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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energy System Analysis of thermal, hydrogen and battery storage in the energy system of Sweden in 2045

Sundarrajan, Poornima January 2023 (has links)
Sweden has goals to reach net-zero emissions by 2045. Although electricity sector is almost fossil free, industry & transport still rely on fossil fuels. Ambitious initiatives such as HYBRIT, growth of EV market & expansion of wind power aim to expedite emission reduction. Decarbonization of transport, industry and large-scale wind & solar PV integration in the future necessitates studying energy system of Sweden at national scale in the context of sector coupling, external transmission & storage technologies. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the impact of thermal energy storage, hydrogen storage and batteries via Power-to-heat & Power-to-hydrogen strategies in the future Swedish energy system (2045) with high proportions of wind power. Two scenarios SWE_2045 & NFF_2045 were formulated to represent two distinct energy systems of the future. The SWE_2045 energy system still relies on fossil fuels, but to a lower extent compared to 2019 level and has increased levels of electrification and biofuels in the transport and industrial sectors. In comparison, the fossil fuels are completely removed in NFF_2045 and the industrial sector has significant demand for electrolytic hydrogen. Both the scenarios were simulated using EnergyPLAN, a deterministic energy system model, under each storage technology. The results indicate that HPs coupled with TES has the potential to increase wind integration from 29.12% to 31.8% in SWE_2045 and 26.78% to 29.17% in NFF_2045. HP & TES also reduces heat production from boilers by 67% to 72% depending on the scenario, leading to overall reduction in total fuel and annual costs by at least 2.5% and 0.5% respectively. However, for wind integration of 31.1% in SWE_2045 the annual cost increases by 5.1% with hydrogen storage compared to TES. However, hydrogen storage shows better performance in NFF_2045, wherein the wind integration increases from 26.78% to 29.3%. Furthermore, increasing hydrogen storage for a lower wind capacity (60 GW) in NFF_2045 reduces both electricity import and export while simultaneously increasing the contribution of storage in fulfilling the hydrogen demand from 1.62% to 6.2%. Compared to TES and HS, the contribution of battery storage is minimal in sector integration. For increase in wind integration of 28% to 29%, the annual cost of a system with battery storage is 1.3% to 2% higher than that of the system with TES and hydrogen storage respectively. Therefore, HPs coupled with TES can improve flexibility in both scenarios. Hydrogen storage is not a promising option if the end goal is only to store excess electricity, as shown by the results in SWE_2045. However, it demonstrates better utilization in terms of wind integration, reduction in electricity import and export when there is a considerable demand for hydrogen, as in the case of NFF_2045. / Sverige ligger i framkant när det gäller avkarbonisering och har mål att nå nettonollutsläpp till 2045. Även om elsektorn är nästan fossilfri, är industri och transport fortfarande beroende av fossila bränslen. Ambitiösa initiativ som Hydrogen Breakthrough Ironmaking Technology (HYBRIT), tillväxt av elbilsmarknaden och expansion av vindkraft syftar till att påskynda utsläppsminskningar. Dekarbonisering av transport, industri och storskalig vind- och solcellsintegrering i framtiden kräver att man studerar Sveriges energisystem i nationell skala i samband med sektorskoppling, extern transmissions- och lagringsteknik.  Därför syftar denna studie till att bestämma effekten av termisk energilagring, vätelagring och batterier via Power-to-heat & Power-to-hydrogen-strategier i det framtida svenska energisystemet (2045) med höga andelar vindkraft. Två scenarier SWE_2045 & NFF_2045 formulerades för att representera två distinkta framtidens energisystem. Energisystemet SWE_2045 är fortfarande beroende av fossila bränslen, men i lägre utsträckning jämfört med 2019 års nivå och har ökat nivåerna av elektrifiering och biobränslen inom transport- och industrisektorn. Som jämförelse är de fossila bränslena helt borttagna i NFF_2045-scenariot där transportsektorn endast är beroende av el och biobränslen, medan industrisektorn har en betydande efterfrågan på elektrolytiskt väte. Båda energisystemen simuleras med EnergyPLAN, en deterministisk energisystemmodell, för olika testfall under varje lagringsteknik. Resultatet av simuleringen bedömdes i termer av kritisk överskottselproduktion, potential för ytterligare vindintegration, total bränslebalans i systemet och årliga kostnader.  Resultatet indikerar att värmepumpar i kombination med termisk energilagring kan förbättra flexibiliteten i båda scenarierna genom att minska den kritiska överskottselproduktionen och bränsleförbrukningen samtidigt som vindintegrationen förbättras. Vätgaslagring är inget lovande alternativ om målet är att endast lagra överskottsel, vilket framgår av vindintegrationsnivåerna i SWE_2045. Det förbättrar dock vindintegration och tillförlitlighet avsevärt när det finns en betydande efterfrågan på vätgas i NFF_2045. Som jämförelse är batteriernas bidrag till vindintegration minimalt i båda scenarierna i samband med sektorintegration på grund av utnyttjandet av överskottsel av värmepumpar och extern överföring av restel. Valet av lagringsteknik i framtiden beror dock på dess tekniska ekonomiska utveckling och energipolitik.

