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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traduction nawdm d'une lettre paulinienne / Nawdm translation of a Pauline letter

Ballarin-Ducasse, Hélène 05 December 2014 (has links)
Le plaisir de découvrir les œuvres de l’antiquité et d’ouvrir à l’infini la possibilité de lire dans sa langue les auteurs du monde entier passe par le labeur de la traduction. Cette thèse présente un cas d'espèce, celui de l’expérimentation d’une méthode adaptée à une culture africaine pour traduire la correspondance épistolaire de l’Apôtre Paul. Le peuple nawda dans le Nord du Togo, de tradition orale, privilégie une vision communautaire des relations et conçoit le travail dans sa dimension collective. Pour eux, traduire c’est aussi interpréter collectivement / For speakers of minority languages, the pleasure of being able to read the great works of antiquity and of being able to access world literature in one's own language requires the hard work of translation. This dissertation presents a case in point, reporting on an experimental translation method especially adapted for African culture with a view to translating the Pauline epistles. Nadwm society in northern Togo is an oral culture, which favors a communal vision of relationships and views work as a collective experience. For them, to translate is to interpret collectively.

Le De gratia noui Testamenti, synthèse de la doctrine augustinienne de la grâce / The De gratia noui Testamenti, synthesis of Augustine’s doctrine of grace

Descotes, Pierre 03 December 2012 (has links)
Le De gratia noui Testamenti (= epistula 140), lettre-traité composée par l’évêque d’Hippone au début de l’année 412, présente la pensée d’Augustin sur les rapports entre grâce divine et liberté humaine d’une manière remarquablement synthétique – en raison de ses circonstances de rédaction tout d’abord, qui le placent à la croisée de polémiques très diverses, et de son originalité littéraire, qui le rattache simultanément à plusieurs genres. Cette thèse comporte trois parties. Nous proposons tout d’abord une introduction au traité, afin d’en présenter les principaux aspects – dont les problèmes historiques qu’il pose, les questions littéraires qu’il soulève et les aperçus qu’il offre sur la pensée d’Augustin. Nous en avons ensuite, à partir d’une étude de sa tradition manuscrite, établi l’édition (qui corrige celle du CSEL, datant du début du XXe siècle) et la traduction. Enfin, notre commentaire s’attache à éclairer les passages problématiques de la lettre, pour en dégager les principaux intérêts historiques, littéraires et théologiques. / The De gratia noui Testamenti (= epistula 140), which is both a treatise and a letter composed by the Bishop of Hippo Regius at the beginning of year 412, presents Augustine’s thoughts on the connections between divine grace and human freedom in a remarkably synthetic way, first because of the circumstances in which it was written, which place it at the junction of very different debates, and secondly because of its originality on a literary point of view, which links it to several genres. This thesis comprises three parts. First, we propose an introduction to the treatise, which presents its main aspects – among which, the historical problems it poses, the literary questions it raises and the insight it offers into Augustine’s way of thinking. Then we have established the edition (which corrects that of the CSEL, which dates from the beginning of the 20th century) and the translation from a study of its manuscript tradition. Finally, our commentary strives to enlighten the debatable passages of the epistle in order to highlight its main historical, literary and philosophical interests.

