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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physiological demands of the Absa Cape Epic mountain bike race and predictors of performance

Greeff, Marli 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this qualitative-quantitative study was to describe the exercise intensity and predictors of performance of a multi-stage mountain bike (MTB) race (2014 Absa Cape Epic) lasting 8 days. Twenty-three amateur mountain bikers (age 39 ± 9 years, height 178.8 ± 8.2 cm, body mass 74.7 ± 9.1 kg, VO2max 54 ± 7 ml.kg-1.min-1) who completed the 2014 Absa Cape Epic were involved in the study. The participants were divided into two groups according to their MTB experience. The experienced group included participants who previously completed more than three 3-day multi-stage MTB events and the novices group included those who has completed less than 3-day multi-stage MTB events. Prior to the event the participants completed a maximal aerobic cycling test and a simulated 40 km time trial (TT). The maximal aerobic test was used to determine 3 work intensity zones based on heart rate (HR) corresponding to blood lactate thresholds (LT: increase in blood lactate concentration of 1 mmol.l-1 above baseline values and the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA), a fixed blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol.l-1). There were no statistically significant differences in the physical, physiological and performance variables measured in the laboratory between the two groups. The exercise intensity during the Cape Epic was measured using telemetric HR monitoring sets. RPE values were noted after each stage of the race. The mean HR was 88.1 ± 5.3% (experienced) and 84.2 ± 11.0% (novices) of maximal HR during the race or 88.9 ± 3.5% (experienced) and 85.9 ± 10.6 (novices) of laboratory determined maximum HR. More time was spent in the “low” HR zone (43.1 % vs 58.5 %, respectively), while only a small amount of time was spent in the “hard” HR zone (7.4% and 6.1%, respectively). The experienced group spent statistically significantly more time in the “moderate” HR zone compared to the novices group (49.5 % vs. 35.4 %). The experienced group performed significantly better during the event compared to the novices group in both the total event time (P = 0.004) and the general classification (P = 0.01). Relative and absolute power output (PO) at OBLA (P = 0.01 and 0.02, respectively) were statistically significant predictors of total event time, while relative peak power output was a significant predictor of general classification for the event (P = 0.02) . The total TT time was a significant predictor of average event HR (P = 0.03). This study showed that this MTB stage race is physiologically very demanding and requires cyclists to have excellent endurance capacity, as well as strength and power. The parameters from the maximal aerobic capacity test correlated better with outdoor performance than parameters from the simulated 40 km TT. Therefore the standard maximal aerobic capacity test are sufficient for testing mountain bikers and sport scientists can continue using this test to prescribe exercise intensity zones for training and events. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe-kwantitatiewe studie was om die oefeningsintensiteit en voorspellers van prestasie tydens ‘n multi-dag bergfiets kompetisie (Absa Cape Epic) van 8 dae lank te bepaal. Drie-en-twintig bergfietsryers (ouderdom 39 ± 9 jaar, lengte 178.8 ± 8.2 cm, liggaamsmassa 74.7 ± 9.1 kg, VO2maks 54 ± 7 ml.kg-1.min-1) wat die 2014 Absa Cape Epic voltooi het, het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die deelnemers is in twee groepe verdeel volgens hulle ervaring in multi-dag bergfiets kompetisies. Die ervare groep was al die deelnemers wat meer as drie 3-dae multi-dag bergfiets kompetisies voltooi het. Die onervare groep was al die deelnemers wat minder as drie 3-dag multi-dag bergfiets kompetisies voltooi het. Voor die kompetisie het al die deelnemers ‘n maksimale aërobiese toets en ‘n gesimuleerde 40 km tydtoets in die laboratorium voltooi. Die maksimale aërobiese toets is gebruik om drie werk intensiteit sones volgens die hartspoed te bepaal, naamlik die hartspoed by die laktaatdraaipunt(‘n toename in bloed [laktaat] van 1 mmol.l-1 bo die basislynwaardes) en die hartspoed by die aanvang van bloedlaktaat akkummulasie (‘n vaste bloed [laktaat] waarde van 4 mmol.l-1). Daar was geen statisties betekenisvolle verskille in die fisiese, fisiologiese en prestasie veranderlikes tussen die twee groepe nie. Die oefeningsintensiteit tydens die Cape Epic was gemeet deur gebruik te maak van hartspoedmonitors. Die RPE waardes was aan die einde van elke skof genoteer. Die gemiddelde hartspoed was 88.1 ± 5.3 % (ervare) en 84.2 ± 11.0 % (onervare) van maksimale kompetisie hartspoed, of 88.9 ± 3.5 % (ervare) en 85.9 ± 10.6 % (onervare) van die maksimale hartspoed soos in die laboratorium gemeet. Die fietsryers het meer tyd spandeer in die “lae” hartspoed sone (43.1 % vs 58.5 %, onderskeidelik), in vergelyking met die “moeilike” hartspoed sone (7.4 % vs 6.1 %, onderskeidelik). Die ervare groep het statisties betekenisvol meer tyd in die “matige” hartspoed sone spandeer (49.5 % vs. 35.4 %) in vergelyking met die onervere groep. Die ervare groep het beter presteer tydens die kompetisie vir beide totale kompetisie tyd (P = 0.004) en algehele klassifikasie (P = 0.01). Relatiewe en absolute krag by aanvang van bloed laktaat akkumulasie was statisties betekenisvolle voorspellers van totale kompetisie tyd (P = 0.01 en 0.02, onderskeidelik), terwyl maksimale krag ‘n statisties betekenisvolle voorspeller was van algehele klassifikasie in die kompetisie (P = 0.02). Die totale tydtoets tyd was ‘n statisties betekenisvolle voorspeller van gemiddelde hartspoed tydens die kompetisie. Die studie het gewys dat hierdie multi-dag bergfiets kompetisie fisiologies baie uitdagend is en dat fietsryers uistekende uithouvermoë kapasiteit, sowel as krag en plofkrag moet besit. Die veranderlikes van die maksimale aërobiese toets het beter met prestasie in die veld gekorreleer as die veranderlikes van die gesimuleerde 40 km tydtoets. Daar word dus afgelei dat die standaard maksimale aërobiese toets voldoende is vir die toetsing van bergfietsryers en sportwetenskaplikes kan aanhou om hierdie toets te gebruik om oefeningsintensiteit sones voor te skryf vir oefensessies en kompetisies.