Infrared Spectroscopy of H<sub>2</sub> Trapped in Metal Organic Frameworks

Hopkins, Jesse Bennett January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Hydrogen embrittlement in chip-to-chip bonding

Shankan, Tala, Wahab Abdul, Oranos, Hamidi, Mustafa, Al-Chaabawi, Ahmad, Rengård, Wilhelm January 2024 (has links)
Safe, effective hydrogen fuel cells are one of the contenders for the next shift in mobile power technology. One of the solutions to the inherent risks of high pressure hydrogen fuel cells is an outer low pressure container with an inner high pressure containers containing a micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) valve which regulating the pressure. These MEMS valves consist of several etched Si-chips stacked and bonded, which shall withstand the pressure and temperature range in the high pressure fuel cell as well as the embrittlement caused by the hydrogen gas. Hydrogen embrittlement is a phenomena where materials, mostly metals, lose their ductility due to diffusion of hydrogen atoms into their grain boundaries. A suitable method for stacking the chips is needed and thus a literature study was conducted. Several chip-to-chip bonding methods were investigated in the purpose of finding the most suitable methods tolerating temperatures between -40 to 85°C, pressure up to 1000 bar, hermetically sealing, withstanding hydrogen embrittlement and still bond with particulate contaminations caused by testing each chip. The method found to be best fitting for the purpose was anodic bonding with an alkali glass. Alternatively anodic bonding with a ceramic glass system could be considered if technique from alkali glass is adaptable.

Chimie intégrative pour la conception de matériaux poreux fonctionnels avancés et applications