Psaume 92 : une étude exégétique / Psalm 92 : an exegetical study

Farescour, Michel 24 May 2016 (has links)
Une analyse du texte hébreu du Psaume 92 est proposée. Celui-ci étant un chant, le premier dessein du travail consiste à analyser les procédés poétiques qui le composent. L’autre intérêt concerne les préoccupations historiques du poème, lesquelles déterminent l’atmosphère qui s’en dégage et qui prévalait lors de sa composition, ses circonstances d’origine, sa date de composition et l’identité de son auteur. Un troisième pôle de l’exégèse, proche du premier, et en opposition avec le second, étudie le texte pour lui-même sans qu’il ne soit ancré dans son contexte historique. La structure du texte est décortiquée d’une part pour découvrir sa beauté technique et d’autre part pour voir comment elle guide le lecteur vers une compréhension optimale de l’instruction du psaume. Les caractéristiques de notre travail sont doubles : 1) être fidèle à l’approche exégétique historico-critique ; 2) apporter une pointe de modernité par le biais de l’analyse structurelle dans le chapitre correspondant. Parmi les résultats les plus probants, on notera que la métaphore végétale du bourgeonnement signifie que justes et méchants ont droit à la vie. Mais alors que celle des justes est restaurée, soutenue et garantie par le Seigneur, cette dernière ne prend pas de part active dans l’existence et la rétribution des méchants. / An analysis of the Hebrew text of psalm 92 is offered. Being a song, the first purpose of this work is to examine the poetic processes that it entails. The other focus pertains to the historical concerns of the poem, insofar as they determine its climate, the one that prevailed as it was composed, the circumstances of its origin, the date of composition and the identity of its author. A third pillar of the exegesis, close to the first one and in opposition to the second, is to study the text for its own sake without regard for its historical context. The structure of the text is scrutinized to, on the one hand, discover its technical beauty and on the other hand to see how it guides the reader towards an optimal understanding of the teaching of the poem. In plain: the characteristics of our work are twofold: 1) to be faithful to the historico-critical exegetic approach; 2) to bring a zest of modernity thanks to a structural analysis in the chapter on structure. Among the evidence-based results, we shall observe that the vegetal metaphor of burgeoning means that the just and the wicked have the right to live. However, if that of the just is restored, sustained and guaranteed by the divinity, the latter shall take no active part in the existence and retribution of the wicked.

Litomyšlská kázání Jindřicha z Vildštejna / Sermons of Jindřich from Vildštejn in Litomyšl

Večeře, Vojtěch January 2017 (has links)
This thesis Sermons of Jindřich from Vildštejn in Litomyšl deals with the preaching work of the cleric Jindřich of Vildštejn, which is preserved in the manuscript of the Bavarian State Library in Munich (BSB, Clm 14256). In order to describe and evaluate this handwritten collection, the author chooses only a small probe (three of the total of thirteen preachers), in which in various ways he shows the form, context and socio-communicative purpose of the late medieval sermon. These three sermons were held in Litomyšl (1376 and 1378). Two of them are Eucharistic sermons and one is funeral speech on the occasion of the funeral of Charles IV. At the beginning of the whole work, the reader is introduced with the life of the historical personality of Jindřich of Vildštejn who was a member of the Minority Order and who held several episcopal offices throughout his life. In the second part, the author presents a description and classification of selected preaching texts. The third part of the thesis is an interpretative study in which the author tries to elucidate the contemporary communication significance of one important phenomenon of medieval preaching manuscripts such as the abundant use of quotes from the Bible and the authorities. At the very end of the work, the critical edition of three sermons...

La triple occultation des femmes croyantes abrahamiques au Québec : analyse de perspectives contemporaines de solutions féministes

