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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Upplevelsestrategi vid kundinteraktioner : En jämförandestudie om kundupplevelsen i kundservice på bank och elhandelsbolag / Experience strategy in customer touch points : A comparative study in the use of Customer Experience within the customer service at a bank and an energy company

Awaijan, Sara, Karlsson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
The rapid development of today’s society is accelerated with digitalization and the customers have more possibilities to compare businesses with each-other than before. The focus on Customer Experience have increased in popularity during the last decade and an increasing number of companies have begun to consider the importance of their customers, the society, and their personnel. This study explores the customer experience in two companies in different industries and how it can be expanded to increase competitiveness and the emotional value towards the customers. An energy company and a bank are compared regarding their operations surrounding customer focus and employee commitment to identify challenges and possibilities in combination to increased digitalization. This study investigates how Customer Experience Management can be introduced, which is a corporate strategy to lift the emotional aspects of a company in order to increase the connection to its customers. The study compares two companies through qualitative interviews and a quantitative employee survey to answer three research questions; (1) the current way in which the companies operate, (2) possibilities to develop through Customer Experience Management, and finally (3) how digital tools can be introduced in order to elevate the customer experience. The analysis combines the empirical findings with literature and theories to enable development for businesses who aim to increase their customer focus and customer experience concerning customer service and the organization. The findings of this study show that the companies have opportunities to progress in areas such as strategic focus, organizational culture and the potential to implement digital tools in order to increase the customer experience. Important factors which are considered drivers in the customer experience are ways to increase the customer satisfaction and loyalty, the commitment and motivation of the employees, as well as expressed strategies to saturate the organization. An increased focus on emotional value creation is considered crucial for companies to differentiate and increasing their competitiveness. / I dagens samhälle går utvecklingen snabbt med hjälp av digitaliseringens framfart och kunder har mer och mer möjligheter till att jämföra företag mellan varandra. Att fokusera på kundupplevelser har ökat i popularitet under de senaste åren där fler och fler företag inser vikten av att bry sig om sina kunder, samhället och sin personal. Denna studie undersöker kundupplevelsen på två företag och vad som kan göras för att utveckla den. Ett energibolag och en bank jämförs i deras arbetssätt kring kundfokus och medarbetarengagemang inom kundservice för att identifiera utmaningar och möjligheter i samband med ökad digitalisering. Studien undersöker hur man kan introducera Customer Experience Management, vilket är en ledningsstrategi som fokuserar på att lyfta företagens emotionella delar för att skapa starkare band till kunderna och öka konkurrenskraften. Studien jämför två företag genom djupintervjuer och en medarbetarenkät för att svara på tre forskningsfrågor som handlar om; (1) det nuvarande arbetssättet, (2) utvecklingsmöjligheter från ett perspektiv kring Customer Experience Management, och slutligen (3) hur digitala verktyg kan introduceras för att höja kundupplevelsen. Analysen kombinerar de empiriska fynden med litteratur och teorier för att ge möjligheter till utveckling för företag som vill utveckla sitt kundfokus och kundupplevelse inom kundservice och organisationen i sig. Slutsatserna visar att företagen har utmaningar inom områden så som strategiskt fokus, organisationskultur och potential för digitala verktyg som kan användas för att höja kundupplevelsen i företagen. Viktiga parametrar som identifieras som drivande för att öka kundupplevelsen är bland annat verktyg för att öka kundnöjdhet och lojalitet, medarbetarnas engagemang och motivation samt uttalade strategiska val som genomsyrar hela organisationen. Att fokusera på emotionellt värdeskapande i företagen ses som en grundläggande utvecklingsmöjlighet för företag som vill differentiera sig och öka konkurrenskraften.