'Exile-and-return' in medieval vernacular texts of England and Spain 1170-1250

Worth, Brenda Itzel Liliana January 2015 (has links)
The motif of 'exile-and-return' is found in works from a wide range of periods and linguistic traditions. The standard narrative pattern depicts the return of wrongfully exiled heroes or peoples to their former abode or their establishment of a superior home, which signals a restoration of order. The appeal of the pattern lies in its association with undue loss, rightful recovery and the universal vindication of the protagonist. Though by no means confined to any one period or region, the particular narrative pattern of the exile-and-return motif is prevalent in vernacular texts of England and Spain around 1170–1250. This is the subject of the thesis. The following research engages with scholarship on Anglo-Norman romances and their characteristic use of exile-and-return that sets them apart from continental French romances, by highlighting the widespread employment of this narrative pattern in Spanish poetic works during the same period. The prevalence of the pattern in both literatures is linked to analogous interaction with continental French works, the relationship between the texts and their political contexts, and a common responses to wider ecclesiastical reforms. A broader aim is to draw attention to further, unacknowledged similarities between contemporary texts from these different linguistic traditions, as failure to take into account the wider, multilingual literary contexts of this period leads to incomplete arguments. The methodology is grounded in close reading of four main texts selected for their exemplarity, with some consideration of the historical context and contemporary intertexts: the Romance of Horn, the Cantar de mio Cid, Gui de Warewic and the Poema de Fernán González. A range of intertexts are considered alongside in order to elucidate the particular concerns and distinctive use of exile-and-return in the main works.

