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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A responsabilidade do cotista do fundo de investimento em participações / The liability of Brazilian private equity funds quotaholder

Carlos Martins Neto 28 August 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por escopo traçar os contornos do regime de responsabilidade do cotista de fundo de investimento em participações FIP. Para tanto, serão analisados os aspectos históricos, a natureza jurídica e a forma como os fundos de investimento são estruturados no direito brasileiro, com foco no fundo de investimento em participações. Tendo em vista que o FIP pode assumir posição de controlador de companhia na qual realiza investimento,a dissertação também trata, de forma sucinta, da estrutura do poder de controle, da identificação do acionista controlador e das hipóteses de sua responsabilização. Na sequência, são apontadas as hipóteses de responsabilização direta e indireta dos cotistas de fundos de investimento em participações. A pesquisa busca demonstrar que o cotista do FIP, em razão da responsabilidade subsidiária decorrente da obrigação de arcar com o patrimônio negativo do fundo, está sujeito a responsabilidade indireta incompatível com o seu papel de investidor. Por fim, aponta-se uma possível solução para o problema da responsabilidade do cotista do FIP. / The scope of this thesis is to describe the outlines of the quotaholders liability on a Fundo de Investimento em Participações FIP (Brazilian Private Equity Fund). Therefore, will be analyzed the historical aspects, legal nature and the way investment funds are structured in the Brazilian law, focusing on the Fundo de Investimento em Participações. Considering the fact that the FIP can fulfill the position controlling shareholder on invested companies, this dissertation also approaches, succinctly, the control power structure, the controlling shareholders identification and the hypothesis of its liability. In sequence, the hypothesis of quotaholders direct and indirect liability on Fundo de Investimento em Participações are appointed. The research pursuits to demonstrate that the FIP quotaholder, due to the subsidiary liability arising from the obligation to bear the negative net equity of the fund, is susceptible to an indirect liability, incompatible with its role as a mere investor. Finally, a possible solution to the problem of the FIP quotaholder liability is presented.

Activités et efficicience des établissements de santé dans le contexte de la couverture universelle de santé : études sur données d'enquêtes au Cambodge et en Chine / Activities and efficiency of health care facilities in the context of universal health coverage : study from survey data in Cambodia and China

Pélissier, Aurore 23 November 2012 (has links)
La couverture universelle de santé est aujourd’hui au coeur du financement de la santé. Dans ce contexte, le développement des mécanismes d’assurance et l’amélioration de l’efficience constituent des enjeux majeurs pour garantir l’équité dans l’accès et le financement des services de santé. La transition vers la couverture universelle de santé s’appuie sur la combinaison des fonds d’équité de santé et de l’assurance santé communautaire au Cambodge et sur le développement de l’assurance santé communautaire en Chine avec le Nouveau Système de Coopératives Médicales Rurales. Alors que les modalités du financement de la santé changent, l’utilisation des ressources devient un enjeu central et on doit alors s’interroger sur leur efficience dans le contexte de la couverture universelle de santé. C’est l’objet de cette thèse qui s’articule autour de quatre chapitres. Le chapitre I analyse les enjeux du financement de la santé dans les pays en développement dans le contexte de la couverture universelle de santé, montrant pourquoi la problématique de l’efficience en constitue l’une des interrogations centrales. La thèse se concentre alors sur l’étude de l’efficience des établissements de santé au travers de trois chapitres. Le chapitre II porte sur la mesure de l’efficience technique via l’analyse d’enveloppement des données. Les chapitres III et IV présentent des études de cas portant respectivement sur l’activité et l’efficience des centres de santé de la province de Takéo au Cambodge et des hôpitaux municipaux de la préfecture de Weifang en Chine dans le contexte des réformes orientées vers la couverture universelle de santé. / Universal health coverage is at the heart of health financing. In such context, the development of insurance mechanisms and the improvement of efficiency are major stakes to insure equity in access and financing of health care services. In Cambodia, the transition to universal health coverage relies on a combination of health equity funds and community-based health insurance while in China it relies on the development of community-based health insurance with the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme. The composition of health financing evolves and thus, the utilization of resources becomes a central issue. So, as it proposed in this thesis, we have to examine the efficiency in the context of universal health coverage. The chapter I analyses the issues of health financing in developing countries in the context of universal health coverage and underlines why the efficiency is the central issue. The thesis then concentrates on the study of efficiency through three chapters. Chapter II details the data envelopment analysis to estimate technical efficiency. Chapters III and IV respectively study the activity and efficiency of health centers of Takeo province in Cambodia and townships hospitals of Weifang prefecture in China, in the context of reforms oriented to universal health coverage.

