Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ISOMORPHISM"" "subject:"[enn] ISOMORPHISM""
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[pt] O setor da refrigeração possui um papel essencial e crescente na economia
global, com um aumento na quantidade de sistemas operantes. A necessidade de
desenvolver novos refrigerantes tem sido cada vez mais frequente, a fim de atender a legislações ambientais cada vez mais rigorosas. Igualmente, medidas envolvendo a introdução de novos materiais, como os nanofluidos, tem sido uma constante. Neste trabalho, um sistema de refrigeração usando uma mistura nanolubrificante POE-diamante e refrigerante R410A foi simulado. Dados experimentais cedidos pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) foram usados para a elaboração e validação do modelo. O simulador utiliza a equação de Peng-Robinson para o cálculo das propriedades termodinâmicas e o método de fronteira móvel para a modelagem dos trocadores. O impacto das nanopartículas em relação aos parâmetros críticos foi avaliado a partir do princípio do isomorfismo e da natureza de ambos os materiais: fluido base e nanopartículas. A convergência da simulação do ciclo de refrigeração foi obtida com o método do simplex modificado, que mostrou-se adequado para tal aplicação, apresentando convergência satisfatória em todos os casos. As temperaturas de evaporação, condensação e de descarga do compressor são obtidas a partir das condições de operação do compressor, dos dois fluidos de transferência de calor, do grau de superaquecimento no evaporador e também do grau de subresfriamento no condensador. Superfícies de resposta foram criadas a fim de avaliar o efeito de cada uma das variáveis (temperatura de evaporação, frequência do compressor e concentração de nanopartículas) utilizadas no estudo do coeficiente de performance (COP), da capacidade frigorífica e da potência do compressor. A temperatura de evaporação possui um impacto significativo sobre a capacidades frigorífica e o COP, enquanto que a potência é mais afetada pela frequência do compressor. A concentração de nanopartículas, apesar de possuir um efeito marginal, não deve ser desprezada, devido à modificação que causa sobre as propriedades termofísicas da mistura. / [en] The refrigeration sector has an essential and growing role in the global
economy, with an increase in the number of operating systems. The need to
develop new refrigerants has been increasingly frequent, in order to meet
increasingly stringent environmental legislation. Equally, measures involving the
introduction of new materials, such as nanofluids, have been a constant. In this
work, a cooling system using a POE-diamond nanolubricant mixture and R410A
refrigerant was simulated. Experimental data provided by the Federal University
of Uberlândia (UFU) were used for the elaboration and validation of the model.
The simulation uses the Peng-Robinson equation to calculate thermodynamic
properties and the moving-boundary method for modeling the heat exchangers.
The impact of the nanoparticles in relation to critical parameters was evaluated
based on the principle of isomorphism and the nature of both materials: base fluid and nanoparticles. The convergence of the refrigeration cycle simulation was obtained with the modified simplex method, which proved to be adequate for such application, presenting satisfactory convergence in all cases.
Evaporation,condensation and discharge temperatures are obtained from the operating
conditions of compressor and both heat transfer fluids, the degree of superheating in the evaporator and also the degree of subcooling in the condenser. Response surfaces were created in order to evaluate the effect of each of the variables (evaporation temperature, compressor frequency and nanoparticle concentration) used in the study of the performance coefficient (COP), refrigeration capacity and compressor power. Results have shown that the evaporation temperature has a significant impact on the cooling capacity and the COP, while the power is mainly affected by the compressor frequency. The nanoparticles concentration, despite having a more attenuated effect, should not be neglected, due to the change it causes to the mixture thermophysical properties.
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Sustainability reporting standardization: an incentive or a ceiling effect? : A qualitative case study of an oil and gas EPC based on GRI Sector Standards and their prospective implication for Sustainability reporting and Sustainability PerformanceAlvi, Wajiha January 2022 (has links)
The field of sustainability accounting and reporting has developed immensely during the past couple of decades. Various reporting guidelines, recommendations, and standards had hit the market recently. However, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has remained the most widely used framework for reporting sustainability and is considered a standard for reporting sustainability. Thus, using GRI 11: oil and gas standard as a proxy, the research was aimed to investigate, if standardization of sustainability reporting is perceived as an incentive, or poses a ceiling effect to potential sustainability reporting and performance. Thereby answering the following questions; (1) Is the organization willing to (or can) do more or less than that is required to be reported as per GRI Framework, in terms of reporting? (2) How does the company perceive the shift from GRI general standards to Sector-Specific Standards with respect to sustainability performanceA case study is conducted on an oil and gas EPC using qualitative research methodology. The data is collected through semi-structured interviews and three sustainability reports of the same organization. It was found that despite the apparent willingness of doing more than what is required to be reported by the standard, KPIs w.r.t. industry relevance are under-reported. Furthermore, it was found that GRI has proved to be an incentive for guiding the organization’s sustainability reporting. Even if the sector-specific standard/ guideline is considered a ceiling for sustainability reporting, the ceiling tends to be very high for the current performance of the organization.
