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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La comunicación interna en una cultura organizacional basada en la promoción de la Salud. Caso Doktuz

Pezo Avila, Andrea Marlene 03 December 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación busca explorar cómo la gestión de la comunicación interna, en los centros de salud privados del Perú, se utiliza como herramienta para difundir una cultura organizacional basada en el más reciente concepto de promoción de la salud propuesto por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). El modelo usado para identificar el manejo de la comunicación interna, que contribuya a una cultura de promoción de la salud, se basa en las “cinco íes” de Andrade, el cual fue adaptado posteriormente a las “seis íes” de Bustamante y al que se le ha agregado la sub-categoría de estilo de liderazgo para esta investigación. Para ello, se ha tomado al Centro Médico Doktuz como caso de estudio donde se aplicó una metodología cualitativa fenomenológica. Como resultado se obtuvo que el Centro Médico no tiene una cultura organizacional basada en la promoción de la salud institucionalizada, ya que su filosofía de salud preventiva de fácil acceso a la comunidad lo ha llevado a gestionar la comunicación interna solo desde un enfoque de salud ocupacional y de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC). / This research seeks to explore how the management of internal communication, in private health centers in Peru, is used as a tool to disseminate an organizational culture based on the most recent concept of health promotion proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO). The model used to identify the management of internal communication, which contributes to a culture of health promotion, is based on Andrade's "five ies", which was subsequently adapted to Bustamante's "six ies" and to which the leadership style subcategory has been added for this investigation. For this, the Doktuz Medical Center was taken as a case study where a qualitative phenomenological methodology was applied. As a result, it was obtained that the Medical Center does not have an organizational culture based on the promotion of institutionalized health, since its preventive health philosophy of easy access to the community has led it to manage internal communication only from an occupational health approach and Corporate Social Responsibility (RSC). / Tesis

Är en offentlig organisation mer än bara ett skyltfönster? : En fallstudie gällande kommunikationen av CSR integrerat med arbetsgivarvarumärket / Is a public organization only a ”window-dressing”? : A case study on the communication of CSR integrated with the employerbrand

