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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Djuretik ur barn och ungdomars perspektiv

Gynnstam, Robin, Åström, Kersti January 2006 (has links)
Frågeställningen behandlar hur barn och ungdomar resonerar kring djurförsök. När eleverna resonerar kring djuretik, vad anser de då vara relevant? Vi analyserar elever från första- och niondeklass diskussioner kring djuretik. I vår undersökning ställs eleverna inför ett fiktivt dilemma och får svara på hur de skulle ha agerat i olika situationer. Deras svar avspeglar olika nivåer av moralutveckling och vilken förmåga de har till etiskt tänkande. Barnen känner oftast stor medkänsla får djuren medan majoriteten av ungdomarna finner djurförsök försvarbart, även om de vet ytterst lite om ämnet. Djurens storlek blir ofta den viktigaste faktorn för elevernas ställningstagande och vilket värde de tilldelas. De olika årskurserna har ibland liknande svar, som ofta bygger på olika grunder, vi utreder vad som kan tänkas ligga bakom deras resonemang. Vi analyserar elevernas resonemang utifrån Lawrence Kohlbergs teori om moralutveckling. / This report addresses how children and youths discuss the topic of animal research. When pupils discuss animal ethics, what do they perceive as relevant? We give pupils from first- and ninth grade questions about animal ethics. In our study we let pupils answer how they would act in a fictive dilemma, and why. Their answers reflects different levels of maturity and what ability they have for ethical reasoning. The children often show great pity for animals, while most of the youths accept animal research, even though they don’t know much about it. The size of the animals is one of the most important factors that will make pupils accept or disallow research. This is also important when pupils judge the value of different animals. Children and youths sometimes have similar answers, but they often have different grounds for them. We investigate what might lei behind their answers. We also analyze their answers and try to find out which level of Lawrence Kohlbergs theory of moral progress they would correlate to.

Dialogens betydelse i LSS-verksamhet - att kunna möta människor utan att vilja förändra dem

Nyberg, Cecilia January 2012 (has links)
Inom stödverksamhet för vuxna med utvecklingsstörning, som regleras enligt LSS (Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade, 1993:387 ) har personalens bemötande en avgörande betydelse för kvaliteten och möjligheten till delaktighet. Syftet med detta arbete är att belysa, tolka och förstå hur personal i denna stödverksamhet ser på sin kompetens, och hur de upplever att de kan tillägna sig och utveckla denna. Med en narrativ ansats, där människans behov av att berätta ses som en existentiell förutsättning, har svaren sökts med intervjun som metod. Med fokus på dialog har de teoretiska utgångspunkterna centrerats till begreppen kompetens, kunskap, berättelse och en kommunikationsteori som sätter dialogen i centrum, Michael Bachtins teori om dialogicitet. Intervjupersonerna ser både yrkesmässiga och personliga händelser som avgörande för hur deras syn på yrkesrollen förändrats över tid. Variationen i intervjuerna har lyfts fram genom en tolkning som resulterat i fyra berättelser uppbyggda utifrån vändpunkter, turning points, som intervjupersonerna själva lyft fram som avgörande för sin utveckling i sin yrkesroll. De fyra berättelserna har sedan utgjort utgångspunkt för en tematisering som utgått från forskningsfrågorna. Resultatet visar att det finns en tilltro till samtal och dialog för att kunna utvecklas i och bemästra en komplex och otydlig yrkesroll. Slutsatsen blir att lärande och utveckling kan integreras i det dagliga arbetet genom att dialogens betydelse tydliggörs och forum för samtal skapas.