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Införandet och tillämpningen av CRM i svenska myndigheter : En fenomenografisk studie om hur CRM upplevs av medarbetare på svenska statliga myndigheterAbrha, Luwam January 2023 (has links)
I föreliggande uppsats studeras tillämpningen av Customer Relationship Management i svenska statliga myndigheter, med särskilt fokus på berörd personals uppfattningar om CRM-system. Undersökningar kring ämnet har tidigare verkställts i bland annat Västeuropa och USA och i dessa studier har tonvikt lagts på hur verksamhetens effektivitet har påverkats av CRM, men inga undersökningar av liknande slag har ägnats åt svenska myndigheter. För att genomföra en sådan studie, inriktad mot svenska förhållanden, har semistrukturerade intervjuer med CRM-kunniga personer på 7 stycken svenska myndigheter genomförts. Undersökningen är baserad på en fenomenografisk forskningsansats och ett antal olika teorier har tillämpats för att kunna tolka det empiriska underlaget från intervjuerna. Teorierna som kommer att beröras gäller Customer Relationship Management, New Public Management, Kritik mot NPM, De fyra E:na, Kunder/klienter, Kommunikationsstrategier, Tillit, Organisationsförändringar/motstånd samt Isomorfism. Analysen har tagit stöd av dessa teorier, varigenom undersökningen har kunnat genomföras från ett allsidigt perspektiv. En slutsats som dragits efter genomförd analys är att respondenterna upplevde att CRM-system har en avsevärd potential att effektivisera de berörda myndigheternas verksamhet. En annan är att det finns ett behov av CRM-forskning inriktad mot svenska myndighetsförhållanden, eftersom dessa på många sätt skiljer sig från de som råder i utlandet. / In the present essay, the application of Customer Relationship Management in Swedish government agencies is studied, with a particular focus on the perceptions of the personnel concerned with CRM systems. Research on the topic has previously been carried out in, among other places, Western Europe and the USA, and in these studies emphasis has been placed on how the business's efficiency has been affected by CRM, but no research of a similar kind has been carried out in Sweden. In order to conduct such a study focused on Swedish conditions, semi-structured interviews with 7 Swedish government authorities have been carried out. The investigation is based on a phenomenographic research approach and a number of different theories have been applied in order to interpret the empirical data. Those to be invoked concern Customer Relationship Management, New Public Management, Criticism of NPM, The four E's, Customers/clients, Communication strategies, Trust, Organizational changes/resistance and Isomorphism. The subsequent analysis has been supported by these theories, whereby it has been possible to carry out the investigation applying an all-round perspective. A conclusion drawn from the analysis was that the respondents felt that CRM systems have considerable potential to streamline the operations of the relevant authorities. Another is that there is a need for CRM research aimed at Swedish government authorities, as these differ in many ways from those that prevail abroad.
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Syndication and Value Creation Activities of Corporate Venture Capital FundsBalz, Frank Peter 28 August 2023 (has links)
This publication-based dissertation concerns the syndication and value creation activities of heterogenous corporate venture capital funds over six chapters. The first chapter serves as an introduction to venture capital heterogeneity and syndication and provides an overview of the four research papers included in the dissertation. The second chapter is a systematic literature review of recent research on heterogeneous venture capital syndication. Therein the underlying motivation, dynamics and results of fund- and affiliation-heterogenous syndicates are clearly identified, integrated and promising avenues for further research are specified. The third chapter is a research paper on the value creation activities of investment syndicates among independent and corporate venture capital funds. Building on a cross-industry sample of 35 interviews this inductive study identifies the determinants of value creation, integrating them in a matrix comprising shareholder relationships, corporate setup, venture lifecycle and deal terms. Chapter four is a research paper that empirically observes how corporate venture capital units leverage the resources of their incumbent parents to generate value for their portfolio firms. Based on case studies of 11 corporate venture capital units the paper reveals the mechanism behind corporate venture capital value creation holistically and identifies eight design elements that result in a typology of four distinctive archetypes. The last research paper is chapter five and concerns the distinct impact structurally heterogeneous corporate venture capital funds have on portfolio firms operating efficiency. Employing the longitudinal, European Union sponsored VICO dataset the paper finds differences in CVC structure, autonomy and objectives to have implications on firm efficiency. The present dissertation is concluded in the sixth chapter, highlighting contributions, limitations and promising avenues for further research.
