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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les mouvements de membre fantôme : relations entre perceptions motrices et neuro-anatomie fonctionnelle étudiée en IRM fonctionnelle / Phantom limb movements : kinesthetic perceptions and functional neuroanatomy in fMRI

Raffin, Estelle 29 September 2011 (has links)
Le membre fantôme correspond à la persistance de perceptions sensitives et motrices attribuées au membre amputé. Des douleurs chroniques parfois invalidantes ainsi que des capacités d’évocation de mouvements dans le membre absent sont fréquemment rapportées. Très peu connue, cette motricité résiduelle est souvent considérée comme de l’imagerie motrice. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de réinterroger le statut psychologique des mouvements de membre fantôme. Le second objectif est d’étudier le lien entre le contrôle moteur dans le membre fantôme et les réorganisations corticales dans le cortex moteur du sujet amputé. Au moyen de tests comportementaux et d’examens en Imagerie par Résonnance Magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf), ces travaux de thèse ont permis de dissocier expérimentalement une forme de perceptions kinesthésiques associée à de l’imagerie motrice et une autre forme associée à de l’exécution motrice dans le membre fantôme. Cette distinction repose à la fois sur des différences de performances et sur le recrutement de régions cérébrales partiellement distinctes. Au-delà de cette distinction physiologique, les résultats obtenus suggèrent que les mouvements de membre fantôme s’apparentent à une forme d’exécution motrice plutôt qu’à de l’imagerie motrice. A travers le modèle du membre fantôme, ce travail aborde donc la question de la nature des informations menant à la perception d’un mouvement comme étant « exécuté ». Les altérations du fonctionnement cortical mises en évidence chez l’amputé peuvent représenter un modèle d’étude intéressant des différents mécanismes physiopathologiques relevés dans des situations de déficiences liées à une forme de plasticité « maladaptative ». Les observations cliniques et les examens en neuroimagerie menés au cours de cette thèse dressent en effet, un modèle relativement cohérent de l’organisation fonctionnelle du cortex après amputation. En particulier, l’existence d’un lien entre les réorganisations fonctionnelles au sein du cortex moteur et la qualité du contrôle moteur résiduel dans le membre fantôme permet de mieux comprendre les mécanismes sur lesquels reposent certaines thérapies antalgiques, comme les thérapies visuomotrices / The phantom limb is a sensory experience that is perceived to originate from the missing part. Amputees report that the phantom limb had certain sensory properties like touch and pain, as well as kinesthetic properties like being able to be moved voluntarily. Phantom limb movements are little-known and generally considered to reflect motor imagery rather than motor execution. The first aim of this thesis is to investigate whether amputees distinguish between executing a movement of the phantom limb and imagining moving the missing limb. The second aim is to examine the link between the quality of the motor control in the phantom limb and cortical reorganizations in the motor cortex of amputees. Behavioral tests and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) results reveal the ability of amputees to make the distinction between execution and motor imagery in the phantom limb. This distinction is based both on differences in performances associated with the two tasks and the recruitment of partially distinct brain regions. Beyond this physiological distinction, this result suggests that phantom limb movements are similar to executed movements and differ from imagined movements. This raises important questions about the very nature of the processes underlying the awareness of a movement as being executed or imagined. The functional alterations in the motor cortex of amputees are somewhat similar to the pathophysiological mechanisms of maladaptative plasticity. Amputation could be a great model for its study. Indeed, the clinical and neuroimaging examinations conducted during this thesis led to a relatively coherent model of the functional reorganizations in the motor cortex after a limb-amputation and their relationships with behavioral variables. In particular, the relationship between functional reorganizations in the motor cortex and the quality of residual motor control in the phantom limb helps to understand the mechanisms underlying some analgesic therapies, such as the “visuomotor therapy”

"Wood Leoun" . . . "Crueel Tigre": Animal Imagery and Metaphor in "The Knight's Tale"

LaBurre, Jennifer 20 May 2011 (has links)
The people of the Middle Ages believed animals were disconnected from themselves in terms of ability to reason and ability to resist passions. Humans and animals were created by God, but he bestowed man with a soul and the ability to resist earthly delights. When men were described in terms of their bestial counterparts it was conventionally meant to highlight some derogatory aspect of that character. Chaucer makes use of the animal-image throughout The Canterbury Tales, especially in "The Knight's Tale," to stress a break in each character from humane reason or to emphasize a lean towards a bestial nature. The degree of this departure is showcased in the ferocity of the animal-image in question and the behavior and nature of the character, i.e. the animals of a more timid nature or neutral standing highlight a much less negative nature than the ferocious predators present in the battle scenes.