Köpintentionen vid införskaffning av en elbil : en jämförande konsumentstudie mellan Tyskland och Storbritannien, i samarbete med Polestar / Electric cars purchase intention : a comparative consumer study between Germany and the United Kingdom, in collaboration with Polestar

Halling, Albin, Eriksson, Isak January 2022 (has links)
Skiftet från en bensindriven bil till en elbil är ett ämne som drastiskt accelererat under de senaste fem åren med motivation av miljömässiga fördelar. Detta skifte börjar inte bromsa in, utan snarare att fler konsumenter väljer en elbil framför en bil med en förbränningsmotor. I takt med att bilen blir mer avancerad, blir även tekniken inuti bilen mer komplicerad för konsumenter att använda. Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra köpintentioner av en Elbil mellan Tyskland och Storbritannien, med specifik hänsyn till Technology acceptance model (TAM). Studien är genomförd som en kvantitativ undersökning med Polestar som samarbetspartner. För Tyskland respektive Storbritannien är respondenterna 54 respektive 56 styck. Analysering av resultat har gjorts genom en deskriptiv analys samt en korrelationsanalys, för att hitta mönster i de datamaterial som insamlats. Resultatet påvisar att det finns såväl likheter som skillnader i köpintentionerna för såväl Tyskland som Storbritannien. Exempelvis påvisar resultatet att TAM har en likvärdig inverkan på köpintentionerna hos de båda länderna, samtidigt som exempelvis miljö har en större inverkan hos konsumenter i Storbritannien än i Tyskland. / The shift from a petrol-powered car to an electric car is a topic that has accelerated dramatically over the past five years with the intention of environmental benefits. This shift is not starting to slow down, rather more consumers are choosing electric vehicles over cars with internal combustion engines. As the car becomes more advanced, the technology in the car also becomes more complicated for consumers to use. The purpose of this study is to compare the purchase intentions of electric cars in Germany and the United Kingdom, with specific regard to the Technology acceptance model (TAM). The study was conducted as a quantitative study partnered with Polestar. For Germany and the United Kingdom, the respondents are 54 and 56 respectively. Analysis of results has been done through descriptive analysis and correlation analysis, to find patterns in the data material collected. The results show that there are similarities and differences in the purchase intentions for both Germany and the United Kingdom. For example, the results show that TAM has an equal impact on the purchasing intentions of the two countries, while for example, the environment has a greater impact on consumers in the UK than in Germany.

Evaluating value differentiation in the South African polymer market / Joao Gabriel Fernandes Neri

Neri, Joao Gabriel Fernandes January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value differentiation in the polymer industry in South Africa by rating the polymer customers’ experience in this regard. This study is important in the light of increasing polymer competition worldwide. No records of similar studies in this industry in South Africa have been found. As such this study could make a contribution that could spur polymer manufacturers and suppliers in improving their competitive advantage by offering value-added services to enhance the customer experience and, as a result increase customer satisfaction levels. The type of research conducted was a descriptive research applying the quantitative research methodology. The non-probability quota sampling method was employed. The study population consisted of a select group of customers from a South African polymer manufacturer and supplier. A questionnaire was e-mailed to the select group of polymer customers, many of whom purchase polymer locally and abroad. A response rate of 74% was obtained from a sample of 68 customers approached. The survey results show statistically that a positive satisfaction level was attained, but also highlighted some areas where certain value drivers such as company image, supply and distribution, and information lack attention. Polymer suppliers could gain the competitive advantage by focusing on the drivers that many customers value to ensure that customer satisfaction levels are sustained or improved on. More importantly, polymer suppliers should focus on the low scoring satisfaction levels recorded from the survey, from which they could build by enhancing the total value proposition. Limitations of the study were identified. Recommendations for future research were made. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Evaluating value differentiation in the South African polymer market / Joao Gabriel Fernandes Neri

Neri, Joao Gabriel Fernandes January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value differentiation in the polymer industry in South Africa by rating the polymer customers’ experience in this regard. This study is important in the light of increasing polymer competition worldwide. No records of similar studies in this industry in South Africa have been found. As such this study could make a contribution that could spur polymer manufacturers and suppliers in improving their competitive advantage by offering value-added services to enhance the customer experience and, as a result increase customer satisfaction levels. The type of research conducted was a descriptive research applying the quantitative research methodology. The non-probability quota sampling method was employed. The study population consisted of a select group of customers from a South African polymer manufacturer and supplier. A questionnaire was e-mailed to the select group of polymer customers, many of whom purchase polymer locally and abroad. A response rate of 74% was obtained from a sample of 68 customers approached. The survey results show statistically that a positive satisfaction level was attained, but also highlighted some areas where certain value drivers such as company image, supply and distribution, and information lack attention. Polymer suppliers could gain the competitive advantage by focusing on the drivers that many customers value to ensure that customer satisfaction levels are sustained or improved on. More importantly, polymer suppliers should focus on the low scoring satisfaction levels recorded from the survey, from which they could build by enhancing the total value proposition. Limitations of the study were identified. Recommendations for future research were made. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