Brun, Nicolas 02 December 2010 (has links)
Une organisation contrôlée de la porosité offre l’opportunité de combiner les avantages structuraux des macropores (diamètres supérieures à 50 nm), assurant l’intégrité et l’interconnectivité de l’ossature du matériau, avec ceux des pores plus étroits (méso- et micropores), déployant des surfaces spécifiques réactives importantes. L’élaboration de telles architectures, dites « hiérarchisées », à l’échelle du laboratoire représente un véritable défi physico-chimique. Dans ce contexte, ce travail de thèse s’intéresse à l’élaboration de matériaux poreux fonctionnels avancés, s’inscrivant dans le concept de chimie intégrative, en combinant matière molle (mésophases lyotropes, émulsions directes concentrées, auto-assemblages organique-organique, etc.), procédé sol-gel, polymérisation organique et principe de l’empreinte « dure ». Dans une première approche générale, des monolithes hybrides macrocellulaires à base de silice ont été fonctionnalisés par greffage covalent post-synthèse ou par co-condensation de précurseurs organosilanes appropriés. Dès lors, l’encapsulation de complexes luminescents (ions europium), de catalyseurs métalliques piégés dans une phase liquide ionique supportée (sels ou nanoparticules de palladium), ou d’entités biologiques (enzymes hydrosolubles : lipases) a offert une modulation rationnelle des propriétés optiques, catalytiques ou biocatalytiques induites in fine. Dans une seconde approche générale, l’utilisation de monolithes de silice macrocellulaires comme empreintes dures « sacrificielles » a permis la genèse de composés carbonés poreux, associée à un contrôle structural sur plusieurs échelles. Dès lors, une surface spécifique développée et une porosité hiérarchisée, conjuguées à des propriétés intrinsèques opportunes (stabilités thermique et chimique, conductivité électrique), ont offert un large champ d’applications, comme électrodes pour systèmes de stockage de l’énergie électrochimique (batteries Li-ion et condensateurs à double couche électrochimique), sites de nucléation de borohydrures de lithium (LiBH4) pour le stockage de l’hydrogène, ou encore comme électrodes enzymatiques pour biopiles. / Mainly induced by the wide scope of expected applications, designing hierarchical porous architectures appears today as a strong and competitive field of research. The opportunity to combine the structural advantages of both macropores (diameters larger than 50 nm), providing interconnected framework while reducing the diffusion low kinetic issue, with those of the more narrow pores (meso and micropores), generating high surface reactive areas, has induced a need for novel synthetic routes to achieve hierarchical structures. In this view, by combining soft mater (lyotropic mesophases, concentrated direct emulsions or organic-organic self-assemblies, etc.), sol-gel process, organic polymerization and hard-template approaches, we have generated new functional porous materials, fitting with the transversal integrative chemistry concept. In a first general approach, organically grafted silica foams have been designed, either by a grafting method or a one-pot co-condensation route of organosilane derivatives, to encapsulate luminescent complexes (europium ions), metallic catalysts entrapped into supported ionic liquid phase (palladium salts or nanoparticules) or bio-related entities (water-soluble enzymes: lipases), dealing with promising optical, catalytic or biocatalytic properties. In a second synthetic pathway, using siliceous foams as “sacrificial” hard templates, carbonaceous foams have been obtained addressed through a structural design over several length scales. Due to inherent high surface area, chemical inertness, thermal stability and good conductivity, this new foams series has offered a large field of applications, such as electrodes for electrochemical energy storage devices (Li-ion batteries and electrochemical double-layer capacitors), host sites for hydrogen storage through LiBH4 nucleation, as well as advanced porous electrodes for enzyme-based biofuel cells.

p-block hydrogen storage materials

Smith, Christopher January 2010 (has links)
The development of a clean hydrogen economy will aid a smooth transition from fossil fuels which is required to stem the environmental impact and economic instability caused by oil dependency. For vehicular application, in addition to being cheap and safe, a commercial hydrogen store must contain a certain weight percentage of hydrogen to provide a reasonable range (~300 miles). It must also be able to release hydrogen under near-ambient conditions (80-120°C) and have a reasonable cycling capacity (~1000 cycles). The primary motivation of this thesis is to gain a fundamental understanding into the sorption processes of hydrogen on carbon- and aluminium-based materials to improve their hydrogen storage capacity. The sorption processes of hydrogen on mechanically milled graphite have been investigated, primarily using Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy and Inelastic Neutron Scattering. An investigation into the storage properties of tetrahydroaluminates, primarily NaAlH<sub>4</sub> and LiAlH<sub>4</sub>, is performed in the presence and absence of a catalyst, and a new phase of NaAlH<sub>4</sub> is observed prior to its decomposition. Variable temperature neutron and synchrotron diffraction, in conjunction with gravimetric and mass spectroscopy data were obtained for several mixtures of tetrahydroaluminates and alkali amides and the hydrogen desorption processes are shown to be quite different from the constituent materials. The structure of Ca(AlH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> has been experimentally determined for the first time and a complete set of equations describing its decomposition pathway is given.