Chouinard, Carmen 03 1900 (has links)
Ce travail part du postulat que l’occultation des femmes croyantes au Québec résulte de la combinaison de trois facteurs : la sécularisation de la société, l’idéologie des féminismes de la deuxième vague et les discours patriarcaux propres aux communautés abrahamiques du Québec. À compter de la Révolution tranquille, dans les années soixante, la société québécoise s’est d’abord laïcisée puis sécularisée rapidement. Cette révolution a progressivement éloigné les institutions religieuses des dynamiques politiques, ainsi que du milieu de la santé et de l’éducation. En même temps, la sécularisation a écarté le discours religieux de l’espace public et l’a relégué à l’espace privé, où le discours des femmes croyantes s’est trouvé circonscrit. Parallèlement à ce processus rapide de sécularisation, durant le dernier quart du 20e siècle, se produisait la montée des féminismes de la deuxième vague. Depuis le début du troisième millénaire de l’ère commune, cette deuxième vague a commencé à céder la place à une troisième, mais celle-ci n’est toujours pas dominante en milieu québécois. Il faut mentionner que pour les adhérentes des féminismes de la deuxième vague, religion et féminisme sont incompatibles. Outre la sécularisation et la montée des féminismes de la deuxième vague, le troisième facteur d’occultation demeure toujours la dimension patriarcale traditionnelle des institutions et communautés abrahamiques (juive, chrétienne et musulmane). Leur édification millénaire et leurs processus herméneutiques respectifs, fortement ancrés dans des systèmes patriarcaux, s’ouvrent difficilement à la plupart des innovations suggérées par leurs adeptes féministes. Pour chacune des religions abrahamiques qui font l’objet de cette thèse, une universitaire féministe a été sélectionnée : Norma Baumel Joseph, juive orthodoxe, Denise Couture chrétienne catholique romaine et Samia Amor, musulmane de tradition sunnite. Ce travail cherche à comprendre l’approche herméneutique postmoderne ainsi que les actions préconisées par chacune de ces femmes afin de lutter contre la triple occultation des femmes croyantes. Par la relecture des textes sacrés, ces croyantes, spécialistes de leur tradition religieuse respective, tentent d’innover en matière d’interprétation religieuse pour ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives confrontant les exégèses patriarcales traditionnelles. Leurs approches de croyantes féministes invitent les féminismes du Québec à une ouverture à la pluralité culturelle qui inclurait la pluralité du religieux, tant intra-religieux que multireligieux. Finalement, ces auteures croyantes partagent, pour deux d’entre elles, la pratique du dialogue interreligieux comme piste possible pour redonner aux femmes croyantes une visibilité au sein de la société sécularisée, favorisant ainsi une reconnaissance de la place et des rôles particuliers qu’elles peuvent jouer dans une société québécoise réellement inclusive et égalitaire. / The premise of this thesis is that the concealment of religious women in Quebec is the result of three factors: the secularization of the society, the ideology of the second wave feminism in Quebec, and the patriarchal discourses found in the Abrahamic communities of Quebec. Starting with the Quiet Revolution in the 1960s, Quebec society first laicized its institutions and then quickly secularized socially. At the same time, this secularization process put aside religious discourse from public space and relegated it to the private sphere, where the discourse of religious women was circumscribed. Parallel to this rapid process of secularization, in the last quarter of the 20th century, the rise of second wave feminism took place. Since the beginning of the third millennium, this second wave has started to give way to a third wave, but this latest wave has not yet become dominant in Quebec. It is important to add that for the followers of second wave feminism, religion and feminism are incompatible. Apart from this secularization and the increase in second wave feminism, the third concealment factor still remains the traditional patriarchal dimension of the Abrahamic institutions and communities (Jewish, Christian and Muslim). Their respective millennial edification and hermeneutical processes are deeply anchored in patriarchal systems, making it very difficult to open up to most innovations suggested by their feminist members. For each one of those Abrahamic religions that are the focus of this thesis, a feminist scholar was selected; Norma Baumel Joseph, an Orthodox Jew, Denise Couture, a Roman Catholic Christian, and Samia Amor, a Muslim of Sunni tradition. This work aims to understand the postmodern hermeneutical approach as well as the actions suggested by each one of these women in order to fight against the triple concealment of religious women. By re-reading the sacred texts, these believers, specialists of their respective religious tradition, try to innovate in matters of religious interpretation in order to open up new perspectives that confront traditional patriarchal exegesis. Their approach as religious feminists invite the feminists of Quebec to be more open to a cultural plurality that would include religious plurality, both intra-religiously and multi-religiously. Finally, these religious authors share, for two of v them, the practice of interreligious dialogue as a possible avenue for giving religious women anew a visibility in a secularized society, thus enabling a recognition of the place and particular roles they can play in a Quebec society that is truly inclusive and egalitarian.