A shared household across generations : A reflection of a research project for a housing model to promote rural regeneration

Korpi, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
Settlement in the midlands of Norrland is linked to specific difficulties, partly rooted in a historical perspective of indigenous colonialism. Consequences include significant geographical value differences, which make new construction of housing unequal in Sweden. In addition, a demographic problem arises as older people stay in a larger living space than they need, as it becomes more expensive to move than to stay. The consequence is a stagnant generational change in the housing market, making it difficult for young adults to settle in rural areas. That relationship is generally more prevalent in rural areas in the midlands of Norrland, a phenomenon that I define as a part of The rural dilemma. Based on this problem, interest grew to investigate alternative and possible solutions, which at the same time favored settlement in the midlands of Norrland. However, some people defy these difficulties and, with collective solutions, create settlements based on alternative forms of social housing. Therefore the collective Skogsnäs was visited in Sollefteå municipality, which has since then served as a source of inspiration for the project: A shared household across generations. The ambition was to investigate a dwelling typology that combines important components that favor rural areas and which can contribute to upgrading values ​​in these territories, promote social community, and take into account building economies using natural building materials. This can benefit local resource processing and entrepreneurship. The dwelling typology consists of interior wall modules, which contribute to the living space not becoming static but can grow and change together with the household constellation and needs. In addition to the advantage of shared housing costs, the concept offers an alternative form of social housing that enables possible generational housing, where the wall modules can be seen as an artifact whose function integrates with everyday life in time and space. The module becomes an important part of the design of common variability and surface flexibility based on needs over a generation.

Thomas Merton's Dilemma: The Kerygma of Christianity and/or the Metaphysical Intuition of the Ground of Being in Zen Buddhism / Thomas Merton's Dilemma: The Kerygma and/or Zen Consciousness

Campbell, Annette Jean 09 1900 (has links)
My interest in Thomas Merton began two years ago in my last year of an M.A. program in Church History at the Wheaton Graduate school outside of Chicago. In particular, I was impressed with Merton's ability to carry on a dialogue with D.T. Suzuki, communicator of Rinzai Zen to the west, while retaining his commitment to Christianity. Hence I chose to work on an aspect of the Merton/Suzuki dialogue recorded in Zen and the Birds of Appetite. The impulse for such a study arose from my own questions regarding Christianity. Did Christianity alone contain the formula for truth or did Christianity contain one of many formulas to find ultimate reality or God? It became evident as I progressed in my research that the kingpin in Merton's dilemma between the Kerygma of Christianity and Zen consciousness was the epistemological question. The epistemological road of Zen Buddhism is that of experience. The epistemological road of Christianity equally emphasizes experience and rationality. Inasmuch as the experience of the reality of the Kerygma is a vital component of Christianity, and inasmuch as this sphere is often downplayed in a society which puts the scientific method on a pedastle, Merton correctly assimilates Zen Buddhist themes in order to inform that neglected aspect of Christianity. However, the irreconcilable difference between Zen Buddhism and Christianity is apparent. Christianity is not just an experiential, romantic feeling of unity with 'the one'. Conversely, Zen Buddhism refuses the imposition of content on its central thrust. I conclude that we are faced with a 'Mexican standoff’ between Christianity and Zen Buddhism inasmuch as in the quest for satori the Zen Buddhist will not include the Kerygma, nor will the Christian eliminate the Kerygma in his quest for the experience of ultimate reality or God. Thus a merger is impossible unless severe compromise is made on both sides. I maintain that while there is a wealth of gold to be discovered in Christianity and Zen Buddhism, it is impossible to equate them. Merton’s theory of the non-religious character of Zen which can shine through any system, enabled him to espouse the Zen-way to a Christian audience. I refute the claim that Zen is non-religious and rather maintain that allegiance to non-thought represents a definite epistemological stance. Also, the authoritative edge in Zen inspired by satori contains the same degree of dogmatism as the Christian allegiance to the deity of Christ. I understand Merton’s assimilation of Zen themes with his evolved Christian thought in the following manner: 1. Disgust with a technological society whose values carried over into the religious sphere. 2. His own poetic, paradoxical nature and obsession with ultimate reality. 3. His desire that Zen Buddhists learn about Christianity in a non-threatening way, and 4. His intuition that Christianity must be more than intellectual assent to dogma which does not: change one’s lifestyle, and his discovery in Zen of a preparatory mode for the breakthrough of truth. He wanted to integrate the heart with the head. I begin with a biographical report of Merton’s life and evolved religious thought. The second chapter focusses on representative thinkers in Merton’s thought beginning with Bernard of Clairvauxs Meister Eckhart and D.T. Suzuki. Finally the third chapter focusses on the dialogue between Suzuki and Merton. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)

