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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diagnóstico da situação do gerenciamento de resíduos perigosos no Campus da USP de Ribeirão Preto - SP / Diagnosis of the situation of hazardous waste management in the campus of University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirão Preto, state of Sao Paulo

Tatiane Bonametti Veiga 08 February 2011 (has links)
Segundo a Organização Pan-Americana de Saúde, a maioria dos problemas ambientais é de caráter local e tem repercussão direta na saúde e na qualidade de vida das pessoas. Dentre esses problemas, destaca-se a necessidade de adequado gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, especialmente os perigosos, cuja produção vem aumentando e causando grande preocupação para diversos seguimentos da sociedade. Nesse contexto, as instituições de ensino e pesquisa apresentam um papel fundamental, pois apesar de sua importância em relação à produção de conhecimentos científicos, acabam, também, sendo fonte geradora de resíduos de diferentes naturezas. No Campus da USP de Ribeirão Preto-SP, desde a década de 90, vêm sendo realizados estudos sobre esse tipo de resíduo, revelando uma realidade preocupante em relação ao crescimento do número de pontos de geração de resíduos perigosos. Frente ao desenvolvimento das Unidades e Serviços do Campus, foi realizado nesta pesquisa, de caráter descritivo e exploratório, um levantamento com o objetivo diagnosticar a atual situação sobre o gerenciamento de resíduos gerados no Campus, com foco nos resíduos perigosos. Os resultados deste estudo correspondem aos dados fornecidos por 199 sujeitos, respondendo por um percentual de 66,6% dos Laboratórios/Serviços do Campus. Os dados revelaram que em 87,4% dos locais participantes da pesquisa havia a geração de resíduos biológicos, químicos, radioativos e/ou perfurocortantes. Em relação às fases de manejo interno (segregação, acondicionamento, identificação, armazenamento, coleta, transporte e tratamento interno) foi verificado que procedimentos como a segregação na fonte, o acondicionamento em recipientes compatíveis com o tipo de resíduo, a identificação das embalagens, estavam adequados à legislação brasileira, nos Laboratórios/Serviços; porém, dados como o acondicionamento de resíduos perfurocortantes em sacos plásticos em 5,4% dos locais que indicaram gerar esse tipo de resíduos, demonstram a inadequação na utilização de alguns procedimentos. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que 64,3% dos Laboratórios/Serviços não realizavam tratamento interno, que a coleta interna era realizada, em sua maioria (87,5%), por funcionários da instituição ou terceirizado e que o transporte interno era substancialmente manual (63,3%) e somente 6,5% dos sujeitos referiram que era utilizado carrinho com tampa. Os dados revelaram, ainda, um aumento do desconhecimento referente às fases de manejo externo (coleta, transporte, tratamento e destinação final), identificando-se conceitos errôneos, nas respostas dos sujeitos, demonstrando haver confusão no que se refere às diferentes fases do manejo externo, principalmente entre o tratamento e destinação final. Entre os sujeitos, 66,8% informaram ter recebido algum tipo de orientação para o gerenciamento, destacando a necessidade da realização de treinamentos e cursos nessa área. Os sujeitos referiram que em 52,8% dos Laboratórios/Serviços não havia um Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos, mas somente 2,0% dos sujeitos disseram conhecer as normas utilizadas na elaboração desse plano. Os achados revelam a necessidade premente da elaboração e implantação de um Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde no Campus, além de manter um cronograma contínuo de educação em serviço, de forma permanente, a fim de contribuir para o gerenciamento ambiental, além de ter potencialidade para ser utilizada, também, como referência em outras instituições similares. / According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), most environmental problems are local in cause and effect and have direct impact on the health and people\'s quality of life. Among these problems, there is the need for proper management of urban solid waste, especially those hazardous; whose production has increasing and causing great concern to different segments of society. In this context, educational and research institutions have a key role because despite of its importance related to the production of scientific knowledge, they are also a source of waste generation. Since the 90\'s, studies about this type of waste have been conducted in the campus of University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirão Preto, which revealed a worried reality about the growth of hazardous waste generation. Being in mind the development of the Units and campus Services, this descriptive and exploratory research aimed to diagnose the current situation of the waste management generated in the campus, focusing on hazardous waste. Results are related to the data provided by 199 subjects, who are in 66.6% of the laboratories and campus services. Data revealed that in 87.4% of the researched places had biological, chemical, radioactive and/or sharp waste generation. Related to the steps of internal management (segregation, packaging, identification, storage, collection, transportation and internal treatment) was verified if procedures such as segregation at source, packaging in containers compatible with the type of waste, and identification of packaging in the laboratories and services were appropriated to the Brazilian legislation, however; the data regarding the packaging sharp waste in plastic bags demonstrated the inadequacy in the use of some procedures in 5.4% of the places which generated such wastes. Results revealed that 64.3% of the laboratories and services did not perform internal processing, i.e., the internal collection was accomplished mostly by the employees of the institution or outsourced workers (87.5%); internal transport was substantially manual (63.3%); and only 6.5% of the subjects reported that a cart with lid was used. Data also revealed the not knowledge about the steps of external management (collection, transport, treatment and final disposal), identifying misconceptions in the subjects\' reports and showing that there is a confusion regarding the different steps of external management, especially between treatment and disposal. Among the subjects, 66.8% reported having received some kind of guidance for management, highlighting the necessity of training and courses in this area. Subjects reported that in 52.8% of laboratories and services there was not a Waste Management Plan, but only 2.0% of subjects reported being familiar with the protocols used in preparing this plan. Findings showed the urgent need for the development and implementation of a Waste Management Plan of the health campus services, besides maintaining an ongoing schedule for in-service education in order to contribute to the environmental management and have also the potentiality to be used as reference in other similar institutions.