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Signings of graphs and sign-symmetric signed graphsAsiri, Ahmad 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
In this dissertation, we investigate various aspects of signed graphs, with a particular focus on signings and sign-symmetric signed graphs. We begin by examining the complete graph on six vertices with one edge deleted ($K_6$\textbackslash e) and explore the different ways of signing this graph up to switching isomorphism. We determine the frustration index (number) of these signings and investigate the existence of sign-symmetric signed graphs. We then extend our study to the $K_6$\textbackslash 2e graph and the McGee graph with exactly two negative edges. We investigate the distinct ways of signing these graphs up to switching isomorphism and demonstrate the absence of sign-symmetric signed graphs in some cases. We then introduce and study the signed graph class $\mathcal{S}$, which includes all sign-symmetric signed graphs, we prove several theorems and lemmas as well as discuss the class of tangled sign-symmetric signed graphs. Also, we study the graph class $\mathcal{G}$, consisting of graphs with at least one sign-symmetric signed graph, prove additional theorems and lemmas, and determine certain families within $\mathcal{G}$. Our results have practical applications in various fields such as social psychology and computer science.
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The Effect of a Symbolically Isomorphic Name Label in Implementing a Creative Campus Initiative: A Comparative Case Study AnalysisWilcox, Kristi M. 08 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Cybersäkerhet inom små och medelstora organisationer : Med anpassning till EU:s NIS-Direktiv / Cybersecurity in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises : Adapting to the EU's NIS-DirectiveAbas, Hassan, Almén, Jonathan January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur små och medelstora företag i Sverige implementerar EU:s NIS-direktiv genom sina cybersäkerhetsstrategier och -policyer. Syftet är att identifiera de huvudsakliga utmaningarna och framgångsfaktorerna i denna process. Genom intervjuer med ledande personer inom dessa företag framkommer det att ledningens fulla engagemang är avgörande för att integrera NIS-direktivens krav i den dagliga verksamheten. Studien identifierar tvångsmässig och mimetisk isomorfism som viktiga faktorer för anpassning, där företagen påverkas både av regulatoriska krav och av att efterlikna framgångsrika strategier från andra företag. Resultaten visar att proaktiv riskhantering, inklusive regelbundna utbildningar och användning av standarder som ISO 27001 och NIST, stärker företagens motståndskraft mot cyberhot. Användning av externa konsulter är en effektiv strategi, trots de höga kostnaderna. Studien betonar behovet av skräddarsydda cybersäkerhetsstrategier som tar hänsyn till varje företags unika förutsättningar och behov / This study investigates how small and medium-sized enterprises in Sweden implement the EU's NIS Directive through their cybersecurity strategies and policies. The aim is to identify the main challenges and success factors in this process. Interviews with key individuals within these companies reveal that strong leadership engagement is crucial for integrating the NIS Directive requirements into daily operations. The study identifies coercive and mimetic isomorphism as significant factors for adaptation, where companies are influenced both by regulatory demands and by mimicking successful strategies from other firms. The findings show that proactive risk management, including regular training and the use of standards such as ISO 27001 and NIST, enhances companies' resilience against cyber threats. The use of external consultants is an effective strategy, despite the high costs. The study emphasizes the need for tailored cybersecurity strategies that consider each company's unique conditions and needs.