Dynamique de stockage souterrain de gaz : aperçu à partir de modèles numériques de dioxyde de carbone et d'hydrogène / Dynamics of underground gas storage : insights from numerical models for carbon dioxide and hydrogen

Sáinz-García, Álvaro 16 October 2017 (has links)
L'atténuation du changement climatique est l'un des défis majeurs de notre époque. Les émissions anthropiques de gaz à effet de serre ont augmenté de façon continue depuis la révolution industrielle, provoquant le réchauffement climatique. Un ensemble de technologies très diverses doivent être mises en œuvre pour respecter les accords internationaux relatifs aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Certaines d'entre elles ont recours au sous-sol pour le stockage de diverses substances. Cette thèse traite plus particulièrement de la dynamique du stockage souterrain du dioxyde de carbone (CO2) et de l'hydrogène (H2). Des modèles numériques de transport réactif et multiphasiques ont été élaborés pour mieux comprendre la migration et les interactions des fluides dans des milieux poreux de stockage souterrain. Ils fournissent des recommandations pour améliorer l'efficacité, la surveillance et la sécurité du stockage. Trois modèles sont présentés dans ce document, dont deux dans le domaine du captage et du stockage du CO2 (CCS pour Carbon Capture and Storage), et le troisième s'appliquant au stockage souterrain de l'hydrogène (UHS pour Underground Hydrogen Storage). Chacun d'entre eux traite plus spécifiquement un aspect de la recherche : Modèle multiphasique appliqué au CCS L'efficacité et la sécurité à long terme du stockage du CO2 dépend de la migration et du piégeage du panache de CO2 flottant. Les grandes différences d'échelles temporelles et spatiales concernées posent de gros problèmes pour évaluer les mécanismes de piégeage et leurs interactions. Dans cet article, un modèle numérique dynamique diphasique a été appliqué à une structure aquifère synclinale-anticlinale. Ce modèle est capable de rendre compte des effets de capillarité, de dissolution et de mélange convectif sur la migration du panache. Dans les aquifères anticlinaux, la pente de l'aquifère et la distance de l'injection à la crête de l'anticlinal déterminent la migration du courant gravitaire et, donc, les mécanismes de piégeage affectant le CO2. La structure anticlinale arrête le courant gravitaire et facilite l'accumulation du CO2 en phase libre, en dessous de la crête de l'anticlinal, ce qui stimule la mise en place d'une convection et accélère donc la dissolution du CO2. Les variations de vitesse du courant gravitaire en raison de la pente de l'anticlinal peuvent provoquer la division du panache et une durée différente de résorption du panache en phase libre, qui dépend de l'endroit de l'injection. / Climate change mitigation is one of the major challenges of our time. The anthropogenic greenhouse gases emissions have continuously increased since industrial revolution leading to global warming. A broad portfolio of mitigation technologies has to be implemented to fulfill international greenhouse gas emissions agreements. Some of them comprises the use of the underground as a storage of various substances. In particular, this thesis addresses the dynamics of carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen (H2) underground storage. Numerical models are a very useful tool to estimate the processes taking place at the subsurface. During this thesis, a solute transport in porous media module and various multiphase flow formulations have been implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics (Comsol, 2016). These numerical tools help to progress in the understanding of the migration and interaction of fluids in porous underground storages. Three models that provide recommendations to improve the efficiency, monitoring and safety of the storages are presented in this manuscript: two in the context of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and one applied to underground hydrogen storage (UHS). Each model focus on a specific research question: Multiphase model on CCS. The efficiency and long-term safety of underground CO2 storage depend on the migration and trapping of the buoyant CO2 plume. The wide range of temporal and spatial scales involved poses challenges in the assessment of the trapping mechanisms and the interaction between them. In this chapter a two-phase dynamic numerical model able to capture the effects of capillarity, dissolution and convective mixing on the plume migration is applied to a syncline-anticline aquifer structure. In anticline aquifers, the slope of the aquifer and the distance of injection to anticline crest determine the gravity current migration and, thus, the trapping mechanisms affecting the CO2. The anticline structure halts the gravity current and promotes free-phase CO2 accumulation beneath the anticline crest, stimulating the onset of convection and, thus, accelerating CO2 dissolution. Variations on the gravity current velocity due to the anticline slope can lead to plume splitting and different free-phase plume depletion time is observed depending on the injection location. Injection at short distances from the anticline crest minimizes the plume extent but retards CO2 immobilization. On the contrary, injection at large distances from anticline crest leads to large plume footprints and the splitting of the free-phase plume. The larger extension yields higher leakage risk than injection close to aquifer tip; however, capillary trapping is greatly enhanced, leading to faster free-phase CO2 immobilization. Reactive transport model on convective mixing in CCS. Dissolution of carbon-dioxide into formation fluids during carbon capture and storage (CCS) can generate an instability with a denser CO2-rich fluid located above the less dense native aquifer fluid. This instability promotes convective mixing, enhancing CO2 dissolution and favouring the storage safety.

