Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] JUDGMENT"" "subject:"[enn] JUDGMENT""
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Finns det könsskillnader mellan beslutsprocess vid igenkänning av gärningsperson? / Are There Gender Differences Between the Decision Process When Recognizing the Perpetrator?Kelebek Ohlsson, Vanessa, Sundell, Jimmy January 2018 (has links)
Vårt syfte med studien var att undersöka om det fanns en skillnad mellan mänoch kvinnor i deras beslutsprocess (absoluta- eller relativa process) under envittneskonfrontation, samt att kontrollera om det fanns en skillnad mellan mänoch kvinnor till ett korrekt utpekande. Våra hypoteser var att 1) kvinnor i störreutsträckning skulle använda sig av svar som beskriver en absolut beslutsprocess,2) kvinnor skulle göra fler korrekta utpekanden vid vittneskonfrontationer och 3)det fanns ett samband mellan absoluta beslutsprocessen och ett korrektutpekande. Vi genomförde en enkätundersökning som publicerades på webbensom sammanlagt besvarades av 451 personer. I enlighet med vår hypotes visaderesultaten att kvinnor använder sig av absoluta beslutsprocesser i högreutsträckning och gjorde fler korrekta utpekande än män. Resultaten diskuteradesutifrån teori och tidigare forskning. / Our purpose of the study was to investigate whether there are differences betweenmen and women in their decision-making process (absolute identification orrelative judgment) during a witness confrontation, as well as to check whetherthere are differences between men and women in identification accuracy. Ourhypotheses were: 1) women would be more likely to use answers that describe anabsolute identification, 2) women would make more correct identification inwitness confrontations, 3) there would be an association between the absoluteidentification and the correct identification. We conducted an online survey,which was answered by 451 people. In accordance with our hypothesis, theresults showed that women made use of absolute identification to a greater extentand made more correct identification than men. The results discussed based ontheory and previous research.
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Da teoria russelliana das descrições ao atomismo lógico do \'Tractatus\' de Wittgenstein / Analysis of the period of philosophical thought of B. Russell and L. Wittgenstein between the years of 1905 and 1914 describing the development of the philosophy of logical atomism present in the Tractatus logico-philosophicus of Wittgenstein.Silva, Vanice Ribeiro da 29 February 2008 (has links)
A presente pesquisa pretende analisar o período do pensamento filosófico de B. Russell e L. Wittgenstein entre os anos de 1905 e 1914 descrevendo o desenvolvimento da filosofia do atomismo lógico presente no Tractatus logico-philosophicus de Wittgenstein. Para tanto, será observada a crítica deste à teoria do juízo desenvolvida por Russell, a qual seria fundamento para a teoria do conhecimento que o último elaborava. Reconhecemos, com base nas críticas, que Russell sofria uma forte influência do empirismo de sua época, o que tornou sua epistemologia frágil. Essa fragilidade é evidenciada por Wittgenstein, que, ao criticar alguns pontos fundamentais da teoria do juízo, fez com que Russell assumisse essa característica de suas teses e inevitavelmente parasse a produção de seu segundo projeto filosófico depois de Principia mathematica, intitulado atualmente Theory of knowledge e geralmente conhecido como \"o manuscrito de 1913\". Wittgenstein, por outro lado, produz nesse mesmo período sua primeira e única obra publicada em vida, o Tractatus logico-philosophicus, em que inaugura e propõe um novo entendimento da lógica da linguagem por meio de uma radicalização da teoria russelliana das descrições. Essa radicalização é feita mediante a postulação de nomes logicamente simples que designam objetos simples. Essa postulação é justificada pela teoria da figuração elaborada no Tractatus, a qual sustenta o elo necessário entre lógica e mundo e contribui para que o sentido de todo e qualquer pensamento seja mostrado sem a exigência de explicações atreladas ao empirismo. / This research aims to analyze the period of philosophical thought of B. Russell and L. Wittgenstein between the years of 1905 and 1914 describing the development of the philosophy of logical atomism present in the Tractatus logico-philosophicus of Wittgenstein. For this aim, will be observed the criticism of Wittgenstein to the theory of judgment developed by Russell and which would be grounds for the theory of knowledge that Russell was elaborating. We recognize, from the criticism, that Russell had a strong influence of the empiricism of his day, which made his epistemology fragile. This weakness is evidenced by Wittgenstein that, by criticizing some key points of the theory of judgment, made Russell take the fragility of his own arguments and inevitably stopped with the production of his second philosophical project after Principia mathematica, as currently entitled Theory of knowledge and usually known as \"the 1913 manuscript.\" Wittgenstein, on the other hand, produces in the same period his first and only book published in life, the Tractatus logico-philosophicus, which opens and proposes a new understanding of the logic of language through a radicalization of Russell\'s theory of descriptions. This radicalization is done through the postulation of logically simple names that designate simple objects. The postulation is justified by the picture theory drafted in the Tractatus, which maintains the necessary link between logic and world and contributes that the sense of any thought be shown without the requirement of explanations linked to empiricism.