投資流程之行為對股票型基金投資績效的影響 / The impacts of behavior of investment process on the investment performance of equity funds

蔡明輝, Tsay, Ming Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討投資流程之行為模式對股票型基金績效之影響,研究內容包括探討拜訪上市公司、下單積極度、下單集中度、及停損機制與基金投資績效之關係。 研究發現:(1)國內及外資券商公布評等報告前,皆有資訊事先洩漏之情況;法人說明會雖具有資訊內涵,但其資訊內涵於見報日即反應在股價上,投信公司透過拜訪上市櫃公司取得第一手資訊,才是提升基金績效之有效方法。(2)高下單積極度將對個股股價產生價格衝擊,並產生買進價格偏高及賣出價格偏低之劣勢,均不利於基金績效表現。(3)每年微幅差距之交易成本,經過複利計算,累積多年後之差異程度將非常驚人,投信公司應致力於提升下單集中度、節省交易成本,間接提升基金投資報酬率。(4)停損機制對基金績效有正面之影響,為減少經理人產生錯置效應,投信公司應確實執行停損機制,避免投資損失擴大。 依據研究結果,提出建議如下:(1)在資訊不對稱的環境下,投資人無法知悉基金經理人之投資操作,因此隱藏著基金經理人的道德危險,主管機關應善盡監督管理之責,以確保投資人權益。(2)投信公司及基金經理人應勤於拜訪上市櫃公司、謹慎訂定股票買賣價格區間、致力於節省投資交易成本、及落實損失檢討機制以提升投資績效。(3)投資人申購基金除了參考以往投資績效外,也應將基金投資交易成本高低列為參考之依據,避免基金投資交易成本過高侵蝕獲利。 / This study examines the behavior of equity funds in relation to the investment process, Include visits to companies, actively traded stock level, the concentration of stock trading, and stop-loss mechanism of the effect on fund performance. This study found that: domestic and foreign brokerages, before reporting their stock recommendations, usually leak information in advance. Although investor conferences have the information content, but its information content lies in the newspapers on the day of reaction in the stock price. Securities Investment Trust, to visit the company's way to obtain first-hand information to effectively improve the investment performance of equity funds; a high degree of active stock trading affects the stock price by resulting in a high purchase price and low selling price, which is not conducive to equity fund performance; As a result of the gap between the cost of each transaction and the effect of compound interest, there is a high degree of difference after many years. As such, securities investment trust companies should strive to enhance the concentration of trading to reduce transaction costs, thereby increasing the investment return of equity funds; and as stop-loss mechanisms have a positive effect on the performance of equity funds, securities investment trust companies should implement stop-loss mechanisms to avoid loss of the expansion. Based on the results of this study, the recommendations include: in the context of asymmetric information, investors have no knowledge of how the fund manager may conduct investment operations; therefore, regulatory authorities should take on the responsibility of protecting the interests of investors; securities investment trust companies and fund managers should be prudent when setting a stock trading price range to decrease investment transaction costs and minimize losses to improve investment performance; as high transaction costs erode profits, investors should also consider the level of transaction costs, which should be listed on a reference basis, in addition to past investment performance.