Equilibristas na corda bamba: o trabalho e a saúde de docentes do ensino superior privado em Uberlândia/MG / Equilibrists in the tightrope: the work and health of teachers of private higher education in Uberlândia / MG

Marisa Aparecida Elias 24 October 2014 (has links)
Esta tese teve por objeto de estudo o trabalho de docentes de Instituições de Ensino Superior Privado. O objetivo foi investigar a relação entre as condições de trabalho e os problemas de saúde relatados, em especial os relacionados à saúde mental. Foram objetivos específicos: identificar os modos de enfrentamento, objetivos e subjetivos, utilizados por aqueles trabalhadores para lidar com o cotidiano no trabalho e descrever como a precarização da educação interfere no trabalho docente universitário. A pesquisa fundamentada no referencial teórico metodológico do materialismo histórico dialético fez uso de entrevistas gravadas como principal técnica de coleta de dados. Foram realizadas cinco entrevistas com docentes que atuam em Instituições de Ensino Superior Privado há pelo menos cinco anos. Os resultados mostraram que os docentes estão submetidos a condições precárias e intensificadas de trabalho. O tipo de contrato de trabalho e a instabilidade profissional submetem os profissionais a situações desestabilizadoras do psiquismo, tornando-os submissos a atividades desgastantes e vulneráveis à alienação em relação a estas mesmas condições. A preservação da idealização da atividade de educador é um facilitador da alienação que prende o profissional a esta representação do trabalho como missão e não atividade profissional. Esta contradição, além de submeter a condições fisicamente desgastantes, também submete a pressão psicológica potencialmente causadora de adoecimento. Dentre os mecanismos de enfrentamento utilizados por eles, destaca-se a negação do sofrimento e a banalização do adoecimento. Os professores estão submetidos a situações potencialmente estressoras na atividade laboral, que se refletem em afecções psicossomáticas generalizadas. Conclui-se que a forma como o trabalho se encontra organizado, a pressão exercida por meio da cobrança de metas, a sobrecarga de trabalho, os diferentes vínculos empregatícios que se sobrepõe e a tendência a mercantilização da educação do ensino descaracterizam a função do educador e proporciona desgaste, mal estar e adoecimento a estes profissionais. / The present thesis examines the work performed by the teachers of the Private Institutions of Higher Education. The objective was to investigate the relationship between workplace conditions and reported health problems, in particular those related to mental health. Specifically: to identify both subjective and objective coping mechanisms for handling the day-to-day difficulties encountered by those workers, and also to describe how the increasing precariousness in the educational system interferes with the job of a university lecturer. The research has as its foundational principles the theoretical methodology of historical dialectical materialism, and the data is collected in the form of recorded interviews. Five interviews were conducted with instructors who have taught at Private Institutions of Higher Education for at least five years. The results demonstrate that the instructors are subjected to precarious and intense work conditions. The type of employment contract and professional instability subject those professionals to destabilizing psychic situations, resulting in a tacit submission to fatiguing activities and rendering them vulnerable to alienation as a result of these conditions. The continued idealization of the activity of an educator also facilitates this alienation, as it enforces a view of the work as a calling and not as a profession. This contradiction, in addition to subjecting workers to physically exhausting conditions, also applies psychological pressure which can cause mental illness. Among the coping mechanisms used by these instructors, particularly salient are the denial of suffering and the banalization of illness. They are subjected to potentially stressful situations of during work, which are reflected in generalized psychosomatic conditions. It is concluded that that manner in which work is organized, the pressure exerted through meeting targets, overwork, the existence of different locations of work, all in an environment of the commercialization of education, serve to demean the function of an educator and creates exhaustion, malaise and illness in these professionals.

