Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] GOSPEL"" "subject:"[enn] GOSPEL""
571 |
Disciples and discipleship in the Gospel of Mark, with particular reference to Mark's contrast between male and female disciplesCox, Nicholas Christopher 31 January 2007 (has links)
This study is an exploration into female discipleship. Its primary aim is to compare and contrast Mark's portrayal of male and female followers of Jesus respectively, while its secondary aim is to establish what lessons there may be for the social status of Christian women in the kingdom of Swaziland. These ends will be pursued by looking at Mark's portrayal of male disciples and the contrast he draws between them and the female followers of Jesus. This study then concludes that Mark has a more positive view of female followers than he has of male disciples, and this may stem from the conduct of male disciples he has observed in the Church of his time. / New Testament / M.TH. (New Testament)
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The fourth gospel as reaction to militant Jewish expectation of kingship, reflected in certain dead sea scrollsTrost, Travis Darren January 2005 (has links)
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has provided an opportunity to reexamine the formation of the Gospel of John. This study will utilize Dead Sea finds coupled with other Second Temple literature to examine how the Gospel of John portrays Jesus as being a king. The approach of this study to use a narrative approach that builds on the Gospel of John as a finished text. The contribution of a source critical approach is not disparaged but the narrative approach will allow the Johannine community to be seen in the context of the immediate post-Second Temple era. The limited literacy of the probable first audience of this text suggests that a narrative approach will best be able to understand the background to the formation of the Gospel of John.
A central contention of this study is that the Gospel of John was composed after the Jewish Revolt and after the Synoptics. Thus it deserves the appellation of the Fourth Gospel and is called such in this study. The Fourth Gospel was composed at a time when Roman interest in anything connected to Judaism was sure to attract special interest. Thus the portrayal of Jesus as the Davidic Messiah needed to be handled carefully. The imagery of the new David found in 4Q504 compared with the imagery of Jesus being the Good Shepherd becomes an important part of the argument of this study on whether this Gospel portrays Jesus as being the Davidic Messiah. Jesus as the Good Shepherd showed Jews that Jesus is the Davidic Messiah without overtly offending Roman sensibilities. Furthermore evidence from Christian and Jewish sources indicates that an interest in a Third Temple was still stirring between the Jewish and Bar-Kochba Revolts. The Fourth Gospel shows Jesus as the Davidic Messiah who replaces the Temple because the Good Shepherd was the perfect sacrifice. / New Testament / D. Th. (New Testament)
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Mit dem Evangelium nach Leipzig : zur religiösen Ansprechbarkeit der leipziger Bevölkerung : Fallstudie Plattenbausiedlung Grünau im Interesse der Mission / Carrying the gospel to Leipzig : the religious responsiveness of the people of Leipzig : a case study on Plattenbausiedlung Grunau in mission per spectiveSchott, Daniel 31 October 2007 (has links)
Die religiöse Ansprechbarkeit der Leipziger Bevölkerung in der Plattenbausiedlung Grünau ist bedingt durch den DDR-Sozialismus als ,,Ersatzreligion" gering. Doch stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit die politische Wende 1989 auch zu einer religiösen Wende im Leben der Menschen geführt hat.
Für diese Erhebung habe ich zunächst die Geschichte, die sozialistische Prägung, die Rolle der Kirchen und die postmoderne Beeinflussung untersucht. Die aktuelle religiöse Ansprechbarkeit ließ sich im Zuge der qualitativen Sozialforschung mithilfe von Interviews mit den Kirchenleitungen Grünaus und der Kategorisierung religiöser Dimensionen von Charles Y. Glock eruieren. Dabei wurde nach den Ritualen, dem Sinn im Leben, dem religiösen Wissen, den Konsequenzen im Alltag und dem religiösen Erleben gefragt. Abschließend habe ich die Ergebnisse im Blickfeld der Kontextualisierung ausgehend von der Praxispyramide (Praxis-Zyklus) missionstheologisch evaluiert.
Die Lage in Grünau entspricht grundsätzlich der in Gesamtostdeutschland: Konfessionslosigkeit, die sich vom bekennenden Atheismus durch die indifferente Haltung zum Glauben unterscheidet, bestimmt das Bild. Zahlenmäßig liegt die Summe der Kirchenmitglieder in Grünau (ca. 8%) sogar noch unter dem Gesamtdurchschnitt Ostdeutschlands. Aber die empirischen Ergebnisse lassen eine steigende religiöse Ansprechbarkeit nach der Wende erkennen, der mit kontextgerechten und mentalitätsadäquaten Maßnahmen, wie z. B. christlichen postsozialistischen Feiern, einem Grünauer Trabbi-Cafe, einem Plattenbaukino und anderen schöpferischen Aktionen begegnet werden kann.