Maturation of Practices

Brunious, Wendell J 09 May 2014 (has links)
The disparate concepts of Pop Art and abstract painting heavily influence the scope of my work. Finding a link between these two concepts has been the focal point of my studio practices. The apex of my process is the focus on commercial imagery as abstract form. The merging of these two concepts presents a complex composition of balance, color and information. This thesis explores the various concepts as well as influences that have propelled the evolution of my work. It chronicles the steps I have taken in my quest to articulate my conceptual ideas. By describing the works and defining their characteristics, this analysis gives further insight to my perception as well as process.

The Use of Mental Imagery in Improving the Simultaneous and Successive Processing Abilities of Grade V Learners with Learning Disorders of Reading and Written Expression

Els, Karen 16 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9702858G - MA research report - School of Human and Community Development - Faculty of Humanities / This study forms part of a series of studies on the use of mental imagery in learning. Preliminary data suggests that high mental imagery techniques are as effective as phonological based techniques in the remediation of the English language abilities of learners with difficulties in reading and written expression, and may lead to greater improvements where children have previously not learned using phonic approaches to learning to read, write and spell. Preliminary data further suggest that cognitive improvements, which cannot be explained purely by maturation factors, are also apparent as a result. The primary focus of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of high mental imagery techniques in improving the simultaneous and successive processing abilities of Grade V learners with learning disorders of reading and written expression. It also aimed to explore the usefulness of mental imagery techniques in improving the English spelling, reading and writing abilities of these learners. Eight Grade V learners attending a remedial primary school were selected to participate in this study. These learners were those who, in view of their scholastic history, were considered to be ‘treatment resisters’, implying that they had progressed poorly and had not responded well to other forms of traditional remedial intervention received in improving their English language abilities. Each participant’s cognitive, spelling, reading and writing abilities were pre and post tested utilising various psycho-educational and cognitive psychological assessment tools and their phonic skills were analysed. The sample received six months of bi-weekly individual remedial tuition in accordance with the remedial intervention strategy of the study group to which the participants had been randomly assigned. Four participants were tutored via high mental imagery techniques (experimental group) and four participants tutored utilising a phonological approach, forming the contrast group. Aggregated case study methodology was utilised to analyse the data. The results of this pilot study suggest that high mental imagery techniques are useful in improving the successive and simultaneous processing abilities and reading, spelling and writing skills of learners suffering learning disorders of reading and written expression. It should be noted that statistical analysis of the results was not undertaken owing to the small numbers of participants comprising the sample. However, when results obtained were analysed on a case by case basis as well as through aggregated case contrasts, there were strong indications to suggest that the gains made by the those participants tutored using high mental imagery techniques exceeded those of participants tutored in phonological techniques.

Aprendizado motor em escolares: comparação entre prática mental, prática física e prática combinada / Motor Learning in scholl children: comparision physical, mental and combined practice.