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Uma aposta na constituição de alguéns: relações entre educação escolar e formação moral à luz do pensamento de Hannah Arendt / A bet in the constitution of someones: relations between scholar education and moral constitution from Hannah Arendts perspectiveCalheiros, Alline dos Santos Ferreira 07 November 2016 (has links)
Com o objetivo de investigar as condições de possibilidade de a experiência escolar se comprometer com a formação moral de seus alunos, este trabalho retoma, em alguma medida, a pergunta socrática direcionada a Protágoras no diálogo platônico de mesmo nome: A virtude pode ser ensinada? A questão é abordada, sobretudo, à luz do pensamento de Hannah Arendt, sendo mobilizadas tanto suas considerações a respeito da educação quanto aquelas relativas à filosofia moral. Arendt apresenta-nos uma concepção de moralidade que não se baseia na relação com os outros, mas que depende, fundamentalmente, do relacionamento do homem consigo mesmo e da sua escolha em relação àqueles junto aos quais deseja viver. Ao refletir sobre o colapso moral que acometeu a Europa a partir da ascensão dos regimes totalitários, a autora conclui que a conduta moral não está associada à simples assimilação de padrões e regras objetivas de comportamento que direcionam a ação perante os outros. Tomando alguns escritos de Kant e a figura de Sócrates como suas principais inspirações, Arendt elabora um conceito de ética que vincula a conservação da integridade moral à manutenção da capacidade de falar consigo mesmo por meio da atividade do pensamento e de ser digno de conviver com aqueles a se quem escolhe como companhia o que pressupõe o exercício do juízo. Para a autora, então, a ética pode ser compreendida como uma questão individual, que se ancora nas faculdades do pensamento e do juízo consideradas por ela como prerrogativas de todo e qualquer ser humano. É a partir da disposição para pensar e julgar, portanto, que os indivíduos constituem-se como pessoas, alguéns ou personalidades morais. Sob tal perspectiva, uma educação que pretenda comprometer-se com a formação moral de seus alunos deve ultrapassar a mera assimilação e conformação às regras de conduta e aos valores e hábitos morais então vigentes sobre os quais, inclusive, já não se tem mais clareza e alimentar o exercício das atividades do pensamento e do juízo. Destarte, para refletir sobre tal possibilidade, recorre-se, prioritariamente, aos escritos de Masschelein e Simons, que tratam da forma escolar enquanto skolé, e ao pensamento de Oakeshott sobre educação, em especial suas concepções de linguagem e aprendizagem. Na intersecção das perspectivas desses autores com o pensamento arendtiano, propõe-se olhar para a escola como um lugar de experiências, ou seja, de encontros com os outros, com o mundo e com a pluralidade de olhares que existe sobre ele; onde podem ser oferecidos aos alunos um tempo e um espaço para experimentar, apropriar-se e criar vínculos com o mundo; e no qual os estudantes serão constantemente convidados a olhar para as coisas desse mundo e a falar sobre elas, seja com os outros ou consigo mesmos. A escola, assim, aparece como um espaço-tempo que possibilita a vivência de uma diversidade de experiências de caráter formativo, especialmente para a personalidade moral, uma vez que tal instituição parece se configurar como um dos poucos lugares onde ainda é possível compartilhar o mundo e atribuir a ele algum sentido comum. / This thesis analyses the conjunction of possibilities that may allow school experience to play an active role in moral education. In some extent, it reinstates the question Socrates asked Protagoras in the homonymous Platonic dialogue: Can virtue be taught? The question, here, is approached mainly through Hannah Arendts thought both on education and moral philosophy. Arendt presents