CEMenting Growth : Customer Experience Management as a driver of Growth

Sundström, Gema, Kashyap, Guha January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is the purpose of this study is to gain a more in-depth understanding of customer experience management and how it enables growth within an organization. Background: Customer Experience Management has been described as a process where the entire experience of a customer with a product/service and a company is strategically managed. It has been highlighted as a key area for organisations to focus on, yet, CEM is continuously being researched both by researchers and business practitioners as there is still a vague understanding on the topic. Nonetheless, CEM has been displayed as a successful process, however, very little research has gone into showing that it could enable organizational growth.

Värde och upplevelse inom ett logistikföretag : Effektivisering av upplevelsen och värdet genom inverkan av innovation / Value and Experience within a logistics company : Increasing efficiency on experience and value with an impact from innovation.

Giang, Johnny, Westin, Betty January 2016 (has links)
Frågeställning:   Hur kan DHL Freight i Eskilstuna genom inkrementella innovativa lösningar leverera ett högre kundvärde samt bättre kundupplevelse i den del av logistikprocessen som skapar kundvärde för privatpersoner? Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka och ge förslag på hur DHL Freight i Eskilstuna kan generera kundvärde och kundupplevelse för DHLs privata kunder genom innovationstänk. Metod: En kvalitativ metod har använts genom studien som också är en samproduktion med DHL Freight i Eskilstuna. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer, deltagare för intervjuerna var två respondenter på DHL i Eskilstuna med befattningarna platschef och administratör, samt intervjuades åtta kunder som fått leveranser från DHL. Ansatsen har varit induktiv. Slutsatser: För att ett logistikföretag som DHL Freight i Eskilstuna ska generera högre kundvärde och bättre kundupplevelser behöver företaget öka möjligheterna till inkrementell innovation. I dagsläget är innovationsgraden lokalt nästan obefintlig. Det är nödvändigt för ett företag att vara förberedda på att identifiera kunders efterfrågan och behov som ligger till grund för de innovativa lösningarna. Aktiviteter behöver utvecklas för att detta ska vara möjligt. För att kunna skapa tjänsteinnovation finns fyra viktiga punkter att ta hänsyn till. Att ändra kunders uppfattning om företaget är svårt men inte omöjligt, dock behöver företaget ta fram en verklighetsbild för att kunna utgå från denna. Kundens roll är den väsentligaste att utgå ifrån och därför är den realistiska verklighetsbilden viktig. / Research question: How can DHL Freight in Eskilstuna, by applying incremental innovations generate a higher customer value and customer experience in the part where the logistics process creates customer value for individuals? Purpose: The purpose with this study is to do a research and generate suggestions to as how DHL Freight in Eskilstuna can generate, by using innovation customer value and customer experience for DHL’s private customers. Method: A qualitative method has been used in this study, this study is also a co-production with DHL Freight in Eskilstuna. The empirical material has been collected by doing semi-structured qualitative interviews, the individuals who have participated in the interviews are two respondents from DHL in Eskilstuna. These two has the roles of ‘Site manager’ and ‘administrator’. Eight individuals, who’s affiliated with DHL as customers have also participated in the interviews. The study has used an inductive method. Conclusions: If a logistics company such as DHL Freight in Eskilstuna wants to generate a higher customer value and customer experience, the company has to increase the possibilities for incremental innovations. The levels of innnovation within the local sites are almost non existent. It is neccessary for for a company to be prepared to identify customers’ demands and needs which can be used as a base for innovative solutions, activities needs to be developed in order to make it possible. In order to be able to create service innovation, four important factors has to be considered and adapted to. To change customers’ perceptions regarding the company is challenging but not impossible, the company has to acquire a reality based picture in order to be able to utilize and proceed with it. The customer’s role is the most suitable factor to proceed from. Therefore, the realistic picture of reality is important.

