Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] EXCHANGE RATES"" "subject:"[enn] EXCHANGE RATES""
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[pt] Estimamos um modelo DSGE para a economia brasileira abrangendo a transição do regime de bandas cambiais para o regime de metas para a inflação ocorrida em 1999. Utilizamos um modelo novo keynesiano de pequena economia aberta no qual o Banco Central segue uma regra de política monetária estruturalmente distinta em cada regime. Encontramos diferenças significativas na dinâmica macroeconômica e nos mecanismos de transmissão dos choques estruturais, com destaque àqueles relacionados ao setor externo da economia. Realizamos experimentos contrafactuais onde simulamos o impacto de cenários alternativos para a transição de regime na trajetória das variáveis econômicas brasileiras. Entre outros resultados, as simulações sugerem que a manutenção do sistema de bandas cambiais seria insustentável enquanto a antecipação da implementação do regime de metas para a inflação para antes da crise da Rússia de 1998 poderia deixar a economia brasileira em situação mais favorável. Por fim, mostramos que um teste de quebra estrutural aplicado sobre todo o período amostral detecta com precisão a ocorrência da mudança de regime em 1999. / [en] We estimate a DSGE model of the brazilian economy taking into account the transition from the exchange rate band system to inflation targeting occurred in 1999. We use a new Keynesian small open economy model where the Central Bank follows structurally different monetary policy rules in each regime. By comparing the transmission channels of exogenous shocks we find significant differences across the regimes, specially on those shocks related to the foreign sector of the economy.We then perform counterfactual experiments where we simulate the response of key macro variables under alternative scenarios for the regime transition. Among other results our simulations suggest that the continuation of the exchange rate band system could have been unsustainable while anticipating the transition to inflation targeting before the Russian crisis of 1998 could have benefited the economy. Additionally, we show that a structural break test applied to the whole data
sample correctly identifies the regime change in 1999.
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Efectos de las variaciones en las tasas de cambio de la moneda extranjera y su impacto Financiero y Tributario en las empresas del sector de servicios de Telecomunicaciones del Perú en el año 2017 / Effects of changes in foreign currency exchange rates and their financial and tax impact on companies in the telecommunications sector of Peru in 2017Dolmos Gonzales, Pilar Guadalupe, Salazar Vilela, Luis Alberto 25 September 2018 (has links)
La finalidad del presente trabajo es analizar el impacto que ha ocasionado la implementación de la Norma Internacional de Contabilidad N° 21 (NIC), desde la óptica de la situación financiera y alcance tributario en las empresas del sector de servicio de telecomunicaciones. Es fundamental comprender que el concepto de globalización de la economía cambió fundamentalmente la práctica internacional de los negocios.
En el primer capítulo se expone el marco teórico, que es la base sobre la cual se sustentará el análisis de nuestro trabajo de investigación. El segundo capítulo comprende el Plan de investigación en el que se establece el objetivo, planteamiento del problema principal y secundarios; y las hipótesis; el tercer capítulo determina la metodología empleada para el análisis, establecemos el objetivo y nivel de la investigación, su diseño y una descripción de los instrumentos de recolección de datos a utilizar en la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa. En el cuarto capítulo tratamos el desarrollo del trabajo con la aplicación de los instrumentos de recolección: entrevistas y encuestas; y en el quinto capítulo se muestra el análisis de los resultados obtenidos en la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa. Se concluye que existe impacto financiero y tributario, recomendando que las empresas deban establecer políticas y estrategias para mitigar dicho impacto. / The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact caused by the implementation of International Accounting Standard No. 21 (NIC), from the perspective of the financial situation and tax scope in companies in the telecommunications service sector. It is fundamental to understand that the concept of globalization of the economy fundamentally changed the international practice of business. In the first chapter the theoretical framework is exposed, which is the basis on which the analysis of our research work will be based. The second chapter includes the Research Plan in which the objective is established, the main and secondary problem statement; and the hypotheses; The third chapter determines the methodology used for the analysis, we establish the objective and level of the research, its design and a description of the data collection instruments to be used in qualitative and quantitative research. In the fourth chapter we deal with the development of work with the application of collection instruments: interviews and surveys; and in the fifth chapter the analysis of the results obtained in qualitative and quantitative research is shown. It is concluded that there is a financial and tax impact, recommendations for companies should establish policies and strategies to mitigate this impact. / Tesis