I korsdraget mellan ideologi och praktik : om elever med ett aggressivt norm- och regelbrytande beteende i en eftersträvad relationell skolmiljö / Dilemmas in the context between ideology and practice : about pupils with an aggressive norm- and rule breaking behaviour in an aspired relational school environment

Lindholm, Lena, Ejlerskov, Malin January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att studera hur lärare och specialpedagoger, i en skola som strävar mot ett relationellt perspektiv, resonerade kring tänkbara dilemman som kan uppstå i deras yrkespraktik när elevers olika behov ställs mot varandra. Mer precist ville studien undersöka hur lärare och specialpedagoger resonerade kring undervisning av elever med ett aggressivt, norm- och regelbrytande beteende i en kontext där andra elever kränks eller hotar att kränkas. Frågeställningarna som studien vilar på handlar om att i första hand synliggöra eventuella dilemman för att i nästa steg resonera kring lärare och specialpedagogers agerande samt de överväganden som ligger till grund för agerandet. Studien har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer med sammanlagt åtta informanter. För att synliggöra eventuella dilemman, och de motsättningar som inryms i dessa, analyserades resultatet med en konfliktteoretisk ansats, med den så kallade konflikttriangeln som analysverktyg. Fyra dilemman identifierades; att lärare och specialpedagoger inte till fullo upplever att de har de verktyg de behöver i undervisningen, att när lärmiljön fallerar och andra elever kränks, tenderar lösningen att bli exkluderande, att kunskap kring elevgruppen upplevs saknas samt att det finns brister i samverkan som försvårar arbetet.

Förskollärares arbetssätt och dilemman som kan uppstå : En kvalitativ studie om barn med autism och adhds förutsättningar till lärande / Preschool teachers' working methods and the dilemmas that may arise : A qualitative study on children with autism and ADHD's prerequisites for learning

Denozza, Denie, Spjuth, Sanna January 2023 (has links)
Studien har som syfte att undersöka hur förskollärare arbetar och ger barn med adhd och autism en likvärdig utbildning i förskolan. Frågeställningarna som används har varit:  Hur är den fysiska och sociala miljön anpassad för att barn med Adhd eller Autism får förutsättningar till lärande? och Hur arbetar förskolläraren för att barn med Adhd och Autism ska nå målen i läroplanen? Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer av förskollärare som har erfarenhet av att arbeta med barn med diagnoserna har en tematisk analys använts för att få fram resultat. I resultatet framkommer att anpassningar som ansågs gynnande för barnen var: Stödfunktioner utifrån, tydlig och strukturerad vardag, närvaro och relationsskapande samt minska yttre stimuli. Det framkom även hur förskollärarens arbete med att barnen skulle nå läroplanens mål var: Genom ett inkluderande förhållningssätt utifrån barnens förutsättningar och behov, utgå från barnens individuella intresse samt stöd och extra arbete med vissa målområden. Resultaten har sedan analyserats genom tre specialpedagogiska perspektiv. Dilemmaperspektivet, Kategoriska perspektivet samt Relationella perspektivet. I analysdelen har olika dilemman beskrivits som kan påverka om barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar får optimala förutsättningar till lärande.


Hassan, Talal January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis to high lights the Afghanistan complex situation and itsimplications on Pakistan. Though out the history, Afghanistan complex situation andweak government create a security threat for Pakistan. Since the late 1970s Afghanistanhad suffered brutal civil war in addition to foreign interventions in the form of the 1979Soviet invasion and the 2001 U.S. invasion. Pakistan is significantly and directly affectedby the foreign invasion in Afghanistan. Pakistan is facing a variety of security threats; aninternal threat, an Indian threat, and the threat from Afghanistan. In order to comprehendPakistan's security dilemma, it is necessary to start our discussion with analyze theAfghanistan geographically importance, foreign intervention in Afghanistan, pak-afghanrelation, Pakistan’s foreign policies towards Afghanistan, the resistance movement andrefugee problems, and then evaluate the security situation. Admittedly, the India factorcannot be ignored in studying Pakistan's security dilemma.

