the dismissal of Borduas on the constitution of the reception narrative, as well as the ethical and aesthetic criteria throught which took place the hierarchization of the value of the components of the pamphlet. The third part covers the subsequent reception (1950-2008) in which I continue the study of the obstacles that still prevents the integration of the pamphlet in history. Furthermore, this section examines the parallel, fragmented and autonomous receptions which enable the survival of Total Refusal, occasionally and partially, outside the common narrative formed around "Total Refusal". These three types of reception, together with the different categories of OSS (direct, indirect, hypertextual, metacritical and fragmented), are part of heuristic tools developed to explain the partial reception of the pamphlet Total Refusal. In accordance with the quantitative and environmentalistic approach of the cultural history, Total Refusal is perceived as a microcosm of the culture in which some works are selected and others disregarded. The analysis of a wide and varied critical corpus enables the understanding of, not only the events leading to the consecration of the eponymous text or the relative neglect of the pamphlet, but also the critical trends, marginal publications, isolated critics, etc. which, embedded in the blind spots of the reception, provide the pamphlet and its components with a way to bypass the dominant discourse. Overall, the study of the reception of the pamphlet Total Refusal has helped change the critical focus from "Total Refusal" to Total Refusal. In addition, it lead to new ways of considering the reception of marginalized works and highlighted selected criteria in the constitution of the history and cultural memory in Quebec since 1948.

Betryckta människor : Hur Ivar Lo-Johansson beskriver könssjukdomarna i Kungsgatan och hur detta mottas i pressen hösten 1935

Rydén, Ernst January 2019 (has links)
I denna uppsats har jag undersökt hur den svenska arbetarförfattaren Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901–1990) beskriver könssjukdomar i romanen Kungsgatan (1935). Lo-Johansson smittades själv av gonorré i början av 1930-talet och kände därför som författare att han hade ett syfte att göra detta ämne lite mindre tabu. Han skulle dock inte berätta om sin sjukdom för någon under denna tid. En stor del av uppsatsen kommer ägnas åt hur romanen mottogs i den samtida pressen. Jag har försökt bevisa – tvärtemot vad som flera litteraturvetare och även författaren själv gjort tidigare – att romanen inte kan klassas som en skandalroman som fick uteslutande negativ kritik på grund av dess två huvudteman prostitution och könssjukdomar.  Den vanligaste åsikten bland litteraturkritiker var att romanen generellt kraftigt borde kortats ner innan utgivning. / In this paper, I have analyzed how the Swedish proletarian writer Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901–1990) describes venereal diseases in his novel Kungsgatan (1935). Lo-Johansson contracted gonorrhea during the early 1930s, and because of this, he felt he had a social purpose as an author to make this subject a little less taboo. He would not, however, reveal his case for anybody during this period. A significant part of this paper will be dedicated to the initial critical reception of Kungsgatan. I have tried to prove – in contrast to previous scholars, even the author himself – that the novel in the beginning wasn’t regarded as scandalous by most literary critics, nor it wasn't criticized because of its main themes: prostitution and venereal diseases. Rather, the most common opinion by critics was that the novel in general should have been shortened down heavily before publication.

Arte por um fio: mitopoética nas obras têxteis de Bispo do Rosário e de Judith Scott: um estudo no campo da recepção crítica / Artwork by a thread mythopoetic in textile art works of Bispo do Rosario and Judith Scott: a study in the field of aesthetic-critical reception