L'Epopée de Zébéla Tokpa Pivi : Culture Loma, performance, genres narratifs et non narratifs / Zébéla Tokpa Pivi's Epic : loma culture, narrative genres, non narrative genres and performance

Zoumanigui, Akoye Massa 17 December 2011 (has links)
Notre projet de thèse vise à analyser ce qui porte la trace du travail de la mémoire collective dans un discours de littérature orale, de la transmission qui assure la compréhension et la conservation du message. Il s'agit pour nous d'expliquer comment la profération du discours de littérature orale et la performance à laquelle il donne lieu restitue les valeurs culturelles des loma.Cette épopée retrace l'histoire d'un chef de guerre qui fait encore de nos jours partie de la culture populaire au pays des loma en République de Guinée. Nous assurons la transcription en langue locale lɔɠɔmagooy et la traduction en français de cette épopée dont il n'existe aucune version écrite.Au-delà de la présentation géographique et culturelle du pays des loma, l'analyse proprement dite du corpus pour laquelle nous mobilisons à la fois la performance et la rhétorique prend en compte la pluricodicité des messages socio-historico-culturel et la dynamique de réception. Nous focalisons l'attention sur des procédés discursifs spécifiques de l'oralité à travers le conte et le proverbe.Notre travail ne se limite pas à la transcription-traduction du discours épique, l'analyse montre comment l'oralité constitue une dimension essentielle de l'épopée dont l'épaisseur discursive et référentielle atteste du travail de composition artistique et mémorielle de l'orateur. / This thesis aims at analyzing the collective memory content imbedded in an oral literature speech performance, right from the message transmission to its understanding and preservation. We are to explain how an oral literature speech production and its performance can retitute the Loma cultural values.The epic retraces the history of a former war leader among the Loma people of the Republic of Guinea; a history which still remains a vibrant part of the people's culture in that country. Because it doesn't exist any former written version of the epic, we ensured its transcription into Lɔɠɔmagooh language (a loma variant) and also its translation into French language.Beside the geographical and cultural presentation of the Loma area and people, the real corpus analysis in which we mobilize both performance and rethorics also takes into account the multicoding nature of the social, historical and cultural messages and their reception dynamics. We focus attention on the specific discursive technics of oral literature or tradition which exist in tales and proverbs.However, our work is not just limited to transcription and translation of the epic production. Our analysis shows how oral tradition constitutes an essential dimension of the epic genre whose discursive and referential deepness is the reflection of the artistic and memorial work of the orator.

Dvorská láska ve vrcholném a pozdním středověku / Courtly Love in the High and Late Middle Ages

Salmonová, Blanka January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is a contribution to the social history of the Middle Ages. It investigates a phenomenon called courtly love, fully expressed at the noble court through an analysis of Thomas Malory's and Chrètien de Troyes' Arthurian romances, letters of Christine de Pisan and auxiliary sources. Its origin and expressions in a period literature, mostly of southern France, its inspirational sources and a continuation of Celtic folklore tradition is discussed in the initial chapters. The next part deals with individual forms of the courtly love and their effects on a gender relationship in a knightly class. The actual activity of a medieval woman and her opportunity to participate in public, ascribed social roles and a development of a masculine view is discussed in following chapters. The final part is engaged in a falling of a knightly ideal as well as a significance of the knight and his dame.

Poetika vybraných her Ronalda Schimmelpfenniga uvedených na českých scénách v kontextu současného německojazyčného divadla / The poetics of selected plays by Roland Schimmelpfennig performed on Czech theatre stages in the context of the contemporary German-speaking theatre

