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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socionomen: en byråkrat eller profession? : Kvalitativ studie av utbildningsinriktningar inom socionomprogrammet under tre olika tidsperioder / The social worker: a bureaucrat or profession? : Qualitative study of different orientations in social work education in three different periods

Mousa Taher, Hilin January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to study changes in the social work education programs, regarding the topics and themes, in Sweden from three different periods. The study is based on content analyses of education syllabies, and have analysed the results through a knowledge och professional theoretical concept. The key findings of the study were that practical and theoretical knowledge is increasingly integrated in social work programs. There is a requirement to integrate theoretical knowledge into practical skills, whether it is direct application or a critical approach. The relationship between theoretical and practical knowledge has thus been strengthened in social work programs, which means that social workers have strengthen their position as profession, in accordance with the concept of professionalism. In addition, social workers need to integrate different aspects into their intervetion assessments. This can mean that the scope of action has increased as they have several sources to use today, such as legislation, science, ethical considerations and own experiences. The uptake of these multiple perspectives in the performance of social work can also indicate the strengthening of the social workers`position as profession because knowledge systems of professions are abstract according to the concept of professionalism. / Syftet med studien var att utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanaly av utbildnings- och kursplaner, och utifrån ett kunskaps- och teoretiskt perspektiv, studera förändringar i kunskapsprofilen inom socionomutbildningen i Sverige. De centrala resultaten i studien var att praktisk och teoretisk kunskap integreras alltmer i socionomutbildningen. Inom de flesta ämnen som studeras under utbildningen är kravet på att integrera dessa kunskaper i praktiken, vare sig det handlar om tillämpning eller ett kritiskt förhållningssätt. Förhållandet mellan teoretisk och praktisk kunskap har därmed förstärks inom socionomutbildningen, vilket innebär att socionomer stärker sin profession i enlighet med professionsbegreppet. Dessutom behöver socionomstudenter integrera olika aspekter i sina åtgärdsbedömningar. Det kan både innebära att handlingsutrymmet har ökat i och med att de har flera källor att utgå ifrån idag såsom lagstiftning, vetenskaplig fakta, etiska överväganden och egna erfarenheter. I övrigt kan anammandet av flera perspektiv i utförandet av socialt arbete också tyda på en abstraheringsoprocess av kunskapssysemet, och därmed förstärkning av socionomprofessionen. Detta eftersom kunskapssystem är abstrakta enligt professionsbegreppet.

E-sport in i idrottsrörelsen? : Idrottsföreningar och deras uppfattningar om och förhållningssätt till framtida e-sport i den egna verksamheten / E-sports in to the sports movement? : Sports association clubs and their notions and attitudes about future e-sport within their own operations

Rayat, Pooya January 2017 (has links)
With the rapid expansion of e-sports, the e-sports federation in Sweden seeks legitimacy and support in their efforts to gain recognition as a real sport. With this background, a bill has been proposed to the National Sports Association of Sweden to include the movement as a member of the organization. Thus, granting the official legitimacy and support that the e-sports movement seeks as a sport. The purpose if this study was to examine how sports clubs perceive e-sports to see if they think it has a place within the context of a traditional sports club. The method used to retrieve this data was semi-structured interviews with key decision makers within the sports clubs randomly chosen within a specific county. The purpose was examined by breaking it down into three key questions, which were then used as headlines in the result. The results of the study are that there is a willingness among most of the sports clubs to begin the work of integrating e-sports within the club, but there were requirements. One of them was drift from the starters so that the board of direction can keep doing what they do, thus they want the e-sports section to operate on its own. Another requirement was that those who wish to start the e-sports sections know the economic parameters, preferably. The less enthusiastic leaders who did not wish to integrate e-sports still wished to learn more about e-sports as they saw that it will keep expanding, these leaders were however somewhat doubtful of how an e-sports club could be integrated into a sports club and what benefits there might be for both parties in this cooperation.