Customer perception on the effectiveness of customer centric sales channels in a financial cooperation in South Africa / Stephanus Paulus Krüger

Krüger, Stephanus Paulus January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of the study was to determine which measurement tool, existing or adapted, would be able to determine the levels of customer centricity within the sales channels of a specific organisation, operating in the South African financial industry. A literary study showed that in order to determine the levels of customer centricity, customer experience should be measured. Six questionnaires were administered, namely, EXQ, NPS, CES, Customer satisfaction, Word-of-Mouth and Behavioural loyalty intention. The data showed a statistical significance and a positive relationship between all the constructs within all the questionnaires except with that of CES. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Integrated marketing communications and brand tribalism in a postmodern hospitality reputation management process

Tuominen, Pasi Petteri January 2013 (has links)
Internet and Social Networking Services have made accessing information as easy as lifting a finger and consumer can easily ‘Google’ the cheapest airlines, find reviews and opinions online or look up the restaurant whose name was on the tip of their tongue (Sparrow et al., 2011). Organisations must focus on developing methods of reaching and servicing customers that appeal to a new generation and utilise the advantages of new media (Moutinho et al., 2011). Social networking services, (mobile) websites, location-based services, and group bargaining are among the most recent forms of brand building and reputation management used by organisations to appeal to their stakeholders. Considering reputation management as a strategic necessity of building and sustaining competitive advantage, this thesis applies the discourse of the postmodern branding, Integrated Marketing Communications and Brand Tribalism within the context of online tourism and hospitality. No previous study has covered and combined the fractured knowledge of reputation management, brand tribes and integrated marketing communications within the hospitality industry, and therefore this work is an original and systematic study of the possibilities and pitfalls of the research area. Combining non-participant netnographic method and semi-structured management interviews, 164 hotels and 43 restaurants from seven countries were studied with the aim to find evidence on four different problem settings; (a) the general challenges found in the hospitality SNS presence and activities; (b) the formation of an online tribe within the hospitality context; (c) the effect of peer reviews, tribal activism, and entertainment provision in SNS, and (d) the means and effects of managing SNS’s interactions and implementation of IMC into the reputation management process. The findings of this study suggest that the management of the hospitality reputation is continual, and requires resources and well-articulated integration to overall strategy and vision of managing strategic relationships. The study concludes that by adapting the recommended Ambient Reputation Management framework it is possible to expand the exposure, and enhance the general feelings towards the company and its products and services. Furthermore, the study postulates that providing entertainment and non-factual conversation topics, besides responding to customer needs, are the most effective stimuli in the brand-related engagement enhancement process. These findings enable management to define the service brand’s promise in terms of how the practical and emotional tenets should be blended to grow brand personality in the minds of potential stakeholders. Finally this study accentuates the generation of brand awareness through the growing rapport between the brand and the consumers towards the formation of a brand tribe, and materialisation of an active tribal loop; and that taking advantage of the web analytics from the actions to measure the resultant brand awareness is a key element of Ambient Reputation Management.

Musik sätter ton i film : En studie om filmmusiks betydelse för film och dess upplevelse

Malmgren, Johanna, Johansson, Louise, Nilsson, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
Syfte Vårt syfte är att utreda och analysera vad som karaktäriserar filmmusik samt klarlägga musikens betydelse för film. Forskningsfrågor På vilket sätt kan film och musik influera varandra och hur kan samspelet mellan dem se ut? Hur kan musik användas som ett verktyg för att påverka helhetsupplevelsen av film?   Metod Vår studie är av en kvalitativ karaktär grundad i ett växelspel mellan en induktiv och en deduktiv ansats. Empirisk data baseras på sju semistrukturerade intervjuer.   Slutsats I studien har vi kommit fram till att filmmusik har stor betydelse för kundens slutgiltiga upplevelse av en film. Filmmusik kan fungera i ett sätt att guida konsumenten genom filmen och ta till sig det uttryck som vill förmedlas. För att musiken ska få sin ultimata kraft bör det finnas en fin balansgång i samspelet mellan komponenterna. Det finns ingen mall att följa när det kommer till musiksättande i samband med film, sammanhanget är det som spelar roll. De båda medieformerna kan vid rätt balans sinsemellan höja och även dra fokus till varandra. / Purpose          Our purpose of this study is to investigate and analyse what characterises film music and what makes the music significant for film.   Research questions In what way can film and music influence each other and how can the interaction between the two take form? How can music be used as a tool to influence the general experience of the film? Method Our method in this study is based on a qualitative approach with an interplay between an inductive and deductive hypothesis. Empirical data is based on seven semi structured interviews.   Conclusion Our study has shown that film music has great impact on the customer's experience of a film. Film music can work as a way to guide the consumer through the movie and absorb the expression that is transmitted. For the music to reach its full potential there should be a balance in the interaction between the components. There is no specific right or wrong when it comes to putting music into films, it is the context that matters. With the right balance both forms of media can accentuate and market each other.