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Le commerce international de la Chine et du Brésil après l’ouverture du marché : La voie vers le développement ? / The International Commerce of China and Brazil after the opening of market. The via to the development ?Seydi, Lansana 11 January 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse l’application de la théorie du commerce international dans des pays émergents de l’Asie et de l’Amérique Latine en particulier en Chine et au Brésil, dans un processus de globalisation. Cette politique se fait différemment en Chine et au Brésil par rapport aux réalités régionales et nationales, liées parfois aux avantages comparatifs de chaque pays, qui conduisent l’un ou l’autre, à adopter une politique d’exportation basée sur des biens à faible contenu technologique [ les produits primaires ], comme c’est le cas du Brésil. Cette primarisation de l’industrie brésilienne par rapport à celle de la Chine a pour origine la politique du taux d’intérêt très élevés au Brésil qu’en Chine. La valorisation de la monnaie brésilienne par rapport au dollar affecte son industrie et ne favorise pas la compétitivité des biens exportés au marché mondial, favorisant ainsi l’entrée des capitaux étrangers spéculatifs [ non productifs ]. Bien qu’il y ait une amélioration des indicateurs macroéconomiques la monnaie brésilienne reste encore très valorisée para rapport au dollar tandis que la monnaie chinoise est très peu valorisée. Les résultats empiriques obtenus dans cette thèse nous indiquent que la Chine exporte plus des biens à contenu technologique que le Brésil et a un degré d’ouverture plus élevé. / This thesis analyzes the application of the theory of international trade in emerging countries of Asia and Latin America in particular in China and Brazil, in a process of globalization. This policy is done differently in China and Brazil in relation to regional and national, sometimes related to the comparative advantages of each country, leading one or the other, to adopt a policy based on export of low technological content [primary products], as is the case of Brazil. This primarization of Brazilian industry compared to that of China’s original interest rate policy very high in Brazil and China. The valuation of the Brazilian currency against the dollar affects its industry and is not conducive to the competitiveness of goods exported to the world market, thereby encouraging the entry of speculative capital inflows [not productive]. Although there is an improvement in macroeconomic indicators the Brazilian currency remains very valued against the dollar while the Chinese currency is valued very little. The empirical results obtained in this thesis indicate that China exports more goods to technology-and that Brazil has a higher opening.
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遺傳模式在匯率上分析與預測之應用 / Genetic Models and Its Application in Exchange Rates Analysis and Forecasting許毓云, Hsu, Yi-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
In time series analysis, we often find the trend of dynamic data changing with time. Using the traditional model fitting can't get a good explanation for dynamic data. Therefore, many scholars developed various methods for model construction. The major drawback with most of the methods is that personal viewpoint and experience in model selection are usually influenced in them. Therefore, this paper presents a new approach on genetic-based modeling for the nonlinear time series. The research is based on the concepts of evolution theory as well as natural selection. In order to find a leading model from the nonlinear time series, we make use of the evolution rule: survival of the fittest. Through the process of genetic evolution, the AIC (Akaike information criteria) is used as the adjust function, and the membership function of the best-fitted models are calculated as performance index of chromosome. Empirical example shows that the genetic model can give an efficient explanation in analyzing Taiwan exchange rates, especially when the structure change occurs.
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Αξιολογώντας την επίδραση του ευρώ στο διμερές εμπόριοΤσαλουχίδης, Νικόλαος 27 October 2008 (has links)
Η οικονομικη και νομισματικη ενωση (ονε) οδηγησε στην υιοθετηση του ενιαιου ευρωπαϊκου νομισματοσ, του ευρω, που αντικατεστησε τα εθνικα νομισματα των χωρων που συμμετεχουν στο συστημα αυτο. Το μεγεθοσ τησ επιδρασησ του ενιαιου νομισματοσ στο διμερεσ εμποριο μεταξυ των χωρων που το εχουν υιοθετησει εχει απασχολησει τη διεθνη βιβλιογραφια και εχουν προκυψει ποικιλα συμπερασματα. Ετσι, ορισμενοι συγγραφεισ βρισκουν πολυ μικρη επιδραση, ενω υπαρχουν και καποιοι, που μιλουν για τριπλασιασμο του εμποριου. Στην παρουσα μελετη, χρησιμοποιωντασ χωρεσ τησ εε οσο και εκτοσ αυτησ, εκτιμηθηκαν με τη μεθοδο ελαχιστων τετραγωνων (ols) δυο εναλλακτικα στατικα υποδειγματα, οπου μελετηθηκε η επιδραση του ευρω, σε συνδυασμο με αλλουσ παραγοντεσ, οπωσ για παραδειγμα τη γλωσσα, τη γεωγραφικη αποσταση, τη συναψη εμπορικων συμφωνιων. Διαπιστωθηκε μια θετικη και στατιστικα σημαντικη επιδραση του ενιαιου νομισματοσ, καθωσ και μια μικρη και αρνητικη επιρροη τησ μεταβλητικοτητασ των συναλλαγματικων ισοτιμιων στο διεθνεσ εμποριο. Ωστοσο, θα πρεπει να ειμαστε προσεκτικοι με τα ευρηματα αυτα, καθωσ απαιτειται βαθοσ χρονου, προκειμενου να διαφανει πληρωσ η επιδραση του ενιαιου νομισματοσ στισ εμπορικεσ συναλλαγεσ των χωρων που το χρησιμοποιουν. / The economic and monetary union (emu) led to the adoption of a single european currency, namely euro, that replaced the national currencies of the countries, which partipicate in this system. The magnitude of the effect of a single currency in the bilateral trade between the countries that have adopted it has been dealt with in the international bibliography, resulting in various conclusions. Thus, some authors find a very small effect, whereas others report a triplication of trade. In this study, by using both eu and non-eu countries, a pair of alternative static models were estimated, by means of the ols method. The effect of euro,in combination with other factors, for example the language, the geographical distance and free trade areas, was studied. It was found that there exists a positive and statistically significant effect of the single currency and a small and negative influence of the variability of exchange rates in the international trade. However, it would be wise to assess these findings with extra care, bearing in mind that a long period of time is required, for the effect of the single currency on the commercial transactions of the countries that have adopted it to be fully revealed.