Die skrifbeskouing van die vroeë kerkvaders uit Afrika (veral Tertullianus en Augustinus) en hulle relevansie vir Suidelike-Afrika (Afrikaans)

Odendaal, Johann Wilhelm Smallberger 29 October 2007 (has links)
Scripture is God’s Word in human language – a truth reflected over 2000years of Church history. Without this truth, proper knowledge of God is impossible. All human efforts to come to a true and meaningful understanding of God, lead to a variety of religious “isms.” The pluralism, post-modernism and post-Christian society of the 21st century, brings its own challenges. Words mean nothing and truth is relative. There are, however, unique resemblances with the pluralism, pre-modern and pre-Christian society of the patristic. From a historical-theological perspective, the researcher points out that these resemblances could shed light on the current burning issue around the authority of Scripture. This historic continuity with the patristic and apostolic tradition is addressed in relation to Tertullian and Augustine. Both these Church Fathers had to give Biblical answer to the burning issues of their day that sought to undermine the authority of Scripture. The patristic’s emphasis on the authority of Scripture, stems from the unique unity between the Old and New Testament. It finds expression in the Apostolic preaching – regula fidei – the rule by which sound theology and godly living is guaranteed. Their historical-literal method of Biblical exegesis reflects a Christian worldview in contrast to the secular worldview of their day. In conclusion the researcher points out the relevance of this study for Southern-Africa. The confusion within the ranks of society, and the disillusionment of hundreds of thousands in Africa concerning the role of the Church, ask for clear direction and uncompromising answers on the fundamentals of the Christian faith with the framework of the authority of Scripture. / Dissertation (MA (Church History))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Church History and Church Polity / unrestricted

"Similes Ananiae, Azariae et Misaheli exstiterunt". La ricezione dei "racconti" di Daniele nelle antichità cristiane (II-IV secolo) / SIMILES ANANIAE, AZARIAE ET MISAHELI EXSTITERUNT. THE RECEPTION OF DANIEL TALES IN EARLY CHRISTIANITIES (II - IV CENTURY)

VALENTI, CELESTE 04 May 2016 (has links)
Oggetto della tesi è lo studio dell’esegesi paleocristiana dei “racconti” contenuti nel libro di Daniele, in una prospettiva pludisciplinare che esamina le testimonianze provenienti dall’iconografia e dalla letteratura. Il lavoro prende in considerazione la documentazione dalle origini della produzione figurativa (fine II sec) alla cosiddetta “svolta costantiniana”, includendo materiali provenienti da tutti i contesti geografici dei primi cristianesimi. L’elaborato si articola in tre sezioni che ricostruiscono le principali tradizioni ermeneutiche della ricezione “tipologica”, “allegorica” e “letteraria” del testo biblico, sottolineando in particolare il ruolo che i “racconti” ebbero nella formazione della teologia del martirio antico. L’analisi assume un metodo storico-critico particolarmente attento all’integrazione e al raffronto fra tipologie documentarie distinte, che testimoniano la varietà e l’eterogeneità dell’interpretazione biblica applicata presso le primitive comunità cristiane. L’inclusione della fonte figurativa muove dal presupposto della sua rivalutazione: più che “biblia pauperum”, l’iconografia delle origini, prodotta in ambito liturgico, testimonia una tradizione indipendente e originale della ricezione dei “racconti”. Da questo punto di vista, la complessa interpretazione del libro di Daniele fornisce un valido paradigma per comprendere, in senso più ampio, i meccanismi che determinano la formazione del pensiero cristiano antico. / The subject of the present work is the study of the paleochristian exegesis of the “tales” included in the Book of Daniel, in a pluridisciplinary perspective which examines the evidences coming from both iconography and literature. The work takes into account the documentation from the origins of iconography (end of the II century), to the so-called “Constantinian period”, including materials coming from every geographic context of ancient Christianity. The research is divided in three sections, according to the principal hermeneutic traditions of the “typological”, “allegoric” and “literary” reception of the biblical text, mainly highlighting the role assumed by the “tales” in the formation of the ancient martyrdom theology. The analysis assumes an historical-critical method, mainly focusing on the comparison between two different documentary categories, which attest the variety and the heterogeneity of the biblical interpretation activated in the first communities. The inclusion of the figurative source derives from its revaluation: more than “biblia pauperum”, the ancient iconography, produced in the context of liturgy, expresses an independent and original tradition of the “tales” reception. Under this point of view, the complex interpretation of the Book of Daniel offers a good paradigm to understand, in a wider sense, the processes determining the formation of paleochristian thought.