Rizikos ir privataus kapitalo fondų veiklą įtakojančių aplinkos veiksnių Lietuvoje vertinimas / External assumptions evaluation of private equity and venture capital funds performance in Lithuania

Pukas, Audrius 19 August 2008 (has links)
Europos Sąjungoje bei daugelyje kitų valstybių, rizikos ir privataus kapitalo fondai (toliau RPKF) yra svarbus įrankis skatinant inovacijų diegimą įmonėse, darbo vietų kūrimą, pelningumo ir kitų įmonių finansinių rodiklių gerėjimą, kitaip sakant – ekonomikos augimą. Todėl tokio tipo investicijų augimas ypač pasižymi besivystančiose Rytų ir Vidurio Europos šalyse, tuo tarpu Lietuvoje RPKF paplitimas, jų sukuriama pridėtinė vertė ekonomikoje bei veiklos vystymosi galimybės yra labai mažos lyginant su kitomis šalimis, kurios pagal ekonominius rodiklius yra panašaus išsivystymo lygio. Šio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti bei įvertinti pagrindinius RPKF kūrimąsi ir veiklą lemiančius aplinkos veiksnius Lietuvoje bei pateikti rekomendacijas ir nuomonę, kokie žingsniai turėtų būti atlikti, siekiant vystyti rizikos ir privataus kapitalo sektorių Lietuvoje. Darbe yra nagrinėjami teoriniai rizikos ir privataus kapitalo fondų finansavimo aspektai, pagrindiniai veiklos principai bei struktūra, nustatomi investicijų vertės k��rimo būdai bei pateikiamos pagrindinės teorinės prielaidos tokiems fondams atsirasti. Apžvelgiami rizikos ir privataus kapitalo įtakos ekonomikos augimui empiriniai tyrimai, pats sektorius bei situacija Europoje ir Lietuvoje. Plačiau tiriami aplinkos veiksniai, įtakojantys rizikos ir privataus kapitalo fondų veiklą Lietuvoje, bei pateikiamas jų įvertinimas. Atsakoma į klausimą, ar nagrinėjami veiksniai yra priešiški ar palankūs RPKF kurtis, investuoti ir vystytis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Private equity and venture capital funds (later on PEVCF) are one of the most important tools in innovation stimulation, employment enhancement and profitability creation process. Though this type of investment process is especially growing with importance in developing Central and Eastern European countries, in Lithuania it is rather insignificant despite vast Governmental programs to stimulate innovations in small and medium size corporate sector. The main goal of this paper is to analyze and evaluate main factors that determine establishment and development of PEVCF in Lithuania; to offer suggestions and opinion about what kind of further steps should be done in order to develop private equity and venture capital sector in Lithuania. The paper analyses theoretical aspects of PEVCF financing, main activity principles and structure; main value creation approaches and theoretical assumptions to create such PEVCF are determined; empirical results how PEVCF influence on economy’s performance, PEVCF sector and current situation in Euro region. The paper provides with more detailed analysis of PEVCF activity factors in Lithuania and evaluates their importance, answers the question, if these factors are positively or negatively correlated with PEVCF establishment and development in Lithuania. The paper concludes that main external assumptions of private equity and venture capital funds performance in Lithuania are positively correlated. Main recommendations how to improve... [to full text]

L'évaluation de la performance des fonds mutuels : le cas de la France / Performance evaluation of mutual funds : the french context