Celárková, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents the work of a contemporary German playwright Roland Schimmelpfennig in a wider context. In the main chapter, the author focuses on the analysis of five Schimmelpfennig's plays that have been performed also on Czech theatre stages. The analysis emphasizes the elements of a dramatic structure that Schimmelpfennig uses in an innovative way: epization of texts, unrealistic treatment of dramatic time, elements of magic realism etc. The author also pays attention to a general characteristic of a contemporary German-speaking theatre with respect to the topics that it deals with. A significant part of the work is devoted to classifying Roland Schimmelpfennig's work in the historical and theoretical context of a contemporary German-speaking theatre. A book called Die Rückkehr der Helden by a German author Nikolaus Frei, which questions some opinion on the recent development of theatre presented in a book Postdramatisches Theater by Hans Thiese Lehmann, has become a crucial source for this thesis. Nikolaus Frei copes with the question of animateness/inanimateness of theatre and by using extracts from particular dramatic texts by contemporary authors proves a possible continuity of mimesis, realistic acting and conflicts on the stage until the 21st century. In conclusion, it is possible...

Žebrácká opera v Berlíně, v Praze a ve Vídni. Divadelní hra Bertolta Brechta a její tři inscenace / Threepenny Opera in Berlin, Prague and Vienna. The Play by Bertolt Brecht and Its Three Stage Productions

Hagenhoferová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the theatre play The Threepenny Opera by the German playwright Bertolt Brecht. The first part contains a formal analysis and a content interpretation of this literary work. This analysis is used as a basis for the second part of the thesis, which contains the description and comparison of three stage productions of the play in the theatres in three different European capitals between 2007 and 2011. These theaters are: The Berliner Ensemble, The National Theatre in Prague and The Volkstheater in Vienna.

Le "De bello ciuili" de Lucain, une parole en mutation : de la rhétorique républicaine à une poétique de la guerre civile