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Monetary policy and exchange rates : breakthrough of pass-throughAdolfson, Malin January 2001 (has links)
How should central banks react to movements in the exchange rate? Can social welfare be improved if the policy maker is giving explicit or implicit consideration to fluctuations in the exchange rate? These are some of the principal questions addressed in this thesis, which analyzes the influence of exchange rates on prices and monetary policy, from an empirical as well as a theoretical perspective. The thesis consists of four self-contained papers, and sets off by providing some empirical evidence for incomplete exchange rate pass-through. Incomplete exchange rate pass-through is subsequently incorporated into a theoretical model of a small open economy, to study how exchange rate fluctuations affect monetary policy. The first chapter is an empirical paper studying the relation between exchange rates and prices, using data on Swedish exports of automobiles and kraft paper. A price determining error correction model indicates results consistent with price discrimination and incomplete exchange rate pass-through. In the second chapter, a small open economy aggregate supply-aggregate demand model, allowing for incomplete exchange rate pass-through, is developed to analyze the effects of limited pass-through on monetary policy. The results suggest that the optimal policy reaction, both to foreign and domestic shocks, is dependent on the degree of exchange rate pass-through. The third chapter studies what the delegated monetary policy should be in an open economy with limited pass-through. In particular, the question of whether to delegate an exchange rate-stabilization objective to the policy maker is investigated. The results show that incorporation of an explicit nominal, or real, exchange-rate term in the (optimized) objective function only improves social welfare marginally. The fourth chapter assumes, in contrast, that monetary policy is implemented through a simple instrument rule. It is examined whether the policy maker’s performance, in terms of social welfare, can be improved by also responding to the exchange rate. The results indicate that the exchange rate-augmented policy rules do not outperform an optimized rule without the exchange rate, irrespective of the degree of pass-through. Social welfare is, however, improved by an indirect exchange rate response, which is reached using a policy rule based on Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation, rather than on domestic inflation. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2001
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Macroeconomic aspects of capital flows to small open economies in transitionJönsson, Kristian January 2004 (has links)
With the internationalization of financial markets, short-term capital flows to emerging market economies have become an important phenomenon in the world. The papers in this dissertation are concerned with investigating the effects of such flows in the receiving countries. The analysis is cast in a dynamic general equilibrium framework for small open economies. Two of the papers are quantitative investigations of the forces at work in small and relatively poor economies that liberalize trade and capital flows. The common approach of these papers is that of a computational experiment: calibrated simulations constitute a test of whether the models can explain certain dynamics which we observe in the data. The first paper investigates whether a calibrated two-sector neoclassical growth model can explain the magnitudes and the timing of capital flows in the Baltic countries after the fall of the Soviet Union. The results indicate that it can, and that the large and persistent trade deficits which we observe in the data need not be a reason to worry. However, the model also tells us that a reversal of capital flows and large sectoral adjustments lie ahead of the Baltic countries. In the second paper, the focus is on modelling the observed co-movement between consumption and the real exchange rate in Spain, which experienced large capital inflows following the entry into the European Community in 1986. In accordance with episodes of trade liberalization elsewhere, consumption in Spain boomed and the real exchange rate appreciated for several years after 1986. Standard two-sector models with traded and non-traded goods have problems accounting for these facts. The paper explores some mechanisms that can improve the standard modelling framework, and evaluates their quantitative importance in calibrated simulations for Spain. The third paper studies the government’s optimal bailout policy in an environment where sudden stops of capital flows cause financial crises in a small open economy. Real world events, such as the financial crises in the South East Asian countries in 1997, motivate the analysis. Compared to the previous essays, the paper is different in its nature in that it develops a highly stylized environment to analytically study the government’s optimal bailout policy. The paper shows that the government should optimally commit to a policy that only partially protects private debtors against inefficient liquidation. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2004
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Real time detectionof airborne fungal spores and investigations into their dynamics in indoor airKanaani, Hussein January 2009 (has links)