Oliveira, Solange de 05 May 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa averigua a forma como tem sido estabelecido o estatuto de recepção de algumas obras de arte no registro bruto/culto. Os artistas que abordamos são frequentemente classificados segundo tais categorias, ainda que tradicionalmente opostas: Arthur Bispo do Rosario (1909-1989), artista cujas obras foram alinhadas à Arte Contemporânea, e Judith Scott (1943-2005), artista com apenas algumas obras inseridas no campo da Arte Moderna e Contemporânea. O intento é examinar se os critérios e modos de leitura, praticados por críticos e curadores em mostras e exposições nacionais e internacionais, contemporaneamente, têm observado o vivido como significante preponderante do acervo desses artistas ou se, por outro lado, a prática é a de aproximação e incorporação no sistema de arte por aspectos meramente formais. Através do recolhimento da literatura referida a esses eventos, pretendemos explicitar os critérios de leitura e de fruição das obras desses artistas que compartilham o gosto por materiais têxteis, cujo processo de tecimento/destecimento é ingrediente-base de suas poéticas, mas que participam do sistema de arte em diferentes estatutos de integração. Finalmente, a pesquisa visa investigar até que ponto o sentido da escolha de têxteis no desenvolvimento de suas mitopoéticas foi considerado no campo da recepção crítica. A meio termo, destacamos um olhar de dentro do sistema de arte, contabilizando alguns dos pronunciamentos da artista francesa contemporânea Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010), considerando-os especialmente em dois aspectos que nos interessam neste estudo: sua relação com os têxteis, dos pontos de vista formal ou conceitual, e também sua singular perspectiva sobre o processo criativo e o engajamento do criador. A artista não tece julgamentos ou considerações de modo a estabelecer uma delimitação ou alguma fronteira entre os campos (in-) e (out-)sider, o que torna sua perspectiva particularmente atrativa. Colaborar para a reflexão sobre a interpretação de obras estrangeiras à esfera da arte institucionalizada é importante instrumento de compreensão dos processos de construção do saber artístico e de consolidação da fortuna crítica, além de proporcionar uma discussão sobre a possibilidade de pensar lArt Brut a partir de um ponto de vista do próprio sistema de arte / This research aims to enquire how the statute of some art works has been established in the outsider/cultivated art reception register. In this approach the artists are often classified accordingly to those categories, even though they are traditionally opposites: Arthur Bispo do Rosario (1909-1989), an artist whose works are linked to the contemporaneous art, and Judith Scott (1943-2005), an artist who has only some of her work included in the modern and Contemporary Arts system. The intent is to examine what is the criteria and reading tools currently used by curators and art critics in both national and international exhibits, to evaluate if they have considered that bulk of work as something of significant value or if the approach is one of incorporating it into the system in merely formal terms. Through the investigation of the available literature related to those events, we intend to think the criteria used in the evaluation and fruition of those artists work. They have in common the preference for textile materials; the weaving/unweaving process is the basis of their poetic. However, they hold different status of integration in the arts system. Finally, this research aims to investigate how much the choice of textile materials in the development of mythopoetic has been considered and accepted by the critics. In the middle ground, we point to a view that is inside the arts system, listing some of the pronoucements of the contemporary french artist Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010), regarding specially two aspects of interest in the present study: her relation with textiles, be it from the formal or conceptual point of view, and also her singular perspective about the creative process and the creators commitment to it. The artist does not judge or deliberate in order to establish or set out a boundary between the fields of (in-) and (out-)sider art, which makes her perspective even more interesting. Reflecting on the interpretation of foreign works connected to the institutionalized art is an important and valuable contribution to the construction of artistic knowledge and to the consolidation of critical fortune. It also provides a discussion on how to consider the possibility of viewing the Outsider Art from the art systems perspective

The Critical Reception of Herta Müller in the German and English Printed Media Before and After the Nobel Prize for Literature 2009

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: After being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2009, Herta Müller attained great prominence around the world. Commentators, especially in English-speaking countries, seemed shocked by the decision. One of the primary concerns was that Müller was relatively unknown. This thesis seeks to address this and other concerns by looking at reviews of her works in German- and English-language publications both before and after the Nobel Prize was awarded. This thesis analyses chronologically the reception of her books beginning with Niederungen in 1982 and ending with the reception of her novel Atemschaukel in 2009. It compares the reception of the original German text to that of the English translation; therefore only works which have been translated and published in English are discussed. The study also shows that while Müller's work did not top the bestseller charts, at least before the Nobel Prize, she was hardly the completely unknown author that some in the English-language media believed. This thesis seeks to present trends in the reception as well as provide a basis for further study of the reception of Herta Müller. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. German 2011

L’art de (ne pas) fabriquer : Évolution des modes de conception et de production de la sculpture, a l’ère de l’objet produit en masse, entre le milieu des années 1950 et le début des annees 1970, aux États-Unis / The Art of (not) making : Evolution of the ways of conceiving and manufacturing sculpture, in the era of the mass-production object, between the mid-sixties and the early seventies, in the United States