Characterization of geochemical interactions and migration of hydrogen in sandstone sedimentary formations : application to geological storage / Caractérisation des interactions géochimiques et migration de l'hydrogène dans des formations sédimentaires gréseuses : application au stockage géologique

Ebrahimiyekta, Alireza 05 July 2017 (has links)
Parmi les options en cours d’investigation, le stockage souterrain de l'hydrogène dans les formations sédimentaires comme les grès pourrait offrir un potentiel unique pour stocker de grandes quantités d'énergie. L'évaluation des modalités de stockage souterrain de l'hydrogène nécessite donc à la fois une connaissance précise des transformations minéralogiques dues à la présence de l'hydrogène et l’acquisition de données sur le comportement hydrodynamique des fluides. Par conséquent, cette étude se composera de trois parties : 1- Etude des interactions géochimiques de l’hydrogène dans des formations sédimentaires gréseuses : Les produits expérimentaux portent la marque d'une réaction très limitée entre les minéraux du grès et l'hydrogène. Si les résultats expérimentaux sont combinés aux résultats numériques, l’étude démontre que l'hydrogène, une fois injecté, peut être considéré comme relativement inerte. De façon globale, nos résultats renforcent la faisabilité du confinement de l'hydrogène dans des réservoirs géologiques comme les grès. 2- Etude de la migration de l'hydrogène dans les grès : détermination de la perméabilité relative et de la pression capillaire du système hydrogène-eau : Afin de fournir des données quantitatives pour le développement du stockage souterrain de l'hydrogène, la pression capillaire et la perméabilité relative ont été mesurées pour le système hydrogène-eau en deux conditions potentielles. Les résultats indiquent que les données obtenues sont applicables à l’ensemble des conditions de stockage de l'hydrogène. 3- Modélisation numérique d’un site de stockage géologique d’hydrogène : La simulation numérique a été effectuée pour caractériser l'évolution dynamique d’un site de stockage d'hydrogène pur. Une fluctuation saisonnière du fonctionnement du réservoir et l'effet des fuites d'hydrogène dus aux réactions ont été pris en compte. / Underground hydrogen storage has been introduced as storage solution for renewable energy systems as it offers a unique potential to store large amounts of energy, especially in sedimentary formations such as sandstones. However, evaluating the underground hydrogen storage requires a precise knowledge of the hydrodynamic behavior of the fluids and of mineralogical transformations due to the presence of hydrogen that may affect the storage properties. Therefore, this study is consists in three parts: 1- Study of geochemical reactivity of hydrogen in sandstone sedimentary formations: The experimental products bear the mark of only very limited reaction between sandstone minerals and hydrogen. Taken together with the numerical results, this study demonstrates that hydrogen, once injected, can be considered as relatively inert. Overall, our results support the feasibility of hydrogen confinement in geological reservoirs such as sandstones. 2- Study of the migration of hydrogen in sandstone: determination of relative permeability and capillary pressure of hydrogen-water system: To provide quantitative data for the development of underground hydrogen storage, capillary pressures and relative permeabilities of hydrogen-water system have been measured at two potential conditions. The interpretation of the results would suggest that the obtained data are applicable for the entire range of hydrogen storage conditions. Interfacial tensions and contact angles for the hydrogen-water system have been also derived. 3- Numerical simulation of a geological hydrogen storage site: The numerical simulation was performed to characterize the evolution of pure hydrogen storage, by considering the seasonal fluctuation of renewable energy and the effect of hydrogen loses due to the biotic reactions.