The Dilemma of Participation A Commentary on Plato's Parmenides 131A9-E3

Otto, Karl Darcy 09 1900 (has links)
In separating the Form from its particulars, Plato is left with the task of describing the way in which they are related to one another. One possible way of construing this relation is to suppose that particulars receive a share ofthe Form. The discussion between Parmenides and Socrates, in the Parmenides 131 a9-e3, interprets this sharing in a material sense: either the whole of the Form is received by each particular, or part of the Form is received by each particular. This disjunction turns out to be a destructive dilemma -the socalled Dilemma of Participation. The three main sections ofthis work study in detail the Dilemma of Participation, as it is presented in the Parmenides. The first section considers the disjunct that the whole of the Form is received by each particular (13 la9-b2). By using a system of classical extensional mereology, it is demonstrated that Parmenides' reductio ad absurdum of this disjunct is deductively valid. The second section deals with Socrates' objection to this argument (which he makes in the guise of the Day Analogy), and Parmenides' response to the objection (which he makes in the guise ofthe Sail Analogy) (131 b3-c4). The validity of Parmenides' response depends on the sense of"day" Socrates intends in the Day Analogy. It is argued (against S. Panagiotou) that there is a sense of "day" that makes Parmenides' response invalid. The third section considers the disjunct that part of the Form is received by each particular (131 c5-e3). Two current interpretations of this disjunct (that ofT. Scaltsas and R. E. Allen) are recounted and critiqued, and a new interpretation is proposed (an interpretation based partially on that of Proclus, and under which Parmenides' argument against this disjunct is valid). / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)

Examining Friendship Dynamics in Social Anxiety with Iterated Games of the Prisoner’s Dilemma

Galbraith, Todd William January 2016 (has links)
Individuals with social anxiety have been shown to have higher levels of friendship impairment and greater difficulty establishing close relationships than persons without social anxiety. However, the mechanisms associated with such impairment have not been widely examined. Previous research suggests that deficiencies in prosocial behaviors (e.g., low warmth, limited self-disclosure, and constrained cooperation) during interpersonal exchanges may partially explain their difficulties developing close relationships. The present study aimed to examine the effect that rejection may have on prosocial behaviors, as well as other factors associated with developing and maintaining friendships, including trust, perceived likeability, closeness/connectedness, using an iterated, computerized version of the Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD) game. Participants with high (n = 56) and low (n = 35) social anxiety were asked to play the PD game with another participant (actually an experimental confederate) whom they met at the start of the study. Participants were led to believe that they were playing the PD game against the other participant but were actually playing against a computer that was programmed with a strategy meant to initially facilitate cooperation. Cooperation, or giving, in the PD game was measured primarily by the number of tokens that the participant shared with his/her partner. Additionally, participants were randomized to either rejection or non-rejection conditions. Partway through the study, those in the rejection condition were exposed to a programmed decrease in giving by their partner as well as an ambiguous in-person rejection (administered by the experimenter). Participants in the non-rejection condition were not exposed to either the programmed or in-person manipulations. Outcomes of interest included total giving during the PD game, constriction of giving, and the use of particular strategies following rejection in the PD game, as well as various measures of relationship quality collected at the end of each round of play. It was hypothesized that individuals with high social anxiety in the rejection condition would exhibit less total giving and a constricted response to low partner giving and also be less likely to use prosocial strategies to encourage cooperation (i.e., a coaxing strategy) following rejection by the partner compared to those with low social anxiety in the rejection condition. Additionally, we anticipated that those with high social anxiety in the rejection condition would provide lower ratings of the following relationship quality domains following the rejection condition: trust, closeness/connectedness, and perceived likeability than those with low social anxiety in the rejection condition. Overall, results provided little support for these hypotheses. However, there were several significant main effects that highlighted differences among those with high and low social anxiety. For example, individuals with high social anxiety had greater ratings of the expectancy of future rejection and of the importance of their next turn for maintaining the quality of their relationship with their partner. Additionally, there was a trend level (p = .08) social anxiety group by rejection condition interaction on the participant’s trust of his/her partner, such that those with high social anxiety exhibited reductions in relationship trust following rejection whereas those with low social anxiety did not. Implications of these findings as well as limitations and future directions of study are also explored. / Psychology

