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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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En ställföreträdande koinonia? : Ecklesiologi och ecklesialitet i Svenska kyrkans territorialförsamlingar / A Vicarious Koinonia? : Ecclesiology and ecclesiality in the parishes of Church of Sweden

Ringheim, Erik January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att lämna ett litet bidrag till Svenska kyrkans självreflektion och därmed till ekumeniska samtal genom att undersöka sammanläggningarnas konsekvenser för församlingssyn och liv. Med denna sammanfattning besvarar jag även frågeställningarna; Vilken ecklesiologi kan efter relationsförändringarna utläsas i Svenska kyrkans utredningar och i Läronämndens yttranden över territorialförsamlingarna? Vad ger denna för implikationer för församlingen som koinonia? Genom att analysera den ecklesialitet som framträder i Svenska kyrkans utredningar och Läronämndens yttranden har jag sökt finna svar på frågan hur territorialförsamlingarnas ecklesiologi framträder och vilka implikationer detta kan ha för den ekumeniska förståelsen av kyrkan som koinonia. Jag har visat ett plausibelt samband mellan sammanläggningar av territorialförsamlingar med kommunalisering av kyrkan och ett organisatoriskt skifte från Gemeinschaft till Gesellschaft.Territorialförsamlingarna har genom sammanläggningar gått mot större ekonomiska enheter med större geografisk storlek och ökad genomsnittlig mängd tillhöriga per församling. Man har rört sig från ett övre tak av antalet medlemmar i en församling till en miniminivå. Denna nivå syftar till att utgöra ett tillräckligt stort kyrkoavgiftsunderlag i syfte att bära kostnader för personal och fastigheter. Med detta har man rört sig från att antalet medlemmar avgör mängden personal till att mängden personal avgör antalet medlemmar.Samtidigt som antalet medlemmar minskar ökar antalet anställda. Svenska kyrkan kan beskrivas som tjänsteinriktad folkkyrka där välutbildad och kunnig personal utgör den faktiska församlingen medan den tillhörige primärt konsumerar religiösa tjänster. Den demokratiska organiseringens offentligrättsliga karaktär stärker den Gesellschaft¬-struktur som utvecklats över åren. Möjligheten för den enskilda att ta ansvar för, och engagera sig i, sin församling som förtroendevald går via nomineringsgruppernas respektive vallista och inte via det direkta engagemanget i församlingen. Man skulle kunna säga att församlingsbon lämnar över sitt religiösa liv att skötas av anställa och nomineringsgrupper å sina vägnar. Ett slags helig gemenskap på entreprenad där den enskildes ansvar flyttas till nomineringsgruppen och kyrkolivet sköts av proffs medan den enskilde döpte kan komma och fylla på sitt själsliv vid behov eller vid högtidliga tillfällen. De anställda och förtroendevalda bildar en slags ställföreträdande koinonia medan de tillhöriga blir passiva konsumenter som inte ser sig själva som kyrka. Denna ställföreträdande koinonia riskerar även att leda till en organisatorisk donatism, där förståelsen av kyrkan som en samling rättfärdiggjorda syndare tonas ner då graden av professionalitet ökar.När kyrkan blir för lik världen hamnar dess skapelseteologiska annorlundaskap i bakvattnet till förmån för statsvetenskaplig och ekonomisk rationalism och då riskerar kyrkan att delas upp i en yttre organisation och en inre gemenskap där den förras mätbarhet hamnar i förgrunden. Kyrkans organisering behöver istället hålla ihop med dess syfte att människor ska komma till tro och kristen gemenskap skapas. Kyrkans annorlundaskap som koinonia grundad i Treenigheten kan utgöra en förebild för världen och ge just de förutsättningar som en öppen folkkyrka behöver för sitt grundläggande uppdrag, sin lagstadgade identitet, sin ekonomi och som en del av den ekumeniska rörelsen. Inte minst i en tid av transition mot att vara en kyrka med mer likartade förutsättningar som andra samfund. / In the ecumenical movement the Church is often understood as koinonia – communion with (in) God realized in interpersonal community. In this essay, I have tried to show that the organizational structure in Church of Sweden after the separation of Church and state, risks forming a vicarious koinonia of staff and elected officials. Mergers of territorial parishes and an organizational shift from Gemeinschaft to Gesellschaft has shifted the view of who is part of the koinonia and put emphasis on employees and on the church as a provider of religious services while the parishioners are passive bystanders and form the basis for church tenth. The vicarious koinonia risks forming an organizational Donatism in which religious professionals replace the understanding of congregation as justified sinners, and of ecclesiological Docetism where the organization of the church is separated from its purpose of community and lived faith.  The church's identity as koinonia founded in the Trinity can set a model for the world and provide the conditions that an open folk church needs for its mission, its finances and as part of the ecumenical movement.


