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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de reconhecimento de vinculação textual baseado em regras linguísticas e informações morfossintáticas voltado para ambientes virtuais de ensino e aprendizagem

Flores, Evandro Metz January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Fabricia Fialho Reginato (fabriciar) on 2015-07-01T23:00:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EvandroFlores.pdf: 1289007 bytes, checksum: 44450c63dc59c23ca86b3e4fdbdcea30 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-01T23:00:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EvandroFlores.pdf: 1289007 bytes, checksum: 44450c63dc59c23ca86b3e4fdbdcea30 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / GVDASA / A rápida evolução das tecnologias de informação e comunicação tem possibilitado o desenvolvimento de modalidades de ensino e educação, tais como a Educação a Distância, capazes de alcançar pessoas anteriormente impossibilitadas de frequentar o ensino superior. Um aspecto importante destas modalidades é o amplo uso de recursos de mediação digital, sendo que estes podem gerar um grande volume de dados o qual, por vezes, não é viável para utilização proveitosa de forma manual pelos professores envolvidos nesta interação. Este contexto gera a necessidade e oportunidade de definição de ferramentas que possam atuar para automatizar parte deste trabalho. Uma destas possibilidades é a verificação de correção de respostas textuais, onde o objetivo é identificar vinculações entre amostras textuais que podem ser, por exemplo, diferentes respostas textuais a uma pergunta. Embora sejam utilizadas com bons resultados, as técnicas atualmente aplicadas a este problema apresentam deficiências ou características que diminuem sua precisão ou adequação em diversos contextos. Poucos trabalhos são capazes de realizar a vinculação textual caso seja alterada a flexão verbal, outros não são capazes de identificar informações importantes ou em que posição na frase as informações se encontram. Além disso, poucos trabalhos são adaptados para a língua portuguesa. Este trabalho propõe um modelo de reconhecimento de vinculação textual baseado em regras linguísticas e informações morfossintáticas voltado para ambientes virtuais de ensino e aprendizagem, que busca contornar estes problemas apresentando uma nova abordagem através do uso combinado da análise sintática, morfológica, regras linguísticas, detecção da flexão de voz, tratamento de negação e do uso de sinônimos. O trabalho também apresenta um protótipo desenvolvido para avaliar o modelo proposto. Ao final são apresentados os resultados obtidos, que até o momento são promissores, permitindo a identificação da vinculação textual de diferentes amostras textuais com precisão e flexibilidade relevantes. / The fast evolution of information and communication technologies has enabled the development of modalities of teaching and learning, such as distance education, that allow to reach people previously unable to attend higher education. An important aspect of these modalities is the extensive use of digital mediation resources. These resources can generate a large volume of data that sometimes is not feasible for beneficial manual use by the teachers involved in this interaction. In this context there is a necessity and opportunity for defining tools and approaches that can act to automate part of this work. One of these possibilities is the verification of textual responses correctness, where the goal is to identify linkages between textual samples, which can be, for example, different textual answer to a question. Although presenting good results, techniques currently applied to this problem have deficiencies or characteristics that decrease their accuracy or suitability in several contexts. Few studies are able to perform textual entailment in case the verbal inflection was changed; others are not able to identify important information or position in the sentence where the information is found. Moreover, few works are adapted to Portuguese. This work proposes a model to recognition of textual entailment based on linguistic rules, which seeks to overcome these problems by presenting a new approach through the combined use of syntactic analysis, morphology, linguistic rules, detection of the bending voice, treatment of denial and the use of synonyms. This work also presents a prototype developed to evaluate the model proposed herein. The end results, which are promising, allow the identification of textual linking of different textual samples accurately and with flexibility.