The religious receptiveness of the people of Leipzig, in the estate of prefabricated houses of Grünau, is low, due to GDR-socialism as an "alternative religion". However, the question arises, as to which extent the political turnaround in 1989, also brought about a religious turnaround in people's lives.
For this research, I first of all analysed the history, the socialist influence, the role of the churches, and the post-modern influence. The current religious receptiveness was elicited by qualitative social research interviewing church leaders of Grünau, and by making use of the categorisation of religious dimensions by Charles Y. Glock. In the process questions pertaining to rituals, the meaning of life, religious knowledge, the consequences in everyday life, and the religious experience, were asked. Thereafter, I evaluated the results mission-theologically, in sight of the contextualisation of the so-called praxis pyramid (praxis cycle).
The situation in Grünau basically corresponds with the situation in all of East Germany: Not belonging to a church which differs from confessed atheism because of the indifferent attitude towards faith dominates the picture. Numerically, the sum of church members in Grünau (approximately 8%) is even below the overall average of East Germany. However, the empirical results show an increasing religious receptiveness after the turnaround which can be met by measures fitting the context and the mentality, for example, Christian post-socialist celebrations, a "Grünau Trabbi-Café" (a coffee shop), a cinema on the housing estates, and other creative actions. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / (M.Th.(Missiology))
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Pentecostal contributions to modern Christological thought: a synthesis with ecumenical viewsHouse, Sean David 30 November 2006 (has links)
Pentecostalism, which developed its essential character during the classical period of 1901-1916, has many significant contributions to make to modern theology. Often viewed as a type of fundamentalism, it is actually a theological tradition in its
own right that deserves consideration along with the other two major streams of
protestantism, conservative evangelicalism and more liberal ecumenical-mainline thought. Although it emphasizes the experience of the Holy Spirit, pentecostalism is highly Christocentric as is evidenced by its foundational symbol of faith, the fourfold gospel of Jesus as savior, healer, baptizer, and coming king. This work examines how
the pentecostal fourfold gospel, as a functional, from below Spirit Christology, anticipates and intersects with trends in twentieth century ecumenical theological thought. The result of the study is the articulation of a fuller, more holistic understanding of the work of Christ in salvation in the world today. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Evangelism by fire : eine kritische Untersuchung der Evangelisationsarbeit von Reinhard Bonnke in Afrika / Evangelism by fire : a critical examination of the evangelism of Reinhard Bonnke in AfricaSchott, Daniel 28 February 2007 (has links)
This dissertation analyses Reinhard Bonnke's evangelistic ministry in Africa, and examines to
what extent his propagated "Evangelism by Fire" conforms with the New Testament ministry
of evangelism.
The results of an analysis of the New Testament ministry of evangelism, especially of
the evangelistic ministry of Philip, provide the basis for a comparison with Bonnke's
understanding and practice of the evangelistic ministry. A thorough analysis of Bonnke's
publications, especially those referring to the theme of evangelism, allows a systematic
insight into his understanding of the evangelistic ministry. In order to examine the conformity
between Reinhard Bonnke's understanding and his practice of evangelism, expert interviews
referring to his gospel crusade in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, in 2002 are analysed, and compared to his
understanding of evangelism. Finally, the findings about Bonnke's understanding and practice
of evangelism are related to the New Testament evangelistic ministry, and analysed
The research results of this study show that Bonnke's understanding of evangelism
and his practice of evangelism, during the gospel crusade in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, conform with
each other. Bonnke's propagated and applied "Evangelism by Fire" shows him to be an
evangelist orientated to the New Testament.
Die vorliegende Dissertation setzt sich mit Reinhard Bonnkes evangelistischem Dienst in
Afrika auseinander und überprüft, inwiefern die von ihm bekannt gemachte ,,Evangelism by
Fire" mit dem neutestamentlichen evangelistischen Dienst übereinstimmt.