Vilken roll har läxan i matematikundervisningen? : En kvalitativ studie om lärares förhållningssätt till läxor i matematikundervisningen / What role does homework play in mathematics education? : A qualitative study of teachers approach to homework in mathematics education

Wallström, Linnéa, Blomberg, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att belysa om, varför och hur några lärare i årskurserna 1-3 anser sig arbeta med matematikläxor. Syftet är även att undersöka dessa lärares definition av läxa samt att utifrån det samlade resultatet identifiera möjligheter och hinder med matematikläxa. För att samla in data till studien användes semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta lärare.  Studiens resultat visar att även om matematikläxan är inkluderad i undervisningen hos alla respondenter, skiljer sig syfte och definition åt. Vissa såg till exempel möjligheten till kommunikation med hemmen medan andra såg ett tillfälle för repetition. Resultatet visar även variation i hur matematikläxan används samt att den i sig själv kan utgöra möjligheter såväl som hinder för lärande. Vår slutsats är att matematikläxa som pedagogiskt verktyg används men är ett oreglerat område samt att en officiell riktlinje inom verksamheterna saknas. / The aim of this study is to identify if, why and how certain teachers of grade 1-3 consider to work with mathematics homework. Further the aim is to investigate the definition of homework and to identify opportunities and obstacles with including it as part of the teaching practised. To collect data for the study, semi-structured interviews have been performed with eight teachers. A presented results show that all respondents includes mathematics homework in their teaching but its purpose and definition varies. For example, some teachers sees it as a possibility of communication with the home while others sees it as an opportunity for repetition. The result also shows variations of how mathematics homework is used and that it can in itself constitute opportunities as well as obstacles to learning. The main conclusion of the study is that mathematics homework as an educational tool is an unregulated area with no official guideline in place.

Skulder – intressenters inställning till förslaget beträffande definition, recognition och derecognition i IASB:s föreställningsram / Liabilities - Stakeholders' attitude towards the proposal on definition, recognition and derecognition in IASBs’ Conceptual Framework