Políticas sociais e educação: o programa alfabetização solidária e a participação das instituições de ensino superior na sua implementação / Education and social policies: solidarity in literacy program and the higher education institutions participation in its implementation

Gladys Beatriz Barreyro 08 April 2005 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo uma política – o Programa Alfabetização Solidária e, em particular, a sua implementação pelas Instituições de Ensino Superior. Os objetivos foram: A) explicar as características das políticas sociais decorrentes do contexto de reformas e mudanças no papel dos Estados latino-americanos, particularmente o brasileiro, políticas influenciadas pelo neoliberalismo pela via da descentralização, da privatização e da focalização para, assim, explicar o caráter social-assistencial do Programa; B) analisar as políticas educacionais da década, especialmente a municipalização, a implantação do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e Valorização do Magistério (FUNDEF), que excluiu a Educação de Jovens e Adultos do financiamento, e a expansão da educação superior, para compreender o surgimento deste Programa; C) explicar, analisar e interpretar a política na ação, mostrando como as Instituições de Ensino Superior, as quais passavam por um processo de expansão com novas regras de avaliação, credenciamento e reconhecimento, implementaram esse Programa, percebido, nesse novo contexto, como um saldo positivo. O referencial teórico escolhido teve como base o estudo das políticas sociais latinoamericanas e das políticas educacionais na década de 1990, especialmente no Brasil. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados foram o levantamento de bibliografia e de documentos produzidos sobre e pelo Programa, entrevistas com diferentes participantes do Programa (pró-reitores de extensão, coordenadores, alfabetizadores, professores etc) e observações de aulas. Os resultados mostram que o Programa foi, realmente, uma política governamental de alfabetização de jovens e adultos, apesar de se postular como não governamental. Seu formato difundiu um modelo de implementação de políticas sociais que aplicou idéias neoliberais adaptadas ao Brasil, tais como: financiamento público e privado, utilização de mão de obra barata e temporária, filantropização das problemáticas sociais e terceirização na implementação por meio de Instituições de Ensino Superior. A essas, o Programa proporcionou o desenvolvimento de atividades como extensão e estágios, e valiosas experiências de pesquisa, produção de materiais e envolvimento com a problemática da Educação de Jovens e Adultos. / The object of this research is a policy – the Solidarity in Literacy Program –and, particularly, its execution by Higher Education Institutions. The aims were: A) to explain the characteristics of the social policies deriving from the context of reform and changes in the role of the Latin-American States, specially the Brazilian, policies that were influenced by neoliberalism that, through decentralization, privatization and targeting, acquire new forms to, therefore, explain the social-assistant character of the Program; B) analyze the educational policies of the decade, specially the municipalization, the introduction of the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and Teachers Valorization (FUNDEF), that excluded the youth and adult education of the finance, and the expansion of higher education, to understand the arising of this Program; C) to explain, analyze and interpret the politics in action, showing how the Higher Education Institutions that went through a process of expansion with new rules for evaluation, accreditation and recognition, implanted this Program, known, in this new context, as a positive balance. The chosen theoretical reference was based on the study of the Latin-American social policies and educational policies from the nineties, especially in Brazil. The methodological procedure used were the gathering of bibliography and documents produced on and for the Program, interviews with different participants of the Program (extension rectors, coordinators, teachers of reading and writing, etc) and class observation. The results show that the Program was, indeed, a governmental policy of literacy for youth and adults, though it claims to be non-governmental. Its shape spread a model of execution of social policies that used neo-liberal ideas adapted to Brazil such as: public and private finance, use of cheap and temporary labor force, the philantropization of social problematic and outsourcing in the execution through Higher Education Institutions. The Program gave opportunity to those institutions to develop activities such as extension and training, and valuable experiences of research, material production and involvement with the problematic of Youth and Adult Education.