Semantic Relations in WordNet and the BNC

Ferschke, Oliver January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
From the introduction: It is not always easy to define what a word means. We can choose between a variety of possibilities, from simply pointing at the correct object as we say its name to lengthy definitions in encyclopaedias, which can sometimes fill multiple pages. Although the former approach is pretty straightforward and is also very important for first language acquisition, it is obviously not a practical solution for defining the semantics of the whole lexicon. The latter approach is more widely accepted in this context, but it turns out that defining dictionary and encyclopaedia entries is not an easy task. In order to simplify the challenge of defining the meaning of words, it is of great advantage to organize the lexicon in a way that the structure in which the words are integrated gives us information about the meaning of the words by showing their relation to other words. These semantic relations are the focal point of this paper. In the first chapter, different ways to describe meaning will be discussed. It will become obvious why semantic relations are a very good instrument to organizing the lexicon. The second chapter deals with WordNet, an electronic lexical database which follows precisely this approach. We will examine the semantic relations which are used in WordNet and we will study the distinct characteristics of each of them. Furthermore, we will see which contribution is made by which relation to the organization of the lexicon. Finally, we will look at the downside of the fact that WordNet is a manually engineered network by examining the shortcomings of WordNet. In the third chapter, an alternative approach to linguistics is introduced. We will discuss the principles of corpus linguistics and, using the example of the British National Corpus, we will consider possibilities to extract semantic relations from language corpora which could help to overcome the deficiencies of the knowledge based approach. In the fourth chapter, I will describe a project the goal of which is to extend WordNet by findings from cognitive linguistics. Therefore, I will discuss the development process of a piece of software that has been programmed in the course of this thesis. Furthermore, the results from a small‐scale study using this software will be analysed and evaluated in order to check for the success of the project. / Der Verfasser beschäftigt sich in seiner Magisterarbeit auf sehr detaillierte Weise mit semantischen Relationen von Wörtern. In einer Projektstudie versucht Herr Ferschke, auf der Basis eines bestehenden semantischen Netzes bestimmte kognitiv-relevante Objekte halb-automatisch herauszufiltern. Untermauert wird sein Projekt durch. eine Befragung Studierender zur konzeptuellen Einordnung dieser Objekte. Im ersten Kapitel legt Oliver Ferschke auf sehr fundierter linguistischer Basis verschiedene Möglichkeiten zur Beschreibung von Bedeutung dar. Er unterscheidet unterschiedliche Sichtweisen, was "Bedeutung" ausmacht und stellt diese klar gegenüber. Das zweite Kapitel widmet sich dem semantischen Netzwerk WordNet, welches sogenannte synsets für das Englische beschreibt. Aufbauend auf den in WordNet dargestellten semantischen Relationen stellt der Verfasser an ausgewählten Beispielen dar, wie englische Wörter in dieses Netzwerk eingebunden sind. Er bezieht sich dabei auf semantische Beziehungen wie Hyponymie, Meronymie, Gegenteile, Polysemie und belegt diese mit Beispielen. Darüber hinaus geht er auf einige Desiderata in WordNet ein. Das British National Corpus (BNC) wird im dritten Teil dieser Magisterarbeit eingehend vorgestellt. Für die Projektstudie werden aus diesem Korpus Informationen zur Häufigkeit herangezogen, um spätere Kategorisierungen auf eine möglichst quantitativ-valide Basis zu stellen. Herr Ferschke zeigt die wichtigsten Unterschiede zwischen korpuslinguistischen Herangehensweisen auf der einen Seite sowie strukturalistischen Untersuchungen und solchen, die der generativen Schule angehören, auf der anderen Seite auf. Er schließt seine Betrachtungen zu einer syntaktisch orientierten Angehensweise auf der Basis von patterns ab, die durch häufige syntaktische Muster auf bestimmte semantische Relationen schließen lassen (können). Der Verfasser stellt exemplarisch dar, wie diese patterns in einen CQLquery integriert werden können. Ebenso zeigt Herr Ferschke anhand von möglichen Konstituenten der Nominal- bzw. Präpositionalphrase, wie diese durch automatische Prozeduren im BNC identifiziert werden können. Das vierte Kapitel der vorliegenden Magisterarbeit widmet sich der Projektstudie. Es geht darum, dass Erkenntnisse der Prototypentheorie auf die Struktur von WordNet angewendet werden sollen. Mit Hilfe selbst entwickelter Software wird der Versuch unternommen, bestimmte kognitiv-relevante Ebenen der semantischen Beschreibungen zu identifizieren. Herr Ferschke verfolgt das Ziel, basic level objects innerhalb der Hierarchien von WordNet durch semi-automatische Prozeduren herauszufiltern. Seine Studie besteht aus zwei Teilen: In einem ersten voll automatischen Teil werden Wörter, die bestimmte semantische und quantitative Kriterien erfüllen, durch automatische Prozeduren identifiziert. Diese basic level objects werden im zweiten Teil des Projekts von Probanden in Bezug auf ihre Eigenschaften bewertet. Der Verfasser hat drei unterschiedliche semantische Bereiche ausgewählt, zu denen basic level objects bestimmt werden sollen: athletics, furniture, vehicle. In seinen Auswertungen stellt Herr Ferschke dar, welche potentiellen basic level objects von den Teilnehmern der Studie als solche ausgewählt wurden. Dabei werden sowohl Probleme angesprochen, die den Aufbau von WordNet betreffen und dadurch einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Auswahl der Wörter als basic level objects haben können. Ein zweites Problem, welches Herr Ferschke, diskutiert, ist die Sprachkompetenz der Probanden. Ein weiteres - vom Verfasser nicht genanntes Problem - besteht darin, inwiefern eine vorgegebene Wortdefinition die Bewertung der Studienteilnehmer beeinflusst hat. Ein nicht unwesentlicher Teil der Magisterarbeit besteht in der Konzeption und Umsetzung der Software für die Projektstudie. Dafür sind nicht nur detaillierte Kenntnisse aus dem Bereich der Informatik notwendig, sondern auch ein fundiertes Wissen im Bereich der Linguistik. Durch den Aufbau des Projekts macht Herr Ferschke sehr eindringlich klar, dass er beide Gebiete sehr gut beherrscht. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist aus linguistischer Sicht absolut fundiert und hervorragend dargestellt. Sie umfasst ein breites Spektrum linguistischer Theorien und Erklärungsmodelle und stellt die für dieses Thema wichtigen Aspekte umfassend dar. Die computerlinguistische Komponente ist ebenfalls als sehr gut zu beurteilen, zumal eine Verknüpfung zwischen der Prototypentheorie auf der einen Seite und WordNet auf der anderen Seite nicht ganz einfach ist. Das Problem liegt in erster Linie darin, die gegebene Struktur von WordNet für Aspekte der Prototypentheorie nutzbar zu machen. Dies ist Oliver Ferschke ohne Zweifel gelungen. Die vorliegende Magisterarbeit verdient die Note 'sehr gut' (1,0).