Estudo das características eletroquímicas e microestruturais de eletrodos de hidreto metálico à base de LaNi com adições de elementos de liga / Study of electrochemical and microstructural characteristics of lani-based metallic hydride electrodes with alloying additions

Zarpelon, Lia Maria Carlotti 18 November 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho avaliou-se a ação positiva da substituição de lantânio por praseodímio e de lantânio por magnésio na performance eletroquímica de eletrodos de ligas de armazenamento de hidrogênio em estado bruto de fusão e com tratamento térmico. O La foi substituído por Mg nas ligas La0,7-xMgxPr0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8 (x=0,0-0,7) e por Pr nas ligas La0,7-yPryMg0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8 (y=0,0-0,7). Os parâmetros eletroquímicos analisados foram ativação, capacidade de descarga, retenção da capacidade de descarga, autodescarga e alta taxa de descarga. As ligas apresentaram comportamento passivo em relação à corrosão. As análises por MEV/EDS e por DRX com refinamento por Rietveld revelaram a presença majoritária de fases similares às fases LaNi5, PrNi5, LaMg2Ni9 e PrMg2Ni9 em função das composições das ligas estudadas. Os parâmetros de rede e os volumes da célula unitária das fases diminuíram com a substituição crescente de La por Mg e de La por Pr. As capacidades de descarga máxima decresceram com a substituição crescente de La por Mg e de La por Pr, acompanhando o decréscimo da abundância da fase similar à fase LaNi5 e o aumento da abundância da fase similar à fase LaMg2Ni9. Comparativamente, menores taxas de autodescarga e maior estabilidade cíclica foram observadas para o eletrodo da liga na condição x=0,1, ao passo que o eletrodo da liga na condição y=0,0 apresentou maiores valores de alta taxa de descarga, indicando melhor performance cinética. / In this work, the positive action of the substitution of lanthanum by praseodymium and lanthanum by magnesium in the electrochemical performance of the as-cast and annealed hydrogen storage alloys electrodes had been evaluated. La was replaced by Mg in La0.7-xMgxPr0.3Al0.3Mn0.4Co0.5Ni3.8 (x=0.0-0.7) alloys and by Pr in La0.7-yPryMg0.3Al0.3Mn0.4Co0.5Ni3.8 (y=0.0-0.7) alloys. The electrochemical parameters analyzed were activation, discharge capacity, discharge capacity retention, self-discharge rate and high-rate dischargeability. The alloys showed a passive corrosion behavior. The analyses by SEM/EDS and XRD with Rietveld refinement revealed the majority presence of LaNi5, PrNi5, LaMg2Ni9 and PrMg2Ni9 similar reference phases depending on the compositions of the studied alloys. The lattice parameters and cell volumes of the component phases decreased with increasing substitution of La for Mg and with La for Pr. The maximum discharge capacity decreased with increasing substitution of La for Mg and with La for Pr, following the decrease in the abundance of LaNi5 similar phase and the increase in the abundance of to the LaMg2Ni9 similar phase. Lower self-discharge rates were observed for the alloy electrode when x=0.1, while higher high-rate dischargeability for the alloy electrode when y=0.0 indicated better kinetic performance, comparatively.