[pt] O tema da presente pesquisa é A Igreja, povo reunido por Deus para o seu Reino: um estudo comparativo entre Gerhard Lohfink e Joseph Ratzinger. Está inserida nas atividades de pesquisa do Programa de Pós-graduação em Teologia da PUC-Rio, área de concentração Teologia Sistemático-Pastoral, linha de pesquisa Fé e Cultura, projeto de pesquisa A Teologia de Joseph Ratzinger e o Magistério de Bento XVI. Efetivamente, o problema aqui explorado se situa entre os grandes temas do quadro eclesiológico e, com essa formulação temática, fundamentalmente pretendemos o seguinte: explorar tanto a compreensão sobre o significado da proclamação de Jesus do Reino de Deus, que emerge do pensamento de Gerhard Lohfink e Joseph Ratzinger, no contexto da pesquisa recente sobre Jesus, como também a hermenêutica – fundamentos e princípios, desenvolvimento das reflexões e implicações teológicas – elaborada por esses autores, no que se refere ao conteúdo da mensagem de Jesus, prestando especial atenção ao modo como interpretam a relação entre o Reino de Deus e a Igreja; destacar, por meio da comparação dos resultados obtidos durante a pesquisa, alguns aspectos comuns ao pensamento de Gerhard Lohfink – no contexto da pesquisa sobre o Jesus histórico e, mais especificamente, sobre sua proclamação do Reino de Deus na sua relação com a Igreja – com a compreensão que Joseph Ratzinger possui, sobre o tema; identificar consequências e implicações do tema para diferentes áreas da teologia; e aprofundar questões relativas ao tema, especialmente, em relação à cristologia, à eclesiologia e à pastoral, por exemplo, com alguma ênfase, quanto às relações do tema com a sinodalidade eclesial, o ecumenismo e o diálogo interreligioso. / [en] This research has as its theme The Church, a people gathered by God for his Kingdom: a comparative study between Gerhard Lohfink and Joseph Ratzinger. It is part of the research activities of the Postgraduate Program in Theology at PUC-Rio, in the area of concentration Systematic-Pastoral Theology, research line Faith and Culture, research project The Theology of Joseph Ratzinger and the Magisterium of Benedict XVI. In fact, the problem explored here is situated among the great themes of the ecclesiological framework and, with this thematic formulation, we fundamentally intend the following: explore both the understanding of the meaning of Jesus proclamation of the Kingdom of God, which emerges from the thought of Gerhard Lohfink and Joseph Ratzinger, in the context of recent research on Jesus, as well as the hermeneutics - foundations and principles, development of reflections and theological implications - elaborated by these authors, with regard to the content of Jesus message, paying particular attention to the way they interpret the relationship between the Kingdom of God and the Church; to highlight, by comparing the results obtained during the research, some common aspects of Gerhard Lohfink s thinking - in the context of research on the historical Jesus and, more specifically, on his proclamation of the Kingdom of God in its relationship with the Church - with Joseph Ratzinger s understanding of the theme; to identify consequences and implications of the theme for different areas of theology; and to delve into questions of theology; and deepen issues related to the topic, especially in relation to Christology, ecclesiology and pastoral care, for example, with some emphasis on the relationship of the topic with ecclesial synodality, ecumenism and interreligious dialogue.