a concept of morality not based on the relation between one person and the others, but fundamentally on the relation between one person and himself and on the choices regarding those this person wants to live with. Reflecting about the moral collapse that affected Europe with the ascension of the totalitarian regimes, the philosopher concludes that moral conduct is not associated to a simply assimilation of objective behavioral patterns and rules that guide actions towards others. Having some of Kants writings and the figure of Socrates as her main inspirations, Arendt constructs a concept of Ethics that binds the preservation of ones moral integrity to his sustained ability of inner dialogue and to the desire of being worthy to live with those one chose as company what presupposes the practice of judgment. So, according to Arendt, Ethics may be understood as an individual question, anchored on the faculties of thinking and judgement which she considers prerogatives of every human being. Therefore, it is through the disposition to think and judge that individuals become persons, someones or moral personalities. Finally, an education committed to the moral formation of students should overcome sheer assimilation and conformation of current behavioral rules, moral values and habits which are no longer clear and encourage thinking activities and judgment exercises. Our analysis also relies constantly on Masscheleins and Simonss writings especially their treatment of the school format as skolé and on Oakeshotts thoughts on education and on his concepts of language and learning. Intersecting these authors perspectives with the Arendts, we aim to look at the school as a place of experiences, i.e., of encounters with other people, and with the world and its plurality; a place where students are offered time and space to experiment with the world, to appropriate it and bond with it. The school is also a place where students will be constantly invited to connect with things from that world, to speak about them, with others and also with themselves. This way, the school is presented as a time-space providing diverse life character-building experiences, especially regarding morality, as that institution seems to be one of the few places where it is still possible to share the world and assign a common meaning to it.
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Obraz Jana Křtitele v matoušově evangeliu / The image of John the Baptist in the Gospel of MatthewLokvencová, Iva January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the analysis of John the Baptist by using exegetical methods in the context of the gospel of Matthew. The thesis begins with a short introduction of the gospel of Matthew and the background of the analyzed texts Mt 3,1-12 (which deals with the activities of John the Baptist, the controversy between him and the Sadducees and Pharisees, and John's warning against the Last Judgment) and Mt 11,1-19 (which describes doubts concerning Jesus' mission, Jesus' confirmation of John's part, and the rejection of John's and Jesus' proclamations by the Jewish party). This part briefly summarizes the interpreted texts as well as the description, division, and broader framework of their background or parallel comparison of the synoptics. A translation of the verses from Greek to Czech follows which is accompanied by annotations, interesting facts, references to the peculiarities that arise from the translation, or differences among the Czech and other foreign translations of the Bible. Then comes the exegesis of the individual verses supplemented by findings acquired through research, followed by a summary of the chapter. The central source of information for this thesis is predominantly the biblical text itself, supplemented by information found in several commentaries, articles, monographs,...