Presupposition projection and entailment relations

García Odón, Amaia 28 September 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation, I deal with the problem of presupposition projection. I mostly focus on compound sentences composed of two clauses and conditional sentences in which the second clause carries a presupposition. The central claim is that the presupposition carried by the second clause projects by default, with the exception of cases in which the presupposition entails the first clause (or, in disjunctive sentences, the negation of the first clause). In the latter cases, the presupposition should not project, since it is logically stronger than the first clause (or its negation). Thus, in conjunctions, if the presupposition projected, the speaker’s assertion of the first clause would be uninformative. As for conditionals and disjunctions, if the presupposition projected, the speaker would show inconsistency in his/her beliefs by showing uncertainty about the truth value of the first clause (or its negation). I argue that, in conditionals, this uncertainty is conversationally implicated whereas, in disjunctions, it results from the context’s compatibility with the first disjunct. I maintain that, in cases where projection is blocked, the presupposition is conditionalized to the first clause (or its negation). I demonstrate that the conditionalization is motivated in a straightforward way by the pragmatic constraints on projection just described and that, contrary to what is defended by the so-called ‘satisfaction theory’, presupposition conditionalization is a phenomenon independent from local satisfaction. / En esta tesis, trato el problema de la proyección de presuposiciones. Me centro mayoritariamente en oraciones compuestas de dos cláusulas y en oraciones condicionales cuya segunda cláusula contiene una presuposición. El argumento central es que la presuposición contenida en la segunda cláusula proyecta por defecto, con la excepción de casos en los que la presuposición entraña la primera cláusula (o, en las oraciones disyuntivas, la negación de la primera cláusula). En estos últimos casos, la presuposición no debería proyectar, puesto que es lógicamente más fuerte que la primera cláusula (o su negación). Por tanto, en las oraciones conjuntivas, si la presuposición proyectase, la aseveración de la primera cláusula por parte del hablante no sería informativa. En cuanto a las oraciones condicionales y disyuntivas, si la presuposición projectase, el hablante mostraría inconsistencia en sus creencias al mostrar incertidumbre acerca del valor de verdad de la primera cláusula (o su negación). Sostengo que, en oraciones condicionales, esta incertidumbre es implicada conversacionalmente mientras que, en las oraciones disyuntivas, resulta de la compatibilidad contextual de la primera cláusula. Mantengo que, en casos en los que la proyección es bloqueada, la presuposición es condicionalizada a la primera cláusula (o su negación). Demuestro que la condicionalización es motivada de manera directa por las restricciones de tipo pragmático descritas arriba y que, contrariamente a la idea defendida por la así llamada ‘teoría de la satisfacción’, la condicionalización de la presuposición es un fenómeno independiente de la satisfacción local de la misma.