MARCELO MASSAO OSAVA 13 February 2025 (has links)
[pt] Na literatura patrística, as mulheres foram retratadas de maneiras diversas em relação ao seu papel no cristianismo. Os Padres reconheceram a importância das mulheres na história da salvação e no desenvolvimento da fé cristã. Por exemplo, Justino, Agostinho, Gregório de Nazianzo, João Crisóstomo e Jerônimo são Padres que apresentaram o perfil das mulheres fortes que contribuíram no estabelecimento do cristianismo. Esses escritores patrísticos registraram a presença e a participação das mulheres em eventos cruciais do cristianismo, como testemunhas da Ressurreição e como protagonistas de missões importantes, porém é relevante considerar o contexto cultural da época para uma interpretação adequada, evitando distorções. Além disso, a literatura patrística também destaca a força, autoridade e generosidade das mulheres, que desempenharam papéis significativos no governo, no ensino e na santidade, seja em âmbito caseiro, eclesial ou social. As mulheres foram ativas como esposas, virgens consagradas, viúvas, mártires e monjas, demonstrando, assim, sua relevância em diferentes esferas da vida. Além disso, na história, várias mulheres foram companheiras de missão e mantenedoras de ministérios dos próprios Padres, desempenhando papéis fundamentais na propagação da fé e no serviço à comunidade cristã. Macrina, Nona e Gorgônia, Mônica, Marcela, Paula, Olímpia, Demétria, são alguns exemplos de mulheres fortes, com autoridade e liderança no movimento cristão. O magistério católico recente oferece importantes reflexões sobre a relevância das mulheres e o Papa Francisco promove, sobretudo mediante ações, uma participação mais ativa, reconhecendo o papel das mulheres no contexto atual, em sintonia com os ensinamentos da Sagrada Escritura e da tradição cristã. / [en] In patristic literature, women were portrayed in different ways in relation to their role in Christianity. The Fathers recognized the importance of women in the history of salvation and in the development of the Christian faith. For example, Justin, Augustine, Gregory of Nazianzus, John Chrysostom and Jerome are Fathers who presented the profile of strong women who contributed to the establishment of Christianity. These patristic writers recognized the presence and participation of women in crucial events of Christianity, as witnesses of the Resurrection and as protagonists of important missions, however it is important to consider the cultural context of the time for an adequate interpretation, avoiding distortions. Furthermore, patristic literature also highlights the strength, authority and generosity of women, who played significant roles in government, teaching and holiness, whether at home, ecclesiastical or social. Women were active as wives, consecrated virgins, widows, martyrs and nuns, thus demonstrating their relevance in different spheres of life. Furthermore, in history, several women were mission companions and supporters of ministries of the Fathers themselves, playing fundamental roles in propagating the faith and serving the Christian community. Macrina, Nona and Gorgonia, Mônica, Marcela, Paula, Olímpia, Demétria, are some examples of strong women, with authority and leadership in the Christian movement. Recent Catholic teaching offers important reflections on the relevance of women and Pope Francis promotes, above all through actions, more active participation, recognizing the role of women in the current context, in line with the teachings of Holy Scripture and Christian tradition.