Carreira docente móvel em administração: o professor sedentário nômade?

Passos, Janduhy Camilo 27 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Janduhy Camilo Passos (janduhycamilopassos@hotmail.com) on 2013-10-26T02:55:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE VERSÃO FINALIZADA. JANDUHY CAMILO.pdf: 1582011 bytes, checksum: 82f67194cc0e75cb5df7d3dc22177245 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2013-10-28T11:50:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE VERSÃO FINALIZADA. JANDUHY CAMILO.pdf: 1582011 bytes, checksum: 82f67194cc0e75cb5df7d3dc22177245 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-28T11:51:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE VERSÃO FINALIZADA. JANDUHY CAMILO.pdf: 1582011 bytes, checksum: 82f67194cc0e75cb5df7d3dc22177245 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-27 / Mobility is a social phenomenon, complex and intrinsic to human life, for it gathers from economic to cultural and affective elements and imaginary space for individuals and groups. Under this approach, it is clear that, at present, in addition to having unique characteristics, in line with the economic and social transformations of the twentieth century, mobility has assumed importance as a field of study, leading several researches because of the dramatic human displacement on geographical space motivated by professional reasons. Therefore, this thesis has as its object of investigation the phenomenon of mobility and aimed to examine, through the concept of mobile career, its implications on personal and professional teachers experience who works in business Schools, taught at a University in the cities affected by Uberlândia / MG, the hub educational Triangulo Mineiro and Alto Parnaíba. We observed that, to fulfill their professional activities, these teachers are subject to mobility, because living in Uberlândia, but perform continuous displacements across the cities affected by that county , promoting meetings in diverse cultural contexts and frequent interactions with social situations and diverse organizational, which leads to our research question is: what are the implications of mobility on the personal and professional lives of business teachers, who lives in Uberlândia/MG and works at university at cities that are under the influence of this educational hub? This is a qualitative study, guided by the interpretive paradigm, and data were collected through interviews, and subjected to content analysis. The results show that the Mobile teaching career brings positive consequences, such as allowing the teacher supercharge their resume and develop teaching skills, aspects that later allows his admission in Public Institutions. Mobility also contributes to teachers to improve their relationship skills, flexibility to adapt to intercultural contexts, and promote the establishment of new social and professional network. However, the frequent shifts enhance the teacher's work, collaborate for the removal of their family, damage their health and compromise the overall quality of their life. / A mobilidade é um fenômeno social, complexo e intrínseco à vida do homem, pois congrega desde aspectos culturais e econômicos até elementos afetivos, imaginários e espaciais relativos aos indivíduos e grupos. Sob esse enfoque, percebe-se que, na atualidade, além de possuir características peculiares, consonantes com as transformações econômicas e sociais do século XX, a mobilidade tem assumido relevância como campo de estudos, originando diversas pesquisas em virtude dos acentuados deslocamentos humanos sobre o espaço geográfico motivados por questões profissionais. Por conseguinte, esta tese possui como objeto de investigação o fenômeno da mobilidade e, como objetivo examinar, por meio do conceito de carreira móvel, as suas implicações na vivência pessoal e profissional de professores que atuam em cursos de graduação em Administração, ministrados em instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) situadas nas cidades influenciadas pelo município de Uberlândia/MG, polo educacional da mesorregião do Triângulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaíba. Observamos que, para cumprirem as suas atividades profissionais, esses professores estão sujeitos à mobilidade, pois residem em Uberlândia, mas realizam contínuos deslocamentos entre as várias cidades influenciadas por esse município, promovendo encontros em contextos culturais diversificados e interações frequentes com situações sociais e organizacionais diversas, o que nos conduz à nossa pergunta de pesquisa que é: quais as implicações da mobilidade sobre a vida pessoal e profissional dos docentes de curso de graduação em Administração, residentes em Uberlândia-MG, e que atuam em IES situadas em municípios que estão sob a influência desse polo educacional? Trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa, norteado pelo paradigma interpretativo, cujos dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas, e submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram que a carreira docente móvel traz consequências positivas, como: permitir que o professor incremente o seu currículo e desenvolva competências didáticas, aspectos que posteriormente favorecem o seu ingresso nas instituições federais. A mobilidade também contribui para que os docentes melhorem as suas competências de relacionamento, a flexibilidade para adaptação a contextos interculturais, além de promover o estabelecimento de novas relações sociais e rede de contatos profissionais. Contudo, os deslocamentos frequentes intensificam o trabalho do professor, colaboram para o afastamento da sua família, prejudicam a sua saúde e comprometem o estado geral da sua qualidade de vida.