Meunier, Isabelle Anne Catherine 17 December 2012 (has links)
Les deux premiers chants de Lucain témoignent d’une utilisation novatrice des discours directs dans l’épopée. Présentés sous forme de triades de paroles juxtaposées –le dialogue n’est plus possible dans le monde du De bello ciuili- dont l’objectif et le genre sont similaires, ils incitent le lecteur-auditeur de l’Antiquité, rompu aux joutes oratoires des concours de déclamation, à les comparer. L’examen de deux de ces groupes de discours sert de préliminaire à une enquête plus large sur la parole rhétorique, puis sur la parole poétique.Dans la confrontation des discours de la première triade (Curion / César /Laelius, au chant I) se lit la condamnation de l’éloquence traditionnelle fondée sur des valeurs éthiques universellement partagées. Elle est supplantée par une rhétorique sophistique qui redéfinit, exclusivement en fonction des intérêts personnels de l’orateur, tout ce qui a trait au droit, au juste ou à la citoyenneté, notions problématiques dans le contexte de perversion morale du bellum ciuile. L’efficacité de cette nouvelle éloquence est signalée par le succès des trois suasoires qui sont à l’origine des grands tournants narratifs de l’œuvre : Curion décide César à entrer définitivement dans l’affrontement civil (Chant I), Cicéron pousse Pompée à donner le signal du début du combat à Pharsale (Chant VII) et Pothin persuade Ptolémée d’assassiner Magnus (Chant VIII).Dans la comparaison des trois paroles prophétiques de la fin du livre I auxquelles répondent les trois discours du début du chant suivant, effusions angoissées de Romains anonymes (les femmes, les hommes et le vieillard), se dessine un art poétique destiné à justifier les choix génériques du poète pour traiter son sujet. Conformant son œuvre à la médiocrité humaine des masses, il doit renoncer au genre tragique (discours des femmes) ainsi qu’à la célébration épique des héros (discours des hommes) et s’efforcer de proposer, à l’instar du vieillard qui se remémore le passé pour anticiper le futur (le plus long discours de l’épopée, rappelant, par sa place et son sujet, l’ilioupersis d’Enée), une épopée historique qui cherche à percer l’opacité du monde de la guerre civile, dans lequel les dieux ne sont plus anthropomorphes. Empruntant leur esthétique du déchiffrement du réel aux Piérides ovidiennes, ces poétesses humaines, rivales des divines Muses (Métamorphoses V), Lucain refonde alors la persona de son uates. Chantre d’un genre nouveau, pour une épopée renouvelée, le ‘piéridique’ uates du De bello ciuili qui ne peut plus être omniscient –puisque les pensées et les actions des superi lui sont inconnaissables- refuse le patronage des divinités traditionnelles de la poésie, promet à son ‘héros’ César, non la gloire mais l’exécration éternelle et proclame avec défi, qu’il ne devra lui-même l’éternité qu’à la seule puissance de son talent personnel, divines Muses et grands guerriers héroïques des œuvres du passé ayant été congédiés par la guerre civile. / The first two books of Lucan reveal an innovative use of direct speech in epic. Presented as contiguous speech triads – dialogs being impossible in the realm of De bello ciuili – whose purpose and genre are similar, they lead the ancient reader-listener, used to oral debates typical of declamation contests, to compare them. The investigation of two of these speech groups is our first step to a larger inquiry on rhetoric speech, then on poetic speech.Confronting the speech of the first triad (Curion/Caesar/Laelius in book I) reveals the end of traditional eloquence based on universal ethic values. It is superseded by a sophistic rhetoric that redefines (exclusively according to the speaker's private interests) whatever relates to law, justice or citizenship – problematic concepts in the perverse moral context of bellum ciuile. The efficiency of this new eloquence is highlighted by the success of the three suasory performances which cause the work's main narrative turns: Curion convinces Caesar to definitely take part to the civil war (book I), Cicero leads Pompeus to launch the battle at Pharsalia (book VII) and Pothinus persuades Ptolemy to murder Magnus (book VIII).Comparing the three prophetic speeches at the end of book I (which mirror the three speeches at the beginning of the following book), anxious complains of anonimous Romans (the women, the men and the elderly), we identify an ‘art of poetry’ aimed at motivating the generic choices made by the poet to handle his subject. Working along the lines of the human depravity of masses, he may not employ neither the tragic style (the speech of women) nor the epic celebration of heroes (the speech of men), but must suggest – as the old man remembers the past to anticipate the future (the longest speech of the epic reminds Eneas’ Ilioupersis by means of its place and subject) – an historical epic aiming at enlightening the opaque world of civil war, in which the gods are no longer anthropomorphic. Borrowing their deciphering aesthetic to Ovids’ Pierides, human female poets rivaling the godly Muses (Metamorphosis V), Lucan reinvents the persona of his uates. Promoting a new genre, for a renewed epic, the 'pieridic' uates of De Bello Ciuili, which can no longer be omniscient – since the superi's thoughts and deeds are out of his reach – refuses to worship the traditional poetry deities, swears to his 'hero' Caesar not the glory but the eternal hatred and defiantly proclaims that he himself will deserve eternity only through his own talent, the godly Muses and great heroic warriors of ancient works having been dismissed by civil war.

Le cinéma roumain pendant la période communiste : représentations de l'histoire nationale / Romanian cinema during communist period : representations of national history