Larsson, Sofia, Bourdin, Linn January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund och syfte: I dagens litteratur och organisationer finner vi att människan är organisationens viktigaste resurs, utan dem finns inget förutom en tom lokal. De människor vars yrke är inom vården, är en av samhällets viktigaste resurser. Efterfrågan på arbetskraft inom sjukvården växer och både kommun och landsting har svårt att anställa rätt personal eftersom utbudet inte matchar efterfrågan. För att attrahera personal med rätt kompetens och vara en konkurrent på arbetsmarknaden är employer branding ett viktigt verktyg och en strategi att ta till för att vara en arbetsgivare att räkna med. I den teoretiska referensramen presenterar vi vad Employer branding och Corporate social responsibility innebär för organisationen och samhället. Att nuvarande och potentiella anställda lockas av olika former av fördelar är idag rätt självklart. Ifall en organisation medvetet visar och inkluderar sina anställda i arbetet med corporate social responsibility (CSR) kan det bidra till att potentiella anställda attraheras av organisationen, det viktiga är dock att det är kommunicerat till de interna intressenterna först och främst. Privata och offentliga organisationer kan arbeta med CSR på olika sätt, likväl kan CSR ha olika betydelse för olika individer beroende på vad de värderar. Vårt syfte med studien är att visa hur CSR kan stärka en offentlig organisations employer brand till följd av att det är kommunicerat internt. Samt undersöka om det är viktigt för medarbetarna i en offentlig organisation att arbetsgivaren tar sitt samhällsansvar. Metod: Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med medarbetare på Skaraborgs Sjukhus. Det har sedan analyserats i relation till dels de valda teorierna men även Skaraborgs Sjukhus årsredovisning (2019) och ett internt framtaget material vi valt att kalla Personalbarometern (2019). Slutsats: Efter analysering av resultatet framkommer det att båda parter värdesätter ett starkt arbetsgivaravarumärke, samt att hållbar utveckling är ett fokusområde värt att prioritera enligt medarbetarna. Dessvärre är det inte av högsta prioritet för organisationen, då det empiriska materialet indikerar att de nuvarande aktiviteterna inte är kommunicerade till medarbetarna fullt ut. Ifall en organisation vill integrera hållbar utveckling i sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke, i syfte att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare, är det viktigt att sprida budskapet till de interna intressenterna. / Background and purpose: In literature and organizations today, we find that humans are the most valuable resource of the organization; without them there is nothing more than an empty shell. Those who passionately work within the field of healthcare are one of the most valuable resources of the society. The demand for labour in the healthcare field is constantly growing which makes it more difficult for both the municipality and the county council to employ the right people when the supply does not match the demand. In order to attract employees with the right competence, and also be a competitive in the labour market, employer branding is an important tool and strategy that all organizations should work with. In chapter two, we present the meaning of our chosen theories employer branding and Corporate social responsibility. In today’s society it is well established that employees and potential employees are attracted to the vast benefits provided by organizations and employers. When an organization clearly conveys while including its employees in their corporate social responsibility (CSR) the organization will undoubtedly attract potential employees. More importantly is to communicate their work to internal stakeholders beforehand. CSR can be used differently in private and public organizations, the significance can differ beyond that of the organization. This principle applies to individuals too, depending on what they value. Our purpose with the thesis is to exemplify how CSR can strengthen a public organization’s employer brand when properly communicated within the organization itself. In addition, we are exploring the relationship between this social responsibility and the meaning of importance it brings to employees. Method: The empirical material was collected through a quantitative survey given to Skaraborg’s hospital employees. The results from the survey were analyzed in relation to the chosen theories and also in relation to Skaraborg’s hospital Annual Report (2019) and a collection of in-house material we chose to call Personalbarometern (2019). Conclusion: After analyzing the results it emerges that both parties value a strong employer brand, and that sustainable development is a focus area worth prioritizing according to the employees. Unfortunately, this it’s not the highest priority for the organization, as the empirical material indicates that the current activities are not fully communicated to the employees. It is important, if an organization wants to integrate sustainable development in to their employer brand with the purpose of being an attractive employer, to communicate the message to its internal stakeholders.

"Communication is key to understand who we are dealing with" : A case study of managers' internal communication when leading in multicultural settings

Cangemark, Hannah, Pettersson, David January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Communication is said to be one of the most important yet most challenging aspects of leadership. Today's globalized world creates new dimensions, requirements and higher demands are placed on managers' internal communication in order to be able to handle different cultural aspects and employees. Managers may face a myriad of challenges such as language barriers, cultural diversity through different values, behavioral patterns of team members and way of thinking. Previous research on communication shows that the focus has been on external communication, there has been limited connection between cultural impact and internal communication, and the concept of communication channels within internal communication, from a managerial perspective, is still rather unexamined. Purpose: By examining managers' understanding of cultural aspects in internal communication in multicultural settings, we aim to increase the understanding of what is required of managers, when communicating internally, so that the message is interpreted and understood by the various employees in a multicultural team. By adding the perspective of communication styles and communication channels into internal communication in multicultural settings, a broader understanding of the important tools for effective communication can be understood. Research methodology: The study is a case study based on a qualitative research method with an inductive approach. Twelve recorded semi-structured interviews with six main questions, and several sub-questions, were conducted with twelve various managers who lead multicultural teams in six different global companies. The theoretical framework is, from the empirical material, based on four themes- the importance of leadership, internal communication and communication style, the influence of culture and communication channels. Result and analysis: The result from the study shows that the role of leadership, internal communication and communication style, the influence of culture and communication channels are important aspects for managers to have knowledge of, in order to handle internal communication and successfully lead multicultural teams. Conclusion: The role of leadership, knowledge of culture, adaptation and the most beneficial communication channels are important factors for managers to have knowledge of for the effectiveness of internal communication. Culture plays an important role for communication,and it is essential to understand the meaning of culture. At the same time, the individual’s personality behind the culture has significance as well. It is therefore important for managers to be able to look beyond culture and also be able to navigate from other aspects. Keywords: Leadership, Communication, Internal communication, Multicultural teams, Culture, Communication channels, Communication style, Cultural diversity, Management