Mazzitelli, Carla 22 March 2013 (has links)
A compreensão do processo de aprendizagem motora é de real importância para a atividade fisioterapêutica, visto que as abordagens e técnicas visam à mudança e o aperfeiçoamento de uma atividade motora ou mesmo a aquisição de uma nova habilidade. Neste processo a prática realizada tem implicação direta na aprendizagem motora. Objetivo: comparar os efeitos da prática combinada (iniciada pelo treino mental, seguido pelo treino físico, com distribuição proporcionada entre os mesmos), com os efeitos da prática mental e física isoladas, sobre aquisição, retenção, transferência inter tarefa e inter manual em crianças de 9 a 10 anos. Método: participaram do estudo 36 crianças, divididas em 3 grupos de acordo com o tipo de prática realizada: o grupo PM está composto 12 crianças, o PF por 12 crianças e o PC por 12 crianças. O treinamento foi realizado em sessão única e constituiu da repetição de 2400 movimentos de uma sequência de movimentos de oposição dos dedos. Todos os grupos foram submetidos às mesmas avaliações antes do treinamento, depois do treinamento, 4, 7, e 28 dias após o treinamento. A aquisição, a retenção e a transferência foram avaliados por meio da análise de variância (ANOVA). Para todas as interações que alcançaram nível de significância (p<0,05) foi aplicado o pós-teste de Tukey. Resultados: para o tempo de treinamento, tanto a PM quanto a PF proporcionaram melhora progressiva da velocidade ao longo dos blocos, já a PC proporcionou melhora inicial entre os dois primeiros blocos, e piora na velocidade do segundo para o terceiro que não se modificou até o final do treino. A análise da aquisição evidenciou que a PC proporcionou ao final do treino o mesmo nível de desempenho da PM, mas inferior ao obtido pela PF. Para retenção, a PC proporcionou os mesmo níveis obtidos pela PF e PM, com ganhos adicionais tardios. Para a transferência inter-sequência e intermanual, a PC permitiu a transferência do desempenho obtido por meio do treino da ST para a SR de forma similar a PM, mas superior a PF. Conclusão: a prática combinada não mostrou vantagens em comparação a prática física ou mental isoladas para a aprendizagem, retenção de uma tarefa de oposição sequencial de dedos em crianças de 9 e 10 anos. Entretanto, mostrou-se mais eficiente que a prática física isolada para a transferência inter-sequências e intermanual, alcançando a mesma eficiência da prática mental isolada. Assim, as três formas de prática foram igualmente eficientes para a aprendizagem e retenção de movimentos sequenciais e a prática mental, combinada ou não com a prática física foi mais eficiente que a prática física isolada para a transferência inter-sequências e intermanual / Understanding the process of motor learning it is important to physiotherapy so that approaches and techniques designed to change and improve motor activity or even the acquisition of a new skill. In this process the practice has held direct implication in motor learning. Purpose: To compare the effects of combined practice (initiated by mental training, followed by physical training, with distribution provided between them), with the effects of mental and physical practice isolated on acquisition, retention and transfer on the learning of sequential finger opposition movements in children 9-10 years. Methods: This study included thirty-six 9 to 10 year-old children that were randomly allocated into three groups: mental practice (MP), physical practice (PP), and combined (PC). The training was conducted in a single session and consisted repetition of 2400 movements sequence of finger opposition movements. All groups underwent the same evaluations before training, after training, 4, 7, and 28 days after training. The acquisition, retention and transfer were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA). For all interactions that reached statistical significance (p <0.05) was applied post-Tukey test. Results: The training time for both the MP and FP provided progressive improvement in speed over the blocks, the CP has provided initial improvement between the first two blocks, and worsened speed from the second to the third that did not change until the end of the training. The analysis showed that acquisition of the CP at the end of the training provided the same level of performance of the MP, but lower than that obtained by the FP. For retention, the CP showed the same levels obtained by the FP and MP, with additional gains late. For inter-sequence and intermanual transfer, CP allowed to transfer performance obtained by training for the trained sequence similarly to reverse sequence by MP, but exceeding FP. Conclusion: The combined practice showed no advantages compared to physical or mental practice isolated to learning retention task of sequential finger opposition in children aged 9 and 10 years. However, proved more efficient than single physical practice to transfer inter-sequences and intermanual, achieving the same efficiency of mental practice alone. So the three forms of practice were equally efficient for learning and retention of sequential movements and mental practice, whether or not combined with physical practice was more effective than physical practice alone for transfer

A expulsão do sertão: elites paulistas, entre o imaginário e o território (1749-1841) / Dado não fornecido pelo autor.