Andersson, Sandra, Wennerström, Anneli January 2017 (has links)
Ett av världens huvudsakliga normgivningsorgan inom redovisningsstandarder är International Accounting Standards Board. Just nu pågår projektet att revidera föreställningsramen där grundtankarna för den finansiella rapporteringen redogörs. Studien kommer beröra förslag beträffande definition, recognition och derecognition av skuld. Olika intressenter har fått möjligheten att kommentera dessa förslag genom Comment Letters (CL) på ett tidigare utgett Exposure Draft (ED) 2015. Studiens syfte är att redogöra för olika intressentgruppers inställning till förslaget på definition, recognition och derecognition av skulder i IABS:s föreställningsram. Vidare är syftet att undersöka den bakomliggande anledningen till varför de ställer sig positiva eller negativa till förslaget. Slutligen är syftet att undersöka om informationsbehovet skiljer sig mellan intressentgrupperna beträffande definition, recognition och derecognition i IASB:s föreställningsram. Studiens bidrag är att bidra med en större förståelse inom ämnet samt att vara till nytta för normgivare och den framtida normgivningsprocessen. Detta görs genom att identifiera hur olika intressenter ställer sig till förslagen samt varför. Då det är viktigt att intressenters intressen tas hänsyn till för att föreställningsramen ska bli allmänt accepterad, kommer studiens resultat vara ett bidrag till den fortsatta utvecklingen av föreställningsramen. Studien baseras på de CL som inkommit till International Accounting Standards Board innan den 26 oktober 2015, vilket var sista datumet att lämna CL på ED 2015. Studien har avgränsats till att endast inkludera CL från normgivare, redovisningsprofessionen, banker, företag och akademiker. I studien behandlas 125 stycken CL. Därefter har en dokumentundersökning med en induktiv ansats gjorts. Resultatet av studien visar att en majoritet av intressenterna ställer sig positiva till förslagen beträffande definition, recognition och derecognition av skuld. Banker är den enda intressentgrupp som ställer sig negativa till förslaget vilket kan grunda sig i att de är oroliga att förslaget öppnar upp en möjlighet för företag att själva göra en bedömning om vilken redovisningsmetod de ska välja. Emellertid önskar alla intressenter att mer vägledning ges i föreställningsramen. Vidare går det att dra en slutsats att intressenterna önskar en mer regelbaserad föreställningsram. Utifrån studiens resultat kan det konstateras att projektet att revidera föreställningsramen bör fortgå då det finns oklara principer som behöver tydliggöras. / One of the world's main standard-setters in accounting standards is the International Accounting Standards Board. The project to revise the Conceptual Framework is ongoing. The Conceptual Framework sets out the basic concepts for financial reporting. This study will concern proposals regarding the definition, recognition and derecognition of liabilities. Various stakeholders have been given the opportunity to comment on these proposals through Comment Letters (CL) on a previously released Exposure Draft (ED) 2015. The purpose of this study is to account for the different interest groups' attitude towards the proposal for the definition, recognition and derecognition of liabilities in the IASBs’ Conceptual Framework. Furthermore, the purpose is to examine the underlying reasons why they have positive or negative attitude to the proposal. Finally, the purpose is to examine whether the need for information differs between the interest groups in terms of definition, recognition and derecognition in the IASBs’ Conceptual Framework. The contribution of the study is to contribute to a greater understanding of the subject, as well as to benefit the standard-setters and the future process for standard-setting. This is done by identifying the different stakeholders attitude towards the proposals and why. Since it is important that the interests of stakeholders will be taken into account in order for the Conceptual Framework to be widely accepted, the study's results will be a contribution to the continued development of the Conceptual Framework. The study is based on the CL submitted to the International Accounting Standards Board before October 26, 2015, which was the last date to leave a CL on ED 2015. The study has been limited to, include only CL from standard-setters, accounting professionals, banks, companies and academics. The study consists 125 CL. Then a document examination with an inductive approach has been made. The result of the study shows that a majority of stakeholders are in favor of the proposals regarding the definition, recognition and derecognition of liabilities. Banks are the only interest group who disagrees with the proposal, which may be because they are worried that the proposal opens up for the opportunity for companies to make an assessment of the accounting method they themselves should choose. However, all stakeholders want more guidance in the Conceptual Framework. Furthermore, it can be concluded that stakeholders wish for a more rule-based Conceptual Framework. Based on the results of the study, it can be noted that the project to revise the Conceptual Framework should continue as there are unclear principles that need clarification. This essay is written in Swedish.

Generell DDL-Generering: metodik för olika databashanterare : Undersökning av metoder för generisk DDL-kod-generering över olika databassystem

Gabrielsson, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla en generell applikation som kan generera DDL-skript från tre olika databaser: Oracle, SQL Server och DB2, genom att enbart använda en JDBC-uppkoppling. Behovet av denna studie kommer från att databasadministratörer och utvecklare effektivt ska kunna hantera databaser med olika system med varierande syntax och struktur. Processen genomfördes i IDEAn IntelliJ med java.sql-APIt för databasoperationer. Resultatet visade att trots skillnaderna mellan dessa databaser var det möjligt att utveckla en generell process för att extrahera DDL-kod med endast en JDBCuppkoppling. Dock krävdes vissa specifika anpassningar för varje databassystem. En observation var hanteringen av primärnycklar och index mellan systemen. Denna applikation har potential att vidareutvecklas till ett kraftfullt verktyg för databashantering, vilket sparar tid och resurser. Områden för framtida undersökning inkluderar hantering av komplexa datatyper och strukturer, samt prestanda med stora databaser. / This study was aimed at developing a generic application capable of generating DDL-code from three different databases: Oracle, SQL Server and DB2 by using JDBC. This research necessity origins from database administrators and developers need to effectively manage databases across different systems with different syntax and structure. The process was conducted in the IDEA IntelliJ using the java.sql-API for database operations. The result showed that despite the differences between these databases it was possible to develop a generic process for extracting DDL-code only using a JDBC connection. However, some specific adaptions were required for each database system. An observation was the managing of primary keys and indexes across the systems. This application has the potential to be developed further into a powerful tool for database management that saves time and resources. Areas for further investigation is handling of complex data types and structures and performance with large databases.