Dynamic Capabilities in IT-assisted Alliance Creation: A Study of Higher Education Institutions

Mehmedovic, Tarik January 2012 (has links)
Dynamic capabilities, a relatively new concept in strategic management, are subject to a variety of streams and points of view in the available literature, where the focus is still mainly on debating the general concepts, overall frameworks and classifications. The current consensus is that dynamic capabilities are highly context-based, depending on firm types, timeframes and a variety of other factors. However, what current research fails to adequately address are studies of individual cases of particular types of firms in their specific business environments, as well as how dynamic capabilities and their foundations are created and how they evolve in a specific, limited context. What these individual cases can contribute to the overall area of research are refined tools and frameworks for context-specific creation of dynamic capabilities, and thus their importance cannot be ignored. This study uses qualitative research to observe a case of a commercial higher-education institution in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, a developing market. The organization is highly IT-reliant, and one of the main characteristics of the institution is its flexibility and adaptability to change. In the recent couple or years, the institution switched several crucial partners, whose resources it uses for teaching. These factors make this organization interesting for investigation of dynamic capabilities in the particular context of constant change. The study uses mainly observation, but is supplemented by an interview and questionnaires. The researcher spent time working at the institution during a crucial timeframe of alliance-switching, and this experience fuels the observation. The results, including a developed model, present a good way to observe dynamic capabilities in a particular context, one based on activities and foundations that fuel dynamic capabilities in organizations.

eLearning adoption in Eastern and Southern African higher education institutions

Njenga, James Kariuki January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This research was undertaken to propose a model for eLearning adoption in Higher Education in Africa and to identify and empirically test measures to assess the model. The model identified eLearning, individual and organisational factors affecting eLearning adoption in higher education. eLearning factors were deemed to be aligned with the individual and organisational factors and therefore, the measurement of individual and organisational factors of eLearning adoption is essential in determining the current state, and future development that could enhance eLearning adoption in higher education. This study is a first attempt in Africa to define and present a conceptualization of an eLearning adoption framework. The framework is a combination of frameworks and models from various disciplines, including social psychology, information systems, anthropology, sociology, education, communication, marketing, management, geography, economics and cognitive psychology. These frameworks for eLearning adoption in Higher Education are synergised and contextualised in the study. / South Africa

Facilitating university sustainability through decision-oriented financial reporting

Arnold, Ebrahim January 2006 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / The study shows the financial impacts on costs per student at academic module level, at departmental level, at faculty level, and at institutional level, thereby showing the effects of cross-subsidisation at all levels of management. The reports were developed in termsof the guidelines compiled in terms of Llewellyn's five levels of theorisation.