Concern regarding the health effects of indoor air quality has grown in recent years, due to the increased prevalence of many diseases, as well as the fact that many people now spend most of their time indoors. While numerous studies have reported on the dynamics of aerosols indoors, the dynamics of bioaerosols in indoor environments are still poorly understood and very few studies have focused on fungal spore dynamics in indoor environments. Consequently, this work investigated the dynamics of fungal spores in indoor air, including fungal spore release and deposition, as well as investigating the mechanisms involved in the fungal spore fragmentation process. In relation to the investigation of fungal spore dynamics, it was found that the deposition rates of the bioaerosols (fungal propagules) were in the same range as the deposition rates of nonbiological particles and that they were a function of their aerodynamic diameters. It was also found that fungal particle deposition rates increased with increasing ventilation rates. These results (which are reported for the first time) are important for developing an understanding of the dynamics of fungal spores in the air. In relation to the process of fungal spore fragmentation, important information was generated concerning the airborne dynamics of the spores, as well as the part/s of the fungi which undergo fragmentation. The results obtained from these investigations into the dynamics of fungal propagules in indoor air significantly advance knowledge about the fate of fungal propagules in indoor air, as well as their deposition in the respiratory tract. The need to develop an advanced, real-time method for monitoring bioaerosols has become increasingly important in recent years, particularly as a result of the increased threat from biological weapons and bioterrorism. However, to date, the Ultraviolet Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (UVAPS, Model 3312, TSI, St Paul, MN) is the only commercially available instrument capable of monitoring and measuring viable airborne micro-organisms in real-time. Therefore (for the first time), this work also investigated the ability of the UVAPS to measure and characterise fungal spores in indoor air. The UVAPS was found to be sufficiently sensitive for detecting and measuring fungal propagules. Based on fungal spore size distributions, together with fluorescent percentages and intensities, it was also found to be capable of discriminating between two fungal spore species, under controlled laboratory conditions. In the field, however, it would not be possible to use the UVAPS to differentiate between different fungal spore species because the different micro-organisms present in the air may not only vary in age, but may have also been subjected to different environmental conditions. In addition, while the real-time UVAPS was found to be a good tool for the investigation of fungal particles under controlled conditions, it was not found to be selective for bioaerosols only (as per design specifications). In conclusion, the UVAPS is not recommended for use in the direct measurement of airborne viable bioaerosols in the field, including fungal particles, and further investigations into the nature of the micro-organisms, the UVAPS itself and/or its use in conjunction with other conventional biosamplers, are necessary in order to obtain more realistic results. Overall, the results obtained from this work on airborne fungal particle dynamics will contribute towards improving the detection capabilities of the UVAPS, so that it is capable of selectively monitoring and measuring bioaerosols, for which it was originally designed. This work will assist in finding and/or improving other technologies capable of the real-time monitoring of bioaerosols. The knowledge obtained from this work will also be of benefit in various other bioaerosol applications, such as understanding the transport of bioaerosols indoors.
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The new open economy macroeconomics of exchange rate pass-through and foreign direct investment /Swonke, Christoph. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Doctoral)--Vallendar, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [93]-97).
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An analysis of the money market linkages between South Africa and selected major world economiesBarnor, Joel A January 2009 (has links)
Globalisation and financial liberalisation has increased the linkages across countries in recent times. The existence of money market links has important implications for both domestic monetary policy and for investment decisions. This study examines the linkages between South Africa’s money market and selected major international money markets. The objectives of the study are firstly to examine the links between the repo rate of South Africa and the central bank rates of the EU, Japan, UK and US. Secondly, is to compare the influence of domestic and foreign monetary policy decisions on South Africa’s money market. The third objective is to examine the long run relationship between the South African money market and the money markets of its major trading partners. Three estimation techniques are used to examine the different links. Principal components analysis, four tests of cointegration, and stationarity tests of the spreads/risk premium between South Africa’s interest rates and the interest rates of the other countries. All three techniques show that there is no long-run link between South Africa’s central bank rates and the central bank rates of the other countries. This shows that the repo rate does not depend on movements in other central bank rates. Domestic money market interest rates respond strongly to changes in the repo rate whilst showing no dependence on central bank rates of the other countries. This confirms the autonomy of the South African Reserve Bank in carrying out policy objectives. When the risk premium is accounted for under the third technique, evidence of integration is found. This indicates that the risk premium plays a crucial part in the level of integration between South Africa and the countries included in the study.
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