Marknadsavdelningens roll och inflytande inom en organisation vid förmedlandet av ett marknadsorienterat synsätt

Forssén, Therese, Hole, Helia January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka marknadsavdelningens roll och inflytande inom en organisation vid förmedlandet av ett marknadsorienterat synsätt. Metod: Studien antog en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där empirin samlades in via en multipel fallstudie där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med personalrelaterade till ett marknadsorienterat arbetssätt. Vidare spelades intervjuerna in, för att sedan transkriberas samt analyseras utifrån en tematisk analys. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att företag kan operera med eller utan en marknadsavdelning, beroende på dess bransch. För att implementera ett marknadsorienterat synsätt krävs en ledning med insikt i ämnet, marknadsföringsrutiner som genomsyrar hela organisationen, en god kommunikation mellan marknadsfunktionen och övriga funktioner och avancerade datasystem som gynnar ett kundorienterat arbetssätt. Ett företags affärsprestation ökar ifall dess marknadsföringsförmåga är hög. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studiens teoretiska bidrag är en ökad förståelse för hur organisationer implementerar en marknadsorienterad organisation. Det praktiska bidraget för studien är ett ramverk för hur organisationer ska strukturera dess framtida marknadsfunktion. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Förslag till fortsatt forskning är att undersöka marknadsförarens framtida roll relaterat till teknologi. Framtida forskning kan undersöka samband mellan organisationsstruktur och ett marknadsorienterat synsätt, samt huruvida ledare lyckats förmedla ett marknadsorienterat synsätt gentemot övriga anställda. / Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the role and influence of the marketing department within an organization in communicating a market-oriented approach. Method: When conducting the study, a qualitative research method was adopted where the empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with staff that are related to a market-oriented approach. Furthermore, the interviews were recorded, then transcribed and analyzed based on a thematic analysis. Results and conclusions: The study shows that companies can operate with or without a marketing department, depending on its industry. Implementing a market-oriented approach requires management with insight into the subject, marketing routines that influence the entire organization, good communication between the marketing function and other functions, and advanced computer systems that favor a customer-oriented approach. A company's business performance increases if its marketing ability is high. Contribution of the thesis: The study's theoretical contribution is an increased understanding of the implementation of a market-oriented organization. The practical contribution is a framework for how organizations should structure their market function. Suggestion for future research: Suggestions for further research are to investigate the marketer's future role related to technology. Future research may examine the relationship between organizational structure and a market-oriented approach, as well as whether leaders have succeeded in communicating a market-oriented approach to other employees.

Den kommunikativa organisationen – kejsarens nya kläder?