Vasile, Aurelia 24 March 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le film de reconstitution historique réalisé en Roumanie pendant la période communiste et vise à analyser les enjeux politiques et culturels de la mise en scène du passé national. La compréhension de cette problématique passe d’abord par la mise en exergue des différentes logiques qui ont présidé l’action étatique à l’égard de la culture et en particulier de la cinématographie tout au long de la période communiste. Nous envisageons d’analyser les conditions économiques, politiques et idéologiques de la production cinématographique, les directives concernant la thématique générale et l’orientation que le parti tente d’imprégner au cinéma. Afin de compléter le tableau des relations sociales, cette étude cherche à mettre en évidence également les positions prises par les créateurs et les bureaucrates en rapport avec une politique ou une autre, les résistances, les convenances et les collaborations. Dans un second temps, cette étude envisage la restitution des processus socioculturels qui ont donné naissance aux films historiques. Il nous intéresse de comprendre la conception interne de chaque œuvre, les forces sociales qui se mettent en route, les positions idéologiques du parti, des artistes, des bureaucrates ou des historiens, les mécanismes de prise de décision. Nous essayons de mettre en corrélation la vision des créateurs avec la position des historiens et celle du parti à travers la focalisation ciblée sur les différents niveaux d’écriture cinématographique ainsi que sur les opérations de négociations souterraines pour défendre une vision ou une autre. Enfin, le troisième niveau d’analyse s’intéresse au décryptage du film, en tant que produit artistique complexe réunissant trois formes d’expression (l’image, le dialogue et le son) dans le but de dégager les significations politiques ou culturelles de la mise en scène du passé. Nous étudions les représentations cinématographiques des mythes historiques, leur évolution des 1960 aux années 1980 et l’apport spécifique du cinéma dans leur reproduction. / The subject of this PhD dissertation is the historical reconstructions films produced in Romania under communist rule and more precisely between 1960 and 1989. It analyses the social and cultural significance of the representation of national past but also the social and political aspects involved in the production process. In order to understand these research objectives our approach we stress first various logics which chairing the state action towards the culture and in particular towards the cinematography. We intend to analyze the economic, political and ideological conditions of the film production, the directives concerning the general thematic and the orientation that the party tries to induce to the cinema. To complete the picture of social relationships, this study tries to emphasize the stand taken by the creators and the bureaucrats towards different policies, the resistances, the liking, the collaborations. Second, this study envisages the restoration of the sociocultural processes that gave birth to the historic movies. We try to understand the internal conception process of every work, the social dynamics, the ideological positions of the party, the artists, the bureaucrats or the historians and the decision-making mechanisms. We try to correlate the vision of the creators with the position of the historians and the party through a targeted focus at the various levels of film writing as well as at the operations of subterranean negotiations in order to defend a vision or another. Finally, the third level of analysis, is interested in the deciphering of the movie as a complex artistic product combining three forms of expression (image, language and sound) aiming at reveal the political and cultural meanings of past reconstruction. We study the film representations of the historic myths, their evolution from the 1960 to 1980s and the specific contribution of the cinema in their reproduction.

Um olhar sobre a criação atoral e a relação com o espectador - os filhos da Dita / A look at an actress\' creative process and relationship with the audience - Os filhos da Dita. 2011

Rinaldi, Camila Ladeira Scudeler 27 October 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa debruça-se no meu processo de criação atoral no espetáculo Os filhos da Dita, do Núcleo Arlequins da Cooperativa Paulista de Teatro, tendo como base teórico/prática principal o treinamento psicofísico proposto pelo encenador-pedagogo Vsévolod Meyerhold, buscando sublinhar as demandas e possibilidades de uma postura política consequente em cena. A partir das relações estabelecidas desde a escolha do tema, o desenvolvimento da dramaturgia e posterior criação cênica propriamente dita, busco descrever os estímulos e motivações que me conduziram na criação cênica em diálogo com a estética desenvolvida pela companhia há 25 anos, e o posterior contato estabelecido com o espectador. / This research lies on my acting creative process in the play called Os filhos da Dita, of Arlequins (Theatre group that belongs to the Cooperativa Paulista de Teatro), having as main theoretical/practical basis the psycho physical training proposed by pedagogue-director Vsévolod Meyerhold, aiming at underling the demands and possibilities of a consequent political posture on stage. Based on the relationships established with various artists involved in a creative process from choosing the play theme, dramaturgy development and following scenic creation, I describe the stimulus and motives that led me in the scenic creation. The procedures are developed in open dialogue with the esthetics held by the group in the last 25 years, and subsequent contact established with the audience.