Santos, Amália Cristovão dos 27 April 2018 (has links)
Por meio da análise de três imagens presentes nas fontes e documentação produzidas desde o século XVIII até meados do XIX - \"sertanistas\", \"paulistas\" e \"agricultores\" -, esta tese debruça-se sobre as transformações nas relações entre as elites de São Paulo, os grupos indígenas e o território, engendradas no dito período. Partimos das discussões acerca da história cultural e do imaginário construído sobre as populações da capitania e depois província paulista, a um só tempo produto e vetor de decisões e contextos políticos, econômicos e sociais. O recorte cronológico adotado, de cerca de um século, considerado pela historiografia como longa duração, fez-se necessário para permitir o aprofundamento sobre os elementos de mudança e permanência que compõem o movimento estudado. Três conjuntos documentais centrais foram mobilizados em nossas investigações, a saber: o chamado Mapa das Cortes (1749), parte dos instrumentos de negociação confeccionados pela Coroa portuguesa em suas disputas diplomáticas com a contraparte espanhola pela remarcação de suas fronteiras coloniais; os escritos genealógicos de Pedro Taques de Almeida Paes Leme (1714-1777), produzidos originalmente com fins à obtenção de privilégios e mercês para as principais famílias paulistas, a partir de processos de nobilitação; e o Mappa Chorographico da Provincia de São Paulo (1841), primeira representação cartográfica da recém-criada província paulista. Nossas conclusões apontam para o distanciamento das elites em relação aos contingentes indígenas - que fizeram parte, inclusive, da fundação de parte dos troncos familiares pertencentes a esse grupo -, em meio à reconfiguração do território e de seu uso, para o que foram importadas teorias e princípios advindos da razão e da ilustração. A presença dos nativos nas terras desejadas para a agricultura de exportação foi também transfigurada em questão social e econômica, a ser esquadrinhada e resolvida pelos intelectuais e políticos do período, encerrando sua autonomia e cerceando consecutivamente a legitimidade de seu domínio sobre o território. / Analyzing three images bore in sources and documents created from the 18th to mid-19th-century--\"sertanistas\", \"paulistas\", and \"agricultores\"--, this thesis explores the transforming relations between São Paulo\'s elite, indigenous groups, and the territory, that occurred during said period. We start from the fields of cultural history and the discussions about images of the captaincy and province\'s population, both made by and desive for political, economic, and social contexts. The chosen chronological scope, of around one century, considered as a longuee dureé time-scale, was demmed necessary to enable a deeper understanding over the changes and persistences that took place at that moment. Three were the main documents with which we worked: the so-called Mapa das Cortes (1749), part of the dossier manufactured by the Portuguese Crown for negotiations with their Spanish counterpart over colonial borders; Pedro Taques de Almeida Paes Leme\'s (1714-1777) genealogical writtings, originally organized for the purposes of requiring privileges and honorary titles for the most important families of São Paulo; and the Mappa Chorographico da Provincia de São Paulo (1841), first cartographical representation of the newly-created province. Our conclusions point to the distancing of these elites from indigenous groups--which had even been part of the establishment of these families--amid the territory\'s reconfiguration, put in motion through the importing of enlighment theories and principles. The very presence of native population in the lands coveted for agriculture was turned into a social and economical issue, to be investigated and solved by intelectuals and politicians, closing in on their autonomy and successively restricting their territorial domain.

Da fotografia, o espaço como personagem. Articulações, dinâmicas e experiências / Of photography, the space as character: articulations, dynamics and experiences.

Lemos, Anuschka Reichmann 14 March 2014 (has links)
Este texto busca uma compreensão aprofundada das diferentes realidades que compõem os processos de produção e recepção das imagens fotográficas: suas dinâmicas, relações simbólicas e sujeitos envolvidos. A partir dessa ideia, o objetivo desta pesquisa é demonstrar, por meio de diferentes abordagens teóricas e suas articulações, diversas possibilidades interpretativas que as imagens fotográficas provocam ou sugerem. Para tanto, tem como foco os espaços de duas realidades fotográficas: o espaço do real e o espaço da imagem. A partir dessas duas demarcações, este texto desdobra-se em possíveis articulações, dinâmicas e experiências que as relações entre elas suscitam nos dois maiores sujeitos da fotografia - fotógrafo e leitor. Para tanto, pensamentos de autores que observam questões dos espaços do mundo e das imagens, como Boris Kossoy, Edgar Morin, Michel de Certeau, Michel Maffesoli, Tatiana Levy e Cremilda Medina, são apontados e relacionados com os espaços da fotografia. De cada teórico apresentado, propostas sobre os espaços são destacadas por meio de três olhares distintos e sobrepostos nas narrativas fotográficas da contemporaneidade: o da complexidade, o dos afetos e o da poética. Com um esboço inicial de cada teórico, suas ideias são aplicadas isoladamente a diferentes trabalhos fotográficos. A seguir, articulações entre as propostas teóricas dos diferentes autores são compostas para elaborar diversas possibilidades simbólicas dos espaços em diferentes trabalhos de fotografia produzidos pelo mundo. Acredita-se que nesse processo, questões ainda não tão claras sobre os espaços da fotografia, e da própria fotografia como elemento expressivo e simbólico, possam passar para um primeiro plano. / This research looks for a deeper comprehension of the different realities that make up image production and reception processes: the dynamics, symbolic relations and subjects involved. From this idea, the goal of this research is to demonstrate, by means of different theoretical approaches and their articulations, various interpretative possibilities that the images provoke or suggest. Consequently, it focuses on the spaces of the photographic realities: the reality space and the image space. From these two demarcations, this text unfolds into possible articulations, dynamics and experiences that the relationship between them suscitate on the two main subjects of photography -photographer and reader. To do so, the thinking of different authors that observe issues of spaces of the world and of images, such as Boris Kossoy, Edgar Morin, Michel de Certeau, Michel Meffesoli, Tatiana Levy and Cremilda Medina, are identified and related to the photographic spaces. From each author, a set of proposals on the spaces are highlighted by three distinctive and superimposed points-of-view in the photographic contemporary narratives: of complexity, of affections and of poetics. With an initial sketch of each theorist, his/her ideas are applied separately to different photographic works. Following, the articulations among different authors\' theoretical proposals are combined to develop various symbolic possibilities of the spaces in several photographic essays produced around the world. It is believed that in this process, issues not yet clear regarding the spaces of photography, and photography itself as an expressive and symbolic element, may came to the foreground.