Rol van koinonia in kleingroepe in die opbou van die gemeente / The role of koinonia in small groups in the building up of the local church

Du Plessis, Willem Jacobus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die probleemstelling van hierdie studie is naamlik: "Kan die groei of bestaan van kleingroepe in 'n gemeente 'n invloed hê op die vlak van koinonia wat die gemeente beleef." Hierdie vraag het relevant geword omdat die mens waarmee die kerk werk, gedurig verander. Sedert die "verligting" van die sewentiende eeu lewe ons in 'n tyd wat as die "modemisme" bekend staan. Die modemisme word gekenmerk deur die beklem­toning van die rasionele en individualisme van die individu. Sedert die tweede wereldoorlog het daar 'n verskuiwing begin plaasvind van 'n "modemistiese" na 'n "postmodemistiese" samelewing. Die postmodemis ontgogel deur die onvermoe van die modemisme om vrede in die wereld te verseker het 'n behoefte na "community" of koinonia begin ontwikkeL Dit het weer belangrik geword om iewers te behoort. Die tradisionele bedieningspraxis wat baie gesteun het op die beginsels van die modernisme is besig om ontoereikend te word vir die uitdagings van die post­ modernistiese mens. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n bedieningspraxis te ondersoek en te beskryf wat die behoefte na koinonia aan spreek - daardie diep innige omgang van mense met mekaar in liefde. Die term verwys na die diep lewens en Iotsverbondenheid wat 'n christelikegeloofsgemeenskap met mekaar behoort te deel. Die tradisionele bedieningspraxis het die ideaal na koinonia in die erediens gesien. Die uitgangspunt van hierdie studie is dat dit nie haalbaar is nie. 'n Nuwe bedieningspraxis waarin die kleingroep prominent figureer is eerder die ruimte waarbinne koinonia beleef kan word. Dit beteken dlat die studie 'n paradigmaskuif voorstaan van 'n tradisioneel "verkondigings" of"Herder-kudde-model" na 'n "liggaams"- of"charismatiesemodel". Die doel van die studie is om die postmoderne mens te lei na geloofsvolwassenheid, dit is die uiteindelike doel van 'n gemeentebouprogram. Hierdie groei na geloofsvolwassenheid is 'n pastorale proses waar lidmate deur 'n egte belewing van koinonia in 'n kleingroep, wat as 'n verlengde familie funksioneer, groei na geloofsvolwassenheid. Die studie steun die "selgemeentemodel" as bedieningspraxis om die groei na geloofsvolwassenheid in 'n gemeente te fasiliteer. Hierdeur sal koinonia as een van die wesenskenmerke van die kerk weer tot sy reg kom in die kerk. / This study deals with the problem statement: "Can the growth or existence of small groups within a congregation influence the level of community experienced within that congregation?" The question is relevant because the church works with everchanging human beings. Since the "revolution" of the seventeenth century, we have been living in a period of "modernism" characterised by the emphasis being placed on rationalism and individualism. Since the Second World War a shift has taken place from a "modernistic" to a "post-modernistic" society. Post-modernistic man, disillusioned by the inability of the modernistic world to ensure peace, has developed a need for community. Involvement with other people and the need to belong has once again become important. Traditional ministry, based on the principles of modernism, has become inadequate to fulfil the challenges and requirements of post-modernistic man. The purpose of this study is to investigate a ministry practice which will address these requirements of community - namely a deep and profound relationship of caring between people. The term refers to a strong bond of common destiny which people should experience within a religious community. Traditional practices of ministry upheld the belief that this ideal of community could be attained within religious services. The premise of this study is that such a level of community is not achieved within traditional ministry practices. A new practice, in which small groups feature prominently, would be more conducive to a spirit of community. The study suggests a paradigm shift from the traditional model of"gospel preaching" or "pastoral-herd", to a more physical or charismatic model. The purpose of this study is to guide post-modernistic man towards religious adulthood, which is the ultimate goal of a congregational building program. This is a pastoral process where members of the congregation grow towards adulthood through a fervent experience of community within a small group, functioning as an extended family. The study promotes the "cell-church model" as appropriate ministry practice to facilitate the congregation's growth towards religious adulthood. Through this approach, community will once more take its rightful place as one of the quintessential features of the church. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

Rol van koinonia in kleingroepe in die opbou van die gemeente / The role of koinonia in small groups in the building up of the local church