O princípio da congruência no processo individual do trabalho / The principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process

Lourenção, Manuela da Palma Coelho Germano 18 April 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da aplicação do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho. Tal princípio caracteriza-se pelo caráter restritivo da atuação judicial, vinculando a prolação de sentença aos limites da lide. A problemática centra-se no entendimento do conceito de lide, ora entendido simplesmente como pedido, ora como a matéria fática e jurídica levada aos autos, permitindo-se ao magistrado conhecer de pedidos não formulados expressamente, desde que os fatos a eles pertinentes tenham sido discutidos nos autos. A partir da Teoria Instrumentalista do Processo, que admite este modo de resolução de conflitos como um meio para a efetividade do Direito Material, buscou-se identificar a possibilidade de flexibilização do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho, tendo em vista que o estudo deste princípio revelou que a doutrina e a jurisprudência civil e trabalhista já permitem sua relativização ou mitigação em determinados casos, em especial quando se trata da aplicação de norma de ordem pública, uma das características do Direito Material do Trabalho. Ademais, considerando as questões linguísticas implicadas na formulação da pretensão da parte e da sentença, foi feita pesquisa jurisprudencial no sítio eletrônico do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, de modo a identificar as relações hermenêuticas estabelecidas entre o pedido e a decisão final neste tribunal. Para tanto, foram selecionadas 149 decisões em que se discute a existência ou não de julgamento além dos limites da lide, destacando-se os casos em que o tribunal considerou desnecessária a formulação de pedido expresso para a concessão de direito trabalhista / The purpose of this dissertation is to study the use of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process. This principle is defined by the restrictive aspect of the acts of the judge, binding the sentence to the matters under dispute. The core discussion lies on the identification of such matters, which can be seen as simply the pleadings expressed by the parties or as all the matters in connection with the facts merely mentioned by them. The latter position would allow the judicial authority to pronounce a sentence addressing additional matters that were not expressly pleaded by the parties. Based on the idea that the due process of law is an instrument to achieve effectiveness of legal commands, on the already accepted exception of this principle when it comes to public order rules, and also on the assumption that labor law is of public order, this dissertation analyzed the possibility of disregarding the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process in order to enhance the legal award. In addition to the theoretical analysis, a wide research on the website of the superior labor court (Tribunal Superior do Trabalho) was carried out in order to verify the hermeneutical relations between the pleadings and the dispositions of the judicial decision. Bearing such an objective in mind, 149 decisions on the alleged violation of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita were selected and analyzed, focusing on those awards in which the court considered irrelevant the existence of an express pleading in order to grant or deny a specific labor right.

Analyse Statique de Requête pour le Web Sémantique

Chekol, Melisachew Wudage 19 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'inclusion de requête est un problème bien étudié durant plusieurs décen- nies de recherche. En règle générale, il est défini comme le problème de déterminer si le résultat d'une requête est inclus dans le résultat d'une autre requête pour tout ensem- ble de données. Elle a des applications importantes dans l'optimisation des requêtes et la vérification de bases de connaissances. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de fournir des procédures correctes et complètes pour déterminer l'inclusion des requêtes SPARQL en vertu d'axiomes exprimés en logiques de description. De plus, nous met- tons en œuvre ces procédures à l'appui des résultats théoriques par l'expérimentation. À ce jour, l'inclusion de requête a été testée à l'aide de différentes techniques: ho- momorphisme de graphes, bases de données canoniques, les techniques de la théorie des automates et réduction au problème de la validité d'une logique. Dans cette thèse, nous utilisons la derniere technique pour tester l'inclusion des requêtes SPARQL utilisant une logique expressive appelée le μ-calcul. Pour ce faire, les graphes RDF sont codés comme des systèmes de transitions, et les requêtes et les axiomes du schéma sont codés comme des formules de μ-calcul. Ainsi, l'inclusion de requêtes peut être réduite au test de la validité d'une formule logique. Dans cette thèse j'identifier les divers fragments de SPARQL (et PSPARQL) et les langages de description logique de schéma pour lequelle l'inculsion est décidable. En outre, afin de fournir théoriquement et expérimentalement des procédures éprouvées pour vérifier l'inclusion de ces fragments décidables. Enfin, cette thèse propose un point de repère pour les solveurs d'inclusion. Ce benchmark est utilisé pour tester et comparer l'état actuel des solveurs d'inclusion.