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Emotionell priming och neuroticism - En studie om hur priming och neuroticism påverkar tolkningen av neutrala ansiktenAndersson, Anders, Stenström, Christofer January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur olika typer av känslomässig</p><p>priming påverkar bedömningen av neutrala ansikten. I studien undersöks också hur</p><p>personlighetsegenskapen neuroticism påverkar denna bedömning, både enskilt och i</p><p>kombination med känslomässig priming. 82 försökspersoner deltog i undersökningen.</p><p>Primingen sker i form av emotionella ord som är positiva, negativ eller neutrala.</p><p>Tidigare studier har visat att neuroticism favoriserar negativa affekter, och hypotesen</p><p>i studien var att den negativa primingen ska ha större effekt på individer som ligger</p><p>högt på skalan som mäter neuroticism än på de som ligger lågt på skalan. Resultaten</p><p>av denna studie visade inga signifikanta huvudeffekter av vare sig priming eller</p><p>neuroticism, även signifikanta interaktionseffekt mellan dessa faktorer uteblev. En</p><p>förklaring till uteblivna resultat kan vara att neuroticism grupperna inte skilde sig</p><p>markant från varandra på just denna variabel och därför inte heller uppvisade några</p><p>skillnader i bedömningen av ansikten. En möjlig orsak till uteblivna primingeffekter</p><p>kan vara att bedömningsstimulit (ansiktena) visades under så lång tid att</p><p>försökspersonerna hann göra en medveten bearbetning av dessa.</p>
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Être et jugement. Étude sur la théorie des catégories dans la philosophie de Rickert/Being and judgment. Study on the theory of categories in Rickert's philosophyDewalque, Arnaud 14 February 2007 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est de se réapproprier la contribution de Heinrich Rickert au programme critique de fondation de l'ontologie. Il est apparu que cette contribution résidait dans l'analyse des structures formelles du jugement et, plus exactement, dans l'analyse du jugement existentiel. À la suite de Rickert, il a fallu déployer cette analyse sur deux versants: le versant noétique ou la théorie des actes judicatifs (Der Gegenstand der Erkenntnis, 1892-1928) et le versant noématique ou la théorie des propositions - ou "teneurs" - judicatives (Die Logik des Prädikats und das Problem der Ontologie, 1930). J'ai montré que cette double analyse permet non seulement de dégager deux concepts formels de l'être (l'être comme "Jaform" et comme "Urprädikat"), mais aussi de jeter les bases d'une théorie des catégories embrassant à la fois les étants sensibles et les étants non sensibles.
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Factors Shaping Process and Representation in Multiple-Cue JudgmentOlsson, Anna-Carin January 2004 (has links)
This thesis investigates the cognitive processes and representations underlying human judgment in a multiple-cue judgment task. Several recent models as-sume that people have several qualitatively distinct and competing levels of knowledge representations (Ashby, Alfonso-Reese, Turken, & Waldron, 1998; Erickson & Kruschke, 1998; Nosofsky, Palmeri, & McKinley, 1994; Sloman, 1996). The most successful cognitive models in categorization and multiple-cue judgment are, respectively, exemplar-based models and cue abstraction models. The models are different in the computations and processes implied, but the structure of the task is similar. Study 1 investigated if the different theoretical conclusions in categorization and multiple-cue judgment derive from genuine differences in the processes, or are accidental to the different research methods. In Study 2, we expected learning in dyads to promote explicit cue abstraction as a consequence of verbalization (a social abstraction effect) and performance to improve due to the larger joint exemplar knowledge base (an exemplar pooling effect). In Study 3 we used the generalized model Sigma to illustrate how change in task environments (linear vs. nonlinear) can shape the knowledge representation that is used. We expected that people are not able to use cue ab-straction when judging objects with a non-linear structure between the visual cues (features) of the objects and the criterion, and therefore they are forced to use exemplar-based processes. Taken together, the results of these studies indicate that differences that characterize typical categorization and multiple-cue judgment tasks are conducive of qualitatively different cognitive processes, and that the task environment plays an important role for which cognitive processes are used in multiple cue judgments.
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Emotionell priming och neuroticism - En studie om hur priming och neuroticism påverkar tolkningen av neutrala ansiktenAndersson, Anders, Stenström, Christofer January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur olika typer av känslomässig priming påverkar bedömningen av neutrala ansikten. I studien undersöks också hur personlighetsegenskapen neuroticism påverkar denna bedömning, både enskilt och i kombination med känslomässig priming. 82 försökspersoner deltog i undersökningen. Primingen sker i form av emotionella ord som är positiva, negativ eller neutrala. Tidigare studier har visat att neuroticism favoriserar negativa affekter, och hypotesen i studien var att den negativa primingen ska ha större effekt på individer som ligger högt på skalan som mäter neuroticism än på de som ligger lågt på skalan. Resultaten av denna studie visade inga signifikanta huvudeffekter av vare sig priming eller neuroticism, även signifikanta interaktionseffekt mellan dessa faktorer uteblev. En förklaring till uteblivna resultat kan vara att neuroticism grupperna inte skilde sig markant från varandra på just denna variabel och därför inte heller uppvisade några skillnader i bedömningen av ansikten. En möjlig orsak till uteblivna primingeffekter kan vara att bedömningsstimulit (ansiktena) visades under så lång tid att försökspersonerna hann göra en medveten bearbetning av dessa.