Du Plessis, Willem Jacobus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die probleemstelling van hierdie studie is naamlik: "Kan die groei of bestaan van kleingroepe in 'n gemeente 'n invloed hê op die vlak van koinonia wat die gemeente beleef." Hierdie vraag het relevant geword omdat die mens waarmee die kerk werk, gedurig verander. Sedert die "verligting" van die sewentiende eeu lewe ons in 'n tyd wat as die "modemisme" bekend staan. Die modemisme word gekenmerk deur die beklem­toning van die rasionele en individualisme van die individu. Sedert die tweede wereldoorlog het daar 'n verskuiwing begin plaasvind van 'n "modemistiese" na 'n "postmodemistiese" samelewing. Die postmodemis ontgogel deur die onvermoe van die modemisme om vrede in die wereld te verseker het 'n behoefte na "community" of koinonia begin ontwikkeL Dit het weer belangrik geword om iewers te behoort. Die tradisionele bedieningspraxis wat baie gesteun het op die beginsels van die modernisme is besig om ontoereikend te word vir die uitdagings van die post­ modernistiese mens. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n bedieningspraxis te ondersoek en te beskryf wat die behoefte na koinonia aan spreek - daardie diep innige omgang van mense met mekaar in liefde. Die term verwys na die diep lewens en Iotsverbondenheid wat 'n christelikegeloofsgemeenskap met mekaar behoort te deel. Die tradisionele bedieningspraxis het die ideaal na koinonia in die erediens gesien. Die uitgangspunt van hierdie studie is dat dit nie haalbaar is nie. 'n Nuwe bedieningspraxis waarin die kleingroep prominent figureer is eerder die ruimte waarbinne koinonia beleef kan word. Dit beteken dlat die studie 'n paradigmaskuif voorstaan van 'n tradisioneel "verkondigings" of"Herder-kudde-model" na 'n "liggaams"- of"charismatiesemodel". Die doel van die studie is om die postmoderne mens te lei na geloofsvolwassenheid, dit is die uiteindelike doel van 'n gemeentebouprogram. Hierdie groei na geloofsvolwassenheid is 'n pastorale proses waar lidmate deur 'n egte belewing van koinonia in 'n kleingroep, wat as 'n verlengde familie funksioneer, groei na geloofsvolwassenheid. Die studie steun die "selgemeentemodel" as bedieningspraxis om die groei na geloofsvolwassenheid in 'n gemeente te fasiliteer. Hierdeur sal koinonia as een van die wesenskenmerke van die kerk weer tot sy reg kom in die kerk. / This study deals with the problem statement: "Can the growth or existence of small groups within a congregation influence the level of community experienced within that congregation?" The question is relevant because the church works with everchanging human beings. Since the "revolution" of the seventeenth century, we have been living in a period of "modernism" characterised by the emphasis being placed on rationalism and individualism. Since the Second World War a shift has taken place from a "modernistic" to a "post-modernistic" society. Post-modernistic man, disillusioned by the inability of the modernistic world to ensure peace, has developed a need for community. Involvement with other people and the need to belong has once again become important. Traditional ministry, based on the principles of modernism, has become inadequate to fulfil the challenges and requirements of post-modernistic man. The purpose of this study is to investigate a ministry practice which will address these requirements of community - namely a deep and profound relationship of caring between people. The term refers to a strong bond of common destiny which people should experience within a religious community. Traditional practices of ministry upheld the belief that this ideal of community could be attained within religious services. The premise of this study is that such a level of community is not achieved within traditional ministry practices. A new practice, in which small groups feature prominently, would be more conducive to a spirit of community. The study suggests a paradigm shift from the traditional model of"gospel preaching" or "pastoral-herd", to a more physical or charismatic model. The purpose of this study is to guide post-modernistic man towards religious adulthood, which is the ultimate goal of a congregational building program. This is a pastoral process where members of the congregation grow towards adulthood through a fervent experience of community within a small group, functioning as an extended family. The study promotes the "cell-church model" as appropriate ministry practice to facilitate the congregation's growth towards religious adulthood. Through this approach, community will once more take its rightful place as one of the quintessential features of the church. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