Bangash, Romana 19 April 2012 (has links)
Les fonds mutuels sont désormais reconnus comme une possibilité de diversifier des investissements en actions et constituent actuellement une alternative (ou un complément) aux investissements directs en actions. L'industrie des fonds mutuels est désormais présente dans la majorité des pays et a enregistré une croissance spectaculaire au cours des dernières années. En dépit de son importance, cette industrie a fait l'objet de peu de recherches en dehors des Etats-Unis. Notre étude a pour but de combler ce manque. A travers l'utilisation d'une base de données récente fournie par Eurofidai, nous analysons les attributs et la performance des fonds mutuels européens en fondant notre étude sur le cas des fonds d'actions français. Cette thèse de doctorat examine le problème de sélection des investisseurs confrontés à une masse d'information importante qui peut résulter en une certaine confusion lors de l'allocation d'actifs. Afin d'acquérir une meilleure compréhension des fonds mutuels, nous analysons certains facteurs et caractéristiques qui sont susceptibles d'avoir un impact sur leur performance et par conséquent influent sur la prise de décision des investisseurs. Notre étude empirique utilise des données mensuelles entre 1990 et 2009 sur un ensemble de fonds mutuels investis en actions françaises. Les objectifs de la recherche sont au nombre de trois : l'évaluation des performances des fonds mutuels, la détermination des caractéristiques ayant un impact sur ces performances et les explications potentielles de la structure des frais de gestion. Nos résultats révèlent que les fonds français préfèrent les actions à petite taille et book-to-market. Il apparaît que la taille du fonds et sa longévité ont un impact positif sur la performance. Nous montrons également qu'il existe des économies d'échelle dans les familles de fonds. Par exemple, les fonds contenant des titres à faibles capitalisation favorisent les investisseurs en réclamant des frais de gestion plus faibles.. Ce travail de recherche apporte aux chercheurs, analystes et investisseurs des éléments de réponse et permet ainsi à ces derniers d'affiner leur prise de décision relative à l'investissement dans l'industrie des fonds mutuels. / Ever since the investment community first recognized mutual funds as a means for diversification, asset preservation, and asset accumulation, academics and practitioners have conducted many studies designed to ascertain their appeal. The mutual funds are gaining importance worldwide and it has registered a spectacular growth in the entire world. Despite the importance of the mutual fund industry, it has received little academic attention outside the USA. Therefore, our study intends to contribute in filling this gap. Using a new database of Eurofidai, we analyze mutual funds' various aspects in European context with a case of French equity mutual funds. This study has introduced the problem investors have in selecting mutual funds, where the sheer amount of information on mutual funds results in investor confusion. To dispel this confusion and to bring a deeper understanding in mutual funds, we have examined certain factors and characteristics that affect the mutual funds performance and ultimately investors' decisions. This study followed suit by compiling monthly data from 1990 to 2009 for equity mutual funds domestically invested in France. We have three basic research objectives; performance evaluation of equity mutual funds; designating funds' characteristics effecting performance and potential determinants for structuring fund's fees being charged to investors. Our results reveal that French funds prefer smaller stocks and lower book to market ratio. We provide evidence of positive impact of funds' size and age on fund performance. We also found economies of scale in fund families. Funds having small cap holdings favor investors by charging low management fees. This research provides academics, analysts and investors some insight in mutual funds to refine their preferences and some key features to be considered while deciding their investments.

A responsabilidade do cotista do fundo de investimento em participações / The liability of Brazilian private equity funds quotaholder

Carlos Martins Neto 28 August 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por escopo traçar os contornos do regime de responsabilidade do cotista de fundo de investimento em participações FIP. Para tanto, serão analisados os aspectos históricos, a natureza jurídica e a forma como os fundos de investimento são estruturados no direito brasileiro, com foco no fundo de investimento em participações. Tendo em vista que o FIP pode assumir posição de controlador de companhia na qual realiza investimento,a dissertação também trata, de forma sucinta, da estrutura do poder de controle, da identificação do acionista controlador e das hipóteses de sua responsabilização. Na sequência, são apontadas as hipóteses de responsabilização direta e indireta dos cotistas de fundos de investimento em participações. A pesquisa busca demonstrar que o cotista do FIP, em razão da responsabilidade subsidiária decorrente da obrigação de arcar com o patrimônio negativo do fundo, está sujeito a responsabilidade indireta incompatível com o seu papel de investidor. Por fim, aponta-se uma possível solução para o problema da responsabilidade do cotista do FIP. / The scope of this thesis is to describe the outlines of the quotaholders liability on a Fundo de Investimento em Participações FIP (Brazilian Private Equity Fund). Therefore, will be analyzed the historical aspects, legal nature and the way investment funds are structured in the Brazilian law, focusing on the Fundo de Investimento em Participações. Considering the fact that the FIP can fulfill the position controlling shareholder on invested companies, this dissertation also approaches, succinctly, the control power structure, the controlling shareholders identification and the hypothesis of its liability. In sequence, the hypothesis of quotaholders direct and indirect liability on Fundo de Investimento em Participações are appointed. The research pursuits to demonstrate that the FIP quotaholder, due to the subsidiary liability arising from the obligation to bear the negative net equity of the fund, is susceptible to an indirect liability, incompatible with its role as a mere investor. Finally, a possible solution to the problem of the FIP quotaholder liability is presented.