Börås, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att få en större förståelse för vilka tankar och känslor kommunikationsansvariga i åtta svenska kommuner har kring begreppet ”kommunikativ organisation”, om och i sådana fall hur begreppet ”kommunikativ organisation” och forskning kring begreppet påverkar hur man planerar för och arbetar med sin kommunikation samt vem som gynnas av begreppet ”kommunikativ organisation”. Fokus i denna studie ligger på att undersöka tankar kring den ”kommunikativa organisationen” (Heide et al, 2019) men också på om och i sådana fall på vilket sätt den kommunikativa organisationen skiljer sig från andra liknande organisationsetiketter, till exempel den lyssnande organisationen, den innovativa organisationen eller organisationen som baseras på tillitsbaserad styrning (Bringselius, 2017).  Frågeställningar:  Hur tänker kommunikationsansvariga kring begreppet ”kommunikativ organisation”? Påverkar forskningen kring begreppet ”kommunikativ organisation” hur man planerar för organisationens kommunikation? Skiljer sig begreppet ”kommunikativ organisation” från andra organisationsetiketter? Vilka professioner gynnas av just begreppet ”kommunikativ organisation”? Teorier: Studien ingår främst i det kommunikationsteorietiska forskningsfältet och fokuserar mer specifikt på begreppen ”kommunikativ organisation” (Heide et al, 2019). Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgörs av Heides sju steg för en kommunikativ organisation samt forskning kring organisationsbegrepp och professionsforskning med fokus på kommunikatörer. Dessa teorier stödjer denna studies resultat och analys genom att åskådliggöra på vilket sätt ett begrepp påverkar hur de intervjuade kommunikationsansvariga benämner, strukturerar, paketerar och arbetare med sina organisationers kommunikation. Metod: För denna studie har ett operationaliseringsschema utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar kopplat till det teoretiska ramverket för begreppet ”kommunikativ organisation”, organisationsteori och professionsforskning satts upp. Därefter har individuella kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med kommunikationsansvariga på åtta svenska kommuner genomförts. Efter genomförda intervjuer har insamlad data transkriberats och bearbetats genom kodning i analysprogrammet NVivo. Där har olika teman framträtt och utifrån detta har analys och diskussion samt slutsats arbetats fram. Slutsats: Ingen av de tillfrågade kommunikationsansvariga i de åtta kommunerna säger sig ha infört eller ha planer på att införa den ”kommunikativa organisationen” till punkt och pricka så som den beskrivs i forskningen (Heide et al, 2019). Det vill säga ingen av de intervjuade kommunerna hade någon form av styrande dokument eller plan för samtliga sju delar som slutrapporten ”Den kommunikativa organisationen” ställer upp för att man ska vara en kommunikativ organisation. Flera av de tillfrågade kommunerna säger sig dock arbeta med forskningsmaterialet som underlag för att vidareutveckla kommunens kommunikation och samtliga säger att det är viktigt och att man vill vara en kommunikativ organisation. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to gain a greater understanding of what thoughts and feelings communication managers in eight Swedish municipalities have about the concept of "communicative organization", if and in such cases how the concept of "communicative organization" and research on the concept affect how one plans for and works with their communication and who benefits from the concept of "communicative organization". The focus of this study is on examining thoughts about the "communicative organization" (Heide et al, 2019) but also on whether and in such cases how the communicative organization differs from other similar "organizational labels"; for example, the listening organization, the innovative organization or the organization based on trust-based governance (Bringselius, 2017). Research question:  What do communication managers think about the concept of "communicative organization"? Does research on the concept of "communicative organization" affect how to plan for the organization's communication? Does the term "communicative organization" differ from other "organizational labels"? Which professions benefit from the very concept of "communicative organization"? Theories: The study is primarily part of the communication theory field of research and focuses more specifically on the concepts of "communicative organization" (Heide et al, 2019). The theoretical framework of the study consists of Heide's seven steps for a communicative organization as well as research on organizational definitions and profession research with a focus on communicators. These theories support this study's results and analysis by illustrating how a concept affects how the interviewed communication managers name, structure, package and work with their organizations' communications. Method: For this study, an operationalization schedule based on the purpose and questions of the study linked to the theoretical framework for the concept of "communicative organization", organizational theory and professional research has been set up. Since then, individual qualitative semi-structured interviews with communication managers at eight Swedish municipalities have been conducted. Since then, individual qualitative semi-structured interviews with communication managers at eight Swedish municipalities have been conducted. After conducting interviews, collected data has been transcribed and processed by coding in the analysis program NVivo. There, different themes have emerged and from this analysis and discussion and conclusion have been developed. Conclusion: None of the communications managers surveyed in the eight municipalities claim to have introduced or have plans to introduce “the communicative organization” to the letter as described in the research (Heide et al, 2019). That is, none of the municipalities interviewed had any kind of governing document or plan for all seven parts that the final report "The communicative organization" sets up for being a communicative organization. However, several of the municipalities surveyed say they are working with the research material as a basis for further developing the municipality's communication and all say that this is important and that they want to be a communicative organization.