Conflict efficacy: antecedents and consequences

Steele, John Paul January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Psychology / Clive J. A. Fullagar / Interpersonal conflict has remained a pervasive and important issue in all organizations. Despite the prevalence of workplace conflict and high individual and organizational costs, hypotheses regarding the effects of operationalizing work conflict in different ways have been largely ignored and only indirectly investigated. Study 1 experimentally examined the extent to which the process of conflict resolution was affected by context (i.e., definitional differences). Results from 507 college student participants indicated that felt conflict was manipulated by subtly changing the definition of work conflict used in survey instructions. While the manipulation was somewhat effective, the effect size was weak. Ultimately, students’ perceptions about what the conflict was about directly predicted conflict intensity, frequency, efficacy, and some resolution preferences. Results from Study 1 help refute recent criticisms that operationalizing work conflict in different ways has created a fragmented literature base, and allowed for Study 2 to move away from measurement and design issues to the more pragmatic concern of investigating the newly established and important concept of conflict efficacy, including its antecedents and consequences. Although self-efficacy is one of the most popular constructs in psychology, little research has examined conflict efficacy, or one’s assessment of their ability to resolve interpersonal conflicts. Study 2, a cross-sectional study, tested a model in which conflict efficacy (CE) was the central research variable. Study 2 attempted to establish conflict resolution skills, mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, physiological arousal, and verbal persuasion as antecedents of CE, and negative interactions at work and positive social relationships at work as key outcomes of CE. Results from 137 college students indicated that the hypothesized sources of conflict efficacy were actually better predictors of positive work relationships than either task or domain CE. Negative interactions at work and positive social relationships were predicted by task CE. In addition, frequency of negative work interactions was found to moderate the effect of conflict avoidance preference on work relationships such that avoiding was negatively related to positive work relationships when the individual experienced frequent negative interactions at work, but non-significantly related when relatively less negative interactions at work were experienced.


Fielding, Richard, McNelis, Aaron 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 21, 2002 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / This paper examines two rules for data acquisition that have advantages for today's Flight Test Instrumentation (FTI) systems where: • Data is acquired from physically separate test equipment • Deterministic (IRIG-106 (Ch. 4)) and non-deterministic networks co-exist • Data Acquisition Units (DAUs) from multiple vendors are required • Signal lists and sampling rates change rapidly • A time-coherent sampling strategy (even for smart sensors) is required These rules may aid not only in the selection of the data acquisition equipment but also the definition of the sampling, transmission, storage and analysis strategies.

Georeferenced Point Clouds: A Survey of Features and Point Cloud Management

Otepka, Johannes, Ghuffar, Sajid, Waldhauser, Christoph, Hochreiter, Ronald, Pfeifer, Norbert 25 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This paper presents a survey of georeferenced point clouds. Concentration is, on the one hand, put on features, which originate in the measurement process themselves, and features derived by processing the point cloud. On the other hand, approaches for the processing of georeferenced point clouds are reviewed. This includes the data structures, but also spatial processing concepts. We suggest a categorization of features into levels that reflect the amount of processing. Point clouds are found across many disciplines, which is reflected in the versatility of the literature suggesting specific features. (authors' abstract)

A teachable semi-automatic web information extraction system based on evolved regular expression patterns

Siau, Nor Zainah January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores Web Information Extraction (WIE) and how it has been used in decision making and to support businesses in their daily operations. The research focuses on a WIE system based on Genetic Programming (GP) with an extensible model to enhance the automatic extractor. This uses a human as a teacher to identify and extract relevant information from the semi-structured HTML webpages. Regular expressions, which have been chosen as the pattern matching tool, are automatically generated based on the training data to provide an improved grammar and lexicon. This particularly benefits the GP system which may need to extend its lexicon in the presence of new tokens in the web pages. These tokens allow the GP method to produce new extraction patterns for new requirements.

Data-driven Definition of Cell Types Based on Single-cell Gene Expression Data

Glaros, Anastasios January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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