Suspensão corporal e algumas implicações intersubjetivas / Body suspension and some intersubjective implications

Lirio, Daniel Rodrigues 12 April 2007 (has links)
Em seu uso original, a suspensão corporal era parte de rituais realizados em culturas milenares na índia e onde hoje são os Estados Unidos. Essa prática envolve a suspensão de uma pessoa por ganchos cravados em sua pele. A partir dos anos 1960, ela foi reapropriada e tem sido realizada especialmente em centros urbanos, geralmente, por pessoas que possuem modificações corporais - piercings, tatuagens, escarificações, implantes, brandings etc. Neste trabalho, pretendemos compreender os sentidos em torno dessa retomada, suas diferentes funções na vida dos praticantes contemporâneos e o que ela diz de nossa cultura. Com base em uma leitura inspirada em Winnicott, contrapomos a análise de relatos com o desenvolvimento infantil e sugerimos que essas práticas permitem avivar o sentimento de si como parte de um processo que possibilita novas formas de estar no mundo. Ao final, discutimos como a suspensão praticada atualmente só pode ser compreendida em sua inserção na cultura pós-moderna, seja por utilizar elementos extremamente contemporâneos - como a busca por uma performance esteticamente fascinante -, seja por tentar solucionar alguns impasses atuais - como o lugar destinado ao corpo em uma sociedade bastante mediada por imagens. Enfim, compreendemos que as mudanças culturais, de alguma forma, alteram o modo de experimentação do corpo. Contudo, há algo na experiência de suspensão corporal que não pode ser dito, um mistério compartilhado apenas por quem a viveu na própria carne. Como forma de circundar esse mistério, nós procuramos não apenas descrever e conceitualizar a suspensão, mas explorar a experiência de pesquisa do tema como via de acesso à prática propriamente dita. / Body suspension, in its origins, was part of rituals carried out in ancient societies like India and Native American cultures. This practice involves the suspension of the person by means of pierced hooks in the skin. It has been going under a rebirth since the sixties, especially in urban centers, and mostly by people whom already possess some kind of body modifications - piercing, tattooing, scarifications, implants, brandings, etc. The present study dedicates itself to understand the meanings around this rebirth and the different functions it may have in the life of contemporary practitioners, as well as to inquire if it has something to say about our own culture. Based on Winnicott\'s approach, we match the analysis of stories with the infantile development and suggest that these practices allow awakening the feeling of the self as part of a process that makes possible new forms to be in the world. Finally, we argue that the contemporary practice of suspension can be understood only in its insertion in the postmodern culture, either for using extremely contemporary elements - such as the search for a fascinating aesthetic performance - either for trying to solve some current setbacks - such as the place destined to the body in a society strongly mediated by images. At the end, we understand that cultural changes somehow modify the way we experiment our bodies. However, there\'s something left unsaid in the experience of body suspension, something of a mystery shared only by these whom experienced it in their own flesh. We tried to circle around this mystery by means of describing the suspension in its very concept, but also by means of exploring the research experience as a gateway to the practice itself.