Loire, Cédric 31 March 2012 (has links)
L’analyse de la réception critique des nouvelles formes d’art apparaissant dès la fin des années 1950 et se développant au cours des années 1960, en particulier dans le champ de la sculpture et des œuvres en trois dimensions, constitue le socle de notre réflexion. Celle-ci vise à mettre en lumière les profondes évolutions que connaissent les processus de conception et de production des œuvres en trois dimensions, chez des artistes que la réception critique « à chaud » puis l’histoire de l’art ont séparés en fonction de critères stylistiques : néo-dada, pop, minimal… L’observation de ces déplacements de la pratique, intégrant des matériaux et des modes de production industriels (ou résistant à ces derniers) offre une autre approche des enjeux de l’art de cette période, qui voit s’éloigner la figure archétypale et héroïque du sculpteur moderniste incarnée par David Smith, et s’élaborer la figure nouvelle de l’artiste « post-studio ». Parallèlement, apparaissent de nouveaux soutiens, institutionnels, financiers et surtout techniques, pour les artistes produisant des œuvres en trois dimensions et délégant tout ou partie de la fabrication à des sociétés industrielles. Un nouveau type d’entreprise voit le jour, spécialisé dans la fabrication d’œuvres en trois dimensions et de sculptures monumentales. Au début des années 1970, les nouveaux modes de fabrication expérimentés durant la décennie précédente sont parfaitement intégrés à l’économie générale de l’art. En proposer une forme d’archéologie afin d’en comprendre les motivations initiales vise à mieux penser les enjeux actuels des pratiques artistiques ayant recours à la fabrication déléguée / The analysis of the critical reception of the new forms of art appearing from the end of the 1950s and developing during the 1960s, especially in the field of sculpture and tridimensional works, constitutes the foundation of our thought. It aims at bringing to light the profound shifts in the conception and production processes of the works in three dimensions, made by artists separated by the critical reception then the art history according to stylistic criteria : Neo-Dada, Pop, Minimal, and so on. To observe these displacements of the art practice, integrating industrials materials and means of production (or resisting them) offers another approach of the art stakes in this period, which sees the archetypal and heroic figure of the modernist sculptor (embodied by David Smith) fading, and elaborating the new figure of the post-studio artist. At the same time, new supports (institutional, financial and especially technical) appear for the artists producing works in three dimensions and delegating all or any of the manufacturing to industrial companies. A new type of company, specialized in the manufacturing of works in three dimensions and monumental sculptures, is born. In the early 1970s, the new means of manufacturing experienced during the previous decade are perfectly integrated into the general economy of art. To propose a kind of archeology of these means in order to understand the initial motivations aims at a better thinking of the current stakes in the artistic practices turning to delegated manufacturing processes

Arte por um fio: mitopoética nas obras têxteis de Bispo do Rosário e de Judith Scott: um estudo no campo da recepção crítica / Artwork by a thread mythopoetic in textile art works of Bispo do Rosario and Judith Scott: a study in the field of aesthetic-critical reception