Returprocessens påverkan på relationen mellan kund och företag / The return process impact on the relationship between customer and company

Johansson, Felicia, Lindquist, Catrin January 2018 (has links)
E-handel är i nuläget ett etablerat fenomen som växer för varje år. I samband med att e-handen breder ut sig och försäljningen mellan olika länder ökar bidrar det även till en ökad returgrad. Returgraden inom e-handel är den högsta i jämförelse med övriga försäljningskanaler och är ett hot för många företags överlevnad. För att vända returen till någonting positivt kan returprocessen användas för att stärka kundlojalitet och kundvärde genom segmenterade lösningar.  Syftet med rapporten är att identifiera de steg en konsument går igenom i en returprocess och om dessa aktiviteter kan skapa lojalitet och kundtillfredsställelse som stärker relation mellan konsument och företag. För studien utformades det en enkätundersökning för konsumenter som returnerat en produkt på Etonshirts.com. Från enkätundersökningen framgick det att stor andel av respondenterna var mycket nöjda med företagets returprocess men även att det fanns områden som kan utvecklas. För att bekräfta vilka steg en konsument går igenom under en returprocess gjordes en flerfallstudie av fem svenska e-handelsföretag. Studien bekräftar vilka steg som finns och att de kan skilja sig mellan företag. En observationsstudie utfördes i syfte med att identifiera företagets steg i en returprocess, detta för att bekräfta vilka steg ett företag har och hur det i sin tur påverkar kundens process.  För att en återförsäljare ska kunna generera kundnöjdhet måste återförsäljaren förstå sina konsumenters beteende och en returprocess bör anpassas beroende på segment och marknad. Kundnöjdheten kan nås genom effektivitet, bekvämlighet och noggrannhet som bidrar till lojala kunder. Beroende på hur företaget presenterar information på webbplatsen, om köpet, retursedel och returpolicy bidrar det till hur kunden upplever returprocessen och i vilken utsträckning en konsument returnerar. Den totala upplevelsen av köp och retur är viktig för att stärka relation mellan kund och företag. / E-commerce is an established phenomenon that grows for each year. As the e-commerce expands and sales between different countries increase, it also contributes to an increased return rate. The return of e-commerce is the highest in comparison with other sales channels and is a threat to many online companies. In order to turn the return into something positive, the return process can be used to strengthen customer loyalty and customer value through segmented solutions. The purpose of this report is to chart the activities a consumer goes through in a return process and investigate if these activities can create loyalty and customer satisfaction that strengthen consumer / business relationship. For the study, a survey was conducted for consumers who returned a product on Etonshirts.com. From the survey, it was found that a large proportion of respondents were very pleased with the company's return process, but also that there were areas that could be developed. To confirm what activities a consumer is going through during a return process, a multivariate study was conducted at five Swedish ecommerce companies. The study confirms which steps exist and that they can differ between companies. An observation study was conducted to map the company's steps in a return process, to confirm what activities a company has and how it affects the customers return process. In order for a company to generate customer satisfaction, they must understand the behaviour of their consumers and a return process should be customized depending on segment and market. Customer satisfaction can be achieved through efficiency, convenience and accuracy that contribute to loyal customers. Depending on how the company presents information on the website, the purchase, return and return policy, it helps to understand how the customer experiences the return process and to which extent a consumer returns. The overall experience of purchase and returns is important in strengthening relationships between customers and companies.

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