Att göra CSR-policyn närvarande i den dagliga praktiken : En kvalitativ studie om hur företag kan skapa delaktighet

Eriksson, Tova, Jonsson, Frida January 2021 (has links)
“Agenda 2030” and UN’s 17 sustainable development goals have increased the interest of sustainability in society. Pressure from different stakeholders implicates that organizations must act responsible in these questions. A conception that has grown in the area of sustainability, and something that many organizations work with today is Corporate Social Responsibility, also referred to as CSR. Organizations can meet the wishes of the stakeholders by integrating sustainable commitments into policies. The risk is that these policies decouple from practice and are used as a marketing tool rather than something that permeates the actual business. The implementation of the CSR-policy is therefore important, but the actual work does not stop there, it should continue to be integrated into the organizations' daily practice. Therefore, it is important to involve the employees in the organization to make these documents significant. Previous research has implied that internal communication and corporate culture is important to engage and motivate the employees, and therefore it is interesting to study how organizations can work with these to make the CSR-policy present.  The research question for this study is: How do large organizations work to create participation among employees that contribute to the CSR policy being present in the daily practice? To answer the research question, a qualitative study was conducted within two large companies operating in two different industries. One sustainability manager and three employees were interviewed in each company. The interview questions were founded in the four research areas of the study, CSR, employee commitment, internal communication, and corporate culture, which previously has been highlighted as important areas. Based on the results, several conclusions could be drawn. Internal communication has been highlighted as an important aspect to create employee commitment to the organizations’ CSR-policy. The vertical “bottom-up" communication, which is inclusive and symmetrical, and where employees are encouraged to provide with opinions and viewpoints, turns out to be important to a successful employee commitment. The respondents advocate a policy that is conducted into a concretized message and is relevant to the recipient. Also, the study has proven the advantage of using many internal communication channels. Furthermore, the corporate culture is important, and organizations should work actively to ensure that the CSR policy and its commitments permeate the culture. This can be achieved by focusing on the recruitment process by attracting employees that share the same values, or by leading by example as a manager or as an employee.

The impacts of the membership in a climate alliance : Impacts on the sustainable communication and CSR efforts of the members, using the example of the Climate Council Jönköping

Vogt, Nadine, Kotynkowiecz, Katharina January 2021 (has links)
Climate alliances like the Climate Council Jönköping have a big impact on combating environmental issues on a local level. Research shows that communication plays a crucial role in such cross-sector partnerships to enhance the collaboration between its members. This thesis wants to explore the impact of climate alliances on their members’ sustainable communication and CSR initiatives, using the example of the Climate Council Jönköping. Based on different theories, namely Communication Constitutes Organization Theorizing, the Model of CSR Implementation, and the Value Belief Norm Theory of Environmentalism, the aim was to contribute knowledge to the research fields of sustainable communication, CSR, and collaboration. To explore the existing research gap, twelve semi-structured interviews with experts from different member organizations of the Climate Council were conducted. By applying qualitative content analysis, it became visible that the Climate Council’s impact on communication and CSR efforts differs among the members. On the one hand, it can be difficult to include the campaigns of the council into one’s own communication. On the other hand, the membership raises awareness about sustainability and environmental topics and enables collaboration and knowledge exchange through cross-sector partnerships. Based on the findings, it can be recommended to the Climate Council to provide more communication material for the members for easy integration. Additionally, more events can increase the visibility of the council and raise awareness for local cross-sector collaborations to tackle environmental problems, enable new networking options, and establish innovative partnerships.

La eficacia de las herramientas lúdicas en la gestión de la comunicación interna en el Perú