Die Ergebnisse aus einer Untersuchung des evangelistischen Dienstes im Neuen
Testament, insbesondere des evangelistischen Dienstes des Philippus, bieten die Grundlage
für einen Vergleich mit dem Evangelisationsverständnis und der Evangelisationspraxis
Bonnkes. Eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit Bonnkes Publikationen, insbesondere zum
Thema Evangelisation, gibt einen systematischen Einblick in sein Verständnis des
evangelistischen Dienstes. Um Reinhard Bonnkes Evangelisationsverständnis auf
Übereinstimmung mit seiner Evangelisationspraxis zu überprüften, werden
Experteninterviews zu seiner 2002 durchgeführten Großevangelisation in Ile-Ife, Nigeria,
ausgewertet und mit seinem Evangelisationsverständnis verglichen. Schließlich werden die
gewonnenen Forschungsergebnisse zu Bonnkes Evangelisationsverständnis und
Evangelisationspraxis in Relation zum neutestamentlichen evangelistischen Dienst gesetzt
und synoptisch ausgewertet.
Die Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass Bonnkes Evangelisationsverständnis und seine
Evangelisationspraxis während der Evangelisation in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, kongruieren. Die von
Bonnke propagierte und praktizierte ,,Evangelism by Fire" offenbart ihn als Evangelisten mit
neutestamentlicher Grundausrichtung. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / (D.Th.(Missiology))
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Pronominal `I', Rastafari and the lexicon of the New Testament with special reference to Paul's epistle to the RomansPalmer, Delano Vincent 30 November 2007 (has links)
Anyone familiar with the Rastafari movement and its connection with the Bible
is struck by the prevalence of I-locution found in them both. Because the phenomenon is important in the canonical Testaments, more so the New, this study seeks to investigate its significance in certain epistolary pieces (Romans 7 :14-25 ; 15 :14-33), the bio-Narratives and the Apocalypse, in their historical and cultural milieu.
The next stage of the investigation then compares the findings of the aforementioned New Testament books with corresponding statements of the Rasta community to determine their relevance for the ongoing Anglophone theological discussion. In this connection, the following questions are addressed: (1) what are the inter-textual link(s) and function(s) of the `I' statements in Romans? (2) How do they relate to similar dominical sayings? And (3) can any parallel be established between the language of Rastafari and these?
In sum, the study seeks to bring into critical dialogue the permutative `I' of the NT with the self-understanding of Rastafari. / NEW TESTAMENT / DTH (NEW TESTAMENT)
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Ganze Evangelium für eine heilsbedürftige Welt: zur Missionstheologie der radikalen EvangelikalenHardmeier, Roland 30 June 2008 (has links)
Text in German / The present work deals with the historical and theological foundations of radical evangelicalism and
places it within the context of theologies which influenced it and are similar to it. Radical evangelicalism
integrates insights from various theological roots into a evangelical basal concept. Radical theology
succeeded, through its contextual outworking, in overcoming the narrow focus of European evangelical
theology and yet it remains genuinely evangelical. It is in the position of breaking through
the sterility of academic theology and the dualistic worldview which is peculiar to wide parts of the
evangelical movement by a world view that is turned towards the world. Thus it is proving itself to be
a highly relevant theology for the needs of a divided world. The work develops in three steps. First of
all the historical development of radical evangelicalism will be traced, from its beginning at the Congress
for world evangelism in Lausanne in 1974 to the present day. Thus it will become clear that in the
30 years since Lausanne radical theology has entered the mainstream of evangelicalism. There follows
in a detailed section a setting out of the theology of radical evangelicalism by means of several chosen
themes. It will deal with radical hermeneutics, eschatology, salvation, the meaning of mission and
evangelism and the relationship between Gospel and culture. Finally the social action of radical evangelicalism
will be set out and it will be demonstrated that its energetic theology is at its basic level in
fact a driving sprituality. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)
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A historical-educational investigation into missionary education in South Africa with special reference to mission schools in BushbuckridgeNdlovu, Ntshamatiko Boy Elliot 11 1900 (has links)
This research investigates and discusses missionary education in South Africa in general, and
in the Bushbuckridge (BBR) area in particular, during the period 1910-1973. It also
investigates and highlights how missionaries from various church denominations from Europe
and the United States of America, spread the Word of God in South Africa. This research
reveals that they founded and provided educational assistance to illiterate Black people. in
order to enable thein to read the Bible, as effective means of realising their goals of
Christianisation, evangelisation and civilisation.
This study also finds that mi.ssionaries in the BBR offered Black people education in matters
of industry. manual skills and farming, at their mission stations and mission schools, as a
strong means of not only providing them with job skills and knowledge, but also preparing
them for possible future self-employment and promoting their economic development and that
of the community at large.