Church planting in an a-religious, post-socialistic context : a practical theological study with the focus on the Marzahn-Hellersdorf district Of East Berlin, Germany

Keller, Stefan, M.Th. 28 February 2007 (has links)
The point of departure in this dissertation is the situation in the Marzahn-Hellersdorf region of East-Berlin, where, 17 years after the political turnaround, only three new Christian communities have established themselves., However it is, known that there have been many attempts at church planting during these years. In this district there seems to be a high percentage of people who are resistant towards western theology or ecclesiology respectively. That is why the focus of the dissertation is on those people who live in an a-religious context surrounded by post-socialistic influences. Social scientific approaches and methods have been integrated and utilised as part of this practical-theological research project. The benefit of this was the developing of aspects of a practical-theological perspective that could be used for a specific ecclesiology with special reference to church planting. Ultimately, three hypotheses have been developed. The implications of these hypotheses could serve as essential material for prospective church planting efforts in the area. / Practical Theology / M. Th. Missiology

Eastern Orthodox influence on Russian evangelical ecclesiology

Greenfeld, Lev 01 January 2003 (has links)
The identity of Russian Evangelical Churches theology is considered in this thesis. This identity arose as result of interactions of Western Evangelical movements with the Orthodox Church, and with native pre-Protestant groups. The separate area of theology chosen as the subject of research is ecclesiology. The historical background of the appearance of inner-orthodox movements is shown in this work in order to understand the theological peculiarities. Peculiarities of the orthodox and extra-orthodox mentality also are considered, as they become an important environment for the appearance and development of Evangelical theology in Russia. The last part of this work shows peculiarities of recent Evangelical ecclesiology. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / M.Th. (Systematic Theology)

Gemeindezucht : eine Untersuchung zu Theorie und Praxis im täuferisch-mennonitischen Kontext / Church discipline : an examination of theory and practice in the Anabaptist-Mennonite context

Plessing, Daniel 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Das Thema Gemeindezucht war allen Reformatoren ein Anliegen. Seit einigen Jahren ist es nach einer Hochphase in der Periode der dialektischen Theologie in der Evangelischen Kirche um das Thema Gemeindezucht sehr ruhig geworden. Es findet, von Ausnahmen abgesehen, in der Evangelischen Kirche weder eine theoretische Reflektion noch eine praktische Anwendung von Gemeindezucht statt. Etwas anders ist es in der täuferisch-mennonitischen Kirchenfamilie. Das Anliegen Gemeindezucht wird dort nach wie vor sehr hoch bewertet. Allerdings herrscht, so scheint es, eine große Unsicherheit, wie denn Gemeindezucht konkret, verantwortlich und sachgemäß zur Anwendung kommen kann. Die wenige veröffentlichte Literatur zur Kirchenzucht erschöpft sich meist in einer Darstellung und Diskussion der Bibelstellen zum Thema. Theologische, ekklesiologische und kirchengeschichtliche Überlegungen fließen in der Regel nicht in die Literatur ein. Das Ziel dieser Forschung ist es, einen Beitrag zur Schließung dieser Lücke zu leisten. Außerdem sollen Schlussfolgerungen erarbeitet werden, die es ermöglichen, dass Gemeindezucht in täuferisch-mennonitischen Kirchen verantwortlich zur Anwendung kommen kann. Es handelt sich bei dieser Forschung im ersten Teil um eine Literaturstudie. Der zweite Teil ist eine Fallstudie mittels Dokumentenanalyse zur Kirchenzucht in der Täufergeschichte. Um zu den Praxisimpulsen zu gelangen, wird das Thema Gemeindezucht anhand von fünf Leitfragen aus drei Perspektiven evaluiert und dann synthetisiert bzw. diskutiert. Diese drei Perspektiven sind die täuferische Ekklesiologie, das Neue Testament und die Täufergeschichte. / The issue of church discipline was a concern for all reformers. Whereas the discussion of this issue had its peak during the period of dialectic theology, it has become very quiet around this subject within the Protestant Church. With some exceptions, neither theoretical reflection nor practical application of church discipline is taking place within the Protestant Church. The situation is, however, a little bit different within the Anabaptist-Mennonite church community. Anabaptist-Mennonite Churches view the matter of church discipline with a relatively higher level of importance. However, great uncertainty seems to persist with respect to the question of how to apply church discipline in a practical, responsible and appropriate way. The limited literature published on the subject of church discipline is often restricted to a mere description and discussion of corresponding Bible references. As a rule, one does not include theological, ecclesiological and church-historical reflections within this literature. The purpose of this research is to close this gap by achieving well-founded conclusions which will make it possible for Anabaptist-Mennonite Churches to, once again, apply church-discipline responsibly. The first part of the research includes a literature review. The second part is a case study using document analysis. In order to arrive at practical impulses, the subject of church discipline will be evaluated, assuming from five central questions, from three different perspectives and synthesized or discussed. These three perspectives are the Anabaptist-Mennonite ecclesiology, the New Testament and the Anabaptist-Mennonite church history. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Die rol van die konsultant in die gemeentebouproses