The praxis of responsible investment in South Africa: a holistic case study of Evolution One Fund

Zaulochnaya Ya-Brouwer, Irina January 2012 (has links)
At the beginning of the 21st century the public interest in environmental and social sustainability, and corporate governance grew exponentially fuelled by recurring ecological and financial crises. The market demand for cleaner production and corporate transparency created opportunities for sustainability entrepreneurs in a variety of industries, including financial markets and investment management. An increasing number of financial institutions across the world now offer ethical or socially responsible products to meet the environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspirations of their clients. In the US, according to the Social Investment Forum (SIF), responsible investment (RI) assets reached US$ 2,29 trillion in 2007 (Mitchell, 2008). The European Sustainable Investment Forum (EuroSIF) estimated that total European SRI assets reached EUR 5 trillion in 2009 (Wheelan, 2010). In June 2011 the International Finance Corporation (IFC) reported that at the end of 2010 professional sustainable investment under management in South Africa approximately equalled US$ 122,6 billion (IFC, 2011:44). The statistics describing the rapid growth in the ESG-type investments are, however, complicated by the variety of names and definitions used to describe this emerging type of investment and a general market uncertainty about what constitutes the practice of RI. The purpose of this case study is to better understand responsible investment principles and practice as seen through the eyes of a South African private equity fund, which specializes in clean technology.

Mutual Fund Performance : An analysis of determinants of risk-adjusted performance for mutual equity funds available for Swedish investors

Carlsson, Sandra, Eikner, Erica January 2020 (has links)
The mutual fund industry in Sweden has grown rapidly over the past years. Research has been made on the topic for over 50 years, however there are still uncertainties about the determinants of fund performance. The purpose of this study was to examine what determines the risk-adjusted performance of mutual equity funds available to Swedish investors.  A side-purpose was included to examine to what extent the Efficient Market Hypothesis holds in Sweden. A simple random sample was conducted where 500 equity funds were included. From Refinitiv/Thomson Reuters Eikon Datastream fund characteristics were downloaded. To find the abnormal return of mutual equity funds, a hybrid Fama-French Carhart factor model was used which includes both domestic Swedish factors and global factors. The model was used to calculate the yearly risk-adjusted performance for each fund using 12 months return. This was denominated Alpha which was used as the dependent variable in the regression models. Further, to determine the characteristics which affect risk-adjusted performance two multiple regression models with six independent variables and three control variables are constructed. Further, a one sample t-test was conducted to test the market efficiency for mutual funds available to Swedish investors. Eight statistical hypotheses were created and tested in which two found a significant result which were that alpha differs from zero and Total Expense Ratio determines the risk-adjusted performance.   To conclude, findings showed only the character Total Expense Ratio determines risk-adjusted performance of mutual equity funds available to Swedish investors. In conclusion the control variables year, geographical focus and currency affect the fund performance. The study is an interesting aspect for Swedish investors and fund managers since the study implies deeper knowledge about the mutual fund industry in Sweden and therefore should be concerned by the variable TER to earn abnormal returns. Further, the study contributes with a theoretical discussion in line with the results concerning Efficient Market Hypothesis, the Diversification Effect and Modern Portfolio Theory. Conclusions are drawn based on our result that the Efficient Market Hypothesis does hold in the Swedish fund market. Although only one character determines the risk-adjusted performance and average investor should choose funds that follow the market, based on the skill level of average investors.

Direktägande fastighetsfonder -En finansieringslösning till utvecklingen av miljonprogramsfastigheter / Real estate private equity funds -A financial solution to the development of properties in “miljonprogrammet”