This investigation indicates that missionary education removed out Black culture and
traditional religious beliefs, and inculcated Western culture and Christian religious belief.
Missionary education atso inculcated civilised habits of cleanliness, obedience, loyalty,
patience, punctuality, tidiness, subordination, submissiveness, trustfulness and a sound
attitude to work, industriousness, perseverance, respect and a sense of humour amongst Black
people, as characteristic of Christianisation, and Christian evangelisation and civilisation.
After a thorough investigation and discussion of missionary education, in South Africa· in
general, and in the BBR area in particular, several recommendations and proposals are
formulated, in order to advance the purpose of this research. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (History of Education)
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The need for teaching the escatological gospel of both coming of Jesus Christ in the twenty - first century especially if we see the day of his Parousia approachingHebert, David K. 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is designed to outline the systematic-theological and theological-historical basis for the Eschatological Gospel of Both Comings of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha Mashiach). This cohesively combines Jesus‘ First Coming (for redemption, reconciliation and restoration) with His Second Coming (for the Rapture/Resurrection of the Church/Body of Christ and judgment at the Day of the Lord/Yahweh) into the complete salvation of the Church. The historical writings of the Patristic, Ante- and Post-Nicene Fathers are examined to ensure the continuity of this Eschatological Gospel message being communicated through their writings to the Early Church. The remainder of Church history is examined to ensure the Eschatological Gospel continued to be communicated by the Church as a part of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Then, in keeping with the eschatological prophetic intent of the Parable of the Wheat and Tares (Weeds) in Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, of both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan coexisting and growing until ―the end of the age,‖ the antithesis of the Eschatological Gospel is examined—Satan‘s plan of lies, deception and heresy throughout history, culminating with the explosion of activity since 1948. This satanic plan is described as being not only insidiously deceptive by recruiting converts to the kingdom of darkness in rebellion and opposition to the kingdom of God, but also as preparing the way for the End-time/Last Days‘ ten-nation confederacy to be led by the antichrist. Biblical chronology is used to trace the history of both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness to the present day. Finally, the ―Signs of the Times‖ in modern history are examined, thereby showing the need for the Eschatological Gospel to be taught in the twenty-first century, especially as the day of the Lord Jesus Christ‘s Parousia rapidly approaches. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Theories of atonement and the development of soteriological paradigms : implications of a pentecostal appropriation of the Christus Victor modelHouse, Sean David 11 1900 (has links)
Atonement theories have great implications for the soteriological paradigms
associated with them, but their significance has not always been recognized in the
formulation of theological systems, the lack of dogmatic definition by ecumenical
council encouraging diversification and isolation from other doctrinal loci. The
strongest coherence between an atonement model and soteriology can be seen in the
reformed tradition, and its theory of penal substitution has become the standard
accepted by many non-reformed protestant groups, including classical pentecostalism.
Tensions persist in the theological system of pentecostalism because of its pairing of
penal substitution with the soteriological paradigm of its foundational symbol of faith,
the full gospel of Jesus as savior, sanctifier, baptizer with the Spirit, healer, and
coming king. This vision of salvation is broader than that of protestant orthodoxy,
which through its atonement theory deleteriously separates the death of Christ from
his work in life and strictly limits the subjects and nature of salvation, specifically to
addressal of elect individuals’ sins. It is proposed that this tension within the
pentecostal system be relieved not through a reduction of its soteriology but a
retrieval of the Christus victor model, the atonement theory of the ancient and Eastern
church. As reintroduced to the Western church by G. Aulén, this model interprets the
saving work of Christ along two lines: recapitulation, the summing up and saving of
humanity via the incarnation, and ransom, the deliverance of humanity from the
hostile powers holding it in bondage. In a contemporary, pentecostal appropriation of
this model, aid is taken from K. Barth’s concept of nothingness to partially
demythologize the cosmic conflict of the Bible, and pentecostalism reinvigorates the
Eastern paradigm of salvation as theosis or Christification via the expectation of the
replication of Christ’s ministry in the Christian. The study shows Christus victor can
give a more stable base for a broader soteriology that is concerned with the holistic
renewal of the human person. To demonstrate the developed model’s vigor and
applicability beyond pentecostalism, the study closes by bringing it into conversation
with the concerns of three contemporary theological movements. / Philosophy & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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