Att skydda med självbestämmandet i beaktning : En studie om hur biståndshandläggare navigerar i dilemmat som uppstår när en person som lever med en demensdiagnos motsätter sig nödvändiga insatser / To protect while considering self-determination : A study about how case managers navigates in the dilemma that occurs when a person with dementia diagnosis oppose necessary care

Kullberg, Josefin, Molin, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur biståndshandläggare inom äldreomsorgen hanterar dilemmat som uppstår när en person som har en demensdiagnos motsätter sig hjälpinsatser som biståndshandläggare, vårdpersonal och anhöriga anser är nödvändiga för att den enskilde inte ska riskera att fara illa. För att uppnå syftet med studien tillämpades kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer. Den dataanalysmetod som användes var tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att samtliga biståndshandläggare använde sig av liknande strategier för att nå fram till den enskilde som motsatte sig hjälpen. Strategierna de använde sig av var långsiktighet, att ta hjälp från andra professioner och anhöriga samt att lirka. Majoriteten av biståndshandläggarna upplevde att de med hjälp av strategierna kunde skydda personer som har en demensdiagnos. Några av biståndshandläggarna uttryckte en önskan om större befogenheter. Flera biståndshandläggare tolkade även lagstiftningen olika. Resultatet analyserades därefter med hjälp av organisationsteori ur ett strukturellt och kulturellt perspektiv, men även med hjälp av begreppet pastoralmakt. Analysen visade att biståndshandläggarna styrdes av en struktur bestående av lagar och riktlinjer vilket begränsade deras handlingsutrymme. Däremot hade alla biståndshandläggare oberoende av varandra skapat en kultur inom respektive organisation som strävade efter att övervinna den enskildes motstånd i ett försök till att skydda den enskilde. Ur ett pastoralmaktsperspektiv, visade resultatet att samhällets sociala normer var av betydelse för hur biståndshandläggarna handlade gentemot den som motsatte sig hjälpen. Studiens slutsats var att personer med demensdiagnos kan skyddas från att fara illa, men att vissa riskerade ett sämre skydd beroende på hur lagstiftningen tolkades av den enskilde biståndshandläggaren. / The purpose of this study was to examine how case managers in elderly care deals with the dilemma that arises when a person suffering from a dementia diagnosis opposes the care case managers,  healthcare workers and relatives consider to be necessary to that person so that the individual does not risk being involved in an accident or becoming ill. To reach the purpose of the study we used a qualitative research technique in the form of interviews and the research strategy we used was thematic strategy. The result shows that all of the case managers in our study used similar strategies in their work to persuade the individual who opposed the care granted by the case managers. The strategies used were long-term, take help from other professionals and relatives and to coax. A majority of the case managers experienced that they with help of the strategies had the capability to protect the people suffering from dementia diagnoses. A few of the case managers expressed a wish for extended authority, and it was not uncommon for the case managers to have their own interpretation of the laws. The result was then analyzed by using organization theory and viewed from a structural and cultural perspective, but also with the help of pastoral power. The analysis showed that case managers were guided by a structure consisting of laws and guidelines, which limited their room for maneuver. however, all case managers had independently created a culture within each organization that strived to overcome the individual's resistance in an attempt to protect the individual. From a pastoral power perspective, the results showed that society's social norms were important for how case managers acted towards those who opposed . The study concluded that people with dementia can be protected from being harmed, but that some risked worse protection dependent on how the case manager interpreted the law.

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