Solange de Oliveira 05 May 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa averigua a forma como tem sido estabelecido o estatuto de recepção de algumas obras de arte no registro bruto/culto. Os artistas que abordamos são frequentemente classificados segundo tais categorias, ainda que tradicionalmente opostas: Arthur Bispo do Rosario (1909-1989), artista cujas obras foram alinhadas à Arte Contemporânea, e Judith Scott (1943-2005), artista com apenas algumas obras inseridas no campo da Arte Moderna e Contemporânea. O intento é examinar se os critérios e modos de leitura, praticados por críticos e curadores em mostras e exposições nacionais e internacionais, contemporaneamente, têm observado o vivido como significante preponderante do acervo desses artistas ou se, por outro lado, a prática é a de aproximação e incorporação no sistema de arte por aspectos meramente formais. Através do recolhimento da literatura referida a esses eventos, pretendemos explicitar os critérios de leitura e de fruição das obras desses artistas que compartilham o gosto por materiais têxteis, cujo processo de tecimento/destecimento é ingrediente-base de suas poéticas, mas que participam do sistema de arte em diferentes estatutos de integração. Finalmente, a pesquisa visa investigar até que ponto o sentido da escolha de têxteis no desenvolvimento de suas mitopoéticas foi considerado no campo da recepção crítica. A meio termo, destacamos um olhar de dentro do sistema de arte, contabilizando alguns dos pronunciamentos da artista francesa contemporânea Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010), considerando-os especialmente em dois aspectos que nos interessam neste estudo: sua relação com os têxteis, dos pontos de vista formal ou conceitual, e também sua singular perspectiva sobre o processo criativo e o engajamento do criador. A artista não tece julgamentos ou considerações de modo a estabelecer uma delimitação ou alguma fronteira entre os campos (in-) e (out-)sider, o que torna sua perspectiva particularmente atrativa. Colaborar para a reflexão sobre a interpretação de obras estrangeiras à esfera da arte institucionalizada é importante instrumento de compreensão dos processos de construção do saber artístico e de consolidação da fortuna crítica, além de proporcionar uma discussão sobre a possibilidade de pensar lArt Brut a partir de um ponto de vista do próprio sistema de arte / This research aims to enquire how the statute of some art works has been established in the outsider/cultivated art reception register. In this approach the artists are often classified accordingly to those categories, even though they are traditionally opposites: Arthur Bispo do Rosario (1909-1989), an artist whose works are linked to the contemporaneous art, and Judith Scott (1943-2005), an artist who has only some of her work included in the modern and Contemporary Arts system. The intent is to examine what is the criteria and reading tools currently used by curators and art critics in both national and international exhibits, to evaluate if they have considered that bulk of work as something of significant value or if the approach is one of incorporating it into the system in merely formal terms. Through the investigation of the available literature related to those events, we intend to think the criteria used in the evaluation and fruition of those artists work. They have in common the preference for textile materials; the weaving/unweaving process is the basis of their poetic. However, they hold different status of integration in the arts system. Finally, this research aims to investigate how much the choice of textile materials in the development of mythopoetic has been considered and accepted by the critics. In the middle ground, we point to a view that is inside the arts system, listing some of the pronoucements of the contemporary french artist Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010), regarding specially two aspects of interest in the present study: her relation with textiles, be it from the formal or conceptual point of view, and also her singular perspective about the creative process and the creators commitment to it. The artist does not judge or deliberate in order to establish or set out a boundary between the fields of (in-) and (out-)sider art, which makes her perspective even more interesting. Reflecting on the interpretation of foreign works connected to the institutionalized art is an important and valuable contribution to the construction of artistic knowledge and to the consolidation of critical fortune. It also provides a discussion on how to consider the possibility of viewing the Outsider Art from the art systems perspective

Face à la critique : Salomé, Oscar Wilde, Lugné-Poe et Richard Strauss : Paris, 1891-1910 / In front of Criticism : Salomé, Oscar Wilde, Lugné-Poe and Richard Strauss : Paris, 1891-1910

Ollion, Martine 06 December 2014 (has links)
Au début des années 1890, Oscar Wilde choisit Paris comme terre d’élection et entreprend de s’y faire un nom. Bientôt connu comme l’auteur du Portrait de Dorian Gray et de Salomé, pièce d’inspiration symboliste écrite en français, la presse le chronique abondamment. En 1896, Aurélien-Marie Lugné-Poe, porte Salomé à la scène et lui offre les conditions d’une nouvelle réception parisienne. En 1902, Richard Strauss voit la pièce représentée à Berlin et s’en empare pour en faire le livret allemand d’un opéra auquel il donne, en parallèle, une version française. Dans un contexte socio-Culturel en mutation et dans un climat politique tendu entre la France et l’Allemagne, Salomé de Strauss arrive à Paris en 1907, accompagnée d’une réception critique exceptionnelle qui ne faiblira pas jusqu’à son entrée au Répertoire de l’Opéra en 1910.Salomé, d’Oscar Wilde à Richard Strauss, se trouve ainsi adoptée à plusieurs reprises par Paris, littéralement portée par les réceptions qu’elle y a reçues, jusqu’à devenir, en ses premières années, malgré des caractéristiques nationales étrangères plurielles et marquées, une œuvre où résonne un fort accent français. Elle peut être appréhendée comme une illustration des discours journalistiques et revuistes parisiens de la fin du XIXe siècle et du début du XXe siècle, dans une perspective verticale – sur une période d'une vingtaine d'années – et horizontale, à travers trois éclairages critiques. Telle que les écrits la montrent ou la façonnent en ses différents avatars, elle est peut-Être aussi une tentative réussie d’art total, héritière superlative du mythe de Salomé revisité en une œuvre-Tiroir, littéraire, dramatique, musicale. / In the early 1890s, Oscar Wilde chose Paris as his adopted land, aiming at becoming famous. Soon known as the author of The Portrait of Dorian Gray and Salomé, a play inspired by the Symbolist movement and written in French, he triggered much curiosity on the part of the critics. In 1896, Aurélien-Marie Lugné-Poe, brought Salomé to the stage and provided the conditions of a new Parisian reception. In 1902, Richard Strauss saw the play represented in Berlin and used it to compose the German libretto of an opera of which he also, simultaneously gave a French version. Against the backdrop of a socio-Cultural context of change and political tension between France and Germany, Strauss’s Salome was performed in Paris in 1907, accompanied by a huge critical reception that would not weaken until it entered the Repertoire of the Opera in 1910. From Oscar Wilde to Richard Strauss, Salomé was thus adopted on several occasions by the Paris, literally sustained by the receptions that it received there, becoming, in spite of its several, marked foreign national characteristics, a work resounding with a strong French accent. Salomé’s critical reception can be seen as an illustration of the journalistic speech in Paris in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, in a vertical perspective - over a period of twenty years - and horizontal, through three critical perspectives. Revealed by this kind of writing or shaped by it into its different types of metamorphosis, this play may also be a successful attempt at total art, superlatively embodying the myth of Salomé in its multiple literary, dramatic and musical dimensions.