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Understanding Factors Facilitating the Diffusion of Financial Technology (FinTech) A Case Study of the Gulf Cooperation CouncilHamadien, Ammar M. January 2022 (has links)
This study focuses on the factors influencing the diffusion of FinTech in the Gulf
Cooperation Council countries, analysing both financial institutions and technology
companies. The research acknowledges the challenges associated with the spread
of FinTech and aims to address these issues. The research employs Institutional
To achieve comprehensive insights, a qualitative technique is employed. The initial
phase involves an extensive literature review to understand FinTech and identify
gaps in academic research. Subsequently, the impact of PESTEL factors is
highlighted based on the literature. In the third stage, semi-structured interviews are
conducted with 25 participants, representing three to four individuals per country.
The Thematic Analysis approach is employed to analyse the interview data.
The study's findings reveal that several factors significantly influence the adoption
of FinTech services as a preferred transaction method. Perceived utility, security,
and social impact concerns are identified as drivers of behavioural intentions.
Additionally, the technical attributes and ease of use of digital tools impact
behavioural patterns. Furthermore, the innovation and technical features embedded
within FinTech products and services contribute to their diffusion and acceptance.
The research has practical implications for both academia and practitioners in the
FinTech industry. It assists financial service providers and institutions in designing
user-centric FinTech products and services. Enhancing security and usability is
crucial to improving the user experience and consumer confidence. By considering
technological and behavioural characteristics and analysing the impact of PESTEL
elements, this study contributes to the existing literature on technology diffusion,
providing valuable insights to academics and practitioners.
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Harmonisering av global hållbarhetsredovisning : vilka möjligheter och hinder finns det? / Harmonization of global sustainability reporting : what are the opportunities and obstacles?Bäckstedt, Martina, Magnfält, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Titel: Harmonisering av global hållbarhetsredovisning - vilka möjligheter och hinder finns det? Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Emma Magnfält och Martina Bäckstedt Handledare: Asif M. Huq Datum: 2024 – Maj Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka möjligheter och hinder för harmonisering av global hållbarhetsredovisning med utgångspunkt i intressenters remissvar till IFRS General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information (IFRS S1). Metod: I denna studie har en kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv forskningsansats tillämpats, som innefattar en innehållsanalys av 39 remissvar avseende feedback på första utkastet av IFRS S1. En jämförelseanalys av utkastet och den utfärdade standarden IFRS S1 har utförts. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet visade att det finns både likheter och skillnader i de åsikter intressenter har på utkastet till IFRS S1. Skillnader mellan geografiska områden kan hänföras till institutionella faktorer vilka bottnar i tvingande isomorfism och länders olika utvecklingsgrad, medan skillnader mellan intressentgrupper hänförs till normativ isomorfism. Likheter hänvisas till tendenser av normativ isomorfism. Det visade sig även att ISSB kategoriserar intressenter och till viss del tillgodoser intressenternas behov. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar med ett aktuellt perspektiv över förutsättningarna för harmonisering av global hållbarhetsredovisning. Bidrag ges även i form av teoretiska insikter i hur såväl tvingande som normativ isomorfism påverkar möjligheterna till harmonisering av global hållbarhetsredovisning. Studien möjliggör ett bredare perspektiv av ISSB:s standardsättarprocess. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Framtida forskning kan undersöka intressentgruppers synpunkter mer djupgående än vad denna studie fick möjlighet att göra, samt undersöka utfallet av den globala hållbarhetsredovisningen som efterföljer den utfärdade IFRS S1. Nyckelord: Harmonisering, hållbarhetsredovisning, intressentteorin, institutionell teori, isomorfism, country-of-origin effekt / Title: Harmonization of global sustainability reporting - what are the opportunities and obstacles? Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Emma Magnfält and Martina Bäckstedt Supervisor: Asif M. Huq Date: 2024 – May Aim: The purpose of the study is to investigate opportunities and obstacles for harmonizing global sustainability reporting based on stakeholders' comment letters to IFRS General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information (IFRS S1). Method: In this study, a qualitative method with an abductive research approach has been applied, which includes a content analysis of 39 comment letters regarding feedback on the first draft of IFRS S1. A comparative analysis of the draft versus the issued standard IFRS S1 has been made. Results and conclusions: The results of the study showed similarities and differences in the feedback stakeholders left for the draft of IFRS S1. Differences of opinions in geographical areas stems from institutional factors created by coercive isomorphism and countries' different developmental stages. Differences between stakeholder groups relate to tendencies of normative isomorphism. Similarities of opinions also depend on normative isomorphism. The study also revealed that ISSB categorizes stakeholder groups and accommodates stakeholder needs to a certain degree. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes with an updated perspective of harmonizing global sustainability reporting. Theoretical contributions are given through the insights in how coercive and normative isomorphism affects the possibilities for harmonizing global sustainability reporting. The study brings insights into ISSB's standard-setting process. Suggestions for future research: Future research can examine the views of stakeholder groups in more depth than this study was able to, as well as investigate the outcome of global sustainability reporting that follows the issued IFRS S1. Key words: Harmonization, sustainability reporting, stakeholder theory, institutional theory, isomorphism, country-of-origin effect
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Space efficient algorithms for graph isomorphism and representationKuhnert, Sebastian 07 March 2016 (has links)
Beim Graphisomorphieproblem geht es um die Frage, ob zwei Graphen bis auf Knotenumbenennungen die gleiche Struktur haben. Es ist eines der wenigen verbleibenden natürlichen Probleme, für die weder ein Polynomialzeitalgorithmus noch NP-Härte bekannt ist. Aus dieser Situation ist ein Forschungszweig erwachsen, der effiziente Isomorphiealgorithmen für eingeschränkte Graphklassen entwickelt. Der Hauptbeitrag dieser Arbeit besteht in Logspace-Algorithmen, die das Isomorphieproblem für k-Bäume, Intervallgraphen, sowie Helly- und Proper-Kreisbogengraphen lösen. Dies verbessert zuvor bekannte parallele Algorithmen und führt zu einer vollständigen Klassifikation der Komplexität dieser Probleme, da für sie auch Logspace-Härte nachgewiesen wird. Tatsächlich leisten die vorgestellten Algorithmen mehr: Im Fall der k-Bäume berechnet der Algorithmus kanonische Knotenbenennungen mit O(k log n) Platz. Eine alternative Implementation des Algorithmus kommt mit O((k+1)!n) Zeit aus – hierbei ist n die Anzahl der Knoten – und ist damit der schnellste bekannte FPT-Algorithmus für Isomorphie von k-Bäumen. Die Algorithmen für Intervall- und Kreisbogengraphen berechnen kanonische Repräsentationen – das heißt, sie weisen jedem Knoten ein Intervall (beziehungsweise einen Kreisbogen) zu, sodass diese sich genau dann schneiden, wenn die zugehörigen Knoten benachbart sind, und isomorphe Eingabegraphen das gleiche Intervallmodell (beziehungsweise Kreisbogenmodell) erhalten. Außerdem werden auch Logspace-Algorithmen angegeben, die Intervallrepräsentationen mit zusätzlichen Eigenschaften berechnen – oder erkennen, dass dies nicht möglich ist: Für die resultierenden Intervallmodelle kann gefordert werden, dass sie proper sind (also kein Intervall ein anderes enthält), dass sie unit sind (also alle Intervalle die gleiche Länge haben) oder dass die Längen der paarweisen Schnitte (und optional der einzelnen Intervalle) vorgegebenen Werten entsprechen. / The graph isomorphism problem deals with the question if two graphs have the same structure up to renaming their vertices. It is one of the few remaining natural problems for which neither a polynomial-time algorithm nor NP-hardness is known. This situation has led to a branch of research that develops efficient algorithms for special cases of the graph isomorphism problem, where the input graphs are required to be from restricted graph classes. The main contribution of this thesis comprises of logspace algorithms that solve the isomorphism problem for k-trees, interval graphs, Helly circular-arc graphs and proper circular-arc graphs. This improves previously known parallel algorithms and leads to a complete classification of the complexity of these problems, as they are also shown to be hard for logspace. In fact, these algorithms achieve more: In the case of k-trees, the algorithm computes canonical labelings in space O(k log n). An alternative implementation runs in time O((k+1)!n), where n is the number of vertices, yielding the fastest known FPT algorithm for k-tree isomorphism. The algorithms for interval and circular-arc graphs actually compute canonical representations, i.e., each vertex is assigned an interval (or arc) such that these intersect each other if and only if the corresponding vertices are adjacent, and isomorphic input graphs receive the same interval (or arc) model. This thesis also presents logspace algorithms that compute interval representations with additional properties, or detect that this is not possible: The resulting interval models can be required to be proper (no interval contains another), unit (all intervals have the same length), or to satisfy prescribed lengths for pairwise intersections (and possibly prescribed lengths of intervals).
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