Křesťan a politika ve světle novozákonních textů / Christians and Politics from the View of the New Testamental Texts

Grobelný, Miroslav January 2020 (has links)
The title of this degree work is "Christians and Politics from the View of the New Testamental Texts". The main purpose is to identify various aspects of the view at the political power in the texts of the New Testament, to make a judgement about these texts on the background of its historical and literary context and to look for its common topics. In this thesis we went into details about relatively great number of passages with the goal to attain the global point of view. At the beginning we justified why to look for the inspiration in the life of Jesus Christ. Then we focused on Jesus' political principles. We treated conflicts between John the Baptist and Herod Antipas and conflicts between Jesus and political and religious leaders of his days. We focused mainly on the conflicts connected with the Jewish Law and paying taxes. Then we treated the conflict between Jesus and Pilate, which ended in Jesus' crucifixion. Then we briefly touched on the Paul's point of view and we mentioned several examples of the persecution of the Christians from the pagans. At the end we made an attempt to resume briefly what the New Testament says about the relationship of the Christians to the political power and we joined the short mention about the relationship between the Church and the state in the social doctrine of...

Haunted by Heresy: The Perlesvaus, Medieval Antisemitism, and the Trauma of the Albigensian Crusade

Adrian James McClure (9017870) 25 June 2020 (has links)
<p>This study presents a new reading of the <i>Perlesvaus</i>, an anonymous thirteenth-century Old French Grail romance bizarrely structured around an Arthurian restaging of the battle between the Old and the New Law. I construe this hyper-violent, phantasmagorical text as a profoundly significant work of “trauma fiction” encoding a hitherto-unrecognized crisis of religious ethics and identity in Western Europe in the first half of the thirteenth century. Combining literary and historical analysis and drawing on current trends in trauma studies, I tie what I term the “deranged discourse” of the <i>Perlesvaus</i> to the brutal onset of internal crusading in southern France (the papal-sponsored Albigensian Crusade, 1209-29), making the case that the collective trauma staged in its narrative perturbations was a contributing factor in the well-documented worsening of Western European antisemitism during this period. One key analytical construct I develop is the “doppelganger Jew”—personified in the <i>Perlesvaus</i> by its schizoid authority figure, Josephus, a conflation of first Christian priest and first-century Romano-Jewish historian—who functions as an uncanny embodiment of powerful, unacknowledged fears that Christians were losing their spiritual moorings and reverting into reviled, scapegoated Jews. Traces of this collective trauma are explored in other contemporary texts, and one chapter examines how the fourteenth-century <i>Book of John Mandeville</i> revives similar fears of collapsing Judeo-Christian identity and unfolds under the sign of the doppelganger Jew.</p>


[pt] A presente dissertação aborda o estudo de João 1,14, especificamente no uso do verbo habitar. Semelhanças textuais e temáticas aproximam o texto estudado das tradições veterotestamentárias acerca do tabernáculo israelita. O verbo skenoô e as variações provindas de sua raiz são usados pela LXX na maioria dos textos em que o tabernáculo está em questão. Desta forma, é pretendido pela pesquisa analisar a possibilidade do texto joanino ter a habitação de Deus no tabernáculo (eg. Ex 25,8) como base para a habitação do Logos entre os homens. Para alcançar tal objetivo, será feita uma análise comparativa entre o texto de João 1,14 e as declarações acerca do tabernáculo presentes no Antigo Testamento. / [en] This dissertation deals with the study of John 1:14, specifically in the use of the verb to dwell. Textual and thematic similarities approach the text studied in the Old Testament traditions about Israelite tabernacle. The skenoô verb and variations stemmed from its root, are used by the LXX in most texts where the tabernacle is in question. Thus, it is intended for research examining the possibility of the text of John have the habitation of God in the tabernacle (eg Ex. 25.8) as the basis for the dwelling of the Logos among men. To achieve this goal, a comparative analysis of the text of John 1:14 with the statements about the tabernacle present in the Old Testament will be made.

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