O princípio da congruência no processo individual do trabalho / The principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process

Manuela da Palma Coelho Germano Lourenção 18 April 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da aplicação do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho. Tal princípio caracteriza-se pelo caráter restritivo da atuação judicial, vinculando a prolação de sentença aos limites da lide. A problemática centra-se no entendimento do conceito de lide, ora entendido simplesmente como pedido, ora como a matéria fática e jurídica levada aos autos, permitindo-se ao magistrado conhecer de pedidos não formulados expressamente, desde que os fatos a eles pertinentes tenham sido discutidos nos autos. A partir da Teoria Instrumentalista do Processo, que admite este modo de resolução de conflitos como um meio para a efetividade do Direito Material, buscou-se identificar a possibilidade de flexibilização do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho, tendo em vista que o estudo deste princípio revelou que a doutrina e a jurisprudência civil e trabalhista já permitem sua relativização ou mitigação em determinados casos, em especial quando se trata da aplicação de norma de ordem pública, uma das características do Direito Material do Trabalho. Ademais, considerando as questões linguísticas implicadas na formulação da pretensão da parte e da sentença, foi feita pesquisa jurisprudencial no sítio eletrônico do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, de modo a identificar as relações hermenêuticas estabelecidas entre o pedido e a decisão final neste tribunal. Para tanto, foram selecionadas 149 decisões em que se discute a existência ou não de julgamento além dos limites da lide, destacando-se os casos em que o tribunal considerou desnecessária a formulação de pedido expresso para a concessão de direito trabalhista / The purpose of this dissertation is to study the use of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process. This principle is defined by the restrictive aspect of the acts of the judge, binding the sentence to the matters under dispute. The core discussion lies on the identification of such matters, which can be seen as simply the pleadings expressed by the parties or as all the matters in connection with the facts merely mentioned by them. The latter position would allow the judicial authority to pronounce a sentence addressing additional matters that were not expressly pleaded by the parties. Based on the idea that the due process of law is an instrument to achieve effectiveness of legal commands, on the already accepted exception of this principle when it comes to public order rules, and also on the assumption that labor law is of public order, this dissertation analyzed the possibility of disregarding the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process in order to enhance the legal award. In addition to the theoretical analysis, a wide research on the website of the superior labor court (Tribunal Superior do Trabalho) was carried out in order to verify the hermeneutical relations between the pleadings and the dispositions of the judicial decision. Bearing such an objective in mind, 149 decisions on the alleged violation of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita were selected and analyzed, focusing on those awards in which the court considered irrelevant the existence of an express pleading in order to grant or deny a specific labor right.

Projekce presupozic v češtině / On the Presupposition Projection in Czech

Veselý, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
On the Presupposition Projection in Czech I understand presupposition as both an implication and a set of requirements which have to be fulfilled by the (passive) context, i.e. a set of realized propositions and logico- semantic relations between them shared by the communicants. The content of presupposition is formed by information which the speaker characterizes as predetermined, i.e. known to the communicants. Presupposition is a semantically narrower notion than implication: every meaning expressed indirectly is implied, but not every implied meaning is presupposed. Contextually bound constituents express a proposition which is included in the active context, i.e. a set of propositions on which the communicants are actively focused. Contextual boundness is a type of presupposition trigger: information included in the active context is a necessary part of the passive context (it doesn't hold true vice versa, of course). Context shared by the communicants can not be incremented by the primary (i.e. directly expressed) proposition of a clause, unless all the presuppositions semantically entailed in the primary proposition are satisfied. Presupposition is satisfied if and only if proposition p which forms a content of the presupposition is part of the (passive) context. In case that the context...

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