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An Evaluation of the Convergent Validity of Multi-Source Feedback with Situational Assessment of Leadership - Student Assessment (SALSA©)Stroupe, Heather 01 May 2010 (has links)
The current study assessed the convergent validity of the Situational Assessment of Leadership – Student Assessment (SALSA©), a situational judgment test (SJT), with multi-source ratings. The SALSA© was administered to ROTC cadets via Blackboard; multi-source ratings, which paralleled the leadership dimensions of the SALSA©, were administered via paper. Each cadet completed the SALSA© and was rated by 10 peers, his/herself, and at least one cadre (superior). SALSA© scores were not correlated with any of the corresponding dimensions on multi-source ratings, with one exception. Cadre ratings of Consideration/Team Skills were positively correlated with SALSA© scores on the same dimension. This finding suggests that the multi-source ratings and the SALSA© are not measuring the same leadership construct. Self-ratings were significantly higher than peer or cadre ratings. Senior ROTC cadets scored significantly higher on SALSA© than did Junior ROTC cadets. Future research should focus on differences between autocratic styles of leadership and democratic styles of leadership and whether different SJTs are needed to measure each style.
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Kaohsiung Citizens and Households Officers¡¦ Cognitive Analysis of the Household Registration Office in the Public ValueLee, Shu-Hua 24 July 2012 (has links)
In the face of the global trend of administrative reform, to cope with changing times and enhance the competitiveness, Taiwan restructures the administrative division into five Metropolitan Cities. To improve the administrative efficiency of the Government and responding to people's need, Central and local government implement reconstruction, rebuilding the organizational culture and the core values.
After the Reform, among the five new Metropolitan Cities, Kaohsiung City has the biggest transformation in size of the city and organizational changes, also in geography, culture, industry, transportation, community, and more. It becomes more challenging for the local government to face the new problems. The Household Registration Office is the front-line of customer services and their core value is ¡§to better serve people¡¨. During the general public¡¦s visit to the Household Registration Office, people can feel the changes of better customer services and efficiency. This will change public¡¦s view of the government operation. Therefore, the Kaohsiung Household Registration Office has to set a very clear organizational mission and vision. Furthermore, with the limited resources, managers must worry about how to build the public value and vision, which will be recognized and implemented by the members of the Office. At the same time, these values and vision should be also recognized by the general public.
The purpose of this study is to explore public value differences among different parties within the Kaohsiung Household Registration Office. Through Public Affairs Management and literature analysis, I outline the characteristics of regional governance in Kaohsiung City. With in-depth interview of the policy-setting officials of the Kaohsiung Household Registration Office, I also focus on the public values of the Household Registration Office. This study corresponds to four structure (Organization internal process, and financial, and customer, and learning and growth) of Balanced Score Card, and to establish a goal to evaluate the organizational performance. The Social Judgment Theory questionnaires are also based on this. Test target are the entry-level Household Registration Officers of previous known as Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County. At the same time, I asked the general public to answer the same Balanced Score Card questionnaires. This will help the manager to understand the variation of public value differences among different parties. This will also help the managers to solve the problem in-time, change the content of public value and to achieve the goal set by the Local Government.
This result of the study, for the Household Registration Office, there are no big discrepancy before and after the Reform. The main reason is that Household Registration Office utilizes the nationwide Standardized Computer Operation System. And the regulation is base on Household Registration Act. Both Computer System and regulation are put in place by the Central Government. However, from this study, after the merger of city and County, I did find that the Kaohsiung Household Registration Office need to do an overall adjustment in the allocation of financial resources and staffing, local application of the separate regulations and organizational cultural.
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