A formação de atores em escolas profissionalizantes: um estudo sobre o ver e o ser visto

Aline de Oliveira Ferraz 29 October 2012 (has links)
São visíveis as necessidades de ocupação dos espaços de visibilidade na instância pública dentro da sociedade espetacularizada. A partir dessa premissa, a presente pesquisa, realizada na Oficina de Atores Nilton Travesso, busca pensar as possíveis contribuições de uma metodologia baseada nas aprendizagens existentes nas práticas simultâneas de atuação e fruição da cena adotadas na formação profissional dos estudantes. Esses experimentos foram fundamentados nos recentes estudos da recepção teatral, que no atual contexto surgem como possibilidade de equacionar os entraves relativos à experiência dos alunos como espectadores do fenômeno cênico e como autores de suas próprias escolhas. / It is noticeable the need to occupy spaces of visibility in the public spheres in the society of the spectacle. Using the former premise as a starting point and the Oficina de Atores Nilton Travesso as its space of research, this paper aims at thinking about the possible contributions of the methodology based on the present learning of simultaneous practices of acting and enjoyment of the studied scenes in the professional formation of the students. These experiments were based on recent studies of theater reception, which in the current context come up as a possibility to evaluate the difficulties related to the experience of the students as spectators of the scenic phenomenon and as subjects of their own choices.

M?todo de avalia??o de algoritmos de detec??o e remo??o de sombra em imagens a?reas

Doth, Ricardo Vinicius 27 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Engenharia El?trica (engenharia.pg.eletrica@pucrs.br) on 2018-06-08T13:54:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RICARDO_VINICIUS_DOTH_DIS.pdf: 9281309 bytes, checksum: d26fbf7274d4c8eb7158a2d987437b1b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2018-06-18T12:49:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RICARDO_VINICIUS_DOTH_DIS.pdf: 9281309 bytes, checksum: d26fbf7274d4c8eb7158a2d987437b1b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-18T12:58:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RICARDO_VINICIUS_DOTH_DIS.pdf: 9281309 bytes, checksum: d26fbf7274d4c8eb7158a2d987437b1b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI) systems acquire large area aerial images in real time to provide accurate situational awareness information from a region (BLASCH et al., 2014). This system is applied for urban aerial monitoring. Unfavorable environmental conditions, such as shadow regions, are factors that increase system complexity by compromising the effectiveness of tracking algorithms and human visual interpretation (PORTER; FRASER; HUSH, 2010). Several techniques of shadow removal in aerial images have been developed, however due to the characteristics of the shadow and aerial image, a specific method to evaluate and compare the removal is unknown. The main objective of this study is to develop a method to evaluate shadow removal algorithms in aerial images acquired by the WAMI system. This work proposes a radiometric approach modifying the illumination in a controlled environment, simulating an aerial scene, acquiring images with and without the presence of shadows. The image with shadows is processed by the evaluated shadow removal algorithm, with the ideal output being the shadow free image. Shadow detection is evaluated using the confusion matrix concept. Shadow removal is evaluated using the structural similarity index (SSIM). As a result the reduced scale aerial scene model is presented to generate shadow and freeshadow images and the evaluation of 3 shadow removal methods using the data sets of images obtained from the scale model applying the methodology developed. / Sistemas WAMI (Wide Area Motion Imagery) adquirem imagens a?reas de grandes ?reas em tempo real para prover informa??es precisas de uma determinada regi?o (BLASCH et al., 2014). Este sistema ? aplicado para monitoramento a?reo urbano. Condi??es ambientais desfavor?veis, como ?reas sombreadas, s?o fatores que aumentam a complexidade do sistema comprometendo a efic?cia de algoritmos de rastreamento e a interpreta??o visual humana (PORTER; FRASER; HUSH, 2010). Diversas t?cnicas de remo??o de sombra em imagens a?reas foram desenvolvidas, no entanto devido ?s caracter?sticas da sombra e da imagem a?rea ? desconhecido um m?todo espec?fico para avaliar e comparar a remo??o de sombras em imagens a?reas. O objetivo principal deste estudo ? desenvolver um m?todo para avaliar algoritmos de remo??o de sombra em imagens a?reas adquiridas pelo sistema WAMI. Este trabalho prop?e uma abordagem radiom?trica modificando a ilumina??o em um ambiente controlado, simulando uma cena a?rea, adquirindo imagens com e sem sombras. A imagem com sombra ? processada pelo algoritmo de remo??o de sombra avaliado, sendo a imagem sem sombra o resultado ideal a ser alcan?ado. A detec??o de sombra ? avaliada utilizando o conceito de matriz de confus?o (error matrix). A remo??o de sombra ? avaliada utilizando o ?ndice de similaridade estrutural entre duas imagens (SSIM). Foram desenvolvidos o modelo de cena a?rea em escala reduzida para gerar imagens com e sem sombra e a avalia??o de 3 m?todos de remo??o de sombras utilizando os data sets de imagens obtidas do modelo em escala aplicando a metodologia descrita.

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