Buffer for universities or agent of government? Examining the roles and functions of the Tertiary Education Council in higher education in Botswana

Lebotse, Keitumetse G January 2014 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / The purpose of the study is to understand the roles, functions and perceived performance of the Tertiary Education Council (TEC) in higher education governance in Botswana. The study describes the relationship between the government, the TEC and higher education institutions in Botswana. The main objectives of the study are to: a) Examine the roles and functions of the TEC in Botswana’s higher education regarding policy formulation, quality assurance and coordination in the planning and development of tertiary education. b) Explore potential tensions between the roles and functions of the TEC and those of some of its stakeholders. c) Establish the performance of the TEC in relation to the three functions of policy formulation, quality assurance and coordination in the planning and development of tertiary education. The study is located within the broader framework of higher education governance. It examines the different models of higher education governance (such as state control, state interference and state supervision models) and the relationship involved between different stakeholders in governance of higher education. Furthermore, the framework focuses on the implications of the dynamics of higher education governance on the roles and functions of buffer bodies. The study adopted a single case study approach and it was designed to allow for the use of multiple sources of evidence. Data was collected through a review of both institutional and policy documents, semi-structured interviews with eight informants from the TEC and the Ministry of Education and Skills Development, as well as a survey targeting institutional heads of higher education institutions in Botswana. The use of qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection provided useful and in-depth data and allowed for triangulation. The data was analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings of the study reveal that there are differing conceptions of the TEC’s role in higher education in Botswana. Whereas the TEC sees itself as ‘middleman’ between the government and higher education institutions, the higher education institutions conceptualise the role of the TEC as an extension of government. The differing views on the TEC’s role, as either buffer or agent, result in different expectations of the roles and functions of the TEC. In addition, the study revealed that Botswana’s higher education system is characterised by fragmentation and duplication of roles, which limit the mandate of the TEC, thereby creating tensions between the TEC and other constituencies in the Botswana higher education system. The study thus contributes to the understanding of the roles and functions of the TEC in the governance of higher education in Botswana. It also contributes to the understanding of the relationship between the different stakeholders involved in the governance of higher education and the implications of this relationship on the roles and functions of buffer bodies. Overall, the study shows the complexities involved in the governance of higher education in a young and evolving system of higher education, and in a context in which the roles and functions of the key players are contested and inconsistently understood.

Educação e responsabilidade social: um estudo aplicado no Instituto de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão IESMA/UNISULMA / Education and social responsibility: an applied study at the Institute of Higher Education South of Maranhão - IESMA / UNISULMA