Modélisation, commande et supervision d'un système multi-sources connecté au réseau avec stockage tampon de l'énergie électrique via le vecteur hydrogène / Modelling, control and supervision of multi-source system connected to the network with a buffer storage of electrical energy via hydrogen vector

Tabanjat, Abdulkader 25 September 2015 (has links)
Les réserves limitées de combustibles fossiles et la pollution entrainée par les gaz produits ouvrent la voie à desressources énergétiques renouvelables (RER) alternatives et prometteuses telles que les ressources solaires (RS)et les ressources éoliennes (RE). Ces ressources sont librement disponibles et respectueuses de l'environnement.Cependant, les RER sont de nature intermittente. Par conséquent, il existe un besoin de lissage des fluctuations depuissance en stockant l'énergie pendant les périodes de surproduction pour la restituer au réseau lorsque lademande énergétique devient importante. Les systèmes de stockage de l'énergie (SSE) peuvent alors être utilisésde manière appropriée à cette fin.L'utilisation de plusieurs sources d'énergie et de stockeurs pour construire des systèmes de puissance hybrides(SPH) exige une stratégie de gestion de l'énergie pour atteindre le minimum de coût des SPH et un équilibre entrela production et la consommation de l'énergie. Cette méthode de gestion de l'énergie est un mécanisme pourobtenir une production d'énergie idéale et pour satisfaire convenablement la demande de charge à rendementrelativement élevé.Dans cette thèse, un SPH intégrant production électrique photovoltaïque, éolienne, une micro-turbine à gaz ainsiqu'un système de stockage de l'électricité par le vecteur hydrogène est considéré. Le but de cette hybridation estde construire un système fiable, qui est en mesure de fournir la charge et qui a la capacité de stocker l'énergieexcédentaire sous forme hydrogène et de la réutiliser plus tard. En outre, le problème d'ombrage partiel dePanneaux Photovoltaïques est étudié de manière approfondie. Une nouvelle solution basée sur des interrupteurssimples et un contrôle par logique floue intégré dans une carte électronique dSPACE a été proposée. Unereconfiguration des panneaux photovoltaïques en temps réel et de déconnexion de ceux ombragés est égalementeffectuée en cherchant à minimiser les pertes de puissance. Le couplage thermique entre ces panneauxphotovoltaïques et un électrolyseur à membrane polymère est également étudié, à l'échelle système. Enrécupérant une partie de l'énergie thermique reçue par les panneaux, une amélioration du rendement du systèmehybride PPVELS MEP est réalisée / The limited reserves of fossil fuel and the pollution gases produced pave the way to promising alternativeRenewable Energy Sources (RESs) such as Solar Energy Sources (SESs) and Wind Energy Sources (WESs).SESs and WESs are freely available and environmentally friendly. However, RESs are intermittent in nature.Therefore, the smoothing of power fluctuations by storing the energy during periods of oversupply and restore it tothe grid when demand becomes necessary. Accordingly, Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) can be appropriatelyused for this purpose.Using several energy sources for constructing HPSs alongside with ESS will require an energy managementstrategy to achieve minimum HPS cost and optimal balance between energy generation and energy consumption.This energy management method is a mechanism to achieve an ideal energy production and to conveniently satisfythe load demand at relatively high efficiency.In this thesis, a Hybrid Power System (HPS) including Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) such as main sourcescombined with Gas Micro-Turbine (GMT) and hydrogen storage system such as Back-up Sources (BKUSs) hasbeen presented. The aim of this hybridization is to build a reliable system, which is able to supply the load andhaving the ability to store the excess energy in hydrogen form and reuse it later when demanded. Consequently, thestored energy at the end of each cycle will be zero and a minimum generated power cost is achieved. In addition,partial shading problem of Photovoltaic (PV) panels is comprehensively studied and a new solution based on simpleswitches and Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) integrated into dSPACE electronic card is created. Consequently, a realtime PV panels reconfiguration and disconnecting shaded ones is performed and minimum power losses isachieved. Then, the PV panels are connected to a Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyser (PEM ELS). Theemitted temperature by the PV panels is transferred to the endothermic element PEM ELS. Consequently, anefficiency enhancement of the hybrid system PVPEM ELS is realized.