A recepção da técnica da ponderação como meio de solução dos conflitos normativos no Brasil: uma teoria dos princípios “à brasileira”?

Quintas, Vicente Masip Y 10 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-04-13T19:15:09Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) DissertaçãoCONCLUÍDA VicenteQuintas.pdf: 980276 bytes, checksum: 11e595e21dad9c354e6b0f26ce62c032 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-13T19:15:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) DissertaçãoCONCLUÍDA VicenteQuintas.pdf: 980276 bytes, checksum: 11e595e21dad9c354e6b0f26ce62c032 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-10 / A dissertação apresenta um estudo descritivo-analítico do discurso jurídico-doutrinário da técnica da ponderação produzido no Brasil, com base nas ideias sustentadas por Ronald Dworkin e Robert Alexy no campo do estudo das espécies normativas. A partir da caracterização do Modelo de Regras proposto por Dworkin e das Teorias da Argumentação e dos Direitos Fundamentais, com enfoque nas ideias formuladas por Alexy, cada qual originada em contextos distintos, buscar-se-á a identificação dos seus principais conceitos e fundamentos, para então se proceder à abordagem descritivo-analítica dos discursos operacionais emanados da doutrina brasileira, naquilo que se convencionou chamar de Teoria dos Princípios, que toma os referidos autores estrangeiros como marco teórico-dogmático. A dissertação, ao trabalhar de forma comparativa os discursos oriundos das doutrinas estrangeira e brasileira, irá examinar tanto as críticas que desmerecem o sopesamento enquanto método hermenêutico capaz de oferecer uma resposta controlável e racional para os embates entre normas constitucionais quanto os termos das propostas de reformulação dos autores brasileiros que, embora aceitem a técnica ponderativa, propõem diferentes critérios de distinção entre regras e princípios, com a consequente expansão da técnica ponderativa na busca da solução dos conflitos constitucionais. Essa postura reformista mostra-se recorrente e constante na doutrina brasileira que pretende aprimorar o modelo original, habilitando o pesquisador a falar em uma aplicação da técnica da ponderação que destoa de sua elaboração original e é comumente propugnada entre os juristas que partilham das intenções de Dworkin e, especialmente, de Alexy. / The dissertation presents a descriptive-analytical study of the legal and doctrinal discourse of the weighting technique produced in Brazil, based on the ideals held by Ronald Dworkin and Robert Alexy in the field of study of normative species. From the characterization of the Model of Rules proposed by Dworkin and theories of Argumentation and Fundamental Rights, focusing on Alexy‟s theory, each of which originated in different contexts, will be sought to identify their key concepts and fundamentals, and then proceeding to the descriptive and analytical approach to operational discourses emanating from the Brazilian doctrine, what is conventionally called the Theory of Principles, which takes such foreign authors as a theoretical and dogmatic framework. The dissertation, the work of comparatively speeches coming from the foreign and Brazilian doctrines, will examine both the criticism that detract the balancing technique while the hermeneutical method able to offer a controllable and rational response to the conflicts between constitutional rules on the terms of the recast proposals of Brazilian authors who, while accepting the weighting technique, propose different criteria for distinguishing between rules and principles, with the consequent expansion of balancing technique in search of the solution of the constitutional conflicts. This reformist posture shows a recurring and constant in the Brazilian doctrine that intends to improve the original model, enabling the researcher to speak at an application of the weighting technique that diverges from its original design and is commonly advocated among lawyers who share Dworkin intentions and especially Alexy.

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