Instituições da coisa bélica: Tradições de doutrina e jurisprudência, instituições civis e práticas letradas, guerra justa e matéria heróica / Instituições da coisa bélica: Tradições de doutrina e jurisprudência, instituições civis e práticas letradas, guerra justa e matéria heróica

Valle, Ricardo Martins 16 April 2010 (has links)
A fim de ler poemas escritos no século XVIII sobre matérias brasileiras, esta tese cruza assistematicamente algumas diferentes fontes de representação de doutrina e de ofícios, implicadas na imitação épica enquanto determinações institucionais da matéria ilustre. Em regimentos católicos ibéricos, estados armados de varões de família com distinção hereditária empenhavam legados familiares nas diversas modalidades de feitorias mais ou menos ilustres, nas correrias e correições, nas carreiras em Leis e em Armas, nas terras cujos sertões se ocupavam em nome de Sua Alteza e dos pactos sujeitos à família real. Neste sentido, poesia heróica, arquivos e cartórios de notas, disputationes metaphysicas, relacção histórica, décadas portuguesas, etc, são séries discursivas dentro de sistemas de distribuição de obediência, uma vez que sejam documentos, monumentos, produção de provas, de atestações, de testemunhos, escritos com os protocolos da Lei. O objeto desta tese é a guerra européia na ocupação de todos os horizontes, com seus modelos reprodutíveis em diversas atualizações institucionais, em apropriações de doutrina, em adaptações de currículos escolares, em representações diplomáticas, em jurisprudência, em poesia épica, em poemas bucólicos, etc. Assim, dos princípios de doutrina à narração de casos exemplares, a averiguação da Verdade e dos verdadeiros particulares, que fornecem veracidade aos verossímeis que os poemas cantam. Com lei, com jurisprudência, com princípios metafísicos, constitui-se e codifica-se a amarração do maquinário institucional do "processo de Conquista da América" ou da "história do domínio português no Brasil" de que os poemas e as histórias faziam parte. Como a guerra está em toda parte, e os ossos dos ofícios também, muitas jurisdições diferentes são mencionadas principalmente no que mutuamente se autorizam, mas mencionadas de forma incompleta, apenas para indicar os ramais dos sentidos e tentar cruzá-los provisoriamente com outra coisa, entre muitos gêneros e espécies de coisas, e entre diversas tradições de doutrina e entre as partes querelantes de tradições com umas divergindo por profissão, em querelas que seguem sendo a guerra miúda da vida institucional, nos lugares e tempos de paz, porque a res da inventio é infinita, com coisas notáveis sobretudo na guerra, e nos direitos que a envolvem. Nos documentos que lê sem disciplina, o recorte desta tese só abrange a matéria, entendida como coisa retórica, ou melhor, entendida a partir de alguns mecanismos instituídos para averiguação das matérias. / In order to read poems about Brazilian subjects in the XVIII century, this thesis crosses somewhat unsystematic sources of doctrine and officii representations implicated in the epic imitation and revealed as institutional determinations of illustrious matter. In the Iberian Catholic regiments, armed men from wealthy families and the distinguished heritage strive for family legacy in different ways, such as careers in Law and in the Arms, lands whose hinterland was occupied on behalf of His Highness and the pacts network wich are supposed to be in compliance with the Royal Family. In this sense, heroic poetry, files and registries of notes, disputationes metaphysicas, historical reports, Portuguese decadas, etc, are discursive series within obedience distribution systems, because they are documents, monuments, production of evidences and attestations according to the Law processes. The main purpose of this thesis is the European war in the occupation of all the horizons, with its reproductible models of institutional establishment on appropriations of doctrine, changes in the school curricula, in jurisprudence, in epic poetry, in pastoral poems, etc. Thus, from the principles of doctrine to the narration of exemplar cases, the verification of the Truth and all trustful private things endow with true reasons for verosimilis subject sung in the epic poems. By the means of law, jurisprudence, metaphysical principles, the institutional machinery constitutes and codifies the discorse about the "conquest of the America process" or the "history of the Portuguese domain in Brazil" that such poems and histories report. Assuming that war is everywhere, and the officii also, many different jurisdictions are reported mainly because they authorize themselves mutually. But they are cited in an incomplete manner just to indicate the branches of the senses and they try to cross them momentarily with other res, among many genera and species of things, different traditions of doctrine and the parties discussions. In the studied texts in diverse lessons, the focus in this thesis covers the matter, as res inventionis, and some mechanisms for verifying the truth of the rhetoric matter.

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