Broström, Oscar, Göransson, Mårten January 2013 (has links)
Idag finns det cirka en halv miljon bostäder från miljonprogrammet som är i behov av renovering och modernisering. Bostadsföretagen som äger dessa fastigheter har problem med att finansiera renoveringen som krävs för att höja standarden och förlänga livslängden på fastigheterna. Denna uppsats handlar om hur direktägande fastighetsfonder kan fungera som ett alternativ till finansieringen av renoveringen av miljonprogrammet. Fördelen med att använda direktägande fastighetsfonder som finansiellt verktyg till upprustningen av miljonprogrammet är att kapitalet kan hämtas från den privata sektorn och beroendet av en stark finansiär minskas. Genom fondstrukturen skapas möjligheter för ett mindre sparande i bostadsfastigheter och gör marknaden för potentiella investerare större. Uppsatsen behandlar två områden i Stockholm och är belägna Rinkeby- Kista och Skarpnäck. Med hjälp av räkneexempel på en fiktiv fastighet utplacerad i dessa två områden har det visat sig att det kan vara lönsamt ur en investerares perspektiv som vill köpa andelar i fastighetsfonden som används i denna uppsats. Exempelvis får en fondinvesterare 9,1 % per år i Skarpnäck. Med en upprustning av miljonprogrammet tillkommer kostnader för renovering samt hyresökningar. Uppsatsen redovisar vilka kostnader en renovering medför för att uppnå modern standard samt vilka konsekvenser som moderniseringen har på hyresnivån. På grund av en ökad hyresnivå behandlar uppsatsen även frågan om hyresgästerna kommer att ha råd med de nya hyrorna. / There are approximately half a million apartments of the building initiative from the 1970’s called “miljonprogrammet” that are in need of major renovation and development into modernized standard. The real estate companies that own these properties have difficulties in funding the required amount of capital in order to achieve the goals of higher standards and extending the life length of the properties. This essay investigates the possibility of real estate private equity funds as a financial solution to the issue. The benefits of using real estate private equity funds as a financial solution to the renovation and development issue is that equity may be raised by using the private market and the dependence of one powerful financial investor decreases. As the fund structure being as it is, opportunities for savings in smaller amounts are created, which expands the market of possible investors. The essay investigates two areas in Stockholm that are located in Rinkeby-Kista and Skarpnäck. By using calculations containing a fictive property placed in the two areas, it has been proved that investing in a real estate private equity fund, created for the purpose of this essay, could be profitable for small-scale investors. The average annual return, which is gained when investing in the fund, is 9,1 % in Skarpnäck. As a consequence of developing ”miljonprogrammet”, rents are increased in order to cover some of the renovation costs and to fit new standards of the properties. The essay also explores the details of the renovation costs and what level the new rents will be at. Analysis will also be performed whether the tenants will be able to afford the increased rents.

Active Share in the Swedish Premium Pension System : A Study on Mutual Fund Activity and Performance

Rönngren, Andreas, Xu, Ding January 2013 (has links)
We investigate the activity and performance of 64 Swedish registered mutual equity funds available in the Swedish Premium Pension System from October 2002 to December 2011. Fund activity is measured by applying the holdings based analysis Active Share combined with Tracking Error Volatility (TEV). Active Share is a relatively new measure that compares a fund’s holdings with its benchmark index constituents (Cremers & Petajisto, 2009; Petajisto, 2013). This is used as a proxy for the fund’s stock selection strategy. As a complement, TEV is used as a proxy for the factor timing strategy. Performance are measured by using Jensen’s (1968) model, Fama and French’s (1993) model and Carhart’s (1997) model. We document that Swedish funds in the Premium Pension System are relatively passive in term of Active Share compared to US funds. We attribute this finding to the relative number of stocks held by a fund compared to the market. Swedish equity funds hold a relatively larger share of the number of stocks in the Swedish market while US funds hold a relatively smaller share of the stocks in the US market. We run a panel regression analysis to test the relation between Active Share and various variables. We find that funds with higher TER fees and fewer stocks on average have higher Active Share. There are also indications that TEV is positively related to Active Share. However, the overall explanatory power of the variables is low. We attribute this as evidence that Active Share is an independent measure of fund activity. Overall, we find neutral performance for an equally weighted portfolio of all funds in the PPS. To examine the performance differences between different levels of activity, we sort funds into five portfolios based on Active Share and TEV. The results show that, given a medium-to-low TEV, funds with high Active Share significantly outperform funds with low Active Share. Furthermore, it appears that the fee rebate in the Premium Pension System is important especially for the passive funds. Without the rebate, the passive funds underperform significantly. We run a panel regression analysis on the future fund performance to test the predictive abilities of Active Share and TEV. The results indicate that Active Share does not explain future performance differences. Conversely, TEV is negatively related to future performance which can be explained by fund managers being overconfident

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