Meyer, Lukas Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In teenstelling met die buiteland, bestaan daar tans weinig indien enige voltydse gemeenteboukonsultante in Suid- Afrika. Daar bestaan ook weinig indien enige literatuur wat op Suid- Afrikaanse bodem verskyn het wat handel oor die werksaamhede van die gemeenteboukonsultant in die christelike kerk/gemeente. Die gebrek aan 'n voltydse professionele gemeenteboukonsultant word as 'n ernstige leemte beskou in die verskillende fases van gemeentebou. In die studie word literatuur wat handel oor hierdie belangrike onderwerp, asook literatuur vanuit die bestuurswetenskap, teologies en krities bestudeer. 'n Aantal bestaande modelle word uiteengesit en teologies evalueer. Uit hierdie bestudering word op teologies-hermeneutiese wyse 'n voorbeeld-model voorgestel waarvolgens die gemeenteboukonsultant binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks die gemeente-analise, gemeenteprofiel en langtermynbeplanning in samewerking met die leiers en lidmate van die kerk/ gemeente kan afhandel. / At present, South Africa, in contrast with countries abroad has a serious disposition regarding the availability of literature dealing with churchgrowth as such. Due to a lack of professional churchgrowth consultants, churchgrowth had been neglected and a gap of deficiency has occured thus hindering the different stages in churchgrowth. This study is an in - depth, theological and critical study of churchgrowth as well as the managerial aspects thereof. Much devotion has been endeavoured upon this thus delivering a model example with which churchgrowth consultants could embark upon congregational analysis and profiling. In colaboration with leaders and members of congregations, long - term planning can be done. All this in a South Africa which had been deprived from this valuable service for so long. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical theology)

The missiological dimensions of African ecclesiology

Andriatsimialomananarivo, Solomon 11 1900 (has links)
The growth of the Church in Africa, namely at numerical level, is tremendous. However, we notice that her impact on society and public life is not so visible as the growth is, since Christian values are embodied by Christians. Yet, the Church has huge human resources, pastors, missionaries, lay leaders and theologians. The challenge for the Church in Africa is to incarnate and inculturate these values and the living message of the Gospel. In this thesis we question the co-operation between the Church and mission agencies, between native pastors and western missionaries. We notice that since 150 years, there has been a huge gap between these two entities. This is due to the fact that Theology and Missiology look like two lines that never meet. This situation leads us to revisit not only the current paradigm Church-Mission but also the current link between Theology and Missiology. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

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