Efeito das substituições de elementos de liga na decrepitação por hidrogênio e tratamentos térmicos nas características físico-químicas das ligas de Ni-MH / Effect of replacement of alloying elements in decreptation by hydrogen and annealing treataments on physical-chemistry characteristcs Ni-MH alloys

Soares, Edson Pereira 01 March 2019 (has links)
Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito da substituição parcial do Ni pelos elementos Co, Cu e Sn, e do La e Mg pelo Pr em ligas do tipo AB5 para as ligas nominais La0,7Mg0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Cu0,5Ni3,8, La0,7Mg0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8 e La0,7Mg0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Sn0,5Ni3,8, La0,7Pr0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8, Pr0,7Mg0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8 sem e com tratamento térmico de 750° e 850°C por 9 e 16 horas. Estas ligas absorvedoras de hidrogênio foram utilizadas como material ativo em eletrodos negativos de baterias de Ni-HM. Avaliou-se a influência destas substituições e do tratamento térmico na microestrutura e nas propriedades eletroquímicas nas ligas. A substituição parcial do Ni pelo Co com o tratamento térmico de 750°C por 16 horas apresentou duas novas fases Al6Mn e PrCo13. Na substituição parcial do Ni pelo Sn formou a fase LaNi2Sn2 na liga. Utilizou-se caracterização de raios-X com refinamento de Rietveld para quantificar as fases em cada composição. Mediu-se a absorção de hidrogênio utilizando um Aparato Sieverts para obtenção das curvas PCT. Observou-se que as ligas La0,7Mg0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8 e La0,7Pr0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8 apresentaram as melhores capacidades de absorção de hidrogênio. Verificou-se o comportamento destas ligas na capacidade de descarga, estabilidade cíclica das baterias de Ni-HM. Comparando as ligas, a maior capacidade de descarga medida foi para a substituição parcial do Ni pelo Co, alcançando 406,1 mAh após o tratamento térmico de 850° C por 16 horas. A melhor capacidade de absorção obtida na analise de PCT, foi para a liga La0,7Pr0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8 com valor de H/M de 0,980. Também, foi avaliada uma correlação das propriedades eletroquímicas com a capacidade de absorção obtida na analise da curva PCT. / In this work, it was evaluated the effect of the partial substitution of Ni by the elements Co, Cu and Sn and of the La and Mg by the Pr in type AB5 alloys to the nominal alloys La0,7Mg0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Cu0,5Ni3,8, La0,7Mg0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8, La0,7Mg0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Sn0,5Ni3,8, La0,7Pr0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8 and Pr0,7Mg0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8, as castting and with annealing treatment of 750 °C and 850 °C for 9 and 16 hours. These hydrogen-absorbing alloys were used as active material on negative electrodes of Ni-HM batteries. The influence of these substitutions and the annealing treatment on the microstructure and on the electrochemical properties in the alloys was evaluated. The partial substitution of Ni by Co with the annealing treatment of 750 °C for 16 hours presented two new phases Al6Mn and PrCo13. In the partial substitution of Ni by Sn formed the LaNi2Sn2 phase in the alloy. It was characterized by X-ray diffraction using Rietveld\'s refinement to quantify the phases in each composition. Hydrogen absorption was measured using the Sieverts apparatus to obtain the PCT curves. It was observed that the alloys La0,7Mg0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8 and La0,7Pr0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8, presented the best capacities of hydrogen absorption. The behavior of these alloys in the discharge capacity, the cyclic stability of the Ni-HM batteries, was verified. Comparing the alloys, the biggest discharge capacity measured was for the partial substitution of Ni by Co alloy, reaching 406.1 mAh after the annealing treatment of 850 °C for 16 hours. The finest absorption capacity obtained in the PCT analysis was for the La0,7Pr0,3Al0,3Mn0,4Co0,5Ni3,8 alloy with an H/M value of 0.980. Also, a correlation of the electrochemical properties with the absorption capacity obtained in the analysis of the PCT curve was evaluated.

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