Luciana da Luz Rodrigues 03 June 2016 (has links)
O cenário nas empresas vem mudando, gradativamente, em razão das transformações sociais, econômicas e culturais apontadas no ambiente educacional pelo processo ensino-aprendizagem. Nesse contexto, a temática deste estudo versa sobre a responsabilidade social e as instituições de ensino superior particulares da cidade de Imperatriz (MA). Essas instituições desenvolvem atividades de extensão universitária, buscando atender às necessidades da comunidade frente às políticas públicas, estabelecendo uma relação com o ensino principalmente no sentido de oferecer ações ao seu entorno, em prol do desenvolvimento social. A proposta foi estudar os projetos e programas de extensão desenvolvidos e implantados pelo Instituto de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão, IESMA/UNISULMA, face aos parâmetros do Plano Nacional de Extensão (2011/2020) como indicativos de responsabilidade social, pois historicamente, a extensão universitária é considerada uma atividade de menor valor acadêmico, apesar de conquistas legais no sentido de equiparação com as áreas de ensino e pesquisa. Diante dessa constatação, propôs-se, nesta pesquisa, avaliar a opinião dos graduandos que participam da Extensão Universitária em relação à relevância dessa atividade acadêmica na sua formação, ou seja, verificar se ela contribui, de fato, para sua formação. Apresenta, também, um estudo analítico sobre a importância das teorias aplicadas em sala de aula com as práticas dos acadêmicos na elaboração, desenvolvimento e execução de atividades de extensão, promovendo o desenvolvimento mútuo com a sociedade. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar e comparar os projetos desenvolvido pela Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) com as diretrizes do PNExt, apontando os possíveis indicativos de responsabilidade social apresentados em suas atividades sociais. A pesquisa, quantitativa, tem caráter descritivo, documental, com estudo de campo. O instrumento utilizado na coleta de dados é o questionário, direcionado para discentes e docentes da IESMA/UNISULMA, que possibilitou verificar os trabalhos realizados na cidade referentes ao tema exposto, além de fornecer informações acerca de duas importantes variáveis: a satisfação e o conhecimento dos entrevistados em relação aos projetos de responsabilidade social. Os resultados obtidos mostram a importância do papel social das instituições de ensino superior. Compreende as mudanças, oportunidades e desenvolvimento gerados com a implantação de projetos de cunho social, executados por atividades de responsabilidade social que proporcionam um elo entre universidade e sociedade, interna e externamente. / The scenario in companies has been changing gradually, because of social, economic and cultural transformations outlined in the educational environment for teaching-learning process. In this context, the theme of this study deals with social responsibility and private higher education institutions in the city of Imperatriz (MA). These institutions of university extension activities, seeking to meet the front community needs public policies, establishing a relationship with the teaching mainly towards offering shares to its surroundings, in favor of social development. The proposal was to study the projects and developed outreach programs and implemented by the Institute of Higher Education South of Maranhão, IESMA / UNISULMA, given the parameters of the National Extension Plan (2011/2020) as social responsibility indicative because historically, university extension is considered an activity of lesser academic value, although legal achievements towards assimilation with the areas of teaching and research. Given this finding, it is proposed in this research, evaluate the opinion of the students participating in the University Extension on the relevance of this academic activity in their training, that is, verify that it contributes, in fact, for their training. It also presents an analytical study of the importance of the theories applied in the classroom with the practices of scholars in the design, development and implementation of outreach activities, promoting mutual development with society. The objective of this work is to identify and compare the projects developed by the Higher Education Institution (HEI) with pNext guidelines, pointing out the possible social responsibility indicative presented in their social activities. The research, quantitative, has descriptive, documentary character, with field study. The instrument used for data collection is the questionnaire, directed to students and teachers of IESMA / UNISULMA, which enabled us to verify the work carried out in the city concerning the above subject, in addition to providing information about two important variables: the satisfaction and knowledge of interviewed in relation to social responsibility projects. The results show the importance of the social role of higher education institutions. Understand the changes and development opportunities generated by the implementation of social projects, executed by social responsibility activities that provide a link between the university and society, internally and externally.

A National Study of Retention Efforts at Institutions of Higher Education with Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Programs

Catalano, Joseph T. 12 1900 (has links)
This study is concerned with the problem of determining the status of.specific student retention efforts at the departmental and institutional levels in institutions of higher education offering baccalaureate degrees in nursing. The purposes of the study include (1) the determination of the percentages of those institutions which have specific programs to increase student retention in place and functioning at the various administrative levels, (2) the determination of those aspects of the many possible retention efforts that are being utilized, (3) identification of those retention efforts which may be most effective, and (4) comparison of retention rates between those institutions with organized retention programs and those without these programs. The population of the study is composed of all 430 of the National League for Nursing (NLN) accredited, Registered Nurse Baccalaureate Degree programs in the United States. The specially designed survey instrument produced a 62 percent response return. Response frequencies and percentages were calculated to show the relative success rates of various retention efforts. In addition, the data were subjected to several statistical procedures to determine if there were statistically significant differences between the various types and levels of retention efforts. The findings indicate that the presence of an organized and functioning program to increase student retention does produce a statistically significant increase in the mean retention rate for those institutions with such programs as compared with those institutions without organized retention programs. This significant increase was constant across the three types or levels of retention programs surveyed (departmental level only, university level only, both university and departmental levels). The majority of the respondents (55.5 percent) do have retention programs in place and functioning at some level in their institutions. Of the six major areas of retention efforts listed on the questionnaire, the area dealing the "Administrative Activities" to increase student retention was present most often among that group of respondents with the highest retention rates.

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