Arana Glave de Rojas, Isabel Margarita, Flores Tello, Dante Ruben, Koo Vargas, Miguel Ángel, Vidal Alvarado de Villa, Julissa 24 March 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación busca analizar los aportes de la utilización del recurso lúdico como una herramienta eficaz de comunicación interna en la gestión de la cultura organizacional. Por ello a través de entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a un panel de expertos conformado por profesionales en comunicación interna, educación, arte y recursos humanos; así como a través del análisis de la aplicación de herramientas lúdicas dentro de la gestión de cultura organizacional en una empresa privada del sector de explotación y comercialización de gas natural en Lima y Callao, se vislumbra que la implementación de actividades lúdicas favorece el aprendizaje de los mensajes dados por los jefes, incentiva la creatividad de los colaboradores y mejora el clima laboral. Nuestra documentación de casos de estudio en la ciudad de Lima analizó complementariamente las experiencias de éxito en empresas industriales de los sectores deportivo, bebidas no alcohólicas, cosmética, pesquería y manufactura que, luego de activar herramientas lúdicas en sus diferentes públicos, detectaron importantes cambios favorables en la implementación y gestión de su cultura organizacional. / This research seeks to analyze the contributions of the use of recreational resources as an effective internal communication tool in the management of organizational culture. For this reason, through in-depth interviews with a panel of experts made up of professionals in internal communication, education, art and human resources; As well as through the analysis of the application of recreational tools within the management of organizational culture in a private company in the natural gas exploitation and commercialization sector in Lima and Callao, it is seen that the implementation of recreational activities favors the learning of the messages given by bosses, encourages the creativity of employees and improves the work environment. Our documentation of case studies in the city of Lima analyzed the success experiences in industrial companies in the sports, non-alcoholic beverages, cosmetics, fishery and manufacturing sectors that, after activating playful tools in their different audiences, detected important favorable changes in the implementation and management of its organizational culture. / Trabajo de investigación

Konsten att hantera en föränderlig bransch: internkommunikationens roll vid omorganisering inom ett företag i mediebranschen

Lord, Ida, Magnusson, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie har haft för avsikt att undersöka internkommunikationens roll i förhållande till organisationskulturen vid omorganiseringar, på ett medieföretag som befinner sig i kontinuerliga förändringsprocesser. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med personer inom olika yrkesbefattningar har vi fått insikt i personernas arbetsrelaterade livsvärld och därmed erhållit förståelse för internkommunikationens kännetecknande drag samt organisationskulturen inom företaget. Studiens resultat visade att de anställda var nöjda med kommunikationen vid tillkännagivandet av omorganiseringar. Uppföljningen visade sig enligt medarbetarna vara bristande eftersom internkommunikationen användes relativt linjärt. Det blev också synligt att de ständiga omorganiseringarna påverkar företagets kultur och att strukturen bidrar till utmaningar gällande ömsesidig dialog mellan de olika yrkesbefattningarna. / This study was intended to investigate which role internal communication has in relation to the organizational culture during organizational change in a media company characterized by continuous change. Qualitative interviews with respondents at different working positions enabled insight in the interviewees’ experiences which created an understanding for the internal communication and the culture within the organization. The results showed that the employees were satisfied with the communication during the announcement of the organizational change. In contrast to this, the follow-up procedure was found to be inadequate since the internal communication was used relatively linear. Furthermore, the study indicated that the persisting changes affect the organizational culture. In addition to this, the structure of the company can prevent dialogue between different working positions.

Meningsskapande i digital kommunikation kan påverka ditt engagemang : Meningsskapandets roll för engagemang genom digital internkommunikation / Sensemaking in digital communication can affect your employee engagement : The influence of sensemaking for employee enagement in digital communication

Furusten, Ernst, Krautmeijer, Axel January 2022 (has links)
Rapid expansion, globalization and companies always wanting bigger market shares are just a few of the reasons why digital internal communication is a must in organisations today. In parallel, digital development has increased rapidly during the last decades and organisations that keep up with technological innovations can gain competitive advantages. But how does digital technology affect organisational members? The COVID-19 pandemic has forced digital communication and remote work to many organisations. Making sense of digital communication and maintaining employee engagement are new challenges that organisations need to manage in the digital format. The purpose of this thesis is to explain how to make sense of digital internal communication and how this affects employee engagement. A case study of Organisation X digital communication consisting of four qualitative interviews and secondary data has been conducted to investigate this. A theoretical framework consisting of theories about sensemaking and employee engagement are combined to construct an analysis model that explains this relationship. The results show that digital communication through video-calls and informal communication channels are effective for sensemaking in the digital environment. The results also show that social interactions decrease in digital communication due to more planned communication, which affects employee engagement.

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